united state departmens otf the interior national par ...description onp-and -one-half-story fram...

NPS Form 10.900-a (3«) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register off Historic Piaces Inventory—Nomination Form OMB NO. 1024-0018 Expires 10-31-67 For NPS uM only receive^- 2 date entered Continuation sheet Item numt)er 4,7,8,10 Page 112 Site No. 112 NAME Austin Copeland House II ADDRESS 925 Arlington COUNTY Harris CITY Houston UTM 268560/3297500 BL0CK_ "LOT I 228 DATE 1914 STYLE_ THEME PERIOD 1900 - Vernacular with Shingle influence ARCHITECT/BUILDER Aust in Copeland OWNER Addis Turner Parker, Jr. 939 Arlington. Houston. TX 77008 DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story frame cottage rests on brick piers facing east; gahle.-front roof over rectangular plan: 3-bav principal facade has 1-over-l windows in first and third bays with single, large rectangular door in the second; half-storv gable front extends over first floor forming an inset porch and is supported bv three brick rnliimn.c; extending to the ground; a single wooden balustrade connects the columns and house; in the half-storv is a grouping of three full-sized 1-over-l windows below a wooden shingled gable pediment surrounding a narrow, vertical window; this pattern Building material: wall frame. Physical condition excellent roof composition site: original X_ or moved date Alterations Removal of rear kitchen window on west elevation in the 1950s; SIGNIFICANCE The Copeland House II is significant as one of the few gable-front houses found in the Heights today. Although a common house type in the early 20th century, there were relatively few built in the Heights. The unusually good condition of this property makes it additionally significant. It is also another house constructed by the builder for his own residence. Area of significance architecture Level of significance local DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ORIGINAL USE residence PRESENT USE residence RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS Located in the middle of the west side of a residential street surrounded by houses of similar scale and type; driveway located on south side of lot. ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION less than one acre BIBLIOGRAPHY Tax Rolls; Sanborn Maps RECORDED BY Catherine Parker-Harrison DATE August 1987 INFORMANT Margaret (Copeland) Wood PHOTO DATA 35mm b/w; slides (8), THC CONTINUATIONS: 136 of 147 Description cont. is repeated on the west elevation; side dormers with shed roofs on the north and south elevations. Building material cont. clapboard Alterations cont. addition of front porch rail

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Page 1: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan

NPS Form 10.900-a ( 3 « )

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register off Historic P iaces Inventory—Nomination Form

OMB NO. 1024-0018 Expires 10-31-67

For NPS uM only

r e c e i v e ^ - 2

date entered

Continuation sheet Item numt)er 4,7,8,10 Page 112

Site No. 112

NAME Austin Copeland House I I ADDRESS 925 Arlington

COUNTY Harris CITY Houston UTM 268560/3297500


"LOT I 228


PERIOD 1900 -

Vernacular with Shingle influence

ARCHITECT/BUILDER Aust in Copeland OWNER Addis Turner Parker, Jr. 939 Arlington. Houston. TX 77008 DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story frame cottage rests on brick piers facing east; gahle.-front roof over rectangular plan: 3-bav p r i n c i p a l facade has 1-over-l windows in f i r s t and t h i r d bays with single, large rectangular door i n the second; half-storv gable front extends over f i r s t f l o o r forming an inset porch and i s supported bv three brick rnliimn.c; extending to the ground; a single wooden balustrade connects the columns and house; i n the half- s t o r v i s a grouping of three f u l l - s i z e d 1-over-l windows below a wooden shingled gable pediment surrounding a narrow, v e r t i c a l window; th i s pattern

Building material: wall frame. Physical condition excellent

roof composition s i t e : o r i g i n a l X_ or moved date

Alterations Removal of rear kitchen window on west elevation i n the 1950s; SIGNIFICANCE The Copeland House II is significant as one of the few gable-front houses found in the Heights today. Although a common house type in the early 20th century, there were relatively few built in the Heights. The unusually good condition of this property makes it additionally significant. It is also another house constructed by the builder for his own residence.

Area of significance architecture Level of significance l o c a l DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ORIGINAL USE residence PRESENT USE residence RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS Located i n the middle of the west side of a resi d e n t i a l street surrounded by houses of similar scale and type; driveway located on south side of l o t . ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION less than one acre BIBLIOGRAPHY Tax Rolls; Sanborn Maps RECORDED BY Catherine Parker-Harrison DATE August 1987

INFORMANT Margaret (Copeland) Wood PHOTO DATA 35mm b/w; slides (8), THC


Description cont. i s repeated on the west elevation; side dormers with shed roofs on the north and south elevations. Building material cont. clapboard

Alterations cont. addition of front porch r a i l

Page 2: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan

HPS form ia«R>4 CMS A^^tm^ Mo. 102*^18

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number Page

Multiple Resource Area Thematic Group

^ame Houston Heights MRA State Harris County, TEXAS

Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature

.^110. Copeland, Austin, House I Keeper (^^^^ Q^/C^/r ^ ' / ^ ^


111. Copeland, Austin, House II . .^-^ -^^^Weper r/^y^tr


. 112. Fluegel, William F., House Keeper J y , " ^ A ^ / ' ^ ^ c ^ / / / / ^


113. House at 1217 Harvard B ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ J J ^ ^ '^^^?i.AyA^^'•'^•^'•^^^^ (/-Q^^


, 114. House at 1220 ^^^^^^^^^^g^^^^^^^^ ^ . Keeper C^^^u^/^ dh^A^.^'^L^-^/^A//!'^


115. House at 1435 Heights lB(tcr«d !« ••**» ^t :^^^x/ '^>(Au^i,^- ' .^ . . -*-y^^y^^ ^/^•^T^'^ Boulevard 0 ^ '


-116. Kennedy, Marshall W., House Keeoer^^^^. ^ ^ A y - / ^


117. Lindenberg, Emil, House ^^^^ ^ iMiitfl ^"P" ^ A A j f J ^ g u M ^ / A ^ f f ^

A t t e s t

^118. McCain, Henry Hicks, House^^^ Keeper ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ [Ui cf f / / r j ^

A t t e s t

119. Morton Brothers GrocerV |'a mk ,<^6-Keeper^ 'A^^^'<-^^ ''//^^f^^

^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ Attest

Page 3: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan

WASO Form - 177 ( "R" June 1984)



Copeland, Austin. House II (Houston Heights MRA) Harris County TEXAS

n resubmission • nomination by person or local government • owner objection n appeal

Substantive Review: d ! sample • request

Woricing No. . DEC ? ICS"

Fed. Reg. Date: / ' . — • i ^ > , y Date Due: / - 2 / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ < ^ / / f ^

^ Action: ^ACCEPT / - / - ^ - ^ i ^

j f t t « r « ^ ^ ^ . l u l f r - -RETURN REJECT

Federal Agency:

appeal n NR decision

Reviewer's comments:

Recom./Criteria. Reviewer Discipline Date

see continuation sheet

Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited below .substantive reasons discussed Ijelow

1. Name

Z Location

3. Classification

Category Ownership Public Acquisition

Status Accessible

Present Use

4. Owner of Property

5. Location of Legal Description

6. Representation in Existing Surveys

Has this property been determined eligible? • yes • no

7. Description



EH good

• fair

I I deteriorated

I I ruins

I I unexposed

Check one



Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance

• summary paragraph • completeness • clarity • alterations/integrity • dates I I boundary selection

Check one

• original site

moved date.

Page 4: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan

8. Significance

Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below

Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (in one paragraph)

• summary paragraph CH completeness • clarity O applicable criteria EH justification of areas checked • relating significance to the resource • context • relationship of integrity to significance Q justification of exception • other

9. Major Bibliographical References

10. Geographical Data

Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name UTM References

Verbal boundary description and justification

11. Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is:

national state local

State Historic Preservation Officer signature

title date

13. Other

O Maps EH Photographs • Other

Questions concerning this nomination may be directed to.

Signed Date Phone:

GPO 91 8-450

Comments for any item may be continued on an attached sheet

Page 5: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan
Page 6: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan
Page 7: United State Departmens otf the Interior National Par ...DESCRIPTION Onp-and -one-half-story fram cottage e rest ons brick piers facing east ; gahle.-front roo ovef rectangular r plan

Please refer to the map in the

Multiple Property Cover Sheet

for this property

Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 64Q0Q847