trinity reformed churchtrinity reformed church may … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on...

TRINITY REFORMED CHURCH TRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY 2017 connections connections Continuing the Journey We have been making our way through the 10 Commandments this year and looking carefully at how these ancient laws can inform our life today. Each week we look deeper into the many passages, concerns of life, and implications of how these commandments speak to us. God truly is using our sermon series this year to open our eyes more clearly to his “good and perfect” will. We are finding as well that these sermons are challenging us as a congregation in many ways. As we enter into the month of May we will be looking specifically at the fifth commandment. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12 Certainly there are many important lessons that we can learn from this commandment that ap- ply to our living today. Lessons of honoring our parents, raising our children, family systems, cycles of brokenness within families, caring for elderly parents, those who lived never knowing their parents, etc. are all topics that we may encounter in this series. We also are aware that digging into these topics can be difficult emotional and spiritual work. As a pastoral staff we want you to be aware that the messages we deliver through May will raise some of these issues and we seek to answer them from a biblical perspective. Please also know that we as a staff are inviting you to reach out to us as you may have need for more conversation about these important topics. It is our prayer that God may powerfully use the upcoming messages as a way to strengthen families, heal past hurts, and encourage us in building healthy relationships. In Christ’s Service, Pastor Chris DeGraaf

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Page 1: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the



Continuing the Journey

We have been making our way through the 10 Commandments this year and looking carefully

at how these ancient laws can inform our life today. Each week we look deeper into the many

passages, concerns of life, and implications of how these commandments speak to us. God

truly is using our sermon series this year to open our eyes more clearly to his “good and perfect”

will. We are finding as well that these sermons are challenging us as a congregation in many


As we enter into the month of May we will be looking specifically at the fifth commandment.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is

giving you.” Exodus 20:12

Certainly there are many important lessons that we can learn from this commandment that ap-

ply to our living today. Lessons of honoring our parents, raising our children, family systems,

cycles of brokenness within families, caring for elderly parents, those who lived never knowing

their parents, etc. are all topics that we may encounter in this series.

We also are aware that digging into these topics can be difficult emotional and spiritual work.

As a pastoral staff we want you to be aware that the messages we deliver through May will

raise some of these issues and we seek to answer them from a biblical perspective.

Please also know that we as a staff are inviting you to reach out to us as you may have need for

more conversation about these important topics.

It is our prayer that God may powerfully use the upcoming messages as a way to strengthen

families, heal past hurts, and encourage us in building healthy relationships.

In Christ’s Service,

Pastor Chris DeGraaf

Page 2: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Prayer Connection


“For His Great Namesake”

Daniel 9:19

On Thursday May 4, 2017 Americans from all denominations and backgrounds will observe the 65th annual National Day of Prayer. The Theme: “For His Great Namesake” is inspired by Daniel 9:19.

Prayer honors God. The prayers of God’s people are perhaps the greatest untapped resource available today. With that in mind, The Prayer Ministry invites you to use the Lord’s Prayer as a springboard for prayer for our nation and the world throughout the month of May.

Consider the following phrases taken from The Lord’s Prayer along with the corresponding scripture. As you prayerfully read these scriptures, other passages may also come to mind.

Pray for our national, state & local leaders, Supreme Court Justices, Military Personnel & first responders. During this month be mindful of opportunities to respond with God’s great love; “for His namesake” to those you encounter. A small kindness shown to others brightens the day of the benefactor as much as the recipient.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if 2017 became the year Americans became known for our kindness? I challenge you to pray for the USA, and then hold your candle high! Go light your world.

Pray For Our Nation

Pray The Lord’s Prayer in companion with these corresponding passages:

Our Father, in heaven, holy is Your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done/Psalm 111:9

Give us this day, our daily bread/ John 6:35 & Matthew 6:25-33.

Forgive us our debts…../Matthew 5:43-48.

Lead us not into temptation/I Corinthians 10:13.

Deliver us from evil/Daniel 9:18-19 & II Chronicles 7:14-15

Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Revelation 4:8-11

A time of prayer will be held at 12:15 pm outside, at the church doors.

Patti Gell, Prayer Coordinator

Page 3: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the



Are you thinking spring? With the wonderful weather we have had, it’s hard not to think

about growing and watching the flowers and vegetables come up. The Community Garden

area is ready for planting!!!

We now have 4 water barrels, so we are ready for any weather. One change in the garden

area is that we will be increasing the depth of the garden squares. We will be adding

another 4 inches on top and adding soil to make them a bit deeper.

This year we will be providing a variety of seeds, but also we will provide determinate

tomato plants (tomato plants that are a “bush” variety). This will help them not get out of

control and grow wild in the limited square foot areas.

There are a few spots available if you would like to join us! You can pick up applications

and planning grids in the gathering area. Please return the application to Dianne Moker’s

box or to the office, and I’ll get back to you the beginning of May.

Planting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am Saturday, May 20 so get your plans together!

Questions? See Dianne Moker or call (616) 283-4712

Page 4: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Page 5: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


THIRD THURSDAY SENIOR BREAKFAST Thursday, may 18 at 9:30 am. Join Pastor Deb at Bob Evans on 24th St. for

good food and good conversation with good friends. Don’t know many

folks at Trinity? It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other better. (It’s

also a great opportunity to invite a friend). Sign up today in order to reserve

your place at the table!!! If you need a ride, please indicate that on the sign

up sheet.

Looking Ahead: Thursday, June 15 Thursday, July 20

TUESDAYS AT 10; “The Word Became Flesh…” Bible Study “The Word Became Flesh...” Bible Study, Tuesday's at 10:00. In 2016, we read through the

Chronological Bible, but now we will be digging a bit deeper. How do we move from readers

to doers? How do we take what God has put in our hearts into action through our hands and

feet? Our speech? Our relationships? Our decision making? Our finances? Our civil

responsibilities? It’s the year of going beyond reading the words on the printed page and

really thinking about how God’s Word applies to your life today. It’s also the year to go beyond

thinking to acting. We hope you are up to the challenge!

Study guides, prepared by the preaching pastor are available every week following Sunday’s


Didn’t hear the message? That’s OK. The study guide will provide what you need for the

Bible Study.

Not able to come every week? That’s OK. Each week is a stand alone discussion.

Never been part of a small group study before? That’s OK. Gathering in the Connection

Café is a comfortable place to get to know folks, to question, to ponder and to talk about

God’s Word for our lives.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Pastor Deb. (Study guides are also

available on our website



WEDNESDAYS AT 10:00 at the Theater at Appledorn West “That the World May Know” Bible Study led by Pastor Deb. Visit the Holy Land with Ray

VanderLaan and get an up-close look at the places we read about in the

biblical text. Each week we will watch a short video, filmed on location –

in order to understand the culture and the people of biblical times. Then

we will follow up with a faith lesson to help deepen our own journeys of

faith. Watch God’s Word come alive! Hope you will join me.


Cover to Cover Book Club meets Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 pm. This is

our last meeting until September. Please bring your book selections with


Page 6: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Be sure and grab your nametag when you come in on Sunday morn-ings. We want to do a better job of getting to know each other. Not sure who sits next to you in church? Name tags will help. Not sure who is standing next to you drinking coffee? Name tags will help. Not sure who is greeting? Name tag will solve that.

Be sure and drop your name tag in the receptacle before you leave the building so you’ll have it next week!

Oh….and name tags and smiles go well together.

See Pastor Deb if you have any questions.

Youth Group Updates

Youth Group: Sunday 5PM - 8PM We will continue with our regular program of serving dinner and worshiping together. Do you want to help plan meals? Be a mentor to a Middle or High School Small Group? Talk to Pastor Phil today!

Youth Group Meetings – Spring 2017

May 7 May 21

May 14 May 28 No Meeting

June: See Next Page!

Community Co-Ed Softball

On Thursdays, June 9—July 28, from 6-8 pm, Trinity is sponsoring a church /

community softball program for ages 16 and up. These family events will be held at Holland East,

373 E. 24th St.—park in the back lot. The playground is nearby for children.

Do you want to play but don’t have a glove? No problem, one will be provided. Don’t play?

Come out to support your family member or neighbor.

Hot dogs and chips will be provided. Feel free to bring additional food to share. For comfort,

bring a lawn chair!!! Come when you can. Invite friends. Plan now to enjoy a time of food, fun

and fellowship!! See Kelli Green for details.

Page 7: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Page 8: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the



Page 9: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Down through the ages, music has played an important part in the life of the Christian church. We

here at Trinity continue that tradition with a Hymn Sing on Sunday, May 21 at 6 PM. Bring your

friends and come for an evening of singing the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. The free will of-

fering will support Beacon of Hope. Beacon of Hope is a local organization that provides

Christian counseling for those who could not otherwise afford these services. Volunteers are needed

to bake pies, set up, clean up and greet. Sign up sheets are on the information table.

More Singing

Gerald Wolfe and Gospel Sounds Concerts presents “an unforgettable evening of singing all-time

favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for

the Arts. Details on the information table. If you would like to participate by singing in the back up

choir contact Dan Kruithof for details.

Pentecost Potluck

Plan to attend the all church potluck on Sunday, June 4 following the 9:30 service. Second service

participants are encouraged to come at 10:40 to be first in line, have dinner and then worship at

11:10. Bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share. A sign up sheet is available at the information

table. Beverages and table ware will be provided.

Page 10: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


HOLLAND - ZEELAND RELAY FOR LIFE June 10, 2017 11am - 11pm

Questions? Contact Kim Schrotenboer


Page 11: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


May 2 Adult Bible Study 10am Lady TUFF Fitness 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm

May 3 Men’s Bible Study 6:30am VanderLaan Study @ Appledorn W 10am Staff Meeting noon Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm

May 4 Women of the Word 9:30am Stewardship Team 7pm

May 7 Worship & Communion 9:30am Worship & Communion 11:10am Middle/High School Youth 5pm

May 8 Consistory 7pm

May 9 Adult Bible Study 10am Lady TUFF Fitness 6:30pm Praise Team7pm

May 10 Men’s Bible Study 6:30am VanderLaan Study @ Appledorn W 10am Staff Meeting noon Care Closet 2:30pm Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm

May 11 Women of the Word 9:30am Turning Pages Book Group noon

May 14 Worship 9:30am Worship 11:10am

May 16 Adult Bible Study 10am Lady TUFF Fitness 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm

May 17 Men’s Bible Study 6:30am VanderLaan Study @ Appledorn W 10am Staff Meeting noon Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm Treasure Principle Class 7pm

May 18 Third Thursday Senior Breakfast 9:30am

May 21 Worship 9:30am Worship 11:10am Middle/High School Youth 5pm Hymn Sing 6pm

May 22 Women’s Bible Study Circle 9:30am

May 23 Adult Bible Study 10am Lady TUFF Fitness 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm

May 24 Men’s Bible Study 6:30am VanderLaan Study @ Appledorn W 10am Staff Meeting noon Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm Treasure Principle Class 7pm

May 25 Cover to Cover Book Group 7pm

May 28 Worship 9:30am Worship 11:10am Middle/High School Youth 5pm

May 30 Adult Bible Study 10am Lady TUFF Fitness 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm

May 31 Men’s Bible Study 6:30am VanderLaan Study @ Appledorn W 10am Staff Meeting noon Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm Treasure Principle Class 7pm

Ministry Team Chairpersons Hands in Service Chris DeGraaf [email protected]

Discipleship Dan Kruithof [email protected]

Stewardship Paul VanderStarre [email protected]

Community Connection Sandy Bedard [email protected]

Worship Life Ruth Klungle [email protected]

Page 12: TRINITY REFORMED CHURCHTRINITY REFORMED CHURCH MAY … · favorite hymns and classic gospel on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7 PM at the Jenison Center for the Arts. Details on the


Trinity Reformed Church 712 Apple Avenue Holland, MI 49423

Phone: (616) 396-6526 Fax: (616) 396-8513 [email protected]



Jim Allen

Gregg Harper

Sharon Kruse

Steve Lundy

Kim Schrotenboer

Paul VanderStarre


Sandy Bedard

Kevin Brower

Neil DeBoer

John Houting

Tim Kroll

Pat Yurk

TRINITY STAFF Rev. Chris DeGraaf, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Phil Quinn, Director of Children, Youth & Young Adult Ministries [email protected] Rev. Deb Yurk, Pastor of Senior Adult Ministry & Care [email protected] John Taylor, Worship Arts Director [email protected] Hope Ward, Assistant Treasurer [email protected] Kelli Green, Custodian [email protected] Barb Long, Secretary [email protected]

Happy Birthday!! Doug Schurman 5/2 Linda Sal 5/14 Lou Teerman 5/21 Steve Schurman 5/2 Zoe DeGraaf 5/15 Lee Teerman 5/23 Arlene VandenBosch 5/2 Akeelah Sandusky 5/16 Alice Kooyers 5/25 Jenna Kroll 5/4 Lori Borgman 5/17 May Kubera 5/25 Linda Lampen 5/4 Warren Kooyers 5/18 Darlene VanHeest 5/26 Laura VanderStarre 5/8 Emiko Oonk 5/18 Logan Breuker 5/27 Anne VanderZiel 5/9 Noah Babinski 5/19 Ken Brondyke 5/27 Kristy Borgman 5/10 Nina Fierro 5/19 Karen Kane 5/28 Penny Houting 5/10 Kaitlyn Kelly 5/19 Deb Yurk 5/28 Kelli Anderson 5/13 Dan Schrotenboer 5/19 Lori Kooyers 5/29 Xavier Reyes 5/14 Justin VanNuil 5/19 Paul Moker 5/30

Happy Anniversary!!

Lynn & Phyllis Post 5/2 Jim & Linda Allen 5/20 Bob & Barb Long 5/25 Ryan & Ashley Breuker 5/2 Bob & Patti Gell 5/20 Jim & Pat Spoor 5/25 Warren & Lori Kooyers 5/16 Adam & Nancy Smith 5/21 Bill & Barb Stehouwer 5/29 Tim & Jenna Kroll 5/16