the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-12-09 [p...

THE STUN SUNDAY DECE1YIBEK 1900 10 V EXPRESS TRAIN SMASHUP WHICH XKA miADHLHIM- unnreTs rrn x MIK- rr lfk Cir Jmmft lh trick Hill riprM rrnm WMblnjl T rk- PniiMii i T- itimhpd m thp W lilfifftnn Piprp thAt Unm Vn hir lon at II A M rrprp wreokod- on HIP Ihlinilillililn and llultl moTe inllr nl t my Jurry station n- tjU oVioilt this attrixxii Ilir1itP m ra- prcirs tiitel of whom umnlpd HIP trnlti i t- Wllmlniftiin r utlirr trttlons nearer this city InJufd two ol thom rwrlmis- Inllj lluiw are Miss Kinrnn lJuuelierty mid Mls Win IIHI both nf Uiiftrr l- IIP loinirr bad bitli i brokPn and her hiiik and tin lutur v litiit liitiirmilly- Mlm II II Iliiwr Wlliiiirtftiin fprl- ou ly litt M Alirl1 t irty lliMtir- hadlirr hniJ nnd Hue builly lamuUd Urn Lulu tilowi Itaillnmrj ifoIVPil a cotiiinmid fracture u tin tut i nd I In liiilviTnlty- ll i lt l 8 II IIIIH of the St iJpnls Hut NPW York u piietly Injured and uttfr IIUVIMI Ms wounds uriK rd by doctors nt t i Mtii uf LIt HOildiiit IIP went In 11 road bin it tiitlHi mid HI Itiimbiy I U New vpik u t JuiUiiiii or ViilrMCtnH- L it inr liiiu iipv niy Mm M- lioiny ilinl it ton bLItz lifr cut n bti id n tin1 body Urvnear- Militiu B NPW il IP NIT writer arid Ircliror wax badly brultnd anti cut In fvcral- jlucis nn ii I liu ollurs Hlvlvrd only njuiii- ji Miik in fiii d l y nn pinttv tint rar Init w loliiir shifted nn tl o truck ulotig- NCP t it nil vlilrli t i PIIM MH at th rut nf twcnijlvp miles HII li ur The box nir li I iiU t t lb third with i iii ciiii rM tr in tn llHltlnmrt1 H i snij lli T d of- ilic tHiii wii so Krrnt I al Ui Iuljninu rurrird uliiii nil rkM mt t end of tlm- flril ilay piuch rciuulil I nd f tin t oi iKr- atiil it iind tin tlnon 1iwiiik poiirnet ifiin nil iid t I IP nfiwr- Jlic I II i til i i o iupli of tPil rrnm tun laiit tli- wricl iiciiiiTid nd lcLiiw from thtrp and from t n lic ln tctlan lliililnl murliy nri ti i ii l rl In I M t Bn uti- ritiiir all lir liiiur d had ln n nired lor nnd In iirtiKn ininutii mrro the tricli wora Ilisr- nnil triilllr wn tfinn- vntMi c iirnir KIII HIVHKI- TfellKninin Ilr nuil Man fonnd With t- Unllrt llnlP In Ills head llnl heeD II- IIrlii 11irnui tlio nnnllilentlnl rlrrk for KniUnor IJCH V r v wlidpnole dry 4ooiis iiiirpliliit if n id Worth plrnl- Mitihatinn cuiiinltil viluliM by thont Inc hii In tho loir at his liirnp nil Lnfv itttn iv nnp llruiklyn about noon yes turd iy Mr llnrnip hm brrri 111 for MX month of nirvoM rrotrntiin and was lulnct troitrd- ly Dr I Sn iltn win llrod nel mmr to hin At tlniH in had flu of mpMiioliollfi And hPiMuiK dPHrmnditif Ills wlfo went Postfin on Tlod v la t to vlt liar dati h- rprrvin thn wife if Jon J Tnvl r of tho Io tlln i liho Sh iij rcifl to rpturn O n riOv Mr Hnrntp vlsltpd thp er riry tcrp nt- rmnlirrlninl ntr t nnd nvintf n- ttrsi oMClj vpstirdiiv nn niul t k d- rlth Iclui the lniKkiTr Mii- Mlklnc to tilin Mr llttnafi tr re oil 1 pltn rf- patiT itiit vrnti n It snil m to ii ten htritt Snlioit ntv Im nske d ppriiil inn to kn tu n Km ill n oni In tin1 nllir hut is the rillir was lnrU Mr stiilrn lilt nut rr nt r iHt Mr llrnsi tlifn writ Hhorty nftir iioii Uf roiiK Ainoli Evortt ran Into tt ur fr sd n md sild the himw- rni iu Hr iim MohtPtibt rir n rli rk went buk with lipr Vrin liar rpnchoa- thp bathrfioni thiy fund Mr llurnsp on hU- l ri i with hts viil TIT nnd- u rrTolv r iilni In tii tnt Ilr Im and Or Kluliirdsiiu w ro uinnionml hut Mr Jlurruii wa UKI- IMvli nhk pr 8trldnn lenrnod thcp facts l hl tliftt M Ilnrnnt had told bias wwkc tfo tliHt lu cru anytlilne l to liti i w iil Ms Jotn- O Tiiylnr of HP H of thlr notlfuil It vrna In I tlHt Nir llutuip BS notired- of iipr hti bnnds islrldP P addr sB 370 Fulton HtriPt wldcli Mr wilttrn- on In tIn tote Is thnt nf I rntlttln u Edward uudertuk Mr Hurt w1 M vpirii old l hut rlvcd br H wlliw snd two dinirMtHr Ho hud bppn ninfH In HIP dry bu lnp tar ni ny renri Ahont t n nim li- WHK tninaifer of thp M mritMn ppich lintel For ln v or ho thAt bp n tin oroinUt of lipfnrmpd ClinrP1 n the Mulil Mr- nnrrnf IVKR i h orl nd of the late exMayor- Mllljra U Strnni- fWAUArr rirrv SEEK nironcga- yi IIli Wife tint Item Pllrtlnc and That lilt Life la Intolerable BT Iofs It n Wallace Cat an flied a suit this aftnrnnnn lUrorco from Flor- ence rinfu whe liefore her manlane waa- lllas Florence daughter of Robert liMns of Xormindy St lnnta county The general nIeflitlsn N that Mrs Tniien baa cut eoted him to Indlsnlllei whlcli have rnado- liU IIM dttrlne the past year Intolernbls Only ore eclflc offence Is named Ihnt of illrllne with a rmtnu milAn namod J A Iloyer- nt Fiu ts restaurant The couple i eroatd tact Yedneadaj1- Mort m Jnnrdan ittirney fur Mr Capen hid tit tile the ret Urn till t nt the hour if clmltiu the ific nf th lrcilt Clerk tti- lnfternum They tnre n cLlldr n- Mrn It th aeoorid dnitehwr of Mr nail Mrs HoLert J lucas of Norrnandr- Kcr family Ii cue of the oldest and known In St She N abuiit 3J year and tirlor tu licr marrluir thre year ado u In MCII VI Some time before her Wetldlne Mls lucas luau tx conie cniaeed to B named Ounrln luiiuo nns In i nluinbiia otiln Their was ann mnr d and tho- ilate of ih weddlnw K was broken ofT lied caused Immlry to bo mnc an in tie tnndlne Mr IticnK Her tntir to Mr Capon waa unoatcntatlout- WOT 111 WIFE AVI WOrWrTnVt4W Two Women In the flnipltal a the Keinlt of Iumtlt Uuirrel James J Herd an engineer 4K rears old of 501 Clinton streot Ilronklyn his wife Kllzaheth behind the left par at A oclock tact vn1tuafterarjiiarrel Tho womans mother Mrs May H d of lOV est Nlnetynlnth- trevt Manhattan who loud Joiner In the uuarrel received a lulllet In the left shoulder Hhe Is oi year old Doth women taken lo Island Collece llospjtul where the bullets were extracted Neither wound Is dsnaerou- Reeii wh wa arrester will b arraigned In Hutler treet flirt hut mornln on the char f of Httempteri His story us tu the neree with that of wife anil llirlnlaw that relied over hit lutlmatlnns that Ids wife haul been twin Improper relations of her The n wound waa- lecelverl while tn knock Hi of lleils hand The wife ia supported ier ef nnd husband who has not for a coimlderuble time keoplru H lOiU- liK house i in LAST TWO nr rrrrrv nnonnit- n rc the Millers Who Mtre Found Dead In a T t Street lintel hitch V BrUiw an urilerlnker of Milton Iliter cfiurty canm to this rlty tact nUlit for bodies cf Henry amid Mlllam Miller f that town yoiitic men w re foutid lead In teil In a r t tT ct hotel on Fililny- inorntnc It wn bellovrd that ono of tlnrii- V luau Mr nrluo i1 thst th two yoiinc niti- fnnn T uf Mi l ilid n f w VPIH They wet lu this r to jn to riiltiir bark tr thN rotmtry v- of a roii r win hid iioti thrrV Sptidli wii Ml ti iinmi rs or lx yeirs the inof relation left to mmirn- Imnin With l A nln- Etnm iiildnnnilii rptuniPl frim Iir pnrniiii i nM rij that thori wi to IP nnnr Mt- l i Vl nlUP i1 r- on Tii11 i liar n M MI t M 11 i Iiv York P U riiriljrnnnr 1 AND I j a cw- F I 1ti lb IIII Hf omI f tha fls7- f atb u iiii in tti AefIdNt- I IHfl Y4JUF ii nit gt on I I q e g t nit M1 I Ii ur at I iI Iiiil WAN I Iii 4 I f s Ii tI C i Vb brit b4Ver4i- I nI id V 4 I t I 14 I t 14 Pull mu I S tin n fit wit I 1 1 era L iil rlty l it hun ar w tIP t I I alan V I t 4 1 1 tc i In I F 4 I Iii I rid ii till it 4 L hum I I I tin hFi S I j tIm pit i on ui I Ilur tin p tin d I if I 41 I tn- p41 a ha 2 goods J I I the a n p for limas I e I it I 4 I I I waR- S 1- t j j l wtio f ft yhun It wea Iearru1 that tip taming trim it tug I t t a stunt II I J were c the Ion I I hue 4 I I chnoh i4 1 t I J t l u J I tie I fIn L t F 4 I ud t uimd on t r ca nli1cmit lii uiiil I hi- I mu I i 1 crrn tti le it flhhatt irc f altn 1 itS t belt A III I t tie I fatuity tvvi dl 1 withIn t i i ikur mI i unit I tur k hut ni luton i ttitn Inn < A on rut wti rat Cfl i I t I in t I tilt i iii I ulia it- s w bert 1 r > > < ° > > > < < < > > < < < ¬ > > > >> > nonrtArrrtM rnitttt nirrM- tn F lar niifarlai Pianist PUT HI- Enifst Von Dohnatiyl he Is plain Dohnany when compoaertrave lila third piano reclln- al Mendelsohn itch yr erlay nfleriioon The protraiuin was brief IlachHeethoTen- tlrahms tho famous trinity of Vnn IlUlnw- ami Dohnanyl nachs jrreat dirnniatl- raritaay In D minor hended the afternoon work It wan played with nil Hi iireadllt- aarie roulcal Intlllgence nnd fire dynatnl- dl nrllnlnntli n we eipect front this tflftm young artist He In seldom atibtK rathe Via forthrl ht nt times In a we t eyei- tiiuler rolir anti eetitlment chrme win Played th lletlioren SonntA In J P s 1- 1So I It Is 11 oompoiltlon o seldoin heart In piihllc that It stiirire u d tie notion of rerlTiil of llretlinven early piano snnatns It Is certain tlint If the Inthetlc Sotmti wen revived by n wrtiit artist plmio ntudent would not fall t benefit br such n rnre op- finrtutilty Tlinso wurka era Imposslbl- iutthln ncadnmlo walls Th jif uhtiM number waa opus j vorlatloni fucni on n theme by Handel Tiicj Mete played with abundant vlttuo lty- Dohnnnrl eenw to play clmlcnlly lustIer a- eTerj conrert Ill own composition con sIded nf a Krhomi C sharp an Inter mein I1 minor a In 11 mlnorU- nuijor net minor ne tho pioHramnn1 tlatcd The ronipr iir Mill admire the mu liof HIT huven 8chuntnnn and Drnhms Ills tutor rmrro shows Ilrahms adoration tie caprlc do littrnyi a itronir phomatlc Umnln tnwtt Beethoven limit there Is Individual lnvn tint fantasy grace dfft manipulation o- ipaSBce work Indffd much tint iiroml iird nil that is wellsotindlnu A lnrr aud- ience was prtrent end an Interested one At tie cloe tliere wa cnthuslHsm and for a recall plete Pohnanyl usve llubinntelni- C mutant Ilarcarclln thoueh without much tonal beauty or poetic sentiment The Aernnil rhtlharmtinlc ronrert Th second concert of the rhllhirmnnl- Snclef In Carnecle Hall ant night Htlraclct an tintisiinll Inrxe atidteiioA boctusc of th- Htrius noTcIt The perfonnnnco of thl- c olopoan work wns much smoother th ill the mitlno Frldav The trumiieta o- ri etaee wire In Iwtter tarot and thiw wa- mnre pn8loti morn perspective to th entlr r The moii Is a time o- t rror nnd turmoil end the lntrr dtetlon o- etrnneous thnitla material latmr ni un ait fnclor 1 ever Hut the wnrk is in ntlrK e med mor- eohe ve tho rl7i tlc wph mnrn clns siun rot tMs Coinljelnr Tmll Inur I1 to he thnnked After tint srrorihnny he waa culled out rniny tlme lie deserved much pril for Ills tindcrtnldtiir Irlt7 Kri l ler deepened he ImrriMjtnn ncated by lirllllint dssli log pUvInu nt the public rehnarsil Ill work In the Tartlnl music was osrccilly- eliitient And after the terncfli counter point and multitudinous liirmonlei of iioros 11e Viiier Illdo of the Vn rounded litre the AnJtble corccol hog of a bawl of hobby hones AT TUK orrRA Mil of Those Who Will Occnpy Dlorkhnlden- lloxei this Ke on The Hat of hoxholders for th approaching eason of opera nt thn Metropolitan was made publlft yfHterdiy The Voc holders boici will be occupied bv the ffillowlns llo I Mr Otdn noMM sit Box 2 A P and matneri- frmbrnk Jonis Wrdnftday Ororce 15 lode Krdaa Hoi 8 R T Wllsin anti odd rratne t lrrlrn and Mrs I HeiveMrrmt- dtifsdays Mr and Mrs 11 orme Wilion tiiUaya- MCL J iriltik P ar ori rtrn Inn 4 Aiifust Ililinonl two Monday eten Frt davs and all rrMliv Jamei Spur ntlur Mum daS Mri J Iriotilt Mls L r- Snlnr iliy9 MM SOt old Iridays Inn 6 i M ltd arid Jonn ouoan er n nlrbts and odd matnfi Anton Ihrlpi Slokrj other berl rruanr 3 lilt D William IL VandeiUII- Dm 7 ilra A Wr and tad Mr John Jacob Hot a U a D Horden and Cornelius N Dllu- allnitlD II n StanfiM Wht Mondays Charles T Barney Wednudays J T ttnllrj- T Uarnry rostinee- snoi in jeor e I lUltr opening Monday alibI E II harrIman c rnhituikW- edne l 11 Francs Kridayi Mr Usher and Mr Falinejtori allirnaunj maknees- Hox II Utluionl- Dox i Henry Cle old nlcbts and rren mail B M Oeurie J lIen ulcou and old mail Uox It Mia Dryer odd nrLU and ten matlcco usual U Trail tea nltkti and odd coat- llliii 4 Cieorre Jlnry Warren Jr end W Starr- Xlllirr alternate Mondays Mr and Vrt Prrcltn- Ilobrrts dneiJay lamei it Ilarrtn Fridays John tuoaca and Ucir e Heury Waneo lini IS Adrian I ln Monday and tinate- matlnera William 0 KnclreeUer V dnelty m- a and alternate matinee Uo l leti I Morton Monday and alternate tnatlre i Oeorre T IM Wedrmlays Md fclte- jrwlf mMlne Mr fieorie lll s Frlclsyv- Itox IT II MiKTwnmblyatid W Ii Slane- lloi 1 tMles II Alexander oM Monday n4- onethird roatlneevi tdwanl It Damn een M n- rtaj Pnlllirr and atntl Vrliienlclil alter- nate VVedresJayj 1 TeinJi and cnetlilrd matinees Alexander Melwnalil onethird- tnatlreej hut IM II I Ilairey Mondays and odd matlntea- Mr IiraJleh Jnhnxir Vedne iiyi Oror t Tucker Fridays Jules H nrl sItu matlnri Hoi o I O Mills Pox fl Oilier ii Jenrilnri Mcinday Ml t Jen- nings tVrrinc dayi Mrt Fdirard Mc rf IVb1nenr Mrs 1 flood Wrtfht rrluAj Mr l ntmln- Drewtter ruaunre- Un ZJ Rr and Mr W Seward Webb Mandy end Fridays James 1 n Ain Vfdnr i Mrs II Mortimer flrimk rrrtlcer hoc it I T tjtm mnilnei K J tltrwlriil Ve lnMrty I I Wlntinc Fricnss- lloi 14 Mr hubert lioeUt all performance MOJ IJ a llav n o d Mm eyn eTer ire day atd odd matlnet John I rattens even Mon- days oddvedne day and e en maUreev John rrlrtay Hit fi I Dabcoele Mondays matlnM loin M IloTrt dnesdiya ami Mrs rharl a T IMlrcr oiU t llenrj Sm In et n Fr- da s lint J7 S Ilowdnln Mondays end allr rat rnatlnes Ctarlei cr Werlnejtdavs ulfrnate nntine i Mr FrMtrlfV e nn llnx W llavard ruttlnj Murdavs id Alter Fridays Mrs 1 V Dxnliren wednidu W 1 iJutn alttrnal Friday waiter J Oak man ITStlll- lo 29 Mrs AleiandM Van X st Monilar and all rnat miVneu Mn Hrmsnn We- ilnrUvs Mrs Itfharl iiamhrll FriiUyi and alki nat matnerK- lini ii W C Whitney all perfnraiance Hot SI JamM 3tilra n all iirtorrnarrea lint S luther Kiitmtt Mix rwlia- i irnf dne Freddie Oallaln Fri tliiys Mrs Kounur Mr S U c n m tlne j lit M TtiOnas Illtohenrk Mnnilnj s and two third matin Jivtph Slirknet WriHiesday lrtdiv and nuetbitd nttiiesU- nx Jlllelxr K hilhup MondaVk and IKO third matinees Mrs F Wrtnnlan Adrian Uilln Jr Irldv cud rn third tnjitmiev- llox K J Ilrpiit Mirtan all performance AmoiiR the holdera of wand tier boxes ore MUi E U lit lacob 11 S huff Kdward Kemp Mr leflersori Coddlnston II II Mrt C Hester V H Poor Tol- H II M IInrv T Charles t line nnd Francis fl l e ett The Opera flub will one more occipy tIm Himself SoMlnviui N J Dec Jamb Weber lound hrvjiKlng by a piece of twine I row the of hidrooni nt his hoti on south nlreet Rt s clack tunlcht ehep- wns H SwvCn rn olil arid nn Mild f- Lit tlH ot i Kurdish iecri1 he n proviinii MOIH on Main tr here He wflN in this venture by li trout whom ln tail been rpnrato Inter he clnned stilt hl More bis wife ncaln left tutu ICtFire Very III- to 1 I Mcfllll a retire biUMmn chief of the Ile i rmuh III nt his hiirin IJI Wayerm iilnee vlth tj hoii- jlieiiirouli lie tr ten willi n nvcrn tlirie woe 1 Itoeltiwny lifich in iv im e r rei vi ry THE J CHOICER PERSIAN TURKISH RUGS Oriental Antique Sliver inrl- GoU fri k a imirtr1 pric Es ivully iitilifor presents t ion Onrot be JuplKuleJ DANIEL Z NOOSiAN 23 E ZCth SL N Y Owa tJmpoItIflI and mnhtuor and april In I r hug tilt t ut Ill tie lie kurt IIOXIlOLfJEflS parson fluid tflndA mat r c Lot Act un nib 4ide nd ned C Mrs rush n ai Mia ant Vim Monday end Slat t sri Lan had iI i Mrs odd rnatluiiu 1 rich yfiung iIoi r len the hi It left 1 flanged e was elIimu his rjty Colt In r nil atm c nit hIp flc hIll Itapam lob ii s roil i i z rr a dae Cyrtnte G1as Rare Ialttrt an Spnisj- 1mJ1j Lte srcti an5l iuiiuuj Cjuln e1 S4ths1- T j L > < > > < > > > > > < < > > < > > > TRANSPORT ALMOST LOST BtlaiAN Ktfitl IAMKD TltHOV- Olrvriions Avn nnr rantis- O her nram rndi Ferlrrlghl Hnm lIning rrnm M nlla in lloni KnniMa rirfCrniilni Parlflf- rh fl K room Tno lint In llrOerupltd- Hx rn N i rn D r tran por- n ltflnn King nrrlrpl iy from Mnll- flnr voynup made memorable hr arid by nnrrow rip il lrnotloii- Hliortlj after Ipivlnir Manlln tho VOMP PI- Ipoimlprpd n typhnon find for two fUja lho on board irnltnl donlh which ltii vltnbp The il In the nut tVp lr n tort for fort plrht hour win nn Iir bpim rinlj tlip sudden ahatlni- nf the storm nivpd the trnn r ort from tfPlm- to lliii Tie liolirinn Klne w InU- tifi for irvopipfri iln fur mj nl9 nt HOIK- Konu nnd nftrr Icivlnif that tu rt her rHiichl tire ihrouth rnroiomniMj In loidlni It and It lmrn d tilt thin t daj while thi- tMti porti ofllrrr1 mndp doirejate efforts t i rnlned hnAdwnj nt one stateroom were too hot to be oomplpj typhoon tnick the TM two days after left Manila tly nildnleht when the aUirm was nt lu heIght n water tank tiiirat- floo Ai this angina moot nnd put out the flre vf vl then drifted with the utonn for im- nillii Klnnlly thi rnollef miocfpdeil In rUht- ln the hlp by uhlftlnz mimi tenjn wa- iCt up nnd the trniKport plt IOta hung Kong Attic the rlilrn wore made tb vnyn n w- reiniPil All went well until flvo day utter lenvln r NapnMkl when thu coal wn i fount fob on flre Anittempt to quench the ftanies but II was mwucrcf ful for days Then tlie tlriill il down nA IIP PatIo Cnrmpnnilriit Kiplalnt a Hrh m Srlln Crrtaln KiiElltti rants flrrfdii caHi rdrvj i Tun srxI- ONPOX P The lnrl corrp ponden of the Suit Iii ir iii who v h know all nbout ien Merrier thin for the Inva of Inshncl uxpliln ihit all rr nc- iibjpt In London who urn liable fur sirvlr In n lerrltorlil anna will be ordered to lenv- Enclind find rei rt at tntitit of mobllTlon Tim opli lal PTplanntlon gIven would b- thdt they tiara wnnteil In Mndnevnr own tfl dl turhanc tImers and bennu n Ooverntneif did not want to weaken home nrniy Than arrancernent would b made wltli the railway roinpai ie to trans port SuCKfi paa ii f ri n a certain Kunda from London to Tllburr fluid Harwich- plckod number of them would elzi the torts at Tllburr rilioburyne and liar wlnh- Dukp nf Tnrk JI y Stilt Title ConntrrI- OVPON lice t ll i tf nffUy that the Puke and LiurlieM of VirV who mo fine to AtiMrnlla to attend thn ere niony of tt Innntnirutlon of tIe new Con forfprntlon toinmonwealth will visit the ttilt d Htntf on tbtir way iioirn- XIMVK ArID IV TUK PARK n nrf F Alrrt ronnd lf rt on lleneh I ft Two Arnlril lrtteri henry F AlnJ of 5S7 East nfty l hth- trect commlttod imlrlde In t entral 1ark last nUht by swallowlntr carbolic nold PAUctiinnn Smith found Ida body nn a bench near tht East llrlvo nt Iftfth sired In his packets were ln o tenled letfr One of tliom wna addrrksod- To Utar Son Frank e other tail ln crlitlon To My L ar ufe On a llp- of r was written In ca of death tmllfy Trunk Alrd of 77 Wt t mint etrett Do not tell my lf a h Is Ill 1 lucre as nl nn 1 Ire badge marked New Aort- Lncine No 6- Tbe body was removed to the Arsenal arid On his Hn called at the tuition and Identllled tha body MINING rnojtoTxn AnncsTeo C r nntly of Cnlnradn Charged With Ii lag Fraudulent Mining Share CtiNTof In IJM r P Runtlr for- merly ferfinry of right large mining corn paniCs ofirMlne twentythre different mine Colorado with rs nt Colorado Hprlnes Is tinder atrpn oh riri d with of fraudulent harp of mlnlnc tock n ntlr on of the prominent- men In Colorado Mprlnes and one widely known ri the tate lie lllonl to liquor catubllng fast women Ilrrlrd bT M Hot Wire Thomas Ilattcrnby an employee of tha New monk Wire nnd steel Works on Fact River front at Astoria is laid up at his home J Mills treet in that pltire sufferIng train m vrr raiifert by Inn belnr encircled hv a wirn w su- perintending the mills on morning wn h ldlnc the wires with IIIISP tony that were drawn rapidly HattiTsby to helper to look out for lust nt that moment one occurred nod Batter by ran forward to try and utrniKbton It out As iirnt over the wire It frntn around Ito blnif drucenj toward tIe revolving machinery when Henry rolling a flni her trrcbvs dancer olllrus crabbed nn and cut the wire llattTby fell to the floor uncnnacJotia- Hn wa al onro removed to tile home Woodruff rnlfrtalnt Aiomhlrmn- nIleutflov Woodruff entertained A- lemblymon electpd by the Kopubllcani of Brooklyn at th last election at hit Hrook lyn home last nlcht The aont Is rcfrrro tp ilninlln ru- In Supreme Coutt lit w k- Ur Jtiitlce IrrtntrllC CAIN Hrrrtii- p l T I ll ritnklln U Lwd- Hlncsinit HI ln Onlilmij- lOntit TS To ni nil fcA HtnrniS- nnttlKlm Andrrson l tiM I l y litter fist ln lint Inoin 1nuli Ad l- y r TKomw 3 Uasnfnrt- Mi ney s Ijistvtcf Cnnrlcji A Kall h- Tatum Inompwm lx l II rrtfdnanI- rvlrif Ssv liu v KnI vs Srhniurk- lymsn v a- rtam r Same r ItnjeMIial Mooney liapMifs- llriiti vs IJktet r Seibv Matter uf leoiheran Hart TS Hart Meyer vs Meyer larolis t Salomon Herman Nav Hank llir Uri n r Ir asky- Mirrs v llr d r Franei n llarrlon- l i ivmiam II Mlrieti- Snifin llerrlrk- tvilllam J tiSiilllrac Uaunsell It Field Kmll Holdmark harmful Nathan Stephen II F iKicmtllr W DauksUtn Alfred Sleekier Myron II Henry D llotrliklsi- Oifcn Julius Lehman lly liMr IllineliarJ- Wlutllil Iuh II R Pit liernanls Life l Co- r DUInn J rasp i Inhn Fwnvr triarkt- Maiirnf H n 11crnin n Odel- llihtnnn T I eiriyer iiph I Paly Miner of lilinn Thorns K Ikinnell- yItur v SiaroiJ Tlinma I liJkley v fimov r Jo I i v- Isr li H rVn loeph jlneini v MaijiT Thom r Wenmorfj- Tbon in l lat fy A Io 1 imirn- v Kro llamlltnn IVI- Ile iple Fank v i nowli IsTne W llavet- Hy Itutiee An re- Ilonlr vs Ilimlt Inmrn Madden saiilir v Siriiti lilm lulie- Hiniknifv lnt Churle Ilmohue- MI in v IJberr rvel- i Illiam C Arnold Mutiul Hani v Parrel Him II tudce- Iiv l tle Unrrenre S ljiiM rd MrConnlnjui v Mrliln- iiv lutli rTnoii N IirU Trrll Cnlitmnil- Thema K IVinnellj- rf llltrlmR- Mni t if hnmlnrn of Dncrn lly lu l ttei nt Oomrrrelit MAS Alilnayer- lly lu tiee Trim MatiM of M C Sr neer Daniel D 5T tot I Three ilay the 4 This hoi c disaster tram for seemed blinker shined anus I oh t nit a anal i reich Teki The lire such that time some The pita The the rts mad three ltinrIKJrA IViAStOV for lien I eliot t hem cIrai tile the the A iron sr I1t Ca PusuVh so lila tate a the Vi a eon iii hers seurat thouiend dotiutraworth was moat most ear due and the hunch red hot Ito iii tonrs IfliI anfleul ltutt Was axe the Th Llt at llrterses a lIst of the 5 lnil us uc i ill I is felt iCitiulier I fIbs mu mu i C ted lymafl uli Schpler c sf11 Itrirgi- lymei ci Jacob St itdailar- trrifiSfl rtrsyr Ca um T I let mrs ui I 5 s 1 inn tail 4 s I I tbumrIrafll lnrnlrn- sIuliuy S d I ru r liznrail ran n Anpunton Mill I I < < > < < > > < > < < < > ¬ < ¬ > < > > > < ItrtHBTT tHIAn AT Portrflf art IB One Cat lle rarlil Once rhjilrlsnnnee TrnleiUnt Pillar The liar William Everett rector of the Roman Catholic Church of the Nativity dler- al home adlolnlrnr Ids church No Hecond avenue situ FrIday eretdntr Km all but nine of thus at years of Ids life tin lived In the city of N w York iind all of forty er n years of Ids life as a priest wen devoted to two purHicr that nf hi toter- In Ilarclay and that of this Church ol the Nativity A a matter of fail It trnj- be aald that practically till of Ids pnslnrat- wa pas ed In the Secimd avenue church for he remained only two at HI rater whore he Assistant to M r Quinn from the date of Ids ordination on Jan 79 ISM to IMS when tin went to tie Church ol tin NtUvitr as a si tnnt to the lato lev- ieorm Mirirmitv brother nf the prtnon- tIlsioii of Ixrilnrl I I lver i WHS a convert to Catholl- clsm nt the limn of tlm tractarlan movement vhirh rniiny Into thus Tnlholln fold tlicm Mar Ircstmi- nnd Fnllier Wnlworth of the dlofiso- llh whom Father Tverelt was n student at- St Kordhim Iflor in be- mmltiir n rntholli h Imuwlant Pl npnl Church anti tu that a practising Ulin In X York It wns I I4 was admitted otbn of nixillilnp and hn hail nn ofilee in what thou n Chtirnlieri street lo wit Whun h rame with parent from hlH nilvri IHH Albany In tss to In Nev H antI of his llrst rtilfiiiinrca In the city was lost In the woods nhorn street Is now As a yniine man he was of a ascetIc tompersment wIth a mind which PVIT ran to rloin s This led him n A life tho ipil Church In Catholicism His retiring IID fobowod him all through his as a priest ll hiip Karloy- sidd of him last Pleht h came rw near n anybody ho knew to thu Ideal of n silnt cOin who i urhi- nelthnr fume flat honors nor temporal einnlu- mcntn of but went nyin way dolor hum toil duty and coutHit with that lhi fuieral will held at the Church of Natlxity on Tuesday mornIng not at tM- JttHllt TAFT OV TB IHIIIPriXKS flute to rinrlnnatl Intend on Altna linn lest Ilifore ElectlnnC- iNriNXATI lice tnltid States Mar- shal lvlnn J redo thl nftnrnoon received a letter under dato of Oct n from Pieldent William II Tall of the fnlud 6tatcH IUlp- t lies Cointrlitlin Itn letter enld In port You aro nlt ilcht In tUnktner la a grant deal of trot k to be unite In thoo Mnndi- Wliither or nt we nhall b wic4a iul Is of conrvo n orpntlon that cnrm t lp nnfwerid with lilt 1iat we are hojxjrul of result I inn Kltd to bnnbln llirnieplon o 1n ilent Mhadisy will bn a ln Hp toward raci- acniti 1 tiP4 Ulindi nnd will I loire end what remains of the InsirrmUon whlh Is- niw contln nl for eletlon in- in Imticjicp t refill America and wuh 1 1 almost wholly by and a isilraoy cif and H- Slaiinailon a nmnH number the Kll- lpito In arms airalnnt their n W II TAFT crnK urrs v TUK oAnnnx- Illrharl Defeat Stlnvon In FifteenJill- Piueil rontnt Men women and buys stood up In every of tJ sralleri nt Madl on Hatmro inrrlen- la t night t WHtrll bicycle races Thero- Tirrt1 lit leust TfKXI or tnoo persons prepont Tie rrijrrunme roivlMed of a luilftnile between amatenri trpelve and n flnnl- u rr fi rnfo between Torn Ioorer and Major two hents In three anti u IAUB a nre handicap In twelve heats awl a pneud race mot cycle liPtwrpn V Ptltison and Jimmy The track Is bonked thrip more at the turns and two more in tii than ever before IH t In t t point In any tnni was feet from the this year it Is t ilr- In th9 short Htreth of the Incllnn- Iftt sear was only two feet hIgher nt fiet oilier extreme than nt pole this it Is fur fact nt the ontlde Stitninnrlei follow One Mile Amatrur Handicap Final heat Won by Lester Wilson IMlsburv 11 yard Daniel Sulli- van New York Si jrardi rond E C SrJireltjer- II yard third W L 19 yard foartb TUne J rtilnufiv 11 serorid Halt Mile AmaUur Final b t Won by Jarnea- IIuDlr N rit I i yen foil JCMnd rita N tnr York third Time 1 minute 19 seconds Match Rice Hetween Major Taylor and Tom Cooper Fir heat one mile won Tar 9 mInutia t lS seconds fleeond heat paced won by Taylor Tine 2 minutes ft 45 FifteenMil Paced flies n twe n W C Btlnaon and Jane Utenatl Won by MichaeL Tim 17 minuteS us t nsxindt Rltllardi final of game In the Glut D amateur chatnptonahlp billiard tournament yesterday at Knickerbocker A 0 theatre TIme two Doston claycra wore drawn against each other In the afternoon And two Chicago players In the evening The acorei outlet i o i i as lo i n n o o IB 17 it n 10 m is 46 o si i o o s o s 4 J- i i a fi IR i s 7 e 7 1 10 4 o n 7 j- t n Total u ateage 9 JJ40 hlrh toni t 19 19 10- Heeree id ln O Prenbrty- FVRMXO OAKB- Keiiocr o o r n a i i a i o 7 o i 9- n i i i 1 1 4 i o 9 o o in o- l A c l lit l to e ii a in a IP 17 n o- K o 1 7 i o 41 i j i o o 7 i Trial aoo- Merace 4571 tolgh runs 41 20 1C IS 17 le- schrnut o u J l l o 0 S n 4 6 7 1 n n 4 1 2 I 20 29 9I 0 2 7 40 I 4 1 P IV 00 1 B 0 12 I 10 11 0 I 10 2 6 f 5 7 0 0 1 0- n M 19 17 0 0 p 1 0 f I 8 4 11 J 0 0 Total 3 07J li tans 21 20 17 U IlelerteLir A 1 Millet Chicago Stock Rxhlbltlon Illdnt ray OiiiCAOO Deo International Ilv Block IipoKltlon la not a paylne Investnient A deficit nf lllono exlats A vIsitor to the grounds at any tttno since the ipoMtjon opened a week a to would be led to believe that the show was one of the best paylni enterprises In Chicago The crowds in al times w re cnormoiH The receipts at tie gate did not eiceed 4 wi nneflft- lMh of thnso who saw the chow were obliged to pay the entrance fee of 10 cunts Ti he rest cam In on pusea Serious Fire In Canton Ohio CAXION Ohio Dc 8 The Ration blooii etc of t olarccst hulldlnc In th city t cm fire Is B already n total los anti the irand Opera Hoii a ijolidtic Is in Invrlnenl danger nf Other contiguous pr also In dsnifr Tho hock wa ocmrled thus lloor by Kenney llros mm and nvery of their stork Is bured er floors wer i ccipiert ns living rooni rind Inmate I IM- Op ra lions waHllIhrt nh n thus covered but was emptied without rlo s- ml hap ABOVT TOMV- Pttruk Klikeilrr 4r Im le an of New Jer r lOot hln Cenipanr l Newark was h ii1- In ItKfl yesterday I Ktie Ommlwloncr- Hlii t nn a chaw to vi of wuhei- triiximntrr tampt Fiiriiymo wMhol l m- iwveriu tara were found in jxn ion Dm e mnil Annual dJnivr of the l nn riTania So- rl ty nf NP York mil Iw lucId in the WaldnrfA tori- nn ovpnnjr U at 0clnrk lUhoj- illnrr I Potter xil pre id Amorg the ker- iii b nilrw ranxiriA ei lor llainntf the Hon- K ih lien Dr John It Ilion aol tli lion Jiime M fleck AM Developing Instrument ure l t Vlrm ty Irneasbt hr ilrciilatlon nf the nl In wfnkenr1 and inie ymir o n- WVKl Mill clime you eulrker end bettiy them r- m iHli rorsl ii of a glass tube wlih tretal at- tachmmt the open end iJ tub eniered HI a duller Xnps iire make air light Tlie unly prae leal medium ln truru ni and the only cnrnnonen e tr ihiil of rf toIoc ate e louse th in Complete Illus hued lila fi ed enrelnne n AMritov ro- Il New Vork X V FURNITURE LOANS Mi T CXIVVrMtNT UllATIOX The lo t tetm i no rhir ea trim ln urne- iamrr atipllmrnn nr 14 a ed elrtalor- br I flUlil ii tin MatInee IOAN AtfllCIATION llanHnr Dent MemVr 1344 IIIIOAUWAV rilltMH 3IST HI ATllR AA- I a a hIs hut hail lie street years wit ill icr I nnan 5 of the prlI atc lint he his tvn eiri one nttlfl rd iiI us 4r t lug the a the I hut I lau I lie ti Ins ill ii I lie tin I mimi ru I ill 0 I urrorl suit Cole t a one I rice I heats last unite tilt nr New l1 sec The aerIal began the the rtttLlOOJS GA51 3 5 0 211 I 1 3 tothI anemaga 7 l3 41 mu ix t 75 z it 13 a 2 C > 9 a t9 alma bit Sty The I quo first aduu w fIrs wag dii 0TTZXU who agent the I Iii hiS list 7 Vi It PiuS ii- I tim the 1h iciSOn uue lit Tilt Sott fit Icinu hoc Incorporaled and < < > < > > > < < < > > > > < < < > > > > HAitnnx rttAMnrM rirn- Tk Kmllth Ailhnr Will Writs Patti i American IM y for rrnhmanI- tndilofi Clifimbot the Knitllsli drnmntl author rrrlvrd lore jrslrrilijr Mo courts to tnitintlilntf of Anifrl i to nl- fl wltli rrotiinnn upon lh plHr which he U to wrIte tar lust iiiAimtfer Tli y t- ionlr brief talk as Mr lrohiunn wile nliotr- In tlnrt tar Wnshlngton hilt lliiV nert d th scrnn slionM KnvlKli inrr- iinn Hi nrllon nnd rnillne nrc- tlirrr with a mldilli portiim ntttlior MAS M n nt Dm Fltti Avciiin lnt nvrnlnir- I stisll tnnkn n round of Die w Vor- lthfttlroi rotitrollril lit Mr Prohmnn fMtly for nf roiirs hut i for tIme Jitirrom of studvlnu llm inctltiids o coil of the actor likely t tin cast In th He hurl not been tiara hU writ IIIB Thr Idlers was stroll it the ITC UU- IHU liter nnd much tnMir known work Tli 1 of Tnrs ervoil to f iine 1 Im In lIds country He romtrhul of tin litter I wroln tlnii lle with lilo of klnirlv i lnif nnd It ron homed nn Intrltrtif or frrmtlon hut wn JtM1- n story The net tint nr It n lonu nt the Ktnt Ire Is tho innsl- irniilfvlrjjf ixrrfnr I h v ever had In the htislrois jinn fionn wr rnn nirnncei- lh All e Arts of nuclEi Committed o Three rontlnmti HAS FnAsnsro n n Mrs Alice Flood wits of Ooorxn Hood n romtrprolM man Is nllnc for dlrorr nllieine nets of cruelty committed on thriv continents They lIved nt tho Mnrlliorotich IlotiO Nnw York lP3 mid this wlfp that on Fob 5 of ymr l r hnsbanil clunked liar to unconscious niHs kicked tier and othrrwle Rliuneiil Flier w Tt to lnbli In l31 trip lilbiini- Is niCtisd of wilting tier about the fat KOI Urttirnltr to this ronntrv they Ivfd In X W Vork nt if 104th strp t und nt I2 uitli utrfi A London and 1arN flfosurc trip vns In litm and then more nf oritoltr rioml snv she irtHn Klt hor hue hn follownl liar and t4mv wrsnt to n Ml rrnll tre t In this city An In Unneo of rriioltv it tlio lntnimil N that Mrs lieu w s inl rd iit of liar nt rt- iniiit nnu wewts and tens forced to rmiin In the haihroom until morn Ine Mtntr iTKiiinitCKUIM- IATfllPI AIMANAPTHIS nAY Sun Times 7 IS I Sin ts 4 JS 114I- IICJII WATl II THIS IIA- VSandrllooi m0or Id Id 14 I IiI Gate I J7- ArrlvertSAIilltiAV Dtl- ttexnts Melav i nrri llee I Ss New VurV Xiis S iithiri ton lien K I uiina Iij i KMilkF S lirilnr Iwiin Inmlirir NUT Jl Sit Marylteniirtt Krnri lllllax S iinern Ttn ni linne tine I- P yinrtirn Mann rillaii IMil Per 7 Kt Atmn ITI Nntf IV 7 s oeorce Kurwell Ireland Urimtrlrl No IV haul Vaianu U Inter llavuns Nnr t- Amuvrnotrr 5 ratirsnla frin Ner ork at IlferpooU S A r Xne York et lil rallar- S Ireiorta from e Vet at ImmhurrS- AILRII rnoit Fonnix PORTS St Imlrta traIn UrtrpfX for New York Ri 1 Ctarupagrie from haute for New York ri u- Prtnc sa Ann Nnrfntk Sail T ti4av me II Lan nrerren TfiOAM ire fcfin fcJOAM- nrle OaiUjtnnJ- eCereon Nrrfol- kMlako New i irlfans- Siil iTelnii dl nee li New York Soiithimptnn T v A M- rj rnianle Liverpool n m A M riMha Mtns I 00 P M- Sablne ilajvenrn- Uuyaniliitte NnrfntkI- MCOMJNG STKAVilllPJ- Alrternej Iyinder Mot kn- nclU City Comaorh- IA Ilretafnr- Onf W ldDr ee- Totontn n riirityha- Kl Mont Nlpnorhef Manltou- Calednnlaa A imtA PMladelpht- fHUc Aranthu- Iruteu Sent Olbmltar- Ultraltar Ulhraltar- llueiva MKnrsei lacksonrl- llAntrp Harre Hull St Itirla Maaniat- Vnotoa IJrerrxw- lijIMalur fuaa Iunrle- enloi N OrUsnt Copenhagen inc t n- irun wlfk- Dli TuiiCW Hit II Antwerp llterprml- Olairuvr Rt Ineta- Nr Orleans ui W dnM ji 12 nouthfrark- Spaarndam finirf Klfilop- tMairar Kftslil- Kl Sue- lJlanrta City Svr n eft- Cnnctio ilalroiua Hue Tliwitav V li- Jsl erWllhelmII Oirrnltar- Trl r firemen iKirailo New inleAnt in on A M i ro i1 M- a i p M- no i M- s no i1 M- It VIM 1 iv I1 M 1 on p M- 100P M Nor II Nor 21 Nor 21 Nor JZ Nor W- Iwe 4 15 I Nor 27 Nor J Pee S- Pec Nnr r Nor r Nor 15 flee Nor J liI- lee 1- Nnr 17- n 7 VAV TCKIEMITriliilOn Weaned lIce I IttXt Joatph R Van Sjreil la Mary Mltebell huih ff New York city X3ZXQZ3J- JCAN On fUtunUr l iioo F1 rd Wtam InliitM funeral rerrltot will IM tild at lit rtildnrR- niT e ant ar Jluthrfor N J on Mondar- pp io at rn I Al on arrlT l of I 0 Tel train foot of huulxT it- Fr XrMSKT At Ixme Island CUT t hits real denri 77 SeTenth t on Thursday 6 l on- Joietih D MD of the lute Uuilel and Julia Yen nnietjr Funeral Nunfay Dee l 00 at 2 P M from tilt IIATHK On Mday Dee 7 1KV Reuses J- llarili In the eIM year of bit arc Fun ral cervIces at Si retMenoe JJ7 7flti on Monday Dc 10 100 tt A p M- PrlfBil are rr tuitMi nut ti flitter KFMP On Frlily PIX T Itw Jemw R K mp- tunere from Ut I IP reMenrp Mi Iruon it llrook- IfD nn UnnVr Don 10 mice et 10 Uitn to St r s flureh Hoyt end H cktt t IU end fnnd r lnvlt l to eti n ROOrVKITOn P tun 7 rrv I uro at to- Wt l 4V1 St James Homerell of Hrd N Y Fut Tal MrrtcM tx haul at Hi Jarotss niiirrh- Hrd rank on Tiied T it i oo tt l M p M Bi Hl train will IMVK flrand r ntrl Station tt tea PM returninir to reach XtwYnrkttfMP U FUR KBVSICO CBMBTKHV station llsllnvl 41 inlnuttt rM from ir nd Orlral Depot Offlf li Cast 42d f- RnFIIITKS Hiillicit Sllir sic war ranted to neiide the wh n spilled to dnors and window dllnuor telephone 172 Fulton Ijyabllebed M7I llf Ki firtlOs nrt Dlifiiie liver 1 BULKS AIIT KilPOIIIlM IDS id st Old Cold and flUer bjiight CHINESE MISSION RUMMAGE SALE il take phre- AT Ml MVI1TLK A IHIOOKLYV MONDAY Dic 10 ilifjn AT in A M llootM anrt Sold NjAMiN lit lltoadnny IJSTs- Ahfirp 4Tlh St N V lrie and coulee assortrnmt ot old book old print tt noolrs baurbt suit sold a hut see situ Ii arias a t his lieu hi it nil k stunt hum lucre ruts lIntel Ii- I ell sic rIce a early for pIn lie eel tlslu lin omit lays that her ii tuit at net Inter Vet take arc Irs nil reside nImbi Is Mnon uses I Pee 5 Prince her Tour OrrGOItimdTMAMSIlP- sal Tounierow- tf1r oi s eu M Con 3 lit tO A M Thus 104f- ledruuth tniUsn hmnZ lid flee a es Oru5O Ps 4- toiu 0- tJisd T04ioeOIA a ian 5 t 23 Atlrontck lien Colitrado 7 i St I ai 5 Colon e 4 p 4 e tie tnule Pea II flee iu 11cr F Lean near his 180 Dee a late tn1dnec isle Writ ot seri uses Park ill Ruse Privet lbs prrizt TIotittL out IIAIE VA teat tcUious Iloticet THE 1IeilV TitlNllY sIlPflrd N V rfl ar j t flee ii 1 fkbits tenor 2ttiVieti 30 and II t U ag end is U O H I5K4 llrosuriwa flCVoliahra Candide IIiad U 1 In14lfli tom Jane I tAil 151 SIb > > < > < < > > > > > ilub We hare eil ertl eil fn nlne fear thai a meklall insde ol- linns end sf til l IlIT than un trails roadea wanted To mute itrnnily lro re tic lth out Vi remote surh little unjutl pteji- dlres MrrayrilMajatn t th Club r xxiAll KOOOO to any pttly wan will prote oUT ajntlnn lo to motile AVOID IMITATIONS For fls by all DriinKMs and hearts G F HEUBLEIN BRO Sole Props IV llrnadnar N Y hartford Conn- Deffr upon your ClintSTJIA gIfts lunar the new and onilfrfnt B- It nlll bo a tevolnilon l you Inlka any thlntt ef you hive ever heard In the talking nui chine lIne If nui konvenlent lo CT stud a postAl we will exhibit nt your hoe n ntpeni o- nb I album to iirehtxs- NATIOHJL GRAMOPHONE CORPORATION H llroatl u Corner Iwih street Quid ibid liillUvay Opin irrnlnci Our aM lentil Gram and iramopLo- niffrd t cnt fit if- SIIIKWMM DIXPIAY lUlltKnl- lnrrsD nt Inrnmbratirri Nnnnpt Dnw AgaIn on II A ojls Show et- A raid w n mndo yosierday morning b- cfilcrn of ho llvireiu of Incurnhrnnces o the nhowca of I A Doyle dealer in trunk nil bus u hn a st reit tlu A tor llou i The b vt l e cishtwn over hum Inuld ns line Th otncers un- Mcrnwivl ihiMii irm their am llieii n biiRe CT wd liioltinr- on Mr oldi walk ill ilay hits Icon rMdid linn iiciin by Iniimbraiii- llureiu i i he rut out ceral trunk and aelKU t Tb i WITO attached chain leiJii ut the Uien the ll iri at- PJOT yfp iTi tnt them tlmy werejerkc- iItif the Iii inii li H a cent on a 01 All FoolH liv- grt Satc8 fluid tfxUIMtion FIFti AVE AUCTION 2MS fith Av Wm n iiriniin Aurtr NOW ON EXHIBITION A MOST IMPORTANT SALE or VERY VALUABLE COLLECTION Of FURNITURE AMI OBJECTS OF ART KOHMID nv Till LAT- KJOHK M JtfXO REMOVED FROM AN APARTMENT In itt home lOt P tk Are ro ipiii iO IN PARr Old Vernli M ttn S dan ChMr louis XV and XVI and Kmnlrp Wn t nrreent Crjtal Mirrors Copisle Kn ll h Hall d t1 Very ValusMe Srarilsh Cutlet o the XVII Cclonlal I ourpnt llrdaiead Cbolc hheuton S An basil let of Sheraton PIning Itoom ChairS Co- lonlal Mirror Out ircil n and Modern Sllrei Rare Old franlilli Title Rare Specimens of rhln 1rra PresdanSeTrei- llrartie lidvli butc Pnreelalns Bmntes Clol Inlaid with Carrara Maitle Ru t Mtdan- lUfairler Larls UinU shrine iflnlaiuts- Vnliur rrlnei lUKlng deourtled wn FIgure 0 A Ketir ChrsiTen In the n Cumuli msnmr presented tij the EmiKroroI China to the tale Dr Reiger In lAftl Ard ny order l MIR 1 V BROWN HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE from the llectory No I W Md SI Mninlflrenl lrnls XVI Centrt Table Teakiiord Cabinet CntPnlal- Andlmni Fenders llanxlei Kir- TooKTiirn WITH A LarK Numter rf Very lush fonslcnmenUi- Irrm Ire udiiza lion nl iUhrCAry rurnltuf Klllot Hall ClueX loll Hcreens hid nut Krurarlnf cia He A kVAHF tPIIUilir PIANO cEMiNr Oil Arm ssox TAiTSTnirs AN iot U Oltf V MlTU ABOtT S3 PiECE or opKHATir CIAAIICAI AND SACIii MfMC To be sold Tomorrow Afternoon Deo I Oth and following days AT 150 EMIl PAY iPLEASi NOTE TUB HOUR AM ON- FIIIDAY KVKMNC DKC 14TII AT ft A Very butte Cnllecllrn of OIL PAINTINGS BT DISIIMiltSlirit FOitElli AMU AllEH- IJAMHS P SILO AUCTIONEER ana nrih A nnr Now to preparation- by ordrr IOVIS nUtNAHD KSU and rrmofel trim Manhattan 5toratt Warehoute High Grade Furniture Carved Ivory Inlaid Cabinets Rich Art Collection of Solid Silver Oriental Rugs AlJj- Paanre of effects lo elms iMtu ot- DIB IATE SAMVIL j TMDRV Antler II ireen Knq rirrutor Sell Daya- HATfRDAT IlEr IHIh and following day at 2 oVldeii day at the FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES flOG rifth Avenue 34th St llUIUnrry and J- l rer ian msd IrOn sraiMa MVM rsrfs- oatsbliiti e iionial IlAllttKirSMI Foo iatr for Sla ifiration- io Manufacturers and Manufacturing Companies De trnef derre e exp n e ereet for ytu- ttittt Miiihr for turtii e In n- luillr ID ih of Itroni with water Irort MIIE II denlrnl nrd Iyu- ni lmz Iimi nl lo irtcentace uf th m t of laud ad Ate and 141 t TTENTION J Intend flak StPnozrapliy TyrK- Crrilitc elcIt lll pay you o unid VALWOfUH n t lasmst a west ait st- IOClTION piiLlie ip klnc relling rapid tliorniich UAtunc Viriiercr lllliNVIUi KIPj il WrsliMk- tIf KTIIil TfiACHIVU I mre 457 Hull Trim liof Iii jFH na jad t Irenrh mason tttal- j to crimp teal peroinn II IIKIIIIUANNAiniirnadway Thud AT rear H4th really tine home In ou k dent rta 8 beautiful light ooma and batbroom floe room a I I 5OOQRcward- I i i stui isae urierlai mu- I 50 lbs rub lift lTUut s tctmnt Aol I I I ItS fliuC oiler I I then diri and hum 5 a- lull boon ltO I nc hub fact auuiuu hs tiuvut las aol tIm Inc him I let etri nsf lid once stifle 1ncmna end liIcutt Insicwood Panel Jade Jeca P11 Var nftrneli on Chppi yearn uid curved Removed a choice cohen Ennui cnn Turtiltm Carpets S Vl SHE C Alt I1iS a each rrsmin7- uIllS lifIlarrlhIn altered repaIred aeihskln this Writ 30th will amid inn el ill lease iiii lL4ilJluuit I lAtt1l lssirun 0 ul u nt itvtn lnmru ship fir a iuus INSTITUTE LA 1 L Ics hoSE U lflSomditry inrl ltouis 1407 4OiCt It aId llu C umeek tnuuru or- I snftir A 5 fIned curtly a a huge dIalog l < > < < > > > < < > < > VMlitfif Thai- ircjMDONAlOWiGGiNS fill nUIIAIIIi HI hit liilIM AID lS itlsl eat hiiolnr I mi- eNanK iiUtiufuCtiteMauil tIC n u i hiHlnest FIOC4I tofu nnd muney lor IriitiiAII- nifv iiuiiil tnirn eone fi lren prurnplafru linn TelenhineNu 117 IMm HTrtCK IHII SAtV X ntifarliiil- nviMrlMMr ml wli il lr iuThu n s In mrslid N Ym fine ri nsl ile for ne IMIVMIW of e r I ir ntiil iifinu Mtallnt- I AnsI dolt n cnersl r bIn Iurllier pan inM aiy it AKi AMI IIKSrAIMANT hUh tent lrii nii e voi i yrar Irie this bi ln 1 free iiul dear now unfit quId g ne ih enr lourfl iif sellinf prjll- Im otht iirlrleil f r Iatl culir at lit IKJNAM A WIOrjINS 140 N IIMJ IHVI WIIOIKSAIR AND ItlTAlC 0 I bimty incluilnc fliP piopny l ei than molt prominent t ii nn Hi il J- iplr lld Mi jerr arnutnr icwl teafni lot lelllnci trlrte l ol uucHlgKllon allowed pattltJ- Un ntfiuiofllr- i MeXiSAIH WIWilNH unNauau- Ct 0 AXI IlsrAfPANT lV iUvl idol location ditntnwn New Vnrk dig ererytnlr in otUet inrif leK e low i n for ranlitiUii Apply A WHKINX i AAA flI llfHISKSH iU i abll lie- rlull Vw fn tl hor turk I Ac Inc tionc nse n rir iiiu riai n for vrll- log proprleni rM nl rf buMnesa i BUYS furniture bin- tlOiVlU upboliert business lu ITO rinit Iton Inenl town In New Jerwv Going liit bualncM i lnre il ate ill i For furler rant ulara aivlr o- MIDONA MI A wiiiciss m MH- I UfVfi 4 hlXIT MACIIINKN alt OOtUUw IlAed KiVI ironthlv mon pi eip nset I rna nines nvs US nor rmiri fnr itt lug cultic to Lumps Pariliulnr n I M 1ONALD 4 WHIfllVS linjVa u A lltYS oldXaillslied soul n P- ClU po ikrinanuft now InniHramon li ej In niH ITU rieni butnlnCun fled ut valued ft JJniiOi snrt r Asoa for telling Ptrlilirsapiv- M UOVALU 4 140 Nnmu nSn Tonooio CAPITAL vVTPIIK- I C tabllsiinl arelli of- rtferencev lArattni N 0TU Ply Ivtlpulas p- Py McOONALII W IliilloS 141 NIUW- BftllYnhri IHYS tii rights and pafna nf mtchn now b t machine nn me mnrliel li dA Pur teuari call offiie MrlMNALD A uoNaiua- CT rf ITYS DAKKnv es fll tifa IneMlan W Mliar New nk ilty hour watuni route luie s- MrlHINAUIV rtlililNS 141 Vanau S MAXlKAlTfUINO UVft- TOlUiUU7 1 cilinn f nrk pUilralurd at 200 iletiid n ry UOilAIl A V ifiINS 5 i Vvjall- v ale rivd rae tilnrr Inrnt n fh 111 iinles out I Nrw ilefsf y iraclnne y far manufneiiitlnc In ventilate II a hi rn MrliOVAIil V WlfillNS Un Navnu nC IAKHKV on biil nvenve Cli mei Ixrlrj id i uy m i ei Reek Mrli LVALli Vli IN u Nu au- C1 Mv rA r lNl ii7NT 7r- J l1iJfJ M e Ineatrd ill Nrvi llavrn KultftU- lar CAnlac or nuinrriililr rrlt iifir McDOSALl UM UilV i Nasu- Cl LU bulavifor lUUU ntle In Walinciin Mkl cmi for lelllic Ill halt MrlliiVAIn 4 nirjniNl 141 Nassau nnnOTII or ial n Planraltlr home In Yur- kCJH ei fl e cif stud full luirrntlnntr- tantnl A lv- MciiOVALI ft WKifilV 14 1 in- pONTKCTiONiKV nn v 115 n fl Mr nl alill rt in- 0i i AKIV l y tnrrl fnlij wte n ii p t nfi iirjtid abiit l l mlle up inn Si t nnr I fjr iwim- McLioXAi ft WlfiillXs 140 v au- 7AifAIliE ITT STOCK IOi All KS Pr rat valu tt Hi ahiv tei u fur al In a eorroMtlon well itnlnr til nnn- ertynre lh rpo rr thiriintry Kitnirt- lculars MctioDAi 4 winnm no nnu 619 nnnrIVE TAYIM r i YAUH ron located In liioiklyn e nf- elllD III MelVIVAMI 4 WIOOtNS 14n n ail KnAKtKcrnifAL srpnv AMI ro- vtt in ii for eale lnietlc ui this poc 3 opening 4 WlfJOINS 140Va au- GOUDKN orPlinTtMTY for Inieitnr 11- r per yiar ti r rent l r mml utisr- mtenl twentydrib ui 11 kj illri ian ist no tlon b nk iefer ace lriT or our best references writs tliem r II HOLOHTOV A CO St liiiln M- oM CAT AVh PnOVlYllON MAUKIT fahionill- irelf barnonlur tnwne iAinl iiei1 tom cheaorrnt trrunllnr sartrent oteili ait price 0 in 4 io IJJ Worth IV HJlM- IllTKlXii niSINKS fo A whoiinle rou downtown f diuj trucks in horvs tu lneis 1400 weekly SAOMj rash IITTLK 4 TO 171 Weirld flullclnr 10001 rlreularstl2i cards and WU bead 40c per r i ixin KixtAU Illixrivii ASii STA- IOXKIt CO 80 UetJuih v M mY In OtKt clau business Addrena KMh yiir the busi e alit bear tnnet Inn nifiuliii ehem rs craieiil need apply Addiesi A lioj 1M Sun r rare iirivrrnrrnl Ut elubam man with JVnfl i to i Investor cart oljarllal CiiXsltATIVi t x 1 4 suiiofflf- BO fElt CTNT nlVlllfMI- M nufactirinr lamp feet nrt ImeniJ eciinnn liil u pr Intftrhaniiaue inn use on rll nrrenl nf int- Ter with nate enf and In manufacture rr r uillrmtrit drmand fnctnry now fll- lln rapis nnnono will tea lImIted number ef ISO ahsres at item prices rnllesllnre tail ncr adfietv TIIOMAS I PAYNK llrnflvrsy Bonaventures Galleries HOLIDAY GIFTS Over 2000 jrtistlcilly framed subjects Einlitejntli Prints Autognphs of Ctlebttl on their porttaits Books in Rich Bindings First Editions of Amrlan and English authors Volumes in full hvint Morocco blnJIncs front five ilolUrs upwards Orlclrul- MinfaturA mi Ivory Antlqus Watch Sevtei- Silxer Fiw fans and other Art Objects E F Bonaventure 6 West 33d Street Opw iie vaidir- fiWuttr IRrjorts- THOMA5VILLB OA PINEY WOODS HOTEL IKIWV IN TIIK IlVi FOIUST- Sr rvrnr rtrn n ir 4it THtr fiinnri n nn rciir ri IIAHVKV WKII lintel llrllnue Dosloo Iark llsce oik Moudnyv 10 to IJ MMKIVIIIK S C INXnolt links hunting n spoils Hstii team neat open niv1 flies Ilne trees mild climate Write mixfral- T li MDOIIK Branch Offices of THE SUN Advert ements anti Subscriptions may tn nt these ofTices where the rates will be the tame at those charged at thi main office NEW YORK CITV 119 Weil l2ilhSlraet LONG ISLAND CITY N Y 13 Borden At E IV Doditn BOSTON MASS ana rtaihlnilon St T p llarrt n NEWARK N J- 704Bf iJF N Sommir CHICAGO ILL sos Stock Cichmg 1141 fl I 9 I VIM I ii fill ldi if lieu n A flu ml a ruth ur huh huiI Pan I of referenes uIulvt5I if in iniiu situs nit ulr iltn 11 5 tVlIlN 4 I4 essc- i9r I Uth nitI niippr1 flout lit r ics to nIne I S SN r tAn euirel ten good mean tall a I ttY r Apply I it t lttiNit h44aai- L I iit tie year round reasout let uiltuuC death of pracr eiw I iIiO ant din prcpr slit and Pin nit iii liens i n WIt GlN hit ltq hit hdqi 4 > lee I I n pit our t lUll tS e crluie nut of rca a OFCilOIUtANl IrlfCit4 I nIiNIS lou I hit I iim11 Site n its s II lilT I iVIIOLES i n flu c dIunc rim With 4 MrDOXAIlh it tliOlS 1441 Natam- ia f r i mph utn e f I itIltr Mq4 N 11 It P s No II anoi- I l1ttUi tum iiuilt fl I S share q tan lit fuimnI ta nut b tail heal thi Its a A rent fi dead due I uloDPAhN SAIOo fir cletltct hnlnpJ- tLE lINIJMA 314 Pluue it Iuu 1 P SIOItF god I nub nu ctt- stt 11 lIke to meet a gentleman whw1l unrest I 1 52 iI tfl ii lehhmut bltness rnprmlue- witch alit 1111 II iCi cruSt if At 8IIOuO I I lleLl5hl MrrtrAxTic ltrMlS with 5 1 lii sil lull ii n we nIl roil rflier Situ sLick mew etCrttIc most pfifricet aIres line slum In ait tight uul ixhi lion f I pound 10 etch finr rs I Cntur I tie S a 5 sew DflflrliS1FUI ether ouiiiinn termt bs t2Of 5 Ut > > > < > > > < > < > < < > ¼

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Post on 26-Jun-2018




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WHICH XKA miADHLHIM-unnreTs rrn x MIK-

rr lfk Cir Jmmft lh trick HillriprM rrnm WMblnjl T rk-

PniiMii i T-

itimhpd m thp W lilfifftnn Piprp thAt

Unm Vn hir lon at II A M rrprp wreokod-

on HIP Ihlinilillililn and llultl

moTe inllr nl t my Jurry station n-

tjU oVioilt this attrixxii Ilir1itP m ra-

prcirs tiitel of whom umnlpd HIP trnlti i t-

Wllmlniftiin r utlirr trttlons nearer thiscity InJufd two ol thom rwrlmis-

Inllj lluiw are Miss Kinrnn lJuuelierty

mid Mls Win IIHI both nf Uiiftrr l-

IIP loinirr bad bitli i brokPn and herhiiik and tin lutur v litiit liitiirmilly-

Mlm II II Iliiwr Wlliiiirtftiin fprl-

ou ly litt M Alirl1 t irty lliMtir-

hadlirr hniJ nnd Hue builly lamuUd UrnLulu tilowi Itaillnmrj ifoIVPil a cotiiinmidfracture u tin tut i nd I In liiilviTnlty-

ll i lt l 8 II IIIIH of the St iJpnls

Hut NPW York u piietly Injured anduttfr IIUVIMI Ms wounds uriK rd by doctorsnt t i Mtii uf LIt HOildiiit IIP went In 11 roadbin it tiitlHi mid HI Itiimbiy I U Newvpik u t JuiUiiiii or ViilrMCtnH-L it inr liiiu iipv niy Mm M-

lioiny ilinl it ton bLItz lifrcut n bti id n tin1 body Urvnear-

Militiu B NPW il IP NIT writer aridIrcliror wax badly brultnd anti cut In fvcral-jlucis nn ii I liu ollurs Hlvlvrd only

njuiii-ji Miik in fiii d l y nn pinttv tint

rar Init w loliiir shifted nn tl o truck ulotig-NCP t it nil vlilrli t i PIIM MHat th rut nf twcnijlvp miles HII li ur Thebox nir li I iiU t t lb third

with i iii ciiii rM tr in tnllHltlnmrt1 H i snij lli T d of-

ilic tHiii wii so Krrnt I al Ui Iuljninururrird uliiii nil rkM mt t end of tlm-

flril ilay piuch rciuulil I nd f tin t oi iKr-atiil it iind tin tlnon 1iwiiik poiirnet

ifiin nil iid t I IP nfiwr-Jlic I II i til i i o iupli of

tPil rrnm tun laiit tli-

wricl iiciiiiTid nd lcLiiw from thtrpand from t n lic ln tctlan lliililnlmurliy nri ti i ii l rl In I M t Bn uti-

ritiiir all lir liiiur d had ln n nired lor nndIn iirtiKn ininutii mrro the tricli wora Ilisr-nnil triilllr wn tfinn-

vntMi c iirnir KIII HIVHKI-

TfellKninin Ilr nuil Man fonnd With t-

Unllrt llnlP In Ills head llnl heeD II-

IIrlii 11irnui tlio nnnllilentlnl rlrrkfor KniUnor IJCH V r v wlidpnole dry4ooiis iiiirpliliit if n id Worth plrnl-Mitihatinn cuiiinltil viluliM by thontInc hii In tho loir at his liirnp nilLnfv itttn iv nnp llruiklyn about noon yesturd iy

Mr llnrnip hm brrri 111 for MX monthof nirvoM rrotrntiin and was lulnct troitrd-ly Dr I Sn iltn win llrod nel mmrto hin At tlniH in had flu of mpMiioliollfi

And hPiMuiK dPHrmnditif Ills wlfo wentPostfin on Tlod v la t to vlt liar dati h-

rprrvin thn wife if Jon J Tnvl r oftho Io tlln i liho Sh iij rcifl to rpturn

O n riOvMr Hnrntp vlsltpd thp er riry tcrp nt-

rmnlirrlninl ntr t nnd nvintf n-ttrsi oMClj vpstirdiiv nn niul t k d-

rlth Iclui the lniKkiTr Mii-Mlklnc to tilin Mr llttnafi tr re oil 1 pltn rf-patiT itiit vrnti n It snil m to ii tenhtritt Snlioit ntv Im nske d ppriiil innto kn tu n Km ill n oni In tin1 nllir hut is therillir was lnrU Mr stiilrn lilt nut rr nt

r iHt Mr llrnsi tlifn writHhorty nftir iioii Uf roiiK Ainoli Evorttran Into tt ur fr sd n md sild the himw-rni iu Hr iim MohtPtibt rir n rli rk

went buk with lipr Vrin liar rpnchoa-thp bathrfioni thiy fund Mr llurnsp on hU-l ri i with hts viil TIT nnd-u rrTolv r iilni In tii tnt Ilr Im andOr Kluliirdsiiu w ro uinnionml hut MrJlurruii wa UKI-

IMvli nhk pr 8trldnn lenrnod thcpfacts l hl tliftt M Ilnrnnt had toldbias wwkc tfo tliHt lu cru anytlilne l

to liti i w iil Ms Jotn-O Tiiylnr of HP H of thlr notlfuil Itvrna In I tlHt Nir llutuip BS notired-of iipr hti bnnds islrldP P addr sB 370Fulton HtriPt wldcli Mr wilttrn-on In tIn toteIs thnt nf I rntlttln u Edward uudertuk

Mr Hurt w1 M vpirii old l hutrlvcd br H wlliw snd two dinirMtHr Hohud bppn ninfH In HIP dry bu lnptar ni ny renri Ahont t n nim li-

WHK tninaifer of thp M mritMn ppich lintelFor ln v or ho thAt bp n tin oroinUt of

lipfnrmpd ClinrP1 n the Mulil Mr-nnrrnf IVKR i h orl nd of the late exMayor-Mllljra U Strnni-

fWAUArr rirrv SEEK nironcga-

yi IIli Wife tint Item Pllrtlnc and Thatlilt Life la Intolerable

BT Iofs It n Wallace Cat an flied asuit this aftnrnnnn lUrorco from Flor-ence rinfu whe liefore her manlane waa-

lllas Florence daughter of RobertliMns of Xormindy St lnnta county Thegeneral nIeflitlsn N that Mrs Tniien baa cuteoted him to Indlsnlllei whlcli have rnado-

liU IIM dttrlne the past year IntolernblsOnly ore eclflc offence Is named Ihnt ofillrllne with a rmtnu milAn namod J A Iloyer-nt Fiu ts restaurant

The couple i eroatd tact Yedneadaj1-Mort m Jnnrdan ittirney fur Mr Capenhid tit tile the ret Urn till t nt the hourif clmltiu the ific nf th lrcilt Clerk tti-

lnfternum They tnre n cLlldr n-

Mrn It th aeoorid dnitehwr of Mrnail Mrs HoLert J lucas of Norrnandr-Kcr family Ii cue of the oldest and knownIn St She N abuiit 3J year andtirlor tu licr marrluir thre year adou In MCII VI

Some time before her Wetldlne Mls lucasluau tx conie cniaeed to B namedOunrln luiiuo nns In i nluinbiia otilnTheir was ann mnr d and tho-ilate of ih weddlnw K was broken ofT

lied caused Immlry to bo mnc an in tietnndlne Mr IticnK Her tntir

to Mr Capon waa unoatcntatlout-

WOT 111 WIFE AVI WOrWrTnVt4WTwo Women In the flnipltal a the Keinlt

of Iumtlt UuirrelJames J Herd an engineer 4K rears old

of 501 Clinton streot Ilronklyn his wifeKllzaheth behind the left par at A oclock tactvn1tuafterarjiiarrel Tho womans motherMrs May H d of lOV est Nlnetynlnth-trevt Manhattan who loud Joiner In the

uuarrel received a lulllet In the left shoulderHhe Is oi year old Doth women takenlo Island Collece llospjtul wherethe bullets were extracted Neither woundIs dsnaerou-

Reeii wh wa arrester will b arraignedIn Hutler treet flirt hut mornln onthe char f of Httempteri His storyus tu the neree with that ofwife anil llirlnlaw thatrelied over hit lutlmatlnns that Ids wife haulbeen twin Improper relations ofher The n wound waa-lecelverl while tn knock

Hi of lleils hand The wife ia supportedier ef nnd husband who has not

for a coimlderuble time keoplru H lOiU-liK house

i in LAST TWO nr rrrrrv nnonnit-n rc the Millers Who Mtre Found Dead In a

T t Street lintelhitch V BrUiw an urilerlnker of Milton

Iliter cfiurty canm to this rlty tact nUlitfor bodies cf Henry amid Mlllam Miller

f that town yoiitic men w re foutidlead In teil In a r t tT ct hotel on Fililny-inorntnc It wn bellovrd that ono of tlnrii-

V luauMr nrluo i1 thst th two yoiinc niti-

fnnn T uf Mi l ilid n f w VPIHThey wet lu this r to jnto riiltiir bark tr thN rotmtry v-

of a roii r win hid iioti thrrVSptidli wii Ml ti iinmi rs or

lx yeirs the inofrelation left to mmirn-

Imnin With l A nln-Etnm iiildnnnilii

rptuniPl frim Iir pnrniiii i nM rijthat thori wi to IP nnnr Mt-l i Vl nlUP i1 r-

on Tii11 i

liar n M MI tM 11 i Iiv

York P U riiriljrnnnr


I j acw-

F I 1ti lb IIII Hf omI f tha fls7-

f atb u iiii in tti AefIdNt-


ii nit gt onI




t nit M 1

I Ii ur at I iI IiiilWAN






Ii tIC

iVb brit b4Ver4i-

I nI id V 4 I

tI 14

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Pull mu I S tinn fit



1 era

L iil rlty l ithun ar w tIP t


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rid ii

till it


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tieI fIn

L tF4 I ud t uimd on t r ca nli1cmit lii uiiil I hi-

I mu I i

1 crrn tti le it flhhatt irc f altn1 itS t beltA

III It tie

I fatuity tvvi dl 1 withInt i

i ikur mI i unit I tur k hut ni luton ittitn

Inn< A on rut wti rat Cfl i

I tI in

tI tilt

iiii I

ulia it-

s w bert





















> >


nonrtArrrtM rnitttt nirrM-tn F lar niifarlai Pianist PUT HI-

Enifst Von Dohnatiyl he Is plain Dohnanywhen compoaertrave lila third piano reclln-

al Mendelsohn itch yr erlay nfleriioonThe protraiuin was brief IlachHeethoTen-tlrahms tho famous trinity of Vnn IlUlnw-

ami Dohnanyl nachs jrreat dirnniatl-raritaay In D minor hended the afternoonwork It wan played with nil Hi iireadllt-

aarie roulcal Intlllgence nnd fire dynatnl-dl nrllnlnntli n we eipect front this tflftmyoung artist He In seldom atibtK ratheVia forthrl ht nt times In a we t eyei-

tiiuler rolir anti eetitlment chrme win

Played th lletlioren SonntA In J P s 1-

1So I It Is 11 oompoiltlon o seldoin heartIn piihllc that It stiirire u d tie notion ofrerlTiil of llretlinven early piano snnatnsIt Is certain tlint If the Inthetlc Sotmti wenrevived by n wrtiit artist plmio ntudentwould not fall t benefit br such n rnre op-

finrtutilty Tlinso wurka era Imposslbl-

iutthln ncadnmlo wallsTh jif uhtiM number waa opus j vorlatloni

fucni on n theme by Handel TiicjMete played with abundant vlttuo lty-

Dohnnnrl eenw to play clmlcnlly lustIer a-

eTerj conrert Ill own composition con

sIded nf a Krhomi C sharp an Intermein I1 minor a In 11 mlnorU-nuijor net minor ne tho pioHramnn1 tlatcdThe ronipr iir Mill admire the mu liof HIT

huven 8chuntnnn and Drnhms Ills tutorrmrro shows Ilrahms adoration tie caprlcdo littrnyi a itronir phomatlc Umnln tnwttBeethoven limit there Is Individual lnvntint fantasy grace dfft manipulation o-

ipaSBce work Indffd much tint iiromliird nil that is wellsotindlnu A lnrr aud-

ience was prtrent end an Interested oneAt tie cloe tliere wa cnthuslHsm and fora recall plete Pohnanyl usve llubinntelni-C mutant Ilarcarclln thoueh without muchtonal beauty or poetic sentiment

The Aernnil rhtlharmtinlc ronrertTh second concert of the rhllhirmnnl-

Snclef In Carnecle Hall ant night Htlraclctan tintisiinll Inrxe atidteiioA boctusc of th-

Htrius noTcIt The perfonnnnco of thl-

c olopoan work wns much smoother thill the mitlno Frldav The trumiieta o-

ri etaee wire In Iwtter tarot and thiw wa-

mnre pn8loti morn perspective to th entlrr The moii Is a time o-

t rror nnd turmoil end the lntrr dtetlon o-

etrnneous thnitla material latmr ni unait fnclor 1 ever

Hut the wnrk is in ntlrK e med mor-

eohe ve tho rl7i tlc wph mnrn clnssiun rot tMs Coinljelnr Tmll Inur I1

to he thnnkedAfter tint srrorihnny he waa culled out

rniny tlme lie deserved much prilfor Ills tindcrtnldtiir Irlt7 Kri l ler deepenedhe ImrriMjtnn ncated by lirllllint dssli

log pUvInu nt the public rehnarsil Illwork In the Tartlnl music was osrccilly-eliitient And after the terncfli counterpoint and multitudinous liirmonlei ofiioros 11e Viiier Illdo of the Vn

rounded litre the AnJtble corccolhog of a bawl of hobby hones


Mil of Those Who Will Occnpy Dlorkhnlden-lloxei this Ke on

The Hat of hoxholders for th approachingeason of opera nt thn Metropolitan was madepubllft yfHterdiy The Voc holders boiciwill be occupied bv the ffillowlns

llo I Mr Otdn noMM sitBox 2 A P and matneri-

frmbrnk Jonis Wrdnftday Ororce 15 lodeKrdaa

Hoi 8 R T Wllsin anti odd rratnet lrrlrn and Mrs I HeiveMrrmt-dtifsdays Mr and Mrs 11 orme Wilion tiiUaya-

MCL J iriltik P ar ori rtrnInn 4 Aiifust Ililinonl two Monday eten Frt

davs and all rrMliv Jamei Spur ntlur Mum

daS Mri J Iriotilt Mls L r-

Snlnr iliy9 MM SOt old IridaysInn 6 i M ltd arid Jonn ouoan er n nlrbts

and odd matnfi Anton Ihrlpi Slokrj otherberl rruanr 3

lilt D William IL VandeiUII-Dm 7 ilra A Wr and tad Mr John Jacob

Hot a U a D Horden and Cornelius N Dllu-allnitlD

II n StanfiM Wht Mondays Charles TBarney Wednudays J T ttnllrj-T Uarnry rostinee-

snoi in jeor e I lUltr opening Monday alibIE II harrIman c rnhituikW-edne l 11 Francs Kridayi MrUsher and Mr Falinejtori allirnaunj maknees-

Hox II Utluionl-Dox i Henry Cle old nlcbts and rren mail

B M Oeurie J lIen ulcou and old mail

Uox It Mia Dryer odd nrLU and tenmatlcco usual U Trail tea nltkti and odd coat-

llliii 4 Cieorre Jlnry Warren Jr end W Starr-Xlllirr alternate Mondays Mr and Vrt Prrcltn-Ilobrrts dneiJay lamei it Ilarrtn FridaysJohn tuoaca and Ucir e Heury Waneo

lini IS Adrian I ln Monday and tinate-matlnera William 0 KnclreeUer V dnelty m-a and alternate matinee

Uo l leti I Morton Monday and alternatetnatlre i Oeorre T IM Wedrmlays Md fclte-jrwlf mMlne Mr fieorie lll s Frlclsyv-

Itox IT II MiKTwnmblyatid W Ii Slane-lloi 1 tMles II Alexander oM Monday n4-

onethird roatlneevi tdwanl It Damn een M n-

rtaj Pnlllirr and atntl Vrliienlclil alter-nate VVedresJayj 1 TeinJi andcnetlilrd matinees Alexander Melwnalil onethird-tnatlreej

hut IM II I Ilairey Mondays and odd matlntea-Mr IiraJleh Jnhnxir Vedne iiyi Oror t TuckerFridays Jules H nrl sItu matlnri

Hoi o I O MillsPox fl Oilier ii Jenrilnri Mcinday Ml t Jen-

nings tVrrinc dayi Mrt Fdirard Mc rf IVb1nenrMrs 1 flood Wrtfht rrluAj Mr l ntmln-

Drewtter ruaunre-Un ZJ Rr and Mr W Seward Webb Mandy

end Fridays James 1 n Ain Vfdnr i MrsII Mortimer flrimk rrrtlcer

hoc it I T tjtm mnilnei K Jtltrwlriil Ve lnMrty I I Wlntinc Fricnss-

lloi 14 Mr hubert lioeUt all performanceMOJ IJ a llav n o d Mm eyn eTer ire

day atd odd matlnet John I rattens even Mon-days oddvedne day and e en maUreev Johnrrlrtay

Hit fi I Dabcoele Mondays matlnMloin M IloTrt dnesdiya ami Mrs rharl aT IMlrcr oiU t llenrj Sm In et n Fr-da s

lint J7 S Ilowdnln Mondays end allrrat rnatlnes Ctarlei cr Werlnejtdavsulfrnate nntine i Mr FrMtrlfV e nn

llnx W llavard ruttlnj Murdavs id AlterFridays Mrs 1 V Dxnliren wednidu

W 1 iJutn alttrnal Friday waiter J Oakman ITStlll-

l o 29 Mrs AleiandM Van X st Monilar andall rnat miVneu Mn Hrmsnn We-ilnrUvs Mrs Itfharl iiamhrll FriiUyi and alkinat matnerK-

lini ii W C Whitney all perfnraianceHot SI JamM 3tilra n all iirtorrnarrealint S luther Kiitmtt Mix rwlia-

i irnf dne Freddie Oallaln Fritliiys Mrs Kounur Mr S Uc n m tlne j

lit M TtiOnas Illtohenrk Mnnilnj s and twothird matin Jivtph Slirknet WriHiesday

lrtdiv and nuetbitd nttiiesU-nx Jlllelxr K hilhup MondaVk and IKOthird matinees Mrs F WrtnnlanAdrian Uilln Jr Irldv cud rn third tnjitmiev-

llox K J Ilrpiit Mirtan all performanceAmoiiR the holdera of wand tier boxes ore

MUi E U lit lacob 11 S huff KdwardKemp Mr leflersori Coddlnston II II

Mrt C Hester V H Poor Tol-H II M IInrv T Charles t line nndFrancis fl l e ett The Opera flub willone more occipy

tIm HimselfSoMlnviui N J Dec Jamb Weber

lound hrvjiKlng by a piece of twine I rowthe of hidrooni nt his hoti onsouth nlreet Rt s clack tunlcht ehep-wns H SwvCn rn olil arid nn Mild f-Lit tlH ot i Kurdish iecri1he n proviinii MOIH on Main trhere He wflN in this venture by litrout whom ln tail been rpnratoInter he clnned stilt hl More bis wifencaln left tutu

ICtFire Very III-

to 1 I Mcfllll a retire biUMmn chiefof the Ile i rmuh III nthis hiirin IJI Wayerm iilnee vlth tj hoii-jlieiiirouli lie tr ten willi n nvcrn

tlirie woe 1 Itoeltiwny lifichin iv im e r rei vi ry


Oriental Antique Sliver inrl-GoU fri

k a imirtr1 pric Esivully iitilifor presents

t ion Onrot be JuplKuleJDANIEL Z NOOSiAN 23 E ZCth SL N Y

Owa tJmpoItIflI



and april InI


hug tilt t ut Ill








mat r c

LotAct un

nib4ide nd



Mrs rushn





Monday end

Slatt sri

Lan had


i Mrsodd rnatluiiu 1 rich


iIoi rlen


hi It left 1 flangede

waselIimu his


In r nil

atmc nit

hIp flc hIll

Itapam lob

ii s

roil ii


rr a dae Cyrtnte G1as RareIalttrt an Spnisj-

1mJ1j Lte srcti an5l iuiiuujCjuln e1 S4ths1-

T j L


< >

















BtlaiAN Ktfitl IAMKD TltHOV-Olrvriions Avn nnr rantis-

O her nram rndi Ferlrrlghl HnmlIning rrnm M nlla in lloni KnniMa

rirfCrniilni Parlflf-rh fl K room Tno lint In llrOerupltd-

Hx rn N i rn D r tran por-

n ltflnn King nrrlrpl iy from Mnll-flnr voynup made memorable hr

arid by nnrrow rip il lrnotloii-Hliortlj after Ipivlnir Manlln tho VOMP PI-Ipoimlprpd n typhnon find for two fUja lhoon board irnltnl donlh whichltii vltnbp The il In thenut tVp lr n tort for fort plrht hour winnn Iir bpim rinlj tlip sudden ahatlni-nf the storm nivpd the trnn r ort from tfPlm-

to lliii Tie liolirinn Klne w InU-

tifi for irvopipfri iln fur mj nl9 nt HOIK-

Konu nnd nftrr Icivlnif that tu rt herrHiichl tire ihrouth rnroiomniMj In loidlniIt and It lmrn d tilt thin t daj while thi-

tMti porti ofllrrr1 mndp doirejate effortst i rnlned hnAdwnj

nt one stateroom were toohot to be oomplpj

typhoon tnick the TM two daysafter left Manila tly nildnleht when theaUirm was nt lu heIght n water tank tiiirat-floo Ai this angina moot nnd put out the flre

vf vl then drifted with the utonn for im-

nillii Klnnlly thi rnollef miocfpdeil In rUht-ln the hlp by uhlftlnz mimi tenjn wa-

iCt up nnd the trniKport plt IOta hung KongAttic the rlilrn wore made tb vnyn n w-

reiniPil All went well until flvo day utterlenvln r NapnMkl when thu coal wn i fountfob on flre Anittempt to quenchthe ftanies but II was mwucrcf ful fordays Then tlie tlriill il down


PatIo Cnrmpnnilriit Kiplalnt a Hrh m

Srlln Crrtaln KiiElltti rantsflrrfdii caHi rdrvj i Tun srxI-

ONPOX P The lnrl corrp pondenof the Suit Iii ir iii who v h knowall nbout ien Merrier thin for the Inva

of Inshncl uxpliln ihit all rr nc-

iibjpt In London who urn liable fur sirvlrIn n lerrltorlil anna will be ordered to lenv-

Enclind find rei rt at tntititof mobllTlon

Tim opli lal PTplanntlon gIven would b-

thdt they tiara wnnteil In Mndnevnr owntfl dl turhanc tImers and bennu n

Ooverntneif did not want to weakenhome nrniy Than arrancernent wouldb made wltli the railway roinpai ie to transport SuCKfi paa ii f ri n a certain Kundafrom London to Tllburr fluid Harwich-plckod number of them would elzithe torts at Tllburr rilioburyne and liarwlnh-

Dukp nf Tnrk JI y Stilt Title ConntrrI-

OVPON lice t ll i tf nffUythat the Puke and LiurlieM of VirV whomo fine to AtiMrnlla to attend thn ereniony of tt Innntnirutlon of tIe new Conforfprntlon toinmonwealth will visit thettilt d Htntf on tbtir way iioirn-


n nrf F Alrrt ronnd lf rt on lleneh I ftTwo Arnlril lrtteri

henry F AlnJ of 5S7 East nfty l hth-trect commlttod imlrlde In t entral 1ark last

nUht by swallowlntr carbolic nold PAUctiinnnSmith found Ida body nn a bench near tht Eastllrlvo nt Iftfth sired In his packets wereln o tenled letfr One of tliom wna addrrksod-To Utar Son Frank e other tail

ln crlitlon To My L ar ufe On a llp-of r was written In ca of death tmllfyTrunk Alrd of 77 Wt t mint etrett Do nottell my lf a h Is Ill 1 lucre as nl nn

1 Ire badge marked New Aort-Lncine No 6-

Tbe body was removed to the Arsenal aridOn his Hn called at thetuition and Identllled tha body

MINING rnojtoTxn AnncsTeoC r nntly of Cnlnradn Charged With Ii

lag Fraudulent Mining ShareCtiNTof In IJM r P Runtlr for-

merly ferfinry of right large mining cornpaniCs ofirMlne twentythre different mine

Colorado with rs nt ColoradoHprlnes Is tinder atrpn oh riri d with

of fraudulent harp of mlnlnc tockn ntlr on of the prominent-

men In Colorado Mprlnes and onewidely known ri the tate lie

lllonl to liquor catubllngfast women

Ilrrlrd bT M Hot WireThomas Ilattcrnby an employee of tha

New monk Wire nnd steel Works on FactRiver front at Astoria is laid up at his homeJ Mills treet in that pltire sufferIng trainm vrr raiifert by Inn belnr encircled

hv a wirn w su-perintending the mills on morning

wn h ldlnc the wireswith IIIISP tony that were drawn rapidly

HattiTsby tohelper to look out for lust nt thatmoment one occurred nod Batter by ranforward to try and utrniKbton It out As

iirnt over the wire It frntn

around Ito blnif drucenjtoward tIe revolving machinery when Henryrolling a flni hertrrcbvs dancer olllrus crabbed nnand cut the wire

llattTby fell to the floor uncnnacJotia-Hn wa al onro removed to tile home

Woodruff rnlfrtalnt Aiomhlrmn-nIleutflov Woodruff entertained A-

lemblymon electpd by the Kopubllcani ofBrooklyn at th last election at hit Hrooklyn home last nlcht

The aont Is rcfrrro tp ilninlln ru-In Supreme Coutt lit w k-

Ur Jtiitlce IrrtntrllCCAIN Hrrrtii-

p l T I ll ritnklln U Lwd-Hlncsinit HI ln Onlilmij-lOntit TS To ni nil fcA HtnrniS-nnttlKlm Andrrson l tiM I l ylitter fist ln lint

Inoin 1nuli Ad l-

y r TKomw 3 Uasnfnrt-Mi ney s Ijistvtcf Cnnrlcji A Kall h-

Tatum Inompwm lx l II rrtfdnanI-rvlrif Ssv liu v KnI

vs Srhniurk-lymsn v a-

rtam rSame r ItnjeMIialMooney liapMifs-llriiti vsIJktet r SeibvMatter uf leoiheranHart TS HartMeyer vs Meyerlarolis t SalomonHerman Nav Hank

llirUri n r Ir asky-Mirrs v llr d r

Franei n llarrlon-l i

ivmiam II Mlrieti-Snifin llerrlrk-tvilllam J tiSiilllracUaunsell It FieldKmll Holdmarkharmful NathanStephen II

F iKicmtllrW DauksUtn

Alfred SleekierMyron IIHenry D llotrliklsi-

Oifcn Julius Lehmanlly liMr IllineliarJ-

Wlutllil IuhII R Pit

liernanls Life l Co-

r DUInn J rasp i Inhn Fwnvr triarkt-Maiirnf H n 11crnin n Odel-llihtnnn T I eiriyer iiph I PalyMiner of lilinn Thorns K Ikinnell-yItur v SiaroiJ Tlinma I

liJkley v fimov r Jo I i v-Isr li H rVn loeph

jlneini v MaijiT Thom r Wenmorfj-Tbon in l lat

fy A Io 1 imirn-v Kro llamlltnn IVI-

Ile iple Fank v i

nowli IsTne W llavet-Hy Itutiee An re-

Ilonlr vs Ilimlt Inmrn Maddensaiilir v Siriiti lilm lulie-Hiniknifv lnt Churle Ilmohue-MI in v IJberr rvel-

i Illiam C ArnoldMutiul Hani v Parrel Him II tudce-

Iiv l tle Unrrenre

S ljiiM rdMrConnlnjui v Mrliln-iiv lutli

rTnoii N IirUTrrll Cnlitmnil-Thema K IVinnellj-

rf llltrlmR-

Mni t if hnmlnrnof Dncrn

lly lul ttei nt Oomrrrelit MAS Alilnayer-

lly lu tiee TrimMatiM of M C Sr neer

Daniel D 5T


IThree ilay the

4 This

hoic disaster


for seemedblinker shined


I oh t nita



reich Teki The lire suchthat time some




rts madthree






t hem cIrai

tile thethe



sr I1t Ca PusuVh so lilatate



Vi a



seurat thouiend dotiutraworth

was moatmostear



hunchred hot Ito


tonrs IfliI anfleul ltuttWas



Th Llt at llrtersesa lIst of


5 lnilus


i illI is

feltiCitiulier I fIbs



i C tedlymafl uli Schpler c sf11 Itrirgi-lymei ci Jacob St itdailar-

trrifiSfl rtrsyr Ca um

T I let mrsui




1 inn





tbumrIrafll lnrnlrn-sIuliuy S d Iru r

liznrailran n Anpunton


















< ¬








Portrflf art IB One Cat lle rarlilOnce rhjilrlsnnnee TrnleiUnt PillarThe liar William Everett rector of the

Roman Catholic Church of the Nativity dler-

al home adlolnlrnr Ids church NoHecond avenue situ FrIday eretdntr Kmall but nine of thus at years of Ids life tinlived In the city of N w York iind all offorty er n years of Ids life as a priest wendevoted to two purHicr that nf hi toter-In Ilarclay and that of this Church ol

the Nativity A a matter of fail It trnj-be aald that practically till of Ids pnslnrat-wa pas ed In the Secimd avenue churchfor he remained only two at HI raterwhore he Assistant to M r Quinnfrom the date of Ids ordination on Jan 79

ISM to IMS when tin went to tie Church oltin NtUvitr as a si tnnt to the lato lev-ieorm Mirirmitv brother nf the prtnon-

tIlsioii of Ixrilnrl II lver i WHS a convert to Catholl-

clsm nt the limn of tlm tractarlan movementvhirh rniiny Into thusTnlholln fold tlicm Mar Ircstmi-nnd Fnllier Wnlworth of the dlofiso-

llh whom Father Tverelt was n student at-St Kordhim Iflor in be-mmltiir n rntholli hImuwlant Pl npnl Church anti tuthat a practising Ulin In X YorkIt wns I I4 was admitted otbn

of nixillilnp and hn hail nn ofilee inwhat thou n Chtirnlieristreet lo wit Whun h rame with parentfrom hlH nilvri IHH Albany In tss toIn Nev H antI ofhis llrst rtilfiiiinrca In the city waslost In the woods nhorn streetIs now As a yniine man he was of aascetIc tompersment wIth a mind whichPVIT ran to rloin s This led him n A

life tho ipilChurch In Catholicism His retiring IID

fobowod him allthrough his as a priest ll hiip Karloy-sidd of him last Pleht h came rw nearn anybody ho knew to thu Ideal

of n silnt cOin who i urhi-nelthnr fume flat honors nor temporal einnlu-mcntn of but went nyinway dolor hum toil duty and coutHit withthat lhi fuieral will held at the Churchof Natlxity on Tuesday mornIng notat tM-


flute to rinrlnnatl Intend on Altnalinn lest Ilifore ElectlnnC-

iNriNXATI lice tnltid States Mar-

shal lvlnn J redo thl nftnrnoon receiveda letter under dato of Oct n from PieldentWilliam II Tall of the fnlud 6tatcH IUlp-t lies Cointrlitlin Itn letter enld In port

You aro nlt ilcht In tUnktner laa grant deal of trot k to be unite In thoo Mnndi-Wliither or nt we nhall b wic4a iul Is ofconrvo n orpntlon that cnrm t lp nnfweridwith lilt 1iat we are hojxjrul of

result I inn Kltd to bnnblnllirnieplon o 1n ilent Mhadisy will

bn a ln Hp toward raci-acniti 1 tiP4 Ulindi nnd will I loire endwhat remains of the InsirrmUon whlh Is-

niw contln n l for eletlon in-

in Imticjicp t refill America and wuh1 1 almost wholly byand a isilraoy cif and H-Slaiinailon a nmnH number the Kll-lpito In arms airalnnt their n


crnK urrs v TUK oAnnnx-

Illrharl Defeat Stlnvon In FifteenJill-Piueil rontnt

Men women and buys stood up In everyof tJ sralleri nt Madl on Hatmro inrrlen-la t night t WHtrll bicycle races Thero-Tirrt1 lit leust TfKXI or tnoo persons prepontTie rrijrrunme roivlMed of a luilftnilebetween amatenri trpelve and n flnnl-u rr fi rnfo between TornIoorer and Major two hentsIn three anti u IAUB a nre

handicap In twelve heats awl a pneudrace mot cycle liPtwrpn V Ptltisonand Jimmy The track Is bonkedthrip more at the turns and twomore in tii than ever before IH t

In t t point In any tnni wasfeet from the this year it Is t ilr-In th9 short Htreth of the Incllnn-Iftt sear was only two feet hIgher nt fiet oilierextreme than nt pole this it Is furfact nt the ontlde Stitninnrlei follow

One Mile Amatrur Handicap Final heat Wonby Lester Wilson IMlsburv 11 yard Daniel Sulli-van New York Si jrardi rond E C SrJireltjer-II yard third W L 19 yard foartb TUneJ rtilnufiv 11 serorid

Halt Mile AmaUur Final b t Won by Jarnea-IIuDlr N rit I i yen foil JCMndrita N tnr York third Time 1 minute 19seconds

Match Rice Hetween Major Taylor and TomCooper Fir heat one mile won Tar

9 mInutia t lS seconds fleeond heatpaced won by Taylor Tine 2 minutes ft 45

FifteenMil Paced flies n twe n W C Btlnaonand Jane Utenatl Won by MichaeL Tim 17minuteS us t nsxindt

Rltllardifinal of game In the Glut D

amateur chatnptonahlp billiard tournamentyesterday at Knickerbocker A

0 theatre TIme two Doston claycra woredrawn against each other In the afternoonAnd two Chicago players In the eveningThe acorei

outlet i o i i as lo i n n o o IB17 it n 10 m is 46 o si i o o s o s 4


i i a fi IR i s 7 e 7 1 10 4 o n 7 j-

t n Total u ateage 9 JJ40 hlrh toni t19 19 10-

Heeree id ln O Prenbrty-FVRMXO OAKB-

Keiiocr o o r n a i i a i o 7 o i 9-

n i i i 1 1 4 i o 9 o o in o-

l A c l lit l to e ii a in a IP 17 n o-

K o 1 7 i o 41 i j i o o 7 i Trial aoo-

Merace 4571 tolgh runs 41 20 1C IS 17 le-schrnut o u J l l o 0 S n 4 6 7 1 n n 4

1 2 I 20 29 9 I 0 2 7 4 0 I 4 1 P IV 0 01 B 0 12 I 10 11 0 I 10 2 6 f 5 7 0 0 1 0-

n M 19 17 0 0 p 1 0 f I 8 4 11 J 0 0 Total3 07J li tans 21 20 17 U

IlelerteLir A 1 Millet

Chicago Stock Rxhlbltlon Illdnt rayOiiiCAOO Deo International Ilv

Block IipoKltlon la not a paylne InvestnientA deficit nf lllono exlats A vIsitor to thegrounds at any tttno since the ipoMtjonopened a week a to would be led to believethat the show was one of the best paylnienterprises In Chicago The crowds in altimes w re cnormoiH The receipts at tiegate did not eiceed 4 wi nneflft-lMh of thnso who saw the chow were obligedto pay the entrance fee of 10 cunts Ti herest cam In on pusea

Serious Fire In Canton Ohio

CAXION Ohio D c 8 The Ration blooiietc of t olarccst hulldlnc In th city t cm

fire Is B already n total los anti the irandOpera Hoii a ijolidtic Is in Invrlnenl dangernf Other contiguous pr

also In dsnifr Tho hock wa ocmrledthus lloor by Kenney llrosmm and nvery of their stork Is bured

er floors wer i ccipiert ns living roonirind Inmate I IM-

Op ra lions waHllIhrt nh n thus

covered but was emptied without rlo s-

ml hap


Pttruk Klikeilrr 4r Im le an of NewJer r lOot hln Cenipanr l Newark was h ii1-

In ItKfl yesterday I Ktie Ommlwloncr-Hlii t nn a chaw to vi of wuhei-triiximntrr tampt Fiiriiymo wMhol l m-iwveriu tara were found in jxn ion

Dm e mnil Annual dJnivr of the l nn riTania So-rl ty nf NP York mil Iw lucId in the WaldnrfA tori-nn ovpnnjr U at 0clnrk lUhoj-illnrr I Potter xil pre id Amorg the ker-

iii b nilrw ranxiriA ei lor llainntf the Hon-K ih lien Dr John It Ilion aoltli lion Jiime M fleck


Developing Instrumenture l t Vlrm ty Irneasbt hr ilrciilatlon nf the

nl In wfnkenr1 and inie ymir o n-

WVKl Mill clime you eulrker end bettiy them r-

m iHli rorsl ii of a glass tube wlih tretal at-tachmmt the open end iJ tub eniered HI aduller Xnps iire make air lightTlie unly prae leal medium ln truru ni and the onlycnrnnonen e tr ihiil of rf toIocate e louse th in Complete Illushued lila fi ed enrelnnen AMritov ro-

Il New Vork X V


The lo t tetm i no rhir ea trim ln urne-iamrr atipllmrnn nr 14 a ed elrtalor-br I flUlil ii tin MatInee

IOAN AtfllCIATIONllanHnr Dent MemVr




a a





ill icr I


of theprlIatc

lint he


tvn eiri onenttlfl

rd iiI us 4r

t lug


a the

I hut I lau

I lie ti Ins ill ii

I lie

tin I

mimi ru I ill 0 I urrorl suit






riceI heats







The aerIal

began the


rtttLlOOJS GA51

3 5

0 211 I 1 3 tothI anemaga 7 l3 41mu ix t 75 z


a2 C >



t9 alma bit


I quo


aduu wfIrs wag dii


who agent the I



list 7


I t PiuS


I tim

the1h iciSOn uue

litTiltSott fit

Icinu hocIncorporaled and
















< <





HAitnnx rttAMnrM rirn-

Tk Kmllth Ailhnr Will Writs Pattii American IM y for rrnhmanI-

tndilofi Clifimbot the Knitllsli drnmntlauthor rrrlvrd lore jrslrrilijr Mo

courts to tnitintlilntf of Anifrl i to nl-

fl wltli rrotiinnn upon lh plHr whichhe U to wrIte tar lust iiiAimtfer Tli y t-

ionlr brief talk as Mr lrohiunn wile nliotr-In tlnrt tar Wnshlngton hilt lliiV nert d th

scrnn slionM KnvlKli inrr-iinn Hi nrllon nnd rnillne nrc-tlirrr with a mldilli portiimntttlior MAS M n nt Dm Fltti Avciiinlnt nvrnlnir-

I stisll tnnkn n round of Die w Vor-lthfttlroi rotitrollril lit Mr Prohmnn

fMtly for nf roiirs huti for tIme Jitirrom of studvlnu llm inctltiids o

coil of the actor likely ttin cast In th

He hurl not been tiara hU writIIIB Thr Idlers was stroll it the ITC UU-IHU liter nnd much tnMir known work Tli1 of Tnrs ervoil to f iine1 Im In lIds country He romtrhul of tinlitter I wroln tlnii lle withlilo of klnirlv i lnif nnd It ronhomed nn Intrltrtif or frrmtlon hut wn JtM1-

n story The net tint nrIt n lonu nt the Ktnt Ire Is tho innsl-

irniilfvlrjjf ixrrfnr I h v ever had In thehtislrois

jinn fionn wr rnn nirnncei-

lh All e Arts of nuclEi Committed o

Three rontlnmtiHAS FnAsnsro n n Mrs Alice Flood

wits of Ooorxn Hood n romtrprolM manIs nllnc for dlrorr nllieine nets of crueltycommitted on thriv continents They lIvednt tho Mnrlliorotich IlotiO Nnw York

lP3 mid this wlfp that on Fob 5 ofymr l r hnsbanil clunked liar to unconsciousniHs kicked tier and othrrwle RliuneiilFlier w Tt to lnbli In l31 trip lilbiini-Is niCtisd of wilting tier about the fatKOI Urttirnltr to this ronntrv theyIvfd In X W Vork nt if 104th strp t

und nt I2 uitli utrfi A Londonand 1arN flfosurc trip vns In litmand then more nf oritoltr

rioml snv she irtHn Klt horhue hn follownl liar and t4mv wrsnt ton Ml rrnll tre t In this city An InUnneo of rriioltv it tlio lntnimil Nthat Mrs lieu w s inl rd iit of liar nt rt-

iniiit nnu wewts and tensforced to rmiin In the haihroom until mornIne

Mtntr iTKiiinitCKUIM-


Sun Times 7 IS I Sin ts 4 JS 114I-

IICJII WATl II THIS IIA-VSandrllooi m0or Id Id 14 I IiI Gate I J7-

ArrlvertSAIilltiAV Dtl-ttexnts Melav i nrri llee I

Ss New VurV Xiis S iithiri ton lienK I uiina Iij i KMilkFS lirilnr Iwiin Inmlirir NUT JlSit Marylteniirtt Krnri lllllaxS iinern Ttn ni linne tine I-

P yinrtirn Mann rillaii IMil Per 7Kt Atmn ITI Nntf IV 7s oeorce Kurwell Ireland Urimtrlrl No IV

haul Vaianu U Inter llavuns Nnr t-

Amuvrnotrr5 ratirsnla frin Ner ork at IlferpooUS A r Xne York et lil rallar-S Ireiorta from e Vet at ImmhurrS-

AILRII rnoit Fonnix PORTSSt Imlrta traIn UrtrpfX for New YorkRi 1 Ctarupagrie from haute for New York

ri u-

Prtnc sa Ann NnrfntkSail T ti4av me II

Lan nrerren TfiOAMire fcfin fcJOAM-nrle OaiUjtnnJ-

eCereon Nrrfol-kMlako New i irlfans-

Siil iTelnii dl nee liNew York Soiithimptnn T v A M-

rj rnianle Liverpool n m A M

riMha Mtns I 00 P M-

Sablne ilajvenrn-Uuyaniliitte NnrfntkI-


AlrternejIyinderMot kn-

nclU CityComaorh-

I A Ilretafnr-Onf W ldDr ee-


riirityha-Kl MontNlpnorhef

Manltou-CalednnlaaA imtAPMladelpht-fHUcAranthu-IruteuSent


HullSt ItirlaMaaniat-


fuaaIunrle-enloiN OrUsntCopenhagen

inc t n-

irun wlfk-Dli TuiiCW Hit II



Rt Ineta-Nr Orleans

ui W dnM ji 12

nouthfrark-SpaarndamfinirfKlfilop-tMairarKftslil-Kl Sue-

lJlanrta City Svr n eft-

Cnnctio ilalroiuaHue Tliwitav V li-

Jsl erWllhelmII Oirrnltar-Trl r firemen

iKirailo New inleAnt

in on A Mi ro i1 M-

a i p M-

no i M-

s no i1 M-

It VIM1 iv I1 M1 on p M-

100P M

Nor IINor 21Nor 21Nor JZNor W-Iwe 4


Nor 27Nor JPee S-


Nnr rNor rNor 15fleeNor


lee 1-

Nnr 17-

n 7

VAV TCKIEMITriliilOn WeanedlIce I IttXt Joatph R Van Sjreil la MaryMltebell huih ff New York city


JCAN On fUtunUr l iioo F1 rd WtamInliitM

funeral rerrltot will IM tild at lit rtildnrR-niT e ant ar Jluthrfor N J on Mondar-pp io at rn I Al on arrlT l of I 0 Teltrain foot of huulxT it-

Fr XrMSKT At Ixme Island CUT t hits realdenri 77 SeTenth t on Thursday 6 l on-

Joietih D MD of the lute Uuilel and Julia Yennnietjr

Funeral Nunfay Dee l 00 at 2 P M from tilt

IIATHK On Mday Dee 7 1KV Reuses J-

llarili In the eIM year of bit arcFun ral cervIces at Si retMenoe JJ7

7flti on Monday Dc 10 100 tt A p M-

PrlfBil are rr tuitMi nut ti flitterKFMP On Frlily PIX T Itw Jemw R K mp-

tunere from Ut I IP reMenrp Mi Iruon it llrook-IfD nn UnnVr Don 10 mice et 10 Uitn toSt r s flureh Hoyt end H cktt t IU

end fnnd r lnvlt l to eti n

ROOrVKITOn P tun 7 rrv I uro at to-

Wt l 4V1 St James Homerell of Hrd N YFut Tal MrrtcM tx haul at Hi Jarotss niiirrh-

Hrd rank on Tiied T it i oo tt l M p M

Bi Hl train will IMVK flrand r ntrl Station tttea PM returninir to reach XtwYnrkttfMP U

FUR KBVSICO CBMBTKHV stationllsllnvl 41 inlnuttt rM from

ir nd Orlral Depot Offlf li Cast 42d f-

RnFIIITKS Hiillicit Sllir sic warranted to neiide the wh n spilled to dnors andwindow dllnuor telephone 172 FultonIjyabllebed M7I

llf Ki firtlOs nrt Dlifiiieliver 1 BULKS AIIT KilPOIIIlM IDS

id st Old Cold and flUer bjiight


il take phre-AT Ml MVI1TLK A IHIOOKLYV

MONDAY Dic 10 ilifjn AT in A M

llootM anrt SoldNjAMiNlit lltoadnny


Ahfirp 4Tlh St N Vlrie and coulee assortrnmt ot old book oldprint tt noolrs baurbt suit sold



see situIi arias


t his lieu hi it nil k

stunt hum

lucre rutslIntel


I ell sic

rIce aearly


pIn lie eel tlslu

lin omit

lays that

herii tuit


Inter Vettake

arcIrs nil


nImbi Is

Mnon uses


Pee 5

Prince her


OrrGOItimdTMAMSIlP-sal Tounierow-


s eu M


lit tO A M

Thus 104f-


tniUsn hmnZ lidflee

aes Oru5O Ps 4-

toiu 0-

tJisd T04ioeOIA


ian 5


Atlrontck lienColitrado 7



ai 5Colon e 4

p 4e


Pea IIflee

iu 11cr F

Lean nearhis




late tn1dnec

isle Writot






prrizt TIotittL



tcUious Iloticet


1IeilV TitlNllY sIlPflrd N V rfl arj t flee ii 1 fkbits tenor 2ttiVieti30 and II t U ag end is U

O H I5K4 llrosuriwa

flCVoliahra Candide IIiadU 1 In14lfli tom Jane

I tAil 151 SIb



< >









We hare eil ertl eil fn nlnefear thai a meklall insde ol-

linns end sf til l IlIT thanun trails roadea wanted Tomute itrnnily lro retic lth out Vi

remote surh little unjutl pteji-

dlres MrrayrilMajatn t thClub rxxiAll

KOOOO to any pttly wanwill prote oUT ajntlnn lo tomotile

AVOID IMITATIONSFor fls by all DriinKMs and hearts

G F HEUBLEIN BRO Sole PropsIV llrnadnar N Y hartford Conn-

Deffr upon your ClintSTJIAgIfts lunar the new and onilfrfnt


It nlll bo a tevolnilon l you Inlka anythlntt ef you hive ever heard In the talkingnui chine lIne

If nui konvenlent lo CT stud a postAl

we will exhibit nt your hoe n ntpeni o-

nb I album to iirehtxs-


H llroatl u Corner Iwih streetQuid ibid liillUvay Opin irrnlnci

Our aM lentil Gram and iramopLo-niffrd t cnt fit if-


lnrrsD nt Inrnmbratirri Nnnnpt DnwAgaIn on II A ojls Show et-

A raid w n mndo yosierday morning b-

cfilcrn of ho llvireiu of Incurnhrnnces o

the nhowca of I A Doyle dealer in trunknil bus u hn a st reit tlu A tor llou i

The b vt l e cishtwnover hum Inuld ns line Th otncers un-Mcrnwivl ihiMii irm their am

llieii n biiRe CT wd liioltinr-on Mr oldi walk ill ilay hits IconrMdid linn iiciin by Iniimbraiii-llureiu i i he rut out ceral trunkand aelKU t Tb i WITO attached chainleiJii ut the Uien the ll iri at-

PJOT yfp iTi tnt them tlmy werejerkc-iItif the Iii inii li H a cent on a 01All FoolH liv-

grt Satc8 fluid tfxUIMtion

FIFti AVEAUCTION2MS fith Av Wm n iiriniin Aurtr







In itt home lOt P tk Arero ipiii iO IN PARr

Old Vernli M ttn S dan ChMr louis XV and XVIand Kmnlrp Wn t nrreent Crjtal MirrorsCopisle Kn ll h Hall d t1 VeryValusMe Srarilsh Cutlet o the XVIICclonlal I ourpnt llrdaiead Cbolc hheuton S Anbasil let of Sheraton PIning Itoom ChairS Co-lonlal Mirror

Out ircil n and Modern Sllrei Rare Old franlilliTitle

Rare Specimens of rhln 1rra PresdanSeTrei-llrartie lidvli butc Pnreelalns Bmntes Clol

Inlaid with Carrara Maitle Ru t Mtdan-lUfairler Larls UinU shrine

iflnlaiuts-Vnliur rrlnei lUKlng deourtled wn FIgure

0A Ketir ChrsiTen In the n Cumuli

msnmr presented tij the EmiKroroI China to thetale Dr Reiger In lAftl

Ard ny order l


HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREfrom the llectory No I W Md SI

Mninlflrenl lrnls XVI CentrtTable Teakiiord Cabinet CntPnlal-

Andlmni Fenders llanxlei Kir-

TooKTiirn WITHA LarK Numter rf Very lush fonslcnmenUi-

Irrm Ire udiizalion nl iUhrCAry rurnltuf Klllot Hall ClueX

loll Hcreenshid nut Krurarlnf cia He

A kVAHF tPIIUilir PIANOcEMiNr Oil Arm ssox TAiTSTnirs


AND SACIii MfMCTo be sold Tomorrow Afternoon Deo I Oth

and following daysAT 150 EMIl PAY



A Very butte Cnllecllrn of



Now to preparation-by ordrr

IOVIS nUtNAHD KSUand rrmofel trim Manhattan 5toratt Warehoute

High Grade FurnitureCarved Ivory Inlaid CabinetsRich ArtCollection of Solid SilverOriental Rugs

AlJj-Paanre of effects lo elms iMtu ot-

DIB IATE SAMVIL j TMDRVAntler II ireen Knq rirrutor

Sell Daya-HATfRDAT IlEr IHIh and following day

at 2 oVldeii day at theFIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES

flOG rifth Avenue 34th St

llUIUnrry and J-

l rer ian msd IrOn sraiMa MVM rsrfs-oatsbliiti e iionial IlAllttKirSMI

Foo iatr for Sla ifiration-

io Manufacturers andManufacturing Companies

De trnef derre e exp n e ereet for ytu-ttittt Miiihr for turtii e In n-

luillr ID ih of Itroni with water IrortMIIE II denlrnl nrd Iyu-

ni lmz Iimi nl lo irtcentace uf th m t of laud

ad Ate and 141 t

TTENTION J Intend flakStPnozrapliy TyrK-

Crrilitc elcIt lll pay you o unid

VALWOfUH n t lasmsta west ait st-IOClTION piiLlie ip klnc relling rapid

tliorniich UAtunc ViriiercrlllliNVIUi KIPj il WrsliMk-

tIf KTIIil TfiACHIVU I mre 457Hull Trim liof Iii jFH na jad

t Irenrh mason tttal-

j to crimp teal peroinnII IIKIIIIUANNAiniirnadway

Thud AT rear H4th

really tine home Inou k dent rta 8 beautiful lightooma and batbroom floe room




I i

i stui isae urierlai mu-


50 lbs rublift lTUut s tctmnt Aol



I ItS fliuC oiler


I then diri


hum 5a-

lull boon

ltO I nc hub

fact auuiuu hstiuvutlas

aol tIm


him I

letetri nsf



stifle 1ncmna end liIcutt Insicwood PanelJade

Jeca P11 Var nftrneli on Chppi

yearn uidcurved


choice cohen

Ennui cnn Turtiltm Carpets



C Alt I1iS



rrsmin7-uIllS lifIlarrlhIn altered repaIred aeihskln

thisWrit 30th


amid inn el ill lease

iiii lL4ilJluuit

I lAtt1l lssirun 0

ul u nt itvtn

lnmru shipfir a iuus



L Ics

hoSE U lflSomditry

inrl ltouis 14074OiCt It aId llu C umeek tnuuru or-

I snftirA 5 fIned curtly a a

hugedIalog l

< >

< <





< >



VMlitfif Thai-

ircjMDONAlOWiGGiNSfill nUIIAIIIi HI hit liilIM AID

lS itlsl eat hiiolnr I mi-eNanK iiUtiufuCtiteMauil tIC n u ihiHlnest FIOC4I tofu nnd muney lor IriitiiAII-nifv iiuiiil tnirn eone fi lren prurnplafrulinn TelenhineNu 117 IMm

HTrtCK IHII SAtV X ntifarliiil-nviMrlMMr ml wli il lr iuThu n s In

mrslid N Ym fine ri nsl ilefor ne IMIVMIW of e r I ir ntiil iifinu Mtallnt-I AnsI dolt n cnersl r bInIurllier pan inM aiy it


tent lrii nii e voi i yrar Iriethis bi ln 1 free iiul dear now unfit quId

g ne ih enr lourfl iif sellinf prjll-Im otht iirlrleil f rIatl culir at


IHVI WIIOIKSAIR AND ItlTAlC0 I bimty incluilnc fliP piopny l eithan molt prominent t ii nn Hi il J-iplr lld Mi jerr arnutnr icwl teafni lot

lelllnci trlrte l ol uucHlgKllon allowed pattltJ-Un ntfiuiofllr-

i MeXiSAIH WIWilNH unNauau-Ct 0 AXI IlsrAfPANT lV

iUvl idol location ditntnwn New Vnrkdig ererytnlr in otUet inrif leK e low

i n for ranlitiUii ApplyA WHKINX i

AAA flI llfHISKSH iU i abll lie-rlull Vw fn tl hor turk

I Ac Inc tionc nse n rir iiiu riai n for vrll-log proprleni rM nl r f buMnesa

i BUYS furniture bin-tlOiVlU upboliert business lu ITO rinitIton Inenl town In New Jerwv Going liit bualncM

i lnre il ate ill i For furler rant ulara aivlr o-

MIDONA MI A wiiiciss m MH-

I UfVfi 4 hlXIT MACIIINKN altOOtUUw IlAed KiVI ironthlv mon pi eip nset

I rna nines nvs USnor rmiri fnr itt lug cultic to LumpsPariliulnr n

I M 1ONALD 4 WHIfllVS linjVa u

A lltYS oldXaillslied soul n P-

ClU po ikrinanuft nowInniHramon li ej In niH ITU rieni butnlnCunfled ut valued ft JJniiOi snrt r Asoa fortelling Ptrlilirsapiv-

M UOVALU 4 140 NnmunSn Tonooio CAPITAL vVTPIIK-

I C tabllsiinl arelli of-

rtferencev lArattni N 0TU Ply Ivtlpulas p-

Py McOONALII W IliilloS 141 NIUW-BftllYnhri IHYS tii rights and pafna nf

mtchn now b tmachine nn me mnrliel li dA Pur teuari calloffiie MrlMNALD A uoNaiua-CT rf ITYS DAKKnv es fll tifa IneMlan

W Mliar New nk ilty hour watuniroute luie s-

MrlHINAUIV rtlililNS 141 VanauS MAXlKAlTfUINO UVft-

TOlUiUU7 1 cilinn f nrk pUilralurdat 200 iletiid n ry

UOilAIl A V ifiINS 5 i Vvjall-

v ale rivd rae tilnrr Inrnt n fh 111 iinlesout I Nrw ilefsf y iraclnne y far manufneiiitlnc Inventilate II a hi rn

MrliOVAIil V WlfillNS Un NavnunC IAKHKV on biil nvenve

Cli mei Ixrlrj id i uy m i eiReek Mrli LVALli Vli IN u Nu au-

C1 Mv rA r lNl ii7NT 7r-

J l1iJfJ M e Ineatrd ill Nrvi llavrn KultftU-lar CAnlac or nuinrriililr rrlt iifir

McDOSALl UM UilV i Nasu-Cl LU bulaviforlUUU ntle In Walinciin Mkl cmi forlelllic Ill haltMrlliiVAIn 4 nirjniNl 141 Nassau

nnnOTII or ial n Planraltlrhome In Yur-


ei fl e cif stud full luirrntlnntr-tantnl A lv-

MciiOVALI ft WKifilV 14 1 in-

pONTKCTiONiKV nn v 115 n fl Mrnl

alill rt in-0i i

AKIVl y tnrrl

fnlij wte n ii p t nfi iirjtid abiit l l

mlle up inn Si t nnr I fjr iwim-McLioXAi ft WlfiillXs 140 v au-

7AifAIliE ITT STOCK IOi All KS Prrat valu tt Hi ahiv tei u fural In a eorroMtlon well itnlnr til nnn-

ertynre lh rpo rr thiriintry Kitnirt-lculars

MctioDAi 4 winnm no nnu619 nnnrIVE TAYIM r i YAUH ron

located In liioiklyn e nf-elllD III

MelVIVAMI 4 WIOOtNS 14n n ailKnAKtKcrnifAL srpnv AMI ro-vtt in ii for eale lnietlc ui

this poc 3 opening4 WlfJOINS 140Va au-

GOUDKN orPlinTtMTY for Inieitnr 11-r per yiar ti r rent l r mml utisr-

mtenl twentydrib ui 11 kj illriian ist no tlon b nk iefer ace

lriT or our best references writs tliem r IIHOLOHTOV A CO St liiiln M-

oM CAT AVh PnOVlYllON MAUKIT fahionill-irelf barnonlur tnwne iAinl iiei1 tom

cheaorrnt trrunllnr sartrent oteili aitprice 0 in 4 io IJJ Worth IV HJlM-

IllTKlXii niSINKS fo A whoiinle roudowntown f diuj trucks in horvs tu lneis

1400 weekly SAOMj rashIITTLK 4 TO 171 Weirld flullclnr10001 rlreularstl2i cards and WU

bead 40c perr i ixin KixtAU Illixrivii ASii STA-IOXKIt CO 80 UetJuih v

M mY InOtKt clau business Addrena


yiir the busi e alit bear tnnet Inn nifiuliiiehem rs craieiil need apply Addiesi A lioj 1M

Sun r rare

iirivrrnrrnl Ut elubamman with JVnfl i to i Investor cart

oljarllal CiiXsltATIVi t x 1 4 suiiofflf-BO fElt CTNT nlVlllfMI-

M nufactirinr lampfeet nrt ImeniJ eciinnn liil u prIntftrhaniiaue inn use on rll nrrenl nf int-Ter with nate enf and Inmanufacture rr r uillrmtrit drmand fnctnry now fll-lln rapis nnnonowill tea lImIted number ef ISO ahsres at itemprices rnllesllnre tailncr adfietv TIIOMAS I PAYNK llrnflvrsy

Bonaventures Galleries

HOLIDAY GIFTSOver 2000 jrtistlcilly framed subjects

Einlitejntli Prints Autognphs ofCtlebttl on their porttaits

Books in Rich BindingsFirst Editions of Amrlan and English

authors Volumes in full hvint MoroccoblnJIncs front five ilolUrs upwards Orlclrul-MinfaturA mi Ivory Antlqus Watch Sevtei-Silxer Fiw fans and other Art Objects

E F Bonaventure6 West 33d Street Opw iie vaidir-

fiWuttr IRrjorts-



Sr rvrnr rtrn n ir4it THtr fiinnri n nn rciir riIIAHVKV WKII lintel llrllnue DoslooIark llsce oik Moudnyv 10 to IJ

MMKIVIIIK S CINXnolt links hunting n

spoils Hstii team neat open niv1flies Ilne trees mild climate Write mixfral-


Branch Offices of THE SUNAdvert ements anti Subscriptions may

tn nt these ofTices where the rates willbe the tame at those charged at thimain office


119 Weil l2ilhSlraet


13 Borden At E IV DoditnBOSTON MASS

ana rtaihlnilon St T p llarrt n


704Bf iJF N Sommir


sos Stock Cichmg 1141 fl


9 I VIMI i i fill ldi if lieu

n A

flu ml a

ruth ur huh huiI PanI of referenes uIulvt5I if in iniiu situs nit

ulr iltn11 5 tVlIlN 4 I4 essc-

i9r I

Uth nitI niippr1 floutlit

r icsto nIne I S SN

r tAn

euirelten good mean


I ttYr Apply

I it t lttiNit h44aai-L I iittie year round reasout let uiltuuC death of pracr eiw

I iIiO ant dinprcpr slit

andPin nit iii liens

inWIt GlN

hit ltq hit hdqi4 >

leeI I n

pit ourt lUll tS

e crluie nut of

rca a

OFCilOIUtANl IrlfCit4 I nIiNISlou

I hit

I iim11 Siten its


II lilTI


n flu cdIunc rim

With 4

MrDOXAIlh it tliOlS 1441 Natam-ia f r imph utn e f

I itIltr Mq4 N 11 It P s No I I anoi-I l1ttUi tum iiuilt fl



share q


fuimnI ta nut b

tailheal thi

Its a

A rent fi

dead due


uloDPAhN SAIOo fir cletltct hnlnpJ-tLE lINIJMA 314 Pluue it




SIOItF godI nubnu ctt-

stt 11 lIke to meet a gentleman whw1l unrestI 1 52 iI tfl ii lehhmut bltness rnprmlue-

witch alit 1111 II iCi cruSt if At 8IIOuOII

lleLl5hl MrrtrAxTic ltrMlS with5 1 lii sil lull ii n we nIl

roil rflier Situ

sLick mew etCrttIc mostpfifricet

aIresline slum

In ait tight uul ixhi lion f Ipound

10 etch

finr rs






a5 sew

DflflrliS1FUIether ouiiiinn




5 Ut














