the tiger essay blueprint

The Tiger: A Story of Vengeance The Tiger: A Story of Vengeance and Survival Essay Blueprint and Survival Essay Blueprint by: Miguel Martinez by: Miguel Martinez

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This is my multimedia presentation for my online english class. The essay blueprint is for the book "The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival


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The Tiger: A Story of Vengeance The Tiger: A Story of Vengeance and Survival Essay Blueprintand Survival Essay Blueprint

by: Miguel Martinezby: Miguel Martinez

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Humans and animals have lived together on earth for thousands of years. We have been

able to work together with animals for a common cause, and we have also been able to hunt one another for survival. Humans hunt animals for sport, for food, and for

money. Animals hunt not only humans, but other animals also for food and for their own

survival. Animals, such as tigers, attack other humans and animals when being

instigated first. The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival (The Tiger) deals with an Amur tiger in the wild region of

Russia who is on a killing spree. The novel focuses on a group of men who are in charge of keeping tabs on tigers and poaching in the area. The tracking team soon learns that the tiger has targeted Markov, stalking him over an extended period of time, intent on murder.

It becomes unclear who is actually hunting who, if the tracking team is hunting the tiger

or vice versa.


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The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival shows how humans and animals, in this case the endangered Amur Tigers, share several characteristics with one another. The tiger and the tracking team shared traits such as the will to survive, the hunger for vengeance, and determination for a goal

Refined Thesis Statement

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Khomenko had the will to survive when he tried to kill the tiger and had the will to survive after the tiger broke both his legs and wrist. The tiger shows the will to survive after being shot by Markov, the tiger remembered Markov’s scent and made sure to kill him in order to provide safety for himself.

The tiger tracking team wanted vengeance on the tiger for all the people it killed. Markov wanted vengeance on the tiger for having killed one of his hunting dogs. The tiger destroyed anything and everything with Markov’s scent in order to get revenge on him for shooting at him.

The tracking team was determined to hunt the tiger and kill it no matter the obstacles (Terrain, weather, the tiger). The tiger was determined to kill Markov and to also stay alive. The tiger shows its able to hide from the tracking team and able to hunt them down.

Three Supporting Arguments

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BODY 1Topic Sentence Point 1

The will to survive is exhibited in both

humans and the Amur tiger. We see

Khomenko’s will to survive when coming face to face with the

tiger for the very first time, and the tiger displays the will to

survive after he is shot for the first time by


Khomenko demonstrates the will

to survive after the tiger has left him for

dead in the below zero weather. He shows that

he is willing to do anything to survive and will not give up on life

so easily.

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“Khomenko maintained his composure because he emptied the barrels individually rather than together.”(pg.107)

“Khomenko was probably unconscious for a time, but he came to and, with his remaining usable hand, he drew his knife. Then he began to crawl back the way he had come. He was found a few feet from his neatly laid gloves, frozen to death, his legs jutting off at odd angles.” (pg.107)

This quote shows how Khomenko was able to build enough courage and strength to give himself a chance of surviving. By crawling the way he gave he gave himself an opportunity to be saved by another person, or reach his home to call for help. His will to survive allowed him to drag himself with only one arm under tremendous pain in order to stay alive.

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The Amur tiger shows the will to survive after being shot by Markov. Despite being shot several times and wounded, the tiger continues his mission of hunting down anything and anyone with Markov’s scent in order to eliminate any possible threat to his life.

“…Markov shot at the tiger…The misfortune was that the tiger memorized the smell of that man and started hunting him.” (pg.326)

“He was afraid to go home then because he knew that he had not killed the tiger. He ran four miles to Uncle Vanya’s, and stayed there, hoping the tiger would go away.” (pg.327)

“Listen, you have to go to the village or somewhere else; you have to leave the taiga. The tiger will not let you live.’ And that’s when he left.”(pg.327)

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Quote one shoes how the tiger immediately started to hunt down Markov after being shot at. The tiger felt as though his life was in danger so he attempted to chase Markov down following his scent. Quote two shows how the tiger has already begun to chase Markov down even after he traveled four miles away. In the third quote, Uncle Vanya is explaining to Markov that he must keep moving because the tiger will not give up on his hunt.

Both humans and animals demonstrate the will to survive. Khomenko shows it in the story after almost having all his limbs ripped off and still managing to drag his dead weight body towards his home. The tiger shows the will to survive by chasing down a possible threat to his life, Markov. The purpose of life is to live. Both humans and animals will do anything in order to give themselves as much life as possible.

Comment 2 Concluding Sentence

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BODY 2Topic Sentence Point 1

In the story The Tiger, vengeance is seen in humans after several

attacks from the Amur tiger; and the tiger

demonstrates vengeance when he hunts down Markov destroying anything

with his scent.

After several attacks from the Amur tiger, a group of men were given the task to hunt the tiger down and kill it. The hunters were looking for revenge against the tiger

for all the people it had killed. Similarly, Markov

wanted revenge against the tiger for one of his attacks.

Markov shot at the tiger after the tiger killed one of

his hunting dogs.

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“Shibnev and Pionka fired eleven times between them; Trush fired twice….Pionka fired a final control shot. The tiger was dead, perhaps many times over…”(pg.525)

“Trush’s rifle had gone down the tiger’s throat, all the way to the stock. The stock itself was cracked, and pocked with teeth marks, and the gas tube, which runs along the top of the barrel, had been crushed….in the end, the margin between Trush’s life and death came down, literally, to millimetres and fractions of seconds…”(pg.527)

“As it happened, the tiger killed this boar very close to a road. At the same time, Markov was passing by with his dogs. The dogs ran toward the tiger, the tiger killed a dog, and, either because he was scared or because he didn’t know what else to do, Markov shot at the tiger.” (pg.326)

First quote shows the amount of firepower the group of hunters shot in order to kill the tiger. They shot the tiger again, most likely in the head, in order to make sure the tiger was dead. The team wanted to make sure that the tiger could not kill anyone else ever again. The second quote demonstrates how willing the team was to achieve the vengeance against the tiger. Trush came millimetres away from dying himself. This shows how the group was willing to sacrifice their own life in order to achieve their revenge. The last quote explains the scene when Markov shoots the tiger for killing his hunting dog.

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After being shot by Markov, the Amur tiger wanted vengeance against Markov. The tiger went on a rampage destroying and killing anything and anyone with Markov’s scent. The tiger used its incredible senses and tracking skills in order to achieve his revenge against a threat.

“They discovered the heavy aluminum water dipper Markov used for drinking; it was all but unrecognizable. It had been chewed so savagely that it looked as if it had been used for target practice and then run over by a truck. Next to it was an enameled steel saucepan that had also been badly scratched and dented. They located Markov’s axe, its handle gnawed to splinters. His latrine, his beehives—everything that might have his scent on it—had been thoroughly explored and much of it destroyed. His washstand had been knocked off the cabin’s outer wall, and there was a swipe of tiger blood by the door. ”(pg.114)

“As Trush and his team pieced the evidence together, they came to understand that this tiger was not hunting for animals, or even for humans; he was hunting for Markov.”(pg.116)

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The first quote shows the ferocity of the tiger and the level of vengeance it seeks. The tiger is not only hunting Markov, but he is also destroying anything with his scent. The second quote from the author proves that the tiger was hunting Markov and was willing to destroy anything related to him. The tiger’s anger was so high that it wanted to make sure any and all importance to Markov was eliminated.

Both humans and animals have a sense of vengeance. The human tracking team was seeking vengeance in order to avenge their dead members of their society and to save many others. The tiger was seeking vengeance for being shot at by Markov. Both the tracking team and the tiger went out of their way in order to get their revenge.

Comment 2 Concluding Sentence

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BODY 3Topic Sentence Point 1

In order to achieve their own personal goals, the

hunting team and the tiger showed great determination

by not allowing anything stop them. The tracking team was determined to

hunt down the tiger and kill it no matter the challenges.

The tiger shows its determination of hunting Markov by hunting him

down and not allowing the tracking team to kill it.

The tracking team endured harsh weather and terrible

living conditions while tracking the tiger for a long

period of time. Most importantly, the fact that

there was a man killing tiger somewhere lose did not stop them from achieving their


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“Here, timber wolves and reindeer share terrain with spoonbills and poisonous snakes, and twenty-five-pound Eurasian vultures will compete for carrion with saber-beaked jungle crows….Nowhere else can a wolverine, brown bear, or moose drink from the same river as a leopard…”(pg.57)

“Only afterward, when the exit tracks were followed, did it become clear the tiger had never left the site. Despite the presence of heavy machinery and half a dozen men, it had remained nearby, watching, just as it had the day before. As one taiga hunter said, “The tiger will see you a hundred times before you see him once.”(pg.108)

“It was early afternoon, just below freezing, when Sokolov ran across a set of tiger tracks and stopped to measure them;” (pg.392)

The first quote shows the diversity of the terrain and also the dangers including the poisonous snakes the trackers needed to go through at one point of their journey. The second quote shows the danger of the tiger itself. The group of hunters felt as if at one point they were the ones begin hunted. The tiger was able to see the group of men and remain completely invisible. If it wanted to, it would have been able to kill the men when they least expected it. The third point shows the determination of the trackers to follow tracks even in the freezing weather. They risked the chances of getting sick in order to kill the tiger.

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The tiger shows his determination for his goal by tracking and stalking Markov. The tiger uses its stealth and tracking skills in order to achieve his goal of killing Markov.

“Both shots hit their mark but had absolutely no effect; the tiger came on in a blur of twelve-foot leaps”(pg.107)

“The tiger had clearly been on the premises for a while, perhaps days—long enough to defecate at least twice, both times within a few feet of the cabin. It was as if the tiger had staked a claim to the premises and all they contained.”(pg.114)

“Tiger tracks were everywhere, circling the cabin, interrupted only by packed depressions in the snow where the animal stopped to wait and watch before circling the cabin yet again. In one spot, by the wellhead, the tiger had lain on a patch of snow long enough to partially thaw it out.”(pg.114)

Point 2 Proof 2

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The first quote shows how even after being shot at twice, the tiger still continues its attack. The tiger’s determination is so great that even getting shot doest affect him. The second quote shows how the tiger was determined to get Markov that he camped outside of his cabin for days. Despite not eating, or moving, the tiger waited and waited for Markov even in the intense cold. The third quote shows the same as the second, the tiger has waited outside of the cabin for so long that it melted the area of snow it was laying on. This is in the middle of winter, so the snow was at least a foot high.

The tiger was blinded by the thought of achieving his goal that nothing was going to stop him. Neither the elements nor gun shots. The tiger’s determination and persistence lead him to his goal, it ended up killing Markov along with destroying many of his possessions.

Comment 2 Concluding Sentence

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The Tiger demonstrates how humans and animals share several characteristics with one another. In this case, we examine the characteristics shared by the amur tigers and a tracking team which include the will to survive, the hunger for vengeance, and determination to achieve a goal

Humans and tigers in The Tiger share several traits that make them very similar. We can see several examples of shared characteristics in our everyday life.

Restatement of Thesis Key Point

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Humans and animals share many of the same characteristics. Its with these characteristics that we have been able to get close to certain animals and have been able to work together with them to make our lives easier. The Tiger shows how animals and humans are similar, we learn that if we are willing to work for something then we are able to achieve it.


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MUSIC BY: Composer - Jake LaVallee, Owner of <>


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