tiempos verbales ingleses - intef -...

TIEMPOS VERBALES INGLESES PRESENT SIMPLE De las tres formas que componen un verbo: to eat - ate - eaten la primera se usa para crear las formas no personales (infinitivo to eat, gerundio eating, y en los verbos regulares el pasado y el participio: to play -played - played), y también para formar el presente simple, que será igual para todas las personas excepto para la tercera del singular, en la que añade una “-s”: I eat you he she eats it we you eat they Los verbos no auxiliares (todos excepto to be, to have, can, must) forman las oraciones negativas añadiendo el tiempo necesario del verbo to do después del sujeto seguido del infinitivo del verbo principal. Al estar hablando del presente simple, el verbo principal va en presente, por lo tanto, al hacer una frase negativa pondremos el verbo to do en presente: I do not eat you he she does not eat it we you do not eat they Si el verbo es auxiliar pondremos not a la derecha del verbo: He is Paco L He is not Paco De la misma forma para hacer una frase interrogativa pondremos a la izquierda del sujeto el verbo to do en el tiempo que necesitemos y a la derecha del sujeto el verbo principal en infinitivo: do I eat you does he eat she it do we eat you they Si el verbo es auxiliar simplemente cambiaremos de sitio el verbo y el sujeto: He is Paco L Is he Paco? USO El Presente simple se usa para hablar de acciones habituales, aquellas cosas que solemos hacer con cierta frecuencia, por eso muchas veces van con lo que llamamos “adverbios de frecuencia”: hardly, rarely, sometimes, generally, usually, never... y que se colocan siempre a la izquierda del verbo principal. Si en lugar de un “adverbio de frecuencia” tenemos una “expresión de frecuencia”, es decir, una expresión que indique frecuencia pero que conste de más de una palabra, se entenderá como un complemento de tiempo normal e irá en su sitio al final de la frase: I generally eat at three o’clock. /// I eat at three o’clock on Mondays (Como puede verse por los adverbios hardly, rarely y never, la frecuencia también puede ser negativa.) PRESENT CONTINUOUS Se forma con el presente del verbo to be y el gerundio del verbo que necesitemos: Él está comiendo peras = He is eating pears Como tenemos un verbo auxiliar las oraciones negativas se formarán añadiendo not a la derecha del verbo auxiliar: Él no está comiendo peras = He is not eating any pears. y las interrogativas cambiando de sitio el verbo auxiliar y el sujeto: ¿Está comiendo peras? = Is he eating any pears? Tiempos Verbales. p. 1

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De las tres formas que componen un verbo: to eat - ate - eaten la primera seusa para crear las formas no personales (infinitivo to eat, gerundio eating, y enlos verbos regulares el pasado y el participio: to play -played - played), ytambién para formar el presente simple, que será igual para todas las personasexcepto para la tercera del singular, en la que añade una “-s”:




she eats



you eat


Los verbos no auxiliares (todos excepto to be, to have, can,must) forman las oraciones negativas añadiendo el tiemponecesario del verbo to do después del sujeto seguido delinfinitivo del verbo principal. Al estar hablando del presentesimple, el verbo principal va en presente, por lo tanto, al haceruna frase negativa pondremos el verbo to do en presente:

Ido not eat



she does not eat



you do not eat


Si el verbo es auxiliar pondremos not a la derecha del verbo:He is Paco L He is not Paco

De la misma forma para hacer una frase interrogativa pondremosa la izquierda del sujeto el verbo to do en el tiempo quenecesitemos y a la derecha del sujeto el verbo principal eninfinitivo:











Si el verbo es auxiliar simplemente cambiaremos de sitio elverbo y el sujeto:

He is Paco L Is he Paco?


El Presente simple se usa para hablar de acciones habituales, aquellas cosas que solemos hacer con cierta frecuencia, por esomuchas veces van con lo que llamamos “adverbios de frecuencia”: hardly, rarely, sometimes, generally, usually, never... y que secolocan siempre a la izquierda del verbo principal. Si en lugar de un “adverbio de frecuencia” tenemos una “expresión de frecuencia”,es decir, una expresión que indique frecuencia pero que conste de más de una palabra, se entenderá como un complemento de tiemponormal e irá en su sitio al final de la frase:

I generally eat at three o’clock. /// I eat at three o’clock on Mondays(Como puede verse por los adverbios hardly, rarely y never, la frecuencia también puede ser negativa.)


Se forma con el presente del verbo to be y el gerundio del verbo que necesitemos: Él está comiendo peras = He is eating pearsComo tenemos un verbo auxiliar las oraciones negativas se formarán añadiendo not a la derecha del verbo auxiliar:

Él no está comiendo peras = He is not eating any pears.y las interrogativas cambiando de sitio el verbo auxiliar y el sujeto: ¿Está comiendo peras? = Is he eating any pears?

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Se utiliza para hablar de aquello que estamos haciendo en el momento de hablar (en un sentido amplio):Hello John, what are you doing? - I am reviewing for tomorrow’s exam.

John, you’re too dirty to be in the English class - I’m sorry, these days I’m cleaning the garden and I don’t have time to get a shower.


Los verbos ingleses se dividen en dos clases: regulares e irregulares. Los verbos regulares son aquellos que forman su pasado y suparticipio añadiendo a la forma de infinitivo el sufijo "-ed", respetando las siguientes reglas ortográficas:1: CVC + ed = CVCCed: rob + ed = robbed.2: Cy + ed = Cied: study + ed = studied. (Esta regla no se aplica en la formación de gerundio)3: Vy + ed = Vyed: play + ed = played.y las siguientes reglas fonéticas:1: -/C/ + "ed" ]Csorda Y"d" = /t/: booked /bukt/2: -/C/ + "ed" ]Csonora Y "d" = /d/: robbed /robd/3: -/d,t/ + "ed" ] "ed" = /id/: started /stY:tid/

Los verbos irregulares no tienen una formación fija, y así podemos encontrar:break-broke-brokenput-put-putread-read-read (/ri:d, red, red/)

La forma del pasado simple para las frases afirmativas siempre será la segunda palabra en las listas de verbos. En las negativasusaremos el verbo TO DO de la misma manera que lo hacíamos en las frases de presente:

1) He was Paco (verbo auxiliar TO BE)2) He could swim (verbo auxiliar CAN) 3) He lived in Spain (verbo NO AUXILIAR)

Los dos primeros casos eran verbos auxiliares y formaban lasfrases interrogativas invirtiendo la posición del sujeto y el verbo:1) Was he Paco?2) Could he swim?

y formaban las negativas añadiendo la partícula negativa NOT a laderecha del verbo:1) He was not Paco2) He could not swim

En cuanto al tercer caso, era diferente porque se trataba de un verbo no auxiliar. Recordemos que los verbos no auxiliaresformaban la interrogativa y la negativa con el tiempo adecuado de to do y el infinitivo del verbo que necesitábamos: la fraseinterrogativa se formaría colocando a la izquierda del sujeto la persona y el tiempo que nos interese del verbo to do, y a la derecha delsujeto el infinitivo del verbo que necesitemos. Para formar la negativa pondríamos siguiendo al sujeto la persona y el tiempo que nosinterese del verbo to do, seguida de la partícula not, que irá seguida a su vez del infinitivo del verbo que necesitemos. En nuestro casosería:

Idid not live in Spain



she did not live in Spain



you did not live in Spain



live in Spainyou



live in Spainshe




live in Spainyou


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a) Para describir acciones y hechos completados en un tiempo pasado y especificado: I started a job four months ago.b) Cuando podemos entender que una acción se realizó en un tiempo pasado aunque no se especifique exactamente (normalmente

cuando se cuenta algo que ha ocurrido previamente): He flew to Cairo, and then took a flight to Casablanca.c) Para hacer preguntas sobre un período de tiempo en el pasado: When did you leave school?d) Para describir un período de tiempo en el pasado: I spent three years in Liverpool.e) Para describir acciones habituales en el pasado o para expresar el comportamiento habitual de alguien en el pasado (a menudo con

adverbios de frecuencia): He wrote to her everyday.(También se puede usar la construcción con would: He would write to her everyday.)


Cuando queramos expresar el momento incial de una acción y también el momento final en primer lugar no necesitamos un tiempoperfecto, pero además dejamos de utilizar SINCE para utilizar estas formas:

Yesterday I only worked from 9 to/till threefor six hours

la forma from ... to puede usarse con tiempo y espacio: from nine to five /// from Santurce to Bilbaolo que no sucede con till, que sólo puede utilizarse con tiempo.


Se suele usar IN, pero hay un caso en el que DURING es el único posible: cuando nos referimos a una actividad más que a unperiodo de tiempo: he did some of this during his military service /// during his childhoodDURING puede expresar algo que ocurrió dentro de un determinado período de tiempo pero sin ocupar todo el período.

My father was in hospital for three weeks during the summer.


Se forma con el presente del verbo TO HAVE + el participio del verbo que necesitemos, del la misma forma que el español el pretéritoperfecto (compuesto) se forma con el auxiliar “haber” y el participio del verbo que necesitemos.

Él ha comindo manzanas = He has eaten applesComo “to have” es un verbo auxiliar las oraciones negativas se harán con “have+not” (haven’t) y has not (hasn’t) para la 3ª persona:

Él no ha comido manzanas = He has not (hasn’t) eaten applesy las oraciones interrogativas cambiando de sitio el “have” y el sujeto:

¿ha comido manzanas? = Has he eaten any apples?

USOa) Para referirnos a una acción que empezó en el pasado y continúa en el presente (a menudo con FOR y SINCE):

Él ha vivido aquí toda su vida = He has lived here all his lifeHe trabajado en esa tienda los últimos tres años = I have worked in that shop for the last three years

b) Con JUST para expresar una acción que se acaba de realizar (perífrasis ACABAR DE + INF):Acabo de leer este libro = I've just read this book

c) Para describir acciones o hechos dando una información o noticia que tienen especial significación en el momento presente (no semenciona el tiempo):

I'm sorry. You can't speak to him. He has gone to the U.S.A.d) Para describir una serie de hechos que se han repetido en cierto periodo de tiempo hasta en momento en el que hablamos y que pueden

volver a repetirse:I've written six letters today

Reverte has written a number of short storiese) Para hablar de forma general sobre una experiencia o conocimiento (a menudo con expresiones como ever, never, yet, already, before,

it's the first time):Have you ever worked in a shop?

It's the first time I've jumped from a plane.Algunos adverbios temporales acercan la acción al presente: lately, recently, always, yet.

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f) Con una expresión temporal que denote un tiempo inacabado (cuando la acción y el hablante se sitúan en el mismo espacio temporal):(11:00 a.m.) I've listened to the radio this morning

(16:00) I listened to the radio this morningg) Los verbos de conocimiento, creencia y entendimiento sólo se pueden expresar en Present Perfect en casos del tipo:

I've known him for yearsWe've always believed it was possible

por lo cual las acciones recientes deben expresarse en Past Simple aunque no se mencione el tiempo:Did you know he was going to get married?


For/since indican siempre duración, desde un momento en el pasado hasta el momento del que se habla, por lo tanto se utilizan siemprecon tiempos perfectos (pret. perfecto o pluscuamperfecto).

Ago sitúa la acción en un momento en el pasado, especificando la distancia temporal de aquel momento hasta el presente. Por lo tantosólo se puede usar con el pasado simple.

For indica duración en sí, es decir, que siempre irá acompañado de una cantidad:How long did you stay there? - I stayed for five years

How long have you waited? - I have waited for two hours.Since indica la duración de una forma indirecta, y que va acompañado por aquello que constituye el momento inicial de la acción o

el suceso del que se habla, dándose por sentado que la acción transcurre hasta el presente (pret. perfecto) o hasta un momento posteriorya especificado (pret. pluscuamperfecto):

How long have you waited? I have waited since three o'clocksince it stopped raining


Se forma con el pasado del verbo “to have” y el participio del verbo que necesitemos:Él había comido = He had eaten.

Él no había comido = He had not eaten.¿Había comido? = Had he eaten?

USOa) Para expresar la primera de dos acciones pasadas:

He had already telephoned his girlfriend when Tom arrived.b) Una acción que ocurrió antes de un momento o tiempo determinado:

She had changed her clothes before lunch time that day.c) Para expresar una acción pasada antes de un tiempo no determinado explícitamente, aunque se entienda por el contexto:

He had never driven before.d) Después de wish / if only / would rather / if con condicionales del tercer tipo, cuando nos referimos a una acción pasada que notuvo lugar:

I wish I had said that I couldn't comeIf only you had told me before

I would rather you had told her the truthIf he had studied hard he would have passed his exams


Se forma con el pasado del verbo “to be” y el gerundio del verbo que necesitemos:Él estaba comiendo = He was eating

Él no estaba comiendo = He wasn’t eating¿Estaba comiendo? = Was he eating?

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a) Para acciones pasadas que duraron cierto tiempo pero cuyos límites no se conocen y no son importantes (puede implicar desarrollogradual):

It was getting dark(er)The wind was rising

b) Con una expresión de tiempo expresa una acción que empezó antes de ese momento y probablemente continuó después:At eight he was having breakfast

What were you doing at eight o’clock?c) La expresión temporal se puede sustituir por una frase, en cuyo caso tenemos una acción (pasado continuo) durante cuyo transcurso

sucedió otra (pasado simple):When I arrived John was having a shower

I was speaking on the phone when the accident happened that volcano erupted in Russia

d) Si en el punto c) las dos frases están en pasado continuo se trata de dos acciones paralelas (simultáneas):He was sleeping while she was reading her magazine.

e) Con ALWAYS expresa una acción repetida pasada que probablemente resultaba molesta para el hablante:He has always ringing me up.


Se forma con la partícula WILL seguida de la forma de infinitivo del verbo que necesitemos:Él comera aquí mañana = He will eat here tomorrow.

Él no comerá aquí mañana = He will not eat here tomorrow.¿Comerá aquí mañana? = Will he eat here tomorrow?


En inglés hay al menos tres formas verbales que se utilizan para indicar futuro:

WillU Cuando predecimos (sin referencia o pistas en el presente): I think it'll rainU Cuando expresamos condiciones: If you come out you'll feel a lot betterU Para hablar de una acción futura en el momento en que decidimos realizarla: I'm tired, I think I'll go to bedU La forma apostrofada es muy frecuente, y la forma shall sólo se usará para preguntas sobre una decisión:

What shall we do?Shall we tell her?

U Las amenazas y las promesas son decisiones, y generalmente van con will. Aquí se puede usar shall con la segunda persona:I promise I won't ever get asleep again.You shall have a teddy bear for Xmas.

I swear I'll pay you back.He shall suffer for this.

- Aunque la forma shall suena muy fuerte y literaria y el lenguaje normal suele sustituirse por futuro y going to:I'll give you a teddy bear.

He's going to suffer for this.U Will se usa en peticiones y shall en ofrecimientos: Will you give me a hand? /// Shall I carry your bag? /// I'll carry your bag.U Para dar órdenes: You will start work at 8 o'clock. /// The regiment will attack at dawn.

Presente simpleU Para hablar de hechos futuros programados, sobre todo en horarios:

The summer starts on May 4th.The Queen returns tomorrow.

U Aparece en frases subordinadas sobre el futuro, a la derecha de conjunciones temporales sobre todo:I'll be happy when I'm back home

What shall we do if it snows?U También se usa después de I bet, I hope: I bet you don't get up before ten tomorrow. /// I hope they have a nice time in


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Presente continuo:U Cuando hablamos de cosas que ya han sido decididas: She's having a baby in June

Going toU Cuando predecimos (sin referencia o pistas en el presente): I think it's going to rainU Cuando hablamos de cosas que ya han sido decididas: She's going to have a baby in JuneU Cuando hablamos de cosas futuras que, por los indicios del presente vemos como ciertas, generalmente usamos going to:

Look! It's going to rain.Watch out! We're going to crash!

Aquí podemos ver un resumen de uso comparativo:

O Cuando predecimos (sin referencia o pistas en el presente) usamos la forma de futuro simple o la de going to, pero, por lo general,no la de presente continuo: I think it'll rain = I think it's going to rain

O Cuando expresamos condiciones podemos usar la forma de futuro para predecir, pero no la forma going to.If you come out you'll feel a lot better

O Cuando hablamos de cosas que ya han sido decididas usamos la forma going to o el presente continuo, pero no el futuro.She's going to have a baby in June = She's having a baby in June

S No hay mucha diferencia entre las dos formas, si bien el presente continuo es muy usado con verbos de movimiento:Are you coming to the pub?

y la forma going to es más común para expresar una fuerte determinación:I'm going to get to the top if it kills me

I'm going to keep asking her till she says yesO Cuando hablamos de cosas futuras que, por los indicios del presente vemos como ciertas, generalmente usamos going to:

Look! It's going to rain. /// Watch out! We're going to crash!


El condicional tiene dos tiempos verbales, la forma condicional simple y la perfecta, la simple se forma con WOULD más elinfinitivo del verbo principal:

TO LIKE º I WOULD LIKE = I'D LIKE (me gustaría)y la forma perfecta se forma con WOULD más el infinitivo perfecto del verbo principal:

TO LIKE º I WOULD HAVE LIKED = I'D HAVE LIKED (me hubiera gustado)

Hay que tener en cuenta que WOULD nunca tiene significado gramatical alguno, sólo sirve para dar la información de tiempocondicional al contrario que las formas condicionales de CAN (COULD, BEEN ABLE), SHALL (SHOULD, ---):

I WOULD DO IT = Yo lo haríaI COULD DO IT= Yo podría hacerloI SHOULD DO IT = Yo debería hacerlo

Las oraciones condicionales se dividen tradicionalmente en tres tipos:


IF + PRESENTE º a) FUTURO (probabilidad): If it rains I will stay at home.º b) PRESENTE (resultados habituales automáticos): If it rains plants grow.º c) CAN/MAY: If it rains your pullover may shrink (posibilidad); If it doesn't rain you may go out (permiso)º d) IMPERATIVO (ó MUST, SHOULD ...): If it rains stay at home (orden); If it rains you must stay at home

La oración de IF puede ir en pretérito perfecto: If you have finished your homework...

...I will take you to the cinema.

...you may go out to play.

...order a pizza.

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El significado de la frase subordinada (IF) no es pasado, sino un subjuntivo, lo que indica la no realidad o improbabilidad.IF + PASADO SIMPLE º CONDICIONAL SIMPLEa) con significado de presente:

If I had a map I would lend it to you.b) con significado de futuro:

If someone tried to blackmail me I would tell the police.Se usa el TIPO 2:a) Cuando la suposición es contraria a los hechos conocidos:

If I lived near my office I would be in time.If I were you I would plant some tress in the garden.

b) Cuando no se espera que la acción de la frase subordinada ocurra:If a burglar came into my room I would throw something at him.If I dyed my hair blue everybody would laugh at me.

c) Para hacer sugerencias es más formal que el TIPO 1.If we got the 8:00 train we’d be in time for the game.


IF + PLUSCUAMPERFECTO º CONDICIONAL PERFECTOLa idea es de pasado y la condición no se puede realizar porque la acción de la subordinada no se cumplió.If you had come you would have seen me dancing.


A. UNLESS + AFFIRMATIVE VERB = IF + NEGATIVEUnless you start at once you'll be lateIf you don't start at once you'll be lateUnless you had a permit you couldn't get a job.If you hadn't a permit you couldn't get a job.

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Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the question word in parentheses.1. They live in Boston. (Where) - (Where do they live?)2. The lesson begins at eight o'clock. (What time)3. They get home at six o'clock every night. (When)4. The travel agent speaks French poorly. (How well)5. Those books cost $8.95. (How much)6. They travel by car. (How)7. He comes here once a week. (How often)8. She feels good (How)9. Francine wants to learn English in order to get a better job. (Why)10. They meet on the corner every morning. (Where)11. We go to the movies twice a week. (How often)12. The banker goes to the park after the lesson. (Where)13. We learn ten new words every day. (How many)14. They eat lunch in the cafeteria. (Where)15. He drives a Ford. (What kind of car)16. This book belongs on the shelf. (Where)17. The class meets in Room 10. (In which room)18. She teaches us grammar. (what)19. It rains in the spring. (When)20. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning. (What time)21. She goes to bed at ten o'clock. (When)


Supply the simple present tense or the present continuous tense form as required by the meaning of the sentence.

1. Mr. Hansen often (travel)__________ to Atlanta on business. - Mr. Hansen often travels to Atlanta on business.2. Our class (meet) __________ three times every week.3. Mr. Cole (teach) __________ us at present. He (substitute) __________ for Mr. Russell, who is our regular

teacher.4. At nine-thirty every morning our school bell (ring) __________. Listen! I believe it (ring) __________ now.5. Estella (watch) __________ TV now. I believe that she always (watch) __________ a show at this time.6. Listen! Someone (knock) __________ at the door)7. Jay never (come) __________ to class on time.8. At this moment I (read) __________ sentence number in the exercise.9. The wind always (blow) __________ hard in this section of town.10. For the time being, while Mr. Press is away, Ms. Brennan (act) __________ as manager of our department.11. Klein’s (have) __________ a big sale on shoes today.12. Kurt seems to be very busy. I guess he (study) __________ for his English test.13. I (get) __________ up at seven o’clock every morning.14. Ed usually (stay) __________ in a hotel when he (come) __________ to town, but tonight he (stay)

__________ with us.15. The sun always (rise) __________ now.16. Mr. and Mrs. Bush (build) __________ a new home on Hollywood Boulevard.


The present continuous tense of verbs like come, leave, arrive, return, and go is often used to describe future action.

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An adverb of time usually accompanies such usage.

She is leaving for Moscow next week.They are returning to their homelands when the semester ends.

Complete the following sentences by using the present continuous tense form of the verbs in parentheses.1. When (you / leave) ________ for Rome? I hear that Charlene (leave) ____ next Saturday.(When are you leaving for Rome? I hear that Charlene is leaving next Saturday.)2. My brother (come) __________ to visit me next week.3. What time (you / go) ________ to the movies tonight? Ron says that he (go) ____ at nine o'clock.4. Coretta (sail) __________ for England on the Queen Elizabeth II on Saturday.5. When (come) _____ Ms Green _____ to see you?6. Tony says that he (leave) __________ for Chicago on the fifteenth.7. I (go) __________ to the seashore on my vacation.8. Mr. Schwartz (arrive) __________ on Pan Am flight 109 this evening.9. Where (you / go) __________ on your vacation? _____ your wife (go) _____ with you?10. Mr. Zane (leave) __________ for Utah in the morning.11. Some friends (come) __________ to visit us tonight.12. She (go) __________ to Philadelphia on Wednesday, but her husband _____ not (go) _____ until next week.13. On what bus _____ your friend (arrive) _____?14. He (come) __________ in on a Trailways bus which arrives at eight o'clock.15. Mr. Wye (fly) __________ to Dallas on Saturday.16. I (leave) __________ for Houston in the morning.17. On what train _____ Mr. North (leave) _____?

GOING TO Future Tense

I am going to see (I’m going to see) we are going to see (we re going to see)you are going to see (you’re going to see) you are going to see (you re going to see)he is going to see (he’s going to see)she is going to see (she’s going to see) They are going to see (they’re going to see)it is going to see (it’s going to see)

Complete the following sentences with the going to form of the future tense, using the verbs in parentheses. Useboth the full form and the contracted form.

1. They (visit) ______________ us next weekend.(They are going to visit us next weekend. They’re going to visit us next weekend.)

2. We (eat) ______________ out tonight.3. I (leave) ______________ for Europe on Tuesday.4. They (wait) ______________ for us after the show.5. We (get) ______________ up early tomorrow morning and go fishing.6. She (drive) ______________ to California.7. We (go) ______________ to Canada on our vacation.8. You (have) ______________ an examination in mathematics tomorrow.9. They (go) ______________ to Europe by plane.10. Mike (take) ______________ Alice to the dance tonight.11. It (be) ______________ difficult to reach him at this late hour.12. I believe it (rain) ______________.13. Henry (study) ______________ to be a doctor.14. You (stay) ______________ home tonight and watch television.15. Mr. and Mrs. Blake (build) ______________ a summer home on Merritt Island.

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16. He (start) ______________ his new job next week.17. They (move) ______________ the factory to the suburbs.18. It (be) ______________ another warm day.

PAST TENSE Negatives. Cambia las frases a su forma negativa1. They ate chicken for dinner. - They did not eat chicken for dinner.

2. You told me about it.

3. He put the books on the table.

4. He planned his work well.

5. The woman and her husband worked together.

6. They sold their home.

7. I went to Bermuda by boat.

PAST TENSE Questions Cambia las frases a su forma interrogativa.1. She lived in Peru for two years. - Did she live in Peru for two years?2. He gave her a lot of presents.

3. They stayed in Europe all summer.

4. You moved here in February.

5. Terry flew to Minneapolis.

6. They came to the party together.

7. Carla and Dave knew each other as children.

PAST TENSE Questions Haz preguntas1. Marianne arrived at ten o’clock. (What time) - What time did Marianne arrive?2. They sold their home last week. (When)

3. The tickets cost three dollars. (How much)

4. They sat in the first row. (In which row)

5. It began at eight o’clock. (What time)

6. She waited for them for an hour. (How long)

7. He walked to school with Peg. (Who)

8. You went to the park after the lesson. (Where)

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PAST TENSE Regular Verbs Traduce al inglés.1. Ayer trabajamos en el jardín todo el día. - We worked in our garden all day yesterday.)

2. Meg y yo no hablamos por teléfono ayer.

3. No vivieron muchos años en Francia.

4. ¿Cambiásteis aviones en Seattle?

5. Ella no llegó tarde a clase.

6. No nos contaron sus planes.

7. El abrigo no estaba en el armario.

8. Hubo una reunión a las ocho.

9. ¿Estuviste en casa anoche?

10. No había naranjas en la tienda.

11. Este libro costó $5.50.

12. No almorcé en la cafeteria ayer.


Form the past continuous tense with the past tense of to be and the present participle of the main verb.

I was working we were workingyou were working you were workinghe was workingshe was working they were workingit was working

The past continuous tense describes a past action which was going on when another action took place.

I was sleeping when you called.They were eating dinner when we arrived.

A. Supply the correct past continuous tense form of the verbs in parentheses.1. They (eat) ____________________ in the restaurant on the corner when I saw them.

(They were eating in the restaurant on the corner when I saw them.)2. It (rain) ____________________ when I left home.3. When you telephoned, I (have dinner) ____________________.4. They (travel) ____________________ in Europe when they heard the news.5. The baby (sleep) ____________________ soundly when I went to wake him.6. He (just/order) ____________________ breakfast when I went to his hotel room.7. I got sick while we (drive) ____________________ to my grandmother’s.8. He (work) ____________________ in California when his father died.9. I (just/take) ____________________ a nap when you called.10. She (talk) ____________________ with Mr. Samuels when I saw her in the hall.

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11. The accident happened while they (travel) ____________________ in Greece.12. The flight attendant fell as she (get) ____________________ into a taxi.13. The car (travel) ____________________ at high speed when it approached the corner.


B. In the following sentences, supply the past tense or the past continuous tense form of the verbs in parenthesesas required by the meaning.

1. I (study) _______________ very diligently last night.(I studied very diligently last night.)

2. I (study) _______________ last night when you called me on the phone.(I was studying last night when you called me on the phone.)

3. While I (go) _______________ home last night, I saw a bad accident.4. I (go) _______________ home by bus last night.5. We (drive) _______________ to an amusement park yesterday.6. We (drive) _______________ at about forty miles an hour when the accident happened.7. We (have) _______________ our dinner when you phoned.8. We (have) _______________ our dinner in Child’s Restaurant last night.9. While I (come) _______________ to work this morning, I met an old friend.10. I (come) _______________ to work on the bus this morning.11. The wind (blow) _______________ hard when I came to work this morning.12. The wind (blow) _______________ hard this morning.13. It (rain) _______________ hard last night.14. It (rain) _______________ hard when I left the office at five o’clock.15. The son (shine) _______________ brightly when I got up this morning.16. The sun (shine) _______________ brightly this morning.17. At seven o’clock, when you telephoned, I (read) _______________ the newspaper.18. I (read) _______________ two books last week.19. I (sleep) _______________ soundly when the phone rang.20. I (sleep) _______________ soundly last night.21. June (play) _______________ the piano when I arrived.22. As I (walk) _______________ home yesterday, I (meet) _______________ a blind woman who (ask)

_______________ me for directions to the subway.23. It (rain) _______________ hard when I (leave) _______________ home this morning24. Pete (fall) _______________ and (hurt) _______________ himself when he (ride) _______________ his

bicycle yesterday.25. At five o’clock, when I (call) _______________ the Kennedys’ home, they (have) _______________ dinner.26. When the oil embargo (start) _______________, Sophia (live) _______________ in Switzerland.27. We (sit) _______________ on our front porch when Ms. Gold (drive) _______________ up in her new car.28. As Terri (get) _____________ off the bus, she (slip) _______________ and (break) _______________ her leg.29. Mr. Cash (drive) _______________ at about forty miles an hour when the accident (happen) _______________.30. Your telegram (come) _______________ just as I (leave) _______________ my home.31. Last night, just as we (leave) _______________ for the movies, some friends (call) _______________ on us.32. Nelson (talk) _______________ his boss when I last (sea) _______________ him33. At noon, when you (telephone) _______________, I (work) _______________ in my garden.


Form the present perfect tense with have (has) and the past participle of the main verb.

I have worked we have workedyou have worked you have worked

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he has workedshe has worked they have workedit has worked

The present perfect tense describes an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past.

I have read that book.They have moved to Los Angeles.

The present perfect tense also describes an action that was repeated several times in the past.

I have read that book several times.He has studied this lesson over and over.

Supply the present perfect tense form of the verbs in parentheses.1. I (speak) __________ to him about it several times. - I have spoken to him about it several times.2. We (finish) ____________________ all our homework.3. He (visit) ____________________ us many times.4. She (return) ____________________ my book at last.5. I am afraid that I (lose) ____________________ my car keys.6. You (be) ____________________ in Florida many times.7. It (rain) ____________________ a lot this year.8. We (learn) ____________________ many new words in this course.9. I (tell) ____________________ Ed what you said.10. I (hear) ____________________ that story before.11. We (lend) ____________________ money to them several times.12. Mr. Katz (go) ____________________ to South America to work.13. They (make) ____________________ that same mistake several times.14. She (see) ____________________ that movie three times.15. Harvey (make) ____________________ and (lose) ____________________ several fortunes.


Present perfect tense sentences usually don’t mention exact times of actions. The simple past tense is most often used to mention or implyan exact time of an action.

He went to Boston yesterday. (Past)He has gone to Boston several times. (Present Perfect)

I was here last night. (Past)I have been here before. (Present Perfect)

Supply either the simple past tense or the present perfect tense form as required by the meaning.

16. I (go) __________ to bed late last night; I (do) __________ this many times lately. - I went to bed late lastnight; I have done this many times lately.

17. Mr. Ashe (go) ____________________ to Chicago last week.18. I (read) ____________________ that book several times.19. I first (read) ____________________ it while I was on my vacation last summer.20. I (be) ____________________ in Norfolk many times.21. Mr. Dale (have) ____________________ little experience in teaching that subject.22. Billy (fall) ____________________ as he was crossing the street.23. I (see) ____________________ Diane a few days ago.24. When the bell rang, Wade (jump) ____________________ from his seat and, (run) ____________________

from the room.25. I (try) ____________________ that restaurant again and again but I do not like the food there.

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26. When I was young, I often (go) ____________________ fishing with my father.27. I (complete) ____________________ writing my exercise at last.28. You (start) ____________________ to study English last winter.29. The day before yesterday, we (have) ____________________ a bad storm.30. I hear that you (give) ____________________ up the idea of studying Russian.31. I (never be) ____________________ to Italy.32. It (be) ____________________ very cold yesterday.33. We (learn) ____________________ many new words in this course.34. The First World War (begin) ____________________ in 1914 and (end) ____________________ in 1918.35. Rebecca says that she (lose) ____________________ her purse.


The present perfect tense also describes actions that began in the past and have continued up to the present.

He has worked here for two years. (He is still working here.)They have lived here since June. (They are still living here.)

Note the difference in meaning between the following sentences:

He has worked here for two years. (He is still working here.)He worked here for two years. (...but he doesn’t work here any more.)

Supply either the simple past tense or the present perfect tense form as required by the meaning.

1. I (move) ___________ to Pine Street in March; I (live) ___________ there for three months now. - I moved toPine Strect in March; I have lived there for three months now.

2. We (live) ____________________ in Washington from 1975 to 1980.3. Before he came to the United States, Emil (work) ____________________ as a carpenter.4. Since coming here, however, he (work) ____________________ as a clerk.5. My former teacher was Miss Coe. I (study) ____________________ with her for one year.6. My present teacher is Mr. Ming. I (study) ____________________ with him for six months.7. Juanita Chavez speaks English well because she (speak) ____________________ English all her life.8. Earl (work) ____________________ hard all his life. (He is dead.)9. Eric (work) ____________________ hard all his life. (He is alive)10. Ms. Pate (leave) ____________________ New York last month and (work) ____________________ in

Pittsburgh since then.11. Gail, who is now in the fourth grade, (study) ____________________ English for two years.12. I myself (study) ____________________ English steadily since 1980.13. Henry, who is now in the hospital, (be) ____________________ there for several weeks.14. When I saw her, Linda (feel) ____________________ ill.15. We (buy) ____________________ this car two years ago and (drive) ____________________ it 5,000 miles

since then.16. Up to the present time, I never (be) ____________________ further west than St. Louis, Missouri.

The present perfect and the simple past

Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the simple past tense.

1. This is my house. - How long (you/live) _______________ here? - I (live) _______________ here since I970.2. He (live) ____________ in London for two years and then (go) ____________________ to Edinburgh.3. (You / wear) _______________ your hair long when you were at school? Yes, my mother (insist)

_______________ on it.4. But when I (leave) _______________ school I (cut) _______________ my hair and (wear) _______________

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it short ever since.5. Shakespeare (write) _______________ a lot of plays.6. My brother (write) _______________ several plays. He just (finish) _______________ his second tragedy.7. I (fly) _______________ over Loch Ness last week. - You (see) _______________ the Loch Ness monster?8. I (not see) _______________ him for three years. I wonder where he is.9. He (not smoke) _______________ for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.10. Chopin (compose) _______________ some of his music in Majorca.11. When (he/arrive) _______________? - He (arrive) _______________ at 2.00.12. You (lock) _______________ the door before you left the house?13. I (read) _______________ his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) _______________ them very much.14. I can't go out because I (not finish) _______________ my work.15. I never (drink) _______________ whisky. - Well, have some now.16. I (write) _______________ the letter but I can't find a stamp.17. The clock is slow. - It isn't slow, it (stop) _______________ .18. Here are your shoes; I (just/clean) _______________ them.19. I (leave) _______________ home at 8.00 and (get) _______________ here at twelve.20. I (do) _______________ this sort of work when I (be) _______________ an apprentice.21. He (just/go) _______________ out.22. He (go) _______________ out ten minutes ago.23. (You/have) _______________ breakfast yet? - Yes, I (have) _______________ it at 8.00.24. I (meet) _______________ him last June.25. (You/see) _______________ the moon last night?26. The concert (begin) _______________ at 2.30 and (last) _______________ for two hours. Everyone (enjoy)

_______________ it very much.27. The play (just/begin) _______________. You are a little late.28. (The newspaper/come) _______________ ? - Yes, Ann is reading it.29. The actors (arrive) _______________ yesterday and (start) _______________ rehearsals early this morning.30. It (be) _______________ very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.31. Cervantes (write) _______________ Don Quixote.32. We (miss) _______________ the bus. Now we'll have to walk.33. He (break) _______________ his leg in a skiing accident last year.34. Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) _______________ here for five years.35. Mr Count (work) _______________ as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) _______________ and

(go) _______________ to live in the country.36. (You/be) _______________ here before? - Yes, I (spend) _______________ my holidays here last year. -

(You/have) _______________ a good time? - No, it never (stop) _______________ raining.

The present perfect and the simple past

Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or simple past tense. Fill the spaces by repeating the auxiliary usedin the preceding verb.

You (see) Mary on Monday? -Yes, I ...Did you see Mary on Monday? -Yes, I did.

1. Where is Tom? - I (not see) _______________ him today, but he (tell) _______________ Mary that he'd bein for dinner.

2. I (buy) _______________ this in Bond Street. -How much you (pay) _______________ for it? - I (pay)_______________ £100.

3. Where (you/find) _______________ this knife? - I (find) _______________ it in the garden. -Why (you/notleave) _______________ it there?

4. I (lose) _______________ my black gloves. (You/see) _______________ them anywhere? - No, I'm afraid I _________________________. When /you/last/wear) _______________ them? - I (wear) _______________them at the theatre last night. - Perhaps you (leave) _______________ them at the theatre.

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5. Do you know that lady who (just/leave) _______________ the shop? - Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she acustomer of yours? - Not exactly. She (be) _______________ in here several times but she never (buy)_______________ anything.

6. He (leave) _______________ the house at 8.00. - Where (he/go) _______________? - I (not see)_______________ where he (go) _______________.

MEZCLA (presente simple y continuo, pasado simple y continuo; pretérito perfecto; tres futuros, used to,imperativo)

1. When I was a kid I ( [past habit]) ____________________ sandcastles on the beach.

2. (you / ever / [experience]) ____________________ sushi? – Yes, I (have) ____________________

some while I ( )) ____________________ around Japan last year.

3. (you / do [plans]) ____________________ anything today after school? – yes I ( )

____________________a letter of complain to the Parents’ Association.4. What (you / do) ____________________ after high school? - I ( not / know) ____________________. Perhaps

I ( ) ____________________ at my father’s shop.

5. How (you / usually / ) ____________________ to school? – I (usually / )

____________________, but today I ( ) ____________________.

6. My father (not have) ____________________ a facebook profile. In fact when he was young, people (not spend[past habit]) ____________________ their time texting because there were no cell phones.

7. Someone (just / ) ____________________ my umbrella. I (leave) _________________ it on the

umbrella stand and it is gone.

8. When I ( ) _______________ my house the wind ( ) ___________________ so hard that

papers ( ) ____________________ all over the park

9. Where is Peter? - I (not know) ____________________. I ( ) __________________ him for

an hour, but he (not / ) ____________________ his phone.

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10. When I lived in the USA I (not [past habit]) _________________ beer, because I (not / like)

____________________ American beer.

11. When I’m rich I ( [intention]) ____________________ a big Mercedes.

12. (You / ) ____________________ my facebook profile yet? - No. I (not / have) ____________________

a computer because someone ( ) ________________ it while I ( )

____________________ at the cafeteria.

13. (You / want) __________________ to come to the bar? - Sorry, I can’t. My turtles ( [passsive])

____________________ yet, and my mother (wait) ____________________ for me to get home because she

( ) ____________________ to Madrid in two hours.

14. (Not ) ____________________ to him! He’s a liar!

15. They ( ) ____________________ two years ago and (live) ____________________ in the same house

for ages. But I ( ) ____________________ that they ( ) ____________________ next autumn.

16. I (never / [experience]) ____________________, but I [past habit] ____________________

when I was a teenager.

17. He ( ) ____________________ himsel while he ( ) ____________________ a tin, because he

( ) ____________________ the wrong way.

18. (You / ) ____________________ when I ( ) ____________________ you? - What (you /

) ____________________? It (be) ____________________ three a.m.

19. If you keep poking the beehive with that stick a bee ( ) ____________________ you.

20. I (usually / ) ___________________ but tonight my brother (do) ____________________ it for me.

Tiempos Verbales. p. 17