unit 3 - the “classical era” in the east hindu, buddha, confucianism, daoism

Unit 3 - The “Classical Era” in the East Hindu, Buddha, Confucianism, Daoism

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Unit 3 - The “Classical Era” in

the EastHindu, Buddha, Confucianism, Daoism


Where did it begin?

•Around 900 B.C. with the Aryan in India.

HinduismMain Beliefs:• Gods / Religion

▫ Believed that there are many gods & goddesses.▫Each of these gods is a manifestation (form) of

one Supreme Being.▫Hindus provided its believers with an entire way

of life. Explained everything a person should do from birth to

death.▫Hindus had no single holy book, but various

writings provided guidance. Such texts were the Vedas &Upanishads.

HinduismMain Beliefs:•Caste System

▫A social order – (social & religious rules)▫Under this system, people were divided into

five hereditary classes.▫Caste lines were rigid & based on birth;

people lacked all social mobility. Marrying outside of one’s caste was not permitted.

▫Untouchables performed the lowest tasks (handling dead bodies or sweeping streets).


Main Beliefs:•Reincarnation

▫Hindus believed that at death, a person’s soul is reborn as another living thing.

▫This creates an endless cycle of rebirth for each soul.


Main Beliefs:•Karma

▫Karma refers to a person’s behavior in life, which Hindus believe determines that person’s form in the next life.

▫People who live a good life will be reborn in a higher caste.

▫Those who do not are reborn in a lower caste.


Main Beliefs:•Sacred Objects

▫Hindus believe the Ganges River is sacred & has the power to wash away sin & evil.

▫The cow is also considered sacred, & religious Hindus do not eat beef.



•Where did it begin?•India around 500 B.C.•Founded by Siddhartha Guatama


Main Beliefs:•Basic Philosophy

▫Based on self-denial & meditation.▫Buddhists believe in reincarnation.


Main Beliefs:•Gods & Holy Books

▫Buddhist do not believe in a single Supreme Being (God).

▫They do not have a primary holy book. Their basic beliefs are found in books called



Main Beliefs:•Four Noble Truths

▫These truths explain life’s meaning.▫They explain that pain & suffering is

caused by human desires (such as material wealth & selfish pleasures).

▫Only by giving up wrongful desires can a person find peace & harmony.

BuddhismMain Beliefs:• Eightfold Path

▫To give up selfish human desires, Buddhists believe one should follow this path: Have the right goals Have the right perspective Be aware Act in a worthy manner Speak truthfully Live righteously Respect all living things Meditate


Main Beliefs:•Nirvana

▫By following the Eightfold Path, an individual can escape the soul’s endless reincarnations & achieve nirvana.

▫A state of eternal peace & bliss


Where did it begin?•China•Founded by Confucius


Main Beliefs:•Natural Order

▫There is a natural order to the universe & to human relationships.

▫Each person has a role in society, which reflects his or her position in the universe.


Main Beliefs:•Role of Each Person

▫Each person’s social role brings a number of obligations.

▫If everyone fulfills these rolls by meeting their obligations, people & society will be in harmony.


Main Beliefs:•Relationships

▫In each relationship, there is a superior & an inferior.

▫The superior must show love & responsibility, while the inferior must show loyalty & obedience.


Main Beliefs:•Mandate of Heaven

▫If the ruler benefits his people & provides them with food & protection, then the people will obey their ruler, who will continue to hold the Mandate of Heaven (the right to rule).

Daoism – the “way” (the Dao)

•Where did it begin?•China•Based on the teachings of Lao Tzu (Laozi)

Daoism – the “way” (the Dao)

Main Beliefs:•Rejection of conflict.•Daoists have a deep respect for nature &

harmony, & accept things rather than trying to change them.

•Sought to live in harmony with nature.•Believed that government was unnatural.