unmik police training center kosovo code of conduct


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Page 1: UNMIK Police Training Center Kosovo CODE OF CONDUCT

UNMIK Police Training Center



Page 2: UNMIK Police Training Center Kosovo CODE OF CONDUCT

OVERVIEWOVERVIEWUNMIK Code of Conduct is based

on internationally accepted standards of conduct for Police professionals and reflects the attitudes and behaviors expected of Police Officers within the UNMIK Police.

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Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles


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ImpartialityImpartiality Do Do

Understand the mandate and missions and comply with their


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ImpartialityImpartiality Don’tDon’t

Take any action that might jeopardize the mission

Make any unauthorized press statements

Improperly disclose or use information

Become involved in any illegal sexual liaisons

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Conduct yourself in a professional and disciplined manner

Support and encourage proper conduct

Maintain proper dress and at all times

Properly account for all money and property assigned to you

Care for UN equipment in your charge

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IntegrityIntegrity Don’t Don’t

Wilfully damage or misuse UN property/equipment.

Use a vehicle without authorization.Participate in any illegal activities,

corrupt or improper practices.Attempt to use your position for

personal advantage, to make false claims or accept benefits

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RespectRespect Do Do

Respect the environment of the host country

Treat the inhabitants of the host country with respect, courtesy and consideration

Support and aid the infirm sick/weak

Respect all other peacekeepers regardless of status, rank, ethnic or national origin, race gender or creed

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RespectRespect Don’t Don’t

Be abusive or uncivil to any member of the public;

Use unnecessary violence or threaten anyone in custody;

Collect unauthorized souvenirs;Commit any act that could result in

suffering of the local population;

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LoyaltyLoyalty Do Do

Dedicate yourself to achieving the goals of the UN in the mission regardless of personal views;

Obey our UN superiors and respect the chain of command;

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LoyaltyLoyalty Don’t Don’t

Bring discredit upon the UN, or your country through improper

personal conduct, failure to perform our duties, or abuse of our positions as peacekeepers;

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Officer BehaviorOfficer Behavior

Police Officers will refrain from behavior that could adversely affect their credibility, professional image, or impartiality that is critical to the UNMIK Police mission.

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No UNMIK Police Officer will engage in political activity of any type within the mission area or will publicly express or display a preference for any political, religious, or ethnic entity within the mission area.

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No UNMIK Police Officer will accept gratuities from members of the local community. While it is not intended that Officers should disregard gestures of human kindness and acceptance, (i. e. an offer of coffee at the home of a complainant) it is not appropriate, and will be considered unacceptable, for Officers to accept items of value from local personnel without prior approval from the Special Representative of the Secretary General.

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MHQ Operations Pillar will maintain a list of commercial establishments and locations that are deemed to be "Off-Limits" to all UNMIK Police officers. This list will be distributed to all UNMIK Police officers on a regular basis. It will be considered a serious breach for any UNMIK Police officer to enter these establishments unless on official duty requiring their presence. If any charge of entering an off-limits establishment is substantiated, the UNMIK Police Officer will be subject to discipline and repatriation.

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No UNMIK Police Officer will consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol while he or she

is in uniform or on-duty or carrying their sidearm or in marked Police vehicle either as a driver or passenger.

No UNMIK Police Officer will at any time consume or possess any illegal drug, or any of its derivatives.

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Sexual harassment for the purposes of this document will be defined as:

a) conduct that is unwelcome or ought to be know as unwelcome and of a sexual nature that either directly or indirectly affects a person's work environment in any fashion. 

b) any conduct which in and of itself creates a hostile or intimidating work environment.

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No UNMIK Police Officer will discriminate against any other person on the basis of sex, race, ethnic background, religion or sexual preference. Any act of discrimination against any other person by a UNMIK Police Officer will be considered a serious breach.

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No member of the UNMIK Police will, without proper authorization, be absent from duty or leave any assigned duty. No UNMIK Police Officer will utilize foul, obscene, or improper language or gestures that could be considered to be obscene or abusive with any other member of the UNMIK Police or with any member of the public.  

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No UNMIK Police Officer will utilize or activate the emergency lights and/or siren on an UNMIK Police car unless the UNMIK Police car is involved in an emergency situation or other authorized activity.

All members of UNMIK Police shall comply with all traffic laws, rules, and regulations. They will constantly utilize care and courtesy, and shall drive in a safe and professional manner at all times.

Only authorized UN personnel shall operate UN Vehicles!!!

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UN Security Officers are authorized to stop any UN Vehicle except UN vehicles assigned to an escort detail and red & white UNMIK police vehicles that are responding to a documented police emergency call with emergency lights and siren activated, and inspect it’s contents, it’s equipment, and it’s documents, including the driving permit of the operator. In addition, the UNMIK Police Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner(s), and CivPol CMTO are empowered to stop UNMIK Police vehicles and to inspect their contents.

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Officers, while in uniform, shall not congregate about in public places or engage in games of chance, unless necessary as a part of official duties or approved by a Supervisor.

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Any legal assistance as a result of police business;

Connection with establishments

manufacturing intoxicants;

Join or be member of any group,

society,club or other organization that

would adversely affect their functioning

as Police Officers;

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The authority to release official UNMIK Police information and provide comments on policies, planning and procedures is limited to the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, Chief of Press and Public Information and those designated by any of the above.

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Duties and ResponsibilitiesDuties and ResponsibilitiesObey lawful orders.Identify themselves when requested by any citizenTake immediate action when confronted by any

police related incident even if OFF DUTY.Respond to and handle all radio calls received

Comply with UN rules and proceduresSupervisors responsibility

Report any violations of policy or established


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Any UNMIK Officer found to be an accessory to any violation of UN rules and procedures will be considered a principal to that violation and subject to discipline.

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Consequences of Consequences of violations violations

of the Code of Conductof the Code of ConductTo INDIVIDUALS

Internal Disciplinary Action Criminal Prosecution Civil Lawsuits Immunities and Privileges. Minor Misconduct. Serious Misconduct.

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Consequences of Consequences of violations violations

of the Code of Conductof the Code of ConductTo the MISSION

Erosion of Confidence/Trust in the UN; Jeopardize the achievement of the

Mission; Jeopardize your status and security as


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Uniform and EquipmentUniform and Equipment UNMIK Police Officers shall wear their national Police uniforms at

all times while on duty or while traveling on duty in UNMIK vehicles, unless authorized. Uniforms shall always be neat and clean, and shall be worn in a professional manner.

The United Nations beret and identification card shall be worn at all times while on duty.

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•Imposition of Discipline

•Rights of Officers under investigation

•Decisions and Appeals

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UNMIK Police Officers are required to cooperate during internal investigations and inquiries.

Must adhere to the UNMIK Police

Policy & Procedure Manual

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UNMIK Police Commissioner is responsible UNMIK Police Commissioner is responsible for the discipline of all CIVPOL, or delegate for the discipline of all CIVPOL, or delegate that authority to the DPC/Athat authority to the DPC/ASuspension an officer under investigation Suspension an officer under investigation from executive powers (period will be from executive powers (period will be determined by DPC/A)determined by DPC/A) Each officer’s case will be considered Each officer’s case will be considered separately. If an Officer’s ability to safely separately. If an Officer’s ability to safely operate a firearm is in question the DPC/A operate a firearm is in question the DPC/A may, at his discretion, order that the Officer be may, at his discretion, order that the Officer be disarmed.disarmed.

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All alleged breaches must be documented in Preliminary Report by the immediate supervisor and submitted as

soon as possible to the Designated Disciplinary

Supervisor (DDS) with the copy to DPC/A.

DDS will notify DPC/A within 48 hours.


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Deputy Commissioner/Administration

Deputy Commissioner/Operations

Regional Commander

Border Police Commander

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Minor breachesMinor breaches

& &

Serious breachesSerious breaches

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Forms of DisciplineForms of Discipline

Verbal counselingPrevention of special assignmentsWritten reprimand (two types)

Redeployment within the regionRedeployment outside the regionSuspension of UN Driving Permit

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Forms of DisciplineForms of Discipline(continuation)(continuation)

Revocation of UN Driving permit

Prohibition of position of commandReduction from any position of command

Officer’s extension will be Officer’s extension will be denied!!!denied!!!

Recommendation for repatriation

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Rights of Officer under InvestigationRights of Officer under Investigation

Be advised in writing of the specific allegation(s).

To consult with other UNMIK Police Officers (who are not involved with the investigation) or Counsel.

To have Counsel present during interviews.To appeal any decision imposing discipline

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Decisions and AppealsDecisions and Appeals

An UNMIK Police Officer has the right to appeal.

The appeal shall be in the form of a letter.

The appeal must be submitted within 5 days.

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Criminal InvestigationCriminal Investigation

UNMIK Police Officer’s immunity

Provisional Custody of CIVPOL

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•Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)•Regulation 2001/28Regulation 2001/28•Convention of the privileges and Immunities of the Convention of the privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (13 February 1946)United Nations (13 February 1946)•Kosovo Criminal Code & procedure (April 2004)Kosovo Criminal Code & procedure (April 2004)•UNMIK Policy and Procedure ManualUNMIK Policy and Procedure Manual•UN Civilian Police HandbookUN Civilian Police Handbook•UN Regulations of the SRSGUN Regulations of the SRSG

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You are an ambassador of the

UN and your own nation; Your Behaviour reflects upon

the UN Organization as a whole;

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Thank you for your attention