understanding smart process applications

Market Intelligence SPAs: Automating Processes Presented by: Bob Larrivee, Director of Custom Research Eye on the Industry

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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What do Smart Process Applications (SPAs), Intelligent Business Processes, and Adaptive BPM have in common? These are all terms applied to a new generation of applications that use computer intelligence to extract context-relevant information from the content associated with a business process, and use it to select, modify or re-direct the next steps in the workflow. Here's a quick overview of what SPAs are -- and more importantly, why you should care.


  • 1. Market Intelligence SPAs: Automating Processes Presented by: Bob Larrivee, Director of Custom Research Eye on the Industry
  • 2. Market Intelligence What is it? Applications using computer intelligence to extract information associated with a business process
  • 3. Market Intelligence AIIM Research Shows are live with adaptive and intelligent workflows, with a further 12% experimenting. have achieved successful outcomes, and 52% feel the results are promising The biggest benefits cited by users are faster and more consistent customer response and faster end-to- end process times.
  • 4. Market Intelligence Smart Business Applications What has been your experience of smart/adaptive/dynamic process applications benefits ? AIIM 2014
  • 5. Market Intelligence Consider This Look for automation opportunities Identify a set of goals in relation to SPAs Assess the need to interact with business processes from mobile devices
  • 6. Market Intelligence Recommendations Evaluate your existing BPM or workflow capabilities Look for smart or adaptive capabilities that monitor and process content Seek to automate routing and sorting at the point of capture
  • 7. Market Intelligence Thank You Download a free copy of the AIIM Case Management and Smart Process Applications Report at http://info.aiim.org/case-management-aiim- research To Contact Bob: [email protected] @BobLarrivee on Twitter www.linkedin.com/in/boblarrivee
  • 8. Market Intelligence Eye on the Industry www.aiim.org