unit 9 task2 lesson planning

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  • 8/12/2019 Unit 9 Task2 Lesson Planning



    Note: By using the [Tab] key or the mouse, the cursor will automatically move to the next box. On theproceure section, use one box !or each phase "engage, stuy or activate# o! your plan.

    Teacher: $enis %oren&o Room: '()Observer: none Expected numbers: (*

    Date & Time: +*('-0-*( 00:**-0*:** Cass eve: ntermeeiate

    Context: /omprehensive lesson on present per!ect tense.

    Teachin! aids: boar markers, pictures !or eye0catching in 1ngage phase, an enoughcopies o! 2uestionnaire3grammar exercise

    Learner ob"ectives:4or the stuents to be able to accurately

    make use o! present per!ect tense. 5singthe tense, sutents shoul be able to talkabout their past experiences.

    Persona aims:To make the lesson more en6oyable by

    giving stuents more chances to speak.

    Anticipated probems #or students:Not being able to unerstan the structureo! past participle

    Soution:7iving a list o! irregular !orms o! pastparticiple a!ter emphasi&ing it basicallytakes same !orm with past tenses.

    Anticipated probems #or teacher:8pening too much time on grammar part

    Soution:8trictly concentrating on most importantnatures o! present per!ect tense

    Procedure Phase Timin! $nteraction

    5sing prepare pictures, 9ll start by telling my stuentsabout most memorable experiences in my li!e.

    1 ' T08

    woul ask my stuents to think about their ownexperiences to talk about. t9 be better to have themliste out.

    E 808

    nee to start out by explaining basic natures o!present per!ect tense; its meaning, usage, an !orms inwhich it is use.

    8 ( T08

    Because the tense involves using past participles,some stuents might not be so sure how they9re mae.

    8o 9ll give out the list o! patterns o! past participleprepare in avance.

    8 T08

    5sing the list, stuents are to practice using the tensewith prepare copies o! grammar exercise on thelesson.

    8 (* 808

  • 8/12/2019 Unit 9 Task2 Lesson Planning


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