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Vol.14 No. 2 www.ucg.ca March-April 2009 United News Canada 2 Faith and Finances... Anthony Wasilkoff 3 Passover 2009... Lillie Robinson 6 Leadership Workshop Weekend 10 Sacrifices For The Faith... Joe Hofer 11 Scarlet Cord - Rahab... Graemme Marshall 13 Biblical Baptism... Achille Vitale 16 M.A.D.D - How Much is Too Much... Kevin Spahich 18 The Master is Delayed?... Nino Boezio 20 Church News... 24 Reflections... Kevin Ford Inside... News of the United Church of God - Canada Mr. Richard Pinelli, responsible for Leadership Development for UCGia, was presenter of another ongoing Leadership Workshop in Toronto, February 14-15. On the Sabbath in Toronto, he delivered a positive message on six foundational principles of Godly governance from 1 Corinthians 15. These included: Human beings over nature; husbands and wives; parents and children; as civil government and as citizens; employers and employees; and ministry and members in God’s Church. Below the Toronto Church choir presents special music at the Leadership Workshop Weekend. They sang “The First Song of Isaiah” from Isaiah chapter 12, directed by Mrs. Lillie Robinson, accompanied on the piano by Kevin Ford.

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Vol.14 No. 2 www.ucg.ca March-April 2009

United News Canada

2 Faith and Finances... Anthony Wasilkoff 3 Passover 2009... Lillie Robinson 6 Leadership Workshop Weekend 10 Sacrifices For The Faith... Joe Hofer 11 Scarlet Cord - Rahab... Graemme Marshall 13 Biblical Baptism... Achille Vitale16 M.A.D.D - How Much is Too Much... Kevin Spahich18 The Master is Delayed?... Nino Boezio 20 Church News... 24 Reflections... Kevin Ford


News of the United Church of God - Canada

Mr. Richard Pinelli, responsible for Leadership Development for UCGia, was presenter of another ongoing Leadership Workshop in Toronto, February 14-15. On the Sabbath in Toronto, he delivered a positive message on six foundational principles of Godly governance from 1 Corinthians 15. These included: Human beings over nature; husbands and wives; parents and children; as civil government and as citizens; employers and employees; and ministry and members in God’s Church.

Below the Toronto Church choir presents special music at the Leadership Workshop Weekend.

They sang “The First Song of Isaiah” from Isaiah chapter 12, directed by Mrs. Lillie Robinson, accompanied on the piano by Kevin Ford.

United News CanadaIs published by United Church of God - Canada, P.0. Box 144, Station D, Etobicoke, On M9A 4X1

Director of Operations for Canada: Anthony WasilkoffManaging Editor: Graemme MarshallEditorial reviewers: Angie Erickson, Kevin Ford, Lynn Marshall, David Palmer, Joseph SheperdUnited News Canada is automatically sent to all members of United Church of God - Canada, and is free to all who request it. Subscriptions are provided by the voluntary contributions of its members and co-workers. Donations to help share our free publications are gratefully accepted and are tax-deductible.

For a free subscription write to the address above.Or phone 1-800-338-7779.Email: [email protected]

Websites: English www.ucg.ca French www.revuebn.ca The on-line version is available at www.unitednewscanada.org

National Council of United Church of God - CanadaRobert Berendt, Larry DeLong, Graemme Marshall, David Palmer, Patrick Read, Rainer Salomaa (Chairman), Joseph Sheperd, Ian Simons, Anthony Wasilkoff

International Home Office: United Church of God, an International Association, 555 Technecenter Drive, Milford, OH 45150 Website: www.ucg.org

Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. © 2009 United Church of God - Canada. Printed in Canada. All rights reserved.Canada Post Publications Agreement #1487159


For UCG-Canada’s history we have the encouraging evidence that God has blessed us with a slightly increasing income, year by year. And recently we stepped out in faith to embark on a more extensive Beyond Today television witness across our nation. But in 2009 we enter a period of globally affected economic woes.

How will we ride out this storm? Here is what we can do to make sure we are doing our part for God’s Work. We can make a regular part of prayers to beseech God for His Work to be done.

We can ask our great God who owns the Universe, to provide UCG-Canada the financial means to fulfill His purpose and witness, as He so chooses. Here is how God can answer our heart felt prayers.

Before any bad trend sets in, let us regularly implore our Heavenly Father to provide the funding that UCG-Canada needs in order to do what it is He has for us to do at this time.

He can easily call more donors and co-workers. He can easily bless the brethren with more income so that they can increase their contributions a little. He can easily help brethren who are unemployed, or underemployed, to find the kind of work that would suit them best.

Viewing television to hear about North America’s economic woes can be troubling. However, the people of God ‘walk by faith’ (we trust in our unseen Provider), and not by our human strength alone to solve our needs. The apostle Paul encouraged everyone by

writing in Scripture:

“...for we walk by faith, not by sight...” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Thank you for your prayerfulcommitment to UCG-Canada.

Anthony Wasilkoff

Director of Operations, Canada.

“If I were hungry, I would not ask you for food, for the

world and everything in it is mine.”

Psalm 50:12 GNB

March-April 2009 3

PASSOVER 2009: Tuesday evening April 7th.

First Holyday of Unleavened Bread: Thursday April 9th.

Last Holyday of Unleavened Bread: Wednesday April 15th.

“Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast; not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Corinthians 5:6-8 MKJV).


“So after He had washed their feet and had taken His garments and had reclined again, He said to them, Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me the Teacher, and Lord, and you say well, for I AM.

If then I, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.

For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you”

(John 13:12-15 MKJV).


4 United News Canada

GOD’S ANNUALLY RECURRING LESSON Passover and Unleavened Bread Holydays

Our Father God, and His son Jesus Christ, are Master teachers. They who created us, know that we learn best when we reinforce our hearing and our reading, by doing. Thousands of years ago, in the spring, even before the giving of the Ten Commandments, God instructed Israel to put out leavened bread from their dwellings. It was to be done by the time they left Egypt after the Passover. They obeyed, and did as they were told. Since the Lord made removing leaven from our dwelling places an ordinance forever (Exodus 12:15-17), and because we are His chosen, then obedient baptized children (spiritual Israel) do it also.

The doing reinforces and helps us remember what we have read and been taught.

During the past thirty-eight years of deleavening our home, I have learned many lessons by doing certain things. The first year was an expensive lesson. Our family had spent the winter on a sailboat in the Bahamas, and we returned to Toronto on the very day of the Passover evening. We stayed over for the Night To be Much Observed the next evening, and the First Day of Unleavened Bread. Though I had cleaned the boat before leaving, I had not considered that we would not be home before Passover. On opening our large freezer I was stunned to see that we had a huge stock of Sara Lee cakes and goodies. Giving it away was not an option for us, we felt, so we hastily took

it and other things like ice cream cones, and cookies away to the dump. Those who are blessed with a cottage, or a recreational vehicle or a boat, do well to plan ahead.

As one can imagine, my painful lesson taught me to think ahead. As a result, I thoroughly go through my cupboards, pantry and freezer a few weeks before the Days of Unleavened Bread and gather things that must be used up into a cardboard box, where I can see them daily. I then make a plan as to how they will be consumed in time. Searching for leaven and cleaning one’s home could be a mindless job, but I have learned that each year as I progress with my cleaning, I can search my mind too, thinking of why I do this. I try to remember that leaven is a biblical symbol for sin; such things as vanity, hypocrisy, law breaking, malice, wickedness, and false doctrine. These things are ugly, and I usually relate this fact to the shocking sight of crumbs and litter lurking under things I have just removed from a drawer.

This is the time to search my own life and see if there is any spiritual leaven lurking in me. This is the time to ask God for His forgiveness, and more of His Holy Spirit to empower me in resisting the sins I find in myself. This is an opportune time to dwell on how costly it was for Christ who gave His life to free

me from sin. Now is my opportunity to remember that I am bought with a price, and my life needs cleaning, as well as my cupboards and drawers. While deleavening, I use some of my time to pray for my brothers and sisters who are sick, or in pain, or mourning, or lonely, and ask God to help them through their trial. I also give Him thanks that I have a home to clean. Cleaning up crumbs or leaven means He has blessed me with food. Talking to God about my blessings while I do my cleaning, makes the chore lighter, I find, and gives me a grateful attitude. The work then does not seem so tedious. Thinking about my blessings usually brings a song to mind, and so I praise God through singing. This can be a real spirit lifter and make my work seem to pass more quickly. God doesn’t require a perfect voice of us, but as my father used to say, “The Bible says ‘Make a joyful noise unto the Lord’ and anyone can do that.” Doing the yearly search and removal of leaven should be shared. My children and my husband were not left out, but did their share in other areas than the kitchen. They too were included in the reinforcing action of the doing, not just knowing about God’s requirement of putting out leaven. God knows that we can be forgetful children, and sometimes downright lazy.

Thus, through His continuous yearly lesson of physically removing leaven

Continued over page

March-April 2009 5

“And, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And all were baptized to Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of the spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.

But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were scattered in the wilderness. And these things were our examples, that we should not be lusters after evil, as they also lusted.

Nor should we be idolaters, even as some of them, as it is written: “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” Nor let us commit fornication, as some of them fornicated, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day. Nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted Him and were destroyed by serpents. Nor murmur as some of them also murmured and were destroyed by the destroyer. And all these things happened to them as examples; and it is written for our warning on whom the ends of the world have come. So let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:1-12 MKJV).


from our dwellings, He gives us an opportunity to grow spiritually, if we thoughtfully act on His instruction. God is sinless, and wants to teach us to become the same, through His yearly lesson.

Lillie Robinson Toronto Deaconness and Choir Director

Unleavened Bread Lessons continued.

6 United News Canada


TORONTO, OntarioFebruary, 14-15, 2009

Day Time Session

Sabbath 9:00 – 10:00 Purpose: Why Are We Doing This (Richard Pinelli) am 10:00 – 11:30 Pride & Humility (Richard Pinelli)

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch at the Church office pm 1:30 – 3:30 Church services at Toronto Church hall 5:00 – 6:00 Dinner at Church office 6:00 – 7:00 Developing A Steadfast Spirit (Richard Pinelli)

7:00 - 8:00 Developing the One-Point Sermonette (Dennis Horlick)

8:00 - 9:00 Split Sermons/Sermons (Graemme Marshall)


Sunday 9:00 – 10:00 Learning to Examine Yourself and Take Criticism am (Anthony Wasilkoff)

10:00 – 11:00 Teaching As You Have Been taught (Richard Pinelli)

11:00 – 12:00 Your Role In God’s Plan (Graemme Marshall) 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch at the Church office

pm 1:00 – 2:00 The High Calling of God (Richard Pinelli)

2:00 – 3:00 Working with the Younger Generation (Anthony Wasilkoff)

3:00 - 4:00 Spiritual Effectiveness (Richard Pinelli)

4:00 - 4:30 Discussion

Beginning at 9:00 am each morning the Leadership Workshop was an intensive twelve hours of instruction. Sabbath services were enjoyed with the Toronto congregation along with split sermons and special music presented by the Toronto Church choir.

March-April 2009 7

Mr. Richard Pinelli, responsible for Leadership Development in UCGiafrom Cincinnati, makes a presentation on the Sunday morning.

Mrs. Mary Pinelli was able to accom-pany him for this weekend.

Despite being mid-February winter weather we were blessed to have clear blue skies and mild temperatures.

This was very much appreciated by some of the participants who had a 7 to 9 hour drive from their homes.

Some excerpts and quotes from the PRIDE AND HUMILITY lecture.

In his essay, “Pride, Humility & God,” John Stott wrote the following: “At every stage of our Christian development and in every sphere of our Christian discipleship, pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend.”

Nothing can be done about overcoming it....unless it is seen in oneself - C.S. Lewis.

A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and of course, as long as you’re looking down, you cannot see something that is above you - C.S. Lewis.

Pride ruins pastors and churches more than any other thing. It is more insidious in the church than radon in the home. - Mike Renihan.

Humility Definition: Modesty or respectfulness: the quality of being modest or respectful.

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right. - Ezra Taft Benson.

Survey of pastors and ministers conducted by Rev! Magazine (July-August 2007).

Q - “Which temptation seems to be the most troublesome for you?”

* Pride/ego/self-centredness 33% * Pornography 20% * Gossiping/criticism 14% * Extra-marital sexual thoughts 11% * Coveting/jealousy/envy 8% * Lying/exaggerating 6% * Other 6%

8 United News Canada


Is is Biblical?Is it Interesting?

Is it Clear? Graemme Marshall


One point 3 Scriptures 12 minutes

Dennis Horlick


PERSONAL APPRECIATION * Greetings gentlemen, I wanted to take a moment to let you all know how much the Leadership Weekend was appreciated. All of the topics covered were very well done and enjoyed and we would like to thank each of you for your commitment to take the time and effort that were certainly needed to help us understand the necessity of being an effectual leader in God’s church. We found the instructions meaningful and yet sobering as we listened to the years of experience that is there from individuals that truly have a love for His word and the desire to teach it to others.We look forward to being able to utilize the information in a very real application and hope to be able to “Teach others as we have been taught.” We hope that there will be more workshops in the future and that we will have the opportunity to be a part of them. With grateful thanks, Pat & Jo-Anne Read

* To you all, Thanks very much for the care and concern that you have shown for us and the church. Hopefully we can use the instruction received in many positive ways, Nino Boezio

The second weekend in February, twenty-four individuals from Ontario and Quebec gathered at the National Office for “round two” of the Leadership Workshop series. Richard Pinelli, who is in charge of developing this program, attended the workshop and gave most of the presentations. Also present was his wife, Mary. The purpose of these workshops is to help develop the right environment for growth in the church by giving further instruction and encouragement to individuals who can help at the local level. We wish to reach out to congregations at the local level to help those in leadership positions to be more effective and to develop additional younger leaders. There was high enthusiasm from the attendees who were pleased to be back for another workshop. Topics during the weekend covered pride and humility, a steadfast spirit; speaking mechanics, examining oneself, our role in

God’s plan and our calling, understanding our generational differences, and being spiritually effective. The exit surveys noted that the workshop exceeded expectations. One individual said that the handouts would be useful for Bible Studies and added, “We feel so blessed by this program and pray God will give us the will and spirit to grow in and apply the things we’ve learned.” Another individual said that the workshop, “..helps bring out a lot of Godly traits and characteristics of what constitutes a real servant.” Yet another said, “Thank you all so very much for your time, effort and sharing of your knowledge to help us to grow to become more like what God wants us to be.” What’s next?

We plan to have a “round two” in Calgary

this coming June to follow up with those who attended the first session last June. An observation made during the February weekend was that the material is so good that all members should receive it. We will work on getting the DVD’s out to all pastors so that more individuals can be included. We do believe that a primary benefit is to have smaller groups working together with the ability to ask questions and make comments creating a synergy that would not be the same in a larger group. According to the exit surveys in Toronto, there is a desire to have at least additional sessions. That is in the process of being developed. Anthony Wasilkoff Director of Operations-Canada

March-April 2009 9

Highlights from “Learning to Examine Yourself and Take Criticism” lecture by Anthony Wasilkoff

PHOENIX MARS LANDER * Without course corrections it would have missed Mars by 950,000 miles. * We also need course corrections to reach our destination.

“For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives” Hebrews 12:6.


* “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why disquieted within me? HOPE in God, for I will yet praise Him for the help of His countenance” Psalm 42:5.

We need to talk to ourselves instead of allowing ourselves to talk to us. The Psalmist is talking to himself. How do we do this without becoming morbid? By talking to ourselves instead of allowing ‘ourselves’ to talk to us.

Realize that most of our unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself.


* God

* Your spouse

* Selected Church members

* General response

Unsolicited criticisms will always be with us. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” (Harry S. Truman).

10 United News Canada

To the right are Dave and Sarah Hofer at their 49th. Wedding anniversary, September 13, 2008.

“I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).


An open and understanding mind, especially where the Truth of God is concerned, is an awesome miracle, an exciting event, and a new beginning. But as is often the case, that excitement can be tempered by violent persecution and hardship. Such was the case of the community in which we lived, in Manitoba in the 1960’s. Having been born and raised in a religious farming community, one is taught belief in the one God and that the Bible is His instruction book for human beings. After reaching adulthood and being introduced to Church of God literature and The World Tomorrow radio program, we found ourselves in an intolerable position of not being allowed to live as we knew we should. An organization such as the Hutterite Brethren Church, whose members pool their resources and distribute to each one their needs, is in a unique position to supply an individual’s needs no matter what has been contributed by any one person. But as well, it has the power and authority to deny and cease to supply those needs if it so chooses. After a number of years of being ridiculed, maligned, ostracized and at times violently persecuted for keeping the seventh-day Sabbath, we appealed to the Manitoba Justice system for relief. After years of Court battles in the Court of Queen’s Bench, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada, and staggering legal expenses, we were evicted from our farm and home with a few meager personal possessions.

At first the freedom to live God’s Way of Life without persecution and harassment was, and still is, a precious right and privilege. But very quickly, the prospects of a decent job faded as we realized that we could, and would be, fired for refusing to work on Saturday. And we came to realize that our education was inadequate. With government-funded programs, educational upgrading, trade courses and apprenticeships, we were eventually able to find fulfilling job opportunities. In many cases I firmly believe we were directed to come in contact with merciful, tolerant employers. As well, church members contributed generously to our needs. After having supported and reared a large family, who are now grown and left home, we can honestly say we never went hungry, other than times we had chosen for fasting. Never for one moment, after twenty five years of being involved in God’s Church, were there any regrets for leaving behind family, home and land for the opportunity and freedom of living God’s Way of Life and anticipating the Kingdom of God. There were extremely difficult times when funds were inadequate, when culture shock and blatant disregard for God’s principles seemed almost overwhelming. But direction from God’s Word, His Spirit and His government teaches us to look at life from His perspective. It brings us to the realization that all human beings are potential sons of God. In ways we often don’t realize at the time, God

does provide in many different ways. Donations from strangers and quality purchases at a fraction of the regular price must be attributed to God’s mercy. During years of extreme difficulty a number of Scriptures would keep coming to mind: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). “Let your way of life be without the love of money, and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, “Not at all will I leave you, not at all will I forsake you, never!” (Hebrews 13:5). And of course the faith chapter of Hebrews 11 was regular encouragement. What lies ahead? Undoubtedly life further on into the end time is not going to be a ‘picnic.’ But in overcoming and enduring whatever does lie ahead for each one of us, one hopes to be able to say, as did the apostle Paul,

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith”

(2 Timothy 4:7). Dave Hofer Winnipeg

True Christians are to live out their lives in sacrificial service to God. The following account from Dave Hofer illustrates the cost we might have to be prepared to pay for The Sake of the Truth. It recounts the ‘cost’ he and his wife Sarah and their family had to pay for the ‘freedom’ of God’s truth.

March-April 2009 11

Two men set out on a dangerous as-signment. It was a secret spy mission involving a trek of 2-3 days. They were to cross the Jordan river by swimming or fording, infiltrate into enemy coun-try and spy out military information. They were nearly captured and had to be lowered down a city wall to escape. A token left behind of a ‘scarlet cord’ carries rich symbolism for Christians ever after. The colour red would be powerfully significant in salvation. It holds special significance for New Tes-tament Christians at Passover. The men were ‘spies’ Joshua sent to search the land, especially Jericho (Joshua 2:1). They apparently had no fear of mixing with the locals as they entered the city. Possibly their dress and speech weren’t too much out of place. When they walked the streets they may have browsed for a while before seek-ing somewhere to stay the night. They ended up at Rahab’s ‘Inn’ for lodging. (A harlot’s house: Harlots and inn-keepers seem to have been called by the same name, as no doubt many who followed this mode of life, from their exposed situation, were not the most correct in their morals-Adam Clarke’s Commentary). The Biblical record tells, however, they were nonetheless observed and identified as ‘Israelite spies.’ Perhaps their dialect gave them away. Maybe others listening close by might have observed Rahab’s animated conversation with them after she de-duced they were Israelites. The King sought their arrest by sending Rahab instructions to deliver them up to him. He seems to have expected her to do it. Perhaps this suggests Rahab had some influence and standing in the city. Now emerges a remarkable turn of events. In this ‘chance’ meeting, the spies discover Rahab knows much about Israel. She is in a way ‘count-ing the cost’ of leaving her polytheistic background. And we find her family members are similarly agreed in her newfound belief. Could God have led the spies directly to her, as He did Peter

for the gentile centurion Cornelius? Did God intend to call her to the faith? We can’t say for sure from the account but can read how her faith is commended twice, in Hebrews 11:30-31 and James 2:25. Rahab in her fledgling faith is more concerned about saving the spies than about telling a misleading story to the king. By her subterfuge the king’s troops are misdirected to the fords of Jordan. Rahab instead hides them under drying bundles of flax on the roof. After deceiving the troops she goes to the spies in a remarkable confession. In Joshua 2:8-11 Rahab recounts her new-found faith. ‘I know the Lord has given this land to you’ (verse 8). This is a belief in the power of the true God. ‘A great fear has fallen on us, all who live here are melting in fear of you.’ This offers the military intelligence the spies are to report back to Joshua. It shows God’s hand already at work to bring the overthrow of Jericho.‘We have heard what the Lord did in drying up the Red Sea and what you did to the two kings Sihon and Og.’ A remarkable statement. The defeat of the two kings was fairly recent, across the other side of the Jordan. But the Red Sea event was some 40 years previous. How old was Rahab? When did she learn this? Did it come from her parents when she was a child? It shows that significant awe of biblical events had spread during the wanderings and how neighbouring nations were familiar with Israelite history. The defeat of the two kings suddenly brought everything into sharp focus for a city across the Jordan next on the list. Rahab believes biblical history and is now converting to Israel’s God. Also remarkable is how her parents, brothers, and sisters are all equally believing. We know this be-cause the spies tell her all must remain in the house and not leave. It appears they obeyed. Their belief is in sharp contrast to Lot’s family members who just

mocked the angelic warning. Here they are saved through Rahab. She acknow-ledges, ‘The Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath’ (Joshua 2:11). The spies now had to trust her to not tell the King of their es-cape until safe to cross the Jordan and report to Joshua.

Now the remarkable illustration of the scarlet cord.

In return for their safety they vowed to protect her when the Israelite as-sault began, provided she fulfilled two conditions. One, she and all hers must stay inside her house during the attack. Two, she must tie a piece of red cord to her window to identify the location to attacking troops. Where the scarlet cord came from isn’t revealed. It may have been in Rahab’s house or tying the flax bundles. But we might wonder whether the spies had it with them to tie their clothes, backpacks, or sleeping gear. We also can ponder whether God intended the event to become a symbol-ism for all time. She lowers them down from her window on the wall after they first establish that in order to be pro-tected she must tie the ‘scarlet cord’ in the window. This way her house would be unobtrusively identified to an Israelite search party (verses 18-19).


Continued on 12

12 United News Canada


We assume the section of the wall that enclosed her house was the only section still standing at the collapse of the city walls. But the ‘red cord’ tied to the window was to be the proof of her faith. The two spies no doubt excitedly explained all these events to Joshua who in response accepted the vow to protect Rahab and her family. As the Israelites approached Jericho, God explained He would bring down the walls (Joshua 6). Joshua must have wondered how the vow would be hon-oured when the walls were to fall. Did it mean ALL the walls, or enough of the wall structure to enable the troops to rush in and take the city? It implies all the walls. It must have been aston-

ishing when the dust settled to see that the section of wall where the ‘red cord’ was tied to a window still stood up-right. What amazing deliverance. What a lesson of trust and faith for not just Rahab, her father and her mother, and her brothers, and all that she had (verse 13), but also Joshua and the Israelites. (Yet how short lived was awe from this miracle with Achan when it came to the conquest of Ai!). Joshua immediately told the spies to take Rahab and her family outside the Israelite camp (they were Gentiles). Then they burned the city. The biblical directive means it must have also in-cluded the standing wall of Rahab’s house. Millennia of erosion means there is little evidence among the ar-chaeological Jericho sites to enhance this miraculous event. Now let’s consider why Christians are impressed with the ‘scarlet cord’ in the window. It forces itself upon us in the light of Scriptural teaching about the blood of Christ. Red blood from slain lambs splashed over the door posts of Israelite homes in Egypt protected them from the ‘slay-er of the firstborn’ (Exodus 12:13). The ‘scarlet cord’ symbolised in type Rahab’s acceptance of the ‘lamb’s blood’ in her life.

What the blood on the door posts on the first Passover night in Egypt was to the houses of Israel, so the scarlet cord in the window was to the house of Rahab. It became Rahab’s identification as one to be saved in a day of calamity. It was the acting out of her faith. Her sinful years overlooked (Acts 17:30, 31) she later married Salmon of Judah and be-came the ancestress, as did Ruth, of David and of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1, 5, 6). What the blood of the first Passover did for the Israelites, the ‘scarlet cord’ did for Rahab. What Christ’s poured-out blood on the stake did for mankind’s sins, the red wine symbol each Passover similarly renews deliverance for believers. Christians celebrate ‘deliverance’ from the bondage of sin. Despite hu-man weakness, God views ‘cleansed’ believers as ‘unleavened’ (1 Corinth-ians 5:7). With that confidence we march on, as did the Israelites, towards the Promised Land.

Graemme Marshall

January 30, 2009 Today @ This is the way... Dear friends, It is almost never too late to make a change. Clyde and Dee Kilough

Turn! Turn! Turn!

In the 1950s, Pete Seeger composed a song which The Byrds—an American rock band—would popularize some 10 years later: “Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season).” The lyrics of this song are taken almost entirely from the text of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, the introduction of which states, “To everything there is a

season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” We in North America have been greatly blessed. We can build and we can break down, we can dance and we can mourn. But will this last? As a country, we have not been obeying our Maker. We call evil good and good evil. God’s commandments are no longer being upheld—but there yet remains hope.

In Jonah 3:8-9 we read, “Let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands. Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so

that we may not perish?” And God did relent and spare ancient Nineveh.

We pray that our country will turn away from evil and return to obey our God. And if not our nation, then at least we as individuals can change.

Further Reading:

http://www.ucg.org/booklets/RL/ firststep.asp

March-April 2009 13

THE BIBLICAL BAPTISM“…whatever things were written before were written for our learning…” (Romans 15: 4)

Continued on page 14

I was born into a Roman Catholic family. Seventeen days after my birth my father and mother took me to their parish to be baptized into their and their parents’ religion. I’m sure I welcomed all the attention but I had no idea why water was poured on my forehead. And I didn’t realize that from that moment on I became in the eyes of society a member of a specific religious group. Thinking upon this recently, I spoke to a Roman Catholic priest. He explained that although originally the Catholic Church only performed adult baptism, infant baptism was adopted after much emphasis was placed on the doctrine developed by St. Augustine in the fifth century, of Adam and Eve’s “original sin” being contracted universally at birth. He added that although his manner of baptizing is by pouring water, some Catholic congregations today also perform immersion, for both infants and adults. Catholic baptisms are usually performed during Easter week and include in their liturgical ceremony, consecrated water, consecrated oil, the wearing of a white garment, and a lighted candle. I spoke also with a Protestant minister and found that their baptismal liturgy is similar to that of the Catholics. The minister mentioned that both infants and adults are baptized in his congregation and that the manner of baptism he uses is sprinkling. His church accepts other methods. According to the literature he provided, “Water is poured or sprinkled three times on the candidates’ heads, or the candidates are immersed three times in the font.”

The Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that submersion is the only correct method of baptism. On the other hand, the Quakers (Society of Friends) do not believe in the necessity of water baptism. It is little wonder that the religious world is so confused. The Scriptures show that the Jewish community and their religious authorities readily accepted baptising, but not John the Baptist. The Scriptures state that Jesus baptized more than John, though through His disciples (John 3:22-26; John 4:1-2). What then is the biblical baptism?

New Testament Teaching From The Old The apostles Peter and Paul had no reservations with regards to using Old Testament Scriptures to prove New Testament truths. Taught by Jesus Christ years apart, this is what each had to say about water baptism.

PETER On the subject of water baptism, Peter writes: “….when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared (in which a few, that is, eight souls were saved through water); which figure now also saves us, baptism; not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ;” (1 Peter 3:20-21). At the time of the flood the ark was surrounded by water,

with rain clouds above and water below. The flood buried all human corruption and violence that had filled the earth to that time (Genesis 6:11-13). Noah and his family were carried through the midst of the waters and emerged out of the ark into a new life after all the burial waters were removed.

PAUL In I Corinthians 10:1-2, Paul writes of mass baptism as a future type: “Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.” In order to flee from the Egyptian armies and reach safety and freedom, the Israelites had to pass through a corridor in which they were surrounded by water: the Red Sea on each side and the cloud above. Remember, Christ was in the cloud. The Israelites passed through the water and when they emerged out of it they left behind the Egyptian oppressors (Exodus 3:9-10), and a destroyed army buried in the sea (Exodus 14:26-28).

Washings (immersions) in the Old Testament Commenting on the temple services performed by the Levitical priests, the book of Hebrews declares, “It was symbolic for the present time…concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation” (Hebrews 9: 9-10). Here the

Pictured at right is the Jordan river near the sea of Galilee. It was in this river that John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ.

Google images.com“Now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there

was much water there” (John 3:23).

14 United News Canada

word washings is translated from the Greek word BAPTISMOS, which means baptism (immersion). It refers to the many types of washings performed by the Levitical priests where submersion was necessary.

Conversion To Modern Judaism In the Encyclopaedia Judaica for Youth, the subject concerning non-Jews wishing to convert to Judaism in our modern society appears in volume 2, page 37 under the title “Conversion to Judaism.” The Encyclopaedia states that a gentile conversion into Judaism includes, among other things, the following: “For both males and females the bet din (court of three rabbis) oversees their immersion in a ritual bath (mikveh).” A mikveh is described in volume 4, page 136 as; “… a special pool of water constructed according to rigid legal specifications, immersion in which renders ritually clean a person who has become ritually unclean…”

The Right Way The Protestant literature mentioned earlier says, “By the second century, the ritual of baptism had evolved. Some accounts indicate that baptism was administered by pouring water over the person.” The churches of this world forget that God the Father and Jesus Christ do not change. They do not evolve and teach a different truth. Jesus Christ is “…the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6). What we see is the Old Testament supporting the New Testament method of baptism, complete immersion in water. In His wisdom and mercy, God knew that the only way to rid the earth of the evil and corruption was to completely submerge it with water, allowing only Noah and his family to survive the waters that surrounded the ark. Likewise the Israelites surrounded by water emerged from the midst of the cloud and the sea, and left Egypt behind permanently to begin a new life led by God.

So how did my baptism at seventeen days old measure up to the biblical definition? I’m afraid not too well. Was it valid in God’s sight?

Not at all. Later in life I came to know the truth about the biblically correct method of water baptism. After repenting of my sins, and determining to leave my past way of life behind, I began walking in a new spiritual path led by God. I was baptized by being immersed and covered completely by water. Then by receiving God’s Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, I became part of God’s true Church. Achille Vitale Montreal

Hekekiah’s Tunnel where it enters the Pool of Siloam, is a Mikveh.


“When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He (Jesus) said to him, “Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam” .. So he went and washed, and came back seeing” (John 9:6-7).

March-April 2009 15


Patrick Read, of Ethel, Ontario (a small town 45 minutes north west of Kitchener) was ordained a Church Elder on January 31st by  Tony  Wasilkoff.   Pat  and his wife Jo-Anne have been long time  members  and  servants  of God’s  Church.  Here  is  how  Pat explains about their  life of service.SERVICE AS A DEACON I was ordained a Deacon on the Day  of  Atonement  in  1999.  I  have taken care of ushering, youth coordination,  set-up  crews,  song leading, speaking, as well as serving as the liaison between United and the host church from whom we rent  facilities  for  services.  Feast duties  have  included  overseeing the auditorium at our home site, ushering, speaking, and youth day  coordination.  Over  the  last 13 years my family and I have made a 4-hour round trip drive to services each week, including the Holy  Days.    Anyone  who’s  driven in Toronto understands what it can  be  like  to  contend with  traffic and foul weather as well as high gas prices in and around the

city.  I  can  recall  many  times  not knowing how we would make it home in the winter due to severe storms  and  white-out  conditions.EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCES.   My career has been spent in the manufacturing  sector.  For  the  last 18 years I have been working at a company in Guelph, about an hour’s  drive  from  home.  I  began my career with the company as a welder/fabricator, moving into overseeing their shipping/receiving department, and from there was  promoted  to  the  position  of Assistant Plant Manager of their assembly plant.    I  spent  the  last  5 years as a Supervisor of their Courier Department before losing my job due  to  restructuring  right  after the  Feast  of  Tabernacles  in  2008. Though losing my job was difficult, it allowed me to learn many lessons. I am still grateful for the chance I had to be able to work with such a wide cross section of employees. One of the biggest opportunities I had as a supervisor was being able to gain valuable experience in dealing with people.  It was not only challenging, 

but  also  extremely  rewarding.FAMILY EXPERIENCES.  My wife Jo-Anne and I were married in 1972 and have 2 married children, as well as 3 grandchildren. Our son Tony and his wife Deb live 15 minutes from us, which gives us many opportunities  to  spend  time  with them and our three grandchildren. Our daughter Judy and her husband Rudy have been married for 4 years and are expecting their first  child.  Even  though  they  live in St Louis, Missouri, and we are not  able  to  see  them  as  often  as we would like, modern technology affords us all the opportunity in the world  to  talk  as  often  as  we  like.NEW EXPECTATION. As a new Elder I hope to use the experiences that I have gained through my job to serve my brothers and sisters in Christ. Over the years in the church it has always been a blessing and a pleasure to work and serve the brethren. I love the people of God and am looking forward to being able to serve them in any way that I can on a much deeper level. 

16 United News Canada

How many times have we been out somewhere and heard lines such as “I’m OK, I’ve only had a few” or “I can handle it, I’ve got a high tolerance”? How many tragedies are caused each day that could have been prevented? As Christians, where do we draw the line on drinking and driving? Society has changed so much over the years. Our ideas of what constitutes ‘normal’ have influenced the way many people in the world function today. We are living in an age where societal norms are disturbing, and true Christian beliefs are constantly under fire. We all see and experience how difficult it can be to live a Godly way of life in this world. In university, the ‘typical’ night out often includes getting together with friends to ‘pre-drink’ followed by drinks at the local campus bar, then back to someone’s place for a few more, before calling it a night (or by that time a morning). This may seem like a scene out of a wild fraternity movie, or perhaps the behaviour of Sodom and Gomorrah, but this is what many young people in our society do on an average Friday night. For three years I worked as a School Outreach Field Representative for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD Canada). I traveled to elementary and high schools across Canada delivering presentations about the effects of drugs and alcohol on young people. Interestingly enough, last year’s high school multimedia show was called ‘Friday Night.’ Some of the more interesting presentations ranged from winter shows in deserted mining towns in Canada’s Yukon Territory, to a young offender detention center in southern Alberta. In total I presented over 800 multimedia shows to students in 606 schools from coast to coast. It didn’t seem to matter where I went; the Devil is not limited to one area or another. Since the time of Adam and Eve people everywhere have been influenced and deceived by Satan. The message MADD Canada centers on is making smart decisions. When people make the choice to drink alcohol, or use drugs, MADD Canada’s focus is to ensure that they are doing it safely. As Christians, we should be taking it even further. We should be practicing moderation, avoiding harmful substances and abstaining from all forms of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

At one of the Christian colleges where I made a presentation, the local pastor added that although this message teaches young people to plan ahead and be safe, he felt Christians should do even more than that and avoid certain potentially dangerous activities entirely. As people who God is calling and working with now, it is important for us to set good examples, beyond our civil laws. Our bodies are Holy Temples to God and we must take care of them (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19). Even people in God’s Church can be tempted to indulge in sinful desires. We must be very cautious of the activities we choose to pursue, and ensure we conduct ourselves properly. This includes church functions as well as how we interact in our daily lives outside of church. We should remember what it means to be joyous on the Sabbath and Holy Days, while remaining sober in all we do (Ephesians 5:18). According to statistics gathered from MADD Canada’s website, almost four people are killed each day in our country, and an average of 187 are injured in crashes where alcohol or drugs were a factor. These are alarming numbers for Canada. It is even more so when you consider what is happening in other countries, some with far worse statistics than ours. It is estimated that 17,000 people die each year in the United States due to alcohol related crashes. By contrast, in six years of military action in Iraq there were 4,141 deaths, with over 30,000 injured. Young people, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, have the highest rates for impaired driving, representing 56 per cent of all reported criminal incidents. Women, however, are much more likely to get into a vehicle with an impaired driver. Seniors have the lowest rates. MADD Canada rates the provinces each year on their laws and how strong they are in preventing impaired driving. Manitoba has led the country in this report for a number of years now. Nearly all provinces recently have reported declines in both the number and rate of people charged with impaired driving. The one exception is Quebec, where the rate remained relatively stable. Saskatchewan had the highest rate of impaired driving charges, while Newfoundland and Labrador had the lowest. Alcohol and other drugs can affect the

body in many ways. A drug is generally considered as any chemical substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily functions. Many natural substances, including alcohol and even certain mushrooms, can be very addictive, and affect the functioning of the mind and body. Drugs like cannabis (present in marijuana), and methamphetamines (such as crystal meth), affect the way our bodies perform. It takes the brain longer to react to changes in stimuli, thus affecting how people react in different situations. Alcohol also affects the body and brain, as it reduces endurance, accuracy, coordination, and the ability to multi-task. These skills are essential when operating a motor vehicle. Using or answering a mobile phone while driving a vehicle is a dangerous multi-task thing to do. Add to this being under the influence of alcohol, and a driver is at great risk. As the level of alcohol present in the blood increases, people lose the ability to control their actions and can become unpredictable and dangerous. This is also a time when Satan, the arch deceiver and accuser (Revelation 12:9), can more easily influence people.God’s Word, the Bible, warns us about

these dangers: “Drinking too much makes you loud and

foolish. It’s stupid to get drunk” ( Proverbs 20:1, GNB). Romans 13:13 adds: “Let us conduct ourselves properly, as

people who live in the light of day---no orgies or drunkenness, no immorality or indecency, no fighting or jealousy.”

When drugs enter the system they affect how the brain operates, making it impossible for people to think properly. We can lose our self control, and tend to act more on impulse. Many harmful substances are illegal, while others like cigarettes and alcohol are merely restricted by factors such as age. Not all alcohol use is bad. There are some biblically approved uses, as with the Apostle Paul’s therapeutic advice to Timothy for his stomach ailments and infirmities (1 Timothy 5: 23). Although God is earth’s Creator, and supreme sustainer of all, He has allowed Satan to influence and manipulate society in their weaknesses. And alcohol and drug abuse is a major evil in our world. Our challenge is living a Christian way

HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH?The dangers associated with alcohol and drugs.

Continued over page

March-April 2009 17


of life, while society pressures us to move away from God and adopt the more worldly standards of self indulgence. Let’s fight Satan’s short-term temptations and follow God’s long-term plan! Kevin Spahich

Prince Albert

December 24, 2008 Today @ This is the way... Dear readers, Fixing problems is much more effective than trying to forget them. Clyde and Dee Kilough

Have a Drink?

In times of trouble, people may be encouraged to “have a drink and forget your troubles.” But getting drunk does not help us forget our troubles, it only adds new ones. Drunkenness is an admission of failure. Getting drunk is an acknowledgment that a person cannot get what he wants and cannot handle his life naturally and sanely. It is a vain hope of finding what we want in a dream world of intoxication.

The world of drugs beckons in a similar manner. Paul wrote that drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:10). The only solution to all of our troubles is to face the truth that we have failed in our relationships with others, and then get busy and fix the problems. A sober, clear-thinking mind is where solutions lie.

Further Reading: A Campus Dilemma: Mixing Alcohol With Education:


Police say the 28-year-old American driver was appar-ently drunk and fell asleep at the wheel.

Photo was taken by a city official 15 minutes into the 34-kilometre bicycle race near Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas. One rider was killed and ten others injured.

CNN, June 3, 2008

Google Images.com

..one dead as car plows into Mexican bike race..

18 United News Canada

In Matthew 24, a special discourse took place between Christ and his disciples. The disciples were showing Christ the great buildings of the temple, and were indicating how magnificent they were. But to their surprise, they received a rather chilling response from the Master, Jesus Christ, foretelling that all these great structures would be destroyed. What did this mean? Christ’s disciples were plagued with intense curiosity. They asked for more information about the destruction of the temple area and Christ’s coming. They received a lengthy and disturbing answer. By highlighting various themes, Christ not only explained what was to happen in the near future, but also explained the course of events that would lead to His second coming.

The Master Is Delayed After giving an overview of the course of history and of the end-time events to take place after His death, Jesus indicated that seeing all these events unfold would signal His imminent return (Matthew 24:32-33). Yet, He also explained that there would be an element of uncertainty which one must heed, for He said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” (verse 36). Most people will still be caught unaware by what is happening, and will be carrying on their lives as though nothing has changed - “as it was in the days of Noah...and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away” (verses 37-39). There is thus a need for preparedness, for Christ will come at a specific time of which we do not expect (verse 44). This need to be prepared is emphasized by Jesus Christ. He told Christians to “watch” (verse 42) which is primarily a warning to watch our spiritual condition, even though we are also to take heed to what is occurring in the world. It is necessary for those who are faithful to be ready for Christ’s return. Christ then made reference to a wicked servant who concludes, “my Master is staying away a long time”, or “my Master has delayed his coming” (Matthew 24:48, NIV and NKJV respectively). The wicked servant is not necessarily wicked because he concludes that Christ’s return has been postponed, for many of us, including the apostles, have

often made wrong assumptions about the timing of Christ’s return. Rather, he might base this conclusion on a freedom to beat his servants (in a figurative sense), “and to eat and drink with the drunk” (verse 49). It seems he does not expect to be punished for his behaviour, nor that his spiritual life is in any spiritual danger. How might we consider that this servant can conclude his master is delayed?

The Marking of Dates and Events We might consider that the wicked servant personally concludes the Master’s return is delayed. He could be viewing the time for Christ’s return to either be a date, or after the occurrence of an event or series of events and is establishing the approximate time of Christ’s return by marking the passage of these various dates or events. Perhaps his setting of such dates could be based on feelings and assumptions. The conclusion of the servant that Christ was now late, is not based on any clear Scripture or evidence of a change with Christ. For if He had chosen to do so, He would not Himself now be late. But changes within the wicked servant’s personal attitude, feelings and assumptions about Christ’s return are what make him conclude Christ is not coming at the time he personally expected. As we observe in certain societies where clocks and watches are uncommon, the concept of lateness becomes a fuzzy notion. Only when we begin to measure time by some marker, and to do it with more precision, does the concept of being early, late or on time have more meaning.

Not only did Christ say that we do not know the day or the hour, (Matthew 24:36), but it is also not for us to know (Acts 1:7).

Our responsibilities and focus as Christians should lie in being ever ready, hence the warning to watch. Yet we do find in history numerous occasions where some tried to establish dates anyway. This does not necessarily mean they were wicked servants. But what put them into this category is their attitude and reaction when

Christ’s return did not take place according to their timetable.

Observations From Recent History In the 1990s, after the Soviet Union (USSR) had disintegrated, leaving the United States as the then only world superpower, it was somewhat observable in our society, even in Church circles, that there was nothing now on the world scene that could threaten the western world’s peace and values (everyone felt more secure). The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union that began in the decade of the 1950s had ended. From the church perspective, for many (including myself) it seemed we might have more time before a European power emerged; that we had more time than we had thought, between the decade of the 1990s and Christ’s return. But things can change very quickly, and they did. On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. The United States entered a state of turmoil and appeared to be under siege, and some sort of war now seemed imminent. But there was a peculiarity that is of interest to all of us. I recall hearing several stories from church members that soon after these events occurred they were subsequently contacted by former church members, and were being asked whether the end was now coming. These former church members, who were once in the church, but had subsequently walked away from obeying God to do their own thing—in one sense you might say they were spiritually, “eating and drinking with the drunken.” These former members now had a semblance of worry due to these new events on the world scene. But once reassured from current church members that world events were not being perceived as reaching some sort of climax in a prophetic and literal sense, these former church members continued in their current lifestyles (rather than to clean up their act) and never called back again. Ironically we can note that such former church members did have some insecurity about their way of living (so they were not totally blind about what God expects), and did feel that others were more in tune with what God requires

than they were, yet they still wanted to live their own way once they perceived the

WHAT MIGHT IT MEAN, “The Master Has Delayed His Coming?”

March-April 2009 19

height of the danger had passed, and that there was simply more time left. So the concept of a wicked servant as Christ portrayed is not too far-fetched after all, as some really may not truly want to obey God heartily, but may stick around the church and obey God if they are feeling a sense of personal danger based on their perception of events. As children, we were likely well behaved when we wanted something from our parents, and then became lax in our self-discipline when we either got what we wanted, or what we wanted became far out of reach. Likewise as adults, when we want something, we can put on our best show and effort, and then let down when the goal or the expected outcome that drove the motivation has changed. God understands that mindset, and this is the thought process God warns about, and that underlies the attitude of the wicked servant. We might say that the ‘wicked’ are simply motivated by the desire to avoid punishment, while the faithful are seeking to please God, no matter when the end finally comes.

Also, the world has figuratively been ‘dodging bullets’ whenever it has gotten close to destruction, so some may even think that the world will continue to do so (some will scoff saying the world has continued as it has since the beginning of creation - 2 Peter 3:3-4). So there could arise a feeling or sense in various people that the end is not coming in any dramatic way, or in their lifetime.

We Have to Be Intelligent and Cautious in Measuring the Future

Even though making predictions about the future may not always be a sin, one really begins to wonder what the purpose of making predictions is. Is it really to glorify God? Does it put people’s minds on God or on the ‘self-proclaimed prophet?’ And does the faith of Christians become

strengthened, especially after a series of failed attempts at calling the future course of history? Is it satisfying one’s need for information, or is it just meeting one’s inner need to become emotionally charged? God does provide prophecy, and in time expects His people to understand. God does indicate that He does speak through His chosen servants when a significant event is to take place for, “the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

God holds the prerogative of who is to know when something important is to occur. But to take this prerogative upon oneself is both presumptive and foolish. We certainly lack faith if we think that God cannot take care of His people and guide them through troubled times. As the apostle Peter instructs ; “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). In the end, it is virtually impossible for us to save ourselves unless God is on our side. For many of us, as we look back on our prior expectations as to when Christ might return, we may think that Jesus Christ should have returned by now, or that He should have come back a long time ago. We may even think that Christ’s return has somehow been postponed or delayed, based on either our measure of the time elapsed since Creation, or based on how bad we view the state of the world of today. We can also conclude that Christ should have returned by now, based on our understanding of biblical prophecy. We can also reach such a conclusion by making various assumptions, or basing them on some sort of feeling. Christ, in a discussion with His disciples, did make reference to those who conclude that Christ’s return is now delayed, and such people can misuse this statement to become lax in their spiritual behaviour. We must watch and be ready at all times as Christ warned. Which means we should always endeavour to be spiritually zealous. Nino Boezio Toronto

As the apostle Peter instructs: “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

In the end, it is impossible for us to save ourselves unless God is on our side.

“The Master Has Delayed His Coming?”

20 United News Canada


Everyone had a taste of food from twenty one countries. It was a fun packed evening with speeches on Mennonite culture ( below centre Esther Martin displays a Mennonite quilt), German fairy tales, songs from France, Italy, Jamaica and Philippine dances. Della Haynes.

March-April 2009 21


Jack and Margot Schoutsen of the Hamilton, Ontario UCG congregation celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary November 28, 2008. After services the Hamilton congregation provided a special cake for them.

Photos courtesy of Gary Haynes

22 United News Canada

TORONTO WINTER FEST While some Toronto brethren were able to drive to Cincinnati for the Winter Family Weekend, others chose to join an annual winter social in the hills near Bethany, Ontario. This year, 53 brethren assembled at the Winter Fest, held at the home of Gordon and Lillie Robinson on December 28. The snow was plentiful, and the day clear. However, extremely high winds before noon downed some power lines. Homes and businesses were without electricity from Barrie, right down to and

including the village of Bethany, which is only one kilometer away from the Robinsons’ home. The arrival of several brethren was therefore delayed, as they had to detour because of a pole and power lines lying across a road near Bethany. Just before lines fell, one carload of brethren, noticed the pole shaking and leaning and just made it past before it fell across the road. We were all very thankful to God for their safety, and that there were no power cuts for the social. Brethren were able to enjoy the comfort of having hot dishes to eat.

As in past Winter Fests, the social proved to be a happy, relaxing, and bonding occasion. We had lots of fellowshipping, table games, singing, piano music, videos, and outdoor winter activities. It was an occasion for much winter feasting!

Lillie Robinson


Photos courtesy of Gary Haynes

March-April 2009 23

To: [email protected] Subject: Good News

My good wife and I had two different doctors to visit last week...would you believe we are in two different offices and miles apart and we both were reading your Good News..We both like it very much and would like to get about 4 copies of the Jan/Feb--09 issue. Can you mail them to us..

WRS Moncton, NB CanadaThanks and Regards



Robert and Kimberley Eckert of the Edmonton, Alberta congregation arepleased to announce the arrival of their second child, Joshua William Eckert. Joshua was born on August 24, 2008. He weighed 7 pounds 7 1/2 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Joshua was born in St. Albert, Alberta. Both mother and son are healthy. Big brother Michael, 3, is pleased to have a baby brother. Robert Eckert

LANDRY ANTHONY READ It is with great joy that we announce the birth of our grandchild Landry Anthony. Landry was born on September 3, 2008, weighing 8 lbs 10 ounces. His proud parents Anthony and Debra Read consider him a miracu-lous blessing. The Read family attend the Kitchener, Ontario church. Pat and Jo-Anne Read


We are are pleased to announce the arrival and blessing of Brogan Michael DeLong, born November 22, 2008 to proud parents Neil and Amber DeLong, weighing a healthy 7lbs 6oz. and measuring 20 3/4 in. long. Brogan Michael is continuing his healthy trend and quickly train-ing his first-time parents. We would thank every one for prayers for a safe delivery! Neil and Amber DeLong

24 United News Canada

Reflections In May of 1995, a new organization of the Church of God was formed in Indianapolis. The United Church of God, like its predecessors through the centuries, sought to rekindle a spirit of dedication and urgency in the preaching of the gospel and the preparation of God’s people. Later that year, the Church put down roots in Canada under the direction of Gary Antion, with the lease of a tiny suite of offices in Toronto, barely large enough to accommodate its staff of three (the others being Edwin van Pelt and his father, Keith van Pelt).

Then in November 1999, Anthony Wasilkoff was transferred from Calgary to Toronto to replace Gary Antion who moved to the Ambassador Bible Center at the Home Office in Cincinnati. Anthony Wasilkoff became the Director of Operations while the National Council continues to be the governing body of UCG-Canada and oversees the National Office by setting policy. The office staff remained much the same in numbers these past years. However, this modest beginning was sufficient to initiate the steady growth that has marked the first thirteen years of the church in Canada. In addition to the more obvious needs of the Work – organizing the first congregations and providing the members with magazines and other literature - it was also necessary to begin the process of registration of the Church as a charity. Having decided on March 31 as our fiscal year-end (to bring us into line with the Home Office), it was necessary to have our first set of financial statements prepared and filed with the Canada Revenue Agency by the end of September 1996, and this marked my first involvement with the United Church of God – Canada.

Together with staff from the accounting firm of Coopers, Lybrand, we were able to finalize and file those first accounts and having met this deadline, I was then able to move on to setting up a formal accounting system for the Church. The subsequent twelve years seem to have gone by so quickly! There have

been many developments, and a few serious challenges along the way. We have twice moved to new office premises, many new congregations have been established, new pastors appointed, and new employees hired. We can certainly look back on steady progress during this time, not least in the area of finances. From the start, there was never any question that this had to be a work of faith. Imagine walking into a Loblaws supermarket, or a Canadian Tire store and finding that every single item has a $0 price sticker – everything is free – that the store has chosen to rely on voluntary donations to keep its shelves stocked ! Well, everything the United Church of God has to offer is given away free of charge, we have nothing to sell, and after so many years we are still “in business”. For this to succeed, God has to move the hearts of His people, as He blesses their obedience, to provide what is necessary. In the early years we were helped by a generous subsidy from the Home Office, but the ending of this subsidy has in no way slowed the effectiveness of the Church. In fact, with the first airing of the Beyond Today television program in 2006, the Work in Canada has been accelerating.

Total donations from its members for the first full year of operations (1996-97) were $479,972. Every subsequent year has seen an increase (except for a ‘blip’ one year, due to a very large estate donation) until our most recent fiscal year of 2007-08 when donations totalled $1,264,514. This represents an average increase of over 9% per year, which we view as a tremendous blessing from God. We also appreciate the fact that the great majority of our members donate on a regular monthly basis rather than wait until the “tax receipt deadline” of December 31, as our expenses must naturally be paid each month. In trying to meet the needs of our members in a country of such vast geography, finances will always be stretched, and the current global recession may necessitate some retrenchment.

But our commission was established almost 2,000 years ago by the One whose words will never pass away: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20 – GNB).

Kevin Ford Toronto