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The French Revolution Mr. TI Thubisi-201200404

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The French RevolutionMr. TI Thubisi-201200404

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The Eve of Revolution Pick up your next set of notes at the front of the room

In pairs, with a neighbor, read your Cahiers de doleances or account from Arthur Young

(cahiers de doleances were lists of grievances that were drafted throughout France while an election for the Estates General was occurring)

Write a sentence that summarizes the issues in France at the eve of Revolution

Choose one quote from your document that summarizes one of the most paramount issues

Be prepared to share with your classmates

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The Estates

First Estate – clergy

Second Estate – noble families

Third Estate – everyone else bourgeoisie peasant farmers **Overwhelming


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1st Estate

1% of population (conservatives)

Roman Catholic clergy

10% of French land

Wealthy- arch/bishops

Poor- parish priests

No direct taxes (2% gift)

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2nd Estate

2% of population

Nobility (conservatives)

20% of French land

Highest offices (sons of nobles)

Govt., church, army

Refuses to pay taxes

Cause of revolution

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3rd Estate

98% of population

Comprised of 3 economically different groups:

City-dwelling middle class (bourgeoisie)

Urban lower class

Peasant farmers

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Power growing since MA

Many well-educated

Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality

Some as wealthy as nobles

Desired social status, political power equal to wealth

Paid much in taxes

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Marie Antoinette

Vain, unintelligent


Elitist attitude toward the French

“Let them eat cake!”

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Previous Advisors…

Rene Maupeou Chancellor of Louix XV Had tried to break

apart parlement Exiled parl. To

different parts of the country

Tried to increase taxes on nobility

Reforms halted when Louis XV dies

Jacques Turgot Louis XVI’s first

minister Removed restrictions

on grain trade Eliminated guilds Changed corvee into

money payments Wants to tax nobility,

but Louis XVI dismisses him b/c he wants noble’s support

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Jacques Necker Director-General of Finances

Swiss banker; produced an overly optimistic report

Without American revolution govt. would have surplus

Charles Alexander de Calonne Minister of Finance – 1786 (he’s more realistic)

Makes several bold proposals… (wait for it…)

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Calonne’s Suggestions

Lower the “gabelle” (tax) on salt Convert peasant service to monetary payments Create new land tax applied equally to all people

regardless of social status**

**would allow gov’t to abandon most other indirect taxes thus…

The need to consult parlement would be rare!

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Calonne’s Plan…

Calonne meets with the Assembly of Notables to present his plan - 1787

(members of clergy and aristocracy)


Clergy and Aristocracy reject it

Seek reappointment of Necker

Claim only the Estates General can approve new taxes

Why would they be okay with calling up the EG?

2 to 1 vote…clergy and aristocracy continually dominate!

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Louis XVI replaces Calonne with Charles Lomenie de Brienne (Archbishop of Toulouse)

Brienne had opposed Calonne at the Assembly of Notables

But…when he looks at the books he realizes France is in really deep trouble

Recommends Calonne’s plan

Nobles and Clergy so mad they reduce the “don gratuit”

Contribution they usually made to gov’t

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Local Parlements calling for pre-Richelieu restoration of privileges

Urban food shortages from transportation problems

Most taxes fall on poorer population (peasants) Gov’t bankrupt

Can we say Versailles? American Rev? Royal gifts to nobles?

Conflict between King, Nobility, and Bourgeoisie for political control

Peasants want to own land

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Problems… Desire to tax nobles - refused unless Estates

General called

Had not met since 1614

Called to Versailles May 1, 1789

Invitation to revolution

Representatives show up with their cahiers de doleances (list of grievances)

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New Demands… 1789 3rd Estate demands all 3 estates meet


Each vote count equally

610 members in 3rd Estate

591 members combined in 1st and 2nd Estates

King sides with nobles- follow old rules

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Can you list the 5 stages of Revolution?

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New Demands… 3rd Estate determined-gain power

Spokesman Abbe SieyesJune 16, 1789 suggests 3rd

Estate change name to National Assembly

National Assembly- pass laws, reform in people’s name

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Closed for painting

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Tennis Court Oath•Angered, 3rd Estate declares themselves a National Assembly on June 17, 1789•They meet on a nearby tennis court and vow to remain until a Constitution was established

(by Jacques Louis David)

We vow to remain until we ratify a Constitution

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National Assembly Formed June 20,1789

Tennis Court Oath

Cahiers- list of grievances and desired reform

End to absolute monarchy

Representative govt.

1st deliberate act of revolution

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Louis’ Reaction… Make peace with 3rd Estate

All estates meet together

Swiss mercenaries ordered to Paris

Did not trust loyalty of French soldiers

Bourgeoisie fear end to Assembly

Mobs riot over price of bread

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Storming of the BastilleJuly 14, 1789Want gun powder to defend Paris and National Assembly

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No Dice

Storming of the Bastille

July 14, 1789

peasants sweep through and attack nobility and feudal institutions

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Long-term CausesPeople of Paris were

hungryHigh unemploymentHigh prices

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Storming of the Bastille – The Big Picture

Significance:Militarily- Louis gives up use of troops

Politically- kings power reduced, National Assembly saved

Symbolic- act of revolution people ready to fight

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This time it really is the end…

Napoleon forced to abdicate again

Exiled on St. Helena…no more Napoleon

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The French Revolution drew on The French Revolution drew on Enlightenment ideas.Enlightenment ideas.

It was more radical than the It was more radical than the American RevolutionAmerican Revolution

Americans retained British law Americans retained British law and social heritage, but…and social heritage, but…

French Revolutionaries sought French Revolutionaries sought to replace existing society with to replace existing society with new institutions and overturn new institutions and overturn the Ancien Regime!the Ancien Regime!


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First Estate - 100,000 Catholic First Estate - 100,000 Catholic clergyclergy ( (largest landowner in largest landowner in FranceFrance))Second Estate - 400,000 noblesSecond Estate - 400,000 nobles ((held political rights without held political rights without paying taxespaying taxes))Third Estate - 24 million Third Estate - 24 million bourgeoisie, urban lower class, bourgeoisie, urban lower class, and peasants and peasants (the (the bourgeoisie bourgeoisie resented power of nobilityresented power of nobility))

The Three EstatesThe Three Estates

Louis XVI was a weak monarch Louis XVI was a weak monarch who presided over a feudalistic who presided over a feudalistic social systemsocial system

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1780s: a financial crisis 1780s: a financial crisis develops due to royal spending, develops due to royal spending, war debts, heavy taxation, and war debts, heavy taxation, and crop failures.crop failures.Louis’ funding of the American Louis’ funding of the American Revolution nearly doubled the Revolution nearly doubled the national debt. He raised taxes.national debt. He raised taxes.Louis couldn’t raise more Louis couldn’t raise more taxes from peasants so he tried taxes from peasants so he tried to increase taxes on the to increase taxes on the nobility.nobility.The nobility forced Louis to call The nobility forced Louis to call the Estates General into session the Estates General into session in May May 1789.

The Estates GeneralThe Estates General

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Fearing being out-voted by the Fearing being out-voted by the other two estates, the Third other two estates, the Third Estate broke away from the Estate broke away from the Estates General and formed the Estates General and formed the National AssemblyNational Assembly..June 1789: Louis tried to lock June 1789: Louis tried to lock out the Third Estate delegates.out the Third Estate delegates.

In a nearby tennis court, In a nearby tennis court, delegates pledged to stay until delegates pledged to stay until they had drawn up a new they had drawn up a new constitution. Theconstitution. The Tennis Court Tennis Court Oath.Oath.

The National The National AssemblyAssembly

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Louis tried to appease the Third Louis tried to appease the Third Estate, but also sent his Swiss Estate, but also sent his Swiss Guards into the streets of Paris.Guards into the streets of Paris.

Angry crowds sought weapons Angry crowds sought weapons and gunpowder to defend Parisand gunpowder to defend Paris

They knew they could find They knew they could find these by storming a royal these by storming a royal prison called…prison called…

July 14, 1789July 14, 1789

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The BastilleThe Bastille

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Conservative backlash 1794-Conservative backlash 1794-1799: The Directory, rise of 1799: The Directory, rise of NapoleonNapoleon..

Radical Period 1792-1794: Radical Period 1792-1794: Beheadings, Robespierre, Beheadings, Robespierre, Jacobins.Jacobins.

Phases of the Phases of the RevolutionRevolution

Moderate Period 1789-1791: Moderate Period 1789-1791: limited power of the Church, limited power of the Church, land reformland reform..

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August 1789: The National August 1789: The National Assembly adopts the Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Declaration of the Rights of Man.Man.It stated the Enlightenment It stated the Enlightenment ideals of justice and freedom ideals of justice and freedom although women were although women were excluded.excluded.Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Liberty, Equality, Fraternity became the slogan of the became the slogan of the revolution!revolution!

Moderate Period 1789-Moderate Period 1789-17911791

Sept. 1791: new constitution Sept. 1791: new constitution adopted.adopted.

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Actions of the National Actions of the National Assembly from 1789 To 1791 Assembly from 1789 To 1791 restructured French societyrestructured French society..Constitutional monarchy Constitutional monarchy formed. Louis forced to leave formed. Louis forced to leave VersaillesVersailles..Legislative authority resided in Legislative authority resided in the National Assembly.the National Assembly.


The Catholic Church loses The Catholic Church loses lands and political lands and political independence (angers independence (angers peasants).peasants).

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French nobility began to flee. French nobility began to flee. Louis had attempted escape but Louis had attempted escape but was caught.was caught.This drove the French people to This drove the French people to support the radical support the radical revolutionaries.revolutionaries.Monarchy abolished and Monarchy abolished and France declared a republic.France declared a republic.

A new National Convention A new National Convention formed. Invaded by radicals on formed. Invaded by radicals on May 31, 1793May 31, 1793

Radical Period 1792-1794Radical Period 1792-1794

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Summer 1792: Austria and Summer 1792: Austria and Prussia invade France hoping to Prussia invade France hoping to restore Louis.restore Louis.Despite initial setbacks, the Despite initial setbacks, the French hold off the invaders.French hold off the invaders.

Jacobin Club (violent radicals) Jacobin Club (violent radicals) influenced the National influenced the National Convention to execute Louis.Convention to execute Louis.Louis beheaded by guillotine in Louis beheaded by guillotine in January 1793.January 1793.

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Convention power in France Convention power in France deteriorated. Maximilien deteriorated. Maximilien Robespierre and the radical Robespierre and the radical Jacobians in control.Jacobians in control.““Reign of Terror” used to Reign of Terror” used to promote restructuring of promote restructuring of French society.French society.About 40,000 were executed About 40,000 were executed and 300,000 imprisoned.and 300,000 imprisoned.

Extreme measures enacted Extreme measures enacted against the Church.against the Church.

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The French Army had defeated The French Army had defeated invaders on the battlefield.invaders on the battlefield.

With victory, French citizens With victory, French citizens less willing to accept less willing to accept repression.repression.Robespeirre blamed for the Robespeirre blamed for the excesses of the regime and excesses of the regime and executed in 1794. The Reign of executed in 1794. The Reign of Terror was over.Terror was over.

Conservative backlash 1794-Conservative backlash 1794-17991799

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The Bourgeois emerged as The Bourgeois emerged as leaders of the country in the leaders of the country in the reaction against Robespeirre.reaction against Robespeirre.

1795: A new constitution 1795: A new constitution drafted. It is more moderate drafted. It is more moderate and placed power in the hands and placed power in the hands of the upper class.of the upper class.The DirectoryThe Directory: bicameral : bicameral legislature and a five-man legislature and a five-man executive committee.executive committee.With France still under attack, With France still under attack, the Directory appoints a young the Directory appoints a young general….general….

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Napoleon Bonaparte!Napoleon Bonaparte!

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1. The French Revolution The French Revolution

lasted 10 years , from 1789 to 1799. During this period , France went from a monarchy ruled by King Louis XVI to a republic. This was one of the bloodiest times in European history. 

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The different periods of the French Revolution

Constitutional monarchy




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Napoleon’s empire

The nations that had been conquered by Napoleon resented being ruled by France. They did not like paying taxes to France. One by one, these nations rebelled, beginning with Spain. By March 1814, Napoleon had been defeated and was forced to step down as the emperor of France

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Napoleon bonaparte.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Europe.

Visit this link:

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The crisis of the bourbon monarchy

Charles IV became king of Spain just a few years before the French Revolution began. Charles IV fought to protect Spain from the liberal ideas driving the revolution. In 1795, in a radical change of politics, the prime minister under Charles IV , Manuel Godoy , decided to ally with France, he allowed French troops , led by Napoleon , to cross Spain.

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Napoleon persuaded Charles IV and Ferdiand VII to hard the spanish crown over his brother , Joseph Bonaparte attempted to introduce the liberal ideas of French Revolution into Spain, his supporters were known as “afrancesados”.

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Joseph bonaparte He was born on He was born on

January 7th, 1768, January 7th, 1768, Joseph Bonaparte was Joseph Bonaparte was the older brother of the older brother of wars Napoleon, wars Napoleon, emperor of France. emperor of France. During his brother's During his brother's reign, Joseph was reign, Joseph was made king of Naples made king of Naples and Sicily ,and then and Sicily ,and then king of Spain.king of Spain.

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The war of independence .

Bonapart´s rule led to a popular revolt in Madrid on 2nd of May in 1808. A series of anti-French uprisings throughout Spain followed , making the beginning of the War of Independence.

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The execution of third of may.

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Agustina de aragonAgustina Raimunda

Maria Zaragoza and Domènech, named "Agustina de Aragón" (Barcelona, baptized March 6, 1786 - Ceuta, 29 May 1857), was an advocate for the Sites Zaragoza in the Spanish War of Independence.

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Activity: Analyse the painting of the war independence

Type of painting.Type of painting.TitleTitleYearYearLocationLocationArtistic nameArtistic nameDescriptionDescriptionTecniqueTecniqueRead about different theories related to Read about different theories related to

the main figure in this masterpiecethe main figure in this masterpiece

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