tutorial 1 the vision of education

The Vision of Education 1 Key Issues and Ideas 1 Key Issues and Ideas 2 Implications 2 Implications 3 Our Vision of Education 3 Our Vision of Education 4 Desired Outcomes of 4 Desired Outcomes of Education Education 5 Challenges Faced 5 Challenges Faced TOPIC 1:

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Page 1: Tutorial 1 The Vision Of Education

The Vision of Education

1 Key Issues and Ideas 1 Key Issues and Ideas

2 Implications2 Implications

3 Our Vision of Education3 Our Vision of Education

4 Desired Outcomes of Education4 Desired Outcomes of Education

5 Challenges Faced5 Challenges Faced


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The Vision on Education

• A Reflection1. List some key ideas from the 2

Philosophers (Socrates & Confucius) in Chapter 1

2. How are they applicable in our Education System?

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Key Issues

• Classical Traditions & Philosophies of Socrates and Confucius

• Implications for education in terms of Aims of Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy

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•Confucius & Socrates believed that education should be all-round for the total development of people.•Education was understood by both to mean the lifelong pursuit of the knowledge and practice of virtue

Classical Traditions of Education:

Socrates and ConfuciusSocrates and Confucius

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SocratesSocrates proposed an all-rounded curriculum to prepare the “guardians” to be leaders of the state. According to Plato in Republic, Socrates believed that education should start early with music, poetry and physical training (Plato, trans. 1992).

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In terms of the curriculum,

ConfuciusConfucius highlighted the need to learn the “six arts”: ritual, music, archery, chariot-riding, calligraphy and computation. The wisdom of ancient sages was also emphasised, as well as the mastery of li, the ritual forms and rules of propriety.

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• 子曰:“志于道,据子曰:“志于道,据以德,依于仁,游于以德,依于仁,游于六艺。”六艺。”

• 六艺者六艺者 ,,礼、乐、射、礼、乐、射、御、书、数也。御、书、数也。

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Socrates Socrates “was always conversing about the human things – examining what is pious, what is impious, what is noble, what is shameful, what is just, what is unjust, what is moderation, what is madness, what is courage, what is cowardice, what is a city, what is a statesman, what is rule over human beings, what is a skilled ruler over human beings, as well as other things knowledge of which he believed makes one a gentleman, while those who are ignorant of these would be justly called slavish” (Memorabilia 1.1.16, by Xenophon, trans. 1994).

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ConfuciusConfucius similarly taught that learning was an integral part of acquiring moral and civic virtues:

““To love benevolence without To love benevolence without loving loving learninglearning is liable to lead to foolishness. To is liable to lead to foolishness. To love cleverness without love cleverness without loving learningloving learning is is liable to lead to deviation from the right liable to lead to deviation from the right path. To love trustworthiness in word path. To love trustworthiness in word without without loving learningloving learning is liable to lead to is liable to lead to harmful behaviour. To love forthrightness harmful behaviour. To love forthrightness without without loving learningloving learning is liable to lead to is liable to lead to intolerance. To love courage without intolerance. To love courage without loving loving learninglearning is liable to lead to insubordination. is liable to lead to insubordination. To love unbending strength without To love unbending strength without loving loving learninglearning is liable to lead to indiscipline” is liable to lead to indiscipline” ((AnalectsAnalects 17.8, trans. Lau, 1979). 17.8, trans. Lau, 1979).

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ConfuciusConfucius similarly taught that learning was an integral part of acquiring moral and civic virtues:


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Implications of Socrates' and Confucius’s Views

• Socrates’ and Confucius’s views towards education are universal.

• They are still applicable in today’s education.

• They have been adapted and adopted in the education system in Singapore.

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Implcations(For discussion)

• How can we promote:

1. Life-long learning

2. All round development of the child

3. Love for learning

4. Practice of virtue

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Educate comes from Latin words ‘‘educare’educare’, to bring up or rear, and ‘‘educere’educere’, to draw or lead forth.

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Mission of Education (MOE):Moulding the Future of the Nation

Education is about nurturing the whole child. Indeed, this is the traditional Asian understanding of the term.

Education means developing the child morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically.

Education does two things: it develops the individual and educates the citizen.

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VisionVision: "Thinking Schools, : "Thinking Schools,

Learning Nation" (TSLN) Learning Nation" (TSLN)

• Thinking Schools aims to develop creative thinking skills, lifelong learning passion and nationalistic commitment in the young.

• Learning nation aims to make learning a national culture, encouraging creativity and innovation at every level of society, which goes beyond schools and educational institutions.

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Desired Outcomes of Education

The desired outcomes of Education represent a statement of the attributes

which we want every Singaporean to have

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Desired Outcomes of Education (DOEs) – Primary Level

At the end of the primary school, pupils should1. Be able to distinguish right from wrong2. Have learnt to share and put others first3. Be able to build friendships with others4. Have a lively curiosity about things5. Be able to think and express themselves6. Take pride in their work7. Have cultivated habits8. Love Singapore

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Continuous Learning

• Education is a lifelong process.

• “活到老,学到老”

• Education can be Formal, Non-formal and Informal

• Education is collaboration with stakeholders in education

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Group DiscussionGroup Discussion

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Challenges - Group Discussion

Assume Roles of

1.) MOE Officials (Education System in Singapore)

2.) Teachers (Schools)

3.) Employers (Society)

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Schools Society


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Group Discussion MOE Officials (Education System in Singapore) Question 1: To what extent do you think schools in Singapore have succeeded in preparing students with the desired skills, knowledge, values and attitudes? Question 2: What recommendations do you have to achieve the above aim?

Teachers (Schools) Question 1: What challenges and problems do you think schools in Singapore face in trying to achieve the aim of preparing students with the desired skills, knowledge, values and attitudes? Question 2: What suggestions do you propose to help schools achieve the above aim?

Employers (Society) Question 1: Do you think that the current education system in Singapore produces candidates with the right skills and values to cope with the needs of today’s labour market? Question 2: What recommendations do you have to achieve the above aim?

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Group DiscussionGroup Discussion

Debrief Debrief

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• ““Education equips us with the skills and Education equips us with the skills and knowledge, as well as the right values and knowledge, as well as the right values and attitudes to assure the livelihood of the attitudes to assure the livelihood of the individual and the country’s success.”individual and the country’s success.”

Ministry of Education. http://www.moe.gov.sg/corporate/desired_outcomes.htm

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MOE Officials – Response To achieve Global Standards

• Our Edun system is one of the best in the world in terms of efficiency and academic success.

• S’pore students came out tops in a 49-nation comparative study in the 4th – 8th grade Maths and Science by the Int’l Association for Evaluation of Edun Achievement.

• Setting up various specialised schools to develop the students to their best abilities eg Sports, NUS High (Maths & Sc), Arts School.

• Implementation of CCA, CIP, Service Learning, National Edun, NYAA, etc to cultivate the right values and attitudes in students

• “Teach Less, Learn More” strategies to better prepare students for life, and a love for learning

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MOE Officials – Recommendations To achieve Global Standards

• Recruit and Retain teachers in the service – to increase salary & benefits of teachers so as to attract more talents to join the profession

• Improve the training programme for teachers – equip them with right skills and attitudes

• Implement new initiatives – attachment /internship programmes for students after ‘A’ level to let them experience the real working life

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Teachers – Challenges & Solutions



Lack social skills

CME apathy

Packed curriculum

High expectations of parents

Emotional stress

Heavy workload


Promote group work

SEL programme

Use case studies & moral dilemmas

TLLM strategies

PSG raise awareness of school’s efforts

Pastoral assistance

Teacher aids

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Yes – we have different schools catering to the different needs of society eg Polytechnics, ITEs, Universities

Cultivation of skills

• Innovation & Enterprise (I&E)

• Social skills & ettiquette classes

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Employers – Meeting Society’s Needs

• YesSkills – Poly, ITE, Unis

provide hands-on experiences

Projects, Problem-based learning, independent learning

Values – CCAs, CIP, NE Messages, Racial Harmony programme

• NoMainstream Unis do not

provide courses to cater to jobs in the service sectoe

Paperchase – attain degree, but lack aptitude for work

Schools are theory & book based

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Employers – Proposed Solutions

1. Encourage students to pursue their passion rather that acquiring a degree w/o any interest

2. Educational policies more in line with changes in the economy eg towards Innovation & Enterprise

3. Promote Global exchange programmes4. Work attachment / internship


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