tools and strategies for social businesses

JD Lasica President [email protected] Social media bootcamp! Tools & strategies for social businesses Girls in Tech retreat, Santa Cruz, Oct. 10, 2009

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A 45-slide presentation to the Girls in Tech Retreat in Santa Cruz, Calif., on Oct. 10, 2009, with sections on 6 steps to social businesses' success, best practices for the social Web, successful and unsuccessful social media campaigns, Twitter, widgets, metrics and the sharing economy.


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JD Lasica [email protected]

Social media bootcamp! Tools & strategies for social businessesGirls in Tech retreat, Santa Cruz, Oct. 10, 2009

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Creative Commons photo on Flickr by Nattu

(all sites in this talk have been tagged for later retrieval)

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Today’s hashtag

Tweet this talk! Today’s hashtag: #git09(Our goal in this talk: 3 takeaways)

Creative Commons photo on Flickrby Prakhar

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Glossary for this new stuff

“Social media:Any online technology or practice that lets us share

(content, opinions, insights, experiences, media)and have a conversation about the ideas we care about.

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Types of social media• Blogs• Social networks• Microblogs (Twitter)• Online video (YouTube,

Vimeo, Viddler)• Widgets• Photo sharing (Flickr,

Photobucket, etc.)• Podcasts• Virtual worlds• Wikis• Social bookmarking• Forums• Presentation sharing

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What we’ll cover today

1. Overview 2. 6 steps to social businesses success 3. Best practices for the social Web 4. Social media campaigns 5. Twitter 6. Widgets! 7. Enabling local conversations 8. Metrics! 9. Sharing economy

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Overview: Who’s participating?

More than half of online U.S. women report doing a “social media” activity at least once a week. Of those, more than half do so on a daily basis.

Survey of 2,821 women conducted by Compass Partners, March 2009.

Women active in social media

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Participation is widespread

Some 42 million U.S. women participate in some form of social media at least once a week.

Activities include:• social networks• reading blogs• posting to blogs• message boards & forums• status updates on Twitter, etc.

Source: 2009 Women and Social Media Study by BlogHer, iVillage and Compass Partners

42 million women do it

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Kinds of participationWeekly participation by women by social media activity

Source: (c) Compass Partners

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Shifting time to social mediaShift by women away from traditional media continues to increase

Source: (c) Compass Partners

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Topic areas with biggest impactWhen asked, “Which sources do you rely on for information on the topics you’re interested in?,” surveyed women responded:

Source: (c) Compass Partners

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State of social media 2009 Whenever someone opens a computer, 60% of time it’s for social reasons

5 of 10 top websites are social sites

125 million-plus blogs

Facebook: 300 million members

Twitter: 50 million users

Flickr: 3 billion-plus photos

YouTube: 1 billion-plus videos served per day

Blog growth continues. Women are most engaged social media users.

Social media continues to supplant, and supplement, traditional media

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1. Define your target audience

2. Define business objectives • Increase sales?• Increase membership?• Build reputation for new brand?• Customer feedback on new product?

3. Define your strategy• Identify internal champions• Set out rules for interaction• Assign responsibilities• Establish measurable goals • Identify tools & platforms

6 steps to social business success

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6 steps to social business success

4. Launch!

5. Measure results, track analytics, refine

6. Be patient. If no results after 4-6 months, move on. In identifying projects or campaigns, be realistic, but don’t be afraid of blue-sky thinking. Silicon Valley mantra: Fail often, fail fast.

Photo on Flickr by jonrawlinson

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Best practices for Social Web• Listen long and hard.

• Then: Share. Engage. Participate.

• Build relationships. It’s all about the conversation.

• It’s not all about you. It’s really not.

• Empower customers, don’t market to consumers.

• Be authentic and transparent about who you are. Disclose your relationship to the product or service you’re promoting.

• Don’t be defensive — be open to critical feedback.

• Establish your own ethical policies. Enforce them.

• Successful campaigns engender authentic enthusiasm. Social media still comes down to the product or cause.

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Social media campaigns

“In 2009, you canʼt build a $2 million destination site and use marketing muscle to drive traffic to it.”

— David NeffAmerican Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

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American Cancer Society, Web 2.0

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Creating a space for ‘us’

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Leveraging sharing culture

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CRS in a Web 2.0 worldCrate & Barrel’s CEO sent 18,000 $25 gift certificates to their

customers on behalf of

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Corporate social responsibilityCrate & Barrel not only received positive coverage but showed

a 12% increase in merchandise sales by gift certificate redeemers.

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Becoming a brand

Gary Vaynerchuk has become well-known brand with • daily wine video blog Wine Library TV• extensive use of Twitter (850,000+ followers) @garyvee • new book ‘Crush It’

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Campaign that didn’t workSkittles

• All Twitter tweets with the word ‘Skittles’ landed on the Skittles website home page

• Clicking on ‘videos’ on home page took you to Skittles’ YouTube page

• Clicking on ‘images’ took you to Flickr photos tagged with ‘Flickr’

• Clicking on ‘friends’ took you to Facebook Fan Page for Skittles

In March 2009 Skittles launched a social media campaign with these features:

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Why it didn’t work• On the upside, Skittles received a temporary bump in traffic to

its site & coverage in LA Times, USA Today, Financial Times

• On downside, most people saw it as a blatant PR stunt.

• Mars-owned Skittles did not release a new product, content or message

• They made their site inaccessible to children

• They encouraged false conversations

• Racial slurs & obscenities appeared on their home page, which could have been prevented.

• Skittles did not engage in a conversation with its customers, and most commenters did not talk about the candy

• Instead, it merely held up a mirror and let Twitter users make funny faces

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• Train your staff on how to use Twitter

• Not a broadcasting medium to just distribute press releases or your headlines

• Start by listening & observing

• Be human, be conversational, lose the marketing jargon

• Use it for research, soliciting ideas, customer support, to announce events, to recommend articles, to identify experts

• #1 traffic driver: retweets

• Use calls to action; use ‘Please RT’ strategically

• Tweets with a URL are 3x more retweeted

• Twitter drives 10% of its traffic

Make Twitter work for you

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Identify & engage influencers

• Scope out Twitterers in your business area with large # followers. Engage them, don’t sell them.

• Learn about how people in your business community use social media

• Connect with social media influencers through Advanced Twitter Search & tools in handout

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• Dashboard apps: Tweetdeck, Seesmic Desktop or Hootsuite (Web-based)

• Real-time Web search: Twitter Search, Tweetmeme, TwitScoop, OneRiot, Scoopler, SearchMerge

• Mobile apps: Tweetie, Twitterific, Twitterfon, Twittelator, Tweetstack

• Metrics:, TweetStats, Twitterholic, Twinfluence, TwitterGrader, Twittorati, Twitalyzer

• Video chat from the field: Twitcam lets you tweet while live-streaming & enables live chat with users

Essential Twitter tools

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At left, widget found at:

• Find relevant hashtags through or Twitter Search

• Join (but don’t spam) conversation threads

• Start your own hashtag

• Some hashtags to latch on to: #women #health #latino #education #democracy #politics #Obama #news #media

Use hashtags to join conversations

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World news widget

Widgets are prettified RSS feeds. It’s easy & free to turn your existing feeds into widgets.

Create widgets for specific sections of your business’s website. Two benefits:

• slick packaging of content• enlist users to distribute content

Services: Widgetbox, Nervibes, Yahoo Widgets.

The power of widgets

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Turn Twitter conversations into widgets. Tap into the conversations that are already taking place in your community: Widgets let you post discussions tailored to specific topics or geographic locations.

Monitter widget on

Take the community’s pulse

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Avert registration fatigue by giving commenters more ways to sign into your site.

Enabling conversations

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Digg: 35 million monthly unique visitors; 80

million outbound links per month; home

page story on Digg will send 20,000 to

200,000+ clicks

Facebook Connect: Each story shared on

Facebook is seen on avg. by 40+ friends.

Use it to authenticate comments.

Google Friend Connect: Just beginning,

with same potential for large network effect.

Social news services

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BlogHer’s stats on Quantcast

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• Monitor social media activity• Optimize content, try to make it viral• Interact with target audiences• Use customer feedback loop for product

research and development

For integrated social media campaigns:

For ongoing brand monitoring:

• There’s no single ‘best metric’ for social media• Track the benchmarks & goals you set down• Decide on a set of measurement tools

Track your success

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Monitoring services

• Radian6• Techrigy• Spiral16• ScoutLabs ($99/mo.)•• Chat Catcher• Quantcast

Paid monitoring services:

• Google Alerts• Technorati•• Backtype• Feedburner• SamePoint• Socialmention• PostRank• Facebook Lexicon/

Facebook Insights• trendrr• Addict-o-matic

Free monitoring services:

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Beyond traditional metrics

• Direct metrics- Comments on company blog post- Number of conversations engaged- Number of members who engaged

• Indirect metrics- Increased traffic from referral links- Views on social site like YouTube- Number of links posted to client site- Page views of postings

Engagement metrics

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Free content:

Don’t do all the heavy lifting!

Creative Commons photo on Flickr byJason Means

Tap into the sharing economy

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• Rich source of free commercial material.

• Flickr: 25 million+ Attribution & ShareAlike licenses

• Use them for your blog, website, email or print newsletter, presentations, etc.

Free content:

Creative Commons

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WordPress & its plug-insDrupalJoomla & other open source platformsKaltura

Free content! Free resources!

Free content:

Free platforms!

Free photos Free videos (TED Talks, etc.)Free music & audio

Free expertise!BarCampPodCampWordCampSocial Media Club

Leverage the ecosystem of free

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• Facebook (but see handout)• LinkedIn • Video sharing• Photo sharing• Reputation management

Didn’t have time for ...

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email: [email protected]

twitter: @jdlasica

Thank you! Let’s talk!