venezia rulebook welcome booklet

Venezia Rule-Book & Welcome Kit Reg. No. - PNA/PNA-(4)/HSG/TC/10759/2011-12 S/N 45/1, Baner, Pune - 411045 Version 1.0

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Page 1: Venezia Rulebook Welcome Booklet

Venezia Rule-Book & Welcome Kit

Reg. No. - PNA/PNA-(4)/HSG/TC/10759/2011-12S/N 45/1, Baner, Pune - 411045

Version 1.0

Page 2: Venezia Rulebook Welcome Booklet


This is not a legal document but an informal document explaining the Venezia Co-op Housing Society bye-laws in simpler terms. This document does not include all the bye-laws of the society but just a subset those bye-laws and there are many more rules & bye-laws which govern the functioning of society.

All members are expected to read the complete set of bye-laws clause by clause along with Deed of Declaration, Conveyance Deed & also the Maharashtra Co-operative Society Act 1960 & also the MOFA Act 1963 as it is the governing document for society operations. The complete copy of duly registered bye-laws can be obtained by the any member from the society office with the payment of relevant fees.

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ContentsReg. No. - PNA/PNA-(4)/HSG/TC/10759/2011-12...................................................................................1

Welcome to Venezia………................................................................................................................6

A Brief History of Venezia........................................................................................................................6

Venezia Means……...................................................................................................................................6

Venezia Society Membership......................................................................................................................8

Types of Society Membership.................................................................................................................8

Primary Membership...........................................................................................................................8

Secondary Membership.......................................................................................................................8

Nomination of Society Membership........................................................................................................8

Change in Type of Society Membership..................................................................................................9

Transfer/Surrender of Society Membership............................................................................................9

Duplicate Share Certificate......................................................................................................................9

Forfeit of Share Certificates...................................................................................................................10

AGM of Venezia Society............................................................................................................................11

Business of AGM....................................................................................................................................11

Profits & Dividends................................................................................................................................11

SGM of Venezia Society.........................................................................................................................12

Resolutions Passed in AGM/SGM..........................................................................................................12

Maintenance Charges................................................................................................................................12

Regular Society Maintenance Charges..................................................................................................13

Non Occupancy Charges........................................................................................................................13

Water Charges.......................................................................................................................................13

Reserve Fund Charges...........................................................................................................................13

Sinking Fund......................................................................................................................................13

Repairs & Maintenance Fund............................................................................................................14

Major Repairs Fund...........................................................................................................................14

Property Tax......................................................................................................................................14

Non Payment of Maintenance Charges.................................................................................................14

Venezia Society Rules................................................................................................................................15

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Basic Rules.............................................................................................................................................15

Rules for Renting out Property..............................................................................................................15

Rules for Tenants...................................................................................................................................16

Parking Rules.........................................................................................................................................16

Club House Rules...................................................................................................................................17

Club House Party Hall Rules...................................................................................................................18

Email /Web Portal /SMS Communication Rules....................................................................................18

Notice Boards........................................................................................................................................18

Rules about Cleanliness.........................................................................................................................19

Inspection & Repairs of the flats............................................................................................................19

Cooperation with Security Guards’........................................................................................................19

Criminal Behavior by Members.................................................................................................................20

Common Penalties / Fines.........................................................................................................................21

No smoking............................................................................................................................................21

No Spitting.............................................................................................................................................21

No Drunken Behavior............................................................................................................................21

Fire Hydrant Usage................................................................................................................................22

Garden & Trees Unscrupulous Cutting..................................................................................................22

Littering in Neighbors’ Property............................................................................................................22

Damage to Society Property..................................................................................................................22

No Parking.............................................................................................................................................22

Stick No Bills..........................................................................................................................................22

Scoop The Poop.....................................................................................................................................22

Cash Reward for following society rules....................................................................................................23

Non-Cooperation Notices..........................................................................................................................24

First Non-Cooperation Notice................................................................................................................24

Second Non-Cooperation Notice...........................................................................................................24

Third Non-Cooperation Notice..............................................................................................................25

Management Committee & Office Bearers of Venezia..............................................................................26

Election of Management Committee & Office Bearers..........................................................................26

No Confidence Motion..........................................................................................................................26

By Management Committee..............................................................................................................26

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By General Body................................................................................................................................26

Legal Documents related to Venezia Society.........................................................................................27

Complaints & Requests to Society.............................................................................................................27

Expulsion from Venezia.............................................................................................................................28

Society Cultural Fund & Cultural Events....................................................................................................28

Courteous Behavior to fellow Venezians...................................................................................................28

Venezia Service Providers..........................................................................................................................29

Cable TV.................................................................................................................................................29

Piped Gas...............................................................................................................................................29



Newspaper /Laundry/Washing/Milkman..............................................................................................30


1. Managing Committee members....................................................................................................31

3. Charges for the current financial year...........................................................................................31

4. Important Society forms................................................................................................................31

5. Important Resolution Passed by SGM/AGM..................................................................................31

6. Addendum.....................................................................................................................................31

Note- Venezia Society is an abbreviation for Venezia Cooperative Housing Society in this booklet.

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Welcome to Venezia………A Brief History of Venezia

Venezia is major Italian City also known as Venice in English. Venezia is the capital of the Veneto region. The name is derived from the ancient Veneti people who inhabited the region by the 10th century BC. The city historically was the capital of the Venetian Republic. The Republic of Venice was a major maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important center of commerce (especially silk, grain, and spice) and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century. This made Venezia a wealthy city throughout most of its history.

Venezia is also known for its several important artistic movements, especially the Renaissance period. Venezia has played an important role in the history of symphonic and operatic music. The cultural history the whole world we live in would have been very different but for the contributions of artists who lived in Venezia.

Venezia has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Masks", "City of Bridges", "The Floating City", and "City of Canals". Luigi Barzini described it in The New York Times as "undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man". Venezia has also been described by the TIME as being World's most romantic city. For the centuries Venezia remains the ideal & the most sought after destinations of honeymoon goers worldwide. Due to this glory a Venezia replica is also the biggest & the most expensive theme park ever built in Las Vegas.

Venezia Means…….

Well to put history aside of the Venezia known to the world, this little Venezia for its erstwhile residents is an ethereal place with a luxurious lifestyle in the lap of nature.

A place to come home to where they feel their soul belong!!! It’s a place where all Venezians share festivals together with fervor of joy & happiness. It’s also place to be where neighbors’ are more like friends & a home is more than just place to stay.

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Welcome to Venezia!!!! A luxury abode for all in the sojourn of life………….

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Venezia Society Membership

Venezia Society Membership is open all the owners of Venezia Homes who have duly registered their agreement of sale. This booklet is a simplified version of the bye-laws adopted by the society which have been duly registered. Any member can purchase the copy of society bye-laws from society office. The membership form of Venezia is available online. Link for the form can be found in Appendix Below.

All the Venezia Members will be issued share certificates of Rs.500. The share certificate of Venezia is an important legal document & is the primary evidence of society membership. All those who do not possess society share certificate will not be considered as society members and will not be eligible for any common facilities of society & lose the voting rights as well.

Types of Society Membership There are two types of society membership which for sake of clarity will be called as primary & secondary membership. The entrance fee for both the type of membership is Rs. 100 per person.

Primary Membership- This is legally also known as Nominal Membership. There can be only one primary member per

flat of Venezia. The Primary member will have all the rights in the affairs of Venezia society. It includes right to vote, to be eligible to become managing committee members & all the subsequent legal rights as mentioned in Venezia society Bye-laws.

Secondary Membership- This is legally also known as Associate Membership. A primary member can add joint owners as

secondary members. Secondary members will not any right to vote in the affairs of society or the other rights but may participate in the meeting with certain pre-conditions.

Nomination of Society MembershipA primary member of society can nominate this society membership to any other person of his family or otherwise by filling the society membership nomination form. This is highly recommended that all primary members should fill the nomination forms to avoid the legal hassles’ for their family members in the case of any unfortunate events.

Please note if the nomination of society member is in favor of a minor, then a guardian certificate is mandatory. Minors can not hold society membership until they mature as per the law.

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Change in Type of Society MembershipIf any member wish to change their pattern of membership and make primary member as secondary member and vice versa , then they can do so by submitting change form to society office along with Rs.100 stamp paper declaration for the change . The admin cost for change in type of membership is Rs.500. Please note that by default the first name in Index II is considered as the primary member & all other joint owners as secondary members.

Transfer/Surrender of Society Membership A society membership can be transfer only in case intended change of ownership which is duly registered as re-sale by registrar authority. A primary member can request transfer of his society membership to other member after obtaining the No Due Certificate from Venezia Society. The forms for such transfer ship are available in society. The cost for such transfer of membership No Due Certificate is fixed at Rs. 25000 each for both the existing member and new joining member. The No Due Certificate is mandatory for new transferee member to join the society.

If any outgoing member sales his flat without payment of his dues to the society, those charges will be recovered from the member who had purchased flat from him. Society can also declare such transfer null & void if charges to society are not paid with interest.

The new member will need to apply for his society share certificate by above mentioned procedure. The existing member will be returned his share certificate with the share fees & the profit accumulated during the period he held the Venezia Society Shares.

Duplicate Share CertificateA share certificate is a very important legal document and all members must keep it safe custody. If any member loses the document, the process to issue a duplicate share certificate is as below-

- Member should file a Police FIR for the loss of share certificate- Member should apply for the duplicate share certificate- Member should furnished notarized Indemnity Bond regarding lost of share certificate and

clearly mention that the share certificate is not mortgaged or any loan taken against the flat.- In case a loan is taken against the flat the NOC of agency is required with detailing loss.- Publish advertisement in local news paper. This is to be done by member at his own cost- Display a notice on society’s notice board.

And if within 30 days not any objection received then with the consent of Managing Committee meeting duplicate share certificate can be issued.

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Forfeit of Share CertificatesIn case a member is expelled by the Society after the due process, then as per the rules, the shares of such a member will be forfeited by the Venezia Society along with the shareholders fee. The member will lose all the legal rights to stay in Venezia or occupy the flat in case his shares are forfeited. Such a member will need to re-apply for a membership after his expulsion is revoked by the society along with re entrant charges Rs. 25000.

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AGM of Venezia Society

The financial year of the society accounts will be begin as per society bye-laws on 01 Apr of every year.

The AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Venezia Society will be held in the first weekend of every year in the Month of May. A formal meeting notice will be displayed each year with the actual dates at least 14 days prior to the AGM.

AGM will share accounts of society maintenance with all the members. All members can participate in this AGM to discuss any issues. All shareholders of Venezia are expected to attend the AGM.

Apart from the AGM, the society office bearers will call for any special general meeting of all the members at regular intervals as and when required.

Business of AGM- To receive a report of the committee together with statement of accounts for the preceding

cooperative year/years. - To consider audit report received from the Statutory Auditor for the previous Cooperative

year/years. - To declare the result of election if held prior to AGM - To consider the appointment of Statutory Auditor.- If the business on the agenda of the AGM is partly transacted then the said meeting shall be

postponed to any other suitable date, not later than 30 days from the date of the meeting as may be decided by the members present at the meeting.

- AGM can be adjourned for want of quorum to the time as may be specified in the notice on the same day or to a subsequent date. Holding of adjourned meeting will not required quorum.

Please note than only society members can take part in AGM and not the other proxy members. An associate member can attend and participate in business of General Meeting in absence of original member and with written consent given by original member which is submitted to society office prior to such a meeting. However such an associate member will not have right to vote in business of AGM.

Profits & DividendsThe society shall distribute any profits made by it any annual year in the below manners

- One quarter of the profits shall go to the reserve funds of the society with the priority instrument being sinking fund.

- 15% of the profits shall be entitlements as honorarium for the managing committee

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- Rest of the profits can be distributed as dividends’ to all the members as per AGM decision or can be diverted to society cultural funds or any other special purpose funds.

SGM of Venezia SocietySGM (Special General Meeting) can be called at any time by the Chairman or the majority of the committee. Secretary of the society can call the SGM under the intimation to the Registrar at any time.

SGM will be called within a period of one month

- On written requisition of one third of the members- At the instance of the Registrar - At the instance of the committee of the federal society.

The minimum notice period for calling SGM is five days. Please note than only society members can take part in SGM and not the other proxy members. An associate member can attend and participate in business of General Meeting in absence of original member and with written consent given by original member which is submitted to society office prior to such a meeting. However Associate member will not have right to vote in business of SGM.

Resolutions Passed in AGM/SGM

The resolutions can be passed by the majority view in any AGM or SGM by all members or by managing committee. Such resolutions may be subjected to open ballot if required. All such resolutions which passed by society are legally binding to all the members including those who may not have attended the meetings.

Any member can approach Cooperative Court/High Court /Supreme Court in case of any objections to the resolutions passed by society. However until a stay is granted by the competent court the underlying resolutions remains in effect and all members including dissidents are required to follow them.

Maintenance Charges

The society will charge the regular maintenance charges for the operational expenses of society and to meet other repair & sundry expenses needs. The society maintenance bill will be generated for every member every quarter for advance payment by its members. The amount of all the below charges are subject to change & the revised schedule will be communicated to all the members.

For all the charges applicable in current year can be found in Appendix.

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Regular Society Maintenance ChargesAll the resident members of Venezia will be required to pay regular society maintenance charges every quarter in advance. The members can also pay the advance charges for the whole year and avail some discounts on their regular charges.

The regular charges for the current year can be found in the below appendix.

Non Occupancy ChargesThe society will charge a non occupancy charges to those members, for the flats which have been given for the rent. The non occupancy charges will be arrived at by adding 10% extra to the regular maintenance charges. Such total non occupancy charges are applicable for per family unit to whom a flat is sublet by the owners. Please note the below important points in these aspects

- Non occupancy charges will apply to every family unit in a sublet flat. A family unit is a person or a group of persons sharing same family names or blood relationship or a legal relationship.

- In case multiple different people are staying in a flat specially in case of group of bachelors staying together every single person will be treated as single family unit and non occupancy charges will be applied in that multiples. For example – If total non occupancy charges are Rs.1000 per month and 4 bachelors’ are staying together then Rs.4000 will be applicable as non-occupancy charges.

- Non Occupancy charges will be part of regular maintenance charges of the society bills as applicable.

- In case flat is given to an adopted person a legal proof of guardianship/legal relationship may need to be submitted to avoid non-occupancy charges.

Water ChargesThe society receives the water from the PMC for an average family size and such water charges are part of regular maintenance bill. Such an average family consists of 4 people excluding children under age 12. The society will charge an additional water charges per month per person for the members whose flats have been occupied by more than 4 people.

In the event of water cut by PMC when additional water will be supplied by tankers, the additional water charges will be applicable in the same proportion.

Reserve Fund ChargesSociety needs to maintain some reserve funds on permanent basis, whose charges will be collected from members time to time as applicable. The reserves funds will be invested by society in any designated money instrument so as to derive appropriate dividends or profits for the society.

Sinking FundThis fund will be used only as per scheduled activities under sinking fund. This will be 0.25 % of the property cost.

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This is will assessed every year and if there is any utilization in previous year or appreciation in price of property cost then a difference amount will be collected from members.

Repairs & Maintenance FundThis will be total 1.75% of the construction cost of property. This will be used by the society only for the event where structural or systemic repairs need to be carried out.

This is will assessed every year and if there is any utilization in previous year or appreciation in price of property cost then a difference amount will be collected from members.

A 0.75 % component of the repairs fund will be maintained to start with & on fixed basis as per govt rules. The rest of 1% component of this fund will be a recurring deposit collected in regular intervals from members.

In order to avoid a big burden to society members for the repairs fund will be build in installments to achieve the corpus of 1% of the property cost. These installments will be part of the regular maintenance bill.

Major Repairs FundMajor repairs funds are raised as and when required and decided by GB at the rate fixed on area basis or depending on the cost of major repairs.

Property TaxProperty tax will be based on area basis and will be collected from all the members as and when required.

Non Payment of Maintenance ChargesPayment of maintenance charges is compulsory for all the Venezia members. All the members should pay the maintenance charges by the due date to avoid the interest penalty & non-cooperation notice.

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Venezia Society Rules

Basic Rules- All Venezia members are expected to obey the society bye-laws.- No society member shall do any construction in the common or the shared areas of the society

without the prior permission of society.- All members are expected to pay the charges for society regularly - Any leakages’, cracks or drainage issues must be brought to the immediate attention of Venezia

society as it can have serious impact. While it’s the primary responsibility of the society to maintain the physical stability and structural soundness of the building, it’s equally the responsibility of all the residents to observe it.

- While all members have right to privacy & party inside their homes, we had seen some cases of loud /abusive/uncontrolled drunken behavior which is disturbing to others & especially detrimental to children. Such cases are treated as nuisance and society will be within its rights to report such cases as nuisance to local police and member may be served a notice of non-cooperation from society.

- All members must take the permission for any changes they need to do exterior or common areas of flat.

- Society prior permission is mandatory for any systemic use of Terrace or for doing any installation on the terrace.

Rules for Renting out Property

- The owners who intend to lease out the property must get the prior written permission of the society for doing so. The forms for renting out are available in society office.

- The owners must enter a rent agreement duly registered to the person the property is leased to.- The owners must undertake responsibility to submit the copy of police verification of the

tenants within 30 days.- The owners must make sure that all the tenants’ family names are mentioned in agreement and

only those people are staying in his property. In case it is found that people who are rented are different from people whose names are entered in rent agreement, an expulsion notice from Venezia Society membership will be sent to owners.

- Any single flat can be rented out a single family unit only and any further family unit will be treated as subletting..

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- Commercial lease is not allowed in Venezia as per current approved plan. PMC rules also prohibit any flat to be used as storage facility for any kind of storage operations.

- Owners have a duty to explain all the society rules to their tenants & also to handover a copy of society rulebook to them. This is important since any violation of society rules will have a bearing upon owners as well & they would liable to pay any fines incurred due to their tenants.

- Please read though the non occupancy charges schedule as applicable for renting out property.

Rules for Tenants- All Tenants should familiarize themselves with society rules & to do so is a primary responsibility

of the owner who is subletting his/her flat.- All the tenants are required to submit their police verification report to the society office. Any

tenant who does not submit his police verification report within 30 days of start of his sublet period will be served first notice of non-cooperation & his complaint will be done to local police station as unauthorized & potentially dangerous tenants.

- All tenants are required to duly submit the copy of rent agreement to society office. The rent agreement should mention family names of all the people staying in the flat.

- Parking stickers are mandatory for tenants & parking stickers will be issued to only those people whose family name is mentioned in the rent agreement. Tenants must display their parking stickers clearly on the vehicles.

Parking Rules- All Venezia members including tenants are provided with the parking stickers. All members

should put these stickers on their car /bike dashboard or stick it on their vehicles. - The parking stickers for tenants’ is issued for the validity period which is max of 11 months or

the last date of the rent agreement whichever is earlier. The parking stickers must be reissued after that period by all the tenants.

- Please note that EACH parking stickers are allocated to a particular vehicle number & are non-transferable. If a person is found have use forged parking stickers or reused stickers from other vehicles, then he would be fined Rs.5000 & served a notice of non-cooperation.

- All members should park their vehicles in the parking blocks which are allotted to them under the agreement. No vehicles’ should be parked in others parking blocks or common areas of society.

- If a person is found to have been responsible for unauthorized parking or dangerous parking or parking obstruction then such a member would be fined Rs.1000. In addition to this the vehicles’ may be towed to outside of society premises & the responsible person will be also liable to pay for towing charges.

- All cabs /taxis /autos are to wait outside the society premises and are not suppose to enter parking lots for waiting. Cabs/Taxis/Autos must drop passengers in the common parking itself

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and not to come till the lift areas. All members are expected to cooperate in this as such cases are not just parking obstruction but also security concern.

- School buses can enter the premises but wait within the visitor parking zone & not in the driveway.

- All trucks or tempos which are used for movers & packers must not be parked in the driveway or near the list but only in the designated parking lot.

- All visitors must park their vehicles only in the visitor parking area. In case any member has a long term guests or wished to have guest vehicles parked in their allocated parking blocks then this can be done by using special guest parking register. In order to this the society member must come down physically to security cabin and sign the register prior to his guest parking. No exceptions allowed.

- Parking stickers for the tenants would be issued only after they have submitted police verification report & rent agreement copies which clearly mention family names of vehicle owners.

- Society can allot unsold parking slots to a member with payment of fee. Please approach office for application of such slots.

- Parking in the driveway or under the stilts is strictly prohibited without explicit permission and will invoke fine of Rs.1000.

- No function should be held in parking lobby as it may cause incontinence to others.

Club House Rules- All society members including all family members which include all kids above age of 7 are

issued with the club house passes. All people using club house must use their club house passes for entry to club house.

- Club House passes are strictly non transferable. Always use your own pass for entering club house.

- In case of any guest entry or guest is with a member who wish to use a club house, then member shall pay guest entry charge which are displayed in club house.

- Tenants can apply for temporary club house passes to society office by paying related charges. Tenants cannot use club house passes of the owners.

- Any person responsible for any damage to club house will be required to pay Rs.1000 as fine and additional repair charges as applicable at actual.

- Use of Gym and swimming pool is at own risk of member and society will not be responsible for any health hazard resulting due to improper usage of this facilities.

- Parents must take responsibility of kids using the club house.- Any society member using gym or swimming pool shall be in proper dress code. For example,

roaming in slippers in gym or in underwear at swimming pool is not allowed. Proper swimming costumes / sportswear are expected to maintain decorum for the other members who are using the club house.

- Gambling is not allowed in club house. This will be reported to police as well as member will be recommended for expulsion.

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- Use of steam bath /sauna bath is at own risk of the society member. These facility are not to be used by kids.

- Society reserves right to cancel a club house membership for any member based upon the complaints received or in case of non-cooperation notice issues to such a member.

Club House Party Hall Rules- sssClub House party hall can be used by any society member who possesses the club house pass;

free of cost for the private parties.- However member will be required to pay Rs. 500 as convenience charges and an additional

Rs.500 as cleaning charges & optional Rs.500 as decoration charges if they wish to rent halogen /decoration lighting & music system for the party from society. These charges are applicable on per day basis.

- All the requests to use of club house party hall must be made to society office. The right to usage is normally on first come first served basis.

- Tenants who wish use the party hall must be in possession of club house passes.- All party usage in club house must be over by 11pm to comply with local laws unless a prior

permission is sought from the management committee.

Email /Web Portal /SMS Communication Rules- We at Venezia believe in eco friendly practices and wish to use email /web/SMS for effective

communication or efficient requests processing.- However e-communication to the society member is a privilege and not entitlements. Web

Moderator reserves all rights about email list & who should be part of the email group. Non co-operating members can be removed from email list.

- All members in email group of Venezia must behave in civil manners in all email communications & treat this as an official or formal forum. Those found to be misusing the email forum will be removed the email list.

- Email chains or groups are meant only for broadcast communications and are NOT the discussion forums. All members must ensure that any complaints, discussions, suggestions they wish to make can only be done in writing as per process below or raised during the meetings.

- Society office cannot guarantee all the receivers all the emails. Notice Board shall thus remain the default mode of communications.

- Members will be added to email list only after due authentication and verifications.

Notice Boards - The society notice board will be used to communicate various rules/changes /minutes of

meeting etc. to all the members. - Please note that society notice board is the only default & official mode of communication & not

the emails.- All members must read the notice boards regularly to update themselves about the various

developments. Not reading the notice or not being aware of rules cannot be excuse for not following them.

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- The members who are not staying in Venezia are expected to update themselves through tenants about all the developments displayed on the notice board. Again not aware of notice board updates cannot be an acceptable reason for any delays related to mandatory document submissions.

- Only managing committee can put the notification on notice boards. If any member wishes to convey something to larger group they should do so by contacting office bearers or with their permission.

Rules about Cleanliness- All members should keep the society premises clean & not litter them with any debris specially

construction debris. If any construction debris is left unclaimed by members in society premises, they would be charged Rs.25000 as per PMC rules as penalty.

- Members are also expected to point out any cleaning issues to housekeeping staff on regular basis.

- Members are expected to give their dry & wet garbage separately , without which the housekeeping staff can refuse to collect your garbage.

Inspection & Repairs of the flatsStructural soundness of building we live in is primary responsibility of the society. Any structural defects/leakages’/ceiling cracks or other such issues members should report to society office. Based on the case it will be repaired by Builder (if covered under contract) or by society at common cost. In case such a defect is no way affecting society structural soundness or members action is responsible for defect or is a minor defect then member would need to carry out repairs at his/her own expense. At times to carry out repairs the flats above or below need to be used. All members must cooperate in this regard.

A structural audit & fire safety of the society will be carried out regularly by society. All members must allow their flats to be inspected in this regard. For the flats which are vacant for long time, the owners are requested to deposit a set of keys to society office so that their absence may not affect the inspection & repairs of the flats.

Cooperation with Security Guards’Security Guards are for the common interest of everyone. They are performing their allotted tasks and everyone is expected to cooperate with them in mutual interest rather than engaging in verbal arguments. Below are common tasks entrusted with security staff & all members must comply with them in this regard

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- All visitors /guests must enter their details in guest register- All visitors/guests must park vehicles in visitor parking. For more details see parking rules

section.- All members should display their club house pass while entering club house & enter details to

usage register.- All members should display their parking stickers when asked by security specially the tenants.- Security team may call any member on intercom before letting people inside premises on case

to case basis. In case no response is received on intercom, security guard can deny access.

Request everyone to cooperate in this regard.

Criminal Behavior by Members

As per the society bye-laws of Venezia Society any person found in the criminal behavior which is described as “Such a person in part of police investigation in any of the serious criminal offence” or charge sheeted by police & is pending a trial for a serious criminal offence, then such a member may be liable for expulsion from Venezia Society.

Please note that we had some instances where some people were found to be part of petty crimes within the society premises like theft of petrol from bikes or shoes or other common area items. Please note that such cases will be dealt very strictly as criminal behavior & such members may be liable for expulsion from society. Even if such a behavior is on account of tenants, the owner would still be liable for the expulsion.

Another very important point to note is that as per law child labor under age of 14 is prohibited. All members are expected not to employ any child labor even as domestic servants, since it is against the law and such members would be liable for expulsion from the society.


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Common Penalties / Fines

Below are the common fines which will be imposed as per society bye-laws for violation of society rules. Those who refuse to pay fine can appeal to Managing Committee & will have to pay compounding fee of Rs.10000 if offence is to be found to be correct & the complaint frivolous. If an offender is a guest & refuse to pay the fine, then the guest owner will have to pay that amount. All the fines will be collected in issuance of a society receipt with detailed offence description.

No smoking - No Smoking in any of the society premises. As per Law smoking is banned in all public places &

society common areas are public places. Society will impose fine of Rs. 1000 for any person observed in smoking in any of the common areas or in disposing cigarette butts in common areas.

- Balcony & Terrace are semi-common areas or shared spaces and smoking in such places can result in “Passive Smoking” for neighbors. The fine of Rs.1000 will also be imposed in such cases by society.

- Smoking in Lifts is strictly prohibited by law as it can cause short circuit & anyone observed smoking in lifts will be fined Rs.5000 & offender will be send with first notice of non-cooperation and offender will also be reported to local police for further action.

No Spitting - No spitting in any of the common areas of society which includes lifts stairs, lobbies and garden.

Any spitting through chewing of mawa ,gutka, pan masala , pan or other such products will invoke such a fines.

- A fine of Rs.1000 will be imposed on such person for every incident.

No Drunken Behavior- Venezia is a family oriented society and so none of the common premises of society including

club house & swimming pool; is to be used for consumption of alcohol.- Any person who is in a drunken state is also not permitted to enter swimming pool or club

house or such amenities areas. Any such behavior will attract fine of Rs.1000 per incident & also a notice of non-cooperation.

- The service staff i.e. security, housekeeping etc. of Venezia is strictly instructed not to come to work in drunken state & if anyone is ever observed, they will be removed immediately. Please report any such incident to society office on priority.

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Fire Hydrant Usage- Fire hydrant is to be used only in the subjective event or by prior permission of managing

committee. Any person found with unauthorized use of fire hydrant will be fine Rs.1000.

Garden & Trees Unscrupulous Cutting- The garden and tress in the premises is expected to be maintained by all as society incurs

significant expenditure in beautification & not be cut /damaged /or deflowered unscrupulously. A fine of Rs.1000 will be imposed in all such cases to the offenders.

Littering in Neighbors’ Property- Any littering in the semi-covered areas of society which includes balcony/terraces and private

garden of neighbors’ property with any kind of garbage will attract fine of Rs.1000.- Any littering in the neighbors’ property with offensive items like cigarette butts and/or beer cans

and/or animal bones and/or other such items will be treated severely & will attract a fine of Rs. 5000 and offender will also be served with notice of non-cooperation.

Damage to Society Property- Any damage to society property like club house, lights, tiles or any other objects in the common

areas of society property will attract a fine of Rs.1000 plus the recovery cost of the damaged goods.

No Parking- If a person is found to have been responsible for unauthorized parking in a parking area not

allocated to him or dangerous parking or parking obstruction or parking under “No Parking” zone then such a member would be fined Rs.1000.

- In addition to this the vehicles’ may be towed to outside of society premises & the responsible person will be also liable to pay for towing charges.

Stick No Bills- No advertisements shall be displayed at any of the common areas or society premises without

the prior approval from the managing committee of Venezia. Any member in violation of this will be fined Rs.1000.

Scoop The Poop- We are a pet friendly society; however society common area like lawns, parking lots should not

be used as toilet ground for the pets. We expect pet owners to “scoop the poop” as per cleanliness standard worldwide. For this the disposable bags are available in all common dustbins. Failure to scoop the poop would invoke fine of Rs. 1000 to the said member.

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Cash Reward for following society rules

The society will provide cash reward Rs. 500 to any person, whether Venezia insiders or outsiders, who will help in enforcing of the various society rules.

For example if any Venezia residents observe that a person is smoking /spitting or doing any such other violations of the above mentioned rules and brought it notice of security /office bearers to collect the fine ; then such a person will be eligible for Rs. 500 as cash reward for every such incident.

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Non-Cooperation Notices

The society will issue the notice of non cooperation to the Venezia members who have violated any of the society rules or in case of nonpayment of society charges or in case of any other case of non cooperation. Every member must acknowledge the receipt of any such notice if it’s issued against his name. Acknowledging the notice doesn’t mean rectification of the points raised & hence members are expected to give the response at the earliest to society office. In case any member wish to appeal any notice , then they can do so by process below , however members must pay Rs.10000 appeal charges for turned down appeals; this is only to ensure that frivolous appeals are not flooded to the society. The notices issued by the society is a very important legal document & the implications of such notices are as below

First Non-Cooperation NoticeThe first non-cooperation notice will be issued to the Venezia Members in the below cases

- Non-payment of Society Maintenance Charges- Any violation of the rules of society- Any complaint received against the member which is against the law or society rules

The first non cooperation notice will be issued by Venezia Society to fellow members, which is expected to respond by the members within the stipulated time mentioned in the notice along the subsequent reply.

A notice rectification fee of Rs.1000 will be charged to members to whom notice will be issued after the notice is replied to & the response is found satisfactory by the society.

Second Non-Cooperation NoticeThe second non-cooperation notice will be issued by society to Venezia Members in below cases

- No response given to the first notice of non-cooperation issued by Society- A repeated occurrence of violation of the rules for which the member has already been issued

the first notice of non-cooperation

When a member has been issued a second notice, this will be accompanied by the subsequent action which will deny the said member right to use the common amenities like

- Lifts, Intercom & other such common facilities- Garbage Collection- Club House & other common areas- Other amenities of society

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The second non cooperation notice will be issued by Venezia Society to fellow members, which is expected to respond by the members within the stipulated time mentioned in the notice along the subsequent reply.

A notice rectification fee of Rs.5000 will be charged to members to whom notice will be issued after the notice is replied to & the response is found satisfactory by the society.

Third Non-Cooperation NoticeThe third non-cooperation notice will be issued by society to Venezia Members in below cases

- No response given to the second notice of non-cooperation issued by Society- A repeated occurrence of violation of the rules for which the member has already been issued

the second notice of non-cooperation

When a member has been issued a third notice of non-cooperation this will be accompanied by the recommendation to managing committee for expulsion of member from Venezia.

A notice rectification fee of Rs.10000 will be charged to members to whom notice will be issued after the notice is replied to & the response is found satisfactory by the society.

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Management Committee & Office Bearers of Venezia

The society will execute all its affairs through the management committee and office bearers. The primary three office bearers are Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The details of their duties and responsibilities can be found at the bye-laws copy.

Election of Management Committee & Office BearersThe election of management committee and all the office bearers is by the open election process with all decisions by majority. Any society member can stand for the election of management committee who is not a defaulter on dues or under any non-cooperation notice. In case of any changes or resignations to managing committee, the re-election will be held time to time.

Venezia Management Committee consists of 9 members with reservation for 1 woman. The committee will try to keep a high level balance between all the wings of society for the representation. Please see appendix for the list of current management committee. The elected management committee will decide amongst themselves who shall be office bearers’ viz. Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer. The entire management committee is jointly responsible for all the workings of the society.

Working of Management Committee

The management committee will meet at least once a month for discussing various business related issues and updates from the meeting will be shared with all through notice board as deemed necessary. Any member can ask for copy MoM of meetings held by managing committee. This will be provided at the cost of Rs.5 per page within a maximum of 30 days of request made.

The management committee is legally entitled to be paid as honorarium not exceeding 15% of the profit or the net dividends distributed in any given year.

No Confidence Motion There are two methods of moving a no confidence motion against any management committee member.

By Management Committee Management committee can decide to move a no confidence motion against any of its member by written request of 1/3 of its total members to chairman and such a no confidence motion should be passed by ¾ of the total committee members

By General BodyAny society member can move a no confidence motion against any management committee members. In order to do so the member need a written petition signed by at least 1/3 of the total society members who are non-defaulters or not under any non-cooperation notice served by the society ; to chairman

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expressing no confidence motion and such a meeting should be attended by at least 2/3 of total members . Chairman will then call general body meeting and the no confidence motion shall be termed passed if it’s approved by total of at least 50% of the society members.

Please note that any no confidence motion once defeated then it cannot be moved again in less than six months & by same person in less than year.

Legal Documents related to Venezia SocietyAny society member can ask for any legal documents or the books related to society affairs to the management committee. Such a legal document will be provided at the cost of Rs.5 per page within a maximum of 30 days of request made. In case the request is for architecture diagrams the actual charges for reproduction will be applicable plus Rs.100 as admin charges.

Complaints & Requests to SocietyThe society members can make any complaints or requests to management committee members. However we wish to point out that all the members of managing committee are normal people with responsibilities of job & family so they should reached at officially allocated hours which are every Saturday & Sunday 10:30am-11:30am.

For all the daily paperwork or the requests or the complaints, the dedicated Venezia property manager or supervisor should be reached as first point of contact. In case the Venezia property manager fails to resolve the request in the reasonable period of time which is 3-7 days, below is the escalation matrix.

1. If the request or complaint is not handled by Venezia property manager or the society member is not satisfied with the resolution by property manager, then member can approach the office bearers. The first point of contact in such cases is normally Joint Secretary.

2. If the request or complaint is not handled by Venezia office bearers or the society member is not satisfied with the resolution by office bearer, then member can approach the Secretary.

3. If the request or complaint is not handled by Secretary or the society member is not satisfied with the resolution by Secretary, then member can approach the Chairman to convey the meeting of entire Management Committee.

4. If the request or complaint is not handled by Management Committee or the society member is not satisfied with the resolution by them, then member can approach the Special General Body Meeting. General Body shall be final authority on all such issues.

To call for such a special general body meeting aggrieved society member will need to have signatures of at least one thirds of the total members and such meeting should be attended by at least half of members.

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Expulsion from Venezia

A member will be served the notice of expulsion & will be expelled from Venezia in the below cases

- Has already being served three non cooperation notices and no rectification received- Has engaged in a criminal behavior as described earlier- Has not paid the society maintenance charges for over six months period- Has been a consistent non-cooperating member

The expulsion of the member on the account of action of his tenants is within the scope of society bye-laws.

Any member expelled from the society would stand lose his shares of Venezia as those will be forfeited by the society along with the shareholders fee. Such a member would lose all legal rights including the right to occupy the flat and would be required to vacate the flat within the notice period. If a member refuses to vacate the flat, society can evict such a person using police & other legal means.

Any member expelled from society can rejoin society after its expulsion is revoked by society by re-applying for the society membership. Such a rejoining cannot occur in less than one year from the day of expulsion of the member as per the law & may need approval from registrar office as deemed necessary.

Society Cultural Fund & Cultural EventsThe society is a living place for all of us and so society takes active part in organizing and conducting various cultural events throughout the year like Ganesh Chaurthi, Holi , Dasera , green plantation etc. The society can ask contributions to all members for such events on voluntary basis.

In addition to this society will maintain a cultural events fund for such events managed by committee. The cultural events fund will be build from voluntary contributions of members, office bears and a certain fixed contributions of the profits made by society. The managing committee members can also donate their honorarium to cultural fund.

In addition to this a cultural secretary of subcommittee would be formed to streamline the operations of any of these events.

Courteous Behavior to fellow Venezians

As they say in case of emergency a neighbor may be closest to you than any of relatives or the friends. We all will share the common walls for the long time in our life and so we expect all Venezians to have courteous behavior to each other.

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There are cases where privacy of two members can clash like installation or repair inside homes , AC vents ,coolers , fans , TV sound, music, late night party inside house or even baby noises. We as a society normally do not wish to enter into such cases or make some rules which are not feasible to implement and such cases are best handled by mutual understanding and direct dialogue.

However there are some society bye-laws governing cases of recurring indecent behavior like drunken behavior & nuisance in a society & Venezia society may exercise the underlying rules in such cases.

Venezia Service ProvidersWe have some common service providers for the society they are listed below

Cable TVTata sky is the current default cable provider for the Venezia society using cable line laid in the society and all members using Tata sky can avail free set top box from Tata sky. Anyone who wishes to use any other provider must put the dish antenna in their own balcony and not the terrace.

Piped GasAll Venezia Residents would need to complete the process as mandated by govt in this regard ; only after which subsidized piped gas can be provided to residents.

BroadbandThe Easynet is the current default broadband provider who is using the optical fibers laid in the society. Members can use any other broadband network but in case of wi-fi router the receiver should be placed in their balcony and not the terrace.

IntercomIntercom is free to all the residents and it can reached as below

Wing A-10-XXX

Wing B-20-XXX

Wing C-30-XXX

Here XXX is the three digit flat number of the member.

Some important intercom numbers are


Property Manager


Intercom technical support-

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Newspaper /Laundry/Washing/MilkmanThe regular spot boys for providing the newspapers /laundry/washing services will be issued a security gate pass & will be required to enter details to security counter regularly. Any such provider can be blocked from the society based on the complaints received or any violation of the society rules by them.

There is no official or default vendor for any of these services as appointed by society & any one claiming to be so should be reported immediately. There is also no monopoly of one person over this & if anyone come across such a person not allowing others to do business & trying to establish his monopoly over these services then such a person should be reported immediately.

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1. Managing Committee members

2. Roles & Responsibilities of the Managing Committee Members

3. Charges for the current financial year

4. Important Society forms

5. Important Resolution Passed by SGM/AGM

6. Addendum

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