twg 5 session1 assessment

Assessment – as, of and for learning

Upload: edusummit2013

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: TWG 5 session1 assessment

Assessment – as, of and for learning

Page 2: TWG 5 session1 assessment

New AffordancesNew pedagogies, new assessments

What are the new affordances made possible through new technologies? What types of assessments are now possible? What is the crossover (embedded?)

• Collaborative Learning. How to assess collaborative learning? (i.e., PISA)

• Alternative sources of evidence– Feedback through peers and self-assessment. MOOCs… anonymous peer … higher stakes? – Anonymous peer scoring – is it as valid and reliable as formal assessments. – Are children going to engage in teaching agent? – Assess what we value… Open system that involved human judgment.

• Self-regulated learning. formative assessment. Challenge: Balance between structured and unstructured… negotiate around complex problem solving environment.

• Personalized Learning. How to support from the primary level. Observing in learning environment..what are the indicators of success. How to support self-directed learning. How to scaffold the students and assess continuously.

• Challenge: How to assess the interaction between cognitive and non-cognitive skills/activities• Progress of learning when solving complex problems. Conceptual change, cognitive improvement. Interaction

between changes in cognitive and non-cognitive issues.

Page 3: TWG 5 session1 assessment

Assessment Policy & AccountabilityAccountability – interplay between formal and informal & How to combine standardized and performance assessment.

Communicating how assessment decisions impact classrooms• How do we help the community see high stakes testing in context. Research community – critical on high stakes testing. • Political focus.. considering standardized tests… overtesting… How to communicate assessment can and cannot do? (private market

commercial parties… priv• How to deal with who owns the data and how to protect privacy and confidentiality.• Data skills, data culture… difficult to communicate with policy makers… data analytics skills…

Policy environments impact classrooms• U.S. – National policy: requirement for technology has a forcing effect on the system• Netherlands: transition – adaptive curriculum in the classroom, so do not need the standardized tests anymore… classroom level do not

need those standardized tests. • Finland: do not have standardized tests.. university entrance=going digital,

---- Self-assessment and peer assessment – contributes to ---- multiple assessments…

Use standardized tests to assess the system, not individual students or teachers:Flanders.. Finland, Korea… recommended into UK… ==high performing countries… • Sensible sampling… but use digital assessments and adaptive curriculum and assessments for formative..

Europe= waiting for PISA results. Finland = PISA… learning to learn.. higher order thinking… alignment… PISA…. Note the countries using PISA to establish policy…