umfcd engleza an2

LP 1+2 SEM I Alopecia=baldness Candida( of the oral cavity)=thrush - afta Dyspepsia=indigestion=upset stomach Hemorrhoids=piles Herpes zoster=shingles – zona zoster Edema=swelling Rubella=german measles - pojarel Urticaria= heat spots= nettle rash= hives Arteriosclerosis=hardening of the arteries Stenosis=narrowing Cerebral palsy=(to be) spastic=spastic paralysis Eructation=belching - ragaiala Halitosis=bad breath - halena Infectious mononucleosis=glandular fever=kissing disease Poliomyelitis=polio Rubeola= morbilli=measles – pojar → morbillus - pustula Varicella=chickenpox – varsat de vant Bursitis=housemaid’s knee Cerebral infarction/bleeding=stroke = CVA Flatulence=wind Herpes simplex=cold sore Myocardial infarction=heart attack Cardiac arrest= cardiac stop Failure = insuficienta Pyrosis=heartburn – arsuri gastrice Tendonitis=tennis elbow Verrucae=warts - negi Chiropodist=podiatrist=foot doctor Physiotherapist=physical therapist Ear-nose-throat specialist (ENT)=orelist=otolaryngologist Bed-ridden=confined to bed=immobilized to bed Bedspread=bedcover-cuvertura To gain weight=to put on weight ≠ to lose weight

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LP 1+2 SEM I

Alopecia=baldnessCandida( of the oral cavity)=thrush - aftaDyspepsia=indigestion=upset stomachHemorrhoids=pilesHerpes zoster=shingles – zona zosterEdema=swellingRubella=german measles - pojarelUrticaria= heat spots= nettle rash= hivesArteriosclerosis=hardening of the arteriesStenosis=narrowingCerebral palsy=(to be) spastic=spastic paralysisEructation=belching - ragaialaHalitosis=bad breath - halenaInfectious mononucleosis=glandular fever=kissing diseasePoliomyelitis=polioRubeola= morbilli=measles – pojar → morbillus - pustulaVaricella=chickenpox – varsat de vantBursitis=housemaid’s kneeCerebral infarction/bleeding=stroke = CVAFlatulence=windHerpes simplex=cold soreMyocardial infarction=heart attackCardiac arrest= cardiac stopFailure = insuficientaPyrosis=heartburn – arsuri gastriceTendonitis=tennis elbowVerrucae=warts - negiChiropodist=podiatrist=foot doctorPhysiotherapist=physical therapistEar-nose-throat specialist (ENT)=orelist=otolaryngologistBed-ridden=confined to bed=immobilized to bedBedspread=bedcover-cuverturaTo gain weight=to put on weight ≠ to lose weightSight=vision → vision problems=eye problemsEdge=limit=margin=borderTo feint=to mislead- a fentaLumber=wood – cherestea, lemn

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Lumbar puncture=lumbar tapSwab=padMyositis- inflammation of the musclesMyalgia – muscle painDisease=affliction=sickness=illness – to be afflicted withCough = tussisWhooping cough=pertussisInfectious=catchy=communicable=communicative=transmissible=contagiousPlain language= to use layman terms- termini nespecializatiResult = outcomeDiagnosis (subst) – diagnostic (adj) – to diagnose (vb)=to make a diagnosisMumps=infectious parotitis – oreionSmallpox=variolaSequelae= the long-term results of an illness or treatmentDifferential diagnosis= identifying several illnesses which the patient may haveSymptoms= what the patient complains ofSigns=what the doctor seesExamination= study of the patient’s bodyEtiology=causePrevention=prophylaxisMedical history = patient’s medical background, problmes, behavior and lifestylePorter-persoana ce sta la intrarea unei institutiiOrderly-brancardierSpeech therapist-logopedTo dispense-eliberarea medicamentelor fara retetaTo fill the prescription-eliberarea medicamentelor cu retetaOccupational medicine-medicina muncii; occupational specialist-specialist in medicina munciiOccupational hazard-risc professionalCrutch-carjaDrip stand-perfuzorMonkey pole-helps the pacient to get up from bedHoist-scripeteBedpan=ploscaA general practitioner refers his patient to a specialist- letter of referralThe Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery=FMAMSwab – tampon pentru stergerea sangeluiSlob – natarau, natang / grasan, durduliuTo tick – a bifa (vb) ; capusa (subst)

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Cuff- mansonair-borne particleto be on call – de gardaon call schedulecannula – branulaprobe- sondapit-groapato soar-a crestesore – a durea (vb)

- sore throat = gat inflamat (adj)- leziune, rana (subst)

Trolley-pat mobil de regula in interiorul spitalului=gurney(targa mobile pliabila de obicei pe ambulanta) si in plus stretcher- fara rotito be on duty≠to be off dutynormal≠abnormal

Disorders of the Respiratory Tract

To extand=to enlargeExpansion=widening=dilatationdilatation≠narrowing, constrictionallergist NOT allergologistneuropathy-disorders of the nervous systemepidemic=outbreakpandemic-the whole population is affectedbronch(o)-the combinatory form for bronchusappearance=ocurrancefever=pyrexiaweakness=fatigue=tiredness=debility-stare de slabiciuneto weaken=to debilitateresult=outcomehemo-/hemato-= the combinatory form from bloodsputum=phlegm=expectorationsaliva=spithist(o) – the combinatory form for tissueto inflame=to swell → inflammation=swellingwheezing – respiratie suieratabluish discoloration = cyanosis

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to block=to obstruct → blockage=obstructionbronchitis – bronsitabronchiectasis – bronsiectazie layer=stratumfor fluids we use to accumulatepus – puroi → pyo- : to discharge puss-a supuraempyema = acumulare de puroi intr-o cavitate a organismuluihydro- = combinatory form for fluidssteadily=constantlysquamous-it resembles scalecroup – pneumonie crupoasabarking cough – tuse ragusitachills = rigorsmyalgia=muscle painemphysemapolyps=adenoidsbronchoscope-it examines the tracheobronchial passagewayhypoxemia- insufficient oxygen in the blood ≠hyperxemiawheeze – whistling sound caused by narrowing of the respiratory passagewayantitussive – drug which relieves coughsudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) = crib deathacidosis asthma - characterized by dyspnea and wheezing croup – characterized by barking cough, difficlut breathing and laryngeal spasmnasal septumbronchospasmepistaxis=nosebleedhilum=depression in an organ where vessels and nerves enter = hilussinus – cavity or channelhypoventilation≠hyperventilationpneumothoraxpleurisy=pleuritis=inflammation of the pleuratuberculosisdyspnea=air hunger=difficult breathingpneumonia=pneumonitisinfluenza = the fluasphyxia=suffocationrhinoplasty=plastic repair of the nose

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adenotome=instrument for removing adenoidsrhinorrhea=nasal discharge≠nasal congestion or nasal stuffinessseptum=partitionaspiration=accidental inhalation of foreign materialanoxic=lacking oxygenatelectasis=incomplete exapansion of lung tissuebrochostenosis=constriction of a bronchusaphonia=lack of voicerale=abnormal chest soundbronchogenic=originating in a bronchusapnea=absence of breathingglottis=opening between the vocal vordsalveolus=air sac=air pocketupright positionhypocapnic=deficiency of carbon dioxide≠hypercapnic

The Hospital

To hospitalizeTo admit a patient to a hospital≠to discharge a patient from a hospital → admission of the patient≠discharge of the patientStaff=personnelHospitalization=patient stayProvision=supplyShrine-altar, sanctuaryThe patient undergoes surgeryThe doctor performs/does surgery=the doctor operates on a patientAnesthetist – anesthesiologist – the specialist - the nurse – nurse anesthetistDeity-zeitateSurgery – operation - specialty

- ca sala de operatieOperating room (O.R.) = operating theatreWidespread≠localised (a tumor for example) or ≠restricted, isolatedSimilar=alikeObsolete meaningDorm =hostel - camin

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Endowment – provizii, dotariLeporcy – lepraTo have a medical insurance= to be medically insured=to be covered by medical insuranceUnit – sectieOngoing=continuousPartition-paravanWard-salonIndividual room=private room – rezervaTo run=to operate a hospitalInpatient=hospitalized patient ≠ outpatient= ambulatory patientMedical facility – centru/oficiu medicalTo be set up=to be foundedEmergency department (ED)=emergency roomCasualty – victimTo sustain casualties – a suferi daune/pierderiAppointment = callPrior=previousBed sore=pressure sore=hospital gangrene=pressure gangrene or pressure ulcer=nosocomial gangrene=decubitus ulcer/gangrene – escaraTo assay=to test=to examineFirst degree burnAttending doctor- medic currantPrivate practice=medical office- cabinet medicalEye doctor=ophthalmologistComa patient=comatose patient → to be in a coma/ to be in a state of comaCarcinoma → onco - → oncologist, oncologyOBGYN = obstetrician + gynecologistHeart attack = myocardial infarction; cardio- for the heartCondition=disease; statea- → lack of sth, absence of sthintensive care unit – ICUspecialist – medic specialistsenior specialist=senior physician – medic primarmedical facility – unitate medicaladentist – deals with caries=cavities; plomba- tooth feeling; to fill a cavity- a plombastomatologist – deals with diseases of the oarl cavitythrush = candida- aftaThe Faculty of Dentistry

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Dermatologist=skin doctorPhysical therapist = physiotherapistDispensary – partea din fata a farmacieiMedical record – fisa medicalaNosocomial infection = hospital-acquired infection – infectie nozocomiala/intraspitaliceascaHospital administrator – director de spitalTo administrate a hospital and to administer a drugHospital admission – internare; admittance- intrareMedical/hospital care – ingriire medicalaObservations chart=medical chart- foaie de observatieChildren’s hospital- spital de copiiHospital/hospitalization costsDental hospitalHospital doctor/physician/practitionerHospital equipmentGeneral hospital – spital generalHemodialysis unit- unitate de dializaHospital laundry – lenjerie de spitalHospital management- conducerea spitaluluiMaternity hospitalMental/psychiatric hospitalHospital mortality →mortality rateMilitary hospitalHospital nurse and hospital orderlyMedical personnel=medical staffState/public/government hospital – spital de stat ≠ private/proprietary hospitalHospital records – arhiva spitaluluiHospital setting – mediu medicalMedical/hospital stay – perioada de internareTeaching hospital – spital clinicUniversity hospital – spital universitarStagiu – hospital trainingHospital wastesHospital workerTo deal with = to handleSocial skills=people skills=bedside mannersSkilled – calificat, instruit; skillful- talentat ≠ skillessSelf-indulgent – delasator, comod

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Required subject ≠elective subjectUndergraduate education/training – studii de licenta → undergraduate studentPostgraduate education – studii de doctoratCurriculum – plan de invatamantSyllabus – programa analiticaLicentiate diplomaTo be licensed to – a fi acreditat saTo rotate – in cadrul rezidentiatuluiMalpracticeDisorders of bones and joints

Bone = os (ossa – pl) → adj:osseous, bony, osteal → forme combinatorii : osteo-, ossi- → ossical =os mic : auditory ossicals

Joint=articulationMuscle → muscular-adj

→ myo- → myocitis, muscle tone, atony(lack of muscle tone)

Orthopedist=orthopedic surgeon → orthopedicsOrthodontistLASER – light amplification by stimulation of emission of radiationEx-raysInfection → infectious≠noninfectiousInflammation → inflammatory ≠noninflammatory/ anti-inflammatory (medicament antiinflamator): NSAID= nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugTuberculous spondylitis= Pott’s diseaseSimple/closed fracture ≠ open/compound fracture when the bone punctures/pearces the skinSplit – atelaSplinter-aschieOsteoporosis → brittle bonesBone mass – masa osoasaProneness – predispozitieTo bear – a suporta (bore, born)Intake – aportDisuse, overuse, misuseCast – ghipsRickets – rahitismOsteogenic sarcoma=osteosarcoma

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Amputation → amputeeArthritis → arthritidis la plDegenerative joint disease (DJD)=osteoarthritisWear-and-tearStenosis → stenoticLoose (liber, desfacut,dezlegat) bowel movement= diarrheaAnalgezic=painkillerTo assuage, to mitigate, to soothe, to palliate, to alleviate to ease, to relieve painSystemic=generalOvergrowth – excrescentaGout – gutaGoiter – gusaAnkylosis=immobility and fixation of a jointHernia → herniation →to herniate; concealed hernia-hernie ascunsa; herniated disk=ruptured/slipped diskNucleus pulposus=central portion of an intervertebral diskTo rupture – a perforaCervix=neck → cervicalSciatic nerve (sciatica)Discectomy – removal of the diskSpinal tap=spinal puncture=rachiocentesisBackbone=vertebral column=spinal column=spine=rachis→rachidesMyopathyAssay – prelevare de proba/testPolymyositis – polimiozitaDysphagiaLE=lupus erythematosusAlkaline phosphatase – enzyme needed in the formation of the boneankylosing spondylitis=rheumatoid spondylitischondrosarcoma = a malignant tumor of cartilageosteomalacia osteomyelitis – inflammation of bone and bone marrowPaget’s disease=osteitis deformansMeniscectomy=removal of knee cartilageLordosis=curvature of the lumbar spineScoliosis = sideways curvature of the spineLaminectomy = removal of part of a vertebraSubluxation=partial dislocation

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Spondylolisthesis=displacement of a vertebraMalleolus=bone projection at the ankleOsteoclast= cells that destroys the boneExostosis=outgrowth of boneOsteopenia=deficiency of bone tissueMetacarpals=bones of the handPatella=kneecapPubis=anterior bone of the pelvisZygomatic=facial boneOccipital=posterior skull boneTarsals=bones of the ankleCarpals=bones of the wristPhalanges=bones of the fingers and toesAponeurosis=flat, sheetlike tendonAtaxia=lake of muscle coordinationTorticollis=wryneckTetany=muscle spasm due to a metabolic imbalanceAvulsion=forcible tearing away of a partMyokinesis=muscle movementMyotenositis=inflammation of muscle and tendonDystonia=faulty muscle toneRhabdomyoma = muscle tumorRectus abdominis=muscle that runs vertically at the center of the trunkGluteus maximus=main muscle of the buttocks (breech=buttock)Deltoid,triceps branchii, pectoralis major, gastrocmenius, semitendinosus

The doctor and the law

Certificate- adeverintaCriminal offence – delict penalCoroner- ofiter de politie judiciaraCorpse=cadaver=death bodyCremated – incineratDrug poisoning, food poisoningForensic physician- medic legistForensic/legal medicine- medicina legalaAutopsy=post-mortem examinationCot- patut

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To be consistent with – a se potrivi cuTo examine=to see a patientTo consult a physicianSkin=integument → integumentary, cutaneousA check-up – controlFoster parents – parinti adoptivi; foster childrenTo foster- a se ingriji de copiii altora; fosterageCompensation claim- cerere de compensatieSeek-soughtTidal volume – volum respirator currentObsolete=out-dated=old-fashionedSeldom=rarelyLitigation – cearta, conflictTo get over/ to recover from a illnessTo recur=to relapse- a recidivaPacient on the specific unitTap=puncture- punctieA fit of cough → fit=episode=seizure=attackHead trauma=head injuryBrain concussion – comotie cerebralaTorment – chin, suferintaFright – spaimaTo bulid up- a se acumuaAnaphylactic shockAutologous blood= sage de la pacientul insusiCannula- branulaProbe- sondaTo suppress=to inhibitTo nurse= to look after patients


Air hunger=dyspnea=difficulty in breathingBaldness=alopeciaDyspepsia=indigestion=upset stomachHemorrhoids=piles

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Urticaria= heat spots=hives=nettle rashBad breath=halitosisGlandular fever=infectious mononucleosis=kissing diseaseWarts=verrucaeHeartburn=pyrosisFlatulence=windEructation=belching=burpingTrolley=gurneyPost-mortem=autopsyProbability=likelihoodPodiatrist=foot doctor=chiropodistOrthopedist=orthopedic surgeonCardiologist=heart specialistTo rupture=to burst=to herniateStroke=cerebral vascular accident (CVA)Fever=pyrexia → feverish=febriale=pyrexialCough=tussisPertussis=whooping coughPrescription=medication orderChickenpox=varicellaSmallpox=variollaCold=coryzaHay fever=allergic rhinitisMumps=infectious parotitisMeasles=rubeollaChills=rigorsContagious= transmissible=communicable=communicative=catchyBed-side manner=social skills=people’s skillsFamily doctor=general practitioner=family physicianInternship=hands-on hospital trainingIntern=physician in trainingResident=specialist in trainingResidency=specialty trainingFellow=subspecialistFellowship=subspecialtyacute≠chronicsevere≠mildlikely ≠ unlikely

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infectious ≠ non=infectiouslateral ≠ contralateralindication ≠ contraindicationvomitive ≠ antivomitiveto weaken = to debilitate ≠ to strengthenocclusion ≠malocclusion nutrition ≠ malnutritionregularity ≠ irregularityto improve ≠ to worsen, to deterioratehealthy ≠ unhealthy, sick, illwidespread ≠ localizednormal ≠ abnormalperipheral ≠ centralOTC ≠ prescription drugsPyrexial ≠ apyrexialInteresting ≠ dull, boring, uninterestingInpatinet ≠ outpatientAdmit in ≠ discharge fromStamina = enduranceENT specialist = oto-laryngologist Track=traceTo pass ≠ to failTo supervise= to monitor= to overseeDry cough ≠ productive coughPhlegm = sputumIching = pruritusAllergy=hypersensitivityAllergic = hypersensitiveKidney stone = renal calculusDepressant ≠ antidepressantArticulation ≠ disarticulationMalignant = cancerous ≠ benign Deficiency = lackTo flex ≠ to extend → flexor ≠ extensorDysphagia ≠ difficulty in swallowing Inflammatory ≠ anti- / noninflammatory

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Physicians and medical specialties

Allergology = allergy and imunology

Allergist =imunologist

Podiatrist= foot doctor=chiropodist

Chiropractor= deals with neuromuscular skeletal disorders such as spinal problems and sporting injuries (chiro -> hand)

Dentist -> dentistry – deals with tooth decay (caries)

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry !

Malocclusion = improper bite

Stomatologist – deal with diseases of oral cavity, membranes and tissues, not teeth (thrush=afta)

Endocrinologist -> endocrinology and Metabolism

Forensic medicine = Legal medicine ->forensic specialist (doctor)

Perpetrator – faptas

Maxilla = maxillary = upper jaw

Microorganism = germ = pathogen = microbe

Subspecialty = fellowship

Radiology = nuclear medicine

Osteopathy = osteopathic medicine -> manipulation of bones and muscles

Pediatrics -> diseases and total health care of newborns, infants, children and adolescents

Infant – sugar

Toddler – copil pana la 1 an

Childhood diseases

Pharmacologist -> deals with drugs action

Pharmacist-> ensures the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs

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Pulmonology = pulmonary medicine

Cause = etiology

Lung = pulmon

Physical medicine = physiotherapy

CT = computed tomography

MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Algia = dynia

Surgical specialties – non- surgical specialties

Viscus pl. viscera

Stomach = gaster

Neurosurgery = neurological surgery

ENT (Ear-Nose-and-Throat) specialty = Otorhinolaryngology

!!! EMT = Emergency Medical Technician = Paramedic

Orthopedics = orthopedic surgery

Perinatology = Maternal-fetal medicine ->subspecialty of obstetrics

Neonatology -> subspecialty of pediatrics

Relieve pain = alleviate = soothe = palliate = mitigate = calm down = ease= dull

Exhaustion = fatigue

To comfort a patient ...

Bedside manners = social skills = people skills

Layman terms

Skilled = calificat , instruit

Skillful = talentat, inzestrat

Self-indulgent = delasator, comod

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To complete = a termina fara diploma

To graduate= a termina un stadiu educational cu diploma

Required subject = materie obligatorie vs Elective subject = materie optionala

Undergraduate education = studii de licenta ->undergraduate student => BA = Bachelor of Arts (Bachelors`s Degree)

To be licensed to practice...

Post-graduate education = doctorat -> PhD = Philosophy Doctor

Curriculum = plan de invatamant

Syllabus = programa analitica

Intern = stagiar -> internship = hands-on hospital training

To rotate = a face stagii

Resident = specialist in training

Residency = specialty-training

Internist -> internal medicine

General specialist – a physician who treats all medical problems rather than specializing. Many GP`s have completed a residency in family practice.

Benign – malignant

Congenital = present at birth

Rounds = doctors` visits to hospitalized patients

Medical students = externs

Externs ---> Interns ---> Residents

Rely on ->reliance on sb

Task = chore = duty

Paramedical personnel = allied health personnel

Registered nurses = asistente calificate (cu facultate)

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Licensed practical nurses = asistente cu post-liceala

Attend a patient... Attend on a pacient`s needs

Vocational = occupational school = postliceala

Nursing home = sanatoriu

To be trained on the job = a fi instruit la locul de munca

Dialysis -> hemodialysis machine

Ren =kidney pl. renes

Cleanse = purify

Contrast medium (media) = substanta de contrast

Sew- sewed –sewn = a coase

Sue = a da in judecata

CVA = cerebral infarction = stroke= cerebrovascular accident

Overcome = get over

Disabled patient = immobilized patient = invalid patient

Respirator mask = gas mask = masca de oxigen

Paramedics (EMT) vs. paramedical personnel (nurses, nurses` aids, orderly – brancardier, radiologic technicians ) !!!

To deliver / perform / administer CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) to a patient = to resuscitate

Cardiac arrest = cardiac failure = myocardial infarction

Naprapathy -> naprapath – deals with the manipulation of joints, muscles and ligaments – disorders of the connective tissue.

Stiff = rigid neck

Osteitis = inflammation of the bone

Arthrititis = inflammation of an articulation

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Spin – spun – spun = a centrifuga

Syncope = faint = loss of consciousness

To amputate = to sever

Difficulty with speaking= impaired speech

Difficulty with seeing = impaired vision

Coughing blood = hemoptysis (expectoration of blood-streaked sputum)

Fever = pyrexia -> pyretic = feverish ; febrile

TB= Tuberculosis

Mucoviscidosis = cystic fibrosis

Catarrh = guturai

Sore =rana, inflamatie

=necajit, mahnit, iritat

Sore throat Bed-sore=pressure sore= escara cold sore= herpes eye sore = urcior

Slight =mild

Cerebral palsy=A disorder usually caused by brain damage occurring at or before birth and marked by muscular impairment. Oftenaccompanied by poor coordination, it sometimes involves speech and learning difficulties.

AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Gastroenteritis= inflammation of the membrane lining the stomach and the intestines

Speak in a whisper= a vorbi in soapta

Disease and treatments

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Ailment = durere usoara

Visual – loss


Dreaded = feared

Epidemic = outbreak

Pandemic=an epidemic of unusually large proportions, affecting most of the inhabitants of a certain area at the same time

Relapse = recurrence = recidiva

The course of the disease is...

Succumb to an illness = a muri dintr-o boala


Unhealthy = insalubru

Affliction = suffering

Heart throb ->rhythmic throbbing =pulsation= beating --> to measure/ check/ fill the pulse

Atherosclerosis = hardening of the arteries

Shortness of breath = air hunger = dyspnea

Eupnea = normal breathing

To nauseate = a ii fi greata -> nausea=greata

Aneurism=a disease of the artery wall that causes a localized dilatation of the artery and a pulsating tumor.

Overexertion = suprasolicitare, surmenaj

Tablet= pill

Transplant : donor vs. recipient

Flap = lambou (bucată de carne sau de piele care se conservă la amputații pentru a acoperi scheletul și părțile osoase sau pentru a fi grefată în altă parte a corpului)

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To bring the pressure down to within normal limitis

Osseus= bony= osteal

Breast cf. – mamo -> mamography

-masto -> mastectomy

Uterus = matrix = womb -> cf. - hystero

Discharge =drainage = scurgere

Hoarseness = raguseala

Infectious = communicative = communicable = transmissible = catchy

Stiffness = rigidity

Cancellous = spongious = spongy = porous

Brittle -> brittleness

Eye drops = eye instillation

To swell = to inflame -> inflammation

To tangle = a se incurca

Rash = eruption = eructation

Urticaria = hives = nettle rash

Hay fever = rhinitis

Smallpox = variola

Chicken pox = varicella – varsat de vant

Measles = rubeolla

!!! German Measles = rubella

Pruritus = itching

Mumps = infectious parotitis = oreion

Above the weather = a fi indraznet

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Loose = large

Hemorrhoids = piles

Sprained ankle = luxatie de glezna

Muscle strain = intindere musculara

Ragweed = rugina (planta)

Rust = rugina

Calf = gamba

Calf bone = fibula

Shin bone = tibia

Cardiac arrest = cardiac stop

Glandular fever = infectious mononucleosis = kissing disease

Rigors = chills -> to shiver with cold

Acquired immunity vs . Innate = natural immunity

To catch = pick up a disease

Endogenous vs. exogenous

Cancer – unrestrained growth of abnormal cells.

Carcinoma – originates from the surface cells of he skin or the linings of the internal organs

Sarcoma – attacks the muscles, bones, tendons, cartilage, fat, blood vessels, lymph system or connective tissue

Leukemia – afflicts the blood-forming cells

Angina pectoris = pain in the mid-chest that sometimes radiates to the shoulder, left arm, jaw or abdomen

Atrophy = a wasting away due to lack of nutrition or use

To atrophy = waste away

Cessation = stop

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Infarction = the death of tissue in an organ following the cessation of blood supply.

Thrombus = (blood) clot

Paralysis = temporary or permanent loss of function, especially sensation or voluntary motion

Paralytic stroke = sudden onset of paralysis caused by an injury to the brain or spinal cord

Heart failure - the heart cannot maintain adequate circulation of the blood

Fatal = lethal = deadly = resulting in death

(Percutaneous Transluminal) Angioplasty (PTA) = a technique for expanding a narrowed artery by inserting a balloon catheter (flexible tube)

Dormant=inactive=latent vs. active

Veneral disease = sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

Diarrhea = loose bowel movements

Dementia = the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy

Disease = illness , sickness, affliction,

To feel sick = to be nauseous

Syndrome = sum of symptoms

Malady= disorder

Ailment =stare de rau, indispozitie

Cause= etiology

Serious = major

Drip =perfuzie

Drip stand = perfuzor

Tentative diagnosis = diagnostic prezumtiv

Indigestion = dyspepsia = upset stomach

Phlegm=thick mucus = spit = saliva

Sweat = perspiration

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To ascertain = to determine, to establish

Minute= tiny

Unaided eye= naked eye

Breakdown = decomposition

Iatrogenic (indus de medic) vs. idiopathic (de cauze necunoscute)

Booster = rapel

Shot = injection

Painkiller = analgesic

OTC Over-the-counter drug= non-prescription drug vs. prescription drug

Clotting= coagulation

Stuffy nose = congested nosed

Gargle = a face gargara -> gargling=gargara

Lozenges = pastile de supt

Pep pills = stimulants

Pep talk = cuvinte de incurajare

Pep = vlaga

Attending physician = medic curant

Habit-forming = addictive

To cure a disease To heal a wound

Puncture test = prick test

NSAID = Non-steroidal Anti (/Non) - inflammatory Drugs

Vomiting= emesis

Severe bleeding = hemorrhaging

Weaken = debilitate

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Anemia = insufficiency of red blood cells

Surgery and Surgeon

to subspecialize = a se supraspecializa


( nonsurgical ) medical specialties vs surgical specialties

hands-on hospital training = internship subspecialty = fellowship residency = specialty training

intern = stagiar

internist = doctor ( med. interna )

stomach = gaster ( c.f. gastro ; adj. gastric )

enteron = intestine , gut , bowel.

GI tract = gastrointestinal tract

Geriatric / Senior’s Hospital

spleen -> splenic

splenetic ( alt sens : easily irritating person )


kidey = ren ( pl. renes )

allergist = alergolog


preoperative care intraoperative care postoperative care


branch of medicine = field = domain = area

talented = skillful

= perioperative care ( in jurul operatiei )

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to mesh = a se potrivi

stuffiness = congestion

vision / eye / sight problems

blood tests -> to run tests to find etiology / cause

physical stamina = resistance = endurance

to do / perform surgery

hereditary = genetic ; inherited

clinicians = those who interact with pacients

O.R. = operating theatre

attack = episode = fit = seizure = paroxysm

CVA = stroke

plaster cast = gips

strabismus = squint = crossed eyes

incus – pl: incudes = anvil = nicovala

malleus – mallei = hammer = ciocan

stapes – stapedes/ stapes = scarita

to overlap = a se suprapune

diagnosis – adj. diagnostic

observation chart = hospital chart medical history medical record = fisa medicala

cavity = dental caries = tooth decay

side effect = secondary effect

adverse( unwanted ) drug reactions

picaturi de urechi = ear drops ; otic instillation

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primary care physician -> the pacient consults him first

specialist physician

attending physician = medic currant

to attend ( for doctors )/ to nurse ( nurses ) a pacient

board-certified = acreditat

subspecialist = fellow

to refer to -> letter of referral

-dynia =-algia -> pain (eg : cephalodynia , gastrodynia )

to have a health insurance = to be covered by medical insurance = to be medically insured

appendix -> adj. appendicular

hectic = chaotic

to make rounds = a face vizite

to take turns = a face cu randul

shift = tura ( day or night shift )

-rraphy = surgical suture, repair by means of surgery

emergency room = E.R.

comprehensive health = total / overall

anesthesiologist to anesthetize anesthesia

deity = zeitate

surgery = 1) operatie ; 2) chirurgie; 3) sala de operatie

operating room / theatre

widespread – isolated ; localized

similar = alike

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obsolete = no longer in general use, outdated

hostel = dormus = camin

endowment = provizii , dotari

leper ( a person who has leprosy ) -> leprosy = lepra

medical insurance -> medically insured

ICU = Intensive Care Unit

on-going = continuous

ward = salon

partition = paravan

individual/private room = rezerva

unit = sectie

to presume = to assume

clotting = coagulation

to run/ operate a hospital or university

hospitalized = in-patient

ambulatory = out-pacient

facility = centru / unitate medicala

set up = to found

emergency department / room = E.D./E.R.

casualty = victim

to sustain casualties = a suferi pierderi

prior = previous

appointment = call

bed -> escara = bed sore / pressure sore / decubitus ulcer / decubital , hospital or nosocomial gangrene / pressure gangrene

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to charge someone = a percepe o taxa

salary = incasat pe 1 luna wages = avans + lichidare


to assay = to test = to examine

first degree burn

geriatrics -> geriatrician

MD = medical doctor

to attend a pacient

phrase = sintagma

cabinet medical = private practice / medical office

to fill a prescription ( pharmacy )

coma -> adj. comatose ( the pacient is in a coma )

obstetrician-gynecologist ophthalmologist otolaryngologist = ENT specialist pediatrician


hysterectomy = surgical removal of the uterus ( bcs of benign/malignant tumor ). mastectomy = excision of a breast rhinoplasty = plastic surgery of the nose

sterile = germ-free

larynx = voice box

trachea = windpipe

-ectomy = the removal of sth

catheter = tube for evacuating or injecting fluids dressing = bandage

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forceps = instrument for holding, grabbing or extracting retractors = instruments for holding back the margins of a wound scalpel = surgical knife , surgeon’s knife gurney = targa mobile hook = retractor pt vene sutures = the result after sewing up the incision weighing scales = cantar syringe stethoscope gag = calus sling = suport pt fixarea bratului rupt( 2) = prastie ) stretcher = targa ( stretcher bearer = orderly ) thermometer tourniquet = garou curette = instrument pt chiuretaj ( = curettage ) splint = atela drain = tub de dren ( drainage = drenaj )

adj : broad -> to broaden

deceased = decedat vs diseased = bolnav

stomatologist -> disorders of the oral cavity

dentist -> deals with caries

solely = doar, numai.

minimally invasive surgery = key-hole surgery

to oversee = to monitor , to control.

to support = to sustain

nodule = lymph node

lump = nodul

lumpectomy hysterectomy orchiectomy / orchidectomy = castration colonostomy mammoplasty

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colecystectomy cardiomyopathy ( -pathy indicates disorder )

hindparts = parti posterioare

- fetus – pl: fetuses- infants – pana la un an

to mould = a mula

mould = 1) mulaj ; 2) mucegai



congenital defect = congenital fault

subspecialty = fellowship

subspecialist = fellow

assessment = evaluation

mastopexy = breast-lift surgery ( -pexy = fixare )

suppression = inhibition

maxilla / maxillary = maxilar

to coin a word = to invent a word

amenable to = raspunzator de / care poate fi abordat prin

minute = thorough

to pursue = to attend

stroke = CVA ( cerebro-vascular accident , cerebral infarction )

specialist = medic specialist senior specialist = medic primar primary care physician -> usually the family physician

the adrenals = SR

hyperplasia = overgrowth

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gynecology vs andrology ( deals with female and male sex organs )

*facsimile = copy/reproduction

surgical knot = nod surgical approach = abord chirurgical surgical appliance = dispozitiv medical surgical suture surgical history surgical bone impression = amprenta osoasa surgical kit surgical nurse / nursing = ingrijire a pacientilor de pe sectia de chirurgie surgical saw = fierastrau surgical suite = bloc operator surgical / operating table surgical team surgical unit / ward surgical wound infection surgical clearance = acordul chirurgului- suture needle- suture thread

prosthesis = proteza

I have my arm in a plaster cast ( gips ).

flap = lambou


-ectomy = extirpare , excizie-centesis = surgical puncture ( paracentesis , thoracentesis, rachiocentesis )-cele = proeminenta, tumora ( omphalocele)-iatry = tratament ( psychiatry )-(o)dynia = durere ( arthrodynia )-oma = -om ( carcinoma, sarcoma )-ostomy = formation of an artificial opening, the creation of a hole.-otomy = incision-pexy = pexie, fixare-plasty-plegia = -plegie / paralizie ( para/tetraplegia)

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-rraphy-rrhexis = -rexie / rupture-scope = instrument; -scopy = procedura-tome = -tom/instrument ; -tomy=-tomie/procedura

tongue = lingua , glossa ( adj. lingual )

to metastasize


subsequent = urmator

idiosyncratic – afecteaza un nr redus de oameni

scrub = costumatie scrub cap = boneta surgical gown = halat

autologous blood

attire = outfit

stuff = lucruri staff = personal

to scrub hands = a curata mainile

consent form = formular de consimtamant

enema = clisma

to refrain / to abstain from

nurse anesthetist anesthesiologist

to clip off = a taia

drapes = cearceafuri sterile / draperii

ether screen = paravan de eter

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to render the pacient unconscious

puncture = tap

to numb = a amorti numbness = amorteala tingling = furnicaturi

thoracic / chest surgery

to clamp blood vessels

The approach to the surgical site = abordul

to sever = a taia, a amputa

to staple = a capsa ( stapler = capsator )

hollow organs = org cavitare

loops of intestine = anse intestinale

ligation = ligature

flaps of tissue -> lambou

to sew – sewed – sewn = a coase

pins = ace

screws = suruburi

prosthetic rod = tija prostetica

fistula = opening

calculus – calculi

debridement = removal of dead/damaged tissue

to strain = a intinde

brain concussion = comotie cerebral

pelvic girdle shoulder girdle

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to develop into

damp = wet

tibia ( shin bone ) – pl: tibiae

to weaken = to debilitate

to prolong…by 3 years

chills = rigors

to perform surgery / to operate on a pacient / to do surgery

to put under anesthesia = to anesthetize

to admit a pacient to a hospital / a student to the university

admittance = entry

admission to a college

to discharge a pacient from

discharge of a pacient from a hospital

haemorrhoids = piles

dramatically = greatly

cut = incision ( voluntary ) = laceration ( involuntary )

to clog = 1) a astupa, a infunda , a bloca. 2) a se coagula = to clot

limbs = arms and legs

to sue = a da in judecata to sew – sewed – sewn = a coase

skillful = talented vs skilled = experienced vs skilless

os / bone : pl – ossa ; cf – osteo ; adj – osseus, bony

stoma = os = oral cavity

skin = integument

outermost layer = epidermis ; dermis ; subcutaneous layer/subcuttis

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affliction / ailment / sickness / illness / disease / malady / disorder

ductless/endocrine glands duct/exocrine glands

intern = stagiar

A pacient is referred to a surgeon.

The physician consults / sees the pacient.

The pacient undergoes surgery without undue risk.

bloodstream = blood flow

to consult = a cere o parere

tentative diagnosis = diagn prezumptiv

elective vs optional

A fit or a paroxysm of cough

an epileptic seizure/attack

scrub nurse = responsabila de instrumentar

pieces of equipment

circulating nurse

dressing room = sala de pansamente

ward = salon

conscientious = constiincios


liability = obligatie, datorie.

tax = impozit

expenses = cheltuieli

distructive = corrosive

protozoa = worm-like parasites

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epidemic = outbreak = epidemie

new growths = neoplasms

degenerative/wearing out disease

to immunize / immunity / immune system

to put off = to postpone, delay

to make a diagnosis

to swab = a tampona ( 2) betisor de urechi )

anaphylactic shock

to drain -> liquids vs to void -> solid

clyster = enema

stretcher = targa gurney = targa pe ambulanta care coboara roti si devine pat trolley = pat mobil ( sau carucior de magazine )

cuff = manson

draped = acoperit

refuse bins = tomberon

on hand = at hand = handy = at arm’s reach

chief surgeon / surgeon-in-chief = chirurg principal assistant surgeons

dramatic = 1) impressive ; 2) radical

painful – painless / painfree

hazardous = 1) risky ; 2) random

to sever = to amputate

the amputee = the person

to alleviate / to soothe / to palliate / to mitigate / to dull the pain

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throbbing pain = durere pulsatila dull pain = durere surda

Sth is beneficial to a pacient

communicable / communicative / contagious / catchy / catching disease = transmissible disease

noninfectious disease

to pick up a disease = to catch a disease

aseptic = sterile, germ-free

lung = pulmon

Types of surgery

Trauma surgery

1) Emergency surgery2) Urgent surgery – you can wait for a day or two : appendectomy , colecystectomy .3) Required surgery – not life threatening4) Corrective surgery5) Optional surgery