the sumter watchman.(sumterville, s.c.) 1872-12-25. · 2010-09-28 · 1st ofjanuary, 1669, if...

DBM MWSW raman VOL. XXI WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1871. Tlsatoo> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg. NO. 38. DEVOTED TO Ll TER 4 Tl RE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. The Sumter Watchman {ESTABLISHED IN 1850.) ll ?DU1IIII BVISHV W Eï>_\ KSOA V nOKMIKC AT SUMTER, S C.» BY GKLBEltT & FLOWERS Terms. .$3 00 ?Sil Month?«.ill in. 1 50, Ibrsd m'.ni'.is......... ............. ;r...........*. 1 00 Advertisements inserted st the nt« of ONE DO JLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per square for the first, ONE DOLLAR for tbe second, and PIETY CENTS for each subsequent insertion, ft - tty period less than three months. Obituaries, Tributes of Respect and ali com¬ munications which subserve private interests, «¡11 be pai'-' for ns advertisementa. Written for the Watcbmsn. catntsrnAs EVT¿. Tbs lamps ara lit, and tba Christmas blase Glows warm on tba spacious hearth; While children bask in the cheering rajs, Acd high swells tbe tide of mirth. Tb» ¡rraadtnotbor sics 'mid the marr/ group, With a quiet ead per s i ve air. And watehes tba pranks of the no's? troup, Ai they pWy 'round b»r favorite chair, And tbe granar.;'ber's face all beaming the w*bi'.e Ia the opposite corner jon see. Bespeaking a heart as free from all gails Baby's, who clings to his knee. The red berries poop from their biding place, It the leaves of tho bolly green, And tbe mistlotoa bough with meaning grace Bsnds smilingly over the scene. Pass tba parlor door, aud there may be found Three friends that in busy gloe, New gather tho articles scattered abound, Kow give them a place on tho tree. Ti» a borne full of gladness, and free from all care | As e'er in this world yon will see. Bot still must the thought that Viola is there Enhance all its brightness to me. go bare I'll forsake its attractions awhile, In the regions of fancy to rove; Where joy. hopa aod pleasure my spirit beguile, With wuheador her that I lore. I Clear are tho skies that are shining above thee, Joy bolds a holiday now in thy heart ; All «bo come near, bare no choice bot to lore thea, Gentle and loving'and pare as thoa art- XL Fall to the brim is tby cop of pleasure. Lore fills tby hand with his offerings sweet; Siü I would bring though in simplest measure, Some"ittlo heart gift to lay at thy feet. UL Dall clouds >f smoke may be truly revealing Warm gio sing fires tbe eye cannot tee, So may my verse faintly shadow the feeling Friendship bas kindled, Viola, for thee. IV If I have failed in the earnest endesror To please ono so blc«t as already thou art, Oh pardon mc th-.n, end accept here and ever The love of a true and affectionate heart. SIVA. APPOINTMENTS OF THE SO. CA. CONFERENCE! FOR THE YEAR 1873. CHARME STOK DlST-W. P. MoCZOST. P. E. Trinity and Cumberland-tl ll Wells. Bethel-J T Wightman, Spring Street-R D Smart ( Berkley Ct-A G Gantt. I St Paul's Mi«;»-J C Brandon, Supply, j Cypres« Ct-W Carson. ( St Paul'« Miss-G Smith, supply. Lower St George's Cl-A R Dunner. St ticorge's Ct-«V A Clarke. Bamberg Ct-P F Kistler. WaUcrboro Ct-B G Jones, II D Green. Coileton Ct-Thomas Raysor. Allendale Ct--X E Wannamaker. Yemassee Ct-G II Pooser. ( Dla.-k Swamp Ct-M L Banks, j lkrdeeville 31 is», J R Coburn. ORANCEBCÜG DIST- II. A. C WALKKR, P. E. Orauget'iirg Sta-F Auld. Eastern Orange Ct-C Wilson. Provi.lenee Ct-J il Zimmerman. St Matthew's Ct-T J Clyde. Bra ch ville Ct-D J Simmons. Edisto Ct-J L Silly ; R B Tar-ant, Sup'y. liraham s Ct-J W McKay. Wüli-f.R Ct, J li .MuMebeau. Aiken Mistión.-Q J Griffiths. Ureoitevills Mission, L C Loyal. Upper Orange Ct-J S beasley. Upper St Matthew's Ct, JJ Workman. OLcaais DISTRICT-WM. MARTI.*, P. E. Washington Street-O A Da-by. f Manoa Street-W D Kirkland. ( City Mission-To be supplied. Columbia Ct-S P II Elwell. HLbland Folk Ct, J K McCain. WjnnsboTo Ct-J S Connor, sup'y. Fairfield Ct-J T Kilgo. J A Chiflón. East Chester Ct-J M Boyd. Chester Ct-J W Humbert. Rock Hill Ct-J E Watson. Yorkville Sta-A W Walker. York Ct-L A Johnson, Sup'y. Lexington Ct »nd Misc-J C Miller, f Leesville Ct-O W Gaflin. ( Upper Edisto Mis».-To be supplied. President Columbia Fema'e College, S B Jones. A^ent Colombia Female College, S U Browne SI STER DISTRICT-W. H. FLEWSO, P. E. Sumter Sta,-J M Carlisle. Sumter Ct.-J A Porter, ooo to bo supplied. Bisbopville Ct-S J Hill. Camden Sta-R L Harper. I Saetee Ct-Thomas Mitchell. (Fulton Miss-C W Felder, «upply. Manning Ct-J B Platt. Lynchburg Ct-L X Little, W A Bogers. Timmonsrille Ct-L Wood. Darlington Ct-J B Campbell, f Cheraw Sta-A Coke Smith. \ Westfield Crsek Miss-8 Jone«, MV Wood. Chesterfield Ct- A .Ervin Hanging Rock-Ct-T W Muunerlyo. Zoar Cl sud Lynch'« Creek Miss-C A Piyor, supply. j Lancaster Sta~J R Little. (Beile Air Ct-J F England. MARMS Drawer-J. W Katir, P. E. Marion Sta-W C P.iwer. Marion Ct-W L Pegues. Buck Swamp Ct-W W Jonas, D Tiller. Little Kock Ct-J C Stull. Bennettsrilie Ct-J A Mood, L M namer. North Marlboro' Ct-E T Hodge«; R R Pegues, sup'y. Kingtree Ct- A Nettles. Johnsonville Ct-J C Ransell. I Liberty Chape] Ct-A J Stafford. ( Lynch'» Creek Ct-D W Seale. Darlington Sta--A M Chreitsberg. Georgetown Sta-A J Stokes, f Bucksville and Conwayboro, C C Fi»bburno. (Waecamaw Ct and Miss- W H Kirton. Conwayooro Ct and Mia»,-R ¡L Duffie, A C Mann. SPA STA ssa caa DIST-T. O. HSRBSRT. P. E Spartanburg Sta-C H Pritchard. Spartanburg Ct and Mu»-J C Crisp. Cherokee Ct-To be »applied. Rieb HUI Ct-J F Smith, »apply. Paeolet Ct-J Lee Dixon. Fair Foreet Ct-J B Wibma. Uniooville Sta-S A Weber. Goshen Hill Ct-N K Melton. Belmont Ct-M A McKibben. Clinton Ct-R 5 Wells. Cane Creek Ct-T W Smith. Laurens Ct-J B Tray wick. President WoBord College-A M Skipp; Pro¬ fessors, W Smith, A H Lester. Editor Southern Christies Advocate-F M Aeonedy. Superintendent Carolina Orphan Home-R C Oliver. Agent C O H, J H C McKinney. CoMSBCRT DI«TRICT-H. M. Mood, P. E. Cokesbury Sta-W W Mood. Cokesbury Ct- J W Murray, H W Whitaker. Abbeville Sta-W T Capers. Abbeville Ct-R & DagoaTi.' Lawndes ville Sta-A J Can then. C V BermM. ?P y. TostbliBg Shoals Ct-John Finger. , "renwood Ct-Was Hotte : W H Lank«. Bop y. Sooth Abbevüie Ct-G M Boyd. Newberry Su-Manning Brown, «enberry Ct-J L Seaford, D D Daotsler. «Wi Selode Ct-G W M Creighton. *»ge-«ld Ct-Wa> ?*oej««. Cokesbery Sctool-G F tmmL fee*«,. Oreen rill« gte-IJ Heyeardie. «.»-Tille Oto-Jote A tu» ty, Beena Vista arid Bates vii le-A B Stephana, snp'y. Koidviile Ci-TV Bowman. Walhalla Ct-J W Dickson ; F M Morgan, snp'y. Pickeoirille Ct-O L Dorant Will ia a o s tun,-R W Berber; J A Wood, snp'y. Seneca Ct and Misti-H Tyler, supply. Brusby Creek, J Q Stockman, supply. Anderson Sta-G T Hermon. Anderson Ct ead Mis«,-D D Byan, W A Hodges, inp'}. Pendleton-DJ McMillan. Choobee Ct and Mist-J C Deris President Williamston Female College-S Lander. Transferred to Baltimore Conference, T A Griffiths. Sopennnnated Preachers-N Tally, J W Townsend, W C Patterson, D Derrick, K J Pen¬ nington, L Scarboro. John Watts, A MoCorqo- dale, A P Arant, J W Crider. To thc Public of Sumter and ali the Adjacent Counties« Important Information-United States . Court Practice. Haring thoroughly investigated the presen1 Bankmpl Laws of ti e United Stat. « BÎW in force' I am prepared promptly, and Ob reasonable terms, to attend to this branch of practice. Ibo fellowing infjra.aiion can be relied on : Under the Act of 1867, and he Amendments approved IOtb Jane, 1572, the Bankrupt when discharged is allowed te retain two thousand dollars worth of property, to wit: One Thousand Dollars of his real estate, and one thousand dol¬ lars of bis personalty, and this, unlike the pre¬ carious and restricted benefit of the Homestead, becomes his absolute estate, to dispose of as he chooses, either by sale, gi't. devise or otherwise, all bit debts effectually, and finally wiped out, and be and bis family free from embarrassment and annoyance. The last amendments insure the extinguish¬ ment of all debts contracted prior to January 1st, 1669,and require payment by the Assignee of only 50 per cent of the individual (not secu¬ rity) debts of the bankrupt, contracted since tho 1st of January, 1669, if assets will nut cover those of same elass prior to that date. Col. E. M. Seabrook is now Register in Bank rnptcy, resident in Sumter, wbicb gives unusual facilities for this business. Any further information can be bad on appli¬ cation, either in person or by letter to JULIUS J- FLEMING, Attorney ut Law. OS ce Main St., Sumter. S. C. THE WARNING HAS BE KN HEEDED. Since the exposure of tho attempts made by certain unscrupulous local dmicr?, to palm off their course astringents, made from cheep and impure muUriali, in the place of the great na¬ tional tonic, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, public opinion has set stmugly ogaiust ^theso empirics and their preparations. Their occupation is gone, or soon will he. When the light is let into deception it soon wilts down. Person* who trifle wtth their own health, hy using unknown preparations, with no guarantee to sustain them, when an established specific, proven by twenty years experience to be exactly what it is claimed to he, is within thuir reach, are »ure k* repent their temerity. Many hare fiore so in this in- but it is hoped tb«t ti e truth plainly »poken has arrested tho evil. In the meantime the demand for the leading protective nod restorative medicino of America *a- never so grrat ns it has been this season. From the fever and ague districts of the west, south wes', and south, it is literally overwhelming, and it may be sai l of tho advices f flu «ti parts of tho coun¬ try of ¡he cures it effecting in dyspepsia, U¡- iou« complaints, and chronic constipation, that "their nam« is ltgion." trerj where the sick and feeble seem to have realised tho importance of "holding fast that whi.b is good," and of avoiding what is spurious and d infero is. The numerous "Hitters." un 1er various rrj me«, which mercenary dealers endeavor to nubstitute for Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, «hould be avoid¬ ed, fur their own sakes, by the sie* «od the pub¬ lic at large. Il os tetter's Bitter« are proeuable ii. bottles only, und never sol«] in hulk. FOUTZ'8 CELEBRATED HO Ol Mit Poite ? -<3-y* prepararon, one and favorablf (¿B9%$!£&\. kt>oB'n, w'U Uioroi ^lily re-invigorate ttlLM^M K °*0,:rn d"-'*"11 a,,(l "-spirited l.or>cs, Waifl '"J" slrenirUirnine ^nd cleansing: th« fl ll stomach and ininti ics. Jnjp. Il ii a sar- pr-vet re of all di<eii«<f ^nSÄB*Jia«;3' iuciil nt to Uii« anil tal, such aa Ll'Xti FEVER. OLAICnEHS. VKLI.oV WATER HEAVES. COCCUS. DIS TEMPER, FKV BKS, FOrXHER, IS&_ LOSS Oí' APPETITE ANI) VITAL /ir^ÄÄ^ ENERGY, ftc ÎU DM improve i j4fi£fe'32fi) Hf »¡od, increases tb/ apatite-- vTrV^V gives esmooth and ghxsy skin-am. J*/ transforms t*ie mi«.-rab!e sk«"letoi> -jÄÄt*^^» lutoa fine-looking and «pl -itel liar.v; «¿26c£*Stf^ To keepers of ^ow« this prrptra¬ tion is inraluatlt. It it a ture pre¬ ventive against itindsrpnst. Hollow Horn.etc. H. hst been proven by [actual expcriniri t to increase the q ian y cf toitk *D4 C-'<!C twenty ^pcrcv-t. asd make U<e butter firm and sweet, ta «tt-.-rinr cattle, f fives ttwra aa appetite, loosens tlx I tide, and mille« them thrive much faster. In all disease« of Swinî. such ai Cenjtis. ricers ia the Luar«. Liver, ftc, this articleact as a specific By putting from one half a paper to a paper la a Harret o f swill the above di>ea«^s will b»r radi eated or entirely preveoOd. If jrlveiv In tine, a certain preventive awl eure for toe Hog* Citolera. DATIB E. IFOITTZ, Pioprieior, liaLTIJK RE; 914. Vor «ale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout tba United States, Canadas tad South America. <M AAA BEffABD Ai lllllIror anT c«-e of Blind. Bleedinr, Yl»VVVi,eh|nf 0P rjieeraled Pilte that D BUG'S PILC BEHEST fails to rare. It is pre¬ pared expressly care the Piles, end nothing elsa. Sold by all Druggists, Price $100. I. A. MeKAOEN, Agent, Sumter, tí. C. Kev tj ly W Ml de ii & Jones. COTTON AND PTA VAL STORES FACTORS MARSHALL'S WHARF, East End Calhoun Streev, CHARLESTON, S. C. ßtW Liberal ul reeces mads on ail consign- meats. .mt ll fal TEE REFEREE, Best Advertising îfediom Sotítít, PUBLISHIB *mv0t $i A TSAX F. I3UÍIME »UBBBC, New Advertisements. Agents Wanted for Cobbin'« Childi Commentator ON THE BIBLE, for tb« HOME CIRCLE. 1,200 paget. 250 Engravings. The best enterprise of tbe year for agents. Every family wUl bare it. Nothing like it now published. For circulars ed. dreei H. S. Gool SP«ID A Co., 37 Park Bow, New York._ BOOK AGENTS now nt work, or looking for nomo nsw boot, should write nt once for circular? of the 'cost selling books published.- Extraordinary inducements offered. Superb premium* given away. Particulars free. Ad¬ dress QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING CO., Cin¬ cinnati. Ohio. _ DOORS, m\m, MM Send for Illustrated Catalogne te BRADLEY A CURRIER, 54 A 56 Dey St., New York. TRICKS ANd TRAPS OF AMERICA. Would you avoid being "bit" by Rogues, Swin¬ dlers and Humbugs ! Read thc "Star Spangled Baoner." A large, illustrated 40-column 8 page paper, Ltdgtr sise. Splendid Stories, Sketches, Tules, Pcems, Wit, Humor, Puzsles, Recipes, Ac li th year. $1 a year, witb elegant Prang Chromo, "Autumn Leaver," free to all. ONLY $1. Try it orce. Satisfaction guaranteed.- Agents wanted. Outfit FREE. Specimens, Ac, for s cents. Address "BANNER," Hinsdale, N. H. KEIDVILLE FEMALE COLLIol. $1 £. fr Ono Hundred and Sixty-Five Dol- 1 KJ't) lari will pay Board and Tuition io this Institution for ten Calendar months. Ad- drees TIIOS. WARD WHITE, Reidville, Spar¬ enburg District, S. C. Spring term opens February ls 1873 JUBILEE 2 1871 Better than Pictures is the New York Observer, The Citât American Family Newspaper. $3 a Year with the Jubilee Year Book. SIDNEY E. MORSE A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. THE WEEKLY SUN. ONLY $1 A YEAR. 8 PAGE3. The Best Family Psper. The Bru Agricultural Piper. The Best Political Paper. The?Bt*t Story Paper. Tne ¡¡cst Fashion Report Tbe Best Cattle Mark. ..epurts. Th e Best General Market Reports. Tho.'Bcet Paper Every Way THE WEEKLY NFW YORK SUN. Eight pages, 56 columns. $1 a year, or less than 2 cents a number. Sen 1 your dollar. Address THE SUN,New York City. $5 to $20 per day! Agents wanted! All elasses of working peo pie of either sex. young or old. make more monov at work for os in their spare n o- menis, or nil the tim«, than at any thine else.- P«ri¡colar» Tree. Address G. STINTON A CO., Portland. Maine If Toarrsab = -.CLABKE. M. ».. MU Vernie. Ollie BUILDING FELT- (No Tar u oj.i) for outside work and inside in- s'ead ef plaster. Felt carpeting, ¿c. Send 2 stamps for circular and samples. C. J. FAY. Camden. N. J. «SIMMONS This unrivalled Medicine ia wari anted not to contain a single particle ol Ma-Rconr, or any injurions mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years it baa proved its great vain« in all diseases of tb« Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of tba good and great in all parts of tba country voseb for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying tba Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, ana imparting new Life and Vi cor to the whole system. SIMMONS' LIVFR REGULATOR is acknowledged to have no equal sen LIVFR MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in tbe same happy propoition in any other pre- paraMou, vit : a gentle Calkario, a wonderful tooie,a3 unexceptionable Alterative and n cer¬ tain Corrective of ali impurities oi tba body.- Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as lb« GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint end th« painful offspring thereof, to wit : Dyspepsie. Constipation, Jaun¬ dice. Billious attacks, >kk Headache, Colic De pression cf Spirits, _our Stomach, Heart Barn, Ac, dc. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS ANO FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Ia Manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN A CO. Maeea, Gc, and Philadelphia. Price $1 00 >er package; sent bj mail, poe¬ tag« paid, $1 04. Prepared ready for nea $1 00 aad $1 50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J*"* Beware of ali Counterfeits and Imita¬ tions. .Dee ll_asa ESTABLISHËD1868 [Danie! E Silcoz. FURNITURE WAREROOM& 175, 177 à 179 Kieg St. CHARLESTON, g. c. GOODS CAREFULLY ISiA? i. TOGEN, GENERAL Merchandizing TUE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RES¬ PECTFULLY inform tb* noe, that he ha* opened at the Store, on h.. IN STREET, formerly occupied bj CAPT. L P. LOBING AND NOW BY MR. ELISHA ( ARSON, A««IT ron mr Wando Wining & Hanuiaclurinf Ce, H. will conduct a general MERCHANDIZING BUSINESS, and will keep on hand a fall sup¬ ply of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Beady Made Clothing, aud every article adapted to Plantation and Family Use. Ail be dcalrea is an examination of bis Stock and Prices. COTTON. Will bor Cotton or maka liberal' ad runes ea all ictrnsled to bis care for Shipment Y. ». BUTLER, MAIN STREET, S;pt 25 #j Sumter, S. C. PACIFIC WANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) S & L £ B L Ë ?ACIf It GlAXO. TI.IS GUANO now so wall known in all tba Southern Sutes fur ita remarkable effects an ag'-ncy fur increasing the products of la¬ bor, na not to require special reccmiaicndation from us. Ii. use for aeren years past has es- tablii bed ita cb »rac-ter for eltabla excel ¡ Tbe ;«rg. fixed capital invested by tbe Company in tb afford« tbe surest guarantee of tba continued excellence «>f thia Gonno. Tba Seppliea put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared nader tb« personal super¬ ing deaee of I'r. St. Julian Ravenel, Chemist of ths Company, at Charleston, S. C., Lenee plantera may rest assured that ita quality and composition is precisely tba same aa that heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSON, Seitiag Agent. Charlestoa 8. C. JNO. S. BL? ESE A CO.. General Agents, Baltimore, "enai- $48 cash; $53 time, without in¬ tet ci t To accommodate plantara they caa order now and bava until tbe 1st of April lo decide as to whe-her they will take at time or easb pries. Whan delivered from the Factory bj the carload on drayage will be jbarged. Hov 27 _îm_ WILMINGTON ii -aw- M ACHI IS E.SHOP, No. 17 SOUTH FRONT Sr., WILMINGTON, ft. C. DEAL5RS and Manufacturers et Steam En¬ gines, Psaaat and "thar Machines, Gin Gear ;ng. Grist and o thar Mills, BROOK'S COTTON PRESSES, TURPENTINE STILL8 ead ail hindi of CASTINGS and MACHINERY, ?ada aad repaired. Alan Packing and Belling, Gea, Steam and Water Pipes, with Fixtaros, and articles usually fouud in a MACHINE ««UPPLY STOKE. Aise, a great varier« ef Weed Mouldings, Bracket*, Newell Posts, Stair Railing, Aa,, af the Latest Pa »erna. We here a great variety af Patterns, which we furnish Castings fréta free ef charge fur the Patteraa. PB» Ornamental Fencing and Ire« Railing furnished to ardor. Jftf HART A HAILEY. Octl_im_ FURNITURE! FUBMITURE! _____ te WHITE No. ft BASEL BTRJOCT, IS BOW BECKiTiSO A NEW SUPPLY Of ALL KINDS OF WAKEnEIJK' CLOSET, n*OTl7 0W«hi(*daia. elsi*» to give satis. Oa ta «WHITES» Ihr jpn îf Ç*J«iCU fe tbs ward aO ort? the Stet», Blacksmith, Kg, WHEEL .ÍÜGHTÍS6, B epa im g of Carriages, BUGGIES, &C. Tb« îubseriber woaldresp ectfully inform tho citizens of Sam ter, sm! .tba adjoining Coontie« that be is ap« located on Republican, near Malo Street, where be fully prepared te ezecate all woik entreated tc his care, with aeatnoea and dispatch. Ho will do th« work of BLACKSMITHING In all of its Varied Bl anches, Horse Shoeing, &c. Wheel Wrighting, Fainting and trimming of Carriages and Buggies In the most Approved style and finish. HI« term» will be «web aa to suit the times «ad satisfaction guaranteed in. every ease. The improred Röbel!» Sab Foil wb'wh can be attached to any Plough, will he manufactured at bia ahop, and ordora left with bim will receive prompt attention. W. C. bTANSILL. Dec ll-3m _ GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, &c. FILANS F TIECHER, Liberty, Near Hain Street, Has received a fresh Sorely of GROCERIES, and the best qual-ty LIQUORS, which will be aold at reasonable price«. He invites the publie to call and oxamine bis Stock, and test the quality of bi* Wine. Whis¬ key and Brandy, both domestic aod imported. -AL30,- His choice Assortment of TOBACCO and oKGAES. CALL AT FRANK F. TEICHEE'S Liberty, Near Main Street. Fresh Cincinnati Lager Beer Always on hand. Oet 2 TAKE NOTICE ! LOOK TO 10UR INTERESTS, FAMILIES OF SUMTES ! HE Subscriber f«r th« »penal areoniraoda. X (ion ol the FAMILIES, a tbe public gea. «rally, of bunter, bas taken a ¿itali ia tb« Market. II« witt receive regular auppliea of Fish, Fish Roes, Oysters, SAUSAGKS, Ac. ALSO Apples, Oranges and every variety of\ Fruit, offered for cala ia the Wilmington Market. As ¡J« rons on the train, bwtween thia place and Wilmington, -every oiber doy, portóos or femme* desiring any article purebared tn th* Wilmington markst, eon entrust their order* to bisa. guarantees promptness aad a reasona¬ ble advance only on the original cost prices. ß&T Try ma and r©c<»rntn*3nd «ne ss VOQ find ?e. EDWARD HOWELL, Oct 20 Sumter Market. TO THE PEOPLE OF SUMTES COUNTY. IAM ONE OP YOU. AND DkSIBB* TH AT you may know that I bave received at my »tor«, on MAIN STREET, my stock of Fall aad Winter Goods. I invito aitaation to my assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Shoes, &c, wlich will be «cid at Reasonable Prices. Jost come along with the cash aad I will do ibo« good. I bar« made arranoo ants to heap constantly on band a «apply of IBISH POTATOES, CABBAGES, ONIONS, and s fell supply of FAMILY VEGETABLES. Glee «a« a eal! oaf yon will well waited «poa. HENEY W. HACBSY.. Opposite J. T. Solomons, Oe» Iff Rainier, R C. PALL AND WINTEK Millinery. Misses X & £. HcEUiose, yf^e. SUMTER, 8. C, ¿flBllWi Having reeeoriy retamod frons tb« H HHeeth »feb a choice aeteetioa of WSsf Millinery Goods, jfff iavito tho attrattoeT of their Coe. tossers to th« opaaiag of their Faîî asé Winter Stoek Oar Stork of MLLINSRYaad Faaey Goods, cabraees tho 1*1 wt aad taoet atshfeeabto »J&* _ UAÄ BvNBSTi, BA SB RIBBON ABD BTBBONSefeltwHtbi, C&lGSONS, Bosücc^^ rtnatT '?*^tß^^/^ I 0*1 lt 4k«K^aVC. J. D. CRAIG, SUMTER, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1856. TO THE PUBLIC. THE UNDERPINNED HAVING ENLARG'B hil WAT* Looms, to as to enable him to keep on hand constantly, a full aad complete assortment of DESIRABLE FURNITURE Would respectfully invite hit Iriends and cus¬ tomers to visit his establishment and exe nine his supply or raricus styles of FURNITURE, received by recent arrivals. He is confident that his stock is the labtest end mest complète ever offered to the Sumter trade, and embraces the most improved styles of FURNITURE. Window Stades, Picture Fraiaes, Looking Glasses, Äc, A large supply of the most improved pateros received and for sale at reasonable prices. He continues to manufacture any kind of Furnitur* ordered. All repairing dine at short notice. UPHOLSTERING AND MATTRESS KAKING. Special attention given to Upholstering and Mattress Making UNDERTAKING* Coffins of all grades and styles, of bis own make,, and from the best manufacturers always on hand. Prompt personal attention given to all ordi-rs for. fuserais, and every effort will be made to give satisfaction to bis patrons. J. D. CRAIG, Corner Main and Canal Streets, Next above Clark's Hotel. Oct. Itt-.»m._ J. E. SHARES' FURNITURE Ware Rooms. TO THE PUBLIC. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS BUILT I A LARGE FURNITURE STORE, 05 MAIN SEREET, in connection with bis Upper Room, which bas given bim great facilities for keeping a Large Stock of *bi«*h the publie generally are invited to call and examine before purchasing, as they may find it to their advantage. His Stock ta cMreet fmra the Manufacturers, and not second banded, and saving to bis casto- mers ono profit. His work ic made ot hard wood and not soft pine, and the Chairs and other Furniture are put op in bis shop, he eeo lhere fore recommend bis Stuck of Furniture to his customers He also keeps Window Shades, Wall Taper, Picture Frame«, Looking Glass es, Spring and other Mattresses, Looking <i!a«s Plates refitted to frames. Cabin«! work done. Furniture neatly and carefully repaired. J. E. SUARES, Main Street, eaxt tu C. T. Mason's Watch and Jewelry Store. Nov fi_tf FASHIONABLE MILLINER? AND PASSY GOODS, DRESS MAKING, &o. 'pilE LADIES AND ALL PERSONS wilb¬ la ia s to parchase Millinery and Fancy Goods, are invited to call and examine MISS BRITTON'!? Kew end varied Stock fur tba FALL and WIN¬ TER, selected from both Dal ti ian re aad New York Markets. Tba etyle« er» pretty and becoming, thc High Crown being the noel pop¬ ular aa4 faabi'ioable *4 lb« «eason, having thrown tb« Fast Dully Yardea of laat Summer ia the shade. Bridal Hats ead Bonne*«, ia variety and quality, aiwaya aa bead fur sale. Price very reasonable. DRESS MAKING oradorted aa heretofore. Style« aad Patterns Krcd at Botterick's, vf Near Turk, the great r ef Fashions for this coen try. Dresses will be made te ceder ar fitted »ad basted ts persons may prefer with the aid of Stager's NX 1, Improved Machine, do the b*ao«ifel stitcb- iag oa yowr fine »ilk ar worsted dreeves. MISS BRITTON keep« e-mstactlj at work a Fir«» Claas Milliner, wno » ena Ired ber trad* ia Liverpewl. ead baa worked ia maa j of th« largest eitiee North. ^ mtm fpat CÔUIGE COLUMBIA, & C. jm. WILL BK OPENED. JASUARï *?j3È| 1ST , WITH A FULL CORPS OJ eJBjr EXPERIENCED TEACHERS, Halts for UMèsttilur, Half-yearly ia Advance: 4 B ard, including Washing. Lights and] 1W. together wit* Tait J.* ie Re*- alar Celles« Conran, par S«*wlast»e Year of Klee leewb;;.,^-^.|3ti»M y,^!tSl^^J0m Presides*, Cen of ..Christie» Jtotise** !foe.U,t/.~ Colatnhifc/P. ü TJLAJIÎf J005S on band aad »M. te order JJ rf^r**^|«e^«vn^ ^*ktfc " tW, Op^te SiLtoU. lintel Oat IO DEY GOODS BOOTH MD SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. 3V<X± 11 i ri ©:r y -t 2ÎD- Dress-Makihg, All these new, fresh, cheap, and np to the highest possible stan¬ dard. dall and see how the people appreciate our efforts to serve the mu¬ tual interests of bnyei and seller. E. C. SHIVER & CO., COLUMBIA, 8. C. November 20 REMOVAL. B. R. NASH, Wh«tesnle and hetail Dealer- in Manufactured Tobacco, SEGARS, AC, SUMTER, S. C. Har« removed lo ? heir New Store, tr. th« Market Building, opposite tbe C »ort ¡louie, where they will be pleeaed to rc« their friend* and custotaera ar heretidnre. . Always on bani CUE wi NC; TOBACCO, OP KVKRT GR-DB. PRIPE OF DURHAM »nd. other b'tnes SMOKING TOBVCCC. 4«, A«. Alco a pn.d »upi ly «f Xorih Carolina Jiyr and Corn Whitk-ie*. Pea«-h and Xpple Brine ira, Groeerie«, Liquors, ie., Tobacco whoUaalid at Man jfaetnrera Preea. Bnyera will do well tn examine nor *!«ek be¬ fore purchasing. Orders promptly attended to. Aug 7_ CLOTHING, CLOTHS, &C. D. tl. WINS. Agent, f VIT OU LD respectfully announce to hie olo I ff enatoutera and the puMic in general, that j ha now baa in atore, a Lage i ad carefully select- j nd stock of Fall and Winter Goods, «hieb ha guarantees na re pre»bitted, »eeh aa Ready Made Clothing-Fino, Medium á Com¬ mon. Cloth» and Cjaaimavna, X Inn lot Tvewdea and N* C. Goans. Shirt«, I Collara, Dmworn, Undervaata Seehs, Snape« dara, Glove* and Cravat«. Hankerchiafa, Xe-, «ells for CASH, «nd «rith an esperones o! «tor« th«« twenty year* in norina:, he will »el thew« good« l«w«r than can be purchased els» whrre ra tbla market. Sdt" Call and examine. . Oct ld_tf 3,000Fruit Trees, FOR SALK PRACH, (fine) Apple*, Pioatba. rear» .»ad Figs. Also a Fe« Grapea. 1 Priée Îft. 1*4 30 etat*. Vatrwnlea Home -VUt he pleased tu rweeivj »rdsm W ft MELiRTT. * **** Sunbury. 8 C. 'j!foj.Yoiir< Wriung Paper, kc at thc Sttniter Book Store. JOB WORK -or' EVERY DESCRIPTION PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT TBS OFFICE OF The Sumter Watchman JN TUE Hilliest Style of the Art. Cheap CasbShoe Store Has just Received the Largest and most complete stock -OF- BOOTS ANS SHOES Ever Rrnttçht to this Market. BULTMAX & BROTHER, MAIN STUFET, SUMTER, S. C. WE OFFER FC« it SALE a superior ttoe Gentle-en's Ladies' and Muses' B»ou. i hoes and Gaiters, Manu arturod to ourorder, and which will h sold FOR LK<S MONEY TIUN EVER Bl FORE, FOR CAMI ONLY. Al: ot which ne ruarantse, and will Repa fie« of charge, if ihe work rip* within a rui»n HOI* time. --tao,- A nice'ttock »I Children's and Infants'Shoes, and Ladies' und Gentlemen's Robber Overshoes We intend toseil at the lowest possible fig-ore. and only for c isb. »nd invite an examination at nur goeds and priées1. We ke- p alway, on band, Calf Skins, Leather and F indira*, »nd will manufacture Boots end Shoes nt »hort not ce, and in a superior manner. Ocj- 2. PBU.IT THEES. ORNAMENTAL TBEES. SHRUBS HOSES, BULBS Eve;greeus, Flowering Plants, &c. Fruitlar.d Nurseries, Augusta j Ga., P J EKRCKMANS, Proprietor. ORDERS RECEIVED BY J. W. DARGAN, Agent, Sumter, S.C CU and gel descriptive catalogues and hand in your orders ea ri j'. fS!" There are no Peddlers connect the above establishment, and we public against par« baaing TREES from any such persons. ¿up. 28-tf. STILL ZN THE RING. Re-established at Lis old Stand. (Late Ex¬ press Ofive.) Choice Selectioo'of ¿T____ "VV'_E_HiJr*. "_T, and the rhoiee_t assortment of Pocket Cutlery and Scissors, in town, and fir sile at reasonable prices. Agent for tb« HOWE SEWING MACHINS. All w»rk done ic an honest and Workmanlike manner. F. II A LT OM FOLSOM, WATCHMAKER A;.D JkWELER. SU.\i TER, S C. ptr The iN>lebrsited dinmond «nd other styles >f s;<eetnrl.-s s:»ur* va b «nd Marri. 39-1 m O. Jp . HOYT, WATCHMAKER AK9 JEWELER, JUAY S SR ¿'ET, SUMTER, S. t 'Elie u_dorst*ni'<i has now on hand and ta .ouatant ty rtceivin_ a Large assort* * ' m«;_t of JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. SPECTACLES, fcc. LA MK»* AND JBNTLKMKX'A THATCHES. MloiwbWh »ill he awid »vt tbe. h, «st eam_ irfraa. ' WeteWnnd T. *e'.ry i>e»fr«d and it n vwrv l-w ra*«. Aprils Ff n S ^irs aw [ Tobacco At Tit« &«e":ej| li;>o_ ¿tor«

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Page 1: The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.) 1872-12-25. · 2010-09-28 · 1st ofJanuary, 1669, if assets will nut cover those ofsameelass prior to thatdate. Col. E. M. Seabrook is now



Tlsatoo> BnnaoB Bt Dona, Fcrensea.-Vifg.

NO. 38.


The Sumter Watchman{ESTABLISHED IN 1850.)





.$3 00

?Sil Month?«.ill in. 1 50,Ibrsd m'.ni'.is......... ............. ;r...........*. 1 00

Advertisements inserted st the nt« of ONEDO JLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per square forthe first, ONE DOLLAR for tbe second, andPIETY CENTS for each subsequent insertion,ft - tty period less than three months.

Obituaries, Tributes of Respect and ali com¬

munications which subserve private interests,«¡11 be pai'-' for ns advertisementa.

Written for the Watcbmsn.catntsrnAs EVT¿.

Tbs lamps ara lit, and tba Christmas blase

Glows warm on tba spacious hearth;While children bask in the cheering rajs,Acd high swells tbe tide of mirth.

Tb» ¡rraadtnotbor sics 'mid the marr/ group,With a quiet ead per s i ve air.

And watehes tba pranks of the no's? troup,Ai they pWy 'round b»r favorite chair,

And tbe granar.;'ber's face all beaming the w*bi'.e

Ia the opposite corner jon see.

Bespeaking a heart as free from all gailsA« Baby's, who clings to his knee.

The red berries poop from their biding place,It the leaves of tho bolly green,

And tbe mistlotoa bough with meaning graceBsnds smilingly over the scene.

Pass tba parlor door, aud there may be foundThree friends that in busy gloe,

New gather tho articles scattered abound,Kow give them a place on tho tree.

Ti» a borne full ofgladness, and free from all care |As e'er in this world yon will see.

Bot still must the thought that Viola is there

Enhance all its brightness to me.

go bare I'll forsake its attractions awhile,In the regions of fancy to rove;

Where joy. hopa aod pleasure my spirit beguile,With wuheador her that I lore.

IClear are tho skies that are shining above thee,Joy bolds a holiday now in thy heart ;

All «bo come near, bare no choice bot to lore thea,Gentle and loving'and pare as thoa art-

XLFall to the brim is tby cop of pleasure.Lore fills tby hand with his offerings sweet;

Siü I would bring though in simplest measure,

Some"ittlo heart gift to lay at thy feet.UL

Dall clouds >f smoke may be truly revealingWarm gio sing fires tbe eye cannot tee,

So may my verse faintly shadow the feelingFriendship bas kindled, Viola, for thee.

IVIfI have failed in the earnest endesrorTo please ono so blc«t as already thou art,

Oh pardon mc th-.n, end accept here and ever

The love of a true and affectionate heart.SIVA.



CHARMESTOK DlST-W. P. MoCZOST. P. E.Trinity and Cumberland-tl ll Wells.Bethel-J T Wightman,Spring Street-R D Smart

( Berkley Ct-A G Gantt.I St Paul's Mi«;»-J C Brandon, Supply,j Cypres« Ct-W Carson.( St Paul'« Miss-G Smith, supply.Lower St George's Cl-A R Dunner.St ticorge's Ct-«V A Clarke.Bamberg Ct-P F Kistler.WaUcrboro Ct-B G Jones, II D Green.Coileton Ct-Thomas Raysor.Allendale Ct--X E Wannamaker.Yemassee Ct-G II Pooser.

( Dla.-k Swamp Ct-M L Banks,j lkrdeeville 31 is», J R Coburn.ORANCEBCÜG DIST- II. A. C WALKKR, P. E.

Orauget'iirg Sta-F Auld.Eastern Orange Ct-C Wilson.Provi.lenee Ct-J il Zimmerman.St Matthew's Ct-T J Clyde.Bra ch ville Ct-D J Simmons.Edisto Ct-J L Silly ; R B Tar-ant, Sup'y.liraham s Ct-J W McKay.Wüli-f.R Ct, J li .MuMebeau.Aiken Mistión.-Q J Griffiths.Ureoitevills Mission, L C Loyal.Upper Orange Ct-J S beasley.Upper St Matthew's Ct, J J Workman.

OLcaais DISTRICT-WM. MARTI.*, P. E.Washington Street-O A Da-by.

f Manoa Street-W D Kirkland.( City Mission-To be supplied.Columbia Ct-S P II Elwell.HLbland Folk Ct, J K McCain.WjnnsboTo Ct-J S Connor, sup'y.Fairfield Ct-J T Kilgo. J A Chiflón.East Chester Ct-J M Boyd.Chester Ct-J W Humbert.Rock Hill Ct-J E Watson.Yorkville Sta-A W Walker.York Ct-L A Johnson, Sup'y.Lexington Ct »nd Misc-J C Miller,

f Leesville Ct-O W Gaflin.( Upper Edisto Mis».-To be supplied.President Columbia Fema'e College, S B

Jones.A^ent Colombia Female College, S U Browne

SI STER DISTRICT-W. H. FLEWSO, P. E.Sumter Sta,-J M Carlisle.Sumter Ct.-J A Porter, ooo to bo supplied.Bisbopville Ct-S J Hill.Camden Sta-R L Harper.

I Saetee Ct-Thomas Mitchell.(Fulton Miss-C W Felder, «upply.Manning Ct-J B Platt.Lynchburg Ct-L X Little, W A Bogers.Timmonsrille Ct-L Wood.Darlington Ct-J B Campbell,

f Cheraw Sta-A Coke Smith.\ Westfield Crsek Miss-8 Jone«, M V Wood.Chesterfield Ct- A .ErvinHanging Rock-Ct-T W Muunerlyo.Zoar Cl sud Lynch'« Creek Miss-C A Piyor,

supply.j Lancaster Sta~J R Little.(Beile Air Ct-J F England.MARMS Drawer-J. W Katir, P. E.Marion Sta-W C P.iwer.Marion Ct-W L Pegues.Buck Swamp Ct-W W Jonas, D Tiller.Little Kock Ct-J C Stull.Bennettsrilie Ct-J A Mood, L M namer.North Marlboro' Ct-E T Hodge«; R R

Pegues, sup'y.Kingtree Ct- A Nettles.Johnsonville Ct-J C Ransell.

I Liberty Chape] Ct-A J Stafford.( Lynch'» Creek Ct-D W Seale.Darlington Sta--A M Chreitsberg.Georgetown Sta-A J Stokes,

f Bucksville and Conwayboro, C C Fi»bburno.(Waecamaw Ct and Miss-W H Kirton.Conwayooro Ct and Mia»,-R ¡L Duffie, A C

Mann.SPASTAssacaa DIST-T. O. HSRBSRT. P. ESpartanburg Sta-C H Pritchard.Spartanburg Ct and Mu»-J C Crisp.Cherokee Ct-To be »applied.Rieb HUI Ct-J F Smith, »apply.Paeolet Ct-J Lee Dixon.Fair Foreet Ct-J B Wibma.Uniooville Sta-S A Weber.Goshen Hill Ct-N K Melton.Belmont Ct-M A McKibben.Clinton Ct-R 5 Wells.Cane Creek Ct-T W Smith.Laurens Ct-J B Tray wick.President WoBord College-A M Skipp; Pro¬

fessors, W Smith, A H Lester.Editor Southern Christies Advocate-F M

Aeonedy.Superintendent Carolina Orphan Home-R

C Oliver. Agent C O H, J H C McKinney.CoMSBCRT DI«TRICT-H. M. Mood, P. E.Cokesbury Sta-W W Mood.Cokesbury Ct- J W Murray, H W Whitaker.Abbeville Sta-W T Capers.Abbeville Ct-R & DagoaTi.'Lawndesville Sta-A J Can then. C V BermM.

?P y.TostbliBg Shoals Ct-John Finger.

, "renwood Ct-Was Hotte : W H Lank«.Bop y.Sooth Abbevüie Ct-G M Boyd.Newberry Su-Manning Brown,«enberry Ct-J L Seaford, D D Daotsler.«Wi Selode Ct-G W M Creighton.*»ge-«ld Ct-Wa> ?*oej««.Cokesbery Sctool-G F tmmL fee*«,.

Oreen rill« gte-IJ Heyeardie.«.»-Tille Oto-Jote Atu» ty,

Beena Vista arid Bates viile-A B Stephana,snp'y.

Koidviile Ci-TV Bowman.Walhalla Ct-J W Dickson ; F M Morgan,

snp'y.Pickeoirille Ct-O L DorantWill iaao stun,-R W Berber; J A Wood,

snp'y.Seneca Ct and Misti-H Tyler, supply.Brusby Creek, J Q Stockman, supply.Anderson Sta-G T Hermon.Anderson Ct ead Mis«,-D D Byan, W A

Hodges, inp'}.Pendleton-DJ McMillan.Choobee Ct and Mist-J C DerisPresident Williamston Female College-S

Lander.Transferred to Baltimore Conference, T A

Griffiths.Sopennnnated Preachers-N Tally, J W

Townsend, W C Patterson, D Derrick, K J Pen¬nington, L Scarboro. John Watts, A MoCorqo-dale, A P Arant, J W Crider.

To thc Public of Sumter and alithe Adjacent Counties«

Important Information-United States. Court Practice.

Haring thoroughly investigated the presen1Bankmpl Laws of ti e United Stat. « BÎW in force'I am prepared promptly, and Ob reasonableterms, to attend to this branch of practice. Ibofellowing infjra.aiion can be relied on :

Under the Act of 1867, and he Amendmentsapproved IOtb Jane, 1572, the Bankrupt when

discharged is allowed te retain two thousanddollars worth of property, to wit: One ThousandDollars of his real estate, and one thousand dol¬lars of bis personalty, and this, unlike the pre¬carious and restricted benefit of the Homestead,becomes his absolute estate, to dispose of as he

chooses, either by sale, gi't. devise or otherwise,all bit debts effectually, and finally wiped out,and be and bis family free from embarrassmentand annoyance.The last amendments insure the extinguish¬

ment of all debts contracted prior to January1st, 1669,and require payment by the Assigneeof only 50 per cent of the individual (not secu¬

rity) debts of the bankrupt, contracted since tho1st of January, 1669, if assets will nut cover

those of same elass prior to that date.Col. E. M. Seabrook is now Register in Bank

rnptcy, resident in Sumter, wbicb gives unusualfacilities for this business.Any further information can be bad on appli¬

cation, either in person or by letter to

JULIUS J- FLEMING,Attorney ut Law.

OS ce Main St., Sumter. S. C.


Since the exposure of tho attempts made bycertain unscrupulous local dmicr?, to palm off

their course astringents, made from cheep and

impure muUriali, in the place of the great na¬

tional tonic, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, publicopinion has set stmugly ogaiust ^theso empiricsand their preparations. Their occupation is

gone, or soon will he. When the light is letinto deception it soon wilts down. Person* who

trifle wtth their own health, hy using unknown

preparations, with no guarantee to sustain them,when an established specific, proven by twenty

years experience to be exactly what it is claimedto he, is within thuir reach, are »ure k* repenttheir temerity. Many hare fiore so in this in- but it is hoped tb«t ti e truth plainly»poken has arrested tho evil. In the meantimethe demand for the leading protective nodrestorative medicino of America *a- never so

grrat ns it has been this season. From the feverand ague districts of the west, south wes', andsouth, it is literally overwhelming, and it maybe sai l of tho advices f flu «ti parts of tho coun¬

try of ¡he cures it i» effecting in dyspepsia, U¡-iou« complaints, and chronic constipation, that

"their nam« is ltgion." trerj where the sickand feeble seem to have realised tho importanceof "holding fast that whi.b is good," and of

avoiding what is spurious and d infero is.

The numerous "Hitters." un 1er various rrj me«,

which mercenary dealers endeavor to nubstitutefor Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, «hould be avoid¬ed, fur their own sakes, by the sie* «od the pub¬lic at large. Il ostetter's Bitter« are proeuableii. bottles only, und never sol«] in hulk.


HO Ol Mit Poite? -<3-y* prepararon, one and favorablf

(¿B9%$!£&\. kt>oB'n, w'U Uioroi ^lily re-invigoratettlLM^M K °*0,:rn d"-'*"11 a,,(l "-spirited l.or>cs,Waifl '"J" slrenirUirnine ^nd cleansing: th«fl ll stomach and ininti ics.

Jnjp. Il ii a sar- pr-vet re of all di<eii«<f^nSÄB*Jia«;3' iuciil nt to Uii« anil tal, such aa Ll'XtiFEVER. OLAICnEHS. VKLI.oVWATER HEAVES. COCCUS. DISTEMPER, FKV BKS, FOrXHER, IS&_LOSS Oí' APPETITE ANI) VITAL /ir^ÄÄ^ENERGY, ftc ÎU DM improve i j4fi£fe'32fi)Hf »¡od, increases tb/ apatite-- vTrV^Vgives esmooth and ghxsy skin-am. J*/transforms t*ie mi«.-rab!e sk«"letoi> -jÄÄt*^^»lutoa fine-looking and «pl -itel liar.v; «¿26c£*Stf^

To keepers of ^ow« this prrptra¬tion is inraluatlt. It it a ture pre¬ventive against itindsrpnst. HollowHorn.etc. H. hst been proven by

[actual expcriniri t to increase theq ian y cf toitk *D4 C-'<!C twenty^pcrcv-t. asd make U<e butter firmand sweet, ta «tt-.-rinr cattle, f

fives ttwra aa appetite, loosens tlx I tide, and mille«them thrive much faster.

In all disease« of Swinî. such ai Cenjtis. ricers iathe Luar«. Liver, ftc, this articleactas a specific By putting from onehalf a paper to a paper la a Harret o fswill the above di>ea«^s will b»r radieated or entirely preveoOd. If jrlveivIn tine, a certain preventive awleure for toe Hog* Citolera.

DATIB E. IFOITTZ, Pioprieior,liaLTIJK RE; 914.

Vor «ale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughouttba United States, Canadas tad South America.

<M AAA BEffABDAi lllllIror anT c«-e of Blind. Bleedinr,Yl»VVVi,eh|nf 0P rjieeraled Pilte that DBUG'S PILC BEHEST fails to rare. It is pre¬pared expressly t» care the Piles, end nothingelsa. Sold by all Druggists, Price $100.

I. A. MeKAOEN, Agent, Sumter, tí. C.Kev tj ly

WMlde ii & Jones.COTTON AND



East End Calhoun Streev,CHARLESTON, S. C.

ßtW Liberal ulreeces mads on ail consign-meats.

.mt ll fal

TEE REFEREE,Best Advertisingîfediom Sotítít,PUBLISHIB *mv0t $i A TSAX


New Advertisements.Agents Wanted for Cobbin'«

Childi CommentatorON THE BIBLE, for tb« HOME CIRCLE.1,200 paget. 250 Engravings. The best enterpriseof tbe year for agents. Every family wUl bare it.Nothing like it now published. For circulars ed.dreei H. S. Gool SP«ID A Co., 37 Park Bow,New York._BOOK AGENTS now nt work, or looking for

nomo nsw boot, should write nt once forcircular? of the 'cost selling books published.-Extraordinary inducements offered. Superbpremium* given away. Particulars free. Ad¬dress QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING CO., Cin¬cinnati. Ohio.


DOORS, m\m,MMSend for Illustrated Catalogne te

BRADLEY A CURRIER,54 A 56 Dey St., New York.

TRICKS ANd TRAPS OF AMERICA.Would you avoid being "bit" by Rogues, Swin¬dlers and Humbugs ! Read thc "Star SpangledBaoner." A large, illustrated 40-column 8 pagepaper, Ltdgtr sise. Splendid Stories, Sketches,Tules, Pcems, Wit, Humor, Puzsles, Recipes,Ac li th year. $1 a year, witb elegant PrangChromo, "Autumn Leaver," free to all. ONLY$1. Try it orce. Satisfaction guaranteed.-Agents wanted. Outfit FREE. Specimens, Ac,for s cents. Address "BANNER," Hinsdale,N. H.


FEMALE COLLIol.$1 £. fr Ono Hundred and Sixty-Five Dol-

1 KJ't) lari will pay Board and Tuition iothis Institution for ten Calendar months. Ad-drees TIIOS. WARD WHITE, Reidville, Spar¬enburg District, S. C. Spring term opensFebruary ls

1873 JUBILEE 2 1871Better than Pictures is the

New York Observer,The Citât American Family Newspaper.

$3 a Year with the Jubilee Year Book.SIDNEY E. MORSE A CO.,

37 Park Row, New York.SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY.


The Best Family Psper.The Bru Agricultural Piper.The Best Political Paper.

The?Bt*t Story Paper.Tne ¡¡cst Fashion ReportTbe Best Cattle Mark. ..epurts.Th e Best General Market Reports.

Tho.'Bcet Paper Every WayTHE WEEKLY NFW YORK SUN. Eight

pages, 56 columns. $1 a year, or less than 2cents a number. Sen 1 your dollar.

Address THE SUN,New York City.

$5 to $20 per day! Agents wanted!All elasses of working peo

pie of either sex. young or old. makemore monov at work for os in their spare n o-

menis, or nil the tim«, than at any thine else.-P«ri¡colar» Tree. Address G. STINTON A CO.,Portland. Maine

If Toarrsab =-.CLABKE. M. ».. MU Vernie. Ollie

BUILDING FELT-(No Tar u oj.i) for outside work and inside in-s'ead ef plaster. Felt carpeting, ¿c. Send 2stamps for circular and samples.

C. J. FAY. Camden. N. J.


This unrivalled Medicine ia wari anted not tocontain a single particle ol Ma-Rconr, or anyinjurions mineral substance, but is

PURELY VEGETABLE.For forty years it baa proved its great vain« in

all diseases of tb« Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.Thousands of tba good and great in all parts oftba country voseb for its wonderful and peculiarpower in purifying tba Blood, stimulating thetorpid Liver and Bowels, ana imparting new

Life and Vi cor to the whole system. SIMMONS'LIVFR REGULATOR is acknowledged to haveno equal sen

LIVFR MEDICINE.It contains four medical elements, never united

in tbe same happy propoition in any other pre-paraMou, vit : a gentle Calkario, a wonderfultooie,a3 unexceptionable Alterative and n cer¬tain Corrective of ali impurities oi tba body.-Such signal success has attended its use, thatit is now regarded as lb«

GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFICfor Liver Complaint end th« painful offspringthereof, to wit : Dyspepsie. Constipation, Jaun¬dice. Billious attacks, >kk Headache, Colic Depression cf Spirits, _our Stomach, Heart Barn,Ac, dc.Regulate the Liver and prevent


Ia Manufactured only byJ. H. ZEILIN A CO.

Maeea, Gc, and Philadelphia.Price $1 00 >er package; sent bj mail, poe¬

tag« paid, $1 04. Prepared ready for nea $1 00aad $1 50.

SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.J*"* Beware of ali Counterfeits and Imita¬

tions..Dee ll_asaESTABLISHËD1868


175, 177 à 179 Kieg St.

t£ CHARLESTON, g. c.




PECTFULLY inform tb* noe, that heha* opened at the Store, on h.. IN STREET,formerly occupied bjCAPT. L P. LOBING AND NOW


Wando Wining & Hanuiaclurinf Ce,H. will conduct a general MERCHANDIZINGBUSINESS, and will keep on hand a fall sup¬ply of



Beady Made Clothing,aud every article adapted to

Plantation and Family Use.Ail be dcalrea is an examination of bis Stock

and Prices.

COTTON.Will bor Cotton or maka liberal' ad runes ea

all ictrnsled to bis care for ShipmentY. ». BUTLER,

MAIN STREET,S;pt 25 #j Sumter, S. C.


S & L £ B L Ë ?ACIf It GlAXO.

TI.IS GUANO i« now so wall known in all tbaSouthern Sutes fur ita remarkable effects

a» an ag'-ncy fur increasing the products of la¬bor, na not to require special reccmiaicndationfrom us. Ii. use for aeren years past has es-

tablii bed ita cb »rac-ter for eltabla excel ¡ ;«rg. fixed capital invested by tbe Companyin tb afford« tbe surest guarantee of tbacontinued excellence «>f thia Gonno.Tba Seppliea put into market this season are,

as heretofore, prepared nader tb« personal super¬ing deaee of I'r. St. Julian Ravenel, Chemistof ths Company, at Charleston, S. C., Leneeplantera may rest assured that ita qualityand composition is precisely tba same aa thatheretofore sold.

J. N. ROBSON,Seitiag Agent. Charlestoa 8. C.JNO. S. BL?ESE A CO..

General Agents, Baltimore,"enai- $48 cash; $53 time, without in¬

tet ci tTo accommodate plantara they caa order now

and bava until tbe 1st of April lo decide as towhe-her they will take at time or easb pries.Whan delivered from the Factory bj the carloadon drayage will be jbarged.Hov 27 _îm_





DEAL5RS and Manufacturers et Steam En¬gines, Psaaat and "thar Machines, Gin

Gear ;ng. Grist and o thar Mills,


CASTINGS and MACHINERY,?ada aad repaired. Alan

Packing and Belling, Gea, Steam and WaterPipes, with Fixtaros, and a» articles usuallyfouud in a MACHINE ««UPPLY STOKE.

Aise, a great varier« ef Weed Mouldings,Bracket*, Newell Posts, Stair Railing, Aa,,af the Latest Pa »erna.

We here a great variety af Patterns, which wefurnish Castings fréta free ef charge fur thePatteraa.PB» Ornamental Fencing and Ire« Railing

furnished to ardor. JftfHART A HAILEY.





WAKEnEIJK' CLOSET,n*OTl7 0W«hi(*daia. elsi*» to give satis.

Oa ta «WHITES» Ihr jpn îfÇ*J«iCU fetbs ward aO ort? the Stet»,

Blacksmith,Kg,WHEEL .ÍÜGHTÍS6,

B epaimg of Carriages,BUGGIES, &C.

Tb« îubseriber woaldresp ectfully inform thocitizens of Sam ter, sm! .tba adjoining Coontie«that be is ap« located on Republican, near MaloStreet, where be !» fully prepared te ezecate allwoik entreated tc his care, with aeatnoea anddispatch.

Ho will do th« work of

BLACKSMITHINGIn all of its Varied Blanches,Horse Shoeing, &c.Wheel Wrighting,

Fainting and trimmingof Carriages and Buggies

In the most Approved styleand finish.

HI« term» will be «web aa to suit the times «adsatisfaction guaranteed in. every ease.

The improred Röbel!» Sab Foil wb'wh can beattached to any Plough, will he manufactured atbia ahop, and ordora left with bim will receiveprompt attention. W. C. bTANSILL.Dec ll-3m


GROCERIES,Wines, Liquors,

Tobacco, Segars, &c.

FILANS F TIECHER,Liberty, Near Hain Street,

Has received a fresh Sorely of GROCERIES,and the best qual-ty LIQUORS, which will beaold at reasonable price«.He invites the publie to call and oxamine bis

Stock, and test the quality of bi* Wine. Whis¬key and Brandy, both domestic aod imported.

-AL30,-His choice Assortment of TOBACCO and



FRANK F. TEICHEE'SLiberty, Near Main Street.

Fresh Cincinnati LagerBeer Always on hand.

Oet 2



HE Subscriber f«r th« »penal areoniraoda.X (ion ol the FAMILIES, a nú tbe public gea.«rally, of bunter, bas taken a ¿itali ia tb«Market.

II« witt receive regular auppliea of

Fish, Fish Roes, Oysters,SAUSAGKS, Ac.


Apples, Oranges and every variety of\Fruit, offered for cala ia the

Wilmington Market.As ¡J« rons on the train, bwtween thia place

and Wilmington, -every oiber doy, portóos orfemme* desiring any article purebared tn th*Wilmington markst, eon entrust their order* tobisa. U« guarantees promptness aad a reasona¬ble advance only on the original cost prices.ß&T Try ma and r©c<»rntn*3nd «ne ss VOQ find

?e. EDWARD HOWELL,Oct 20 Sumter Market.


IAM ONE OP YOU. AND DkSIBB* TH ATyou may know that I bave received at my

»tor«, on MAIN STREET, my stock of

Fall aad Winter Goods.I invito aitaation to my assortment of

Dry Goods,Groceries,

Hats and Shoes, &c,wlich will be «cid at Reasonable Prices.Jost come along with the cash aad I will do

ibo« good.I bar« made arranoo ants to heap constantly


and s fell supply ofFAMILY VEGETABLES.

Glee «a« a eal! oaf yon will 1« well waited«poa. HENEY W. HACBSY..

Opposite J. T. Solomons,Oe» Iff Rainier, R C.


Misses X& £. HcEUiose,yf^e. SUMTER, 8. C,

¿flBllWi Having reeeoriy retamod frons tb«H HHeeth »feb a choice aeteetioa of

WSsf Millinery Goods,jfff iavito tho attrattoeT of their Coe.

tossers to th« opaaiag of their

Faîî asé Winter StoekOar Stork of MLLINSRYaad Faaey Goods,

cabraees tho 1*1wt aad taoet atshfeeabto»J&* _UAÄ BvNBSTi, BASB RIBBON ABD

BTBBONSefeltwHtbi, C&lGSONS,Bosücc^^

rtnatT '?*^tß^^/^I 0*1lt 4k«K^aVC.




hil WAT* Looms, to as to enable him tokeep on hand constantly, a full aad completeassortment ofDESIRABLE FURNITUREWould respectfully invite hit Iriends and cus¬tomers to visit his establishment and exe ninehis supply or raricus styles of FURNITURE,received by recent arrivals.He is confident that his stock is the labtest

end mest complète ever offered to the Sumtertrade, and embraces the most improved styles ofFURNITURE.Window Stades, Picture Fraiaes,

Looking Glasses, Äc,A large supply of the most improved pateros

received and for sale at reasonable prices. Hecontinues to manufacture any kind of Furnitur*ordered. All repairing dine at short notice.


Special attention given to Upholstering andMattress MakingUNDERTAKING*

Coffins of all grades and styles, of bis ownmake,, and from the best manufacturers alwayson hand. Prompt personal attention given toall ordi-rs for. fuserais, and every effort will bemade to give satisfaction to bis patrons.

J. D. CRAIG,Corner Main and Canal Streets,

Next above Clark's Hotel.Oct. Itt-.»m._


Ware Rooms.



in connection with bis Upper Room, which basgiven bim great facilities for keeping a LargeStock of

*bi«*h the publie generally are invited to call andexamine before purchasing, as they may find itto their advantage.

His Stock ta cMreet fmra the Manufacturers,and not second banded, and saving to bis casto-mers ono profit. His work ic made ot hardwood and not soft pine, and the Chairs and otherFurniture are put op in bis shop, he eeo lherefore recommend bis Stuck of Furniture to hiscustomers

He also keepsWindow Shades, Wall Taper,Picture Frame«, Looking Glass es,Spring and other Mattresses,

Looking <i!a«s Plates refitted to frames.Cabin«! work done. Furniture neatly and

carefully repaired.J. E. SUARES,

Main Street, eaxt tu C. T. Mason's Watch andJewelry Store.




'pilE LADIES AND ALL PERSONS wilb¬la ia s to parchase

Millinery and Fancy Goods,are invited to call and examine

MISS BRITTON'!?Kew end varied Stock fur tba FALL and WIN¬TER, selected from both Dal ti ian re aad NewYork Markets. Tba etyle« er» pretty andbecoming, thc High Crown being the noel pop¬ular aa4 faabi'ioable *4 lb« «eason, havingthrown tb« Fast Dully Yardea of laat Summeria the shade.

Bridal Hats ead Bonne*«, ia variety andquality, aiwaya aa bead fur sale. Price veryreasonable.

DRESS MAKINGoradorted aa heretofore. Style« aad Patterns

Krcd at Botterick's, vf Near Turk, the greatr ef Fashions for this coen try. Dresses

will be made te ceder ar fitted »ad basted ts

persons may prefer with the aid of Stager's NX1, Improved Machine, t« do the b*ao«ifel stitcb-iag oa yowr fine »ilk ar worsted dreeves.MISS BRITTON keep« e-mstactlj at work a

Fir«» Claas Milliner, wno »ena Ired ber trad* iaLiverpewl. ead baa worked ia maaj of th«largest eitiee North.






Halts for UMèsttilur,Half-yearly ia Advance: 4

B ard, including Washing. Lights and]1W. together wit* TaitJ.* ie Re*-alar Celles« Conran, par S«*wlast»eYear of Klee leewb;;.,^-^.|3ti»My,^!tSl^^J0m Presides*,

Cen of ..Christie» Jtotise**!foe.U,t/.~ Colatnhifc/P. ü

TJLAJIÎf J005S on band aad »M. te orderJJ rf^r**^|«e^«vn^^*ktfc " tW, Op^te SiLtoU. lintelOat IO




3V<X±11iri©:ry-t 2ÎD-


All these new, fresh,cheap, and np to thehighest possible stan¬dard.dall and see how the

people appreciate our

efforts to serve the mu¬tual interests of bnyeiand seller.E. C. SHIVER & CO.,


November 20


B. R. NASH,Wh«tesnle and hetail Dealer- in

Manufactured Tobacco,SEGARS, AC,

SUMTER, S. C.Har« removed lo ? heir New Store, tr. th« Market

Building, opposite tbe C »ort ¡louie,where they will be pleeaed to rc« their friend*and custotaera ar heretidnre. .

Always on bani


PRIPE OF DURHAM »nd. other b'tnesSMOKING TOBVCCC. 4«, A«.

Alco a pn.d »upi ly «fXorih Carolina Jiyr and Corn Whitk-ie*.

Pea«-h and Xpple Brine ira,Groeerie«, Liquors, ie.,

Tobacco whoUaalid at Man jfaetnrera Preea.

Bnyera will do well tn examine nor *!«ek be¬fore purchasing. Orders promptly attended to.Aug 7_


D. tl. WINS. Agent,f VITOULD respectfully announce to hie oloI ff enatoutera and the puMic in general, thatj ha now baa in atore, a Lage i ad carefully select-j nd stock of

Fall and Winter Goods,«hieb ha guarantees na re pre»bitted, »eeh aa

Ready Made Clothing-Fino, Medium á Com¬mon.

Cloth» and Cjaaimavna,X Inn lot Tvewdea and N* C. Goans.Shirt«,

I Collara,Dmworn,UndervaataSeehs,Snape«dara,Glove* and Cravat«.Hankerchiafa, Xe-,

H« «ells for CASH, «nd «rith an esperones o!«tor« th«« twenty year* in norina:, he will »elthew« good« l«w«r than can be purchased els»whrre ra tbla market.

Sdt" Call and examine. .

Oct ld_tf3,000Fruit Trees,

FOR SALKPRACH, (fine) Apple*, Pioatba.

rear» .»ad Figs. Also a

Fe« Grapea.1 Priée Îft. 1*4 30 etat*. Vatrwnlea Home-VUt he pleased tu rweeivj »rdsm

W ft MELiRTT.* **** Sunbury. 8 C.

'j!foj.Yoiir< Wriung Paper, kc

at thc Sttniter Book Store.




The Sumter WatchmanJN TUE

Hilliest Style of the Art.

Cheap CasbShoe StoreHas just Received the Largest

and most complete stock-OF-

BOOTS ANS SHOESEver Rrnttçht to this Market.


WE OFFER FC« it SALE a superior ttoeGentle-en's Ladies' and Muses'

B»ou. i hoes and Gaiters,Manu arturod to ourorder, and which will h


Al: ot which ne ruarantse, and will Repafie« of charge, if ihe work rip* within a rui»nHOI* time.

--tao,-A nice'ttock »I Children's and Infants'Shoes, andLadies' und Gentlemen's Robber OvershoesWe intend toseil at the lowest possible fig-ore.

and only for c isb. »nd invite an examination atnur goeds and priées1.We ke- p alway, on band, Calf Skins, Leather

and F indira*, »nd will manufacture Boots endShoes nt »hort not ce, and in a superior manner.

Ocj- 2.



Eve;greeus,Flowering Plants, &c.

Fruitlar.d Nurseries,Augustaj Ga.,


J. W. DARGAN, Agent, Sumter, S.CCU and gel descriptive catalogues and hand

in your orders ea rij'.fS!" There are no Peddlers connect

the above establishment, and we

public against par« baaing TREESfrom any such persons.

¿up. 28-tf.

STILL ZN THE RING.Re-established at Lis old Stand. (Late Ex¬

press Ofive.)

Choice Selectioo'of

¿T____ "VV'_E_HiJr*. "_T,and the rhoiee_t assortment of

Pocket Cutlery and Scissors,in town, and fir sile at reasonable prices.

Agent for tb« HOWE SEWING MACHINS.All w»rk done ic an honest and Workmanlike



SU.\i TER, S C.ptr The iN>lebrsited dinmond «nd other styles

>f s;<eetnrl.-s s:»ur* va b «ndMarri. 39-1 m



'Elie u_dorst*ni'<i has now on hand and ta

.ouatant ty rtceivin_ a Large assort**'

m«;_t of



SPECTACLES, fcc.LA MK»* AND JBNTLKMKX'A THATCHES.MloiwbWh »ill he awid »vt tbe. h, «st eam_irfraa.

' WeteWnnd T. *e'.ry i>e»fr«d andit n vwrv l-w ra*«.


Ff n S ^irs aw [ TobaccoAt Tit« &«e":ej| li;>o_ ¿tor«