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  • 7/31/2019 VI II MMXII


    TAAhe White House A

    OAAAAffice of the Press Secretary A

    H MP M

    JAAAAAAAune 02, 2012

    !9 9 Y[ ! 5 5 w9 {{ L / tAAAAo Get to Work AWAA ASHINGTON, DC AIn AtAAAAAAAAAAAhis weeks addr ess, Pres ident Obama spoke to the American peoplef AAAAAAAAAAAAAAArom a Honeywel l manufacturing facility in Minnesota about his propo sal to make it easier for cAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAompanies to hire our returning service member s for jobs that ut ilize their skills and help gro w AoAAur economy. AATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhis week, the President called on Congress to get to work on his proposals togAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArow the economy and create jobs like getting our construction workers back on the job, givingsAAAAAAAAAAAAmall business owners a tax break for hir ing more workers , giving r AAAesponsible homeowners theoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAApportunity to refinance their mortgages, and ensuring that women have equal pay for equal

    wAork. AA

    TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhe audio of the address and video of the address will be available online atwAww.whitehous Ae.g ov AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt 6:00 a.m. ET, Saturday, June 2, 2012 AA

    R AAAAemarks of President Barack Obama AJAAAobs for Americas Veterans AGAAAolden Valley, Minnesota AJAAAAAAAAune 2, 2012 A

    TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoday Im at one of Honeywells manufacturing facilities in Golden Valley, Minnesota, where I jAust announced AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAstep that will make it easier for companies to hire returning service memberswAAAAAAAAAho have the skills our country needs right now. AAIAAAAAAAAAAts anoth er part of o ur effort to make sure that

    nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAo American who fight s for this country abr oad has to fight for a job when t AAhey comehAome. AATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhats why businesses like Honeywell are answering our challenge to hire 100,000 post- A9AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/11 veterans and their spouses by the end of next year. AATAAAAAhats why Ive directed thegAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAovernment to hire over 200,000 veterans so far AbAAecause our econoAAAAmy needs their tremendoustAAAAAAAAAAAAAalent, and because millions of Americans are still look ing for a job. AAAA

    R AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAight now, this country is still fighting our way back from the worst economic crisis since theGAAreat Depression. AATAAAAAAAAhe economy is growing again, but its no AAAAt growing fast enough. AAOAur

    bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAusinesses have created almost 4. 3 million new jobs over the last twenty- AsAAAAAeven months, but a swAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe learned in this weeks jobs report, were not creating them fast enough. AAAAAAAnd just like lastyAAAAAAAAear at this time, our economy faces s AAAome serious headw inds. AAGAAAAAAas prices are starting to comedAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAown again, but when they spiked over the last few months, it hit peoples wa llets pretty

  • 7/31/2019 VI II MMXII


    The White House

    [ Old English e, earlier se < Indo-European]

    [ Old English hs < Germanic]


  • 7/31/2019 VI II MMXII


    Office of the Press Secretary

    office \'-fs, ' -\ n [ME, fr. AF, fr. L officium service, duty, office, fr. opus work + facere tomake, do more at operate, do] (13c)1 a : a special duty, charge, or position conferred by an exercise of governmental

    authority and for a public purpose : a position of authorityto exercise a public function and to receive whatever emoluments may belong to it b : aposition of responsibility or some degree of executive authority

    [14th century. < late Latin secretarius "confidential officer"