title – revolutionary war- the battle of bunker hill by

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  • 8/14/2019 Title Revolutionary War- The Battle of Bunker Hill By


    Title Revolutionary War- The Battle of Bunker HillBy JoAnn RaccugliaSubject - Social StudiesAdditional Subjects - Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Language ArtsGrade Level - 5th

    Concept / Topic To Teach: First major battle of the American Revolution.Within two months after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, more than15,000 colonial troops assembled near Boston to prevent the British armyfrom occupying several hills around the city, including Bunker and Breed'shills. The colonists fortified Breed's Hill in Charlestown, across the CharlesRiver from Boston. They withstood a cannonade from British ships in BostonHarbor and fought off assaults by 2,300 British troops but were eventuallyforced to retreat. Although the British won the battle, it was a victory that lentconsiderable encouragement to the revolutionary cause. British casualties(about 1,000) and the colonists' fierce resistance convinced the British that

    suppressing the rebels would be difficult.

    Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards Addressed:Social Studies, Grade 5:

    (1) History: The student understands traditional historical points ofreference in U.S. history through 1783. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the significance of the following dates: 1774, 1775,1776, and 1781-1783.

    (2) History: The student understands individuals, issues, and events of theRevolutionary War. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the roles played by significant individuals during theRevolutionary War, including , John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson and George Washington

    (B) explain the issues surrounding significant events of theRevolutionary War, including the Battle of Bunker Hill, the battle ofSaratoga, Paul Reveres ride and The Battle of Yorktown

    (C) analyze taxation during the Revolutionary War including theIntolerable Acts, Stamp and Sugar Act and The Quartering Act

    (3) Geography: The student understands the location and characteristicsof places and regions of the United States, past and present. The studentis expected to:

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    (A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factorson major historical and contemporary events in the United States.

    General Goals:

    Students will develop a deeper understanding of how physical andgeographic factors limit the use of resources during the Revolutionary Warby creating a diorama of the battle on bunker hill.

    Specific Objectives:

    Students will be able to answer specific questions from information on the

    Internet pertaining to the Revolutionary War. Students will be able to list the causes of the Revolutionary War.

    Students will be able to identify significant events during the Revolutionary

    War period.

    Students will create and be able to explain a diorama of a the battle ofbunker hill

    Students will research on how a countrys resources impact its war timefighting ability, how physical geography affects battles and how a societysvalues humans can affect a wars outcome.

    Students will learn about the significant individuals and events of theRevolutionary War era.

    Students will re-create a key battle and explain the effects of physical and

    human geographic factors on the outcome of the war.

    Required Materials:

    Computer with internet connection, Photo Shop (or similar software)

    Vocabulary List

    Various texts containing information on the revolutionary war. (textbooks,biographies, encyclopedias, books on the revolutionary war, etc.)

    Maps of the Confederacy, The Union, Major battles, Modern Maps

    Setup computer time for research

    Shoebox, construction paper, small army figurines

    Access to the following websites:

    o http://www.nps.gov/archive/bowa/edprogram4/mapkey.html (USmap)

    o http://www.historyisfun.org/Yorktown-Victory-Center.htm?gclid=CKmK_sLtmpwCFU1M5QodV10wfw(Revolutionary War Statistics)

    o http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=revolutionary+war+cartoons&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei= (Revolutionary War Cartoons)


  • 8/14/2019 Title Revolutionary War- The Battle of Bunker Hill By


    1. Give short biographies of significant characters of the Revolutionary War:a. John Hancockb. Benjamin Franklinc. Thomas Jeffersond. George Washington

    2. Introduce Revolutionary War timeline3. Introduce major battles of the Revolutionary War using a map4. Discuss copyrights and crediting of photos and music

    Step-By-Step Procedures:

    1. Divide class into groups of two or three.2. Set due dates for photo story diorama, a due date for teacher review that

    allows time for student to revise their work and a due date for final classpresentation.

    3. Give out copies of the significant person biographies, major battles of the

    Revolutionary War and a listing of the suggested websites.4. Determine which group will research which battle.5. Sign up computer time for research, photo story development. Before,

    during and after school.6. Students will create a diorama for their photo story project showing the

    pictures, captions, narration and effects.7. Students will create a storyboard for their Diorama showing the questions

    to be answered, their answers, effects they plan for the slides.8. Students will submit the work for approval and revision three days before

    final presentation.9. Students will present their work for the entire class.

    10.Students will create a ten-question multiple-choice test on their project forthe other students to use.

    Plan for Independent Practice:

    The students will research the material, create the project and preparetheir presentations.


    Students will present their projects to the class and answer questions

    about the project during a discussion session. Students will take notes on other students projects and ask questions

    about the projects during a discussion session. Students will give their fellow students a ten-question multiple choice test

    on their project.

    Assessment Based On Objectives:

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    Category 7 pts 5 pts 3 pts 1 pt

    Appearance ofthe Project

    The project's

    appearance isprofessional.

    The project'sappearance isquiteprofessional

    and polishedwith fewdistractiveelements.

    The project'sappearance issomewhat poor.


    The project'sappearance is

    quite poor. Manydistractiveelements.


    The projectcontent ismastery andsuggests thestudent hasdiscovered theimportant ideasof his/her topic.

    The projectcontent is goodand suggeststhe student hasdiscoveredmost of theimportant factsof his/her topic.

    The projectcontent isfair/poor andsuggests thestudent has notdiscovered mostof the importantfacts.

    The projectcontent poorand suggeststhe student hasnot donesufficient


    Images &Models

    All images ormodels areeffective andbalanced withtext use.

    All images ormodels areeffective, butthere are toofew or toomany.

    Some images ormodels areeffective buttheir use is notbalanced withtext use.

    Too few imagesor models areused to be aneffectivepresentation.


    Included 20 ormore items.There are nospelling orlabeling errors.All labels areneatly written.

    Included 15-20items. Very few

    spelling orlabeling errors.All labels areneatly written.

    Included 10-15items. Severalminor spellingor labelingerrors. A few ofthe labels aremessy.

    Included lessthan 10 items.Significant

    number ofspelling orlabeling errors.Labeling is notneat.

    Style &Organization

    Display isinteresting andattractive.Materials arecomplete and

    organized topresent theideas well.

    Display isinteresting andattractive.Materials arecomplete andwell organized.

    Presentationhas sequenceand planevident.

    Some parts ofthe display areinteresting.Some materialsare completelyorganized.

    Presentationhas somesequence andplan evident.

    Display isuninteresting.Materials areincomplete andnot organized.

    Presentationhas nosequence orplan evident.

    Creativity &Appearance

    Project isexcellentlypresented,

    Good creativeeffort. Project isneat and shows

    Some attemptmade to addcolor and

    Little attempt toadd color ororiginality.

  • 8/14/2019 Title Revolutionary War- The Battle of Bunker Hill By


    creative and alot of thought.

    evidence oftime spent on it.

    originality.Project is neat.

    Project hassloppyappearance.


    The dioramademonstrates a

    thoroughknowledge ofthe subjectinvestigated

    The dioramademonstrates

    goodknowledge ofthe subjectinvestigated

    The dioramademonstrates

    someknowledge ofthe subjectinvestigated.

    The dioramademonstrates

    very littleknowledge ofthe subjectinvestigated.


    The studenthad notes aboutall the eventsand facts s/hewished toinclude in hisvideo beforebeginning.Notes weresubmitted.

    The studenthad notes aboutall the eventsand facts s/hewished toinclude in hisvideo beforebeginning.Notes weresubmitted.

    The student hadnotes aboutmost of theevents and factsthe studentwished toinclude inhis/her videobeforebeginning.Notes weresubmitted.

    The student hadnot preparedadequate notesbefore

    beginning ornotes were notsubmitted.


    The dioramashows the useof a variety ofsources ofinformation

    which havebeen cited in abibliography.

    The dioramashows the useof severalsources ofinformation

    which havebeen cited in abibliography.

    The dioramashows very littlevariety in thesources ofinformation

    which havebeen cited in abibliography.

    The dioramalooks as if oneor two sourcesonly were used

    in it'spreparation.


    You haveproperlydocumented 4or more goodsources for yourtopic.

    You haveproperlydocumentedless than 4good sourcesfor your topic.

    You haveproperlydocumentedless than 4sources for yourtopic, some ofwhich are weak.

    You have notproperlydocumented thesources for yourtopic and thesources are toofew orinappropriate.

    Adaptations (For Students with Learning Disabilities):

    Adaptations will be created based according to students IndividualEducation Plan and with input from the special education teacher.

  • 8/14/2019 Title Revolutionary War- The Battle of Bunker Hill By


    Alternative assessments and presentations may be developed based

    upon this plan.

    Extensions (For Gifted Students):

    An individual plan will be developed with these students to let themexplore further into the areas of the research which interest them.

    Alternative assessments and presentations may be developed for thembased upon this plan.

    Possible Connections to Other Subjects:

    Research into Revolutionary War literature connects to English Language

    Arts, i.e. reading the Fighting Ground by Avi Research into the use of Revolutionary War technology and its affects on

    battles connects to science, i.e. the development and use of smokeless

    gunpowder. Use of Colonial era music connects to the arts

    Use of Revolutionary War photographs and paintings connects to the

    visual arts The use of statistics, monetary costs and battlefield dimensions connect to
