using data to inform, persuade, and make decisions february 1, 2011

Using Data to Inform, Persuade, and Make Decisions February 1, 2011

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Using Data to Inform, Persuade, and Make Decisions February 1, 2011. Presented by. Carol Livingstone Associate Provost for Management Information 333-3551 [email protected]. Why be data-savvy?. To better manage your unit To know what others know about you To respond to inquiries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Allerton Presentation for New Administrators

Using Data to Inform, Persuade, and Make Decisions

February 1, 2011

1Informal session, please ask questions Presented by

Carol LivingstoneAssociate Provost for Management [email protected]

2To better manage your unitTo know what others know about youTo respond to inquiriesTo avoid reinventing the wheel

Why be data-savvy?3To better manage your unitCarol: see trends, compare performance with other departmentse.g. one dept head noticed that another dept was much more successful at recruiting grad students, talked to them to get ideas.

To know what others know about youCBOC, your dean, your peer department headsACT scores of your studentsTo respond to inquiries From deans, agencies, donors, faculty/student recruitsMany grant applications ask for campus demographicsAlumni call with questions on number of students enrolled, average section sizeNewspapers want to know how many computer science degrees have been granted in the last five yearsTo save your own time and staff time by not reinventing the wheelI get calls every year from frantic assistant professors who have been told to assemble a teaching history for P&TDean John Unsworth of GSLIS shared some graphs with me that he made several years ago when he first found the DMI web site. He has consented to my showing some of the graphs that he built from the data on our web site.Learn about the data on the Management Information web site Understand the value of the data for the management of your unitRetrieve the data and move it into Excel for further analysis

Our Goals for Today4Im assuming you are not expert in Excel; primarily, most of our exercises will stop at moving the data into Excel and performing a few simple Excel exercises. We cannot turn you into an Excel expert in two hours, but if you can get the data into Excel, you can generally find someone in your unit who can help you manipulate it. (or call us!)

Primarily, I want you to remember this stuff is out there when you next need it!

Set a bookmark today:

http://www.dmi.illinois.edu5Philosophy of our unit is to organize and present as much data as possible out on the web so that you can analyze it and draw conclusions. We are not graphic designers and our web site is more primitive than most we purposely do not use bells and whistles because we want our data available to the widest group of people possible. We try to never assume a browser type or operating system, and try to make it available even to users who do not have Excel. We eschew PDF files because they do not allow easy capture and manipulation of the data. We also try to create glossaries or definitions for each site so you can understand what we include.Packet: white: copies of the slidespink: exercises/demos dddexercises.docgreen: list of participants -- with your department codes blue: some tips for importing into Excel and a discussion of codes. dddwebtips.doclavender: peer salary study sample

Departments and Executive OfficersDepartment addresses & phonesExecutive officersStaff directoriesDepartment URLsDepartment codes (old and new) 6Select the web site #2 Departments & Executive OfficersThis is where we track who is the executive officer of each unit, and we use the data for mailing lists, authorizations, etc. Note there is a link near the top where you can pull an excel version of this list.

Find your unit you may use the handy college/VC finder at the top of the page, or Scroll or search (Edit find). What is your org code? Let us know if it is wrong!

Show them staff directories, URLsI use the staff directories several times each day e.g. if I cannot remember the last name of That person in a dept, or if I need to find the person who oversees the academic programs in a unit.Departments and Executive OfficersExample/Demo 1 Find your own unit and its org code

Move the staff directory for your department into Excel7Select the web site #2 Departments & Executive OfficersThis is where we track who is the executive officer of each unit, and we use the data for mailing lists, authorizations, etc. Note there is a link near the top where you can pull an excel version of this list.

Find your unit you may use the handy college/VC finder at the top of the page, or Scroll or search (Edit find). What is your org code? Let us know if it is wrong!

Show them staff directories, URLsI use the staff directories several times each day e.g. if I cannot remember the last name of That person in a dept, or if I need to find the person who oversees the academic programs in a unit.Student Enrollment ReportsOfficial 10-day enrollmentsFinal Statistical Abstract: campus totals, use for general information about campus.Enrollments by college, dept, program: degree, major, concentration, class, gender, race, citizenship, residency8Lets move to #3 Student enrollments. This site has some canned reports with some of the most frequently requested student data.Almost all of our enrollment counts and credit hour counts are taken on the 10th day of the semester. End of term rosters will not match! Late enrollments do not count!

Have them open Fall, 2007 final statistical abstract, HTML version. Campus totals. Next, look at enrollment by curriculum and class for Fa04-Fa07 Excel you see three years, each on a tab.We have the old data in a separate spreadsheet because of differences in the old coding scheme

Other items: race/sex by program and dept

Student Enrollment Reports Trends in time by program Survey responses Grant proposals: institutional characteristics

Typical uses9Nifty: look at the Historical Enrollments 1870-present.Teaching InformationCourse Information SystemFrozen, historical 10-day data plus in-process current year data Section Instructor ListCurrent year 10-day data, still in process Consolidated Class RostersUpdated daily10Discuss differences between frozen, in process, and daily update.

Course Information System All courses, sections, instructors, IUs since 1987 Helpful FAQ explaining course processing & accounting. Many ways of viewing the data Course history is tracked despite changes in rubric or number.11Help them with log in. If you cant remember, use: user login = dmi/dmi

Instructor history is tracked despite changes in name Courses are tracked despite changes in subject or number or crosslistingsLook at Report #1: pick a dept, look in HTML e.g. Animal Sci.This is the basic data in our database, most of the reports are built using it. Explain that an IU is a credit hour. Also has contact hours and enrollments. Notice & try useful links buttons: Inst Appts (who is paying instructor so you can check if the paying dept is correct) Inst History, Crs History, Catalog.

Look at a summary report, e.g. #4: By rubric, dept and term.

IUs are critical in the budget process. Every department head of an academic unit should understand how courses are credited.There is a detailed FAQ page that describes how we come up with these numbers inVarious cases, e.g. crosslisted courses, multi-section courses, course sections with multiple instructors.

Course Information SystemSummarize IUs generated by each faculty member paid by your unit for 2009-10Example/Demo 212This example shows you how to use the Subtotal function in Excel open data in excel, highlight the database and use Data/Subtotals to create a table with subtotals of IUs by instructorNote: the data must be sorted by instructor to do this properly. Course Information SystemFaculty Teaching History For P&T documentation

For annual evaluations13This is report #12 or 13 Course Information SystemFind all courses taught since 1987 by one faculty member. Look at the P&T format and the table format.Example/Demo 314Only need to type a few letters of the last name into the name field.Select from list, see several courses taught and most recent employee group

Point out difference between P&T version & table version buttons for more info.

Course Information SystemGet a summary of all offerings of NRES 293 (or other course) since 1987.

Example/Demo 415Course Information System- Courses not offered on campus in the past six fall & spring terms - Courses failing to make in the average of the last two offerings: 10 students for 100-300 level 6 students for 400, 600, 700 level No limit for graduate courses (500 level)Example/Demo 5: Six-Ten Report16Purpose of the report: to clean up the course catalog and not mislead studentsThe Provost office and the deans will ask units to respond to each course shown on this report.Issues: this report counts on-campus, academic year offerings only Summer and off-campus and online offerings are excluded this will likely change next roundSome courses have permanent exclusions. This has big implications for the global campus and other online programs. Good example to look at : Anthropology, which has all three types of violations.Enrollment warning: course was offered only once, so we do not have two offerings to average the enrollments. Fact or Fiction?Fiction! The controlling department determines who gets credit for the section regardless of how the student registersHow a student registers for a crosslisted course section determines who gets credit for offering the course.17Two Course Accounting Systems1. Credit for offering a course Determined by controlling dept Must be a crosslisting dept Used for external reporting Some internal reporting: (class size, who is teaching.)18Only a crosslisted dept can get credit for offering.

This is where you mark who gets credit for offering a course.

Show them the SIL, the missing data, the crosslist assignment.Missing= zero or missing contact hours, missing instructor.Notice the class rosters available at the bottom for authorized persons.

Two Course Accounting Systems2. Credit for paying for a course Determined by dept paying instructor Must be a dept paying the instructor(If courtesy - no pay - we use the offering dept) Used for internal reporting (budget allocation, $ per IU, IU per FTE)19ARS is available from our home page, dept heads can get in and look.

Unpaid instructors should be rare we call them courtesy. We never allow a TA to be unpaid. (would violate our union contract)

Note: informal exchanges, such as Ill buy your dept a copier, you assign your faculty member to teach my course dont work only the dept paying the instructor can get credit for paying for the section, so youve lost out. Consolidated Class Rosters Current data, updated daily From Summer 2005 Crosslisted sections are combined Student details, e.g. email, program Withdrawn students remain on list, in red 2 versions: instructor and dept staff20Show them class rosters, how easy.Discuss differences between frozen, in process, and roster data.

Campus Profile Budgets & expenditures FTE and headcount staff Student enrollment, qualifications, retention, graduation rates Course enrollments & IUs much, much more!Ten years of data summarized by department, college, and campus:Activity Reporting System21The "gold standard" devised by a team of top-notch facultyExhaustive list of items from dozens of data sources

_____ handout shows a sample standard report.

Campus Profile Column headers are frozen Each page can be downloaded to Excel with a simple buttonChoose years going up or down Better navigationPrint option available on each pageComplete re-write, Fall 201022Also upgraded the engine underneath the Campus Profile.Campus Profile Types of Reports AvailableStandard Profile One unit per pageMost commonly used items23Please navigate to the Profile page. Lets talk about the three kinds of reports.

Standard: the most commonly used items, broad representation across many areas of data.Campus Profile Types of Reports AvailableStrategic Profile One unit per page Two sets of MetricsCampus-wide & College-specific Three kinds of ChartsDashboard, Campus-wide Chart, Unit-Specific Chart24Strategic: the metrics specifically mentioned in the campus strategic plan or in college-level strategic plans

Campus Profile Types of Reports AvailableCustom Reports -- You select: Units Items

25Standard: the most commonly used items, broad representation across many areas of data.

Strategic: the metrics specifically mentioned in the campus strategic plan or in college-level strategic plans

Campus Profile Retrieve a standard Campus Profile for the campus. Retrieve a Strategic Profile for the College of ACES (or your choice of colleges) Look at the graphs & dashboard for the Strategic Profile

Example/Demo 626Take a look at the two different ways of selecting a unit

Scroll through items, show years at top.Show how to see glossariesNote: College-specific strategic measures are entered by the colleges themselves each year. These items are not available for departments unless the college chooses to do the data entry by department so far, none have done so.

Note: Graphs are available for all units even if there are no college-specific metrics entered.

Campus ProfileCreate a custom report of all items for the College of ACES to view in your browser. Look at all the drilldowns!Example/Demo 727Unit choices: All unitsAll academic collegesUnits with strategic indicatorsCampus totalAcademic units: colleges, schools, institutes reporting to the provost

Go through list of items in large groups. All items: everything, even numerator/denominator for Standard items : most commonly used ones.Strategic indicators: metrics measuring progress towards campus and college goalsAll items: everything, includes all data underlying ratios and percentages.

Campus ProfileGraph the terms-to-degree for bachelors, master,s and doctoral students (lines 4720-60)Example/Demo 828One of the most useful aspects of the Profile is that it allows you to look at trends over time. Graphing is the best way to do this.

Proposal Data SystemAll proposals submitted from FY96 By Department By Agency/Sponsor By InvestigatorReport may be summarized by department or by agency.29Proposal Data SystemYou are negotiating with the Arthur P. Sloan Foundation for a grant.

Is it likely you will get any ICR?

Example/Demo 930Proposal Data SystemExample/Demo 10Its time to think about raises for next year. Find all grant proposals written by a faculty member in your department. 31Tuition, Waiver, AppointmentsWhat tuition is being charged to your students and what kind of waivers do they have?

How much will you need to pay another dept for the tuition for the grad asst youve hired? 32Open up the site, look at summary report.

If you have access, find your unit, click on the department.Note: undergrads are in the system from Fall, 2003.

Tuition.. Was created to allow units to monitor their tuition waiver costs & tuition revenues. Tuition revenue is a growing part of most units resources. At the same time, waivers are growing and cutting into the tuition revenue.

Activity Reporting SystemMandated by Federal and state reporting requirementsActivities and cost sharing percents are entered by your staffUseful data: current & obligated pay; appts and teaching assignments; salary & appt history to 1988Authorized users can change the paying dept for an instructors course33Peer salary studyCompares your faculty salaries with selected peer depts at other institutions. 34Fall publication, uses last Fall salaries.Last years college summary and a dept sample page should be in the packet. Academic departments only. AAU salary data is compiled by Planning & Budgeting andUses only faculty who are full time. Using salaries by discipline is more appropriate than campus-wide averages which are biased by disciplines

Faculty Salary Equity StudyFaculty salaries as a function of :disciplinerankyears from degreefirst rank at UIUCtime to tenuregenderraceadministrative postWhich factors contribute significantly?35We run a regression analysis, with salary as the dependent variable and all of these as the independent variables.

If the race or gender factors are significant, that indicates an inappropriate bias.

We include most ongoing administrative appts in the salary calculation.Deans and up are excluded. Faculty Salary Equity StudyTwo issues: Campus-wide, do gender and race affect salary significantly?

What salary is predicted for each individual and how does it compare to the actual salary?36These reports are posted on our web site as they are done, generally every year but Banner has made it difficult.We found many errors in the Banner data such as incorrect ranks or tenure status.

Even if there are no campus-wide signs of discrimination based on gender or race, there may be individuals whose salaries appear to be high or low compared to the salary predicted for them. We distribute a list of faculty to deans and ask for explanations for outlyers.Course/section Anomaly ReportNormal: instructor is paid on state funds from the unit offering the course.Anomaly: anything else!

Anomaly reports are available in Course Information System, you will be asked to look at them twice during the year.37Go there now if you have time. Examples: pay from one dept for teaching in another, Using federal grant money to pay for instruction,Courtesy: No instructor given or no pay found for instructor.

Databases outside of DMI Decision Support data warehouse Standard reports: Eddie Business Objects: drag & drop create reports ODBC connections to EDW Planning & Budgeting IPEDS: enrollments, degrees, faculty Campus databook: Retention, new student characteristics Underrepresented report minorities & disabled students38IPEDs data are no longer being published by P&B due to privacy concerns.

Questions ????39Course Information SystemLook at the Course/Section Anomaly report for Entomology for 2008(in the college of Liberal Arts & Sciences)What does each report mean? Bonus Example/Demo 1140..Or any other dept you wish.

As explained in the FAQ, the instructor of a course is usually paid for byState funds from the same department offering the course. Any other situation is noted on the anomaly reports. The data are not necessarily wrong, just odd.

We will send you a reminder about the Anomaly reports about twice a year.It is your chance to fix the data before the budget calculations and before it is finalized in August.