unlocking the parable - danika gravelle · (1828 noah webster’s american dictionary of the...

Unlocking the Parable ~Using My Father’s House As a ministry tool~ By Danika Gravelle

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Page 1: Unlocking the Parable - Danika Gravelle · (1828 Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language) 6 ~*~ After Jesus told the Parable of the Sower, “His disciples came


the Parable

~Using My Father’s House

As a ministry tool~

By Danika Gravelle

Page 2: Unlocking the Parable - Danika Gravelle · (1828 Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language) 6 ~*~ After Jesus told the Parable of the Sower, “His disciples came


Unlocking the Parable:

Using My Father’s House as a Ministry Tool

Copyright © 2019 Danika Gravelle

Published by Danika Gravelle

[email protected]


Scripture taken from New King James Version (NKJV). Copyright 1979,

1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New

Living Translation, Copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale

House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Cover illustration: free clip art used by permission.

To order copies of the parable, My Father’s House and

The Journey of Discovery Study Guide, book speaking engagements,

workshops and bible studies, or find out more about the ministry,

please visit: danikagravelle.com.


Dare the Consequences;

Take courage and venture!

~ Mark 15:43 (AMP) ~

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Table of Contents


Introduction ~

The Power of a Parable………………….. 5

1. Evangelism ~

a. Teach the Children

b. The Father’s Heart - Plan of Salvation…. 8

2. Mind Renewal ~ Revelation of Truth

Healing and Deliverance……………….. 12

3. Discipleship ~

The Christian Walk……………………… 14

Ministry Scenarios……………………..... 15

This booklet is to be used in conjunction with My Father’s

House and The Journey of Discovery Study Guide.

To purchase My Father’s House and

The Journey of Discovery Study Guide,

Go to: danikagravelle.com

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Page 5: Unlocking the Parable - Danika Gravelle · (1828 Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language) 6 ~*~ After Jesus told the Parable of the Sower, “His disciples came



The Power of a Parable


‘O My people, listen to My teaching.

Open your ears to what I am saying,’

for I will speak to you in a parable.

I will teach you hidden lessons from our past –

stories we have heard and know,

stories our ancestors handed down to us.

We will not hide these truths from our children,

but will tell the next generation about

the glorious deeds of the Lord.’”

Psalm 78:1-4 (NLT)

The power of a parable is its ability to speak anytime, anywhere and

to everyone who has ears to hear.

It does not discriminate between gender, race or age.

It is not concerned with geographical locations, economic

or cultural differences.

It can teach every person, regardless of education or intellect.

“A parable is a short tale that illustrates a universal truth;

it is a simple narrative. It sketches a setting, describes an action,

and shows the results.” (Wikipedia.com)

Parable – [ Greek παραβολή (parabolē) - to compare or illustrate]

1. An allegorical (symbolic) representation of something in real

life or nature from which moral instruction is drawn. (1828 Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language)

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After Jesus told the Parable of the Sower, “His disciples came and

asked Him, ‘Why do you always tell stories when you talk to the


“Then He explained to them,

‘You have been permitted to understand

the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others have not.

To those who are open to My teaching,

more understanding will be given,

and they will have an abundance of knowledge.

But to those who are not listening,

even what they have will be taken away from them,”

Matthew 13:10-12 (NLT).

“Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these

when speaking to the crowds. In fact,

He never spoke to them without using such parables.

This fulfilled the prophecy that said,

‘O My people, listen to My teaching.

Open your ears to what I am saying,’

for I will speak to you in a parable.

I will teach you hidden lessons from our past –

stories we have heard and know,

stories our ancestors handed down to us.

We will not hide these truths from our children,

but will tell the next generation about

the glorious deeds of the Lord.’”

Matthew 13:34-35 (NLT); Psalm 78:1-4 (NLT)

(Matthew 13 quotes only verse 2 of Psalm 78.

I included verses 1-4 for better clarification.)

Teaching biblical principles through moral instruction is

difficult when our audience does not understand Christianese.

Parables simplify the lesson by making it relatable and non-religious.

My Father’s House is a parable inspired by true stories of

Kenyan orphans, written at a 4-8 year old reading level.

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It is first The Plan of Salvation; how Jesus providentially brought

Kito from a distant to a nearer place; from orphan-hood to sonship.

Secondly, it is a ministry tool for Mind Renewal: Healing

and Deliverance through the revelation of Truth. Many Believers

are unaware they even have Orphan Poverty Mindsets (OPM’s). This

contradiction causes great discouragement as they try to live for

Christ but experience continual failure. In discovering the root cause

of OPM’s and exposing them to Truth, Jesus Christ brings deliverance

from torment, guilt and shame. When emotional healing occurs, in

some instances physical healing may also manifest. The Truth sets us

free from spiritual, emotional and physical bondage so that we can

experience the fullness of our salvation. Jesus came to set the captives

free, (Isaiah 61).

My Father’s House is a Discipleship tool in understanding

the Christian walk from beginning to end. Being a Christian does not

mean we are exempt from trials and tribulation, but that in the midst

of them we are confident of our salvation through Jesus Christ. All

who follow Christ will endure suffering and persecution for His

name’s sake.

Part 1, (the first five chapters) in The Journey of Discovery

Study Guide, is the teacher’s manual for laying the foundation for

these three ministry aspects of the parable:

1. The Plan of Salvation

2. Mind Renewal – Healing and deliverance from OPM’s

through the revelation of Truth.

3. Discipleship – The Christian Walk

To teach, you must first be teachable. Before you teach this

parable to others, I encourage you to experience the Journey of

Discovery for yourself, and then you can support your teaching with

personal experience and testimony. This will make you relatable to

your students who will be more apt to follow where you’ve already

been. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in all Truth as you join Kito

on his Journey of Discovery to My Father’s House.

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Chapter 1


~*~ And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,

“All authority has been given to Me

in heaven and on earth.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the Nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all things

that I have commanded you;

and lo, I am with you always,

even to the end of the age. Amen.”

Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)

Ministry is a simultaneous orchestration of discipleship, evangelism

and mind renewal because God is concerned with our whole being;

spirit, soul and body.

Using My Father’s House to share the Gospel of Salvation is

quite simple; read the parable with others and let God do the rest. A

five year old and an 89 year old both gave their lives to Jesus after

hearing the parable one time. The Holy Spirit stirred their hearts to

desire the Father’s love. The woman adamantly refused the Gospel

her entire life, but when she read the parable God spoke as a Father to

His beloved daughter and she could no longer resist.

Chapter 3 in the Study Guide establishes the foundation for

teaching the Gospel. It grants Kingdom authority to speak into

people’s lives and bring them out of darkness. Many people are timid

about sharing the Gospel because they don’t want to “push religion”

on people. Understanding the difference between religion and

relationship is important for ministering the true Gospel of Christ.

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Empassioned followers of Jesus don’t want to push religion either, but

they do want everyone to experience the unconditional love of God.

The reality is people are dying to hear the truth, and we have the

answer to all their life questions: Jesus Christ.

Many Believers feel ill-equipped to share the Gospel; they

don’t know enough scripture, haven’t gone to bible school, too shy,

don’t know what to say, or fear - “What if they ask a question I can’t

answer?” Using My Father’s House as a ministry tool helps eliminate

the inadequacy excuses and gets to the heart of the matter; the love of

the Father.

I read the parable to 13 first graders one day. At the end, one

little boy said, “Golly, that makes me want to cry,” as he wiped a tear

from his eye. The teacher asked her class, “Who would like to pray

and ask Jesus into your heart?” Every single child raised their hand,

and then bowed their heads and prayed for salvation.

We get so worried people will say no, we never even ask. We

should at least extend them the courtesy to accept or reject Christ for

themselves. I have been surprised multiple times when the least likely

person in the room (based on external appearances) is the very one

who comes to Christ. We are not to be selective with whom we share

the Gospel based on our own preferential or prejudiced opinions, or

based on the fear of rejection.

“Preach the Word of God!

Be persistent, whether the time is favorable or not.

Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people

with good teaching. For a time is coming when

people will no longer listen to right teaching.

They will follow their own desire and will look for teachers

who will tell them whatever they want to hear.

They will reject the truth and follow strange myths.

But you should keep a clear mind in every situation.

Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord.

Work at bringing others to Christ.

Complete the ministry God has given you.”

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (NLT)

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____________________________, you have Our full permission and authority

to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone, anytime, anywhere!

In the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Chapter 4 in the Journey of Discovery Study Guide contains a lot

of information to draw upon for discussion and direction, making the

parable and Gospel relatable.

1. The Plan of Salvation – SOZO

a. If you are unsure about your full inheritance rights as

a child of God, download the teaching, Action Sozo

from danikagravelle.com. This teaching will help you

teach the FULL Gospel.

2. Use the Natural vs. Spiritual chart on p11 in the Study Guide.

People easily relate to Kito’s circumstances, both emotionally

and many times experientially. 3. The Promise (Seed) of Sonship: (see also page 22-23 in the

Study Guide: The Dream) The Gospel in a nutshell. a. This section answers the three primary Worldview

questions regarding Identity, purpose and destiny.

(Study Guide, p22, Selah #1). b. The promise becomes personal – everyone desires to

be loved and accepted, and to know their lives matter. 4. The Quick Parable Overview:

a. If you don’t have time to do the 10 week study, this

quick overview gives some high points from the

parable. b. For additional depth, go through the Step-by-Step in

Chapter 6 and find more nuggets that relate to each

illustration. c. The illustration combined with a scripture and a

relevant nugget becomes a powerful “take away” they

will not soon forget.

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5. Extend the Invitation for Salvation. a. Chapter 4 ends with the salvation prayer, as does the

parable. They may say “No” today, or even

tomorrow, but one day they might say, “Yes!” b. Keep presenting opportunities for them to enter My

Father’s House. 6. Be aware of how Holy Spirit is moving. There may be one

illustration or particular point the person gets focused on and

that will be the place where ministry begins.

a. Minister according to their need, and not according to

the agenda you planned for the day.

b. When a person has a personal encounter with God,

they are more open to receiving deeper ministry in the


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Chapter 2

Mind Renewal:

Revelation of Truth

~*~ “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and

acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Romans 12:2 (NKJV)

“And you shall know the truth,

And the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 (NKJV)

Chapter 5 ~ Mind Renewal, in the Journey of Discovery Study Guide,

is key to the Christian walk. Discipleship, evangelism and mind

renewal happens when trust relationships are established.

My Father’s House is a powerful parable that triggers people

emotionally. Kito’s circumstances and emotional responses closely

resemble their own. Often they won’t understand what is happening

and become embarrassed by their surprise emotions. They may react

in anger or upset, and shut down emotionally.

When you recognize this happening, explain to them that

triggers are actually opportunities for healing because they reveal

holes in our armor; places the enemy gets in and causes great damage.

When these holes are healed, the enemy no longer has access to vex

us. If they are willing to open up and be vulnerable, lead them through

the process of discovering Truth on page 22, Selah question #3. Holy

Spirit will reveal Truth and bring freedom.

The Orphan Poverty Mindset (OPM’s) chart on page 19-20 of

the Study Guide is shocking to most people the first time they see it. I

grieved after writing down the OPM characteristics, because I related

more easily to orphan mindsets than I did as a child of God. These

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OPM’s create “the disconnect” between walking in the fullness of our

salvation and being in bondage to the Old Man.

Deep healing begins in Chapter 6 of the Study Guide, Lesson

1 ~ The Graveside (p18-22). Lies of unworthiness keep people from

freely accepting the love and forgiveness of Christ. They feel

undeserving of such kindness and resign themselves to hell’s torment

as a rightful punishment for their sin. Holy Spirit wants them to know

the Truth that will make them free. Testify of your own healing and

how the Lord brought you through the process.

The person will experience both emotional and physical

healing from the deliverance of lies, but not necessarily at the same

time. As a person lets go of offense, fear, jealousy, anger, bitterness,

etc., any sickness or disease connected with that emotion will also

leave. This is how we come into the fullness of our Salvation/Sozo.

Mind Renewal is allowing the Living Word of God to change

us from the inside out. It is a process; a Journey of Discovery of the

goodness of God and eternal life in Jesus Christ.

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Chapter 3


~*~ You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many

reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people

who will be able to pass them on to others.

2 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)

In Christian ministry, evangelism, mind renewal/healing /deliverance,

and discipleship happen in the natural course of godly conversation.

We separate them to show their distinct functions and characteristics,

but they operate as a whole. Just as different parts of the body have

specific functions, they all work together for the good of the whole

person; spirit, soul and body.

Most often, you will have limited amounts of time with

individuals, so leading them to salvation in Christ is the first step. If

you do have more time, then engage in the full study of the parable.

Teaching The Journey of Discovery Study Guide has proven

to be a simple, yet effective ministry tool in discipling Believers about

their Christian walk. Many of the Believers never realized they had

OPM’s, or that tribulation and suffering was part of the “normal”

Christian life.

Through the Journey, they discovered the truth about their

Kingdom Identity, Salvation, Purpose and Destiny. Now they are

confident that none of their circumstances, past or present, have any

authority to keep them from the love of God. This revelation of Truth

radically changed their lives. They now walk in greater authority,

purpose and dominion; more ardently fulfilling their upward calling in


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My Father’s House and The Journey of Discovery Study Guide are

best used as comprehensive discipleship/evangelism tools. Holy Spirit

touches each life individually through the power of the parable and

speaks to the hidden places of their hearts.

As “Talya’s,” our Christian duty is to simply reach out to

others, and say, “Where are you going with your eyes closed?” and

then take them by the hand, and lead them to My Father’s House

where there’s always room for one more.

Ministry Scenarios


1. One time with a group (30 minutes - one hour):

a. Read the parable out loud;

b. Have a question/answer time;

c. Draw out a few lessons that show the personal depth of the


i. Kito-Natural vs. Us-Spiritual ~ Chart p11,

ii. The Quick Parable Overview p12,

iii. Chapter 6 ~ The Step-by-Step Journey

d. Wrap up with an invitation to salvation.

e. Get the people’s names who gave their lives to Christ for

follow up and discipleship.

2. Sunday school, bible studies, fellowship: many situations allow us

to minister to the same person/people on a continual basis, or for a


a. In each situation, read the parable and allow for Holy

Spirit to draw them to salvation. In this fellowship time,

there will be opportunity to discuss the parable; the

OPM’s, perseverance and ultimately finding our place of


b. In the conversation, revelation will occur:

i. Salvation

ii. Healing and deliverance

iii. Understanding better the Christian walk.

c. Use the Journey of Discovery Study Guide:

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i. Set the foundation for what God intends to do – bring

them from a distant to a nearer place.

ii. Be clear about your intentions, as well. “I want to

share a parable about the Father’s love, and your

place of belonging…”

iii. Chapter 4 is The Heart of the Father ~ Plan of


1. For those who are pre-Christians, you can

spend a lot of time going through what

Salvation/Sozo is.

2. Compare Kito’s circumstances in the natural

with our spiritual condition without Christ.

3. Reveal the Promise of Sonship:

a. Kingdom Identity

b. Kingdom Providence

c. Kingdom Purpose

d. Kingdom Destiny

iv. If you have limited time (less than 10 weeks), use

the Quick Parable Overview on page 12 of the Study

Guide to hit some high points and lessons.

1. Once you have gone through the Study

Guide, you will have personal experience

with the teaching. Personal testimony is a

powerful witness to the reality of a Living

God at work in our lives.

2. End each session with an invitation for

salvation for those not yet saved.

v. No time limits: Do the entire Study Guide.

1. Use the Selah questions for personal journal

time, or for discussion. The questions are

sure to stir up memories and deep wounds

that need healing.

2. Each journey will be different. It is most

important to listen to the Holy Spirit and

allow Him to guide the direction of your

ministry time. He knows what each person


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Children love stories; adults do, too.

Adults who are not readers will read a children’s book,

especially for the sake of a child.

Everyone looks at the illustrations first. Their hearts are

stirred, but they don’t understand why. This is where ministry


Holy Spirit is the teacher; follow His lead.

The message is about the Father’s love, and everyone wants to

hear about that.

Special Request:

I would love to hear your feedback and testimonies about the ways

you minister to others My Father’s House and the Journey of

Discovery Study Guide.

I would especially love to hear how it made an impact on your life:

Please send typed testimonies to [email protected].

Please send handwritten testimonies to:

859 River Road, Massey, ON ~ P0P 1P0

If you are not a writer and would rather speak your testimony, please

send audio recordings of your testimonies to:

[email protected].

In sending me your testimonies, you are agreeing to my using them

for ministry purposes. If you do not want your testimony shared, or if

you would rather remain anonymous, please mention it at the end of

your testimony.

Thank you and Godspeed,

Danika Gravelle

Impact – Difference – Take away – Revelation – Change