
Veganis m

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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Veganism


Page 2: Veganism

Primary research

Page 3: Veganism

My first question was asking my audience if they were vegan and most of the answers were saying ‘no’ which helps me with my research because I need to advertise to people who aren’t vegan.

This question only had one answer which makes it easier for me to know why someone did become a vegan and gives a reason for why other people might become vegans

Page 4: Veganism

This question tells me if people would want to become vegan or not and the reason for their choice.

Most people said they would become vegan and the reason would be because they wanted better treatment for animals.

Some people said they wouldn’t become vegan and the main reason is that it would be too expensive or they don’t have the time for all the meal planning.

An easy way to help people who don’t have time would be to provide them with preplanned plans so it makes it easier for them to know that they can eat.

This question tells me that the main reason for people to become vegans is for better treatment of animals. Other reasons are to help out the environment and the health benefits that come with being a vegan.

Since the treatment of animals is the reason why a lot of people would become vegans

Page 5: Veganism

This questions tells me that post people who answered my survey are male which doesn’t really effect anything, it just tells me that more men answered by survey then women.

This questions tells me that most of the people who answered my survey are under 21 while only one person is under 36 which fits into my audience profile.

Page 6: Veganism

This question tells me what people think some of the drawbacks of being a vegan are and most of the answers say that trying to plan and what food you can eat would be the biggest problem for them.

This questions tells me that most people think that the most important benefit of being a vegan is that you would be a lot healthier and that the other important benefit is the impact on the environment and that animals would be treated better.

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Secondary research

Page 8: Veganism

Summary• States who first coined ‘Vegan’• Talks about what it means to be vegan• Mentions the benefits of a vegan diet • Lists vegan alternatives to meat

Tags: Wikipedia, veganism, Donald Watson

“At first this meant "non-dairy vegetarian" and later "the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals.”

“Well-planned vegan diets can reduce the risk of some types of chronic disease including heart disease.”

“Veganism extends not only to matters of food but also to the wearing or using of animal products.”

Page 9: Veganism,,20773383,00.html

Summery • Talks about vegan dieting • Mentions supplements to take• Mentions what food not to eat too much of• Advises to check food labels

“Just because a food product is not glaringly non-vegan doesn't mean that it's suitable for a vegan diet.”

“Vitamin B12 occurs naturally only in animal foods, so you'll want to stock up on a variety of B12-fortified foods as well as a B12 supplement.”

“It's not a good idea to trade in animal products, which contain protein, vitamins, and minerals, for processed foods that provide little nutritional value other than calories.”

Tags: health, vegan, celebrities, diet advise,

Page 10: Veganism

Summary • Talks about what restaurants are best for vegans• History of veganism • Has advise for people who become vegans• Mentions celebrities who are vegans• What foods are best for vegans

“Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry.”

“People choose to be vegan for health, environmental, and/or ethical reasons.”

“It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein as long as calorie intake is adequate. “

Tags: article, dieting, vegans,

Page 11: Veganism

Summary • Lists eating options for vegans• Nutritional advise • Advise for different types of vegans• Lists how to get vitamins from other types of food

“Vegans don't eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.”

“If you're having foods and drinks that are high in fat, salt or sugar, have these less often and in small amounts.”

“With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.”

Tags: nutritional advice, options, vitamins

Page 12: Veganism

Summary• Gives advice on becoming a vegan• Advices to go at your own pace• Includes links to other vegan blogs• Offers advice on other vegan activates and recipes

“Remember that going vegan is a learning curve. To live as a vegan in a non-vegan world takes both courage and curiosity.”

“Like any other lifestyle change, going vegan not only takes getting used to, but it takes time to determine what will work best for you.”

“Treat your taste buds to new foods and new flavours.”

Tags: diet, learning, try, help