verilog - implementando processador

Verilog HDL ECE 4680 Computer Architecture Verilog Presentation 2

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Page 1: Verilog - Implementando Processador

Verilog HDL

ECE 4680 Computer Architecture

Verilog Presentation 2

Page 2: Verilog - Implementando Processador


• Half Adder and Testbench• 4-to-1 Multiplexor• 2-to-4 Decoder• ALU• Register File• CPU

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A Verilog module that defines a half-adder

1-bit adder: This adder is called a full adder; it is also called a (3,2) adder because it has 3 inputs and 2 outputs. An adder with only the a and b inputs is called a (2,2) adder or half adder.

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1-bit Half Adder

module half_adder (A, B, Sum,Carry);

input A,B; //two 1-bit inputsoutput Sum, Carry; //two 1-bit outputsassign Sum = A ^ B; //sum is A xor Bassign Carry = A & B; //Carry is A and B


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Test bench module for half adder module

module half_adder_test();reg ia, ib;half_adder h1(ia,ib,S0,C0);Initialbegin

#0 ia=0; ib=0;#1 ia=0; ib=1;#1 ia=1; ib=0;#1 ia=1; ib=1;$finish


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4-to-1 Multiplexor







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4-to-1 Multiplexor with four 32-bit inputs

module Mult4to1 (In1,In2,In3,In4,Sel,Out);input [31:0] In1, In2, In3, In4; // four 32-bit inputsinput [1:0] Sel; // selector signaloutput reg [31:0] Out; // 32-bit outputalways @(In1, In2, In3, In4, Sel)

case (Sel) // a 4->1 multiplexor0: Out <= In1;1: Out <= In2;2: Out <= In3;default: Out <= In4;


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Decodermodule decoder 2 to 4 (Y3, Y2, Y1, Y0, A, B, en);output Y3, Y2, Y1, Y0;input A, B;input en;reg Y3, Y2, Y1, Y0;

always @(A or B or en) beginif (en == 1)case ( {A,B} )2'b00: {Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'b1110;2'b01: {Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'b1101;2'b10: {Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'b1011;2'b11: {Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'b0111;default: {Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'bxxxx;endcase

if (en == 0){Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0} = 4'b1111;endendmodule

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MIPS ALU in Verilog

•The ALU has 7 ports. These ports are the two input ports a and b, the output result port, ALU Operation control, zero detect output, overflow detect output, and the carryout output.

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A Verilog behavioral definition of a MIPS ALU

module MIPSALU (ALUctl, A, B, ALUOut, Zero);input [3:0] ALUctl;input [31:0] A,B;output reg [31:0] ALUOut;output Zero;assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); //Zero is true if ALUOut is 0always @(ALUctl, A, B) begin //reevaluate if these change

case (ALUctl)0: ALUOut <= A & B;1: ALUOut <= A | B;2: ALUOut <= A + B;6: ALUOut <= A - B;7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1 : 0;12: ALUOut <= ~(A | B); //result is nordefault: ALUOut <= 0;


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The MIPS ALU control•a piece of combinational control logic.module ALUControl (ALUOp, FuncCode, ALUCtl);input [1:0] ALUOp;input [5:0] FuncCode;output [3:0] reg ALUCtl;

always case (FuncCode)32: ALUCtl <=2; // add34: ALUCtl <=6; //subtract36: ALUCtl <=0; // and37: ALUCtl <=1; // or39: ALUCtl <=12; // nor42: ALUCtl <=7; // slt

default: ALUCtl <=15; // should not happenendcase


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A Register File

• A register file consists of a set of registers that can be read and written by supplying a register number to be accessed.• The read ports cab be implemented with a pair of multiplexors.• The write port can be implemented with a decoder

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The implementation of two read ports for a register file with n registerscan be done with a pair of n-to-1 multiplexors each 32 bits wide.

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The write port for a register file is implemented with a decoder that isused with the write signal to generate the C input to the registers.

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A MIPS register file written in behavioral Verilog

•This register file writes on the rising clock edge.module registerfile (Read1,Read2,WriteReg,WriteData,

RegWrite,Data1,Data2,clock);input [5:0] Read1,Read2,WriteReg; // the registers numbers to read or writeinput [31:0] WriteData; // data to writeinput RegWrite, // The write controlclock; // the clock to trigger writeoutput [31:0] Data1, Data2; // the register values readreg [31:0] RF [31:0]; // 32 registers array each 32 bits longassign Data1 = RF[Read1];assign Data2 = RF[Read2];

always begin // write the register with new value if Regwrite is high@(posedge clock) if (RegWrite) RF[WriteReg] <= WriteData;end


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Using a Hardware Description Languageto Design and Simulate a Processor

The below Verilog example gives a behavioral specification of the multicycle implementation of the MIPS processor. This version does not use the structural datapath. Because of the use of behavioral operations, it would be difficult to synthesize a separate datapath and control unit with any reasonable efficiency.This version also demonstrates another approach to the control by using a Mealy finite state machine.The use of a Mealy machine, which allows the output to depend both on inputs and the current state, allow us to decrease the total number of states to 5.

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A behavioral specification of themulticycle MIPS design

module CPU (clock);parameter LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ=6'b000100, J=6’d2;input clock; //the clock is an external input// The architecturally visible registers and scratch registers for implementationreg [31:0] PC, Regs[0:31], Memory [0:1023], IR, ALUOut, MDR, A, B;reg [2:0] state; // processor statewire [5:0] opcode; //use to get opcode easilywire [31:0] SignExtend,PCOffset; //used to get sign extended offset fieldassign opcode = IR[31:26]; //opcode is upper 6 bits//sign extension of lower 16-bits of instructionassign SignExtend = {{16{IR[15]}},IR[15:0]}; assign PCOffset = SignExtend << 2; //PC offset is shifted

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The state machine--triggered on a rising clock

// set the PC to 0 and start the control in state 0initial begin PC = 0; state = 1; endalways @(posedge clock) begin//make R0 0 //short-cut way to make sure R0 is always 0Regs[0] = 0; case (state) //action depends on the state

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First step: fetch the instruction, increment PC, go to next state

1: begin IR <= Memory[PC>>2];PC <= PC + 4;state=2; //next stateend

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Second step: Instruction decode, register fetch, also compute branch address

2: begin A <= Regs[IR[25:21]];B <= Regs[IR[20:16]];state= 3;// compute PC-relative branch targetALUOut <= PC + PCOffset; end

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Third step: Load/store execution, ALU execution, Branch completion

3: begin state =4; // default next state

if ((opcode==LW) |(opcode==SW)) ALUOut <= A + SignExtend; //compute effective addresselse if (opcode==6'b0) case (IR[5:0]) //case for the various R-type instructions

32: ALUOut= A + B; //add operationdefault: ALUOut= A; //other R-type operations: subtract, SLT, etc.Endcase

else if (opcode == BEQ) beginif (A==B) PC <= ALUOut; // branch taken--update PCstate = 1;end

else if (opocde=J) beginPC = {PC[31:28], IR[25:0],2'b00}; // the jump target PCstate = 1;end //Jumps

else ; // other opcodes or exception for undefined instruction would go hereend

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Four step: Write ALU result, Read/write the memory

4: begin

if (opcode==6'b0) begin //ALU OperationRegs[IR[15:11]] <= ALUOut; // write the resultstate =1;end //R-type finishes

else if (opcode == LW) begin // load instructionMDR <= Memory[ALUOut>>2]; // read the memorystate =5; // next state

endelse if (opcode == SW) beginMemory[ALUOut>>2] <= B; // write the memorystate = 1; // return to state 1end //store finisheselse ; // other instructions go here


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Five step: LW is the only instruction still in execution

5: begin // write the MDR to the registerRegs[IR[20:16]] = MDR; state = 1;end //complete a LW instruction



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