verb conjugation by michael magbanua


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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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This focuses only to several regular and irregular verbs, and is free for further modification...


  • 1.

2. EXAMPLE:INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE PLAY PLAYED HAS PLAYED 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EXAMPLE:INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE TEACH TAUGHT TAUGHT 10. INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE BEGIN BEGAN BEGUN BRING BROUGHT BROUGHT BUY BOUGHT BOUGHT CHOOSE CHOSE CHOSEN FLY FLEW FLOWN 11. INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE GO WENT GONE KNOW KNEW KNOWN LEAVE LEFT LEFT LEND LENT LENT RUN RAN RUN 12. INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE SAY SAID SAID SIT SAT SAT SLEEP SLEPT SLEPT THINK THOUGHT THOUGHT WRITE WROTE WRITTEN 13. Change the verb into its right form. 1. She ________ (bring) some chocolates to the party. 2. They ________ (speak) French to the waitress. 3. I _________ (forget) to buy some milk. 4. You _______ (lose) your keys last week. 5. They _______ (swim) for 500m. 6. I ________ (know) the answer yesterday. 7. At the age of 23, she _______ (become) a doctor. 8. She _______ (drink) too much coffee. 14. 9. Weve already _______ (have) lunch. 10. They have _______ (begin) painting the room. 11. He has never _______ (drive) a motorbike before. 12. The birds have ______ (fly)south for the winter. 13. Had you ______ (hear)my mother calling me?14. Have you _______ (chose) your university yet? 15. Id _______ (get) a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen to try it.