there will come soft rains by: ray bradbury. vocabulary o titanic: adj. powerful, of great size o a...

There Will Come Soft Rains By: Ray Bradbury

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There Will Come Soft Rains

By: Ray Bradbury

VocabularyO Titanic: adj. powerful, of great size

O A single titanic wave sank the ship.O Paranoia: n. mental disorder

characterized by delusionsO His irrational fear of crowded places

could be a sign or paranoia.O Fluttered: v. flapped or vibrated

rapidlyO The papers fulttered in the wind and

then blew away.

O Manipulated: v. managed or controlled through clear movesO The sculptor molded and manipulated

the clay into different shapes.O Tremulous: adj. trembling;

quivering; timid; fearfulO The cup shook in his tremulous hands.

O Oblivious: adj. unaware O Oblivious to the shark that was quickly

approaching, the turtle swam peacefully

Anticipatory Questions

On the back of your paper answer the following

True or FalseO Technology can hurt society.O A home is made by it’s occupants.O The human race will self destruct

one day.O Change is always good.O Our lives have become less

meaningful due to technology.O The future always has promis.

Five minutes: Write at least a paragraph over what this image makes you think of.

Let’s Read the StoryO Keep your piece of paper out to take

notes on as we read the story out loud.

O There are not many characters in this piece.

O Try to guess what has happened as we read.