tuberculosis — a look at the many regimens available (contd)


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TUBERCULOSIS - A Look at the Many Regimens Available (contd)

Ethambutol Ethambutol tolerance by patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in inpatient and

outpatient treatment. Rudoy, N.M. et aI. Therapeutic Archives 47: 58 (1975)

High-dose ethambutol: a S-year study of its role in intermittent chemotherapy. Albert, R.K. el aI. American Review of Respiratory Disease III : 899 (1975)

A controlled. clinical. comparative study of daily and intermittent regimens of standard drugs and ethambutol in the initial treatment of pulmonary tuberCUlosis: a cooperative study in Poland. Zierski, M. et a!. American Review of Respiratory Disease III: 900 (J 975)

Ethambutol regimen in renal tuberculosis. Wechsler, H. Journal of Urology 114: 498 (1975)

High-dose ethambutol: its role in intermittent chemotherapy. Albert. R.L. et a!. American Review of Respiratory Disease 114: 699 (1976)

Ethambutol + rifampicin Isoprodian in combination with ethambutol and rifampiCin in treatment of

tuberculosis. Hoose. C. Praxis der Pneurnologie 29: 517 (J 975) A controlled trial of daily and intermittent rifampicin plus ethambutol in the

retreatrnent of patients with pulmonary tuberCUlosis: results up to 30 months. Tubercle 56: 179 (197 5)

A comparative study of daily followed by twice or once weekly regimens of ethambutol and rifampicin in the retreatment of patients with pulmonary tuberCUlosis: the results at one year. Tubercle 56: I (1975)

Isoniazid For an individualized dosage of isoniazid. Lesobre. R. et al. Semaine Des

Hopitaux Therapeutique 51: 277 (1975) Failure of isoniazid prophylaxis after exposure to isoniazid-resistant

tuberculosis. Fairshter. R.D. et al. American Review of Respiratory Disease 112: 37 (1975)

Isoniazid-associated hepatitis. Reconstitution of the indications for administration of isoniazid. Israel, H.L. Gastroenterology 69: 539 (1975)

Isoniazid with corticosteroids in patient with previo us positive tuberculin test' Eshelman. F.N. Chest 69: 805 (1976)

Simultaneous administration of isoniazid and BCG to the infant of a tuberCUlous mother. Podgore. J.K. Journal of Pediatrics 89: 679 (1976)

Acetylator phenotyping of tuberculosis patients using matrix isoniazid or sulphadimidine and its prognostic significance for treatment with several intermittent isoniazid-containing regimens. Ellardn G.A . et al. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 4: 5 (1977)

Rifampicin (rifampin) Retreatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis with low- and high-dosage

rifampin regimens in the continuation, intermittent phase: a comparative study. Zierski . M. et a!. American Review of Respiratory Disease III: 926(1975)

Therapy of tuberculosis with rifampicin in childhood. Simon. K. Medizinische KJinik 70: 1095(1975)

The influence of age and sex on the incidence of the 'flu' syndrome and rifampicin-dependent antibodies in patients on intermittent rifampicin for tuberculosis. Tubercle 56: 173 (( 975)

Rifampin to shorten TB therapy. Parsa. A. et a!. Drug Therapy 6: 203 (1976) Rifampicin: for tuberculosis only? Gelzer, J. et al. Lancet 1: 642 (1976) Anatomic and bacteriologic control of the efficacy of rifampicin in the

treatment of renal tuberculosis. Verdier, E. et a\. Revue Francaise des Maladies Respiratoires 4: 423 (1976)

Light-chain proteinuria and reversible renal failure in rifampicin-treated patients with tuberculosis. Kumar. S. et a\. Chest 70: 564(1976)

Rifampicin + isoniazid Short-term chemotherapy (6 to 8 months) of advanced cases of tuberculosis

with isoniazid and rifampin (preliminary report). Sokmensuer, A. et al. American Review of Respiratory Disease III : 925 (1975).

Singapore Tuberculosis services/British MVEDlCAL Research Council study of intermittent rifampicin plus isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis: interim results atl2 months. Girling. OJ. Tubercle 56: 246 (1975)

Con troUed trial of intermittent regimens of rifampicin plus isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis in Singapore. Singapore gtuberculosis Service/British Medical Research Council. Lancet 2: 1105 (1975)

Short term chemotherapy (6-8 months) of advanced cases of tuberculosis with isoniazid and rifampin-follow up report. Sokmensuer, A. et a1. American Review of Respiratory Disease 113: 57 (1976)

Use of BCG vaccination The essentials with special empha is on the general BCG vaccination. Lock,

W . PraxisderPneumologie 29: 1(1975) Tuberculin testing and BCG-vaccinations with jet injector for school children.

Hasenbein. R. Das Oeffentliche Gesundheitswesen 37: 100 (1975) Effectiveness of BeG vaccine in prevention of tuberculosis. Barclay, W.R.

Journal of the American Medical Association 232: 755 (1975) Present effectiveness of BCG vaccination in' England and Wales. A report

from the Res. Comm. of the British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Association. Tubercle 56: 129 (I 975)

BCG vaccines for tuberCUlosis. American Review of Respiratory Disease 112: 478(1975)

tuberculosis notwithstanding BCG vaccination. South African Medical Journal 49: 1947 (1975)

BCG at school. Lancet 2: 593 (1975) Impact of BCG vaccination programmes in children and young adUlts on the

tuberculosis problem. Styblo. K. et aI. Tubercle 57: 17 (1976)

INPHARMA 2nd April. 1977 p19