v ' kkn ikknyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-03-20/ed... · 2007-02-23 · iag *v...

^KTWft Su, t<it*\s 1 Ji ^i54tted- PAGE THREE THE ESSEX COUNTY REPITtfJCAX, MARCH 20, 1014 i * Sale. lO •pee a action >tMoraadd% f ( t w e e * * have ssiaegant Use ai*tl»i * **e ISta say* front Cswy, !C. T v TOM RCTIII or OF cou: •n. that, at held li ww iay la ayrl wffl at •*> r approval 0a . ratios li s> i amend aw ' aad Mil a* Stat*, stse *.ty-ntnth Of i. •Li MAT. y of Si Ess**x Co»> s Oficc * Piesidenid f Eas** cm r I haves** of Not*** * erlgiatl* .t it is * » and of *w which swi lOta daf ** •t mj **** -Sdal few* :nd dsy * ta a ~e af ca lw LAKE CMAMPLAIN ROUTE eUftHT IN TRAFFIC BELT CONSTIPATION I IS DANGEROUS ,_ _ , —- ( F«<«eal Action on Improvement Urg> PinkleU, the New Laxative, t •* **' **•* *"••••* •*« «4 Really Do Correct It : N ^* r " N#w Vork , " t " Mta ' The su ft-rer ^«m constinatten, id dia» tre**^ a t* r eariig. gas torn* on the uoniacU, t'*o aUloruea hat afoolingof «>nvi*<!r* **i4 wc^ul ami ia bant aad d»» f w » blood soon ahsorh* poisons thai pkmli have Uvn e*priit*l and loss of gabh itSowtf that the body is being poorly aau-- M lleedarars l^-otoe frequent, t*w pat-•*«»! id drowsy, irritable and miiae pur** futtL r\akn-LS the new laxative fulls, do not jojroittlH re*lc*4 bfiVare s>x*mipti»h~ iag *V r work of correvtii ^eotueinsasori, baeafr*?ti-ydanotstimulateilia twees) to0t*T<>\tn*>n, Tiny sauiiat aatata as aaCj thai t*»e anion is regular and (oron-V 5.4 witttoul gritiinr. tfnkJrfg pat t'*» i* ver, stoiaaru and bowel* in bar* ptmi **•, per!ert working onlff. A ') »rttr»alolIinkW4^ will eonviao* »xi that i?»«-y are Ilia itlra! laxative, %/rery d racist «wn now suptdy T«*e with r^Wst^cwaddtirrboafe. II rile to the l>r. Wi!»iamg M«>tlrina Co,. R Km* raS'.K V^iorallaalatliuokMiinc ailaiHMiiibdliaaaaaaal af Sl'ft'K!-:.*£ COURT OF TMK 8TATI of \ i * York. Kaaai Couaty—Eamily r: C^ra. Kthel G Caa#a. Mary Ca &ti ' V ' •• * •• < f- '* J ;:-. <•*-• •ML - - rt> 4.. i:» v ' »L 1 JA . iac- ti^i'.. •••• it :** >r •'.• J ar-T iu*: *.- hi^ •»2» * A K i % « aov^r. KVo4#rte|| Q «i- • kuo*a rrwOrrlrfe Q a, n n*. sgaiiist Joan T. HalL •. .t* hnr» at U». dairlaawa. ^ icnt^s of naat of kia of laail 4 aa>. and taali . * vt-> and kuaaaada. tf aay a:.J «ko«a aaaaea axa aa i ?.nga, Anna J. Hoader -. t a Hek»a C Potior. ' i i.«rin b«wrdal#y. aiao - lk nrs |t#ardai#r. awed; N.rtii. J iiriag. taa aairt . . ^.^e* graataea, aaitgataf ' . n »f aaid Uooraw C. Nortav ., 1 »:.<rir r«ap«ctiYa wlvaa aad > f ii,r all of wkoai aad .r.--> AT** imknowa to plata- :•- Mutual i-f* laaoraaca Laka Caaaiplaia la aa oaaeatlal part of aay through waterway syaieai ba- |imeoa Atlantic at&ooard puiau aad Canada, aad projects aow undar way or likely to rocei?a favoraals aetioa la tas aaar tutors greatly eaaaaoa tbs ituportaaco of gaaeffoas treatmaat of the Caaaiplaia dlatrict. ForwaMjat la polata of coat aad aaar* sat to taa lakvs Is of course taa graat recoaatracUoa of tag EH* Caaal aya tasa taa Now Barge Caaal. oa walck aa amount apatoarbliig |t&0.ga#.awi la la coarsa af ampaadltara. TaJs will replacs taa aid woraoat caaal witk a waterway aatwasa Late Erla Hadsoa Rirer af twelve-foot aaatb. wttb locks of sack dlaisggtaas to adamit of tka paaaagw of bargee of XCKKI toaa* caaaelty. Taa Caaaiplaia Caaal, coaaecUag taa Mudaoa Rlvar at tke saaaa tanafaal point. Watarford. wRa Lake Caaaiplaia. la a part af taa atato syatasm. Hoik of taesa water- way* eoaaeet w|tk taa AtUatlc aaar i* krd tarougk oaa V the great*** aa* oral watercourses la taa country, taa liudaoa Riier. r«qutrtng no improve- ment oa its lower portion, aad witk rVOerai artioa for tne devpeaing of. Ta# |«portaacw of the Battla of its upper channel partly under «r.|H kmllJI | rtirc .^ iu c^a to r*tognl * laaaanably aaaured cf future eaten-| |lom t/ ^ coe^^ & ^ Vnlim4 IUOO. At u t saoutk« tals liver cog> necta witk Long lalaad Sound and all the great traAc of aoatkrra N^w Eng- land. whUe tae opening of taa Cape Cod Canal wilt give ready passage tor modern bargee of large canarity to react Maanarbuaeita Ray aad Boetea karbor. StUl more important aa a freight trmJtc producer will be the At* (laatlc intraeostal waterway chasm, aa (whick the Army enataeers aave aow favorable reconmmeodntkiaa A TONIC FOR THE NERVES Nervou* |«T»pU« wl*o l»a\«* i.« t >rt <*e- YelopiHl a nuiii4^s that eat i t«* i*Ht>ginM%i an I trvateil by it«e ni«Mik«-al proita^'i! li3vatl»egrtauwtti*»uUe in Dieting n> liof. lrntatu»n f 1*4 ia* IM*, iJ^*-|»k*4»m^H f uenxMi<«t]ya|>e{i«»ia 9 ail thus* discou»ioit» iu^Le life un«eial>le but arv «-u«lured raUnr Uian run a citM-tor'g bill aiUiout uV unit* h»f»s of r^tx>%e*> Kvt*ry aut-h auil«-.*r aiiotild kiK>w tlw datij**r of Mich a i"»!nlil.*»:« of t. e inr- \ Hi3 •yafii, >irrvuiMd«'i*iiuy aii*l e%c«n paralysis may easily n MJU U IIKJ tone ol U>c uentw is not rv*u>ti «i. Tin* one *»•/ fa*-t it.kt l»riu^« U*>f* and Mivf m Uiai Uia tu^rvtw cam be n>umd by buibiuiiT upt)»e b!«imL It rauuid le loooftrn rt-i^aU^I that only iim>u^!i the b!ood can aotirisbtiM-nt **>*! v*-*Urirm rom*h the nerves. l>r ^liiliann** lit.k l*iil?« tuaJke lite Mot>l TMU aitd t"d a J quM'kJy rntota vitality a:ui ei»««rry to a weak aer%«»ussypi4-u&. A n«r*ou* |er- sua wbo gt%ia tin^e yills atrial i* a-iticed certain toseag->o»l rti-alsf s»HI» w ^i*l b tnoret the breetit will l«e la«tu»< beiatisa the troal4a is atlat*l»eil at its to*** 1 bta UR> I maktw w««ak i»^r>r^ Ruildiag af tin* Ui-o.1 reaVuvs the nerve ior«>e. t n t a h o g o f l»r. WiUiau V link Fills trwtay aa«l writ* the l>r V. illtan Xle»li- eitiet^o., r^hetM«-ta«l.v, V V . Vr a free eopy of ** l>isnasss of ti*t* Ner%ou* .^yanu. •• HEROIC WOMAN FOUGHT AT OUNS OF THC CAGLC. IMPORTANCE OF THE NAVAL CONFLICT AT PLATTatURG. 9%t AbV States were areaeated to the sul mittee of the Senate Committee aa the Library at Waahiagtoa last ween ta moat Impressive manner Sen ator Hoke Smith of Georgia could not be present aad Senator Root was sick ,la bed wtta lagnppe. so A^mMAor Luke Lea of Teaaeesee. tae able of the committee coaducted the leg atone, cnairsmaa Francis Lyade (Stetson of the Plattabarg Centenary | Comauaaion nrat called upon Asststaat t Secretary of the Navy. Fraaklta D Her H*r*9 and Courage SUppiag Over Dead Rody of Hus- band la Rattle of Plattseurg, Rear Admiral A. S. Harker. V. S. N. retired la the February issue of The Navy, the official organ of the Navy League of the Culled States, is the author of No. I to i series of aaval romtnisceace* by famous ofUcer* of the United States Navy. Admiral Bar- ker's contribution to the serks ** * story of the late Admiral Joseph Smith, a veteran of the War of 1*12. who told the story almaetf ta Admiral Barker nearly forty years ago. Admir- al Saiitk was thee ** years of age. The story tells af the battle aa Lake Cbampaia. when Smith, then a Uee- \ tenant was attached to the Saratoga* Cfeiennewore Macdoaougka flagship { When the Kagle Joined the flotilla aaar Plati sourg. oa Lena Ckamplata." j the story as t Id to Admiral Barker by Almiral Smith reads: 1 was earring j aa the Saratoga, Commodore Machoa- ougks flagmhlp, aa second Ueuteaaab Raymond Ferry waa her nrat lieu tea-' ant One day the coauaudore told | me to pack my tmak. as he was going i to tranafor me to the Kagle, to be her grat beutea%nt. Capt Henley having leaked for me The Commodore took !uW to k<-r In his own boat. I "The Kagle required a good deal of iwork to get her in good nghtieg trim. ' aa she waa n new v*M»et. mounting 20 gusa. I wormed fci:d altering rg- ciug mud s^ila. working early and late. frequently with palm and needle my- self—until *he was toleribly wellflt-mm ted out. But we were short of men to BROKEN LENSES We can dupl catc any lens from the broken |v r cc« without the, pre- s.s iption. We grind all our own lenses and duplicate any lens within TWENTY- FOUR HOURS and m the majority of cases within THREE HOURS ACCIIMCY POSITIVELY OLAKAMHHD WEEKLY D4US F. B. SANBORN Ib«fa4a; ^««k KHESbVIU.e 27ih kkn ikk \>z:;,a t .f New York; WU1 lam ^'.^L: *'*•*.* I ? Sprague. -?nu: -. J-nn ^ \l Morris aad Albert •1 rr^-^hton. Hal \ sUi-t k. the wife of i C. »oms aaa njsen ^ Utoft4 9tomm 4 and the head of Us Leomnd. Jennie ^^ lfc# ^ Jo|lM ^ ^ ^ Mr. Stetaoa made a Me pointed out to for connecting the aataral baya, MUM« a.4 rt*.r« *!•»« tte ™™* . ^ ^ ^ * m ^abovd «** w*y M to ptort*| tuM ^ ^ |ta| ^^ tlmMck « a ^ort*ii«. N>.««« to«, )UkM ^ tMk SfMm to C<J-B of navlaav JT~ orate tne victory aad of the latereat Florida*! W ^M ^ #w ^ v mT « i Ixmg lalaad Re^ad aad New Torn 7 ten - Jrnare- betag actRtwaa; ^ ^ Mlgmm4j ^ . ^ ^ bT lt ^ As ifL, hratlaa name of said aefwa ^ ^ Mlaftd Kals W|U . ^ ^ Umf last ng unkaowa ta plaiattaTs; Ed I •ird Harnett, rl J Barker persons having or c iay interest ta or Uea upoa t h e |R|Tfsr ^ rtw i9 ^j^^ -s desenbed is tke complaiat. bT ^ ww*^ t9 aata Trial deeared la the!^^^ t death for of Esse* Te tke above named defeadnats j m * w - t*» Delaware City. vi rk the guns. 1 g Jt t % *pt. H e a e y s par- mi«*«oa to urge tne Commodore to let ua have some uf tke crew of kls flag- ship, and at last he agreed to give me forty men. twenty to be selected by art from volunteers, aad the oth- **r twenty to be selected by hte f) r *t •aid he could Admiral Smith remember tae name of hero the records la the Navy Depart- rieat aiao bear out the tratafulaees of tbe «tory *A narrated by Admiral Suiitk to Admiral PORT KENT. As altaost ev«-rw one vol- mm « . nickea out treaty at«d' 7*', "**"* * ***** m ** ** • « • sometime after tke convincing iieuteaant unterred. I .__.___ and. of coorae. the nrat tteutea, i ^ * « • « « ***» —< « aat gave me tne taenty he coasidered *** ** °* tk * "• **** W ^ tae least dealraate. StUl there m****** 1 ***^ They had a flaw ride. ~~— day he took a load af OFFICIAL CONFIRalATION OW HARRY V. RAOFORD** OEATH. Well-Knewn Writer at-d Ea r lorer Mn4 Companion Last Life la Quarrel Witli Eskimo. Official details of the aad of Harry V. ttadfocd and T. George Sweet* who met death in tke Far North* have Just been received from the Canadian mounted police. They Indicate that A quarrel followed a misuadorstaadlag between fUdiord and his Eskimo, In which both American* were Allied- Mr. Hadford was a member of the Society of the War of 1812. and Franh W. Thomas. Presides! of the society ia Troy undertook to secure the de- tails af k*s death for the society. He aid of Heary Harmea No- of Albany aad Rouses Point aad la reply to the Utters letter has re- ceived the report of Mr. HalL The Hudson Bay Cosapany s factor at to Mr. Ray of the company, the oAcer la charge of the NeJsoa River district, which fat- laws aad esplalna Itself Chesterweld Inlet, Jane 11. 1*1*. 0. R. Ray. Keq.. Omcer In Charge Nel- soa River District. Dear Sir: The Eskimo Akulark who took the Radford party from Shulu Lake to Bath hurst Inlet arrived today and reported that both Mr. Radford and Mr. Street were murdered by the liatkhunit Inlet Kektmo. Co* muck. Mr. Radford s trader at Shultz Lake. aaa the fifbt to bring down the new*, but aa 1 generally take little stock In Indian yarae, I placed very little con- ndeece la it unul I saw Akulack my- self. liotk Mr Ford and myself question- ed him tulce today and his version of the story was practically the same as Cow-mock a. Akulack left Mr. Radford about the ;*h of June and s}*ent the sammer a IHtle sooth of the Eskimos, tut came in contact with them several times, and also bought a wife from them, order, which he o r e bought and paid for with n rifle. ta r'AfiK THfiflU Is Lease he w apt L §L Butlls aad wife When Akulack parted from Mr Rad- tae least demlrable Still there * « ^ ™ ~ r ~ KJ"^"" * "^ "*•" Tb# for « * ^W^vs that everything ana not enough to work the guns property Tr* ^ '* . to °* a hm4 * ** •V good order, he had ha A few day. before the fight 1 got ****** to ******* «« *«*. Run- mmd ^ p ^ p ^ ^ w w permiaaioa to go oa shoe* to see If I ' * * * •"loinonilea •• ************* t<* b* **» W u~. t*. t*o of ls> rouid get axy of our soldiers ta n^""** ^T? 7 ^ ... «d were supposed to guide kla ta a] e baler that waa wintering some sixty j Pleted REGULARITY IS THE KEYNOTE OF SUCCESS in a watch or clock. If it doesn't keep correct time vou might as well sHl it for old metal. But if it can be made right, we can do it We make a specialty of fine repairing and every timepiece that leaves this establishment is thorough* ly tested. This service costs no more than the ordinary kind. Better invest- igate. W A L K E R - S H E R M A N CO.*U>4NY .! MAmCCTATBs^^ PLAfTMiLkti. N. V V ^r?^=- r^ri t. ^^dsr^^^^s^ try the Army eag^aeers to cwtv ^ coaaected wiu the battle oa a "• oat The Commodore gave me a ^ «•«*« Rantaa Bay with the Delnwnre » -M mki ^ M ^ irw m A ^ n j ^ *«* u . i^n^ml Macomb, commaadtng | ^• t ^ r ^ tt * risltora mat Thursday man which Heary K. sad *»aca of them Vu. are hereby summoned ta am «er ihe complaint in this artioa. aaw |0r iu ^arve a copy of your answer oa the. mm 4 r untifls auoroevs uithin twenty 2«)| days after the senru* of this semmons. etclusivs uf the day of ser vice: and :a case of your failure tc Han brought to the hearing Mr. AvertlL w ano|; but Macomb would not let looking quite well in spite of h*s » * have any men. saying he had not , ^ightjfour years aad Just as keenly **<**gk i»oldiers te defend the place. j barge trahV from Boreeatowa aB the |ftUIWWU>a M rwmr to ^n x^ relates **d »e wsa eJEpectlng the British Geo- jsray to Delaware City, trom whlch'^ ^ , ^^ r> , ^ *au*y. atteaded the eral. with a superior force to £ X than a this protected Ig recoeameaded with Bay through the purchase af Canal already arraaged tor of Caeseaeake Bay with the North Cera* by the purchase of greatly mjuyed aad George hearing Idreea. | Rev. L. A. V Stone of Vergeaaes, Vice , Thoraas F. Coaway . Frank K Green of S t AJbaas, VL atom Dffliagkam aad Page of V Rer. J<* * D. Caldwieh. D of the Catholic Mrs. Joha Reaaeil and Mrs. picki- vera saopphag la last Tbureday. - Mm. M. C Weatherwas was a bus- iness vial tor la KosssTlilo Thursday >!r k if. n VanderbUt le visiting reist vri is Albany. N. T. — Aa ice boat came over from Bur- ith ndr>- attArk at »in*o»« anytisae "Well General"* said 1 haven't you W. ; m lot of prisoners that you would like " Yes Indeed.* he e*id: 'you may, have all my ,wiseaern. If yoa want! 1 **' '* ""^ "*** "** * gave me a ante to the la miles west of Point Barrow aad whom the Bnthharst times trade Mr. Radford aaa about to make a start. In tart, the man supposed to go ahead and stirred mhen the ethers tacked out and would not go. and Mr. Radford to enforce obedience struck ated. •a n* January 20. 1*11. HATCH A CU7TK. Af!«-i:neys, No. lee >.£b af Manhattan, N. spoke lorcefaUy aad eioqweaUy htm with the handle of a whip. A fight tangle Monday morning with several ^ ^ mnd Uf lim4titt4 mas #P eared in the oacA Ly another native. Mr. crossing n crack not tar u , ^ 1 from the point they ma lata shell ke in were soldiers who far vari- ' and «• jwatnaa thrown oat. The aaeear or anavar iudgerment will be akea aga'nrt you by default for the!which Is to be enlarged - \ U f demanded in the complaiat. Ued Below North Carolina two cae>| ^-^^ tn#rf! m n lot af worn to tiectiag llnka wiU afford entrance to. doM erery ^ f#u ^^ a ^ ^^^ ta a kind of red loeem. They were seat the long chaia of deep thoroogtifares ^ ^ ^ ^ D>()|| #aterf ^ mpo n. . for. and came la with their tncee aad that reach from Georgetown. 3. CX aBj TW puusbarg aad Veratoat Itdisji ;-tmT— —1 few clothes they had tnm . ihm ^ ay to the St. Johns River. 1^^ 9iMrtm 4 home, with high hopes covered Hh red dirt—a hard looking ! It will, therefore, be readily aeea' l | ua pendsteat effort would wla for set. I told theta I HnR. If that through the New Tort State T the To ' crar* nuJ : r*^ •>•*< Ul if " N .rti*** ;fi.- 1' :• : reodanta, John T betrs at law. oerlaeee ' connecting the Hndaoa Riear with t h e iUo0 ^>.roees or aaxt of kia of Greet Lakes aad through govern T. Hall If any. and their work, which Is to Uak together ail af erlfe ~ " s rua to- ti.v r. it* but was muraerud before he had time to pel up any kind of fight. According to the story told akulack Taey were alt at irofm ?W ™^T munut *** ***** **** ****** kw one of the aativea who was suppoa with ball and chasm, d^cging trecches to tk# . P<l ! t *?• to ° m tMm ***** *°* ***** «d te have witneaaed the fight tNe ve lie> aad by the father af hia new wile, Mr. Radford put up auite afightbe- fore he gave m and had to be speared several tunes before he fell and as his life lingered as he lay oa the ground, ,tbe battle of Plattaburg the recognl- them to the Ragle to fight. "* w it deserves. I "The prisoners were delighted at those present at the hear the prospect: so t had their Mr*. W. H. Suaadorff la la town to addition to the sprak^rm. w- knocked off aad marched them down , ing in * r^s and husbands, af any , tke coastal waterways. Lake Chans- fr^n inattaburg Mayor William H. te the landing Arthough I had a good names are ua-' plain Is brought Into direct coneec- ( Cw0 g C itj Judge ChatVs A. Barnard., ^es*»d bfaat. It took two trips to get and a.stiffs: Anna J. and Helen C. Potter. ties wtth two vastly Unronaat nrter les of trtAr, and U Is oaly natural to Cear Tort ret. hllrr fTtsner F. Botaford. Jay A Freeman. th*m aboard the Eagle. I thiak there VV K 1'arkhurat. Kdwin O Moore. Irs were about forty of them. They were f < harles Beardsiey. also anticipate that a portion of the traffic f A R^wij^on and Frank K. Rran. Joha then scrubbed, had their hair cwt aad h^rles Beardalee; George ,rt.r ins ting ia th* t*-rr*Ti T«« u*R'g McDowell of Mooers Jurvction. ><esrds trimmed, and their dirty old i viiig. the heirs at law. »*#* an outlet to the Canadian market, j py^ Vertnont Robert VV. McCuen, clothes exchanged for pursers clota- ir.tees. assignees or nest This will come about throuth neces-; fnhm iicfniveUy. and Millard F. Barnea. ing. I u^orge C. North. If any *arr improvement of Lake Ctounplaia _ r^ea there were Congres«-.:nan Peter' '1 stationed them at the guns end ; >vtive wives and hue and of the water course* th^t connect Q Teneyck of Atrmny: HOB. Jrtseph ^rilled th#-m morning and eight uatil ^a of a horn and whose the lake wtth the St. I-awrence R*ver.' H F^ ltt i ro ] t^nd Hon Salvalor** A the fight came off. *:io«n to plaintiffs, Wii- and b*inc as interstate prot»ositioa, rr*ti?lo of S>w York city. H*-n. John Just t»efore th^ tattle hslf a dorea ^l.'on. Alden Sprague. suoh ;mproT#»Tr*ent on Lah» Champiain j^r^x of Buffalo. Co! Ch*r!«>s A TI ># cia^s l^lorjging to the band oa M >rrts and Alr^rt E properly within the rirovince of the riooth of Wasbingt'vn. D. C H^nry A -i» Te c%m* aboard, aad wjtn them the ' all other persons has ?e<Vrnl covemment- The deep^^-^ Wnrrmh of f*hilad*»'rhja, a rx^ndson s * 5fe of ore of the musicians I sta- ir to have any latereat a*d ftraighteaiiig of the channel in ^ Gf ^, Al«»xiine>r MsComb «ho com- t nr>ed the woman, near tb* mxcazSne. the premises described the Narrowa? and otb*r points in the mard ^j ^ ^ 1^4 f^^^ m % rnattsburg j s fir from darker as possible. r Uke are of far more than local inter- ^ rharles Murray of N*w York city.! The Kms> had the head of the « summons Is aarred ***• *»d the business interests of New n^^^^ry ^f t^be Catholic Summer line, and vn anchored with springs ubHcetioa. pursuant ta York aad New England should be n ^booi i-> a her cable. .e Honorable Hearr T TOtt *• raocmiaianaiag each Unnrora-j j ^ Tbft nm .^ fj^^jp trVd to tJlk# -e of the Supreme eoart »**L I Qv* on af awaary a«d Defwavid. • m posttkm sb#»ad. so as to rake the j Only so many cattle, bore**, sheep, ^ *«* t»«^d- **e then let go an MY K1DNEY5 ARK lor ho^caa tw»tiot Ifjfaacattlecarea KILLING HE ! «** ****** *** **** ******* *** I***- nfl ******[** Cl * Saratoga Another iceet girls are famm** lata a railroad British vessel howewer. s^acreeoed ia the same manoeuvre aad raked the f New York, dated 4. and filed with the Uth day of •. the 7 of Essex at the e ta tfr street car *a a enteral withont word of legal rtro-! v'-****- be arrested ea the; ws, —Mr. ssd Mrs. Albert Read ta take ^ '•"• "—--^ ***** Uo i they have been rsaitlag —Mrs. T. F. Page ^ Waterbury. Vu to attend the of her brother, Mr. Mara. —Mr. Broseiey Spragae of A usable Forks waa la town mat Friday after *ome hoaaehold goods he moved ta the Forka. —Mr. aad Mrs. B. Reed returned from their wedding trip aad are locat- ed ia the Faraham house. —Miss Lydia Wlnship of Platte burg +n4 Miss Merril of Keeserille were cailirc oa friends In town Saturday. —Miss Wmlherwax visited n few Jjys n Koe*ev|jie last meek. —Miss Josephine r»ull s and brother Mr. U J. fluilis *r*» in matUberg for a few da* s. —Caavasscrs from ihe Presbyteriaa «hurt h vr»re calling in town last Sun- day aftrrnoaa. —The Hev. H. F. Taus of Keeeev-flle win bald a service in the chapel nest SusdHv at 3 p. m. -Mrs- George Stark Is spending a few weehs ia Keeeeriiie. ~Tb*» tnacy fiifnae of Dr^ ance regret te hear of his —An vchpmm party at A usable Wednesday evening was eery interested la watching the the —We are amrtng a taking the the toe fs the —Mr. M. K. by betting his he got laisbJng touch throat cut Akulack < why the Kshuno refused to paay Mr. Radford said that the man s wile aas taken 111 and Mr. Radioed not uadersianding the Fakimo lan- guage must have taken n wrong naeaa- ing and tried to force obedience. AAulac* named the pruic.pal murder- era aa Hutl ia-iara aad Ani-me-kexnic. Th.s rei*ort like ail others Irum the inuiana. m.gut be lai»e. but aa Akue H4i it coafc^aered a hrst-ciass and re- i^b.e i.«Mk.*u%». aid as 1 tiled to im- jftM Li on kun the coutvequences re> e.uiu-6 Irum *iiy l*us*z a;aun*e£U iiiJiiv . v inui on ^«i^tl j-er»* n* as Mr. i;auio:d «kud Wr. t?ireet -md the deter- n.;:*!.* *uj in ^a.ch he eaciuded his his un«i!lingness to go back into that ... .r «t>3 A txkuer. 1 have to doubt there is a ceruia amount af 1.1^ iL L S MaTem'M«tS. UL.Je 1 mas in2*nd I had aa Eaki- WHEN \OV VISIT PIATTSBCRU STOP AT THE ARCADE HOTEL Plattfeburg, is. \. 3% 41 Clinton ©t. Eurcrpcaui Plan. Table tie bote dinner served daily, 12 noon to 2 p. m. A U carte rcsUurant connected w.'th the hotel. Grill f c ladies and frentlemen. Rooms With Bath. We cater to automobile oarties. B. ST. UOUIS, Prop. VRYPTOIT I\r LENSES eCV Every Other Person Needs Glasses The diet res* of event *nin Is notntng h<iw«»v«*r. 11 the osurese ol be ng impr »perU att>d Ooraartaod. are thoroughly moiera. t! yoa eatW from e.Twstraia gtae<«^ will tie a^sr.fbed t > b tna: them t^i aortal eo^di una. If your «*yea are a**raial, and d<v not require *le*ar*. we wiil sla^^v •>»!! «ou en. W- grind «»nr own f^oses and can artv«* y«#a your work the da^ we eaamiae your ey^s. N. A. BOYLE Op* •'id Mtnutftrtartau OpW-w: New Varfc «t»te Optomotrist 79 t jrgjrd St, PUttsaars. ^ V P LATTSBURG Q THEATRE Friday,, Mar. 20th Returr of the Season's Great- est Success OLIVER MOROSCO Offers the Greatest Comedj of the decade PEG O'MY HEART Br J- Hartley Manners, In- terpreted by an admirable c^st— Laurette Tay- lor's Continued Success HOSTILITIES OPENED IN VERMONT BEFORE LEXINGTON aa March 13th should be a memorable' ^ay in Vermont s history, for on this day, 3? days before the battle of Lex- (rom ail blame and! 11 * 011 - *oati*.fJea began at Westmin- ster ia that state, where William French was shot ~by the hands of Croei M inistereal tools of Georg je 3d la the Corthouse at 11 a Clock at night." so says the epitaph still to be in the ! PRICE5 1st IwRowsOrcfccsira. kesnaiaeer Orchestra .. I H.t >| ||ow ftakoay Rcsnaiader Baicoay .... \ I*rc*s«~ercle Oassery .-...$ 1.50 _^.SI00 ^1.00 75c 50c ^5c TUO inui.iig «ith the same band Ka-aa-zni and from what I learned * from h m the maiortty are atitt ia taw! ***** **&**** Freacl his Body ilea prim.t;re state sad are Still ueang For ****** *** B * op * *** v bows aad arrowa, and that all eaerreisj ***** and disputes are gwieraily aettied by j inag Gang* taa third his Tory the death of aae of tae ofashstsats jTaa wrtth a ksyerl bas head 8aot Threw U this report fts true there is one **r Uherty thmg that 1 can saw, that Mr. ataeanrd He very try stxOrtag'AprT! IS. ITTk taa Mayia. Charged With Frederick C Backus, a real operator was held is fl*90# bail la taa Tombs Court.'New York, oa cornjaistat of Spencer Aidrich. The warrant am which Backus was arrested clanrsma that he took 1100 from the Adirondack League Club, of No. 2S organization of owners of land. According to the police, formerly waa ssajstaat ta taa taryof the claa. Express The Carted 8tataa ta d!^ lee la V- F. I -I h I i ft n

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Page 1: V ' kkn ikknyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-03-20/ed... · 2007-02-23 · iag *V r work of correvtii ^eotueinsasori, baeafr*?ti-ydanotstimulateilia twees) to0t*T\tn*>n,

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IS DANGEROUS , _ _ , — - (F«<«eal Action on Improvement Urg>

PinkleU, the New Laxative, t •* **' **•* *"••••* •*« «4 Really Do Correct I t : N ^ * r " N#w Vork ,"t"Mta' The su ft-rer ^«m constinatten, id dia»

tre**^ a t* r eariig. gas torn* on the uoniacU, t'*o aUloruea hat a fooling of «>nvi*<!r* **i4 wc^ul ami ia bant aad d»»

fw» blood soon ahsorh* poisons thai pkmli have Uvn e*priit*l and loss of gabh itSowtf that the body is being poorly aau-- M lleedarars l^-otoe frequent, t*w pat-•*«»! id drowsy, irritable and miiae pur** futtL

r\akn-LS the new laxative fulls, do not jojroittlH re*lc*4 bfiVare s>x*mipti»h~ iag *V r work of correvtii ^eotueinsasori, baeafr*?ti-ydanotstimulateilia twees) to0t*T<>\tn*>n, Tiny sauiiat aatata as aaCj thai t*»e anion is regular and (oron-V 5.4 witttoul gritiinr. tfnkJrfg pat t'*» i* ver, stoiaaru and bowel* in bar* ptmi **•, per!ert working onlff.

A ') »rttr»alolIinkW4^ will eonviao* »xi that i?»«-y are Ilia itlra! laxative, %/rery d racist «wn now suptdy T«*e with r^Wst^cwaddt irrboafe . II rile to the l>r. Wi!»iamg M«>tlrina Co,. R Km* r a S ' . K V^ioral laalat l iuokMiinc ailaiHMiiibdliaaaaaaal af

Sl'ft'K!-:.*£ COURT OF TMK 8TATI of \ i * York. Kaaai Couaty—Eamily

r: C^ra. Kthel G Caa#a. Mary Ca &ti '

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* A K i%« aov^r. KVo4#rte|| Q «i- • k u o * a a« rrwOrrlrfe Q

a, n n*. sgaiiist Joan T . HalL •. .t* hnr» at U » . dairlaawa.

^ icnt^s of naat of k ia of

laai l 4 aa>. and taal i . * vt-> and kuaaaada. tf aay

a:.J «ko«a aaaaea axa aa i ?.nga, Anna J. Hoader

- . t a Hek»a C Potior. ' i i . « r i n b«wrdal#y. aiao

- l k nrs |t#ardai#r. a w e d ; N.rtii. J iiriag. taa aairt

. . ^.^e* graataea, aaitgataf ' . n »f aaid Uooraw C. Nortav ., 1 »:.<rir r«ap«ctiYa wlvaa aad

> f i i , r all of wkoai aad • .r.--> AT** imknowa to plata-: • - Mutual i-f* laaoraaca

Laka Caaaiplaia la aa oaaeatlal part of aay through waterway syaieai ba-

|imeoa Atlantic at&ooard puiau aad Canada, aad projects aow undar way or likely to rocei?a favoraals aetioa la tas aaar tutors greatly eaaaaoa tbs ituportaaco of gaaeffoas treatmaat of the Caaaiplaia dlatrict.

ForwaMjat la polata of coat aad aaar* sat to taa lakvs Is of course taa graat recoaatracUoa of tag EH* Caaal aya tasa taa Now Barge Caaal. oa walck aa amount apatoarbliig |t&0.ga#.awi la la coarsa af ampaadltara. TaJs will replacs taa aid woraoat caaal witk a

waterway aatwasa Late Erla Hadsoa Rirer af twelve-foot

aaatb. wttb locks of sack dlaisggtaas to adamit of tka paaaagw of bargee of XCKKI toaa* caaaelty. Taa Caaaiplaia Caaal, coaaecUag taa Mudaoa Rlvar at tke saaaa tanafaal point. Watarford. wRa Lake Caaaiplaia. la a part af taa atato syatasm. Hoik of taesa water­way* eoaaeet w|tk taa AtUatlc aaar i* krd tarougk oaa V the great*** aa* oral watercourses la taa country, taa liudaoa Riier. r«qutrtng no improve­ment oa its lower portion, aad witk rVOerai artioa for tne devpeaing of. T a # |«portaacw of the Battla of its upper channel partly under « r . | H k m l l J I | r t i r c . ^ i u c ^ a to r*tognl * laaaanably aaaured cf future eaten- | | l o m t / ^ c o e ^ ^ & ^ Vnlim4

IUOO. At u t saoutk« tals liver cog> necta witk Long lalaad Sound and all the great traAc of aoatkrra N^w Eng­land. whUe tae opening of taa Cape Cod Canal wilt give ready passage tor modern bargee of large canarity to react Maanarbuaeita Ray aad Boetea karbor. StUl more important aa a freight trmJtc producer will be the At*

(laatlc intraeostal waterway chasm, aa (whick the Army enataeers aave aow

favorable reconmmeodntkiaa

A TONIC FOR THE NERVES Nervou* |«T»pU« wl*o l»a\«* i.« t >rt <*e-

YelopiHl a nuiii4^s that eat i t«* i*Ht>ginM%i an I trvateil by it«e ni«Mik«-al proita^'i! li3vatl»egrtauwtti*»uUe in Dieting n> liof. lrntatu»nf 1*4 ia* IM*, iJ *-|»k*4»m^Hf uenxMi<«t]ya|>e{i«»ia9 ail thus* discou»ioit» iu^Le life un«eial>le but arv «-u«lured raUnr Uian run a citM-tor'g bill aiUiout uV unit* h»f»s of r tx>%e*>

Kvt*ry aut-h auil«-.*r aiiotild kiK>w tlw datij**r of Mich a i"»!nlil.*»:« of t. e i n r -\ Hi3 •yaf i i , >irrvuiMd«'i*iiuy aii*l e%c«n paralysis may easily n MJU U IIKJ tone ol U>c uentw is not rv*u>ti «i.

Tin* one *»•/ fa*-t it.kt l»riu^« U*>f* and Mivf m Uiai Uia tu rvtw cam be n>umd by buibiuiiT upt)»e b!«imL It rauuid l e loooftrn rt-i aU^I that only iim>u^!i the b!ood can aotirisbtiM-nt **>*! v*-*Urirm rom*h the nerves. l>r ^liiliann** lit.k l*iil?« tuaJke lite Mot>l TMU aitd t"d a J quM'kJy rntota vitality a:ui ei»««rry to a weak aer%«»ussypi4-u&. A n«r*ou* |er-sua wbo gt%ia tin^e yills atrial i* a-iticed certain toseag->o»l rti-alsf s»HI» w^i*l b tnoret the breetit will l«e la«tu»< beiatisa the troal4a is atlat*l»eil at its to*** 1 bta UR> I maktw w««ak i»^r>r^ Ruildiag a f tin* Ui-o.1 reaVuvs the nerve ior«>e.

t n t a h o g o f l»r. WiUiau V link Fills trwtay aa«l writ* the l>r V. illtan • Xle»li-eitiet^o., r hetM«-ta«l.v, V V . Vr a free eopy of ** l>isnasss of ti*t* Ner%ou* .^yanu. ••



9%t AbV

States were areaeated to the sul mittee of the Senate Committee aa the Library at Waahiagtoa last ween ta moat Impressive manner Sen ator Hoke Smith of Georgia could not be present aad Senator Root was sick

,la bed wtta lagnppe. so A^mMAor Luke Lea of Teaaeesee. tae able of the committee coaducted the leg atone, cnairsmaa Francis Lyade

(Stetson of the Plattabarg Centenary | Comauaaion nrat called upon Asststaat t Secretary of the Navy. Fraaklta D

Her H*r*9 and Courage SUppiag Over Dead Rody of Hus­

band la Rattle of Plattseurg, Rear Admiral A. S. Harker. V. S. N.

retired la the February issue of The Navy, the official organ of the Navy League of the Culled States, is the author of No. I to i series of aaval romtnisceace* by famous ofUcer* of the United States Navy. Admiral Bar­ker's contribution to the serks ** * story of the late Admiral Joseph Smith, a veteran of the War of 1*12. who told the story almaetf ta Admiral Barker nearly forty years ago. Admir­al Saiitk was thee ** years of age. The story tells af the battle aa Lake Cbampaia. when Smith, then a Uee- \ tenant was attached to the Saratoga* Cfeiennewore Macdoaougka flagship {

When the Kagle Joined the flotilla aaar Plati sourg. oa Lena Ckamplata." j the story as t Id to Admiral Barker by Almiral Smith reads: 1 was earringj

aa the Saratoga, Commodore Machoa-ougks flagmhlp, aa second Ueuteaaab Raymond Ferry waa her nrat lieu tea-' ant One day the coauaudore told

| me to pack my tmak. as he was going i to tranafor me to the Kagle, to be her grat beutea%nt. Capt Henley having

leaked for me The Commodore took !uW to k<-r In his own boat. I "The Kagle required a good deal of iwork to get her in good nghtieg trim. ' aa she waa n new v*M»et. mounting 20 gusa. I wormed fci:d altering rg-ciug mud s^ila. working early and late. frequently with palm and needle my­self—until *he was toleribly well flt- mm ted out. But we were short of men to


We can dupl catc any lens from the broken |vrcc« without the, pre-s.s iption.

We grind all our own lenses and duplicate any lens within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS and m the majority of case s within THREE HOURS



Ib« fa4a; ^««k KHESbVIU.e 27ih

kkn ikk

\>z:;,a t .f New York; WU1 lam ^ ' . ^ L : *'*•*.* I? Sprague. -?nu: -. J-nn ^ \l Morris aad Albert •1 rr^-^hton. Hal \ sUi-t k. the wife of i C.

» o m s aaa njsen ^ U t o f t 4 9tomm4 and the head of Us Leomnd. Jennie ^ ^ — l f c # ^ J o | l M ^ ^ ^

Mr. Stetaoa made a Me pointed out to

for connecting the aataral baya, M U M « a .4 rt*.r« *!•»« t t e ™™* . ^ ^ ^ * m

^ a b o v d i» « * * • w*y M to p t o r t * | t u M ^ | t a | ^ ^ tlmMck « a ^ o r t * i i « . N>.««« t o « , ) U k M ^ t M k SfMm to C < J - B

of navlaav • J T ~ orate tne victory aad of the latereat Florida*! W^M ^ # w^ vm T«

i Ixmg lalaad Re^ad aad New Torn 7

t e n - Jrnare- betag actRtwaa; ^ Mlgmm4j ^ . ^ ^ b T l t ^ As ifL, hratlaa name of said aefwa ^ ^ M l a f t d K a l s W | U . ^ ^ Umf

last • ng unkaowa ta plaiattaTs; Ed I •ird Harnett, rl J Barker

persons having or c iay interest ta or Uea upoa t h e | R | T f s r ^ rtw i9 ^j^^ -s desenbed is tke complaiat. — b T ^ ww*^ t9

aata Trial deeared la t h e ! ^ ^ ^ t death for of Esse*

Te tke above named defeadnats j m*w- t*» Delaware City.

v i rk the guns. 1 g Jt t%*pt. Heaeys par-mi«*«oa to urge tne Commodore to let ua have some uf tke crew of kls flag-ship, and at last he agreed to give me forty men. twenty to be selected by a r t from volunteers, aad the oth-**r twenty to be selected by hte f)r*t

•aid he could Admiral Smith remember tae name of hero the records la the Navy Depart-rieat aiao bear out the tratafulaees of tbe «tory *A narrated by Admiral Suiitk to Admiral

PORT KENT. As altaost ev«-rw one vol- mm « . nickea out treaty at«d' 7 * ' , "**"* * ***** m** * * • « • sometime after tke

convincing iieuteaant unterred. I . _ _ . _ _ _

and. of coorae. the nrat tteutea, i * « • « « ***» —< « aat gave me tne taenty he coasidered *** ** °* t k * " • **** W

^ tae least dealraate. StUl there m******1***^ They had a flaw ride. ~~— day he took a load af


Well-Knewn Writer at-d Earlorer Mn4 Companion Last Life la Quarrel

Witli Eskimo. Official details of the aad of Harry

V. ttadfocd and T. George Sweet* who met death in tke Far North* have Just been received from the Canadian mounted police. They Indicate that A quarrel followed a misuadorstaadlag between fUdiord and his Eskimo, In which both American* were Allied-

Mr. Hadford was a member of the Society of the War of 1812. and Franh W. Thomas. Presides! of the society ia Troy undertook to secure the de­tails af k*s death for the society. He

aid of Heary Harmea No-of Albany aad Rouses Point aad

la reply to the Utters letter has re­ceived the report of Mr. HalL The Hudson Bay Cosapany s factor at

to Mr. Ray of the company, the oAcer la charge

of the NeJsoa River district, which fat-laws aad esplalna Itself

Chesterweld Inlet, Jane 11. 1*1*. 0. R. Ray. Keq.. Omcer In Charge Nel-

soa River District. Dear Sir: The Eskimo Akulark who

took the Radford party from Shulu Lake to Bath hurst Inlet arrived today and reported that both Mr. Radford and Mr. Street were murdered by the liatkhunit Inlet Kektmo. Co* muck. Mr. Radford s trader at Shultz Lake. aaa the fifbt to bring down the new*, but aa 1 generally take little stock In Indian yarae, I placed very little con-ndeece la it unul I saw Akulack my­self.

liotk Mr Ford and myself question­ed him tulce today and his version of the story was practically the same as Cow-mock a.

Akulack left Mr. Radford about the ;*h of June and s}*ent the sammer a IHtle sooth of the Eskimos, tut came in contact with them several times, and also bought a wife from them,

order, which he o r e bought and paid for with n rifle.


r'AfiK THfiflU

Is L e a s e he w apt L §L Butlls aad wife

When Akulack parted from Mr Rad-tae least demlrable Still there * « ^ ™ ~ r ~ K J " ^ " " * " ^ "*•" T b # f o r « * ^W^vs that everything ana not enough to work the guns property T r * ^ '* . t o ° * a hm4 * ** • V good order, he had ha

A few day. before the fight 1 got ****** t o * * * * * * * « « * « * . Run- mmd p ^ p ^ ^ w w

permiaaioa to go oa shoe* to see If I ' * * * •"loinonilea • • ************* t<* b* **»Wu~. t*. t*o of ls> rouid get axy of our soldiers ta n ^ " " * * ^ T ? 7 ^ ... «d were supposed to guide k l a ta a]

e baler that waa wintering some sixty j



in a watch or clock. If it doesn't keep correct time vou might as well sHl it for old metal. But if it can be made right, we can do it We make a specialty of fine repairing and every timepiece that leaves this establishment is thorough* ly tested. This service costs no more than the ordinary kind. Better invest­igate.


. !


V^r?^=- r ri t. ^^dsr^^^^s^

try the Army eag^aeers to cwtv ^ coaaected w i u the battle oa a "• oat The Commodore gave me a ^ « • « * « Rantaa Bay with the Delnwnre » - M m k i ^ M ^ i r w m A ^ n j ^ *«* u . i^n^ml Macomb, commaadtng | • t ^ r ^ t t * risltora mat Thursday man which Heary K.

sad *»aca of them Vu. are hereby summoned ta am

«er ihe complaint in this artioa. a a w | 0 r

iu ^arve a copy of your answer oa the. mm4 r untifls auoroevs uithin twenty

2«)| days after the senru* of this semmons. etclusivs uf the day of ser vice: and :a case of your failure tc Han

• brought to the hearing Mr. AvertlL w a n o | ; but Macomb would not let looking quite well in spite of h*s » * have any men. saying he had not

, ^ightjfour years aad Just as keenly **<**gk i»oldiers te defend the place. j barge trahV from Boreeatowa aB the | f t U I W W U > a M rwmr to ^n x^ relates **d »e wsa eJEpectlng the British Geo-jsray to Delaware City, trom w h l c h ' ^ ^ , ^ ^ r > , ^ *au*y. atteaded the eral. with a superior force to

£ X than a

this protected

Ig recoeameaded with Bay through the purchase

af Canal

already arraaged tor of Caeseaeake Bay

with the North Cera* by the purchase of

greatly mjuyed

aad George

hearing Idreea. | Rev. L. A. V Stone of Vergeaaes, Vice

, Thoraas F. Coaway . Frank K Green of S t AJbaas, VL atom Dffliagkam aad Page of V

Rer. J<* * D. Caldwieh. D of the Catholic

Mrs. Joha Reaaeil and Mrs. picki- vera saopphag la last Tbureday.

- Mm. M. C Weatherwas was a bus­iness vial tor la KosssTlilo Thursday

>!rk if. n VanderbUt le visiting reist vri is Albany. N. T.

— Aa ice boat came over from Bur-


ndr>-attArk a t »in*o»« anytisae "Well General"* said 1 haven't you

W. ; m lot of prisoners that you would like " Yes Indeed.* he e*id: 'you may,

have all my ,wiseaern. If yoa want!1**' '* " " ^ "*** "** * gave me a ante to the


miles west of Point Barrow aad whom the Bnthharst times trade

Mr. Radford aaa about to make a start. In tart, the man supposed to go ahead and stirred mhen the ethers tacked out and would not go. and Mr. Radford to enforce obedience struck


•a n*

January 20. 1*11. HATCH A CU7TK.

Af!«-i:neys, No. lee >.£b af Manhattan, N.

spoke lorcefaUy aad eioqweaUy

htm with the handle of a whip. A fight t a n g l e Monday morning with several ^ ^ mnd Uf lim4titt4 m a s #Peared

in the oacA Ly another native. Mr. crossing n crack not tar u , ^ 1

from the point they ma lata shell k e in

were soldiers who far vari-

' and «• jwatnaa

thrown oat. The

aaeear or anavar iudgerment will be akea aga'nrt you by default for the!which Is to be enlarged

- \Uf demanded in the complaiat. Ued Below North Carolina two cae>| ^ - ^ ^ t n # r f ! m n lot af worn to tiectiag llnka wiU afford entrance t o . d o M e r e r y ^ f # u ^ ^ a ^ ^^^ ta a kind of red loeem. They were seat the long chaia of deep thoroogtifares ^ ^ ^ ^ D > ( ) | | # a t e r f ^ mpon. . for. and came la with their tncee aad that reach from Georgetown. 3. CX aBj T W puusbarg aad Veratoat Itdisji ;-tmT— —1 few clothes they had tnm.ihm ^

ay to the St. Johns River. 1 ^ ^ 9iMrtm4 home, with high hopes covered Hh red dirt—a hard looking ! It will, therefore, be readily aeea' l | u a pendsteat effort would wla for set. I told theta I

HnR. If that through the New Tort State

T the

To '

crar* nuJ : r * ^ •>•*<

Ul if

" N .rti***


1' :•

: reodanta, John T betrs at law. oerlaeee ' connecting the Hndaoa Riear with t h e i U o 0

^>.roees or aaxt of kia of Greet Lakes aad through govern T. Hall If any. and their work, which Is to Uak together ail af

erlfe ~ " s rua to- ti.v r. it* but

was muraerud before he had time to pel up any kind of fight.

According to the story told akulack Taey were alt at i r o f m

? W ™ ^ T munut *** ***** **** ****** kw one of the aativea who was suppoa with ball and chasm, d^cging trecches t o t k # . P < l ! t * ? • t o ° m tMm ***** *°* ***** «d te have witneaaed the fight tNe ve

lie> aad by the father af hia new wile, Mr. Radford put up auite a fight be­fore he gave m and had to be speared several tunes before he fell and as his life lingered as he lay oa the ground,

,tbe battle of Plattaburg the recognl- • them to the Ragle to fight. "*w

it deserves. I "The prisoners were delighted at those present at the hear the prospect: so t had their

Mr*. W. H. Suaadorff la la town


addition to the sprak^rm. w- knocked off aad marched them down , ing in * r^s and husbands, af any , tke coastal waterways. Lake Chans- fr^n inattaburg Mayor William H. te the landing Arthough I had a good

names are ua-' plain Is brought Into direct coneec- (Cw0g C i t j Judge ChatVs A. Barnard., ^es*»d bfaat. It took two trips to get and a.stiffs: Anna J. and Helen C. Potter.

ties wtth two vastly Unronaat nrter les of trtAr, and U Is oaly natural to


Tort ret .


fTtsner F. Botaford. Jay A Freeman. th*m aboard the Eagle. I thiak there VV K 1'arkhurat. Kdwin O Moore. Irs were about forty of them. They were

f < harles Beardsiey. also anticipate that a portion of the traffic f A R^wij on and Frank K. Rran. Joha then scrubbed, had their hair cwt aad

h^rles Beardalee; George ,rt.r ins ting ia th* t*-rr*Ti T « « u*R'g McDowell of Mooers Jurvction. ><esrds trimmed, and their dirty old i viiig. the heirs at law. »*#* an outlet to the Canadian market, j p y ^ Vertnont Robert VV. McCuen, clothes exchanged for pursers clota-

ir.tees. assignees or nest This will come about throuth neces-; f n h m iicfniveUy. and Millard F. Barnea. ing. I u^orge C. North. If any *arr improvement of Lake Ctounplaia _ r^ea there were Congres«-.:nan Peter' '1 stationed them at the guns end ; >vtive wives and hue and of the water course* th^t connect Q Teneyck of Atrmny: HOB. Jrtseph ^rilled th#-m morning and eight uatil

^a of a horn and whose the lake wtth the St. I-awrence R*ver.' H F^ l t t ir o] t nd Hon Salvalor** A the fight came off. *:io«n to plaintiffs, Wii- and b*inc as interstate prot»ositioa, rr*ti?lo of S>w York city. H*-n. John Just t»efore th^ tattle hslf a dorea ^l.'on. Alden Sprague. suoh ;mproT#»Tr*ent on Lah» Champiain j^r^x of Buffalo. Co! Ch*r!«>s A TI ># cia^s l^lorjging to the band oa

M >rrts and Alr^rt E i« properly within the rirovince of the riooth of Wasbingt'vn. D. C H^nry A -i» Te c%m* aboard, aad wjtn them the ' all other persons has ?e<Vrnl covemment- The deep^^-^ Wnrrmh of f*hilad*»'rhja, a rx^ndson s * 5fe of ore of the musicians I sta­ir to have any latereat a*d ftraighteaiiig of the channel in Gf^, Al«»xiine>r MsComb «ho com- t nr>ed the woman, near tb* mxcazSne. the premises described the Narrowa? and otb*r points in the m a r d ^ j ^ ^ 1^4 f^^^ m% rnattsburg j s fir from darker as possible. r Uke are of far more than local inter- ^ rharles Murray of N*w York city.! T h e Kms> had the head of the « summons Is aarred ***• *»d the business interests of New n^^^^ry ^f t be Catholic Summer line, and v n anchored with springs ubHcetioa. pursuant ta York aad New England should be n ^booi i->a her cable.

.e Honorable Hearr T TOtt *• raocmiaianaiag each Unnrora-j j ^ T b f t n m . ^ f j ^ ^ j p t r V d t o t J l k #

-e of the Supreme eoart »**L I Qv* on af awaary a«d Defwavid. • m posttkm sb#»ad. so as to rake the j Only so many cattle, bore**, sheep, ^ *«* t»«^d- **e then let go an

M Y K 1 D N E Y 5 A R K lor h o ^ c a a tw»tiot I f j faacatt lecarea K I L L I N G H E ! «** ****** *** **** ******* *** I***- n f l ******[** C l * Saratoga Another

iceet girls are famm** lata a railroad British vessel howewer. s^acreeoed ia the same manoeuvre aad raked the

f New York, dated 4. and filed with the Uth day of

•. the

7 of Essex at the e ta

tfr street car *a a enteral withont word of legal rtro-! v'-****-

be arrested ea the; ws,

—Mr. ssd Mrs. Albert Read

ta take ^ ' • " • " — - - ^ ***** Uo

i they have been rsaitlag —Mrs. T. F. Page ^

Waterbury. V u to attend the of her brother, Mr. Mara.

—Mr. Broseiey Spragae of A usable Forks waa la town mat Friday after *ome hoaaehold goods he moved ta the Forka.

—Mr. aad Mrs. B. Reed returned from their wedding trip aad are locat­ed ia the Faraham house.

—Miss Lydia Wlnship of Platte burg +n4 Miss Merril of Keeserille were cailirc oa friends In town Saturday.

—Miss Wmlherwax visited n few Jjys n Koe*ev|jie last meek.

—Miss Josephine r»ull s and brother Mr. U J. fluilis *r*» in matUberg for a few da* s.

—Caavasscrs from ihe Presbyteriaa «hurt h vr»re calling in town last Sun­day aftrrnoaa.

—The Hev. H. F. T a u s of Keeeev-flle win bald a service in the chapel nes t SusdHv at 3 p. m.

- M r s - George Stark Is spending a few weehs ia Keeeerii ie.

~Tb*» tnacy f i i fnae of Dr ance regret t e hear of his

—An vchpmm party at A usable Wednesday evening was eery interested la watching the the

— W e are amrtng a taking the the toe f s the

—Mr. M. K.

by betting his he got laisbJng touch throat c u t Akulack < why the Kshuno refused to paay Mr. Radford said that the man s wile a a s taken 111 and Mr. Radioed not uadersianding the Fakimo lan­guage must have taken n wrong naeaa-ing and tried to force obedience. AAulac* named the pruic.pal murder-era aa Hutl ia-iara aad Ani-me-kexnic.

Th.s rei*ort like ail others Irum the inuiana. m.gut be lai»e. but aa Akue H4i it coafc^aered a hrst-ciass and re-i^b.e i.«Mk.*u%». a i d a s 1 ti led to im-j f t M Li on kun the coutvequences re> e.uiu-6 Irum *iiy l*us*z a;aun*e£U iiiJiiv . v inui on ^«i tl j-er»* n* as Mr. i;auio:d «kud Wr. t?ireet -md the deter-n.;:*!.* *uj in ^a.ch he eaciuded his

his un«i!lingness to go back into that ... .r «t>3 A txkuer. 1 have t o doubt

there is a ceruia amount af 1.1^ iL L S MaTem'M«tS. UL.Je 1 mas in2*nd I had aa Eaki-


T H E ARCADE HOTEL Plattfeburg, is. \ .

3% 41 C l i n t o n ©t .

Eurcrpcaui Plan. Table tie bote dinner served daily, 12 noon to 2 p. m. A U carte rcsUurant connected w.'th the hotel. Grill f c ladies and frentlemen.

Rooms With Bath. We cater to automobile oarties.

B. ST. UOUIS, P rop .

V R Y P T O I T I \ r L E N S E S eCV Every Other Person Needs Glasses

The diet res* of event *nin Is notntng h<iw«»v«*r. 11 the osurese ol be ng impr »perU att>d

Ooraartaod. are thoroughly moiera.

t! yoa eatW from e.Twstraia gtae<«^ will tie a^sr.fbed t > b tna: them t i aor ta l eo^di una.

If your «*yea are a**raial, and d<v not require *le*ar*. we wiil sla^^v •>»!! «ou en.

W- grind «»nr own f^oses and can artv«* y«#a your work the da^ we eaamiae your ey^s.

N. A. BOYLE Op* •'id Mtnutftrtartau


New Varfc «t»te Optomotrist

79 t jrgjrd St, PUttsaars. ^ V


Friday,, Mar. 20th Returr of the Season's Great­


Offers the Greatest Comedj of the decade

PEG O'MY HEART Br J- Hartley Manners, In­

terpreted by an admirable c st— Laurette Tay­

lor's Continued Success



March 13th should be a memorable' ^ay in Vermont s history, for on this day, 3? days before the battle of Lex-

(rom ail blame and! 1 1 * 0 1 1 - *oati*.fJea began at Westmin-ster ia that state, where William French was shot ~by the hands of Croei M inistereal tools of Georg j e 3d la the Corthouse at 11 a Clock at night." so says the epitaph still to be

in the

! PRICE5 1st IwRowsOrcfccsira. kesnaiaeer Orchestra ..

I H.t >| ||ow ftakoay Rcsnaiader Baicoay....

\ I*rc*s«~ercle Oassery

.-...$ 1.50 _ ^ . S I 0 0

^1 .00 75c 50c ^5c

TUO inui.iig «ith the same band Ka-aa-zni and from what I learned * from h m the maiortty are atitt ia taw! ***** **&**** Freacl his Body ilea prim.t;re state sad are Still ueang F o r ****** *** B * o p * *** v

bows aad arrowa, and that all eaerreisj ***** and disputes are gwieraily aettied by j inag Gang* taa third his Tory the death of aae of tae ofashstsats jTaa wrtth a ksyerl bas head 8aot Threw

U this report fts true there is one **r Uherty thmg that 1 can saw, that Mr. ataeanrd He

very try stxOrtag'AprT! IS. ITTk taa

Mayia .

Charged With Frederick C Backus, a real operator was held i s fl*90# bail la taa Tombs Court.'New York, oa cornjaistat of Spencer Aidrich. The warrant am which Backus was arrested clanrsma that he took 1100 from the Adirondack League Club, of No. 2S organization of owners of land. According to the police, formerly waa ssajstaat ta taa taryof the claa.

Express The Carted 8tataa

ta d ! ^ lee la

V - F.

I -I


I i

f t
