thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam

 Arch. Mech.,  60, 1, pp. 59–85, Warszawa 2008 SIXTY YEARS OF THE ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam under cyclic bending; self-heating and thermal failure F. DINZART 1) , A. MOLINARI 2) , R. HERBACH 3) 1) Laborat oi re de F iabil it´ e M´ ecanique 57045 Metz, France 2) Lab oratoire de Physiq ue et ecanique des Mat´ eriaux Uni vers it´ e Pa ul Verl aine 57045 Metz, France 3) Univ ersi e de Technologie de Bel for t–Mo ntb´ eli ard evenans, 90010 Belfor t, France The thermomechanical response  of beams made up of thermo plast ic polymer is analysed in the case of cyclic bending. The material behavior is modelled by a viscoelastic law depending on temperature and frequency. Inert ia eects are neglected. The stress, strain and temperature distributions are expressed as functions of the beam geometry, the loading parameters and the material characteristics. The stability of the steady-state solutions is analysed with use of a linear perturbation approach. The conditions for thermal runaway (thermo-mechanical instability) are explored. Key words: viscoelastic beam, cyclic bending, self heating, stability analysis, thermal runaway. 1. Introducti on The dynamic response of polymeric materials is of great interest to design such structural elements as vibration dampers and to anticipate catastrophic self-heating, which may occur under particular conditions. Thermal runaway re- sults from unbalance between the loss energy and heat transfer; this phenomenon is worsed by high temperature sensitivity and low thermal conductivity of ther- moplastic elastomers. Experimental aspects of thermal failure in polymers have been explored by Hertzberg [5],  Ratner and  Koborov [8] and  Ridell  et al.  [9]  Menges a nd Alf [7] showed the continuous increase of temperature in the case of pulsating tensile load.  Constable [1] explored the cyclic torsion and bending; he related the cyclic thermal softening to the compliance loss, the specimen geometry and the magnitude of cyclic load.

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Thermomechanical Response of a Viscoelastic Beam


  • Arch. Mech., 60, 1, pp. 5985, Warszawa 2008


    Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam under cyclic

    bending; self-heating and thermal failure


    1)Laboratoire de Fiabilite Mecanique57045 Metz, France

    2)Laboratoire de Physique et Mecanique des MateriauxUniversite Paul Verlaine57045 Metz, France

    3)Universite de Technologie de BelfortMontbeliardSevenans, 90010 Belfort, France

    The thermomechanical response of beams made up of thermoplastic polymeris analysed in the case of cyclic bending. The material behavior is modelled by aviscoelastic law depending on temperature and frequency. Inertia effects are neglected.The stress, strain and temperature distributions are expressed as functions of thebeam geometry, the loading parameters and the material characteristics. The stabilityof the steady-state solutions is analysed with use of a linear perturbation approach.The conditions for thermal runaway (thermo-mechanical instability) are explored.

    Key words: viscoelastic beam, cyclic bending, self heating, stability analysis, thermalrunaway.

    1. Introduction

    The dynamic response of polymeric materials is of great interest to designsuch structural elements as vibration dampers and to anticipate catastrophicself-heating, which may occur under particular conditions. Thermal runaway re-sults from unbalance between the loss energy and heat transfer; this phenomenonis worsed by high temperature sensitivity and low thermal conductivity of ther-moplastic elastomers.

    Experimental aspects of thermal failure in polymers have been explored byHertzberg [5], Ratner and Koborov [8] and Ridell et al. [9] Menges andAlf [7] showed the continuous increase of temperature in the case of pulsatingtensile load. Constable [1] explored the cyclic torsion and bending; he relatedthe cyclic thermal softening to the compliance loss, the specimen geometry andthe magnitude of cyclic load.

  • 60 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    Huang and Lee [6] studied the thermomechanical coupling phenomena ofviscoelastic rods loaded alternatively. Tauchert [18] analysed the influenceof testing conditions on the internal heat generated in polyethylene rods andshowed the existence of high-frequency regime, leading to thermal failure beforethe thermal equilibrium. Ting [19] for alternative torsion solicitation and Tingand Tuan [20] for cyclic internal pressure, proposed with use of complex vari-ables, a simplified formulation of the coupled thermomechanical problem. Theycalculated by iteration the temperature distribution and the stress response de-scribing the equilibrium state.

    Takahara et al. [10, 11] have calculated the temperature field by assum-ing a uniform distribution through the sample. Lesieutre and Govindswamy[15] determined the dynamic response in simple shear through generic dampingelements introduced in finite element calculation. The temperature effects wereintroduced owing to a time-dependent shift factor. This description, in termsof reduced time, was also developed by Wineman and Kolberg [21] to deter-mine the continuous response of a polymeric beam subjected to pure bending.Schapery [16] and Schapery and Cantey [17] studied the thermal responseof a viscoelastic material subjected to harmonic shearing for two loading situa-tions: imposed displacement or inertial driving. They have shown the existenceof an instable response of the system in accordance with their experimentalobservations of thermal runaway. Considering the frequency and temperaturedependence of viscoelastic materials, the temperature distribution has been ob-tained in closed form by Molinari and Germain [12] for a cyclic compressiveloading. They also analysed the stability of the steady state solutions and cor-roborated the conditions of thermal runaway to experimental observations, seealso Leroy and Molinari [13] and [14] for analogies with shear stability prob-lems. Using the same thermosensitive law as in [12], Dinzart and Molinari [3]extended the previous study to torsional loading of plain or hollow cylinders.

    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the thermomechanical response of aviscoelastic beam under cyclic pure bending. The classical assumptions of beamtheory are made, i.e. plane sections remain plane so that the strains vary lin-early through the thickness of the beam. Thermal runaway is explored for abeam under curvature control or under bending moment control. The bendingmoment and curvature are expressed as functions of the cross-section geometry,the material parameters and loading conditions. The linear viscoelastic behav-ior is specified as a Boltzmann law, where the storage and loss moduli dependlinearly on the temperature. The material is assumed to be isotropic and incom-pressible. An example of real material is provided by thermoplastic elastomerwhose Poissons ratio is close to 0.5. Inertia effects are neglected. The formula-tion is restricted to conditions of small strains and rotations; thermal expansionis not taken into account.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 61

    The paper is organised as follows. The governing equations and the descrip-tion of pure bending assumptions are introduced in Sec. 2. The mean temper-ature over a cycle and the bending moment are expressed as functions of thestrain amplitude in Sec. 3. The fourth section is devoted to a parametric study.The conditions of existence of steady-state solutions are established in the lastsection. A simplified linear stability analysis is conducted under the assumptionof uniform temperature distribution, which leads to closed-form conditions ofthermal runaway.

    2. Governing equations

    2.1. Geometry and mechanical fields

    The sample is a straight cylindrical beam of rectangular cross-section ofcharacteristic half-height e and half-width l. The x-axis coincides with the linedrawn through the centroids of the cross-sections. The y-axis and z-axis areplaced along the lines of symmetry. The beam is loaded only by bending momentsM(t) about the z-axis at the end faces A and B. The intersection of the beamsegment with the x y plane of symmetry is described in Fig. 1 for undeformedand deformed states.







    1a Undeformed segment of beam

    1b Deformed segment of beam






    Fig. 1. Geometrical description of the beam.

  • 62 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    Standard assumptions concerning pure bending deformation are applied ateach time t. The deformation is small enough to neglect the change in shapeof the cross-section. Each plane cross-section rotates about the z-direction andremains plane. The line segments initially straight along the y-axis rotate intoradial line segments which may intersect at the common point O. The line seg-ments initially straight along the x-axis are curved into circular arcs of center O.These segment lines are alternatively elongated and shorten.

    The neutral axis is at the distance R(t) from the center of curvature O. Theinclination angle between the end faces A and B is denoted (t). As the lengthL of the beam along the neutral axis remains constant, the curvature is relatedto the inclination angle by

    (2.1) R(t)(t) = L.

    Taking advantages of the symmetry of the problem and of the isotropic behaviorof the material, the strain and stress distributions and the temperature do notdepend on the spatial variables (x, z). A local description of the cross-sectionalong the normal direction ey is provided by the variable

    y = r R(t),

    where r is the coordinate of a line segment from the center O.

    Mechanical boundary conditions

    The first type of loading conditions considered in this paper consists in pre-scribing the rotation angle (t) in the form of superposition of a periodic loadingto a static deformation m:

    (2.2) (t) = m +0 sint

    with 0 0.Alternatively, a second type of loading is analysed when the beam is loaded

    by a bending moment applied to the end face B:

    (2.3) M(t) = Mm +M0 sint

    with M0 0. The opposite bending moment is applied at the end face A.The inclination angle (t) is then controlled by the prescribed moment. Thecurvature or the bending moment are transmitted with no normal resultantforce acting on a cross-section and without shearing.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 63

    Strain and stress fields

    The stress tensor is expressed in the following form:

    (2.4) ij = pij + sij ,where p is the hydrostatic pressure and sij the stress deviator. The linearisotropic incompressible viscoelastic behavior is described according to the Bolz-mann law:

    (2.5) sij = 2


    G(t t, T ) ij (t) dt

    = 2G (T ) ij + 2


    (G(t t, T )G (T )) ij (t) dt,

    where G (T ) is the equilibrium modulus at the temperature T . The thermaleffects are included in the temperature-dependence of the relaxation function G.

    Inertia effects are neglected as the frequency is sufficiently small, i.e.



    where E is the Young modulus, the volumic mass, Iz the

    quadratic moment of the cross-section about the z-axis and S the cross -sectionalarea (see Christensen [2]).

    Under the assumption of pure bending and small deformation, each materialelement is under uniaxial stress state xx(y, t) (other ij = 0).

    As the temperature variation is small during a cycle, the temperaturedistribution appears in the first approximation as an even function of the co-ordinate y: Tm(y, t) = Tm(y, t). The material presents the same responsein tension and in compression and consequently, the uniaxial stress state isan odd function of the coordinate y: xx(y, t) = xx(y, t). The deviatoricstresses and the hydrostatic pressure are also odd functions of the coordinate y:sij(y, t) = sij(y, t) and p(y, t) = p(y, t). As the radial stresses (yy, zz)are assumed to be negligible in pure bending, the stress decomposition (2.4)induces syy = szz = p(y, t).

    The usual development under small deformation assumption leads to thefollowing expression for the axial strain xx at the coordinate y at the time t:

    xx (y, t) =y

    L (t) .

    Using the prescribed kinematic assumption (2.2), the axial strain is expressed as:

    (2.6) xx (y, t) =y

    e(m + 0 sint)

    with m =emL

    and 0 =e0L


  • 64 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    The deviatoric stresses are expressed after substitution into the Boltzmannlaw (2.5). As ii = 0 due incompressibility, we obtain yy = zz = xx/2. Ityields syy = szz = sxx/2 = p(y, t). The axial stress has the form:

    xx = (3/2)sxx.(2.7)

    2.2. Visco-elastic behavior in cyclic loading

    The amplitude of temperature oscillations resulting from the sinusoidal so-licitation is small enough to substitute in the constitutive law the temperature

    averaged over a cycle Tm = /2pi t0+2pi/t0

    T (t)dt in place of the temperature T .After substitution of the strain tensor (2.6) into the constitutive law (2.5),

    it follows that:

    (2.8) sxx = 2G (Tm) my

    e+ 20

    [G(, Tm) sint+G

    (, Tm) cost] ye

    where m is the strain response to the static loading m. The frequency andtemperature-dependent storage and loss moduli,G (, Tm) andG

    (, Tm) givenby

    G (, Tm) = G (Tm) +


    (G (u, Tm)G (Tm)) sin(u)du,

    G (, Tm) =


    (G (u, Tm)G (Tm)) cos(u)du,

    are proportional respectively to the average stored energy and dissipated energyin a cycle.

    Molinari and Germain [12] conducted the tests for different frequenciesand various temperatures on a Peba elastomer and have demonstrated the ex-istence of master curves describing the storage and loss moduli in the range oftests. Similarly, we describe the variations of the moduli in terms of the reducedtemperature Tr = T (1/) ln (/0), where and 0 are material character-istics:

    G (, T ) = h1 h2Tr,(2.9)G (, T ) = g1 g2Tr = g2 (T T ) .(2.10)

    The frequency-dependent temperature T is introduced for the sake of simplicity:

    (2.11) T =g1g2


    ln (/0) .

    The material parameters describing the behavior of a Peba elastomer are givenin Sec. 4.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 65

    2.3. Heat equation

    The evolution of the temperature is assumed to be governed by the linearheat equation using the assumption of transverse heat transfer:

    (2.12) cT

    t k


    y2= Q,

    where is the density, c the specific heat capacity, k the heat conductivity andQ the energy dissipated per unit time and unit volume.

    Under steady state conditions, the heat generated through dissipation overa cycle is balanced by the heat loss into the surroundings. The averaged tem-perature Tm over a cycle is time-independent. The spatial distribution of theaveraged temperature Tm satisfies the heat equation (2.12) averaged over a cy-cle:

    (2.13) kd2Tmdy2


    2piQst = Q


    where Qst

    is the time average per cycle of the energy dissipated per unitvolume:

    (2.14) Qst





    Since the dissipated energy per cycle is given by the hysteresis loop, we have:

    (2.15) Qst




    ij ijdt.

    Thermal dilatation is not taken into account in the following analysis. Theend faces A and B (Fig. 1a) are assumed to be adiabatic. The temperaturedistribution appears also as an even function of the variable y. The thermalboundary conditions specify the heat transfer at the lateral boundaries y = eand vanishing of the heat flux along the neutral axis y = 0:


    + (Tm T0) = 0 at y = e,(2.16)


    = 0 at y = 0,(2.17)

    where is the heat transfer coefficient at the external boundary and T0 is theexternal temperature.

  • 66 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    3. Steady state response

    The steady state response is analyzed first; in that case, the heat generatedby dissipation during a cycle is exactly balanced by the heat transferred to thesurroundings.

    3.1. Temperature distribution

    The dissipated energy is evaluated from Eq. (2.15):

    (3.1) Qst




    2G(, Tm),

    where the dissipation modulus is expressed by Eq. (2.10). As a consequence of(2.13), the average temperature satisfies the differential equation


    a2y2Tm = a2y2T,(3.2)

    with a2 =3




    The temperature distribution Tm involves the modified Bessel functions I1/4and I1/4 (Watson [23]):

    Tm(y) = T + 1yI1/4(ay

    2/2) + 2yI1/4(ay


    with (1, 2) determined so as to satisfy the thermal boundary conditions (2.16)and (2.17). As the derivative of the function


    2/2) versus y isa2y

    3/2I3/4(ay2/2) and vanishes for y = 0, it can be shown using Eq. (2.17) that

    2 = 0. Taking account of the thermal boundary condition at y = e (2.16), thetemperature distribution reads:

    (3.5) Tm(y) = T + 1yI1/4(ay



    (3.6) 1 = (T0 T)[

    kae3/2I3/4(ae2/2) + eI1/4(ae2/2)

    ] .3.2. Resulting bending moment

    In some experiments, a prescribed bending moment is transmitted to thespecimen at the end face B, the end face A remaining fixed. The relation be-tween the amplitude of the bending moment and the axial deformation has to

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 67

    be established. The phase angle between the applied curvature and the result-ing moment derives from the dissipative effects. In case of uniform tempera-ture distribution, the phase angle is identical to the loss tangent defined as

    tan =G (, Tm)

    G (, Tm).

    The bending moment is calculated in terms of stress by M(t) = 2lee


    = 3lee

    sxxydy which can be transformed to:

    (3.7) M = Mm +M1 sint+M2 cost = Mm +M0 sin (t+ ) ,


    Mm = 12l



    G (Tm(y)) y2dy,(3.8)

    M0 =M21 +M

    22 ,(3.9)

    tan = M2/M1,(3.10)


    M1 = 12l



    G (, Tm) y2dy,

    M2 = 12l



    G (, Tm) y2dy.

    Using (3.5), we have:

    M1 = 4le20h2

    [(h1h2 g1g2

    ) 31 1




    M2 = 12 lae1/20g21I3/4(ae


    4. Parametric analysis

    The cross-section of the beam drawn in Fig. 1a is defined by its half-heighte = 5 103 m and its half-width l = 25 103 m. The parametric analysis isconducted at the reference temperature T0 = 320 K. The influence of the loadingparameters is described in terms of deformation amplitude, bending moment

  • 68 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    and pulsation frequency. Effects of the geometry are studied in connection withtheir contribution to the heat diffusion process. The material considered here isa thermoplastic elastomer, where the amorphous polyether phase is crosslinkedby a semi-crystalline polyamid (PEBA). The material tests for characterisingthe storage and loss moduli G(, T ) (2.9) and G(, T ) (2.10) are conducted atdifferent frequencies and various temperatures. The results can be synthetisedon a single master curve (Ferry [4]). The melting temperature is 441 K. Themechanical and thermal properties are presented by Molinari and Germain[12] in the following table for a Peba of Shore D and hardness 40.

    The coefficients h1, h2, g1 and g2 are constant in the temperature intervalTr > 314 K.

    Peba MPa

    h1 91

    h2 0.193

    g1 3.1

    g2 0.006

    Material parameters

    0 628 rad/s

    0.4 K-1

    k 0.2 Wm-1K-1

    20 Wm-2K-1

    c 2 106 Wm-3K-1

    4.1. The influence of the loading parameters

    The evolution of the mean temperature Tm for increasing deformation isrepresented in terms of the deformation 0 in Fig. 2 for = 50 rad/s and form = 0. The largest temperature is observed at the specimen center where theheat diffusion towards the surroundings is limited.

    Fig. 2. Temperature at the center y = 0 and at the lateral boundary y = e with respect to

    0 =e0L

    (for = 50 rad/s).

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 69

    For a given frequency, we have Mm = 0 and the bending moment M0 (calcu-lated from Eqs. (3.9) with (3.12) and (3.13) presents an extremum M cr0 at a crit-ical value cr0 (Fig. 3). Two types of loading conditions are analyzed: a prescribedcurvature (2.2) or a prescribed moment (2.3). Under the cyclic kinematic m = 0,when the deformation amplitude 0 = e0/L and the frequency are imposed,only one bending moment M0 is associated to steady state regime. For a bend-ing moment M0 larger than M

    cr0 , the solution presented in Fig. 3 shows that no

    steady state regime can be established. When the prescribed bending momentM0 is smaller than M

    cr0 , two steady-state regimes can be described provided that

    the melting temperature is not reached. The stability of the regimes is analyzedin the next section.

    Alternatively, the bending momentM0 may be analysed in terms of frequency when the deformation 0 is fixed (Fig. 4). The thermal softening effects areamplified at high frequency regime since the dissipated energy is less evacuatedto the surroundings. For larger values of 0, the frequency associated with theextremum of bending decreases.

    The critical deformation cr0 defined before decreases when the frequencyincreases (Fig. 5). As a consequence, for an assumed value of the momentM0, thesteady-state solution becomes unstable when the frequency reaches a criticalvalue. For instance, in Fig. 5, the critical value of is 100 rad s1 for M0 = 3Nm. Schapery and Cantey [17] have already discussed in their Figure 10 theexistence of this type of instability.

    Fig. 3. Evolution of the bending moment M0 in terms of 0 = e0/L (for = 50 rad/s).Note the evolution of the rate of growth as a function of the boundary conditions. Theneutral stability point defined by = 0 under prescribed moment () corresponds tothe maximum of the M0 versus the 0 curve. The ascending branch is stable ( < 0) and

    the descending branch ( > 0) are unstable.

  • 70 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    Fig. 4. Evolution of the bending moment in terms of the frequency .

    Fig. 5. Amplification of the thermal effects with larger values of the frequency .

    The axial stress profile defined by 0(y) = 30y


    G(, Tm)2 +G(, Tm)2

    for m = 0 is analyzed for two deformation amplitudes 0 in Fig. 6. The bendingmoment M0 can be related to an equivalent axial stress 0e introduced when

    a linear stress distribution of the form 0e (y) =y

    e0e is considered: M(t) =

    2l ee

    0eey2dy =

    0eeIz, where Iz = 4le

    3/3 is the quadratic moment of the

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 71

    cross-section area about the z-axis. Figure 6 shows that the axial stress profile0 (y) differs from the equivalent stress profile 0e (y) when the amplitude ofthe deformation 0 increases: the boundary layers of the beam appear moreconstrained.

    Fig. 6. Axial stress profiles at two values of 0 = e0/L.

    4.2. Effects of the geometry

    The maximum axial stress at the lateral boundary 0(e) =


    G (, Tm)

    2 +G (, Tm)2 is plotted in Fig. 7 versus the amplitude de-

    formation for various widths. For increasing width, the maximum amplitude ofthe axial stress at the boundary cr0 (e) and the corresponding critical amplitudedeformation cr0 decrease.

    Let us consider the first-order expansion of the modified Bessel functions

    I1/4 (Watson [23]): I1/4(ay2/2



    (3/4)y1/2. The first-order asymp-

    totic expansion of the temperature distribution (3.5) with respect to ay2 forboth loading modes has the form:

    (4.1) Tm(y) = T +T0 T(g2e2

    20 + 1) + o(ay2) .

    At the first order, the temperature distribution does not depend on the varia-ble y.

  • 72 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    Fig. 7. Evolution of the amplitude 0(e) of the axial stress at the boundary versus 0 =e0L


    The bending moment M0 is also approached by its expansion versus ay2 at

    the first order:

    (4.2) M0 = 4le20g2 (T Tm)



    )2[1 +


    (Tm T)(h1h2 g1g2


    + o (ay2)

    with Tm = T +T0 T(g2e2

    20 + 1) . The contribution of the heat transfer coefficient

    at the external boundary may be analyzed in connection with the width influ-

    ence. When the ratio /e is kept constant, the temperature (4.1) is unchanged

    while the bending moment (4.2) is multiplied by a factor 2 when the width e is

    changed by e (Fig. 8 ). As a consequence, the amplitude of the critical bending

    moment M cr0 corresponds to the same critical deformation amplitude cr0 and

    critical temperature T crm for a constant ratio /e.

    5. Linear stability analysis

    So far, the analysis has been restricted to the mathematical existence ofthe steady-state solutions, but their physical existence, which depends on their

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 73

    Fig. 8. Effect of the heat transfer coefficient on steady states.

    stability, was not established. This section is aimed at analysing the influenceof the loading conditions on the stability of steady states.

    5.1. Preliminary consideration to the linearized stability analysis

    We consider weak instabilities for which the characteristic time of growthis large with respect to the period of a cycle. The temperature evolution isdescribed using two time-scales:

    the fast time t0 = t describes the variations of temperature, stress andstrain in a cycle,

    the slow time t1 = t with being small parameter follows the de-velopment of the instability troughout the successives cycles. The averagetemperature T over a cycle is defined as

    (5.1) T (y, t1) =



    T(y, t0, t1


    The time-dependence of T is slow since the evolution of the averaged tem-perature is controlled by the weak instability. The stability of the steady statesolution is inferred by considering a small perturbation of the stationary tem-perature profile Tm (y) and looking on the evolution of the average temperatureT (y, t1) at times much larger than the period 2pi/. Time averaging in a cycle

  • 74 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    of the heat equation (2.12) leads to:

    (5.2) cT

    t k


    y2= Q.

    To demonstrate (5.2), we have used the following relationships:

    tT (y, t0, t1) =












    (expressions developed by Molinari and Germain [12]). The energy dissipatedper unit volume and per cycle at the time t is expressed as:

    (5.3) Q =



    ij(y, t0, t1

    )ij(y, t0, t1


    and is considered as the superimposition of a perturbation to the heat generatedin stable regime:

    (5.4) Q = Qst

    + Q exp t

    with Qst

    given by (3.1). The average temperature is considered as the super-imposition of a perturbation T (y, t) to the steady temperature Tm (y):

    (5.5) T (y, t) = Tm (y) + T (y, t) = Tm (y) + T (y) exp t.

    The perturbation is supposed to be separated into space and time contributions,where denotes the rate of growth of the perturbation. The steady state solutionis linearly stable if the real part of is negative. After substraction of (2.13)from (5.2), a differential equation governing the perturbation T (y) is obtained:

    (5.6) (ckT (y)

    ) d

    2T (y)




    where the expression Q is determined as the local increase of energydissipated per cycle. When instability occurs, the amplitude of the responsevaries with time. We define the amplitude of the axial strain by a and a sim-ilar decomposition as for the temperature perturbation (5.5) is considered (seeAppendix A):

    (5.7) a = 0 + (t) = 0 + exp t.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 75

    Note that xx is given by (2.6) where 0 is replaced by a. The bending momentgiven by M(t) = Mm +Ma sint with Ma decomposed into:

    (5.8) Ma = M0 + M(t) = M0 + M exp t.

    The increment of energy dissipated per cycle can be expressed as a function ofdeformation and temperature increment (see Appendix A):


    kQ = a2y2


    0(T Tm (y)) T


    The temperature perturbation T (y) has also to satisfy the thermal bound-ary conditions and the symmetry condition at y = 0:

    kdT (y)

    dy+ T (y) = 0 at y = e,(5.10)

    (5.11) kdT (0)

    dy= 0.

    5.2. Stability analysis for a prescribed curvature

    Prescribed deformation imposes = 0. From Eqs. (5.6) and (5.9), it followsthat the temperature perturbation satisfies the differential equation:

    (5.12) (ckT (y)

    ) d

    2T (y)

    dy2= a2y2T (y).

    The conditions of neutral stability = 0 corresponds to vanishing of the rateof growth of the perturbation. It is seen that T (y) satisfies the same type ofequation as the homogeneous part of the Eq. (3.2) governing the steady statetemperature Tm. The solution is expressed as T (y) = 1


    2/2) +2yI1/4(ay

    2/2), where the constants (1, 2) are determined by the thermalboundary conditions (5.10) and (5.11). It is numerically observed that no valuesdifferent from (1 = 0, 2 = 0) can be found to satisfy the condition of neutralstability = 0. Therefore, the sign of is determined by considering a particularloading, for instance a zero amplitude of strain. Then the evolution of T (y)

    satisfies the equation: (ckT (y)

    ) d

    2T (y)

    dy2= 0. This equation and the

    associated thermal boundary conditions are similar to those analyzed by Leroyand Molinari [13]. These authors have shown that < 0. Consequently, thesteady state solutions under prescribed curvature are stable.

  • 76 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    5.3. Stability analysis for a prescribed bending moment

    The amplitude Ma of the bending moment is given by Ma =M21 +M


    with M1 and M2 obtained from (3.11), where 0 is replaced by a and Tmby T . The substitution is valid when weak instabilities are considered. ThenM is derived from (5.8) (see Appendix B). For a prescribed moment, M =0. A combined linearisation of a and T at the first order gives the followingrelationship:




    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] .

    Using (5.6) and (5.9), the temperature perturbation satisfies the differentialequation:

    (5.14) (ckT (y)

    ) d

    2T (y)


    = a2y2



    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T (y)y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy


    (T Tm (y)) T (y)].

    The critical steady state corresponds to neutral stability ( = 0) and is ob-tained for the value cr0 of the amplitude. No closed-form solution is availablefor the integro-differential equations (5.14) with = 0. However, by using theBubnovGalerkin method, one could give, as in Dinzart and Molinari [3],an estimation of the critical axial strain cr0 . The amplitude of the perturba-tion T (y) is expressed as a linear combination of basis quadratic functions(1 = a1 + b1y y2, 2 = a2 + b2y3 y4

    )such that T (y) = c11(y)+c22(y).

    The constants (a1, b1, a2, b2) are determined in order to satisfy the thermalboundary conditions. The orthogonality conditions written for the residuals ofthe differential equation (5.14) provide a linear system for (c1, c2). Setting thedeterminant of this system equal to zero provides the critical amplitude cr0 ofthe steady state corresponding to the neutral state. It can be shown that steadystates of amplitude 0 are stable for

    cr0 > 0 and unstable for

    cr0 < 0.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 77

    5.4. Assumption of temperature uniformity in a cross-section

    Simple stability results are obtained when some simplifying assumptions aremade. When the specimen is thin enough, the temperature within a cross-sectioncan be assumed as quasi-uniform. Then, explicit results are obtained concerningthe critical strains cr0 and the corresponding values of the moment M

    cr0 . The

    energy equation (2.12) is first averaged over the thickness of the sample1):

    (5.15) c

    T (y, t)



    2T (y, t)



    where k

    2T (y, t)


    is simplified to

    e(T (t) T0) when considering thermal

    boundary conditions. The resulting energy equation is averaged over a cycle inview to determine the mean temperature evolution:

    (5.16) cdT (t)



    (T (t) T0

    )= Q,

    where Q is defined from the space averaging of the energy dissipatedper unit volume and per cycle by (5.3). The perturbed temperature T (t) isexpressed as the superposition of the steady temperature Tm and a small per-turbation T (t). Instability is related to the growth of T (t) with time. It isseen that the steady temperature Tm satisfies the equation derived from (5.16)(see Appendix C):


    e(Tm T0) = Qst = ke


    3(T Tm) .

    Then the mean temperature is written as:

    (5.18) Tm =a2 +



    a2 +3


    T =


    220 +



    220 + 1


    The evolution of the perturbation T (t) is obtained as the difference of Eqs.(5.17) and (5.16):

    (5.19) cdT (t)


    eT (t) = Q Qst .

    1)The notation corresponds to spatial averaging in a cross-section: f(y, t) =





    f(y, t)dy.

  • 78 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    The axial strain and bending moment amplitudes are expressed as a functionof the mean temperature over a cycle:

    (5.20) a(T (t)

    )= 0 (Tm) +

    (T (t)


    (5.21) Ma(T (t)

    )= M0 (Tm) + M

    (T (t)


    The energy increase Q Qst is evaluated in Appendix C:

    (5.22)(Q Qst



    [2(T (t))

    0(T Tm) T


    By inserting (5.19) into (5.22), the energy equation takes the following form:

    (5.23) cdT (t)


    eT (t) =



    [2(T (t))

    0(T Tm) T


    The linear dependence of upon T will be expressed later. The growth rate of the perturbation, as defined by (5.5), follows the Eq. (5.24) according to(5.23).

    (5.24)dT (t)

    dt T (t) = 0.

    5.4.1. Prescribed curvature. For kinematically controlled boundary conditions,we have = 0. The evolution of the perturbation T (t) is governed by:

    cdT (t)


    eT (t) = ke



    with a2 =3



    20. As a consequence, the rate of growth is expressed as:

    = 1c






    Since is negative, all steady states are stable for kinematically controlledboundary conditions.

    5.4.2. Prescribed bending moment. For prescribed bending, the strain ampli-tude perturbation is expressed as in Sec. 5.3 and simplified under the hypothesisof uniform temperature distribution in a cross-section:


    0= G (Tm) T ,

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 79

    with G (Tm) =


    dTG +



    G +G

    (Tm). After substitution of this expressioninto (5.23), the rate of growth of the perturbation is expressed as:

    (5.26) M = 1c



    2(2G (Tm) (T Tm) + 1) +



    The critical temperature T crm at the stability transition satisfies M = 0.By using Eqs. (3.3) and (5.17), this condition can be written as:

    (5.27) 1 +(T crm T0)(T T crm )

    (2G (T crm ) (T T crm ) + 1) = 0.

    It is worth noting that T crm depends on the external temperature T0 and thepulsation frequency.

    The corresponding strain amplitude is given by substituting (5.27) in (5.26)with M = 0, or by using (5.18):

    (5.28) cr2

    0 =2


    (T crm T0)(T T crm )

    and the critical bending moment is obtained after substitution into (3.9) and(3.11). Under the assumption of temperature uniformity, it follows that:

    (5.29) M cr0 =8le

    cr0(T crm T0)

    [1 +


    )2 [1 +


    (T T crm )(h1h2 g1g2


    For a cyclic solicitation conducted at the frequency = 50 rad/s and theroom temperature T0 = 320 K, the critical temperature is T

    crm = 381.78 K for

    the Peba elastomer. The corresponding strain amplitude and bending momentare: cr0 = 0.113 and M

    cr0 = 4.559 Nm.

    5.4.3. Mixed mechanical boundary conditions. Mixed boundary conditions canbe expressed as follows:

    (5.30) (0 ) (M0 M

    )= 0,

    where , M and 0 characterise the loading conditions. The limiting cases = 0 and = correspond respectively to the prescribed curvature andthe prescribed bending moment. The perturbation of the bending moment is

  • 80 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    expressed as M = M0


    0+ G (Tm) T

    ]. The perturbation of the strain am-

    plitude must satisfy the prescribed boundary condition, thus M = 0:




    M 1)

    G (Tm) T .

    The rate of growth of the perturbation is given by:

    (5.32) = 1c




    (1 2


    M 1)

    G (Tm) (T Tm))




    The critical temperature T crm at the stability transition is a solution of the equa-tion = 0, which by using (3.3) and (5.17) is written in the form:

    (5.33) 1 +(T crm T0)(T T crm )

    (1 2


    M 1)

    G (T crm ) (T T crm ))

    = 0.

    For a prescribed bending moment ( = ), the stability condition (5.27) isretrieved. The strain amplitude and the bending moment at the point of neutralstability are obtained as in the previous section by means of Eqs. (5.28) and(5.29).

    Alternatively, for = 0, we have from (5.30) = 0, and given by (5.32)cannot vanish, therefore the stability is always insure for kinematically pre-scribed boundary condition.

    Figure 3 shows that for a prescribed moment ( = ), the steady states atthe neutral stability are unstable on the descending branch of the M0 versus 0curve. When the value of is decreased to zero, the range of stable steady stateincreases. For the value = 0, all the steady states are stable.

    6. Conclusion

    The cyclic response of a rectangular beam made of viscoelastic material hasbeen analyzed for pure cyclic bending. The behavior of the elastomer was as-sumed to be linear isotropic and incompressible. The loss and storage modulifollowing from the Boltzmann law were expressed as functions of the frequencyand the temperature, thus inducing a thermomechanical coupling. The stress,strain and temperature fields were determined under stationnary regime. Thestability of these steady states has been analyzed by considering a weak pertur-bation in temperature, leading to a pertubation in the stress and strain fields.As already demonstrated in the case of compressive loading [12], a prescribedbending moment may initiate an unstable regime leading to a thermal runaway.When mixed boundary conditions are considered, stable and unstable regimescan also be defined.

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 81

    Appendix A.

    The perturbed temperature T (t) = T Tm satisfies the differential equa-tion following from the difference between Eq. (5.2) and the steady state heatEq. (2.13):

    (A.1) c(T Tm)t

    k2(T Tm)y2

    = QQst,

    which, if T (y, t) is decomposed into space and time contribution, may be ex-pressed as

    (A.2) c(T (y) exp t


    k2(T (y) exp t


    = QQst.

    This operation is valid, because the instability process is supposed to be slow;therefore T , a and Ma can be considered as quasi-constant over several cycles.

    From (3.1), we have Qst




    2g2 (T Tm), and by replacing Tmwith T and 0 with a, Q =




    2g2(T T

    ). Q Qst is calculted

    after substitution of a by 0 + exp t and T by Tm + T exp t and using ofthe definition (3.3) of a2:


    = a2y2


    0exp t


    (Tm+T (y) exp t

    ))(T Tm)


    This expression is approached at the first order by


    = a2y2[(


    0exp t

    )((TTm)T (y) exp t

    ) (T Tm)



    = a2y2[2

    0(T Tm) T (y)

    ]exp t,

    from which the result (5.9) follows.

    Appendix B.

    Using (3.11) and the fact that 0 and Tm have been replaced respectivelyby a and T , the bending moment is expressed as Ma =

    M21 +M

    22 =




    G(, T


    2 + e


    G(, T



  • 82 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach

    After subsitution of a by 0 + exp t and T by Tm + T exp t and deve-lopment to the first order we have:

    Ma = 12l

    e(0 + exp t)


    G (, Tm) y2dy


    h2T y2dy exp t




    G (, Tm) y2dy


    g2T y2dy exp t

    21/2 .After factorisation by

    M0 = 12l



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    2 + e


    G (, Tm) y2dy

    21/2 ,we obtain:

    Ma = M0

    (1 +

    0exp t


    1 2[


    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] exp t



    which is simplifed as

    Ma = M0

    (1 +

    0exp t




    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] exp t .

  • Thermomechanical response of a viscoelastic beam ... 83

    This expression is developed at the first order as:

    Ma = M0 +M0 exp t

    0 [


    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] .

    As a consequence,

    M = M0

    0 [


    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] .

    For a prescribed moment M = 0, we have



    (h2G (, Tm) + g2G

    (, Tm)) y2dy

    ] [e0

    T y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy



    G (, Tm) y2dy

    )2] .

    Appendix C.

    Using the expression (3.1) of the dissipated energy Qst per cycle for astationary process, we obtain by spacial averaging through the cross-sectionalarea:

    (C.1) Qst = ke2a2

    3(T Tm) .

    For a non-stationary process, the averaged dissipated energy Q is ob-tained from spatial averaging of Q. This result is obtained from (C1) by re-placing Tm with T and 0 with a

    (C.2) Q = ke2a2


    (1 +


    )2 (T

    (Tm + T (t)


    At the first order, the expression (5.22) follows.

  • 84 F. Dinzart, A. Molinari, R. Herbach


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    Received May 7, 2007; revised version January 17, 2008.