timemaps™ lesson 9.3 crossword · crossword puzzle - lesson 9.3 ... money from the account at any...


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Page 1: TimeMAPS™ Lesson 9.3 Crossword · Crossword Puzzle - Lesson 9.3 ... money from the account at any time. The bank will periodically pay interest on the balance of the account. (2

Crossword Puzzle - Lesson 9.3 – Low Risk Investments

CP0903 Copyright © 2001 - 2010 REMTECH, inc. All rights reserved… Updated: 8/2010 Page 1 of 2

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1. __ The annual growth or increase in value of an investment expressed as a percentage of the amount of money that is invested such as 8% or 10%. (3 words)

4. A reference that is used by others to determine the interest rate that will be paid or charged for financial instruments.

8. A deposit account established at a bank where the money that is deposited will earn interest but cannot be withdrawn, without penalty, for a specified period of time. (2 words)

10. A relatively long period of time, generally more than 5 years. (2 words, hyphenated)

11. The services provided by a bank to their customers. Typically, these services include checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, loan services and a host of other financial services. (2 words)

12. A type of investment where the possibility of the investor losing their principal or the asset decreasing in value is minimal. (2 words, hyphenated)

13. The fee charged for the use of money.

14. Taxes that are based on the current value of taxable property owned by an individual. The taxes are paid to the city or county government in which the individual lives. (2 words)

Page 2: TimeMAPS™ Lesson 9.3 Crossword · Crossword Puzzle - Lesson 9.3 ... money from the account at any time. The bank will periodically pay interest on the balance of the account. (2

Crossword Puzzle - Lesson 9.3 – Low Risk Investments

CP0903 Copyright © 2001 - 2010 REMTECH, inc. All rights reserved… Updated: 8/2010 Page 2 of 2

17. A deposit account established at a bank. The account holder may deposit and withdraw money from the account at any time. The bank will periodically pay interest on the balance of the account. (2 words)

21. The interest rate that large commercial banks charge their most credit worthy customers when they borrow money. (3 words)

23. The penalty or fee an investor will be charged for withdrawing their money from a timed deposit before the specified period of time has elapsed. (2 words)

24. A deposit account established at a bank. The account holder may deposit money in the account and then withdraw the money by writing checks against the account. (2 words)

25. An individual that puts money into an investment that will pay them interest or is expected to increase in value over time.

26. A loan made specifically to purchase real estate or land. (2 words)

27. A financial institution that deals in the exchange of money and provides financial services to their customers.

28. A relatively short period of time, generally a few years or less. (2 words, hyphenated)

29. A state or federally chartered bank is FDIC-insured when they are a member of the FDIC and are covered by deposit insurance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (2 words, with hyphen, with acronym)

30. A certificate issued by a bank when money is deposited in a timed deposit account. It guarantees repayment of the original amount plus interest at some designated time in the future. (3 words)

31. A measure of the goods and services that can be purchased with one dollar. (2 words)

32. The interest that is paid on a home mortgage or home loan. (2 words)

33. The original amount of money put into an investment.


2. Valid expenses that can be used to reduce the amount of income that an individual must pay income taxes on. (2 words)

3. An abbreviated name for ‘Treasury Bills’

5. Something of value pledged by the borrower to the lender in order to secure a loan.

6. The periodic charge, expressed as a percentage, for the use of someone else's money. (2 words)

7. Acronym for ‘Certificate of Deposit’.

9. Financial instruments such as money market accounts, real estate, stocks and bonds that either pay the individual interest or are expected to increase in value while they are held.

12. The money an individual sets aside or places in a reserve fund specifically to pay unexpected expenses in the future. (2 words)

16. A type of account that can be opened at most banks. The bank pays the account holder interest on the money in the account. The bank invests the money in commercial paper such as Treasury Bills and government bonds. (3 words)

18. An unforeseen expense or debt that an individual has not planned for, but requires their immediate attention (i.e. - a major health problem or loss of transportation). (2 words)

19. The system in the United States dealing with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. (2 words)

20. An account established at a bank that allows an individual to deposit and withdraw money. Depending on the account, the bank may periodically pay the holder of the account interest on the balance of the account. (2 words)

22. The average annual increase or decrease in the cost of goods and services in our economy expressed as a percentage such as +3% or –2%. (3 words)