times herald. (palatka, fl) 1914-05-22 [p...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA I C i Irk- 2ii I SPORT ALBANIA r t I N- r S HE announcement that Prince William of Wled oc- cupies the throne of Albania will give birth to some hope of sufficient tranqulllty be ing restored to allow of shooting there again at any rate In that part of the country which is opposite Corfu For two years this capital hunting ground has been closed- to sportsmen while human warfare raged all around it but no fighting has 1 i ¬ ¬ < over or 30 miles of seacoast which offer the best and most getatable shooting so the game has had a good rest and what IB more has probably been driven down from the disturbed regions into this quieter haven It Is easy to pass two or even three months In shooting the coverts round the harbors which are opposite Corfu and four of these are such snug little anchorages that even an open boat would be perfectly secure Cut ters small but well found can be hired at Corfu and are In every way ade- quate for this trip The sea journey from Corfu to the farthest harbor is not more than 18 miles and to the nearest about eight so as the little cutters sail well and the wather Is smooth great pleasure Is added to the trip from a sailing point of view The scenery rather resembles Scotland deep water and good holding are found all along and in fact the little inlets are so snug and well masked by the mountains that a yacht can lay just Inside and be quite hidden About this time of the year the snow comes down on the mountain tops and drives the woodcock to the warmer coverts on the coast and very numer- ous they are in fact I should think It would puzzle anyone to find better woodcock shooting go where they would The marshes also teem with snipe and some thousand duck teal and the like flight in from the sea stormy weather Even the best shots however get but small bags at this game fascinating as it is for the flight last only 30 to 40 minutes and the ID UlJlltftb It at M4- iiUl tneynrrrlgnr overhead the chances are they see the sportsman first and soar up out of trot Flocks of pelicans pay occasional visits to Burtrlnto marsh hut have never seen flamingo Besides there Is good sport for the rifle The country teems with wild boar and in a lesser de gree deer come out of one covert The local shepherds form up as beaters from six to eight are enough to drive the coverts properly but the more the merrier and two francs a day Is all they ask the head beater who places the guns and knows the run of the game wants of course a little more They are a wonderfully pleasant race to deal with and in all the years I have known the country I have never heard of their giving any trouble to Englishmen They fight freely among themselves no doubt and still more surroun iU ble to ds against d lle c 600 ton be- fore nd m aw vW se the A bird shooting a ¬ ¬ ff JlEr lfCllNP 1lNIT 2 ILdMI1Q1lAftO + J1CCXO fi Pl itYl- d U A AID J W S T E8 wn7f r 11J01J7 freely against the Turks who ride rough shod over them and take their sheep and mules without so much aa by your leave But the sylvan as found In this particular re gion Is in every way a good fellow and entirely reliable If well treated The only danger lies forgetting i r loosing qff merrilY- as is their little way Obviously alas our sporting rifles must bo a sore temptation to them I have had one of these ragged Individuals come and sit down close to me while waiting for the beaters and beg to be allowed- to handle my rifle Needless to say- I have never been quite so confiding Flint locks were used by the Turkish soldiers who patrolled this coast until three years ago barrels rich ly caparisoned with brass firing huge spherical bullets implements better suited to adorn a museum than to pro tect life In an uncivilized country The treatment these guns received how ever was not conducive to their shoot ing straight as I once saw one of these Turks bang his gun down on the rock and jump on it as a punishment for missing a hare The bashes on the barrel bore witness to this being no unusual transaction These represent shep- herd 2DQ IOC l 1 c when 1 I I mixed up- Iq bulls ekcfraolx- ur s four foot ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < TO LOCATE NEW ALASKAN RAILROADS j U 1 i to rIght LIeut Frederick Moars and William C Edna two been appointed President Wilson as members of the If it i Alaskan engineering commission which Is to have charge off the theM railroads Alaska Lieutenant the chief engineer qt Panama railroad and was suggested for this by Colonel And Mr was chIef engineer for the to Ho who located and built many of dllllcult stretches of mountain for the Santa t r the Southern The two are shown in the photograph poring ks In the at Washington are t proceed at once to begin their l i y- It i l lI 1- r II r i b Left are These h mei hale just Iy location of to Moara was y the new work Eden formerly the North- western Pacific railroad California is the man the most railroad Fe and over a map of Ala interlpr department They orderet4 Alaska to task M e d k- Y ynLi c n w > ° A atives of law and order have by now been requisitioned on active service and a good job too as they merely ex torted the wherewithal to support their useless lives out of the Albanian shepherds untO the latter got out of all patlenco and within my personal experience t itwk ioaWr much as train them ac- cordingly so it is well to keep a good lookout for these brutes Considering that they are as big as fact practically Indistinguishable from then It Is no laughing matter when they set upon you three or four strong But for sport such as there Is In Al- bania you must expect to take a few risks and as It Is obtainable from the fastness of your own yacht with all the conveniences of civilization close at hand this country must be reckoned- as offering very exceptional facilities for S Hughes Improved Method of Farming Great interest is taken In France just now In a new method by which tho yield of crops per acre is enor- mously increased In one test case the increase of wheat has been three times above that grown in similar soil in the same neighborhood ht WolvesIn sportsmenB I etw vrotcli were dogs or n as anything and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The remarkable value of the meth od is indicated by the statement that It has made twenty grains of wheat produce 700000 in one year The method consists in preparing seed beds in widely spaced lines on very mellow land then at the end of two months dividing the tufts springing from each grain replanting each of these rooted shoots thus de tached and finally inhoelng and earthing up these new plants many time in such manner as to provoke- at all the points brought Into inti- mate contact with the earth the growth of numerous adventitious shoots each of which bear an ear All bracelets and rings have been barred from West Virginia factories by the state labor commissioner I V Barton He declares that Jewelry worn on the hands of working girls has caused more accidents in the of West Virginia than al other thing i tight fitting Invariably drag a hand or arm Into some fast Whirling machine and rings are also apt to catch he says Many industrial companies have with the state labor depart- ment and some manufacturers have already taken the precaution to bar jewelry from their factories Relative Values Dnnhnr Did the woman who sued Pollard Doubleday get anything Sprague NO but she got more than Mrs Doubleday ntt especIJ o t the chain t 7 J r Dangerous Jewel- ry most i co- operated did Judge rs V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > WITH PEANUT FLAVOR DISHES THAT WILL APPEAL TO THOSE WHO LIKE Excellent as an Addition to Whole Wheat Biscuits and Sandwiches Method of with Tomatoes Whole Wheat Nut Loaf Two whole wheat flour one cupful white flour two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder onehalf teaspoonful- salt two tablespoonfuls sugar one half cupful chopped peanuts three ta blespoonfuls melted butter one and onehalt cupfuls sweet milk Mix all the dry Ingredients together Includ ing the peanuts add the milk and mix thoroughly lastly the butter and beat well Bake In two shallow tins or In gem pans for onehalt hour in a moderate oven For an ordinary nut loaf mix Into the sponge for two loaved of bread one cupful of finely ground peanuts just before adding the sponge to the flour and work as other bread Peanut Biscuit One quart flour three heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder onehalf teaspoonful salt one quarter cupful sugar onehalf cupful ground peanuts onehalt cupful sweet milk onequarter pound butter three eggs Slit together the dry Ingredients- and rub in the butter Then mix in the peanuts thoroughly also with the hands Beat the eggs add to them the milk and mix into the flour add ing more milk If needed to make a soft dough Roll out cut and bake like ordinary biscuit Sweet Peanut Sandwiches Onehalf cupful grated maple sugar or very light brown sugar will answer one quarter cupful finely chopped peanuts- one tablespoonful rich sweet milk Mix well and spread between thin slices of graham bread or between crackers Scalloped Tomatoes With Peanuts Two cupfuls canned tomatoes two cupfuls breadcrumbs two tablespoon- fuls butter onehalf cupful finely chopped peanuts one teaspoonful saJt a little pepper Mix nuts crumbs and seasoning with the melted butter Put- a layer in bottom of pudding pan then half the tomatoes another layer of crumbs the rest of the tomatoes and over the top the balance of the nut and crumb mixture Bake in a quick oven until hofcW- orrtthTwK Apricot Sponge An apricot sponge Is a plc dish Open a can of apricots and the fruit To the sirup add one cupful of and boll for five minutes add onehalf a box of gelatin which has soaked in onehalt cupful of water until soft stir until it Is melted Rub the apricot through a sieve add the strained Juice of two and add the other mixture When cold and beginning to thicken add the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs and beat until very stiff Turn Into a wetted mold and set aside until Inn Serve with a custard made from yolks of the eggs one pint of milk onethird of a cupful of sugar and one teaspoonful of vanilla Economical Soup Peel and cut Into very small pieces- or better still put through mincing machine three onions three turnips one carrot and four potatoes Put them into a stew pan with a quarter of a pound of lard or drippings the same of lean ham or bacon and a bunchof fresh parsley Pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire next add one tablespoonful of wellmixed flour Mix well then add two quarts of vegetable or meat stock and one pint of boiling milk Boll up keep lug it stirred Season with a little salt and sugar and run it through a tine sieve Serve with toast or fried bread Stand for Sick Bed Take three grocery boxes about 30 inches long and 6 or 7 Inches deep stand on end back to back and tack them together take third one and nail to the of these two put two little shelves in each one and you vvlll have a very handy little cabinet for the bedside or In any bedroom Tacit linoleum on top and put curtains around three sides Can lay a pretty things booke small dishes Old cloth and things ceded while sick etc TV Vestibule Curtains Cream scrim curtains with bands of cluny or torchon lace at top and bo torn make most artistic vestibule that Is front are a relief from the panels of lace that distort the doors of so many city houses Mock Baked Apple One pint of stoned and chopped prunes beaten whites of threo eggs onehalf Cupful of flour Bake in tered pudding dish 26 minutes with sugar and cream BreadFor melted servo j r I J drain been cold lemons the sl e linoleum Will hold many lines doorhangings t c I 1- 0at t r THE TASTE Serv- Ing cup- fuls 1 sugar co a They Servo F 4 b w Y ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > = or e Bill You know he written poem that sot Vr Yea and I understand Its going ta H v bet set to music w Then the worst la yet to cornerty Important to Mothere every of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see It Signature of In Use For Over Children Cry for Fletchers Cafltori The man who gives himself away cant expect the world to value Kim very highly r The girl who accepts her first suitor misses a whole lot of valuable expert REMARKABLE CASE of Declares Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity Shamrock Mo I feel it duty to tell the public the condition of my HI health before using falling inflamma pains in both ides jjjBjtl ing down pains was 1 short of memory j I nervous Impatient lll passed sleepless j nights and had U neither strength nor energy There was always fear and dread in my mind I had cold nervous weak spells hpt flashes over my body I had a place in my right side was so sore that I could hnrdlybear the weight clothes I tried medicines and doctors but they did me little good I got Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved me But now I can work all day sleep well ntnlght eat any thing I wont hove no hot flashes or nery n All paths fears and dreadjLBOS u are no longer neglected as Tom almost entirely free of tho bad symptoms Iliad before taking your remedies and all is pleasure and happiness toy home Mrs JbsiB HAM K F D 1 Box 22 Shamrock Missouri If you want special advice write Lydia E Pinklmm Medicine Co confidential LynnMass DAISY FLY KILLER r ClMO tt- DtmcuUIconr alent- 1KB Vkd Of will not toll or Injuf nytblnciO- narantaed Alld tl r or Mn- lipnn paid for f l0 HAROLD BOMiM 110 DtXalk Iteoklyl H r FOR EYE DISEASES Pettift Eve Salve 8hoQ PolishesFl- ncri Quality Largest Variety coauini OIL Dicks tad JiiUicnt bona ad one shines without bins 25c French lot quickly cleans and whitens ditty canvas itux BABY i a wliol i In harinf thtir hoer look Ad R ta color sod If l not k IW you wiat tout utMpriuiniUnipdoia ul lilt pud- WIUTTEMORE DROS CO MM Albany St METAL ROOFING Shingles IN HKCT METAL OUILOINO MATERIAL BEST THAT MONEY CAN UV THE tUWADS CDftHuOAtjNC tiO- COVINftTOK KV tail send this Adv la u V aai e fJ M druM of y r friends tobacco your Emeu tad Pot OOc addfts- B m AddrMi TOBACCO Q CO HIGH POINT K CtfAjlJTS- fcT In has JillIs t jfl Years i r i once Mrs HAM C t Ie Iii i mmI ihijil I bad 11tiN iI- w j tlon and congestion i I il1W female weakness itl H backaches bear I ij i ii i end Inever expected I Compound and Blood Purifier and L I 1 Iou I IIi t mlalcallUpUlor r oar If eDt tlye 4 TirA iemoret I I I GILT EDGE lho JIdiLoedtaol liver And I s PAR cOtllbinuiOll and lolioti all WHiTE iA orm ELITE rot cDdlIIc1i pride t r l brilmorclotbIOc- EllIe b 2S Cambridge I l ShcPolbhuln IM WtU r rto f uC UU1 i4 4 Wort what we I who use I I 1 I i i J I ir a- new fi 1 Bears the i 1 80 F your medicine Cr and ilyll I a my togotout again cer- tainly 1 r ached M k aa boa all Nat cheap Lasts all r i v- ituNl MI are ltaq 14 India tict rube Glou Dand ar25e b r iSrhwith r don Itta 1 Masi hTil e m 1O o N- To TobaceoUarsOely sar We mean SM dar Xi- l cb N Je v P e I 4 > > < < > ° + + +

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1914-05-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00065/00102.pdf · the dry Ingredients together Includ ing the peanuts add the milk and mix thoroughly








t I N-



HE announcement thatPrince William of Wled oc-

cupies the throne of Albaniawill give birth to some hopeof sufficient tranqulllty being restored to allow ofshooting there again atany rate In that part of thecountry which is oppositeCorfu For two years this

capital hunting ground has been closed-to sportsmen while human warfareraged all around it but no fighting has






over or 30 milesof seacoast which offer the best andmost getatable shooting so the gamehas had a good rest and what IB morehas probably been driven down fromthe disturbed regions into this quieterhaven It Is easy to pass two or eventhree months In shooting the covertsround the harbors which are oppositeCorfu and four of these are such snuglittle anchorages that even an openboat would be perfectly secure Cutters small but well found can be hiredat Corfu and are In every way ade-quate for this trip The sea journeyfrom Corfu to the farthest harbor isnot more than 18 miles and to thenearest about eight so as the littlecutters sail well and the wather Issmooth great pleasure Is added to thetrip from a sailing point of view Thescenery rather resembles Scotlanddeep water and good holding are foundall along and in fact the little inletsare so snug and well masked by themountains that a yacht canlay just Inside and be quite hiddenAbout this time of the year the snowcomes down on the mountain tops anddrives the woodcock to the warmercoverts on the coast and very numer-ous they are in fact I should think Itwould puzzle anyone to find betterwoodcock shooting go where theywould The marshes also teem withsnipe and some thousand duck tealand the like flight in from the sea

stormy weather Even the bestshots however get but small bagsat this game fascinating as it is forthe flight last only 30 to 40 minutesand the ID UlJlltftb

It at M4-

iiUl tneynrrrlgnr overhead thechances are they see the sportsmanfirst and soar up out of trot Flocksof pelicans pay occasional visits toBurtrlnto marsh hut have never seenflamingo

Besides there Is goodsport for the rifle The country teemswith wild boar and in a lesser degree deer come out of one covert Thelocal shepherds form up as beatersfrom six to eight are enough to drivethe coverts properly but the more themerrier and two francs a day Is allthey ask the head beater who placesthe guns and knows the run of thegame wants of course a little moreThey are a wonderfully pleasant raceto deal with and in all the years I

have known the country I have neverheard of their giving any trouble toEnglishmen They fight freely amongthemselves no doubt and still more

surrouniU ble to ds

against d lle


600 ton



ndm aw vW se the


bird shooting




ffJlEr lfCllNP1lNIT 2ILdMI1Q1lAftO +

J1CCXO fiPl itYl-d U A AID J W S T E8

wn7fr 11J01J7freely against the Turks who riderough shod over them and take theirsheep and mules without so much aa

by your leave But the sylvanas found In this particular re

gion Is in every way a good fellow andentirely reliable If well treated Theonly danger lies forgetting

i r

loosing qff merrilY-

as is their little way Obviously alasour sporting rifles must bo a soretemptation to them I have had oneof these ragged Individuals come andsit down close to me while waiting forthe beaters and beg to be allowed-

to handle my rifle Needless to say-

I have never been quite so confidingFlint locks were used by the Turkishsoldiers who patrolled this coast untilthree years ago barrels richly caparisoned with brass firing hugespherical bullets implements bettersuited to adorn a museum than to protect life In an uncivilized country Thetreatment these guns received however was not conducive to their shooting straight as I once saw one of theseTurks bang his gun down on the rockand jump on it as a punishment formissing a hare The bashes on thebarrel bore witness to this being nounusual transaction These represent


2DQ IOC l 1 c




mixed up-

Iqbulls ekcfraolx-

ur s

four foot ¬







i to rIght LIeut Frederick Moars and William C Edna

two been appointed President Wilson as members of the

If it iAlaskan engineering commission which Is to have charge off the

theM railroads Alaska Lieutenant the chief

engineer qt Panama railroad and was suggested for this by

Colonel And Mr was chIef engineer for theto Ho who located and built

many of dllllcult stretches of mountain for the Santa

t r the Southern The two are shown in the photograph poring

ks In the at Washington are

t proceed at once to begin their

l iy-

It i llI





i b Left areThese

h mei hale just Iylocation of

to Moara was

y thenew work

Eden formerly the North-

western Pacific railroad California is the man

the most railroad Fe and

over a map of Ala interlpr department They

orderet4 Alaska to task

M e



YynLi c n w




atives of law and order have by nowbeen requisitioned on active serviceand a good job too as they merely extorted the wherewithal to supporttheir useless lives out of the Albanianshepherds untO the latter got out ofall patlenco and within my personalexperience t

itwk ioaWrmuch as train them ac-

cordingly so it is well to keep a goodlookout for these brutes Consideringthat they are as big asfact practically Indistinguishable fromthen It Is no laughing matter whenthey set upon you three or four strongBut for sport such as there Is In Al-

bania you must expect to take a fewrisks and as It Is obtainable from thefastness of your own yacht with allthe conveniences of civilization closeat hand this country must be reckoned-as offering very exceptional facilitiesfor S Hughes

Improved Method of FarmingGreat interest is taken In France

just now In a new method by whichtho yield of crops per acre is enor-mously increased In one test casethe increase of wheat has been threetimes above that grown in similarsoil in the same neighborhood





etw vrotcliwere

dogs or n asanything and





The remarkable value of the method is indicated by the statement thatIt has made twenty grains of wheatproduce 700000 in one year

The method consists in preparingseed beds in widely spaced lines onvery mellow land then at the endof two months dividing the tuftsspringing from each grain replantingeach of these rooted shoots thus detached and finally inhoelng andearthing up these new plants manytime in such manner as to provoke-

at all the points brought Into inti-

mate contact with the earth thegrowth of numerous adventitiousshoots each of which bear an ear

All bracelets and rings have beenbarred from West Virginia factoriesby the state labor commissioner I V

Barton He declares that Jewelryworn on the hands of working girlshas caused more accidents in the

of West Virginia than alother thing

i tight fitting Invariably

drag a hand or arm Into some fastWhirling machine and rings are also

apt to catch he saysMany industrial companies have

with the state labor depart-

ment and some manufacturers have

already taken the precaution to barjewelry from their factories

Relative ValuesDnnhnr Did the woman who sued

Pollard Doubleday get anythingSprague NO but she got more than

Mrs Doubleday


especIJ o t the chain



J r

Dangerous Jewel-ry




did Judge











Excellent as an Addition to Whole

Wheat Biscuits andSandwiches Method of

with Tomatoes

Whole Wheat Nut Loaf Twowhole wheat flour one cupful

white flour two heaping teaspoonfulsbaking powder onehalf teaspoonful-salt two tablespoonfuls sugar onehalf cupful chopped peanuts three tablespoonfuls melted butter one andonehalt cupfuls sweet milk Mix allthe dry Ingredients together Including the peanuts add the milk and mixthoroughly lastly the butterand beat well Bake In two shallowtins or In gem pans for onehalt hourin a moderate oven

For an ordinary nut loaf mix Intothe sponge for two loaved of breadone cupful of finely ground peanutsjust before adding the sponge to theflour and work as other bread

Peanut Biscuit One quart flourthree heaping teaspoonfuls bakingpowder onehalf teaspoonful salt onequarter cupful sugar onehalf cupfulground peanuts onehalt cupful sweetmilk onequarter pound butter threeeggs Slit together the dry Ingredients-and rub in the butter Then mix in thepeanuts thoroughly also with thehands Beat the eggs add to themthe milk and mix into the flour adding more milk If needed to make asoft dough Roll out cut and bakelike ordinary biscuit

Sweet Peanut Sandwiches Onehalfcupful grated maple sugar or verylight brown sugar will answer onequarter cupful finely chopped peanuts-one tablespoonful rich sweet milkMix well and spread between thinslices of graham bread or betweencrackers

Scalloped Tomatoes With PeanutsTwo cupfuls canned tomatoes two

cupfuls breadcrumbs two tablespoon-fuls butter onehalf cupful finelychopped peanuts one teaspoonful saJta little pepper Mix nuts crumbs andseasoning with the melted butter Put-a layer in bottom of pudding pan thenhalf the tomatoes another layer ofcrumbs the rest of the tomatoes andover the top the balance of the nutand crumb mixture Bake in a quickoven until hofcW-orrtthTwK

Apricot SpongeAn apricot sponge Is a plc dish

Open a can of apricots and thefruit To the sirup add one cupful of

and boll for five minutes addonehalf a box of gelatin which has

soaked in onehalt cupful ofwater until soft stir until it Is

melted Rub the apricot through asieve add the strained Juice of two

and add the other mixtureWhen cold and beginning to thickenadd the stiffly beaten whites of foureggs and beat until very stiff TurnInto a wetted mold and set aside untilInn Serve with a custard made from

yolks of the eggs one pint of milkonethird of a cupful of sugar and oneteaspoonful of vanilla

Economical SoupPeel and cut Into very small pieces-

or better still put through mincingmachine three onions three turnipsone carrot and four potatoes Putthem into a stew pan with a quarterof a pound of lard or drippings thesame of lean ham or bacon and abunchof fresh parsley Pass themten minutes over a sharp fire nextadd one tablespoonful of wellmixedflour Mix well then add two quartsof vegetable or meat stock and onepint of boiling milk Boll up keeplug it stirred Season with a littlesalt and sugar and run it through atine sieve Serve with toast or friedbread

Stand for Sick BedTake three grocery boxes about 30

inches long and 6 or 7 Inches deepstand on end back to back and tackthem together take third one andnail to the of these two put twolittle shelves in each one and you vvlll

have a very handy little cabinet forthe bedside or In any bedroom Tacitlinoleum on top and put curtainsaround three sides Can lay a pretty

things booke small dishesOld cloth and things ceded whilesick etc TV

Vestibule CurtainsCream scrim curtains with bands of

cluny or torchon lace at top and botorn make most artistic vestibulethat Is frontare a relief from the panels of lacethat distort the doors of so many cityhouses

Mock Baked AppleOne pint of stoned and chopped

prunes beaten whites of threo eggsonehalf Cupful of flour Bake intered pudding dish 26 minuteswith sugar and cream




r I J





sl e

linoleum Will hold manylines






0at t r







co a



F4 b










or eBill You know he written

poemthat sot Vr

Yea and I understand Its going ta H vbet set to music w

Then the worst la yet to cornerty

Important to Mothereevery of

CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy forinfants and children and see It

Signature ofIn Use For OverChildren Cry for Fletchers Cafltori

The man who gives himself awaycant expect the world to value Kim

very highlyr

The girl who accepts her first suitormisses a whole lot of valuable expert



Declares Lydia E PinkhamsVegetable Compound

Saved Her Lifeand Sanity

Shamrock Mo I feel it dutyto tell the public the condition of my

HI health before using

falling inflamma

pains in both idesjjjBjtl

ing down pains was1 short of memory

j I nervous Impatient

lll passed sleeplessj nights and had

U neither strength norenergy There was always fear anddread in my mind I had cold nervousweak spells hpt flashes over my bodyI had a place in my right side wasso sore that I could hnrdlybear theweight clothes I tried medicinesand doctors but they did me little good

I got Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable

would have been in grave or in anasylum if your medicines had not savedme But now I can work all day sleepwell ntnlght eat anything I wont hoveno hot flashes or nery n

All paths fears and dreadjLBOSu

are no longer neglected asTom almostentirely free of tho bad symptoms Iliadbefore taking your remedies and all ispleasure and happiness toy homeMrs JbsiB HAM K F D 1 Box 22Shamrock Missouri

If you want special advice writeLydia E Pinklmm Medicine Coconfidential LynnMass


DtmcuUIconr alent-

1KB Vkd Of

will not toll orInjuf nytblnciO-narantaedAlld tl r or Mn-lipnn paid for f l0

HAROLD BOMiM 110 DtXalk Iteoklyl H rFOR EYE

DISEASES Pettift Eve Salve

8hoQ PolishesFl-ncri Quality Largest Variety

coauini OIL Dicks tadJiiUicnt bona ad one shines withoutbins 25c French


quickly cleans and whitens ditty canvas itux

BABY i a wliol iIn harinf thtir hoer look Ad R ta color sod

If l not k IW you wiat toututMpriuiniUnipdoia ul lilt pud-







tail send this Adv la u V aai e fJ MdruM of y r friends tobaccoyour Emeu tad Pot OOc addfts-B m AddrMiTOBACCO Q CO HIGH POINT K CtfAjlJTS-



JillIs t











i mmI ihijil I bad11tiN iI-

wj tlon and congestion

i I

il1W female weaknessitl

H backaches bearI ij




end Inever expectedI

Compound and Blood Purifier and


1 Iou I


mlalcallUpUlor roar If

eDt tlye


TirA iemoret




GILT EDGE lho JIdiLoedtaolliver And


s PAR cOtllbinuiOll and lolioti all

WHiTE iA orm

ELITE rot cDdlIIc1ipride t r

l brilmorclotbIOc-EllIe b 2S

Cambridge I


ShcPolbhuln IM WtU rrto


uC UU1



what weI

who use II



ii J I



new fi1

Bears thei



your medicine

Cr andilyll




togotout again




M k

aa boa allNat

cheap Lasts all




ituNl MI

are ltaq


India tictrube

GlouDand ar25e


riSrhwith r

don Itta1



m 1Oo N-

To TobaceoUarsOelysarWe mean



l cb N Je vP

e I









