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The Ultimate Guide toRaising your Vibration for

Health, Wealth andHappiness!

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Hi, I am Blessing aka "Presence"From early childhood I recognized "the divine spark" in others; their lovingessence and unique gifts. I learned I had healing abilities after my mother wasdiagnosed with a terminal dis-ease. Since then my life has been dedicated toassisting others to fulfill their life mission and purpose. Following in mymother's footsteps, I became certified in numerous healing modalities, but thebiggest discovery in "raising my vibration" and uplifting frequencies occurredduring a kundalini awakening triggered by a "global healing" I facilitated withthe intention to assist humanities evolution. Having witnessed my mother’shealing crises, (as well as experiencing my own), I am not afraid to dive into thedepths. I know that’s often where the gold is often hiding! My work spans the globe and includes a wide array of education, certificationsand experience in multiple fields including the performing and healing arts,intuitive and grief counseling, community building, etc. I'm also a certifiedaromatherapist, published author, wellbeing and transition coach, groupfacilitator, kindness ambassador, hospice volunteer and "death doula". Mymission is to be a portal for divine grace. I am committed to humbly serving theinvolutionary journey into our collective awakening and unity consciousness.

and I am Charusila GraceI am an Internationally Renowned Intuitive Healer dedicated to transformingthe lives of everyone who crosses my path. My particular passion is identifyingtalented yet terrified intuitive, heart-based souls who need to transform theirrelationship with themselves and raise their vibration in order to allow theirradiant divine light to shine out into the world! I do this through IndividualHealing, Personal Coaching, Group Healing, Online Courses and especially theSoul Alignment Sisterhood.

I love nothing more than watching you transform through the application ofradical self-love, compassionate listening and self-acceptance. I know whatyou are capable of when you allow your heart to sing, I can't wait for you to seeit too! 

I'm inspired by the process of growing together, I look forward to supportingyour evolution and diving into the depth together.

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Welcome to The Portal of Grace"As by Divine Decree, two powerful and inspiring Healers and Teacherswere brought together from opposite sides of the Globe. They've beencreating magic ever since!" The PORTAL OF GRACE is the natural outpouring of our love,commitment and dedication to the peace and well-being of everyonethat crosses our path. Combining powerful energetic healing, vibrational upgrades and deepspiritual wisdom, we are a powerhouse of grounded, nourishing offeringsthat facilitate transformation on the deepest level. We offer IndividualHealing, Personal Coaching, Group Healing, Intuitive Guidance, SacredSinging and Blessing Prayers. In this Ultimate Guide we are providing you with a straight-forward, step-by-step process to understand what Raising your Vibration really meansand how YOU can start taking steps EVERY DAY to Raise your Vibrationand become magnetic to the things and experiences that will truly takeyour life to the next level! When you step into the PORTAL OF GRACE your life will be effortlesslytransformed for the better! We are so happy that you are here.

Charusila Grace Blessing Presence Grace

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You may have heard the saying ‘everything is energy’ - this is a scientificallyproven fact. Inside the table that you’re sitting at, the body you’re sitting in,the phone you’re holding, there are thousands of atoms and at the core ofeach of those atoms are ‘particles’ vibrating with energy! And just like ice melting to become water, or water boiling to become steam,the atoms in your body can change according to what ‘state’ (ice, water,steam…) they are in - i.e. what rate they are vibrating at! There are many ways to increase your vibrational rate, just like there aremany sources of heat that can be used to melt the ice or boil the water. Just like when you put ice into water, it eventually melts and becomes water,the vibrations that surround you can call you into vibrational resonance withthem, if you’re not careful. On the other hand, if you are consciously holdinga particular vibration you can call people, experiences and situations INTOyour field of experience. This is the reason why it’s SO IMPORTANT to take charge of your ownvibration and consciously decide what you are calling into your world.Vibration is 1000 times more powerful than intention alone! And the addedperk is that you get to feel better and better every single day, because raisingyour vibration FEELS GOOD! In this guide we have included the easiest and most beneficial ways to raiseyour vibrational rate. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways, and if youknow of one that REALLY works for you, please continue to do it! You canincorporate any or all of these steps in addition to what you’re already doing.

What does it REALLY mean toRaise your Vibration and WHY

do you need to do it?

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Chanting a mantra is one ofthe easiest and most effectiveways to clear your energeticfield. You can even just playthe mantra in your house tocreate an energetic space ofsafety to return to every day.Creating the habit of alwayschanting a mantra wheneveryou are driving/on the bus, etc.will dramatically improve yourvibration.

You can make simple,nourishing choices every daythat will go a long way toraising your vibration. Cookinga meal, taking a bath,meditating... By prioritizingyourself every day, in at leastsome small way, you will buildthe inner connection thatnotices when you are off trackand empowers you to make ahealthy choice to come backinto vibrational alignment.

Trees and plants don't justtransmute CO2 into oxygen,they transmute heavy humanvibration into clarity. If youdon't have anywhere local towalk, is there a tree that youcan hug? A plant that you cancare for? Engage with naturein some small way every day,and as you do so affirm thatyou are releasing negativityand welcoming positivevibrations.

If you have a relationship withany teachers, guides etc - evencrystals that you love - callthem into your space. Tell themyour intention is to keepyourself vibrationally alignedand you would like their help.Imagine them standing likesentries at the four directions,monitoring who and whatcomes into your energeticspace.

PRO TIPThere are so many mantras that you can choose from several differenttraditions. Here are a few to get you started:Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - May all beings be happyOm Mani Padme Hum - The Jewel is in the LotusOm Namah Shivaya - Salutations to the Auspicious OneOm Tare Tutare Ture Soha - I prostrate to the liberator, mother of all thevictorious ones.

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Create a daily schedule that worksCreating a daily schedule that keeps you energetically aligned gives you apowerful container and an excellent source of reflection for how you're doingthroughout the day.

Charu & Blessing have found that 3short bursts of spiritual practicethroughout the day helps keep theirvibrations higher than one longsession. Aiming for 15 minutes whenyou wake up, 15 minutes in the middleof the day to reset, and 15 minutesbefore bed is a powerful place to start.

There is something unique and precious about you that no-one else has. Youcould call this your superpower. You may have spent years hiding this unique andprecious jewel from the world because of childhood punishment or shame. It's time to dust it off and put it somewhere precious in your awareness!You don't need to talk about it with anyone else just yet, but let yourself tell thetruth and get curious about how you could bring more of that delicious 'you-ness'into your everyday life. If you're an artist, make time to create, if you're a writer, write, if you're a healer,arrange to do swaps with someone you trust on a regular basis. Whatever it isthat brings out the essential you, that brings you joy, find time to do it as often asyou can (at least once a week). These essential activities connect you with your natural harmony, loving essenceand happiness, and this is a high vibration state! A state of being you carry withyou into the "more mundane" parts of your life!

Get connected with your Soul Purpose

Choose practices which feel nourishing to you and are easy to do. For example:Start the day with a gentle breath or candle gazing meditation, catch 15 minutesof mantra meditation in the middle of the day, and end the day with 15 minutes ofGuided Visualization. You will be amazed at how different you feel when you do it.

PRO TIPOrganize your day to make space for the activities that nourish you. Make connecting with your Inner Being (and the Divine, if you're wired thatway) a priority.  Celebrate the unique and precious gifts that you havebeen given. No-one else can do it for you!

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Energetic ExercisesSimple, energetic exercises that you can practise every day. Don't just read, trythem out right now!

Sit comfortably and breathe deeply.Imagine, sense or feel a point of GoldenLight in the centre of your heart. Witheach breath imagine the point of lightgetting brighter and expanding gentlybut firmly through your whole body. Asthe golden light expands, feel it clearingspace within you. Anything negative,heavy or dark is pushed out of your body.Expand the Golden Egg of light to fill thespace around you about 12in. in everydirection. Rest inside this Golden Egg andfeel what it is like to be alone, in your ownenergetic vibration. Carry this egg withyou throughout your days.

Sit comfortably and breathe deeply downinto your belly. Become aware of yoursolar plexus and sacral area (from thebase of your ribs to the top of your pubicbone). Ask to be shown any and allenergetic cords that connect you withother people, situations and things. Startto unhook these cords from your energysystem. You can hold the intention thatany energy that is not yours goes back towhere it belongs. You can also ask thatany cords you have created be cut andthe energy returned to you. You can alsoimagine a sword cutting the air all aroundyou, releasing the energy of the cords.Spend as long as you need andremember to do this exercise at leastonce a month, more if you feel called to.



PRO TIPYou can create a Golden Egg ANY time you feel that there is an energy that is not nourishing for you. You can expand the energy quickly out fromyour heart to fill the space around you (and anyone else that's with you, ifappropriate) and ask for Divine Protection!

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Practise Setting Boundaries

There are several ways that you can practice setting boundaries to keep yourvibration clear and high. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Spend some time to come up with a clearand concise 'boundary sentence' that youcan use when you're unsure of whether asituation or opportunity is in alignmentwith your intended vibration. For example "Thank you so much, I’m notable to give you a clear answer right now,I’ll let you know as soon as I can"

Check in with our heart every day, in asmany situations as possible. Start to feelthe difference between a YES and a NO -how it feels in your body, whatthoughts/images arise etc. Honoring yourinstinctive first response and finding away to act on it will support you to createboundaries that are aligned with you.

Find an 'accountability buddy' - someonewho is as keen as you are to keep theirvibration high and learn to setboundaries. Agree to text or reach out toeach other regularly to check in. Knowing that someone has your back,and can help you 'clean up' when thingsget messy helps enormously!

PRO TIPYou are bombarded with choices and opportunities throughout the day. Ifyou don't create a healthy habit for yourself you run the risk of falling intounhealthy habits unconsciously. Take time with these practices to setyourself up for success!

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Let Food be your Medicine!Making conscious choices about foodis one of the easiest and most obviousways to raise your vibration on a dailybasis. After all, you have to eat everyday!There are two aspects to this - one iswhat you eat and the other is how youeat. Both have the capacity to increaseyour vibration when done right. 1) Eat as much fresh, home-made,natural food as you can. Avoidchemicals and preservatives. Eat whatis truly nutritious for your body. If youare used to eating a lot of processedfoods, transition gently and getsupport if necessary. (We can help youwith this too.) Cook with love, listeningto mantras or uplifting music as oftenas you can.2)  Whenever possible, sit down to eat.Before taking your first mouthful, say aprayer or blessing to expressappreciation for the food in front ofyou and bring you into the presentmoment. Eat consciously and cheweach mouthful with awareness. Feel thefood nourishing your body and raisingyour vibration.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT...A few years ago Charu was out running errands and she got really hungry.Thinking it would be 'fine', she stopped into the nearest cafe. Although shedoesn't remember what she ate, she clearly remembers what came next -within an hour of eating she was having all these flashes of really violentscenes that she had never seen before. She could even 'see' the screen theywere being watched on. At first she was totally confused - where did theseimages come from? When she went to track them, it was immediately clearthat they came from the cook who had just prepared her meal!

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Use Your Journal Wisely...Writing can be highly therapeutic when done consciously and with intention.These 3 journalling exercises will help you come to clarity and make goodchoices, the key to raising your vibration and keeping it high!

Getting clear on what works for you, what truly makes youhappy, lights you up and keeps your vibration high is oneof the keys to making good choices in the future.Set aside 5-10 minutes at the end of the day to think backthrough everything that occurred and highlight foryourself what you appreciated, what truly made you feelinspired, connected and alive. Allow yourself to feelgratitude not just for the experience but for how it madeyou feel. Ask for more of whatever you are appreciating!

Sometimes by the end of the day you can feel fraught andfrustrated. Instead of going to bed discombobulated, trythis powerful journalling exercise:Think back through your day and pinpoint when youstarted to feel "off'". - What happened? Did someone saysomething? Did things not go as planned and you startedto judge yourself? Get as specific as you can. Over timeyou will become conscious of the internal thought thatspiraled out of control and you will catch yourself sooner.

At the top of the page write "If there were noconsequences, I would..." and for whatever situation,question, concern you are dealing with, tell your unfilteredtruth to yourself. Write down EVERYTHING you would sayor do, no matter how 'rude' or shocking! There is noobligation to do what you would love to do if there were noconsequences, but once you tell the truth to yourself, youcreate a lot more space to be creative in how you chooseto respond.

PRO TIPIf you don't like writing or you find that you communicate more clearly whenyou speak, you can answer the same questions verbally out loud. (Thinkinginside your head doesn't count!). Charu and Blessing often record into adictaphone or onto a voice memo. This allows them to refer to it later. Youcan also plug your headphones in and do this as you walk in nature to beefficient!

Daily Appreciation / Gratitude

What Triggered Me?

No Consequences

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You're going to love life this way!


We're so excited to see the transformation that you are going to create in yourlife as you take on the exercises in this guide. Our recommendation is to do atleast one thing EVERY SINGLE DAY!The surprising thing about life is that you never, ever know what is comingaround the next corner... If you're not prepared and in a high-vibration state, youcan be caught on the back foot and knocked off balance. Our desire for you is that you raise your vibration in a sustainable way and enjoyyourself along the way. Joy, pleasure, love, happiness, creativity - these are allhigh vibrational states and the more time you spend there every day, the higheryour vibration will become.

We also know how hard it can be to raise your vibration alone when there are somany energies swirling around you and interacting with you every single day.Blessing has been gifted with a very high vibration since the day she was born.Over the years she has learnt to 'share' this vibration with others in a simpleprocess that she calls Healing & Blessing Prayers (although it's a lot more thanthat). Receiving these energies automatically upgrades your energetic vehicle, invitesmore Grace and fulfillment into your life and facilitates healing wherever it ismost needed every single day. She loves sharing these frequencies and seeingthe profound and surprising results they create in a very short time - sometimestruly miraculous outcomes that no-one could have predicted. She would be honored to support you in your journey to raising your vibrationand creating the life, health and happiness that you've always dreamed of!