three crafts ideas for kids this spring

2 Three Crafts Ideas for Kids this Spring Spring break means lots of beautiful flowers and animals coming out to embrace the sun. Parents also see this opportunity to help their kids bloom with new skills and discover talents. This includes letting them enjoy doing fun arts and crafts along with other kids. Here is a list of after school activities for kids in Dubai to give you an idea on what to let your kids create this spring. Grass Person This type of art allows children to combine art with gardening with grass people. Get a Styrofoam cup or a small pot where your kids can Đreate a faĐe usiŶg ŵarkers, ǁigglLJ eLJes aŶd paiŶts. The Đup’s ďottoŵ should be covered with small rocks or pebbles. Cover the top using potting soil to fill the cup. Push the grass seeds gently into the soil and cover the top with another layer of potting soil. Place it in a window sill to allow enough sunlight to enter. The face of the cup will eventually have hair once the grass grows. Butterfly Hand-printing This is one of the best after school activities ideas in Abu Dhabi that lets parents preserve the ŵeŵories of their Đhild’s Đhildhood. This can be done with a piece of paper and drawing one small circle and a large oval. Cut the shapes out as theLJ ǁill help Đreate the ďutterflLJ’s head and body. Get a colored construction paper and assist your child in tracing three pairs of his or her hands. Cut these traces of hands out, as well. Grab another sheet of colored construction paper and start assembling the butterfly by gluing three haŶd priŶts oŶ eaĐh side of the ďutterflLJ’s ďodLJ. These ǁill serǀe as the ďutterflLJ’s ǁiŶgs. The Ŷedžt step is to glue the head and body. Use the coloring materials to decorate the butterfly and create a face. DoŶ’t forget the aŶteŶŶas. You ĐaŶ Đreate theŵ usiŶg sŵall pieĐes of pipe ĐleaŶer aŶd glue theŵ oŶ top of the ďutterflLJ’s head.

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Post on 21-May-2017




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Three Crafts Ideas for Kids this Spring

Spring break means lots of beautiful flowers and animals coming out

to embrace the sun. Parents also see this opportunity to help their

kids bloom with new skills and discover talents. This includes letting

them enjoy doing fun arts and crafts along with other kids. Here is a

list of after school activities for kids in Dubai to give you an idea on

what to let your kids create this spring.

Grass Person

This type of art allows children to combine art with gardening with

grass people. Get a Styrofoam cup or a small pot where your kids can

reate a fa e usi g arkers, iggl e es a d pai ts. The up’s otto should be covered with small rocks or pebbles. Cover the top using

potting soil to fill the cup. Push the grass seeds gently into the soil

and cover the top with another layer of potting soil. Place it in a

window sill to allow enough sunlight to enter. The face of the cup will

eventually have hair once the grass grows.

Butterfly Hand-printing

This is one of the best after school activities

ideas in Abu Dhabi that lets parents preserve

the e ories of their hild’s hildhood. This can be done with a piece of paper and drawing

one small circle and a large oval. Cut the shapes

out as the ill help reate the utterfl ’s head and body. Get a colored construction paper and

assist your child in tracing three pairs of his or

her hands. Cut these traces of hands out, as


Grab another sheet of colored construction paper and start assembling the butterfly by gluing three

ha d pri ts o ea h side of the utterfl ’s od . These ill ser e as the utterfl ’s i gs. The e t step is to glue the head and body. Use the coloring materials to decorate the butterfly and create a face.

Do ’t forget the a te as. You a reate the usi g s all pie es of pipe lea er a d glue the o top of the utterfl ’s head.

Photo Frame

Let them surprise their grandparents with a nice picture frame. This is another after school program

ideas in Abu Dhabi that creates memories. Paint eight sticks and create a square frame by gluing ends

together. Place a cardboard on the back and use glue to secure it. Decorate the frame with colorful

flowers by cutting colored felt papers. You can also use buttons and jewels to decorate the frame. Place

the photo on top once done.


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