the zadar region

Trail no. 15 SALI - VELA PLO»A - KRU©EVO POLJE (field) Trail length 3.2 km Climb 80 m Descent 40 m Walk 1 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery. At the crossing, which is 100 m before the cemetery, it takes to the l. first on asphalted road and then further on a field trail across gardens and olive groves. It crosses the main island road, and then fur- ther on asphalt in the s. direction. Our trail branches at a distance of about 1 km from the main road. It proceeds gently upwards, across the pass and then onto the field called Kruπevo polje. Trail no. 16 SALI - VELA PLO»A - »UH POLJE - DUGONJIVA - MALA PROVERSA Trail length 7.9 km Climb 70 m Descent 70 m Walk 2.30h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery. At the crossing, 100 m in front of the cemetery, it continues on asphalt and then on a trail that crosses gardens and olive groves, the main island road and continues on asphalt in the s. direction. At a distance of about 1 km from the main road, the trail branches to the left, and after about 900 m the main road again branches. The trail again takes the l. diverging (the r. diverg- ing leads to landfills), and after the asphalted road it continues on macadam road which leads partly between dry stone wall fences and partly through abandoned fields for about 3 km. At the r. diverging between two prominent peaks (Gomiljak to the r. and Veli Vrh to the l.) the trail reaches the following diverging and proceeds l. up to the sea, then along the coast to the cape where there are remains of villae rusticae - Mala Proversa Passage. Trail no. 17 SALI - VELA PLO»A - »UH POLJE (field) - MAVAR - MALI DO»IΔ - SALI Trail length 9 km Climb 70 m Descent 70 m Walk 3h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leaves the center of the locality and climbs to the cemetery. At the crossing, 100 m in front of the cemetery, it continues on asphalt and then on a trail that crosses gar- dens and olive groves, the main island road and continues on asphalt in the s. direction. The trail branches at a distance of about 1 km from the main road. It proceeds l. for about 900 m, and then the main road branches again. The trail takes the l. diverging (the r. diverging leads to the landfills), and after the asphalted road it continues on macadam road for about 3 km., leading partly between dry stone wall fences and partly through abandoned fields. At the r. diverging of about 500 m there is a sharp right bend leading to the cove. The trail leads l. and gently upwards, across a vast clearing to the left, then on a rough road through olive groves to reach a good macadam road. It stays on the macadam road to reach a crossing. At the crossing it turns l. and climbs gently at the point where it connects at a right angle with the Sali - Mala Proversa road taken earlier. The trail keeps on the road that goes r. to reach Sali. Trail no. 8 ÆMAN - MALO JEZERO - VELO JEZERO - TRASOM VODOVODA (the water supply route) - ÆMAN Trail length 8.1 km Climb 120 m Descent 120 m Walk 2.30h Trail difficulty - average The trail follows the road from Æman and reaches the main island road, intersects and continues on an asphalted road upwards to reach a pass where the road branches. It then takes the l. branching downwards to reach a vast and deep valley with Malo jezero (small lake), and along its banks along the water supply buildings and the desalinator up to Velo jezero (big lake). The same trail is taken to go back from V. jezero to the desalinator and then r. along the water supply route to reach the road and then downwards along the road in order to reach the main island road. The trail turns l. on that same road and after about 1 km reaches Æman. Veliko and Malo jezero (a big and small lake that are exceptionally interesting karst formations with rich and fertile land and sources of drinking water that supply the entire island. The water is brackish (contains a good amount of salt) and therefore desalinators have been put up. Trail no. 9 ÆMAN - MALO JEZERO (lake) - DUGO POLJE (field) - TELA©ΔICA Trail length 15 km Climb 100 m Descent 100 m Walk 4.30h Trail difficulty - average The trail follows the road from Æman and reaches the main island road, intersects and contin- ues on an asphalted road upwards to reach a pass where the road branches. It then takes the l. branching downwards to reach a vast and deep valley with Malo jezero (small lake), and along its banks, the water supply buildings and the desalinator. About 150 m after the appa- ratus there is a l. branching into the woods and then steeply upwards to reach a vast field (once an orchard). The trail crosses the meadow and goes l. through a vast pass and down to the field called Dugo polje. It crosses the field and reaches an asphalted road, stays on the road until it reaches the sea and then r. to the TelaπËica Nature Park entrance. It proceeds on macadam road to the restaurant in TelaπËica Bay and further on until the lake called Mir. Trail no. 10 ZAGLAV - »ELINJAK (198 M) Trail length 4.5 km Climb 198 m Walk 1.30h Trail difficulty - average. The trail follows the road from Zaglav and reaches the main island road. After about 400 m the trail takes a r. turn and proceeds on a concrete road to reach the crossing on the pass. At the crossing it continues l. on a bad macadam road to reach the last olive groves. After these groves it goes l. and climbs steeply to the very top of the peak that offers a wonderful view of the entire surroundings. Trail no. 11 OKO ZAGLAVSKOG VRHA (around Zaglav Peak) Trail length 4.13 km Climb 30 m Descent 30 m Walk 1,15h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail starts from the center of Zaglav and nw. along the newly built macadam road to the sea (Trstenica Cove). It continues in the se. direction, then s. and slightly upwards to reach the contour line around Zaglav Peak and back to Zaglav. Trail no. 12. NOVI ZAGLAV - OKO REBARA - SALI Trail length 5.9 km Climb 80 m Descent 80 m Walk 1.30 h Trail difficulty - easy. Leaving the gas station in N.Zaglav the trail follows the road leading to the main island road. About 150 m before the main road there is a l. macadam road branching. The trail takes the branching that leads straight to the next crossing and then turns l. It follows the contour line around Mount Rebro to reach the locality of Sali. Trail no. 13 a) SALI - DOLAC - STRIHINA GRBA - MAGROVICA COVE - TELA©ΔICA Trail length 13 km Climb 130 m Descent 130 m Walk 4 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to climb to the main island road. Then r. for about 600 m and in front of the pass it takes a l. turn onto a macadam road and climbs upwards, then across the gentle passage downwards and across well kept olive groves to the asphalted road that connects Sali and TelaπÊica. It then fol- lows the road to the l. for about 200 m to reach the sea (Magrovica Cove) and further to TelaπÊica Nature Park. b) SALI - DOLAC - MAGROVICA COVE - TELA©ΔICA Trail length 12.5 km Climb 90 m Descent 90 m Walk 3.45 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to climb to the main island road. It keeps the road and then to the r. for about 900 m up to an asphalted road branching for TelaπÊica Nature Park. Right before the branching there is a left diverging macadam road. The trail continues on this road, crosses olive groves and goes straight down to where the road becomes a trail. It keeps on this trail until the asphalt and pro- ceeds on asphalt to reach TelaπÊica Nature Park. Trail no. 14 SALI DEBELA GRBA - FARFARIKULAC COVE Trail length 2.7 km Climb 130 m Descent 130 m Walk 1 h Trail difficulty - from easy to average. The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to continue onto the main island road. It keeps on the road for about 200 m and then takes a l. diverging on a macadam road. It crosses olive groves and climbs to reach a pass between mounts V. and M. BerËastac. After the pass it descends slightly to reach the end of the road. From there it proceeds on a well-visible trail down to Farfarikulac Cove. Abbreviations: n. - north / ne. - northeast / nw. - northwest / s. - south se. - southeast / sw. - southwest / e. - east / w. - west / l. - left / r. - right / m. - meter/ ha. - height above sea level Trail no. 1. BOÆAVA - KAPELICA - SOLINE - SAKARUN COVE- CAPE LOPATA - POLJE - VELI RAT -“PUNTA BJANKA “ LIGHTHOUSE - MOST COVE Trail length 11.8 km Climb 120 m Descent 120 m Walk 3.30h Trail difficulty - easy Take the trail from the port of Boæava towards the cemetery. Continue from the cemetery and between the dry stone walls and through the olive groves, first across the larger trail for agricultural vehicles, which after about ten minutes changes into a village trail ascend- ing slightly along the n. slopes of Mount Kapelica (135 m) until the pass is reached where a telecommunication base station has been built. Cross the pass and proceed down to Soline village. Remain shortly along the shores to reach the church, and from the church onto a well-visible transmitter. Passing by it, cross the asphalted road and continue between the dry stone walls down to a large beach (Sakarun Cove). Follow the beach to the end to proceed on a macadam road next to the sea, around Cape Lopata, and further on to the west along the sea to Polje hamlet. Again cross the asphalted road and go down to the sea. Follow the coast to reach Veli rat. Cross the locality to reach the port and the macadam road. Turn slightly left and up the asphalted road to reach the sea (Slatine Cove). A few minutes after having left the cove, a macadam road branches from the asphalt. It is possible to proceed on the asphalt to reach Veli Rat lighthouse (built in 1849) and further on the macadam to Most Cove, or along the macadam to the sea (Suπica Cove) and from the cove l. along the magnificent pine tree-lined path to the light- house and further on to Most Cove. Most Cove is called so for the narrow piece of land that connects Tisno and Okljuk. It is an exceptionally interesting natural product of large grains of sand and enormous deposits of dry sea grass creating extraordinarily interesting shapes that the human hand would never have been able to create. Ii is worthwhile to stroll along the n. beach and around Cape Suhi and the rough beach of ”ValaËin Æal”. Attention should be paid here to the layers of rock in the shallows where nature has created very interesting shapes. Trail no. 2 BOÆAVA - POLJE - ©IPNATA COVE - ST. NEDILJA COVE - BOÆAVA Trail length 2.7 km Climb 40 m Descent 40 m Walk 1h Trail difficulty - easy Proceed from the port in Boæava to the church, and after having passed around 200 m go l. into the fields. Cross the fields to reach an asphalted road turn r. on the asphalted road. About 300 meters onwards there is an insignificant-looking branching to the l. which brings to the olive groves, cross the groves and reach the coast. The constructed prome- nade takes the trail around St. Nedilja Cape and back to Boæava. Trail no. 3 BOÆAVA - OPATI»INA COVE - GRU©EVICA COVE - M. GOSPA - DRAGOVE - PAPRENICA COVE - LUKA COVE - BOÆAVA Trail length 8.3 km Climb 158 m Descent 158 m Walk 3.30 h Trail difficulty - average From the center of Boæava and past Hotel Boæava the trail proceeds next to the sea, across OpatiËina Bay where there is a concrete beach, and further along the coast to Gruπevica Cove. Shortly after having left the cove the trail takes a bend to the r. and rises steeply to M.Gospa chapel (158 m). From the chapel it shortly takes a large trail and then l. across a dense and steep valley along the contour line to reach the village of Dragove. Dragove is an exceptionally interesting old village with a large cistern and a church on the high ground. Then the trail leads s. from the church and along a concrete trail to the asphalted road. It takes the road in direction s. to reach a sharp right bend. Here it leaves the asphalt and goes down the old wine route to reach Paprenica Cove where an abandoned military hor- izontal tunnel for boats can be seen from a distance. The trail skirts the tunnel from the topside and then descends to the sea. The trails goes further on along the sea and across Luka Cove with its lovely beach and proceeds across the coves of Gruπevica and OpatiËina to return to Boæava. Trail no. 4 a) BRBINJ - RAZVR©JE - BRBI©ΔICA COVE Trail length 3.9 km Climb 140 m Descent 140 m Walk 1.30 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail starts from the church in Brbinj. It briefly takes the road upwards and then l. to Jaz Cove. It proceeds upwards across the settlement to the main island road. It stays to the l. on the road for about 400 m, and then r. and upwards on a concrete road (further asphalted) across Razvrπje Pass, and to the other side of the island to reach the cove with a lovely sandy beach. The trail branches at the last sharp l. bend before the beach and then to the r. It branches sharply downwards to reach extraordinarily interesting formations of plates shaped by the waves from the open sea (KameniËina). b) BRBINJ - ZAVR©JE - LU©INJA DRAGA Trail length 4.3 km Climb 140 m Descent 10 m Walk 1.30h Trail difficulty - easy The same description as under a) can be used to reach Zavrπje Pass. At the pass there is a r. branching of a new macadam that winds its way along the top of the island crag through abandoned olive trees and dry stone walls leading to the main island road near the aban- doned quarry on Luπinja Draga peak. The trail then takes the road to the r. and reaches the road back to Brbinj or takes the asphalted main island road. Trail no. 5 a) SAVAR - BRBINJ (on the road) RAZVR©JE - U. BRBI©ΔICA Trail length 4.6 km Climb 140 m Descent 140 m Walk 1.40 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail takes the main island road from Savar and remains on the road and then to the r. for about 1600 m. Then it turns l. on a concrete (and further asphalted) road and across Razvrπje Pass to the other side of the island to reach the cove with a lovely gravel beach. The trail branches at the last sharp l. bend before the beach and then to the r. It branches sharply downwards to reach extraordinarily interesting formations of plates shaped by the waves from the open sea (KameniËina). b) SAVAR - BRBINJ (on the road) RAZVR©JE - LU©INJA DRAGA Trail length 5 km Climb 140 m Descent 10 m Walk 1.45 h Trail difficulty - easy. On leaving Savar the trail takes the main island road to the right and remains on it for about 1600 m. Then it turns l. on a concrete road to Razvrπje Pass. At the pass there is a right branching of a new macadam road that winds its way along the top of the island crag through abandoned olive trees and dry stone walls leading to the main island road near the abandoned quarry on Luπinja Draga peak. Then it takes the road to the r. and reaches the same road back to Brbinj or takes the asphalted main island road Trail no. 6 SAVAR - on the road - STARI KAMENOLOM (old quarry) - VRH O©TRAVICA (peak) - STRA©NA PEΔ (cave) Trail length 11.3 km Climb 275 m Descent 205 m Walk 4h Trail difficulty - difficult The trail takes the main island road leaving Savar. Then l. on the road for about 5300 m until the abandoned quarry Hrnjetine is reached. There r. for about 100 m up to a concrete house, then l. and up a slightly visible macadam trail. The trail climbs steeply along the n. slopes of Mount ©kare, then across a vast cove to reach a large pass. There is a l. trail that branches for Oπtravica peak (275 m) while this trail continues s. along a vast plateau to reach a good viewpoint on bare and rocky high ground. The view here spreads over numerous coves and steep shores overlooking the open sea. The trail continues steeply downwards along very rough and crumbly ground up to the very entrance to the cave. Upon returning from the cave it is recommended to take the macadam road until the abandoned quarry. Trail no. 7 ÆMAN - GLAVO»EVO POLJE (field) - SRIDNJE POLJE (field) Trail length 4 km Climb 100 m Descent 100 m Walk 1.15 h Trail difficulty - easy. The trail leads from the cove itself and on a road to reach the main island road. It inter- sects and leads on an asphalted road upwards to the pass where the road branches. The trail then proceeds on the r. branching and descends, crosses a macadam road at the edges of a small field (GlavoËevo polje) and further on to another field called Sridnje polje. DUGI OTOK. On a sunny day in October our journey started in the ferryboat port leaving for the most distant island of the Zadar local waters - Dugi otok. At the ferryboat’s bypassing of the northwestern cape of the island of Ugljan, a mountainous silhouette of narrow and long land appeared on the horizon. At first you think, ”This is just like the Velebit”, only on the other side. This association will be revoked many times dur- ing your stay on the island. Enjoying the afternoon sun on the ship’s deck, and watching the islands of the archipelago, we asked ourselves how it would have looked without these natural barriers. One prevents the penetration of cold and continental air from the north and the other, the insular one that protects the islands from the open sea, gives the region a Mediterranean atmosphere with a marvellous archipelago experience. A JOURNEY NORTH. After having left the ferryboat in the early morning hours at the landing in Brbinj, famous from ancient times for its Glagolithic priests, vigilant guards of heritage, situated between the two protected coves of Jaz and LuËina, we decided to turn north towards the part of the island with beaches and coves. On the way we passed Dragove, an old island settlement on a hilltop whose name is mentioned in written doc- uments from the 14th cen- tury. The restored parish church of St. Leonard and the cemetery stand on a distinguished location which offers a view of the islets in front of and behind Dumbovica. This small place where time is measured only by your footsteps has resisted successfully to the force of urbanization, has preserved the traditional way of living allowing only a few new houses to emerge in its narrow streets. We noticed the same on passing through Soline, VeruniÊ and Veli Rat. That imposing part of island nature attracts numerous visitors with its beauty. Small localities are situated at the extreme northwestern part of the island, with their fishing ports facing the open sea and used by the local fishermen in their daily sea trips. The entire region of Δuna Cove connected with Pantera Cove through a narrow canal is known for its berths that are traditionally used by numerous seafarers look- ing for a safe anchorage for the night. We hurried on to the most extreme point on the island and Punta Bjanka lighthouse at a height of 42 m, being the highest lantern on the Adriatic, and built in 1849, during the Austro-Hungarian peri- od. A twisting and narrow asphalted road struggled its way through the pine forest while after every bend we patiently expect contact with the sea. We soon noticed an extended peak of a lighthouse and the sound of the breaking waves hitting the rocky coast of the peninsula. The lighthouse area is prepared for guest accommoda- tion. The small houses that remind us of Spanish architecture have been built on properly premises decorated with flowers. In the lighthouse yard there is the stone chapel of sv. Nikola (St. Nicholas), the patron of sailors. Outdoor weddings are becoming more frequent in this romantic setting. Upon our return we were full of expectations and visited the beach in Sa- karun for which we had heard to be more beautiful than the famous Caribbean beaches! They were certainly right. The sunrays falling vertically on the beach iridescent with the white sand on the beach gave the sea a fantastic and clear turquoise colour. Our eyes absorbed these colours and it then seemed as if there were only two things in the world, the sea and us. The trip continues further to the gentle port of Boæava located in a small cove surrounded by stone houses next to the sea. On the opposite side of the cove there are two newly built hotels. The locality was first mentioned in 1327 under the name of Bosane, known for its fishing tradition and olive oil pro- cessing. A JOURNEY SOUTH. The main road meanders from Brbinj and passes the island localities, the closest among which is Savar. Descending down a steep road to the sea we come to the pre-Romanesque church of St. Pelegrin from 1300. The church is situat- ed in the picturesque Cape Pelegrin, and then Straπna peÊ (cave) visited in 1904 by the Austro-Hungarian emperor Francis Joseph. The Forum in Zadar, as well as many palaces and churches in Venice and Rome, was built from the stone taken from here. We watch a fisherman in a small peninsula-shaped port taking caught fish out of the net. He explained to us how he was setting aside for lunch the bigger fish such as sea bream and grouper, while the rest was for the local cats that were already waiting for him. We proceed southwards and the road leads across the narrowest part of the island where the sea can be seen from both sides. We watch with respect the imposing open sea on one side while on the other a there is a gentle group of green islands and islets from where Rava and Iæ are as visible as the palm of one’s hand. The view from the sea passes over to the mountains, and the tallest one in front of us is Vela Straæa (337 m) with a trans- mitter on its top. A ramp at the foot of the road warns us that access is not permitted. Under the mountain that descends steeply towards the sea at the end of Rava Channel our view reaches the picturesque locality of Luka which can be reaches by a marked trail or an asphalted road that leads directly to the boat landing. The next two localities of Æman and Zaglav are only at a distance of a few kilometres. The only gas station in this part of the Zadar archipelago is in Zaglav. At the crossing of the road that leads to the south of the island we leave Æman and take the opposite direction at the sign by the road with the inscription Æmansko jezero (Lake Æman). The narrow and winding road at the beginning seems to lead nowhere. But with a little patience, after going uphill and downhill, and bends that turn in all directions, across fields where special quality tomatoes are grown, vineyards and dense evergreen under bush. We arrived at two nat- ural phenomena, two Karst lakes, one bigger than the other, lakes that are filled with water only in the rainy periods of the year. The Big and Small Lake are exceptionally interesting Karst creations with rich soil and sources of drink- ing water that supplies the entire island. The water is brackish (contains a lot of salt) so desalinators have been installed. A few km from Zaglav we came to the main island locality of Sali which is home for half of the 1500 inhabitants of the island. The place is traditionally known for its fishermen, well-known for their fishing skills and the fish processing industry (”MardeπiÊ”). Today Sali is being promoted as the nautical and tourist center of the island, and the change here to urban ambience is pleasant for the entire island is besieged by silence. Thanks to the closeness of TelaπÊica Nature Park, Sali is becoming the start- ing port for visits to this most attractive part of the island. TelaπÊica is reached by a road that twists around the eastern part of the cove. Silence reigns here in the non-seasonal period. While walking along the trails that had been crossed by thousand s of visitors’ feet during the summer season we felt satis- fied of being here in the period of the year when the beauty of nature was shared only by us and the seagulls. It was delightful to sit on a rock under a pine tree and difficult to rise and proceed onwards. But the presentiment that there was more beauty to be seen from the heights rising above the lakes hastened us on to the sharp cliffs on the wild southern coast of the park. The highest point called GrapaπÊak (166 m) offers a breathtaking view towards the south, the Kornati islands and the open sea. The Zadar region is by far known for its spectacular sunsets. While watching the gentle redness on the horizon we tried to think of what the sunrise was like here during the warm summer months. The locals say that when the weather is fine after the bora wind the highest peaks of the Apennine peninsula can be seen on the opposite side of the Adriatic. The center of the bay in which there are 2 islets and rocks is the salt lake called Mir for which it has been said to be able to heal many diseases with its medical mud. The reflection of the shores on the perfect lake mirror reminds us of another nature com- pletely different from this Mediterranean one. If in Sali you take a turn at the monument and proceed on an asphalted road where at the end of the road there is an inscription of Proversa in fading letters, you can then reach the very end of the island. A macadam road leads to the end of the island from where extends a fantastic view of the Kornati islands, the strait of Mala Proversa, the only place through which you can reach the Kornati and TelaπËica from the open sea. Due to its well-arranged trails and wonderful nature these are the most interesting regions for cycling and trekking on the island. At the end of our journey we can say that Dugi otok, with its variety, length and difference in height, is just the place for cycling and trekking for those who are looking for extreme physical challenges to those who wish to enjoy strolling and being part of nature. Silence is the island’s greatest asset. Sometimes it is so intensive that you can hear it. GEOGRAPHICAL CROSS-SECTION VIEW. Dugi otok is the biggest and most distant island of the Zadar archipelago, 52 km long and in some places up to 5 km wide, with two characteristic ends; to the northeast, Veli rat is almost completely flat, covered with pine and under the constant influence of winds coming from the Velebit and the Kvarner region, to the south the coast is naked and indented, typical Kornati islands characteristic belonging only to this region. The southern part of the island is rocky with steep cliffs and sharp rocks on its southwestern flank, while the central and western part are mountainous and covered with pine and dense green underbush, and in some places woods. Karst valleys with rich soil stretch under the mountain chains. The western coast is steep and high while the rest of the coast is filled with coves, straits and sandy beaches. CLIMATE. The summers are mainly sunny and the winters mild with an average yearly temperature of above 16°C. The number of sunshine hours is around 2700 yearly, with less than 100 rainy days on average. FLORA AND FAUNA. The Mediterranean vegetation has more than 400 types of plants, numerous rare and endemic plants. The northwestern coast abounds in rosemary, sage, and other ethereal plants. The forests of pine, black oak, fields, vineyards and olive groves are a contrast to the rocky lawn with dense underbush. The preserved olive trees in the fields of Sali are of particular interest. The island has a rich animal world. There are about 250 types of plants and 300 animal organisms in the submarine world, including today’s rare and preserved red corals and the meat-eating sponge. DUGI OTOK - History. Dugi otok was mentioned under the name of Pizuh already in the 10th century by the emperor Constantine Porfirogenet under the name of Pizuh. Almost the entire island was owned by the Zadar monas- teries and citizens. The oldest preserved written documents on fishery from date 995 and mentions the Dugi otok fishermen fishing pilchard ”na luË”. At the end of the 10th and 11th century the island was called Insula Tilagus. That name has become the bay of TelaπÊica. The name Veli otok was first noted in Glagolithic in 1460. The island was settled a long time ago. The oldest archeological findings are from the late Stone Age (Æman). Many remains from rich houses, settlements and cemeteries have been preserved from the Roman period. In the strait of Mala Proversa there was a vast Roman summer villa partly researched and preserved. The remains of a swimming pool are well visible, and sewage system traces can be seen in the sea. CULTURAL MONUMENTS Parish church of the Assumption, 15th cent. - Sali Church of St. Rocco from 1644, enlarged in 1855 - Sali Church of St. Nicholas, 16th cent. - Sali Church of St. Anthony - Sali Church of St. Victor - Sali St. Pelegrin’s chapel, 1300 - Savar Church of St. Jacob, built in the 15th cent. - Soline Church of St. Michael, 15th cent - Zaglav St. John’s chapel, 13th cent. - Æman Parish church of St. Leonard, 12th cent. - Dragove Church of St. Nicholas, 15th cent. - Boæava Church of Our Lady of Carmela, 17th cent. - VeruniÊ CYCLING TRAILS Abbreviations: MTB - bicycle for difficult ground (mountain bike) CB - bicycle for asphalted roads (city bike) Trail no. 1, 1x, 1xx BOÆAVA - SAKARUN COVE - CAPE LOPATA - POLJE - VELI RAT (BRANCHING FOR THE VIEWPOINT OVERLOOKING THE OPEN SEA - 1x) - LIGHT- HOUSE (CHOICE ACROSS SU©ICA COVE- 1xx) - MOST COVE. Trail length 12.8 km, climb 150 m, descent 150 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 2 BOÆAVA - ROAD ACROSS POLJE - ST. NEDILJA - BOÆAVA Trail length 3.3 km, climb 30 m, descent 30 m, bicycle- MTB Trail no. 3 BOÆAVA - MALA GOSPA BRANCHING - DRAGOVE Trail length 7.5 km, climb 158 m, descent 40 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 4 DRAGOVE - KOPA»INE - MALA VODA Trail length 3.7 km, climb 140 m, descent 140 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 5 DRAGOVE - LU©INJA DRAGA - KAMI»INA - RAZVR©JE - BRBI©ΔICA COVE- BRBINJ Trail length 11.7 km, climb 140 m, descent 140 m, bicycle - CB Trail no. 6 BRBINJ - SAVAR Trail length 3.86 km, climb 60 m, descent 60 m, bicycle - CB Trail no. 7 SAVAR - STARI KAMENOLOM (old quarry) - STRA©NA PEΔ (cave) Trail length 9.2 km, climb 140 m, descent 70 m, bicycle TB Trail no. 8 LUKA - ÆMAN - SLOTINO POLJE - »LAVO»EVO POLJE - MALO JEZERO - VELIKO JEZERO Trail length 5.93 km, climb 100 m, descent 100 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 9 ZAGLAV - OKO ZAGLAVSKOG VRHA (around Zaglav peak) - NOVI ZAGLAV - OKO REBARA - SALI Trail length 8.43 km, climb 65 m, descent 65 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 10 ZAGLAV - TELA©ΔICA Trail length 6.22 km, climb 95 m, descent 95 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 11 SALI - DOLAC - STRIHINA GRBA - MAGROVICA COVE- TELA©ΔICA Trail length 13 km, climb 130 m, descent 130 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 12 SALI - VELA PLO»A - KRU©EVO POLJE Trail length 3.2 km, climb 80 m, descent 50 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 13 SALI - VELA PLO»A - »UH POLJE - DUGONJIVE - MALA PROVERSA Trail length 7.9 km, climb 86 m, descent 85 m, bicycle - MTB Trail no. 14 SALI - ZAGLAV - ÆMAN - LUKA - SAVAR - BRBINJ - DRAGOVE - BOÆAVA - VELI RAT - ”Punta Bjanka” LIGHTHOUSE Trail length 43.5 km climb 140 m descent 140 m, bicycle - CB DUGI OTOK (Long Island) TREKKING AND CYCLING MAP 1:30000 Information on the publisher and production Zadar County Tourist Board 1 Sv. Leopolda B. MandiÊa 1 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 315-316, 315-107 [email protected] Editor: Ivo Dunatov, director Conception and design: Julije Skelin Text: Julije Skelin, Mirjana TepπiÊ Cartography: Lemax Production: Basic Produktion, Trail description: Drago Erceg Translation: Geo Zadar Photographs: Zadar County Tourist Board Archives Ÿ Zadar County Tourist Board All rights preserved. Partial or complete reproduction is not allowed without the consent of the publisher. TREKKING TRAILS: Dear visitors, · Take water and suitable cycling equipment with you, clothes and footwear for walking · Do not pluck nor destroy the plants. Do not break branches and damage the trees. · Abide by the rules of the national park, reserve and nature park. · Take your litter with you. · Do not light a fire in the forest, and turn out carefully a lighted fire! · Do at least one trifle for nature on every excursion. Pick up box, bottle or can thrown on the trail. Thank you! ENGLISH USEFUL INFORMATION How to r each it? By ferryboat Jadrolinija • daily boat connection Zadar-Sali-Zaglav Daily boat connection Zadar-Boæava • daily ferry connection Zadar-Brbinj Jadrolinija - Zadar 7 Liburnska obala Tel: +385 (0)23 254-800, Fax: +385 (0)23 250-351 [email protected], Jadrolinija - Brbinj Brbinj (Dugi otok) Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 378-713 Miatours • daily hydrofoil connection Zadar-Sali-Zaglav Miatours Vrata sv. Krπevana, Zadar Tel: +385 (0)23 254-300, 254-400, Fax: +385 (0)23 254-401 [email protected], By airplain International airport Zadar - Zemunik Tel: +385 (0)23 313-311 Fax: +385 (0)23 313-466 IMPOR T ANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency 94 Firemen 93 Police 92 Help on road (HAK) 987 Information on phone nos. 988 General information 981 Zadar Mountain Rescue Service (GSS) Tel: +385 (0)23 235-971 GSM: +385 (0)91 535-1754 Protection and Rescue Center 112 TOURIST OFFICES Information on hotel and private accommodation as well as auto camps and other tourist points of interest can be acquired at the tourist offices. Zadar County Tourist Board 1 Sv. Leopolda B. MandiÊa, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 315-316, 315-107 [email protected], Dugi otok Tourist Office Obala Perta Lorinija, 23281 Sali, Hrvatska Tel: +385 (0)23 377 094 [email protected], Boæava Tourist Office 23286 Boæava Tel: +385 (0)23 377-607 Fax: +385 (0)23 377-632 [email protected] Brbinj Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 378-741 Luka Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 372-143 Sali Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 377-094 VeruniÊ Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 378-029 Veli Rat Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 378-126 Zaglav Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 377-094 Æman Tourist Office Tel: +385 (0)23 372-013 TelaπÊica Nature Park Ulica Danijela Grbina 23281 Sali, Hrvatska Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 377-094 [email protected] ZADAR COUNTY TOURIST OFFICE Brbinj Sakarun Æman Zaglav Proversa - NP Kornati Dragove Veli Rat Savar Luka TelaπÊica TelaπÊica Boæava TelaπÊica Sali HUNGARY SLOVENIA ZAGREB ITALY DUGI OTOK THE ZADAR REGION

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Trail no. 15SALI - VELA PLO»A -KRU©EVO POLJE (field)

Trail length 3.2 kmClimb 80 mDescent 40 mWalk 1 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery. At the crossing, whichis 100 m before the cemetery, it takes to the l. first on asphalted road and then further ona field trail across gardens and olive groves. It crosses the main island road, and then fur-ther on asphalt in the s. direction. Our trail branches at a distance of about 1 km from themain road. It proceeds gently upwards, across the pass and then onto the field calledKruπevo polje.


Trail length 7.9 kmClimb 70 mDescent 70 mWalk 2.30hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery. At the crossing, 100 min front of the cemetery, it continues on asphalt and then on a trail that crosses gardensand olive groves, the main island road and continues on asphalt in the s. direction. At adistance of about 1 km from the main road, the trail branches to the left, and after about900 m the main road again branches. The trail again takes the l. diverging (the r. diverg-ing leads to landfills), and after the asphalted road it continues on macadam road whichleads partly between dry stone wall fences and partly through abandoned fields for about3 km. At the r. diverging between two prominent peaks (Gomiljak to the r. and Veli Vrh tothe l.) the trail reaches the following diverging and proceeds l. up to the sea, then alongthe coast to the cape where there are remains of villae rusticae - Mala Proversa Passage.

Trail no. 17SALI - VELA PLO»A - »UHPOLJE (field) - MAVAR -MALI DO»IΔ - SALI

Trail length 9 kmClimb 70 mDescent 70 mWalk 3hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and climbs to the cemetery. At the crossing, 100m in front of the cemetery, it continues on asphalt and then on a trail that crosses gar-dens and olive groves, the main island road and continues on asphalt in the s. direction.The trail branches at a distance of about 1 km from the main road. It proceeds l. forabout 900 m, and then the main road branches again. The trail takes the l. diverging (ther. diverging leads to the landfills), and after the asphalted road it continues on macadamroad for about 3 km., leading partly between dry stone wall fences and partly throughabandoned fields. At the r. diverging of about 500 m there is a sharp right bend leadingto the cove. The trail leads l. and gently upwards, across a vast clearing to the left, thenon a rough road through olive groves to reach a good macadam road. It stays on themacadam road to reach a crossing. At the crossing it turns l. and climbs gently at thepoint where it connects at a right angle with the Sali - Mala Proversa road taken earlier.The trail keeps on the road that goes r. to reach Sali.

Trail no. 8ÆMAN - MALO JEZERO -VELO JEZERO - TRASOMVODOVODA (the watersupply route) - ÆMAN

Trail length 8.1 kmClimb 120 mDescent 120 mWalk 2.30hTrail difficulty - average

The trail follows the road from Æman and reaches the main island road, intersects andcontinues on an asphalted road upwards to reach a pass where the road branches. It thentakes the l. branching downwards to reach a vast and deep valley with Malo jezero (smalllake), and along its banks along the water supply buildings and the desalinator up to Velojezero (big lake). The same trail is taken to go back from V. jezero to the desalinator andthen r. along the water supply route to reach the road and then downwards along theroad in order to reach the main island road. The trail turns l. on that same road and afterabout 1 km reaches Æman.Veliko and Malo jezero (a big and small lake that are exceptionally interesting karst formationswith rich and fertile land and sources of drinking water that supply the entire island. The wateris brackish (contains a good amount of salt) and therefore desalinators have been put up.

Trail no. 9ÆMAN - MALO JEZERO (lake)- DUGO POLJE (field) -TELA©ΔICA

Trail length 15 kmClimb 100 mDescent 100 mWalk 4.30hTrail difficulty - average

The trail follows the road from Æman and reaches the main island road, intersects and contin-ues on an asphalted road upwards to reach a pass where the road branches. It then takes thel. branching downwards to reach a vast and deep valley with Malo jezero (small lake), andalong its banks, the water supply buildings and the desalinator. About 150 m after the appa-ratus there is a l. branching into the woods and then steeply upwards to reach a vast field(once an orchard). The trail crosses the meadow and goes l. through a vast pass and down tothe field called Dugo polje. It crosses the field and reaches an asphalted road, stays on theroad until it reaches the sea and then r. to the TelaπËica Nature Park entrance. It proceeds onmacadam road to the restaurant in TelaπËica Bay and further on until the lake called Mir.

Trail no. 10ZAGLAV - »ELINJAK (198 M)

Trail length 4.5 kmClimb 198 mWalk 1.30hTrail difficulty - average.

The trail follows the road from Zaglav and reaches the main island road. After about 400m the trail takes a r. turn and proceeds on a concrete road to reach the crossing on thepass. At the crossing it continues l. on a bad macadam road to reach the last olive groves.After these groves it goes l. and climbs steeply to the very top of the peak that offers awonderful view of the entire surroundings.

Trail no. 11OKO ZAGLAVSKOG VRHA(around Zaglav Peak)

Trail length 4.13 kmClimb 30 mDescent 30 mWalk 1,15hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail starts from the center of Zaglav and nw. along the newly built macadam road tothe sea (Trstenica Cove). It continues in the se. direction, then s. and slightly upwards toreach the contour line around Zaglav Peak and back to Zaglav.


Trail length 5.9 kmClimb 80 mDescent 80 mWalk 1.30 hTrail difficulty - easy.

Leaving the gas station in N.Zaglav the trail follows the road leading to the main islandroad. About 150 m before the main road there is a l. macadam road branching. The trailtakes the branching that leads straight to the next crossing and then turns l. It follows thecontour line around Mount Rebro to reach the locality of Sali.


Trail length 13 kmClimb 130 mDescent 130 mWalk 4 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to climb to the mainisland road. Then r. for about 600 m and in front of the pass it takes a l. turn onto amacadam road and climbs upwards, then across the gentle passage downwards and acrosswell kept olive groves to the asphalted road that connects Sali and TelaπÊica. It then fol-lows the road to the l. for about 200 m to reach the sea (Magrovica Cove) and further toTelaπÊica Nature Park.


Trail length 12.5 kmClimb 90 mDescent 90 mWalk 3.45 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to climb to the mainisland road. It keeps the road and then to the r. for about 900 m up to an asphalted roadbranching for TelaπÊica Nature Park. Right before the branching there is a left divergingmacadam road. The trail continues on this road, crosses olive groves and goes straightdown to where the road becomes a trail. It keeps on this trail until the asphalt and pro-ceeds on asphalt to reach TelaπÊica Nature Park.


Trail length 2.7 kmClimb 130 mDescent 130 mWalk 1 hTrail difficulty - from easy to average.

The trail leaves the center of the locality and reaches the cemetery to continue onto themain island road. It keeps on the road for about 200 m and then takes a l. diverging on amacadam road. It crosses olive groves and climbs to reach a pass between mounts V. andM. BerËastac. After the pass it descends slightly to reach the end of the road. From thereit proceeds on a well-visible trail down to Farfarikulac Cove.

Abbreviations: n. - north / ne. - northeast / nw. - northwest / s. - south se. - southeast / sw. - southwest / e. - east /w. - west / l. - left / r. - right / m. - meter/ ha. - height above sea level


Trail length 11.8 kmClimb 120 mDescent 120 mWalk 3.30hTrail difficulty - easy

Take the trail from the port of Boæava towards the cemetery. Continue from the cemeteryand between the dry stone walls and through the olive groves, first across the larger trailfor agricultural vehicles, which after about ten minutes changes into a village trail ascend-ing slightly along the n. slopes of Mount Kapelica (135 m) until the pass is reached wherea telecommunication base station has been built. Cross the pass and proceed down toSoline village. Remain shortly along the shores to reach the church, and from the churchonto a well-visible transmitter. Passing by it, cross the asphalted road and continuebetween the dry stone walls down to a large beach (Sakarun Cove). Follow the beach tothe end to proceed on a macadam road next to the sea, around Cape Lopata, and furtheron to the west along the sea to Polje hamlet. Again cross the asphalted road and godown to the sea. Follow the coast to reach Veli rat. Cross the locality to reach the portand the macadam road. Turn slightly left and up the asphalted road to reach the sea(Slatine Cove). A few minutes after having left the cove, a macadam road branches fromthe asphalt. It is possible to proceed on the asphalt to reach Veli Rat lighthouse (built in1849) and further on the macadam to Most Cove, or along the macadam to the sea(Suπica Cove) and from the cove l. along the magnificent pine tree-lined path to the light-house and further on to Most Cove.Most Cove is called so for the narrow piece of land that connects Tisno and Okljuk. Itis an exceptionally interesting natural product of large grains of sand and enormousdeposits of dry sea grass creating extraordinarily interesting shapes that the human handwould never have been able to create. Ii is worthwhile to stroll along the n. beach andaround Cape Suhi and the rough beach of ”ValaËin Æal”. Attention should be paid here tothe layers of rock in the shallows where nature has created very interesting shapes.


Trail length 2.7 kmClimb 40 mDescent 40 mWalk 1hTrail difficulty - easy

Proceed from the port in Boæava to the church, and after having passed around 200 m gol. into the fields. Cross the fields to reach an asphalted road turn r. on the asphalted road.About 300 meters onwards there is an insignificant-looking branching to the l. whichbrings to the olive groves, cross the groves and reach the coast. The constructed prome-nade takes the trail around St. Nedilja Cape and back to Boæava.


Trail length 8.3 kmClimb 158 mDescent 158 mWalk 3.30 hTrail difficulty - average

From the center of Boæava and past Hotel Boæava the trail proceeds next to the sea, acrossOpatiËina Bay where there is a concrete beach, and further along the coast to GruπevicaCove. Shortly after having left the cove the trail takes a bend to the r. and rises steeply toM.Gospa chapel (158 m). From the chapel it shortly takes a large trail and then l. across adense and steep valley along the contour line to reach the village of Dragove. Dragove is anexceptionally interesting old village with a large cistern and a church on the high ground.Then the trail leads s. from the church and along a concrete trail to the asphalted road. Ittakes the road in direction s. to reach a sharp right bend. Here it leaves the asphalt andgoes down the old wine route to reach Paprenica Cove where an abandoned military hor-izontal tunnel for boats can be seen from a distance. The trail skirts the tunnel from thetopside and then descends to the sea. The trails goes further on along the sea and acrossLuka Cove with its lovely beach and proceeds across the coves of Gruπevica and OpatiËinato return to Boæava.


Trail length 3.9 kmClimb 140 mDescent 140 mWalk 1.30 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail starts from the church in Brbinj. It briefly takes the road upwards and then l. toJaz Cove. It proceeds upwards across the settlement to the main island road. It stays tothe l. on the road for about 400 m, and then r. and upwards on a concrete road (furtherasphalted) across Razvrπje Pass, and to the other side of the island to reach the cove witha lovely sandy beach.The trail branches at the last sharp l. bend before the beach and then to the r. It branchessharply downwards to reach extraordinarily interesting formations of plates shaped bythe waves from the open sea (KameniËina).


Trail length 4.3 kmClimb 140 mDescent 10 mWalk 1.30hTrail difficulty - easy

The same description as under a) can be used to reach Zavrπje Pass. At the pass there is a r.branching of a new macadam that winds its way along the top of the island crag throughabandoned olive trees and dry stone walls leading to the main island road near the aban-doned quarry on Luπinja Draga peak. The trail then takes the road to the r. and reachesthe road back to Brbinj or takes the asphalted main island road.

Trail no. 5a) SAVAR - BRBINJ(on the road) RAZVR©JE -U. BRBI©ΔICA

Trail length 4.6 kmClimb 140 mDescent 140 mWalk 1.40 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail takes the main island road from Savar and remains on the road and then to ther. for about 1600 m. Then it turns l. on a concrete (and further asphalted) road and acrossRazvrπje Pass to the other side of the island to reach the cove with a lovely gravel beach.The trail branches at the last sharp l. bend before the beach and then to the r. It branchessharply downwards to reach extraordinarily interesting formations of plates shaped bythe waves from the open sea (KameniËina).


Trail length 5 kmClimb 140 mDescent 10 mWalk 1.45 hTrail difficulty - easy.

On leaving Savar the trail takes the main island road to the right and remains on it forabout 1600 m. Then it turns l. on a concrete road to Razvrπje Pass. At the pass there is aright branching of a new macadam road that winds its way along the top of the islandcrag through abandoned olive trees and dry stone walls leading to the main island roadnear the abandoned quarry on Luπinja Draga peak. Then it takes the road to the r. andreaches the same road back to Brbinj or takes the asphalted main island road

Trail no. 6SAVAR - on the road - STARIKAMENOLOM (old quarry) -VRH O©TRAVICA (peak) -STRA©NA PEΔ (cave)

Trail length 11.3 kmClimb 275 mDescent 205 mWalk 4hTrail difficulty - difficult

The trail takes the main island road leaving Savar. Then l. on the road for about 5300 muntil the abandoned quarry Hrnjetine is reached. There r. for about 100 m up to a concretehouse, then l. and up a slightly visible macadam trail. The trail climbs steeply along the n.slopes of Mount ©kare, then across a vast cove to reach a large pass. There is a l. trail thatbranches for Oπtravica peak (275 m) while this trail continues s. along a vast plateau toreach a good viewpoint on bare and rocky high ground. The view here spreads overnumerous coves and steep shores overlooking the open sea. The trail continues steeplydownwards along very rough and crumbly ground up to the very entrance to the cave.Upon returning from the cave it is recommended to take the macadam road until theabandoned quarry.

Trail no. 7ÆMAN - GLAVO»EVO POLJE(field) - SRIDNJE POLJE(field)

Trail length 4 kmClimb 100 mDescent 100 mWalk 1.15 hTrail difficulty - easy.

The trail leads from the cove itself and on a road to reach the main island road. It inter-sects and leads on an asphalted road upwards to the pass where the road branches. Thetrail then proceeds on the r. branching and descends, crosses a macadam road at the edgesof a small field (GlavoËevo polje) and further on to another field called Sridnje polje.

DUGI OTOK. On a sunny day in October ourjourney started in the ferryboat port leavingfor the most distant island of the Zadar localwaters - Dugi otok. At the ferryboat’sbypassing of the northwestern cape of theisland of Ugljan, a mountainous silhouetteof narrow and long land appeared on thehorizon. At first you think, ”This is just likethe Velebit”, only on the other side. Thisassociation will be revoked many times dur-

ing your stay on the island. Enjoying the afternoon sun on the ship’s deck, andwatching the islands of the archipelago, we asked ourselves how it wouldhave looked without these natural barriers. One prevents the penetration ofcold and continental air from the north and the other, the insular one thatprotects the islands from the open sea, gives the region a Mediterraneanatmosphere with a marvellous archipelago experience.

A JOURNEY NORTH. After having left the ferryboat in the early morning hoursat the landing in Brbinj, famous from ancient times for its Glagolithic priests,vigilant guards of heritage, situated between the two protected coves of Jazand LuËina, we decided to turn north towards the part of the island with

beaches and coves. On theway we passed Dragove,an old island settlement ona hilltop whose name ismentioned in written doc-uments from the 14th cen-tury. The restored parishchurch of St. Leonard andthe cemetery stand on adistinguished locationwhich offers a view of theislets in front of andbehind Dumbovica. Thissmall place where time ismeasured only by your

footsteps has resisted successfully to the force of urbanization, has preservedthe traditional way of living allowing only a few new houses to emerge in itsnarrow streets.

We noticed the same on passing through Soline, VeruniÊ and Veli Rat. Thatimposing part of island nature attracts numerous visitors with its beauty. Smalllocalities are situated at the extreme northwestern part of the island, withtheir fishing ports facing the open sea and used by the local fishermen in theirdaily sea trips. The entire region of Δuna Cove connected with Pantera Cove

through a narrow canal isknown for its berths thatare traditionally used bynumerous seafarers look-ing for a safe anchoragefor the night.

We hurried on to themost extreme point on theisland and Punta Bjankalighthouse at a height of42 m, being the highestlantern on the Adriatic,and built in 1849, duringthe Austro-Hungarian peri-od. A twisting and narrow

asphalted road struggled its way through the pine forest while after everybend we patiently expect contact with the sea. We soon noticed an extendedpeak of a lighthouse and the sound of the breaking waves hitting the rockycoast of the peninsula. The lighthouse area is prepared for guest accommoda-tion. The small houses that remind us of Spanish architecture have been builton properly premises decorated with flowers. In the lighthouse yard there isthe stone chapel of sv. Nikola (St. Nicholas), the patron of sailors. Outdoorweddings are becoming more frequent in this romantic setting.

Upon our return we were full of expectations and visited the beach in Sa-karun for which we had heard to be more beautiful than the famous Caribbeanbeaches! They were certainly right. The sunrays falling vertically on the beachiridescent with the white sand on the beach gave the sea a fantastic and clearturquoise colour. Our eyes absorbed these colours and it then seemed as ifthere were only two things in the world, the sea and us.

The trip continues further to the gentle port of Boæava located in a smallcove surrounded by stone houses next to the sea. On the opposite side of thecove there are two newly built hotels. The locality was first mentioned in 1327under the name of Bosane, known for its fishing tradition and olive oil pro-cessing.

A JOURNEY SOUTH. Themain road meanders fromBrbinj and passes theisland localities, the closestamong which is Savar.Descending down a steeproad to the sea we cometo the pre-Romanesquechurch of St. Pelegrin from1300. The church is situat-ed in the picturesque CapePelegrin, and then StraπnapeÊ (cave) visited in 1904by the Austro-Hungarianemperor Francis Joseph.

The Forum in Zadar, as well as many palaces and churches in Venice and Rome,was built from the stone taken from here. We watch a fisherman in a smallpeninsula-shaped port taking caught fish out of the net. He explained to ushow he was setting aside for lunch the bigger fish such as sea bream andgrouper, while the rest was for the local cats that were already waiting forhim.

We proceed southwards and the road leads across the narrowest part ofthe island where the sea can be seen from both sides. We watch with respectthe imposing open sea on one side while on the other a there is a gentlegroup of green islands and islets from where Rava and Iæ are as visible as thepalm of one’s hand. The view from the sea passes over to the mountains, and

the tallest one in front of us isVela Straæa (337 m) with a trans-mitter on its top. A ramp at thefoot of the road warns us thataccess is not permitted. Under themountain that descends steeplytowards the sea at the end ofRava Channel our view reachesthe picturesque locality of Lukawhich can be reaches by a markedtrail or an asphalted road thatleads directly to the boat landing.

The next two localitiesof Æman and Zaglav areonly at a distance of a fewkilometres. The only gasstation in this part of theZadar archipelago is inZaglav.

At the crossing of theroad that leads to thesouth of the island weleave Æman and take theopposite direction at thesign by the road with theinscription Æmansko jezero

(Lake Æman). The narrow and winding road at the beginning seems to leadnowhere. But with a little patience, after going uphill and downhill, andbends that turn in all directions, across fields where special quality tomatoesare grown, vineyards and dense evergreen under bush. We arrived at two nat-ural phenomena, two Karst lakes, one bigger than the other, lakes that arefilled with water only in the rainy periods of the year. The Big and Small Lakeare exceptionally interesting Karst creations with rich soil and sources of drink-ing water that supplies the entire island. The water is brackish (contains a lotof salt) so desalinators have been installed.

A few km from Zaglav we came to the main island locality of Sali which ishome for half of the 1500 inhabitants of the island. The place is traditionallyknown for its fishermen, well-known for their fishing skills and the fishprocessing industry (”MardeπiÊ”). Today Sali is being promoted as the nauticaland tourist center of the island, and the change here to urban ambience ispleasant for the entire island is besieged by silence.

Thanks to the closeness of TelaπÊica Nature Park, Sali is becoming the start-ing port for visits to this most attractive part of the island. TelaπÊica is reachedby a road that twists around the eastern part of the cove. Silence reigns herein the non-seasonal period. While walking along the trails that had beencrossed by thousand s of visitors’ feet during the summer season we felt satis-fied of being here in the period of the year when the beauty of nature wasshared only by us and the seagulls. It was delightful to sit on a rock under apine tree and difficult to rise and proceed onwards. But the presentimentthat there was more beauty to be seen from the heights rising above the lakeshastened us on to the sharp cliffs on the wild southern coast of the park. Thehighest point called GrapaπÊak (166 m) offers a breathtaking view towards thesouth, the Kornati islands and the open sea. The Zadar region is by far knownfor its spectacular sunsets. While watching the gentle redness on the horizonwe tried to think of what the sunrise was like here during the warm summermonths. The locals say that when the weather is fine after the bora wind thehighest peaks of the Apennine peninsula can be seen on the opposite side ofthe Adriatic.

The center of the bay in which there are 2 islets and rocks is the salt lakecalled Mir for which it has been said to be able to heal many diseases with its

medical mud. The reflection of theshores on the perfect lake mirrorreminds us of another nature com-pletely different from thisMediterranean one.

If in Sali you take a turn at themonument and proceed on anasphalted road where at the end ofthe road there is an inscription ofProversa in fading letters, you canthen reach the very end of the island.

A macadam road leads to the end of the island from where extends a fantasticview of the Kornati islands, the strait of Mala Proversa, the only place throughwhich you can reach the Kornati and TelaπËica from the open sea. Due to itswell-arranged trails and wonderful nature these are the most interestingregions for cycling and trekking on the island.

At the end of our journey we can say that Dugi otok, with its variety,length and difference in height, is just the place for cycling and trekking forthose who are looking for extreme physical challenges to those who wish toenjoy strolling and being part of nature. Silence is the island’s greatest asset.Sometimes it is so intensive that you can hear it.

GEOGRAPHICAL CROSS-SECTION VIEW. Dugi otok is the biggest and mostdistant island of the Zadar archipelago, 52 km long and in some places up to5 km wide, with two characteristic ends; to the northeast, Veli rat is almostcompletely flat, covered with pine and under the constant influence of windscoming from the Velebit and the Kvarner region, to the south the coast isnaked and indented, typical Kornati islands characteristic belonging only tothis region.

The southern part of the island is rocky with steep cliffs and sharp rocks onits southwestern flank, while the central and western part are mountainousand covered with pine and dense green underbush, and in some places woods.Karst valleys with rich soil stretch under the mountain chains. The westerncoast is steep and high while the rest of the coast is filled with coves, straitsand sandy beaches.

CLIMATE. The summers are mainly sunny and the winters mild with an averageyearly temperature of above 16°C. The number of sunshine hours is around2700 yearly, with less than 100 rainy days on average.

FLORA AND FAUNA. The Mediterranean vegetation has more than 400 typesof plants, numerous rare and endemic plants. The northwestern coast aboundsin rosemary, sage, and other ethereal plants. The forests of pine, black oak,fields, vineyards and olive groves are a contrast to the rocky lawn with denseunderbush. The preserved olive trees in the fields of Sali are of particularinterest. The island has a rich animal world. There are about 250 types ofplants and 300 animal organisms in the submarine world, including today’srare and preserved red corals and the meat-eating sponge.

DUGI OTOK - History. Dugi otok was mentioned under the name of Pizuhalready in the 10th century by the emperor Constantine Porfirogenet underthe name of Pizuh. Almost the entire island was owned by the Zadar monas-teries and citizens. The oldest preserved written documents on fishery fromdate 995 and mentions the Dugi otok fishermen fishing pilchard ”na luË”.

At the end of the 10th and 11th century the island was called InsulaTilagus. That name has become the bay of TelaπÊica. The name Veli otok wasfirst noted in Glagolithic in 1460. The island was settled a long time ago. Theoldest archeological findings are from the late Stone Age (Æman). Manyremains from rich houses, settlements and cemeteries have been preservedfrom the Roman period. In the strait of Mala Proversa there was a vast Romansummer villa partly researched and preserved. The remains of a swimmingpool are well visible, and sewage system traces can be seen in the sea.

CULTURAL MONUMENTSParish church of the Assumption, 15th cent. - SaliChurch of St. Rocco from 1644, enlarged in 1855 - SaliChurch of St. Nicholas, 16th cent. - SaliChurch of St. Anthony - SaliChurch of St. Victor - SaliSt. Pelegrin’s chapel, 1300 - SavarChurch of St. Jacob, built in the 15th cent. - SolineChurch of St. Michael, 15th cent - ZaglavSt. John’s chapel, 13th cent. - ÆmanParish church of St. Leonard, 12th cent. - DragoveChurch of St. Nicholas, 15th cent. - BoæavaChurch of Our Lady of Carmela, 17th cent. - VeruniÊ

CYCLING TRAILSAbbreviations: MTB - bicycle for difficult ground (mountain bike)CB - bicycle for asphalted roads (city bike)

Trail no. 1, 1x, 1xx BOÆAVA - SAKARUN COVE - CAPE LOPATA - POLJE - VELI RAT(BRANCHING FOR THE VIEWPOINT OVERLOOKING THE OPEN SEA - 1x) - LIGHT-HOUSE (CHOICE ACROSS SU©ICA COVE- 1xx) - MOST COVE.Trail length 12.8 km, climb 150 m, descent 150 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 2 BOÆAVA - ROAD ACROSS POLJE - ST. NEDILJA - BOÆAVATrail length 3.3 km, climb 30 m, descent 30 m, bicycle- MTB

Trail no. 3 BOÆAVA - MALA GOSPA BRANCHING - DRAGOVETrail length 7.5 km, climb 158 m, descent 40 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 4 DRAGOVE - KOPA»INE - MALA VODATrail length 3.7 km, climb 140 m, descent 140 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 5 DRAGOVE - LU©INJA DRAGA - KAMI»INA - RAZVR©JE - BRBI©ΔICA COVE-BRBINJTrail length 11.7 km, climb 140 m, descent 140 m, bicycle - CB

Trail no. 6 BRBINJ - SAVARTrail length 3.86 km, climb 60 m, descent 60 m, bicycle - CB

Trail no. 7 SAVAR - STARI KAMENOLOM (old quarry) - STRA©NA PEΔ (cave)Trail length 9.2 km, climb 140 m, descent 70 m, bicycle TB

Trail no. 8 LUKA - ÆMAN - SLOTINO POLJE - »LAVO»EVO POLJE - MALO JEZERO -VELIKO JEZEROTrail length 5.93 km, climb 100 m, descent 100 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 9 ZAGLAV - OKO ZAGLAVSKOG VRHA (around Zaglav peak) - NOVI ZAGLAV- OKO REBARA - SALITrail length 8.43 km, climb 65 m, descent 65 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 10 ZAGLAV - TELA©ΔICATrail length 6.22 km, climb 95 m, descent 95 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 11 SALI - DOLAC - STRIHINA GRBA - MAGROVICA COVE- TELA©ΔICATrail length 13 km, climb 130 m, descent 130 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 12 SALI - VELA PLO»A - KRU©EVO POLJETrail length 3.2 km, climb 80 m, descent 50 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 13 SALI - VELA PLO»A - »UH POLJE - DUGONJIVE - MALA PROVERSATrail length 7.9 km, climb 86 m, descent 85 m, bicycle - MTB

Trail no. 14 SALI - ZAGLAV - ÆMAN - LUKA - SAVAR - BRBINJ - DRAGOVE - BOÆAVA -VELI RAT - ”Punta Bjanka” LIGHTHOUSETrail length 43.5 km climb 140 m descent 140 m, bicycle - CB

DUGI OTOK (Long Island)


Information on the publisher and productionZadar County Tourist Board1 Sv. Leopolda B. MandiÊa 123000 Zadar, HrvatskaTel/Fax: +385 (0)23 315-316, [email protected]

Editor: Ivo Dunatov, directorConception and design: Julije SkelinText: Julije Skelin, Mirjana TepπiÊCartography: LemaxProduction: Basic Produktion, www.basicproduktion.hrTrail description: Drago ErcegTranslation: Geo ZadarPhotographs: Zadar County Tourist Board Archives

Ÿ Zadar County Tourist BoardAll rights preserved. Partial or complete reproduction is not allowedwithout the consent of the publisher.


Dear visitors,

· Take water and suitable cycling equipment with you, clothes and footwear for walking

· Do not pluck nor destroy the plants. Do not break branches and damage thetrees.

· Abide by the rules of the national park, reserve and nature park.· Take your litter with you.· Do not light a fire in the forest, and turn out carefully a lighted fire!· Do at least one trifle for nature on every excursion. Pick up box, bottle or can

thrown on the trail.

Thank you!




How to reach it?

By ferryboatJadrolinija• daily boat connection Zadar-Sali-ZaglavDaily boat connection Zadar-Boæava• daily ferry connection Zadar-Brbinj

Jadrolinija - Zadar7 Liburnska obalaTel: +385 (0)23 254-800, Fax: +385 (0)23 [email protected], www.jadrolinija.hrJadrolinija - BrbinjBrbinj (Dugi otok)Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 378-713

Miatours• daily hydrofoil connection Zadar-Sali-ZaglavMiatoursVrata sv. Krπevana, ZadarTel: +385 (0)23 254-300, 254-400, Fax: +385 (0)23 [email protected],

By airplainInternational airport Zadar - ZemunikTel: +385 (0)23 313-311Fax: +385 (0)23

IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERSEmergency 94Firemen 93Police 92Help on road (HAK) 987Information on phone nos. 988General information 981Zadar Mountain Rescue Service (GSS)Tel: +385 (0)23 235-971GSM: +385 (0)91 535-1754Protection and Rescue Center 112

TOURIST OFFICESInformation on hotel and private accommodation as well as auto camps andother tourist points of interest can be acquired at the tourist offices.

Zadar County Tourist Board1 Sv. Leopolda B. MandiÊa, 23000 Zadar, HrvatskaTel/Fax: +385 (0)23 315-316, [email protected],

Dugi otok Tourist OfficeObala Perta Lorinija, 23281 Sali, HrvatskaTel: +385 (0)23 377 [email protected],

Boæava Tourist Office23286 BoæavaTel: +385 (0)23 377-607Fax: +385 (0)23 [email protected]

Brbinj Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 378-741

Luka Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 372-143

Sali Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 377-094

VeruniÊ Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 378-029

Veli Rat Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 378-126

Zaglav Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 377-094

Æman Tourist OfficeTel: +385 (0)23 372-013

TelaπÊica Nature ParkUlica Danijela Grbina23281 Sali, HrvatskaTel/Fax: +385 (0)23 [email protected]






Proversa - NP Kornati


Veli Rat














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