tugas bahasa inggris syahrul

TUGAS BAHASA INGGRIS Some days ago, I met an 80 year-old Omani. The man had never gone to school but he had learnt many things. He could write in Arabic and read the Koran. He had learnt to be a carpenter and a mason. Later, after he was older, he learnt to drive and then drove trucks and taxis. I asked him why he thought many of my students at SCT don’t seem to learn or do not want to try and learn English very well. The older man said that there are many reasons why young Omani’s do not study or like to learn many things as people in his generation had to do. First of all, the older man said that too many young Omanis get too much given to them from their parents. The old Omani explained that, for example, if a young boy wants a car, the father often gives it to him. Later, in college, this may mean that when the same young man asks for help on his homework, too, that he believes that someone should simply give it to him, i.e. without him really studying or learning to study. Second, the 80 year-old said that young people often don’t have the patience that many in his generation had learnt. For example, when he was young and he needed money, he learnt step-by-step to work as a carpenter and later as a mason. First, he watched the others work. Next, he tried it and asked for help. It took time. The man had to learn to work with simple tools and simple designs before he tried more difficult ones. As a truck driver, too, he first learnt to drive slow and safely before he later drove many kilometers to Abu Dhabi, to Qatar, and to Kuwait. However, nowadays, students and young drivers are looking to go too fast and take dangerous shortcuts. In education this often means cheating or paying someone else to study or to help them. Others get a friend in class to do work for them rather than listening to teacher in class and asking questions.

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Post on 12-Nov-2015




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tugas bahasa ingris


TUGAS BAHASA INGGRISSome days ago, I met an 80 year-old Omani. The man had never gone to school but he had learnt many things. He could write in Arabic and read the Koran. He had learnt to be a carpenter and a mason. Later, after he was older, he learnt to drive and then drove trucks and taxis. I asked him why he thought many of my students at SCT dont seem to learn or do not want to try and learn English very well. The older man said that there are many reasons why young Omanis do not study or like to learn many things as people in his generation had to do.First of all, the older man said that too many young Omanis get too much given to them from their parents. The old Omani explained that, for example, if a young boy wants a car, the father often gives it to him. Later, in college, this may mean that when the same young man asks for help on his homework, too, that he believes that someone should simply give it to him, i.e. without him really studying or learning to study.Second, the 80 year-old said that young people often dont have the patience that many in his generation had learnt. For example, when he was young and he needed money, he learnt step-by-step to work as a carpenter and later as a mason. First, he watched the others work. Next, he tried it and asked for help. It took time. The man had to learn to work with simple tools and simple designs before he tried more difficult ones. As a truck driver, too, he first learnt to drive slow and safely before he later drove many kilometers to Abu Dhabi, to Qatar, and to Kuwait. However, nowadays, students and young drivers are looking to go too fast and take dangerous shortcuts. In education this often means cheating or paying someone else to study or to help them. Others get a friend in class to do work for them rather than listening to teacher in class and asking questions.Finally, some young people simply do not know what is important or dont know what they want. They are disorganized with their lives. Until the student knows why he studies or what he wants when he studies, the student will not be organized. The student will waste time on this or that instead of taking time to do what he really needs to do. Perhaps, if young people work in groups or have better advice from others, they will be able to organize their lives and make better decisions.In conclusion, the 80 year-old Omani from Dahariz believes that young people have basically three problems when learning. First, sometimes, they are given too much and because of this, they dont learn to try hard enough on their own. Second, some people are trying to go too fast without learning the patience to do things step-by-step (or slowly-but-surely). Third, some people need ask for advice and direction from others about how to organize their time, study habits and lives better. I think this is all great advice for Omani students and youth.