using eco-mapping to understand family strengths and ......using eco-mapping to understand family...

Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth Rous, Ed.D. Minda Kohner-Coogle, B.A. Teri Nowak, M.A. Division for Early Childhood October 15, 2005 © McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

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Page 1: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family

Strengths and Resources

Katherine McCormick, Ph.D.Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D.Beth Rous, Ed.D.Minda Kohner-Coogle, B.A.Teri Nowak, M.A.

Division for Early ChildhoodyOctober 15, 2005

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 2: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

What Is An Eco-map?

● A snapshot in time of a family’s informal and● A snapshot in time of a family s informal and formal supports.

● It shows the links a family has to the larger y gsocial system including:

Informal supports: friends, extended family membersFormal supports: early intervention providers, service agencies

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 3: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Let’s Try ItUsing the sample case studyUsing the sample case study…

● Draw a circle in the center of the page with the reporter’s● Draw a circle in the center of the page with the reporter s name in it.

● Add circles for each person / agency the reporter names. ● For each person / agency (other than the reporter), list:

R= the relationship to the support person (e.g., mother)S th t f t id d ( ti l fi i l )S= the type of support provided (e.g., emotional, financial )F= the frequency of support (e.g., 2 x / week)

● Draw arrows between the circles to show whether theDraw arrows between the circles to show whether the relationship is beneficial to one or both people. For example:

Two way arrows between reporter and mother One way arrow from reporter to child

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 4: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Your Thoughts…

What do you think families would like about● What do you think families would like about the eco-mapping process?

• What do you think families would NOT like about the eco-mapping process?

● What would you like about using the eco-i ?mapping process?

What would you NOT like about using the eco● What would you NOT like about using the eco-mapping process?

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 5: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

History of the Eco-Map

● Developed in 1975 by sociologist Ann Hartman p y gto help workers in public child welfare practice

● Long history of use in social sciences

● Some use in intervention & educational settingseducational settings

● Useful with multiple audiences/clients/families● Useful with multiple audiences/clients/families

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 6: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

How Has It Been Used?

To gain initial informationTo gain initial informationTo measure progress across timeTo describe change in relationships betweenTo describe change in relationships between family membersTo describe or measureTo describe or measure change in relationships, perceptions, and / or satisfaction with service providers and agencies

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 7: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Other Ways to Use Eco-Mapping

National Early Childhood Transition Center StudyNational Early Childhood Transition Center Study● To build rapport● Provide a picture of family supports● Provide a picture of family supports● Support / confirm outcomes from other tools

IFSPIFSPFamily assessment tools

To give something meaningful to● To give something meaningful to research participants

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 8: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Example A: Few Supports

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 9: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Example B: Many Supports

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 10: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

What Are Some Advantages to Using an Eco Map?Eco-Map?

AdvantagesIce breaker--builds rapport Respondent takes the leadVisual representationDraws out shy respondentsOthers?Others?

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 11: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

What Are Some Disadvantages to Using an Eco Map?an Eco-Map?


Respondents with few supports may feel uncomfortableCan be difficult to readShy respondents may not open upy p y p pOthers?

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 12: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

How Can I Use This In My / f ?Job / Life?

To build rapport with familiesTo build rapport with familiesTo evaluate program effectiveness & satisfaction To measure change / progress (Pre/Post)To measure change / progress (Pre/Post)To facilitate transition

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 13: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

We’d Like Your Help!

Tell Us Your Transition StoriesTransition Stories

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 14: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Have Questions? We Have A !Answers!

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005

Page 15: Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and ......Using Eco-Mapping to Understand Family Strengths and Resources Katherine McCormick, Ph.D. Sarintha Stricklin, Ph.D. Beth

Th k Y !Thank You!

© McCormick, Stricklin, Rous, Kohner-Coogle, Nowak, NECTC, 2005