v-: i> rnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031423/1914-07-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · first chist*...

»>,oiim» • . i i f . . . i.i.iio^fiiJii »»»»> *»I»I V-: v A i> r / h / > / )' »- j ' ^ / ' /V r •/ J *, / v> r\ •J > ST. LAWRENCE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. KKWSKTltKS. *; OGDENSBURG, N. Y M THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. VOL. XXXXVIII. 3L •JTT0WNEYS_ ind_ COWHLLORS. W gM* A Wit.LA, ATTOFNJITA AH Cnatt*Minr« m i*w, Oitdtftriiurif, N. Y. % A DISASTROUS rmr t |ltift*lluU* i> Tlalt vuur iwkUii ui the coun* erf *• msswhvrs. It w nbAoiuuiy nvrtnlti In •j*Pi*tt «t timiif pine** nm th*r» In * osrulntv •w 4 t a n * l«»«* in mrur frma b«tb Urg* sua swtU V M . Alltfttatdami rtlUbW* ha>nr*n<;r *•• art uol iirn|*rly Innurvtt. arrant* wllh f}. S, MfiAQHfiN* to do M st one*. II Hals St. CANTON. A. B. SMITH A SON, UKNIKAIi INSURANCE, lut t~uni» Mr.. 'MUHMtif t)|*»iit Hou*#« nUDKNlMtt HO, N. t. '•Ths l.lltln nn\v on Itit Politer." W* rsnrv»viit ^fly tlm old "turn* hied nud . Wrv«'fctted." llnMK, nf New York. lUllfr«»lll». ••Mlartfurd. I'llnKNlX. <»f lUittord, COHMKrrKTT.i.f llnrtfyrd, sjl'IIIMUr'ttil.ti. of MM'ui'titiwttt, NlAUAItA. ««f New Yoik, II VNitVMH, of NMW York, OOMMKMCt \ l . INH»M. oftitprlitid. rtlnfcNlX .\«*uranre «»r Hnjfintid. I.IIN|ii»N A«nirtim<9 «»f Rtirtlnurl, II AM III Mu Hit KM KN ..? Oeruuiiiy, All flee tiwimm** iMiriumttion efmsmt s*o *itMtr"M* tiiiitttt'iiil r«*«our<HHi. Thvyntiit|f«it\ »* «ivf»r fitly vtHtr« mid ilieol>lv*ti»vi*r one Hun- •lr»*l mni I'liflitv yl*wr* of nm». TIIIM mv AM. MPI.TI MII.I.UiNAIKF, COMI'ANIKB wtfli itsmiMiuteitMet* »'t ON* IM'NIHtK.I) MILLION Dot.i.AHI. " ,uuo fMt HS*f H ALWAYS IMk L'llMAI'Mrr, Allfnt.'t K..«MiTH. IttDWIK C.J. MMtTM •ol(TAIII.F.lLIKK. . * HV.'wn.C ril>RI.1'Y OA^I-ALTY. Avldvnt. |r,.1WM INSURANCE! J, R, DANDY 4 SON „. LIFB and MRB Connecticut General Life Oat raw* In otir NPW Foliej bvfora , you Innure. 4. •. fttfttV, H. .1. I»\NI»Y |^Vifi«- hmtttitvMi* it»tt. JWhy in»t lie |trui(iri»> | Ity tlmtii <:Min|iMit> 7 tV» IMUV'MII klinU lit lN-^1 H \«*(;|; Mill IIOMl%. IHWI-KY A HYI>tt, lit Fitril ^tr«M t, Ogil<Hi«btirtf, K. INSURANCE KSTADLISIIBD 1874 E5 CRESCENT (SO. WATER ST.) OGDENSBURG INVEST POR SAI'liTY. ,f P«iM InvfMora In llr<\ ,Mori« 6 0 / | «•««'* «MI Imru'vtU r*ri»M. /0| i" MUM, l-'nr)»rtMif, wlUi'Mit 1 ilMV 0.\|M>||«t> tn y«»ll, Wl'Ho, |*hun«ur uiitl nt iBmMte M. TUCrAMM MO'^rc.ACt A(»rN(.Y, 0(*0fNiBURO N Y aT, LAWRSNCE COUNTY FAIR. To Si Qlvtn August 25, 26, 27, 28, at Canton—A Qrtat Exhibition. TIIP above nre the ttntes for the 64th annual Ht. taiwretuo County Fair at ('auton. N. Y, $6,000 im* offered for premiums up- on exhibit*. |2,R00 for rnee». First chist* spoetat attractions have been secured and will give dally per- formances before the grand stand. Watch the papers for further an- huuncotnent of special attractions. Hand concerts on the grand stand 'inch and every day. The chutiKe o f date brings St. Law- rence County Fair the. second in the county this year. Oood premiums are offered for, all grades of cattle, sheep and swine. Orange* will avail tluiuselvs of the premiums offered them. Careful revision hus been made of the premium list. Examine It and you will readily see that good premi- ums nre offered for exhibits in all lines. Floral flail was the finest we ever bad last year. Applications have al- ready beou received for entries in this department, and we assure you tluit It will exceed last year's exhibition. Kntrts for races should be made as soon as possible to K. K. Btevens, racn secn'tary. Canton. N. Y. Entries In alt other departments should be made to Chas. M. Hale, secretary, Canton, N. Y. John nird. president; Chas. M. Hale, secretary; Cyrus F. Clark, treaaurer; William Sheets, superintendent. To Conftr on Highways. The nnnunt meeting of the town su pertnteiideuts of highways and tho supervisors of the various towns of Ht. Ijnwrence county will be held at Canton on Friday, July 31. to meet with a representative from the state department of highways and confer with him relative to highway mat- ters. The contract for the building of the Ifammond-Mtirrlstown road has been canceled by the contractors and this matter will be taken up for consider- ation at that time. CANTON NOTtS. Ocorgn V. Is said to buy only forty* flu suits of clothes a year. It must be great to be a king and have the word "only" appropriately used iu this cou- nsel Ion. Ttolla Noble and family motored to Trtpper Lake Sunday. Fred Ollmour and family motored to Ogdensburg Thursday. Hon. Milton M. Packard Is re- ported very til at Syracuse. Mrs. Iloracp t). Ellsworth enter- tained at tea Saturday afternoon. John Flnnlgnn of nuffalo. Is In town to visit relatives for a few weeks. Miss Eva Fpnuldlng is at Lake George. vlsltltiK relatives. Mrs. ttoy W. Alden and child of Masaeiia, are visiting Mrs. Alden's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. TUirrowes. Mr. and Mr*. John II. Clark re- turned recently from two weeks stay at Stillwater Club. Misses Marlon E. Lawrence and Murv A. Shea are speeding two weeks at f, T, Park, Prof, nnd Mrs. George Tt. Hurdle have returned from several weeks stay at Star Lake. Mr. Leonard Lewis, wife and dnttgli* ter of Ellenvllle. are visiting Mrs. George W. Tloblnson. Mrs. Clifford "Watson Of FhtladeK pbla, fa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Storrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Uogers and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McPliee are spending a few days in the Adirondack^. Mrs. M. J. Halcotne, who has been spending a few days in town, left Saturday for her home in Wntertown. Mrs. Nnthnn Francis and daughter, of Carthage, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Carrie J. Sawyer. Prof, and Mrs. George R. Huntley, nre at Uutland, Vt.. where they will re- main for a few weeks. Miss Catherine Catdwett has gone to Sea tile, Wash., to make her home with relatives. Mrs. Netlle LenE has returned from nn automobile trip through the Adi- rondacks. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Harper nre nt IllKley Falls, where they will spend several weeks. Miss Ida Stickles, who is tenchlng w iiool at Port Itlchmond, L. .1, is home tor the summer. Mrs. Will Hemenwny nnd son of Warsaw, N. Y., nre visiting at the ) Mne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ir;i Spauldlng. Mrs. H, E. Brown nnd daughter, (loldle returned during the week from several days outing at Cranberry l.:ike. Mrs. F. L. Blsson nnd little daughter, "MII havo been visiting Mrs. Mary H.curmlck have returned to their home In tJttcR, John (). Wheeler Is in Detroit, Mich., In attendance nt a meeting of the Su- premo Tent, Knights of the Macca- bees. Miss Mabel ftushaw, a teacher In the New York City schools Is In town for the remainder of the summer vaca- tion, .Mrs. Wilfred J. Mavllle of Ogdens- burg and Mrs. Earl Place of Hon, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Toomey. j Mrs. Herbert P. Cole of Mobile, Ala., arrived north recently ou a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reubeu T. Wells. HELENA. Helena, July 28.—Dr. C. F. Prairie has returned from spending a lew- days at Lake Placli'.—Miss Hazel Sharkey has returned from visiting friends in Cornell.- John Scullin hus been spending a few days In St. Louis. J. C. Lantry is spending a few days In New York.—Dr. 1). Hazeii has had a furnace^ and water works put in his house, also treated it to a coat of paint which makes it look very nice.— Mrs. Anna (Jeehau who has been sick for some time Is able to be out again. —J. C. Lantry, H. Lebarge, Uoscoe nnd John Sharkey were in Malone on Thursday.—Mrs. Win, Carr of New- York, visited lie* sister, Mrs. B. Hazen the past week. T. W. Shean and Jess McCarthy of Massena, were business callers here on Thursday.—M. A. Hal- llhan of Brasher Falls was in town on Thursday. -Mrs. Grant of Corn- wall, WHO has been here caring for the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lantry has gone to her home leaving her little charge much better. —Fred Butler of St. Regis Falls, is a guest at W. A. Norlands.—Barney Lantry is at the He • Bleu Hosp'tal in Cornwall having ueatment for a sore foot caused by an Ingrowing nail. --Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Nevlu spent Fri- day In Massena.—Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Neviif are entertaining their little neices. the Misses Margaret and Marie Mnhoney and Catherine Dawson also JmueB Dawson of Wutertown. Mr. and Mrs. F. Law uf Malone. also spent Sunday at their home.—Wilbur Yandow is laid up with o sore foot caused by the fulling of an iron rail while working on tho section.—Mrs. J. C. Lantry Is spending a few days iu Massena, the guest of her brother, I). Nevin's family.—W. H. Johnston silent Sunday In Moiru, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, Hyde.—Mrs. House and children who have been visiting her brother, Mrs. L. H. Blanchard at the Junction the past month left for her home in Williamstown Vt., ou Saturday.—H. A. Lantry of Malone, was home over Sunday.—Miss Sarah Carvlll*) spent a couple of days In Massena the past week.—There is a Sunday train running from Montreal to Massena beginning yesterday, which arrives here about 11:10 o'clock and returns at 4:40 o'clock.—R. E. Hefter- muu and W. C. Hill of Brasher Falls are in town today.—C. J. Ward was home from Massena on Sunday.—W. 11. Johnstone is having his house painted.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leclair of Lake Placid, spent the past week with his mother, here.—Ralph Hutch- Ins of Massena, was in town on Satur- day.—Miss Marjorie Fletcher Is recov- ering from nn attach atf chicken pox.— Miss Anna Lantry spent Wednesday at Fort Covington.—Carl Haiuliu spent Snuday at Massena. GOUVERNEUR. FARMERS WILL ORGANIZE TO BUY THEIR SUPPLIES. Movement on at Gouverneur Whereby Agriculturists May Get Wholesale Rates. Gouverneur July 24.—Secretary Arthur F. Corbln of the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce returned today from the two days' meeting of the New York State Bureau of Co-operation of the Department oi. Agriculture at Utica. Mr. Corbln Is very enthusiastic over the results of the meeting and with Manager Charles S. Phelps of the St. Lawrence County Furm Bureau and Alexander J. McCoy secretary of the Gouverneur Grange, will begin next week to secure a group of farmers in St. Lawrence county who wish to or* gauize a cooperative society under the new law, which requires a capital of $"»00. To this end it will be the aim of these men to secure 100 St. Lawrence county farmers who will pay $5 each and thus Incorporate as a society. Superintendent Mark W. Cole of the Bureau of Cooperation will be here In two Weeks. The object of the society will be to teac|i farmers how to pur- chase spraying outllts, chemicals for fertilizing, furm feeds and farm ma- chinery. The plan is to buy everything in carload lots. Wholesale dealers in farm machin- ery, feed and apparatus have agreed to give tiie lowest possible prices pro- viding the goods are ordered iu large quantities. Among those from Northern New York who attended the Utlea meeting were: F. R. Robertson, manager of the Jefferson County Farm Bureau, W. H. Vary of Watertown, master of the State Grange; Charles 8. Phelps, man- ager ot the St. Lawrence. County Farm Bureau; A. F. Corbln, Gouverneur F. L. Kllbourne and Ira Sharp, Lowville. •\ w C0LT0N. Colton. July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Clem- ent Munger and friend, Mr. Taylor, of Albany, ure gvwsts of Mr. and Mrs. George Spear.—Mr. and Mrs. Earle Woodall and children of Utica, visited their brother's family. Earnest Ban- croft and Mrs. Woodall's mother, Mrs. Lavoru Vebber, the past. week. Mr. Woodall was a former business man of Colton and their many friends were glad to meet them.—Mrs. Arthur Sails has gone to Rochester and ufter a brief visit will leave for Florida to be absent some time. Mrs. Sails will join her husband, Arthur Sails and brother, Lester Fallon, wlto arc in employment there.—Miss Barker and little niece, Miss Francis Miller have returned from their visit to Glerw-Falls.—Mrs. Clark Cowles and little grand daughter Naomi, of High Flats, were the guests of Mrs. N. W. Jefferson on Saturday las*, remaining uver night and attend- ing services at the M. E. church on the Subbath.—The parlor meeting of the W. C. T. U. held at the home of Mrs. Dolly Rudd on Saturday evening was a success in every way. A good number were In attendance and al- though many of them wended their way homeward in the heavy rain we trust it did not dampen their zeal for the temperance catise.—Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. Hattle Hayes gave u social at the home ot Mrs. Jefferson on Wed- nesday afternoon for the benellt of the M. E. Aid society.—Miss Anna Olm- stead has gone to Potsdam, after spending some time at her home here. —Miss Fanny Hayes, clerk at the Long store iu enjoying a vacation out of town.—Mrs. John Leary and daughter, Miss K-ithryn and Miss Nellie Leary went to Tupper Lake on Sunday in the Hassett car.—Superintendent Herrlck and son, Roy, Glen Munger and Dun Fuller enjoyed a day at Stark on Fri- day last.—Miss Hattle Lenny of Pots- dam, Is visiting relatives in town.— Allen Winslow, the young son of Rev. and Mrs. Smith passed away at his home on Monday evening, July 27th, after u long illness of tuberculosis. The funeral service was held from his home ou Wednesday with interment at Canton.—Hon. A. B. Hepburn has recently presented the Library with a three-volume history of New York, en- titled, "The Progress of the Empire State," edited by Charles A. Conaut. The volumes are devoted to histori- cal, financial, industrial and literury development of the state. They are the product of a number of prominent financiers and writers, each dealing with his own specialty. The work will prove invaluable to teachers of his- tory, and of interest to the general reader. The circulation of books the \ past week was 87; of magazines 13 and reading room attendance, 49. Boston complains that it has too many pickpockets. But we don't sup- pose it has much on the other cities; none of them feels that it has just the right number. Gouverneiir, July 2*.- Another hot Wave arrived ou Saturday with a tem- perature of 80 in the shade.—Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Parker attended the meet- li.p of the Press Association at Alex- andria Bay.—Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Whit- ney motored to the Bay and took a river trip lust week.—Will Draper has disposed of bis newspaper and maga- zine business to the Payne Chemical Company and the periodicals are now on aaie at that store.—Miss Edna M. Whittemore. of Maiden, Mass., is the guest of Miss Parker of Grove street. —Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson have the symparthy of thlr friends In the loss of their baby who lived only a few days.—J. W. Ormlston is.spending a few davs with friend, Clinton Burch of Adam's.—Miss Ettie Wilson, of Brooklyn, is spending her summer va- cation with Mrs. E. A. Jenne.—Rey. C. A. Livingstone is supplying the pulpB of St. Paul's, Watertown, for a few weeks.—The Ttnysday evening band concert was ghen on the West side.— The Patrick Carnival Company held Inrge crowds every evening last week. The show gave fairly good satisfac- tion. The grounds were gorgeous with six hundred electric Jlghts.—Joseph West, a local carpenter, was quite badly injured by falling from a stag- ing. He was badly shaken and receiv- ed a severe scalp wound.—The Gouver- neur fair managers have secured Hornbrook's wild west for free daily exhibitions.—The Gouverneur Cham- ber of Commerce visited the mineral industry of Edwards and Fowler last week.—A few days since, an Italian laborer committed suicide on the Dewey farm three miles from this vil- lage, by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. His body was found with the weapon still elapsed in his right hand. The coroner held an inquest and the unfortunate man was burled in Riverside cemetery. He was despondent from ill health and had no relatives in this country as far as can be learned.—Prospect street has been macadamized and is In fine con- dition.—Adelbert Althouse who has had charge of the waterworks for a number of years has resigned. George Cottrell has been appointed his successor.—Mrs. Adelaide Taltt has a new five-passenger Speedwell car which is a beauty. Sam Carlyon holds the Hirottle.—Miss Bernice Morgan is recovering from a severe illness.—Last week the young people had a lively succession of luncheon, teas and showers In honor of Miss Gertrude Scholton whose marriage occurs on Tuesday at the Catholic parsonage. A small reception will follow at the home of the bride. Miss Scholton was a graduate of Vassnr and has been teaching this year in Bellville which is the home of the fortunate groom, Mr. Chapman.—Robert Johnson is at Syl- via Lake for a few weeks.—All the ministers leave this Week for their summer vacation. The sherpherdless Bheep will doubtless take to their ,autos, and hike away to the river and to the springs, and to the woods.— The annual school meeting will be held at the school house next Tuesday even- ing. Three trustees are to be elect- ed, and the voters will decide whether or no to sell the present high school building to the town for a town hall and opera house, for the Bum of thir- ty-two thousand dollars.—George E. Beaman, a young farmer on the Little Bow road, fell from the inclined road- way leading to his barn, a distauce of fourteen feet, and was seriously injur- ed.—Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ormislon of Arkansas City, Kansas, are in town for a'few weeks with relatives and friends.—Mrs. E. H. Merrick of Mis- awaka. Ind., is the guest of Mrs. Payne and other frieuds.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warrington of Maiden, 111., | will arrive tills week and be the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Beaman.—Rev. Ourtin G. Roop of Canton, will officiate in the Presbyterian church next Sun- day—The Dorcas society will hold a cooked food sale at the home of Mrs. Close Saturday.—The many friends of Mrs. West brook were pained to learn of her death. Mrs. West brook was born In this vallage and spent her early years here.—Antlm Meyeur, of Syracuse, spent Sunday in town. POTSDAM. -iLISBON, Lisbon, July 28.—Mrs. Hattle C>aig of Ogdensburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Craig. —Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Geary of t T tlea, are visiting relatives here.— Mrs. Josie Glass and Miss Lena Au- bry spent Saturday with Mrs. Chand- ler iu Madrid.—Mr. and Mrs. Clinton King, Mr. and Mrs. Edward MeCready attended the funeral of their aunt in Ogdensburg Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Orln Baer of Eel Weir, spent Sunday with her lather. Charles Moore.—Mrs. Byron Wallace entertained two friends from the State hospital last week.— W. J. Davis of Burke spent Sunday at the Patten home.—Miss Edna McGraw of Madrid. Is spending n few days with friends here.—The U. P. and W. *M. Sunday schools will unite and have their picnic in Brown grjve on Friday, Aug. 7th. All are invited to attend.— Miss Margaret Looby S|>eut Saturday at the O'Brlne House. Madrid.—About forty-live couplet* attended the dance in the town hall Friday evening.—Mrs. Floyd White and sister, Jennie Akins spent the past week with their uncle in Brockvllle. Ont.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst of Ogdensburg, visited Mrs. Samuel Moore on Monday.—William Adams Is entertaining his sister from Madrid.—Miss Ruth Wallace suffered a severe attack of acute indigestion last week.—Mrs. Henry Hargrove is spending a few days with her son, Ahah Hargrave at HeuveHon.—Miss Nellie Scott of Flackvllle, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Ben Kelley— William Merrill oi. Potsdum, is visiting old friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy King are the happy parents of a young son, bom Saturday.—Frank Moore of Ogdens- burg, spent Sunday with Samuel Moore.—Olive Castleman of Norwood; is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M T. Stock- ing.—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ray born | ol Ogdensburg, spent Friday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mullen.— Mrs. Mary Halllday who has been spending the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Alma Becksteud, has gone to her home in Canada.—Mr. and Mrs. George Akins,uud family have gone to Alexandria Buy for a week with rela- tives,—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright and family motored to Saranuc Lake, Thursday nnd stayed until Monday.-— Miss Margaret Murphy of Madrid, spent a few days last week with her mother.—Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown of Frahklort, ore here with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown.*— A free concert will be given in the U. P. church Monday night, Aug. 3. All are invited.—Dallas Downing of Phil- adelphia, Pa., is here for the summer with his fcrand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. TO HOLD TENT GATHERINGS 8er| C f of Meeting! Will Be Held In Each Town. Potsdam, July 27.—Rev. 8. T. Dib- ble pastor of t h ^ local Methodist church and also tfflstee of the Brush- ton Camp Meeting Association, said toduy that the association intended to purchase a smaller tent and hold a series of meetings one ir. each town in the district, as a substitute fo.* the Bruslitou camp meeting which will not be held this year Mr. Dibble stated that he was not sure whether or not the plun would be put in effect tills year but efforts would be made In that direction. It would be Impos- sible to have a meeting here he thought owing to the presence of the Chuutauquu in August. Mr. Dibble gave as the reason for the nbondment of the camp meeting the rearrangement of the district which left the place of meeting to one side. It was the opinion of the trus- tees thai more could be accomplished by the smaller meetings to which every member of each congregation could go without effort if they saw fit. T a storeroom for finished goods, such as picture frames, desk*, etc., and there were badly damaged. LOUISVILLE. Louisville, July 27.—Miss Vfary TJ. Power visited her friend, Miss Carrie Shaver nt the Landing three days iiW. week.—Mrs. Henry Ho'tfce and daugh- ter, Miss Mary were guests of rela- tives last week In Potsdam.—The fun- eral of William Stone, eldest sou of Mrs. Mary Stone, who was shot in Chicago, July 18, was held from the M. E. church Friday. Much sympathy is extended the mother and brothers. —Mrs. John Doud and Mrs. Michael O'Brien spent Wednesday with Mrs. George Sutton at the Landing.—Miss Ella Rutherford of Fisher's Corners, is visiting at Levi Powers.—Mr. und Mrs. Chas. Wilhifd and daughter, Ruth of Norwood, are spending a few days at the Willard home in town.—Arthur Fay of Madrid, and? sister, Miss Ida Fay of New York, were Sunday guests of their sister, Mrs. J. H. Whalen.— Mrs. Benjamin Nichols spent last week in Colton with her sister.—The dance in hall Friday night was attend- ed by twenty five couples. A good time was enjoyed. The music was first class.—St. Mary Annunciation of Brasher Falls Is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary McClosky.—Mrs. Michael Murphy of Ogdensburg, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes and son of Madrid, Mrs. Philip Tiernan and two daugh- ters, Elizabeth and Frances, and Miss Frances Murphy of Waddington, at- tended mass at St. Lawrence church Sunday.—Fred J. Flanagan of Norfolk, was a Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Kate Flanagan.—Albert and Al- fred Raymo and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Arno went on the excursion to Ontar- io Beach Sunday.—Thomas McNulty of Gouverneur, and sisters, Mrs. Frank O'Brien and friend, Miss Boyle of New York, spent Tuesday at their farm here.—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Normile of Brasher, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Neil and children of Mas- sena, spent Sunduy with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Normile.—Master George Shepard Who hus spent the past week with Arthur Lee returned home Sunday witli bis parents.—Will Premo of New Hampshire, spent a few days in town with his parents.— Mrs. G. M. Browning and son, Ray, and Miss Anna Browning visited Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Power.—Mr. and Mrs. Levi Power spent Thursday at their cous- in's, Albert Rutherford's in Madrid.— Mr. and Mrs. George Tuttle and Miss Nancy Hawley of Potsdam, were guests Weduesday at Levi Power's. Anti 8«loon Men After Candidates. There was a large crowd present at the temperance meeting held at the park one evening lust week by the < ntl-Saloon League. Speeches were nude by L. P. Tucker and J. F. Burke of the league and E. A. Everett, candi- date for member of assembly from this district. Mr. Everett was asked for a state- ment of his atitude on legislation ex- tending the right of local option to cities, nnd his remarks on the subject were satisfactory to the league repre- sentatives. Mr. Burke spoke at some iength on the bill and attacked As- sembly Smith of North Lawrence for his failure to support It when it came' up in the EXCIBC Committee at Albany last winter. Letters were read from A. H. Wiggins, of Canton and B. S. O'Neil of Massena, candidates for member. g£ ojseinbly from this district. I Mr. Wiggins stated that ho approvea the bill, but Mr. O'Neil made no defin- ite statement. , Will Repair Church. '•«W.» At a meeting of the PMsbyterlati church last week proposed repairs to th» church building were discussed. F. L. Colby culled the meeting to ord- er and It L. Sisson was elected chair- man and fV K, Sisson secretary. It was decided to iiflv* plans prepared for a new heating system to cost about |2000. The redecoration of the church auditorium was considered. The con- tract for this has been let to E. M. Allewelt of Syracuse. The total ex- penditure which is proposed will reach 'close to $4,000. Leg Broken In Lumber Camp. •" ...» •—•— Edgar Peabody, a young man In the employ of the H. W. Downey at his lumbering camps near the St. Regis river, was caught by a tree, which he was felling about 10 Saturday morn- ing and his left leg broken. He was brought to this village where Dr. M. D. Barnett attended him and was af- terward taken to »he Riverside ftotel. Peabody is about 19 years of age and c*»Hies from Wick. John &'ewn 8ells Out Intei'tst In Drug Store. John Brown* of the drug firm of Brown &. Perrin has sold his interest in the store In MaiKet street to Martin B. Reynolds and W itiium S. Reming- ton both of this place. They will take Immediate possession <tnd the firm will be oalled T. H. Perr?*,& Co. Mr. Brown Is one of the tt*tt known of the Potsdam merchants -tnd has 'ieen doing business at the (irul\t pres- ent location for the past twenty years. Both Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Reming- ton have been associated with Brown & Perrin at various times. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The local W. C. T. U. held a meeting Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 11. K. Palmer in Main street. The topic of the meeting was*/'The Press, As An Agent For Temperance." Mrs. W. E. Austin spoke on the subject. Mrs. Moon and Mrs. C. K. Hawkins spoke on "Parliamentary Usage." Comes Horns on Furlough. Benjamin Ritchie of the U. S. 8. tor- pedo boat destroyer Monoghan Is vis- iting relatives In town on a furlough of ten days. Ritchie has been serving on the destroyer which has been con- veying supply boats to and from Mex- ico. He will rejoin it at Newport. The home station of the vessel is Charles- ton. POTSDAM NOTE8. Prof. F. H. Allen of Colgate Univer- sity Is in town for a few days. Mrs. G B. Pert and Miss Josephine Pert are In New York for a few days. Rev. F. B. Cowan and family are spending several weeks at Stamford. Miss Bessie McNulty of Massena, Is the guest of Miss Agnes Keegan. , Twin sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fuller of Washington street Wednesday morning. Mrs. C. F. Wilbur and children of Tarrytown, are the guests of Mrs. W. A. Wilbur. Mrs. W. W. G. Peck and daughter, Alice, are visiting friends in Elmira and Syracuse. Prof. a"d Mrs. W. E. Bond. Miss Ruth Bartlett and .Miss McFarland have returned from an automobile trip through the Adlrondacks. Work on the garage of F. P. Math- .ews in Elm street, which was discon- tinued temporarily the past week, has started again and the roof is almost completed. Fred Day of Nicbolvllle has purchas- ed of the C. A. Flsk estate one-half of the Merril & Fish Block In that place and the tin and hardware business conducted In it. Mr. Day will take pos- session on July 25. Notice to Subscribers. Mr. Carroll, agent to the Advance) will call on subscribers who get their mail in Fowler. Edwards, Fine, Rus- sell and Hermon in the near fu- ture. Subscribers will confer a favor by having the amount due ready for him. BOMBAY. > Bombay, July 27.—G. V. Barber got hurt quite badly by his buggy break- ing on Monday.—Mrs. Jesse Lantry of Hogansburg, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. McKenna. re- turned home on Sunday.—Miss Mary Mulvana is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. Boyea.—H. J. Cornish is spend- ing Ids vacation with his wife and daughter at G. V. Barber's.^Miss Eva Spillings who Is training for a nurse at Ogdensburg Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Connolly.—Mrs. M. Murphy and daughter Katherlne are visiting Mrs. W. H. McKenna.—Mrs. L. C. Pot- ter entertained company the "past Week.—Miss Marlon Ward is spend- ing some time with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Foy.—James Scanlon of Ham- mond, visited liis brother's family in Cold Springs over Sunday.—W. H. Mc- Kenna and daughter, Ragena and grand daughter, Relu, were callers in Hogansburg on Sunday.—Miss Mar- garet O'Brien is visiting her uncle, Rev. Fr. Cahlll In Waddington.—There is to be a pilgrimage from this part on the Grand Trunk to the_jhriue of St. Joseph's at Montreal next Sunday, August 2nd, return tickets, 12.00 from this depot and tickets are good to re- turn until Monday night.—Arthur Bar- ney was home from Moira on Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Croke visited in Hogansburg on Sunday.—R. J. Bour- dons ure entertaining company. To Adjust Insurance Due to Potsdam Fire. Insurance adjusters are expected here this week to make a settlement on the loss sustained in tho fire at the Batcbelder furniture factory on Fall Island Tuesday. Owing to the nature of the stock the figure will be a hard one to Settle without a careful examin- ation of the stock. The loss whatever I it may be, will be due largely to water. The factory's equipment of pulleys, belts and some pieces of the machinery may have to be renewed. The floor where the fire* occurred was used as RED MILLS. Red Mills, July 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Ezra NeWton of Ogdensburg, were guests Sunday at the Mackley home.— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stowe and baby Ruby, spent Sunday with relatives li\ Iroquois.-Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bowtien and Mr. and Mrs, DavM Hesslegrave of Ogdensburg. were cftlers at E. W. MeCormiek's Sunday afternoon.—Sam- uel Thompson had a 35 pound porker stolen from the pen one night the past week. Other depredations of a similar nature have been reported un- til we begia to think that Red Mills is sadly in need of a'police force.—Mr. J and Mrs. Fred Madfll and daughter. Helen of Rensselaer Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Booth of Morrlstown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. iaggart—Mrs. William Sloan of Til- den, called on Red Mills' friends dur- ing the week.—An entertainment will be held In the 0. P. church ^f Lisbon, Monday evening, Aug. 3rd. A quar- tette consisting of four young men from Monmouth College, will be one of the chiefr attractions. Free admis- Ion to all with a free will offering at the close of the entertainment.—A number of friends of Mrs. George Wells of Perrysburg, remembered her 09th birthday last Wednesday by a postal shower. Mrs. Wells is a sister of Mrs. Cyrus Erwin and has been confined to her home with tubercular trouble for a number of mentis.— Mr. and Mrs. Russel and children of Ogdensburg, are camping for a ccuple of weeks in E. C. Dillingham's cottage. —Mrs. Donald Sutherland Is spending this week with Lisbon friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mullln and son, Phil- emon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Axtel.—Mrs. Buskcy, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Kate Winters of Ogdensburg, were week-end guests of Vr. *nd Mrs. Frasler McDonald.—Word was receiv- ed here during the week of the death of John Clements of Eutiaire, Wiscon- sin. Mr. Clements Is a brother of David Clements of this place. WADDINGTON. Waddington, July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Purlou spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wood and his cous- in, Mrs. C. E. Cook of Rochester, who Is vlstiing her mother, Mrs. Wood.— Mr. and Mrs. George Sipes drove six miles above Ogdensburg yesterday where they spent the day at Fairvlew farm as guestsjof Mr. and Mrs. George H. Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg are finely settled on their newly pur- chased farm and enjoy their new home very much and Mr. Vosburg's health is much better than when he was keep- ing store.—The marriage of Miss Anna D. W. Rule to Prof. W. W. Huntley of Crairy's Mills takes place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rule. Tuesday. July 28. Twenty eight guebts will be present, relatives and close friends of the con- tracting parties. Rev. Richard F. Tay- lor of St. Paul's church will tie tho knot.—Mr. and Mrs. William Service of Tllden. are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born Friday, July 24.— Rev. Wm. A. Wight had a close call Saturday when he waf standing on Main street. A sign laard fell and just ba/ely missed h tting him on the head.—A few days a?ro when returning from Ogdensburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Clark mei with a mishap. He lost control of Ills auto and ran in- to a telephone pole thixnving them out. Mrs. Clark's ankle was quite badly hurt and Mr. Clark hurt his arm. They got some one nearby where the acci- dent occurred to drive them back to> Ogdensburg. and came home on the boat.—Missts Genette Williams of Texas, and Bertha Clark of Point Rockaway, were guests of Miss Flor- ence E. Martin Sunday afternoon.— Mrs. Henry Dalrymple is 111. Waddington. July 27.—A very wel- come rain came Thursday morning early and lasted until noon. It was a decidedly welcome visitor.—Mrs. Thos. Campbell has returned to her home at Morrisburg, Ont., having beon the guest of Mrs. S. B. Doran for a few duys.—Miss Mary Peacock of Ogdens- burg and Mrs. Henry Me Knight of Chase Mills, were guests of Mrs. O. W. Cline Friday.—St. Agnes Guild met with Miss Lila Stowers Saturday to celebrate her birthday anniversary. A fine luncheon was served and an enjoy- able afternoon spent.—Prof. Roy H. Wilson, Rolla Jerdine and Ernest Wil- son are camping on Goose Neck Island, —Mrs. Charles Dalzell of Washington, D. C, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John S t Rule.—Mrs, poy & Wilson Is* spending a few weeks at L&ko George and St. Albans.—Mrs. C/rville W. Cline entertained the ladies of thav Eastern Star. Friday evening.—Mrs. Fred Mead of Gouverneur is in town., visiting her mother, Mrs. David Ar French.—James and Roy Barfcley of Iroquois. Ont., visited tbeir sister. Miss Lead Barkley of Point Rockaway Thursday afternoon.—James Barkley left Friday evening for Alberta where he has a position.—Miss Clara Martin has gone to Sara use La\e. vherft she has a position-—Miss Grace Castle^ has gone to Alexandria Bay for the " summer.—Mrs. .Charles Short and, daughter, Elizabeth and Louibe Burke of Canton, are gueete of Mrs. Alexan- der Creighton and Mrs. James Fay.—* The funeral of the late Calvin Por- teous took place Saturday at the home of Mrs. Charles Safford. Rev. E. W. Middleton officiated.—Mrs. Harry N. Rose and son, Donald of New York:. City have arrived in town to spend the summer.—Postmaster and Mrs. McKee arrived Jjl town. jWond^y—Tiie, young lady friend of Miss" *Mary *Carraughv^. gave a slower for her at her home Wednesday. Her marriage to Ira Pof>" ter of Boston, is announced to take place August 19th.—Miss Mabel Lewis of Point Colburne is the guest of her uncle, Charles E. Ward—Mr. and Mrs. William Heaverly entertained a number of relatives Sunday in honor of Mr. and -Mrs. ^Joshua Rookey of Bridgeport, Conn.—Mrs. John Hatch and Mrs. Raymond Thompson enter- tained at tea Wednesday afternoon. Proceeds to go to the ceuitery fuud.— Maciyp Arbuckle arrived here last week to spend a few weeks at hia summer home "Castle Dundee." He will remain here until in August.— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parlou of Great Falls, Mont., arrived here last week and are guests of his mother, M»-s. Sherman Kentuer.—Mr. and Mrs. Par- lou left XC ranch. Orr. Montana, June 29 on horse back and a third torse served as pack horse, carrying camping outfit. They camped just where night over took them. Some times they camped on the prairie some times on back rf creek or springs where they cou;d get water. Some days they could get no water for a stretch of fifteen and twenty miles. They rode 13 days and covered a dis- tance of over 300 miles. Water was so bad and scarce and mosquitos were so thick there was no rest either night nor day for themselves nor for their horses. The only relief was to chop sage bush and smoke them out. Their horses were iu splendid condition and all three were pet ponies but consider- ing the dry hot weather and the great long ride before them they were made a good offer for the outfit and decided to sell them although they had owned them since going to the ranch six years a«o. They fouud more hardship than pleasure in the 300 mile trip so board- ed a train at Walts, Montana, July 11, arriving at Ogdensburg July IS, com- ing from Toronto. Ont., by boat. Arthur Parlou is the younger son ot the late Heury Parlou of this village and as'born and brought up here. He is a nephew of S. W. Day of Ogdens- burg. Their many friends extend a hearty welcome to them ou their re- turn to this North Country and hope * tliev may locate here.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson are entertaining nine guests from Montreal.—Early Friday morning during the heavy fog a big steel freighter got mixed up in the fog below the Narrows and ran in to the creek north of the White House, bridge. The steamer was headed ou retura trip from Montreal.

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Page 1: V-: i> rnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031423/1914-07-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · First chist* spoetat attractions have been secured and will give dally per formances before the grand

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erf * • msswhvrs. It w nbAoiuuiy nvrtnlti In •j*Pi*tt «t timiif pine** nm th*r» In * osrulntv •w 4 tan* l«»«* in mrur frma b«tb Urg* sua swtU V M . All tfttatd ami rtlUbW* ha>nr*n<;r

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INSURANCE, lut t~uni» Mr.. 'MUHMtif t)|*»iit Hou*#«

nUDKNlMtt HO, N. t. '•Ths l.lltln nn\v on Itit Politer."

W* rsnrv»viit ^fly tlm old "turn* hied nud . Wrv«'fctted."

llnMK, nf New York. lUllfr«»ll l». ••Mlartfurd.

I ' l lnKNlX. <»f lUittord, COHMKrrKTT. i . f llnrtfyrd,

sjl'IIIMUr'ttil.ti. of MM'ui'titiwttt, NlAUAItA. ««f New Yoik,

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All flee tiwimm** iMiriumttion efmsmt s*o * i tMtr"M* tiiiitttt'iiil r«*«our<HHi. Thvyntiit|f«it\ »* «ivf»r fitly vtHtr« mid ilieol>lv*ti»vi*r one Hun-•lr»*l mni I'liflitv yl*wr* of nm». TI I IM mv

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LIFB and MRB Connecticut General Life

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IHWI-KY A HYI>tt, l i t Fitril ^tr«M t, Ogil<Hi«btirtf, K.




INVEST POR SAI'liTY. ,f P«iM InvfMora In llr<\ ,Mori«

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To Si Qlvtn August 25, 26, 27, 28, at Canton—A Qrtat Exhibition.

TIIP above nre the ttntes for the 64th annual Ht. taiwretuo County Fair at ('auton. N. Y,

$6,000 im* offered for premiums up­on exhibit*.

|2,R00 for rnee». First chist* spoetat attractions have

been secured and will give dally per­formances before the grand stand. Watch the papers for further an-huuncotnent of special attractions.

Hand concerts on the grand stand 'inch and every day.

The chutiKe of date brings St. Law­rence County Fair the. second in the county this year.

Oood premiums are offered for, all grades of cattle, sheep and swine.

Orange* will avail tluiuselvs of the premiums offered them.

Careful revision hus been made of the premium list. Examine It and you will readily see that good premi­ums nre offered for exhibits in all lines.

Floral flail was the finest we ever bad last year. Applications have al­ready beou received for entries in this department, and we assure you tluit It will exceed last year's exhibition.

Kntrts for races should be made as soon as possible to K. K. Btevens, racn secn'tary. Canton. N. Y.

Entries In alt other departments should be made to Chas. M. Hale, secretary, Canton, N. Y.

John nird. president; Chas. M. Hale, secretary; Cyrus F. Clark, treaaurer; William Sheets, superintendent.

To Conftr on Highways.

The nnnunt meeting of the town su pertnteiideuts of highways and tho supervisors of the various towns of Ht. Ijnwrence county will be held at Canton on Friday, July 31. to meet with a representative from the state department of highways and confer with him relative to highway mat­ters.

The contract for the building of the Ifammond-Mtirrlstown road has been canceled by the contractors and this matter will be taken up for consider­ation at that time.


Ocorgn V. Is said to buy only forty* flu suits of clothes a year. It must be great to be a king and have the word "only" appropriately used iu this cou­nsel Ion.

Ttolla Noble and family motored to Trtpper Lake Sunday.

Fred Ollmour and family motored to Ogdensburg Thursday.

Hon. Milton M. Packard Is re­ported very til at Syracuse.

Mrs. Iloracp t). Ellsworth enter­tained at tea Saturday afternoon.

John Flnnlgnn of nuffalo. Is In town to visit relatives for a few weeks.

Miss Eva Fpnuldlng is at Lake George. vlsltltiK relatives.

Mrs. ttoy W. Alden and child of Masaeiia, are visiting Mrs. Alden's par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. TUirrowes.

Mr. and Mr*. John II. Clark re­turned recently from two weeks stay at Stillwater Club.

Misses Marlon E. Lawrence and Murv A. Shea are speeding two weeks at f, T, Park,

Prof, nnd Mrs. George Tt. Hurdle have returned from several weeks stay at Star Lake.

Mr. Leonard Lewis, wife and dnttgli* ter of Ellenvllle. are visiting Mrs. George W. Tloblnson.

Mrs. Clifford "Watson Of FhtladeK pbla, fa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Storrs.

Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Uogers and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McPliee are spending a few days in the Adirondack^.

Mrs. M. J. Halcotne, who has been spending a few days in town, left Saturday for her home in Wntertown.

Mrs. Nnthnn Francis and daughter, of Carthage, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Carrie J. Sawyer.

Prof, and Mrs. George R. Huntley, nre at Uutland, Vt.. where they will re­main for a few weeks.

Miss Catherine Catdwett has gone to Sea tile, Wash., to make her home with relatives.

Mrs. Netlle LenE has returned from nn automobile trip through the Adi-rondacks.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Harper nre nt IllKley Falls, where they will spend several weeks.

Miss Ida Stickles, who is tenchlng w iiool at Port Itlchmond, L. .1, is home tor the summer.

Mrs. Will Hemenwny nnd son of Warsaw, N. Y., nre visiting at the ) Mne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ir;i Spauldlng.

Mrs. H, E. Brown nnd daughter, (loldle returned during the week from several days outing at Cranberry l.:ike.

Mrs. F. L. Blsson nnd little daughter, "MII havo been visiting Mrs. Mary H.curmlck have returned to their home In tJttcR,

John (). Wheeler Is in Detroit, Mich., In attendance nt a meeting of the Su­premo Tent, Knights of the Macca­bees.

Miss Mabel ftushaw, a teacher In the New York City schools Is In town for the remainder of the summer vaca­tion,

.Mrs. Wilfred J. Mavllle of Ogdens­burg and Mrs. Earl Place of Hon, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Toomey. j

Mrs. Herbert P. Cole of Mobile, Ala., arrived north recently ou a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reubeu T. Wells.


Helena, July 28.—Dr. C. F. Prairie has returned from spending a lew-days at Lake Placli'.—Miss Hazel Sharkey has returned from visiting friends in Cornell.- John Scullin hus been spending a few days In St. Louis. — J. C. Lantry is spending a few days In New York.—Dr. 1). Hazeii has had a furnace^ and water works put in his house, also treated it to a coat of paint which makes it look very nice.— Mrs. Anna (Jeehau who has been sick for some time Is able to be out again. —J. C. Lantry, H. Lebarge, Uoscoe nnd John Sharkey were in Malone on Thursday.—Mrs. Win, Carr of New-York, visited lie* sister, Mrs. B. Hazen the past week. T. W. Shean and Jess McCarthy of Massena, were business callers here on Thursday.—M. A. Hal-llhan of Brasher Falls was in town on Thursday. -Mrs. Grant of Corn­wall, WHO has been here caring for the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lantry has gone to her home leaving her little charge much better. —Fred Butler of St. Regis Falls, is a guest at W. A. Norlands.—Barney Lantry is at the He • Bleu Hosp'tal in Cornwall having ueatment for a sore foot caused by an Ingrowing nail. --Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Nevlu spent Fri­day In Massena.—Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Neviif are entertaining their little neices. the Misses Margaret and Marie Mnhoney and Catherine Dawson also JmueB Dawson of Wutertown. Mr. and Mrs. F. Law uf Malone. also spent Sunday at their home.—Wilbur Yandow is laid up with o sore foot caused by the fulling of an iron rail while working on tho section.—Mrs. J. C. Lantry Is spending a few days iu Massena, the guest of her brother, I). Nevin's family.—W. H. Johnston silent Sunday In Moiru, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, Hyde.—Mrs. House and children who have been visiting her brother, Mrs. L. H. Blanchard at the Junction the past month left for her home in Williamstown Vt., ou Saturday.—H. A. Lantry of Malone, was home over Sunday.—Miss Sarah Carvlll*) spent a couple of days In Massena the past week.—There is a Sunday train running from Montreal to Massena beginning yesterday, which arrives here about 11:10 o'clock and returns at 4:40 o'clock.—R. E. Hefter-muu and W. C. Hill of Brasher Falls are in town today.—C. J. Ward was home from Massena on Sunday.—W. 11. Johnstone is having his house painted.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leclair of Lake Placid, spent the past week with his mother, here.—Ralph Hutch-Ins of Massena, was in town on Satur­day.—Miss Marjorie Fletcher Is recov­ering from nn attach atf chicken pox.— Miss Anna Lantry spent Wednesday at Fort Covington.—Carl Haiuliu spent Snuday at Massena.


T H E I R S U P P L I E S .

Movement on at Gouverneur Whereby Agriculturists May Get Wholesale Rates. „

Gouverneur July 24.—Secretary Arthur F. Corbln of the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce returned today from the two days' meeting of the New York State Bureau of Co-operation of the Department oi. Agriculture at Utica.

Mr. Corbln Is very enthusiastic over the results of the meeting and with Manager Charles S. Phelps of the St. Lawrence County Furm Bureau and Alexander J. McCoy secretary of the Gouverneur Grange, will begin next week to secure a group of farmers in St. Lawrence county who wish to or* gauize a cooperative society under the new law, which requires a capital of $"»00. To this end it will be the aim of these men to secure 100 St. Lawrence county farmers who will pay $5 each and thus Incorporate as a society.

Superintendent Mark W. Cole of the Bureau of Cooperation will be here In two Weeks. The object of the society will be to teac|i farmers how to pur­chase spraying outllts, chemicals for fertilizing, furm feeds and farm ma­chinery. The plan is to buy everything in carload lots.

Wholesale dealers in farm machin­ery, feed and apparatus have agreed to give tiie lowest possible prices pro­viding the goods are ordered iu large quantities.

Among those from Northern New York who attended the Utlea meeting were: F. R. Robertson, manager of the Jefferson County Farm Bureau, W. H. Vary of Watertown, master of the State Grange; Charles 8. Phelps, man­ager ot the St. Lawrence. County Farm Bureau; A. F. Corbln, Gouverneur F. L. Kllbourne and Ira Sharp, Lowville.

•\w C0LT0N.

Colton. July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Clem­ent Munger and friend, Mr. Taylor, of Albany, ure gvwsts of Mr. and Mrs. George Spear.—Mr. and Mrs. Earle Woodall and children of Utica, visited their brother's family. Earnest Ban­croft and Mrs. Woodall's mother, Mrs. Lavoru Vebber, the past. week. Mr. Woodall was a former business man of Colton and their many friends were glad to meet them.—Mrs. Arthur Sails has gone to Rochester and ufter a brief visit will leave for Florida to be absent some time. Mrs. Sails will join her husband, Arthur Sails and brother, Lester Fallon, wlto arc in employment there.—Miss Barker and little niece, Miss Francis Miller have returned from their visit to Glerw-Falls.—Mrs. Clark Cowles and little grand daughter Naomi, of High Flats, were the guests of Mrs. N. W. Jefferson on Saturday las*, remaining uver night and attend­ing services at the M. E. church on the Subbath.—The parlor meeting of the W. C. T. U. held at the home of Mrs. Dolly Rudd on Saturday evening was a success in every way. A good number were In attendance and al­though many of them wended their way homeward in the heavy rain we trust it did not dampen their zeal for the temperance catise.—Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. Hattle Hayes gave u social at the home ot Mrs. Jefferson on Wed­nesday afternoon for the benellt of the M. E. Aid society.—Miss Anna Olm-stead has gone to Potsdam, after spending some time at her home here. —Miss Fanny Hayes, clerk at the Long store iu enjoying a vacation out of town.—Mrs. John Leary and daughter, Miss K-ithryn and Miss Nellie Leary went to Tupper Lake on Sunday in the Hassett car.—Superintendent Herrlck and son, Roy, Glen Munger and Dun Fuller enjoyed a day at Stark on Fri­day last.—Miss Hattle Lenny of Pots­dam, Is visiting relatives in town.— Allen Winslow, the young son of Rev. and Mrs. Smith passed away at his home on Monday evening, July 27th, after u long illness of tuberculosis. The funeral service was held from his home ou Wednesday with interment at Canton.—Hon. A. B. Hepburn has recently presented the Library with a three-volume history of New York, en­titled, "The Progress of the Empire State," edited by Charles A. Conaut. The volumes are devoted to histori­cal, financial, industrial and literury development of the state. They are the product of a number of prominent financiers and writers, each dealing with his own specialty. The work will prove invaluable to teachers of his­tory, and of interest to the general reader. The circulation of books the

\ past week was 87; of magazines 13 and reading room attendance, 49.

Boston complains that it has too many pickpockets. But we don't sup­pose it has much on the other cities; none of them feels that it has just the right number.

Gouverneiir, July 2*.- Another hot Wave arrived ou Saturday with a tem­perature of 80 in the shade.—Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Parker attended the meet-li.p of the Press Association at Alex­andria Bay.—Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Whit­ney motored to the Bay and took a river trip lust week.—Will Draper has disposed of bis newspaper and maga­zine business to the Payne Chemical Company and the periodicals are now on aaie at that store.—Miss Edna M. Whittemore. of Maiden, Mass., is the guest of Miss Parker of Grove street. —Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson have the symparthy of thlr friends In the loss of their baby who lived only a few days.—J. W. Ormlston is.spending a few davs with friend, Clinton Burch of Adam's.—Miss Ettie Wilson, of Brooklyn, is spending her summer va­cation with Mrs. E. A. Jenne.—Rey. C. A. Livingstone is supplying the pulpB of St. Paul's, Watertown, for a few weeks.—The Ttnysday evening band concert was ghen on the West side.— The Patrick Carnival Company held Inrge crowds every evening last week. The show gave fairly good satisfac­tion. The grounds were gorgeous with six hundred electric Jlghts.—Joseph West, a local carpenter, was quite badly injured by falling from a stag­ing. He was badly shaken and receiv­ed a severe scalp wound.—The Gouver­neur fair managers have secured Hornbrook's wild west for free daily exhibitions.—The Gouverneur Cham­ber of Commerce visited the mineral industry of Edwards and Fowler last week.—A few days since, an Italian laborer committed suicide on the Dewey farm three miles from this vil­lage, by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. His body was found with the weapon still elapsed in his right hand. The coroner held an inquest and the unfortunate man was burled in Riverside cemetery. He was despondent from ill health and had no relatives in this country as far as can be learned.—Prospect street has been macadamized and is In fine con­dition.—Adelbert Althouse who has had charge of the waterworks for a number of years has resigned. George Cottrell has been appointed his successor.—Mrs. Adelaide Taltt has a new five-passenger Speedwell car which is a beauty. Sam Carlyon holds the Hirottle.—Miss Bernice Morgan is recovering from a severe illness.—Last week the young people had a lively succession of luncheon, teas and showers In honor of Miss Gertrude Scholton whose marriage occurs on Tuesday at the Catholic parsonage. A small reception will follow at the home of the bride. Miss Scholton was a graduate of Vassnr and has been teaching this year in Bellville which is the home of the fortunate groom, Mr. Chapman.—Robert Johnson is at Syl­via Lake for a few weeks.—All the ministers leave this Week for their summer vacation. The sherpherdless Bheep will doubtless take to their

,autos, and hike away to the river and to the springs, and to the woods.— The annual school meeting will be held at the school house next Tuesday even­ing. Three trustees are to be elect­ed, and the voters will decide whether or no to sell the present high school building to the town for a town hall and opera house, for the Bum of thir­ty-two thousand dollars.—George E. Beaman, a young farmer on the Little Bow road, fell from the inclined road­way leading to his barn, a distauce of fourteen feet, and was seriously injur­ed.—Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ormislon of Arkansas City, Kansas, are in town for a'few weeks with relatives and friends.—Mrs. E. H. Merrick of Mis-awaka. Ind., is the guest of Mrs. Payne and other frieuds.—Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Warrington of Maiden, 111., | will arrive tills week and be the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Beaman.—Rev. Ourtin G. Roop of Canton, will officiate in the Presbyterian church next Sun­day—The Dorcas society will hold a cooked food sale at the home of Mrs. Close Saturday.—The many friends of Mrs. West brook were pained to learn of her death. Mrs. West brook was born In this vallage and spent her early years here.—Antlm Meyeur, of Syracuse, spent Sunday in town.



Lisbon, July 28.—Mrs. Hattle C>aig of Ogdensburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Craig. —Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Geary of tTtlea, are visiting relatives here.— Mrs. Josie Glass and Miss Lena Au-bry spent Saturday with Mrs. Chand­ler iu Madrid.—Mr. and Mrs. Clinton King, Mr. and Mrs. Edward MeCready attended the funeral of their aunt in Ogdensburg Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Orln Baer of Eel Weir, spent Sunday with her lather. Charles Moore.—Mrs. Byron Wallace entertained two friends from the State hospital last week.— W. J. Davis of Burke spent Sunday at the Patten home.—Miss Edna McGraw of Madrid. Is spending n few days with friends here.—The U. P. and W.

*M. Sunday schools will unite and have their picnic in Brown grjve on Friday, Aug. 7th. All are invited to attend.— Miss Margaret Looby S|>eut Saturday at the O'Brlne House. Madrid.—About forty-live couplet* attended the dance in the town hall Friday evening.—Mrs. Floyd White and sister, Jennie Akins spent the past week with their uncle in Brockvllle. Ont.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst of Ogdensburg, visited Mrs. Samuel Moore on Monday.—William Adams Is entertaining his sister from Madrid.—Miss Ruth Wallace suffered a severe attack of acute indigestion last week.—Mrs. Henry Hargrove is spending a few days with her son, Ahah Hargrave at HeuveHon.—Miss Nellie Scott of Flackvllle, spent Sun­day with Mrs. Ben Kelley— William Merrill oi. Potsdum, is visiting old friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy King are the happy parents of a young son, bom Saturday.—Frank Moore of Ogdens­burg, spent Sunday with Samuel Moore.—Olive Castleman of Norwood; is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M T. Stock­ing.—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ray born

| ol Ogdensburg, spent Friday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mullen.— Mrs. Mary Halllday who has been spending the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Alma Becksteud, has gone to her home in Canada.—Mr. and Mrs. George Akins,uud family have gone to Alexandria Buy for a week with rela­tives,—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright and family motored to Saranuc Lake, Thursday nnd stayed until Monday.-— Miss Margaret Murphy of Madrid, spent a few days last week with her mother.—Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown of Frahklort, ore here with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown.*— A free concert will be given in the U. P. church Monday night, Aug. 3. All are invited.—Dallas Downing of Phil­adelphia, Pa., is here for the summer with his fcrand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller.


8er|Cf of Meeting! Will Be Held In Each Town.

Potsdam, July 27.—Rev. 8. T. Dib­ble pastor of t h ^ local Methodist church and also tfflstee of the Brush-ton Camp Meeting Association, said toduy that the association intended to purchase a smaller tent and hold a series of meetings one ir. each town in the district, as a substitute fo.* the Bruslitou camp meeting which will not be held this year Mr. Dibble stated that he was not sure whether or not the plun would be put in effect tills year but efforts would be made In that direction. It would be Impos­sible to have a meeting here he thought owing to the presence of the Chuutauquu in August.

Mr. Dibble gave as the reason for the nbondment of the camp meeting the rearrangement of the district which left the place of meeting to one side. It was the opinion of the trus­tees thai more could be accomplished by the smaller meetings to which every member of each congregation could go without effort if they saw fit.

T a storeroom for finished goods, such as picture frames, desk*, etc., and there were badly damaged.


Louisville, July 27.—Miss Vfary TJ. Power visited her friend, Miss Carrie Shaver nt the Landing three days iiW. week.—Mrs. Henry Ho'tfce and daugh­ter, Miss Mary were guests of rela­tives last week In Potsdam.—The fun­eral of William Stone, eldest sou of Mrs. Mary Stone, who was shot in Chicago, July 18, was held from the M. E. church Friday. Much sympathy is extended the mother and brothers. —Mrs. John Doud and Mrs. Michael O'Brien spent Wednesday with Mrs. George Sutton at the Landing.—Miss Ella Rutherford of Fisher's Corners, is visiting at Levi Powers.—Mr. und Mrs. Chas. Wilhifd and daughter, Ruth of Norwood, are spending a few days at the Willard home in town.—Arthur Fay of Madrid, and? sister, Miss Ida Fay of New York, were Sunday guests of their sister, Mrs. J. H. Whalen.— Mrs. Benjamin Nichols spent last week in Colton with her sister.—The dance in hall Friday night was attend­ed by twenty five couples. A good time was enjoyed. The music was first class.—St. Mary Annunciation of Brasher Falls Is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary McClosky.—Mrs. Michael Murphy of Ogdensburg, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes and son of Madrid, Mrs. Philip Tiernan and two daugh­ters, Elizabeth and Frances, and Miss Frances Murphy of Waddington, at­tended mass at St. Lawrence church Sunday.—Fred J. Flanagan of Norfolk, was a Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Kate Flanagan.—Albert and Al­fred Raymo and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Arno went on the excursion to Ontar­io Beach Sunday.—Thomas McNulty of Gouverneur, and sisters, Mrs. Frank O'Brien and friend, Miss Boyle of New York, spent Tuesday at their farm here.—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Normile of Brasher, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Neil and children of Mas­sena, spent Sunduy with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Normile.—Master George Shepard Who hus spent the past week with Arthur Lee returned home Sunday witli bis parents.—Will Premo of New Hampshire, spent a few days in town with his parents.— Mrs. G. M. Browning and son, Ray, and Miss Anna Browning visited Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Power.—Mr. and Mrs. Levi Power spent Thursday at their cous­in's, Albert Rutherford's in Madrid.— Mr. and Mrs. George Tuttle and Miss Nancy Hawley of Potsdam, were guests Weduesday at Levi Power's.

Anti 8«loon Men After Candidates.

There was a large crowd present at the temperance meeting held at the park one evening lust week by the < ntl-Saloon League. Speeches were nude by L. P. Tucker and J. F. Burke of the league and E. A. Everett, candi­date for member of assembly from this district.

Mr. Everett was asked for a state­ment of his atitude on legislation ex­tending the right of local option to cities, nnd his remarks on the subject were satisfactory to the league repre­sentatives. Mr. Burke spoke at some iength on the bill and attacked As­sembly Smith of North Lawrence for his failure to support It when it came' up in the EXCIBC Committee at Albany last winter. Letters were read from A. H. Wiggins, of Canton and B. S. O'Neil of Massena, candidates for member. g£ ojseinbly from this district. I Mr. Wiggins stated that ho approvea the bill, but Mr. O'Neil made no defin­ite statement. ,

Will Repair Church. '•«W.»

At a meeting of the PMsbyterlati church last week proposed repairs to th» church building were discussed. F. L. Colby culled the meeting to ord­er and It L. Sisson was elected chair­man and fV K, Sisson secretary. It was decided to iiflv* plans prepared for a new heating system to cost about |2000. The redecoration of the church auditorium was considered. The con­tract for this has been let to E. M. Allewelt of Syracuse. The total ex­penditure which is proposed will reach 'close to $4,000.

Leg Broken In Lumber Camp. •" . . . » •—•—

Edgar Peabody, a young man In the employ of the H. W. Downey at his lumbering camps near the St. Regis river, was caught by a tree, which he was felling about 10 Saturday morn­ing and his left leg broken. He was brought to this village where Dr. M. D. Barnett attended him and was af­terward taken to »he Riverside ftotel. Peabody is about 19 years of age and c*»Hies from Wick.

John &'ewn 8ells Out Intei'tst In Drug Store.

John Brown* of the drug firm of Brown &. Perrin has sold his interest in the store In MaiKet street to Martin B. Reynolds and W itiium S. Reming­ton both of this place. They will take Immediate possession <tnd the firm will be oalled T. H. Perr?*,& Co.

Mr. Brown Is one of the tt*tt known of the Potsdam merchants -tnd has 'ieen doing business at the (irul\t pres­ent location for the past twenty years. Both Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Reming­ton have been associated with Brown & Perrin at various times.

W. C. T. U. Meeting.

The local W. C. T. U. held a meeting Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 11. K. Palmer in Main street. The topic of the meeting was*/'The Press, As An Agent For Temperance." Mrs. W. E. Austin spoke on the subject. Mrs. Moon and Mrs. C. K. Hawkins spoke on "Parliamentary Usage."

Comes Horns on Furlough.

Benjamin Ritchie of the U. S. 8. tor­pedo boat destroyer Monoghan Is vis­iting relatives In town on a furlough of ten days. Ritchie has been serving on the destroyer which has been con­veying supply boats to and from Mex­ico. He will rejoin it at Newport. The home station of the vessel is Charles­ton.


Prof. F. H. Allen of Colgate Univer­sity Is in town for a few days.

Mrs. G B. Pert and Miss Josephine Pert are In New York for a few days.

Rev. F. B. Cowan and family are spending several weeks at Stamford.

Miss Bessie McNulty of Massena, Is the guest of Miss Agnes Keegan. ,

Twin sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fuller of Washington street Wednesday morning.

Mrs. C. F. Wilbur and children of Tarrytown, are the guests of Mrs. W. A. Wilbur.

Mrs. W. W. G. Peck and daughter, Alice, are visiting friends in Elmira and Syracuse.

Prof. a"d Mrs. W. E. Bond. Miss Ruth Bartlett and .Miss McFarland have returned from an automobile trip through the Adlrondacks.

Work on the garage of F. P. Math-.ews in Elm street, which was discon­tinued temporarily the past week, has started again and the roof is almost completed.

Fred Day of Nicbolvllle has purchas­ed of the C. A. Flsk estate one-half of the Merril & Fish Block In that place and the tin and hardware business conducted In it. Mr. Day will take pos­session on July 25.

Notice to Subscribers.

Mr. Carroll, agent to the Advance) will call on subscribers who get their mail in Fowler. Edwards, Fine, Rus­sell and Hermon in the near fu­ture. Subscribers will confer a favor by having the amount due ready for him.


Bombay, July 27.—G. V. Barber got hurt quite badly by his buggy break­ing on Monday.—Mrs. Jesse Lantry of Hogansburg, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. McKenna. re­turned home on Sunday.—Miss Mary Mulvana is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. Boyea.—H. J. Cornish is spend­ing Ids vacation with his wife and daughter at G. V. Barber's.^Miss Eva Spillings who Is training for a nurse at Ogdensburg Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Connolly.—Mrs. M. Murphy and daughter Katherlne are visiting Mrs. W. H. McKenna.—Mrs. L. C. Pot­ter entertained company the "past Week.—Miss Marlon Ward is spend­ing some time with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Foy.—James Scanlon of Ham­mond, visited liis brother's family in Cold Springs over Sunday.—W. H. Mc­Kenna and daughter, Ragena and grand daughter, Relu, were callers in Hogansburg on Sunday.—Miss Mar­garet O'Brien is visiting her uncle, Rev. Fr. Cahlll In Waddington.—There is to be a pilgrimage from this part on the Grand Trunk to the_jhriue of St. Joseph's at Montreal next Sunday, August 2nd, return tickets, 12.00 from this depot and tickets are good to re­turn until Monday night.—Arthur Bar­ney was home from Moira on Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Croke visited in Hogansburg on Sunday.—R. J. Bour­dons ure entertaining company.

To Adjust Insurance Due to Potsdam Fire.

Insurance adjusters are expected here this week to make a settlement on the loss sustained in tho fire at the Batcbelder furniture factory on Fall Island Tuesday. Owing to the nature of the stock the figure will be a hard one to Settle without a careful examin­ation of the stock. The loss whatever I it may be, will be due largely to water. The factory's equipment of pulleys, belts and some pieces of the machinery may have to be renewed. The floor where the fire* occurred was used as


Red Mills, July 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Ezra NeWton of Ogdensburg, were guests Sunday at the Mackley home.— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stowe and baby Ruby, spent Sunday with relatives li\ Iroquois.-Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bowtien and Mr. and Mrs, DavM Hesslegrave of Ogdensburg. were cftlers at E. W. MeCormiek's Sunday afternoon.—Sam­uel Thompson had a 35 pound porker stolen from the pen one night the past week. Other depredations of a similar nature have been reported un­til we begia to think that Red Mills is sadly in need of a'police force.—Mr. J and Mrs. Fred Madfll and daughter. Helen of Rensselaer Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Booth of Morrlstown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. iaggart—Mrs. William Sloan of Til-den, called on Red Mills' friends dur­ing the week.—An entertainment will be held In the 0. P. church ^f Lisbon, Monday evening, Aug. 3rd. A quar­tette consisting of four young men from Monmouth College, will be one of the chiefr attractions. Free admis-Ion to all with a free will offering at the close of the entertainment.—A number of friends of Mrs. George Wells of Perrysburg, remembered her 09th birthday last Wednesday by a postal shower. Mrs. Wells is a sister of Mrs. Cyrus Erwin and has been confined to her home with tubercular trouble for a number of mentis.— Mr. and Mrs. Russel and children of Ogdensburg, are camping for a ccuple of weeks in E. C. Dillingham's cottage. —Mrs. Donald Sutherland Is spending this week with Lisbon friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mullln and son, Phil­emon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Axtel.—Mrs. Buskcy, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Kate Winters of Ogdensburg, were week-end guests of Vr. *nd Mrs. Frasler McDonald.—Word was receiv­ed here during the week of the death of John Clements of Eutiaire, Wiscon­sin. Mr. Clements Is a brother of David Clements of this place.


Waddington, July 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Purlou spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wood and his cous­in, Mrs. C. E. Cook of Rochester, who Is vlstiing her mother, Mrs. Wood.— Mr. and Mrs. George Sipes drove six miles above Ogdensburg yesterday where they spent the day at Fairvlew farm as guestsjof Mr. and Mrs. George H. Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. Vosburg are finely settled on their newly pur­chased farm and enjoy their new home very much and Mr. Vosburg's health is much better than when he was keep­ing store.—The marriage of Miss Anna D. W. Rule to Prof. W. W. Huntley

of Crairy's Mills takes place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rule. Tuesday. July 28. Twenty eight guebts will be present, relatives and close friends of the con­tracting parties. Rev. Richard F. Tay­lor of St. Paul's church will tie tho knot.—Mr. and Mrs. William Service of Tllden. are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born Friday, July 24.— Rev. Wm. A. Wight had a close call Saturday when he waf standing on Main street. A sign laard fell and just ba/ely missed h tting him on the head.—A few days a?ro when returning from Ogdensburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Clark mei with a mishap. He lost control of Ills auto and ran in­to a telephone pole thixnving them out. Mrs. Clark's ankle was quite badly hurt and Mr. Clark hurt his arm. They got some one nearby where the acci­dent occurred to drive them back to> Ogdensburg. and came home on the boat.—Missts Genette Williams of Texas, and Bertha Clark of Point Rockaway, were guests of Miss Flor­ence E. Martin Sunday afternoon.— Mrs. Henry Dalrymple is 111.

Waddington. July 27.—A very wel­come rain came Thursday morning early and lasted until noon. It was a decidedly welcome visitor.—Mrs. Thos. Campbell has returned to her home at Morrisburg, Ont., having beon the guest of Mrs. S. B. Doran for a few duys.—Miss Mary Peacock of Ogdens­burg and Mrs. Henry Me Knight of Chase Mills, were guests of Mrs. O. W. Cline Friday.—St. Agnes Guild met with Miss Lila Stowers Saturday to celebrate her birthday anniversary. A fine luncheon was served and an enjoy­able afternoon spent.—Prof. Roy H. Wilson, Rolla Jerdine and Ernest Wil­son are camping on Goose Neck Island, —Mrs. Charles Dalzell of Washington, D. C, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John St Rule.—Mrs, poy & Wilson Is* spending a few weeks at L&ko George and St. Albans.—Mrs. C/rville W. Cline entertained the ladies of thav Eastern Star. Friday evening.—Mrs. Fred Mead of Gouverneur is in town., visiting her mother, Mrs. David Ar French.—James and Roy Barfcley of Iroquois. Ont., visited tbeir sister. Miss Lead Barkley of Point Rockaway Thursday afternoon.—James Barkley left Friday evening for Alberta where he has a position.—Miss Clara Martin has gone to Sara use La\e. vherft she has a position-—Miss Grace Castle^ has gone to Alexandria Bay for the " summer.—Mrs. .Charles Short and, daughter, Elizabeth and Louibe Burke of Canton, are gueete of Mrs. Alexan­der Creighton and Mrs. James Fay.—* The funeral of the late Calvin Por-teous took place Saturday at the home of Mrs. Charles Safford. Rev. E. W. Middleton officiated.—Mrs. Harry N. Rose and son, Donald of New York:. City have arrived in town to spend the summer.—Postmaster and Mrs. McKee arrived Jjl town. jWond^y—Tiie, young lady friend of Miss" *Mary *Carraughv^. gave a slower for her at her home Wednesday. Her marriage to Ira Pof>" ter of Boston, is announced to take place August 19th.—Miss Mabel Lewis of Point Colburne is the guest of her uncle, Charles E. Ward—Mr. and Mrs. William Heaverly entertained a number of relatives Sunday in honor of Mr. and -Mrs. ^Joshua Rookey of Bridgeport, Conn.—Mrs. John Hatch and Mrs. Raymond Thompson enter­tained at tea Wednesday afternoon. Proceeds to go to the ceuitery fuud.— Maciyp Arbuckle arrived here last week to spend a few weeks at hia summer home "Castle Dundee." He will remain here until in August.— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parlou of Great Falls, Mont., arrived here last week and are guests of his mother, M»-s. Sherman Kentuer.—Mr. and Mrs. Par­lou left XC ranch. Orr. Montana, June 29 on horse back and a third torse served as pack horse, carrying camping outfit. They camped just where night over took them. Some times they camped on the prairie some times on back rf creek or springs where they cou;d get water. Some days they could get no water for a stretch of fifteen and twenty miles. They rode 13 days and covered a dis­tance of over 300 miles. Water was so bad and scarce and mosquitos were so thick there was no rest either night nor day for themselves nor for their horses. The only relief was to chop sage bush and smoke them out. Their horses were iu splendid condition and all three were pet ponies but consider­ing the dry hot weather and the great long ride before them they were made a good offer for the outfit and decided to sell them although they had owned them since going to the ranch six years a«o. They fouud more hardship than pleasure in the 300 mile trip so board­ed a train at Walts, Montana, July 11, arriving at Ogdensburg July IS, com­ing from Toronto. Ont., by boat. Arthur Parlou is the younger son ot the late Heury Parlou of this village and as'born and brought up here. He is a nephew of S. W. Day of Ogdens­burg. Their many friends extend a hearty welcome to them ou their re­turn to this North Country and hope * tliev may locate here.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson are entertaining nine guests from Montreal.—Early Friday morning during the heavy fog a big steel freighter got mixed up in the fog below the Narrows and ran in to the creek north of the White House, bridge. The steamer was headed ou retura trip from Montreal.