the st. louis republic (st. louis, mo). (st. louis, mo ...€¦ · wf. jilabb 5.""k1! j...

Wf . "'!''' JiLaBB 5 .""K1! J T." 2- - a v r-- - M . . -. - g-- j T-- m& E? J: m F. W? V '' .E.-- FiTanv of the summer-reso- rt era nave re- - lorried to the city within the last week. nd they will slowly straggle In Mr the Jnext few weeks. fijis, the summer folk return the social jrorld will gradually legln to revolve again. fend not a little gayety Is anticipated for the doming week. Essentially most or It will ije o'utdcors. Tliexe wilt be tally-h- o parties sind lawn parties, and, as the ty Idea seems to have rooted itself llrm-ly..- ln the affections of those who were at Ahe resorts, not a little of this form of Is looked for. shirt-wai- st man and the net-wai- st girt know that the not very distant cold rll will blight their diaphanous attire like the. frost doe flowers, and they will hasten tocbenefit by what Is left of tho season. There was something new in lawn par ities last week. It happened In the guise ft a triple amalgamation of a snirt-wais- t- .watermelon-law- n dance. Miss Natalie Althelmor of No. 4101 Mary- land avenue was married to Doctor Henry Scherck. and furnished the only nuptial tcvent of any note. Trolley parties are rather rare and seem to be confined to the venturesome bach elors Klrkwood and Maplewood. who making frantic efforts to outdo each other in' this amusement, Perhaps the reason. i they not as popular as last season is ton account of the strike. There is still fjeome latent fear in the hearts of the fair tones and their escorts. 1 This week there will be several trolley parties and lawn fetes. 'On Tuesday even- - jag -- ui xiufxim tteusier, wie uaugmer oi. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. "Webster of No. 5332 Ver-- l jmn avenue will become the wife of Mr. L. Avery of Chicago. The- - wedding will be 8. very quiet affair. Besides this there is nothing on the social calendar. But as most "of the theaters open parties to the .plays. on the, cool nights will be very pop- ular. f Best watches. Mermod and Jaccard's. 1 LTJNOHKOXS. ' lira. TV, W. Candy gave a luncheon" at her horns on Berlin avenue honor of Mrs. 3tfumaaB. Rains of Chicago and Miss Mamie Price or Kansas City. Those pres- - 9E wwro; ALiacM. tviu litKuiMd, rnuh 1 : Lineman. Ida Ramlng. Annla APDlehouse, i. . iDehlandorf, Charles Hlgbam. George C wauni uib jiiw jutuuia jscuieuuuri. On Friday afternoon a luncheon was liven by Miss Anne Q. Flnagln of .Bart-m- er avenue In honor of her homecoming aftee a- - three months visit at "Washington. C. Those present were: .Misses Marlon Griffith, Jean Hardy, Stella Griffith. Mabel Giesler. Helen Stelnhoff. Llllls Crossman, I Berenice Cheatham, Daisy Favorite. fc AVEDDIXGS. - Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Parmelee" have an- nounced the marrlaaa of their daue-hter- . B Grace, to Mr. W. Jai- - Ward. They were married on Tuesday, August 28. At Centralla, 3 111., where the bride and her mother were ff visiting relatives ft Mr. Ward came to St. Louis about a year h ago from Paducah, Ky., where, he was in h business. The-youn- coUDle wlll'be at home fi. to their friends after September 12 at No. jjeimar Douievara. Mr- - nnrt Mm. T,' TT Cn nf TJVT inn trr--c. vPine boulevard will receive on next Bunday - In honor of of their dsua-h- - fcter. Miss" Grace Moss, to Mr. A. H. Mes-- 4! Tc : U Peers H. Griffin of Webster Groves" was i married last Thursday, afternoon 10 Bertie. rt G. Soencer of No. WA Lucxetla-.avtnu- e at - mony was performed by the of a f Wisconsin post of the G. A. K- The event was witnessed; by many of the visiting vet-I erans (of the 'Civil War.' Succeeding the i. weddlnc there- - was held receD- - .- - tlon In the- - .parlors of .the hotel. After this 2 the bride and bridegroom departed for a. i trip of the Northern lakes.' . Dr. W. E. Minor of Knn mtv rtiirnA h.'last Thursday with his famllv from a trln ''flhWiad UrhlH InAlttrfl 4f.A Da. .n.Mttnn a general tour of Kurop. Dr. Minor f ("and family returned In fine health and trjpmtE, pleased with the trip, but.glad tx f narlr In aIH Afleouirt atmtn j " 4 IHFORMAZ. EVTEKTAISME.VTS. ' Mr. snd Mrs. Collins of No, SOOS Marcus ; Hvesne entertained several .young people j'3oacr"of 'the twelfth birthday of Miss Erma i Jtueuer 01 no. wu parous avenue. Among fthose present were: MbBi B4hl PlMjtm ' Emma "Elebrect, JermieBull. Alice Hesse, lkals. Anil. Aline McHugb, iTJl nmp Kuth. Memholz, t? Clara Baum. Ada Norwine, fcaajptharBanm. AnnaOMalley, pduypsu wains. Clara CMalley. V-- Masters mimeAODcrts, Hugh. Koekwln. Franlt Bloom. Clarence Koekwln, Baom, Harry McKellops, Edgar Oolllnn. Clarence Mueller, i'LiWalttr Dempsey, Herbert Melnholz, I joe iempsoy, Sidney Mueller, Johnnie Ingram, Mike Nelson. carl iLoeKwin, Johnnie Werner. A lawn party was given on- - Friday even- ing In honor of Misses Margaret, Brown, and Fannie Grant of Bparta, BL. In the pavilion at Carondelet Park. It was riven hv MIrs Ionle StoffHl of the South Bide. Refresh- - Uments were served, and there was dancing T' In .the navillan. 1U. The party was ohapcroned by Mrs. Helm, ) t Among those present were: ! t . J fc Misse- s- Margaret Brown. Emma Mueller. . (Fannie Grant, Viola Nuen. xeonle Btoneil. Huldah Levy, , .Gertrude Trautman, Frances- - Knopp, fMeta, Wienert, Mary Knopp, tldia FrlesdaJl. Amy Hoepner. ft Lulu Haveman, Stella. Stoetzle. .Messieurs (rlxjuU.Sahner, Joseph Kell. Julian . Arthur Kohr; ;Jjanry Sum, Edwin Stolz, Charlea Nlerkolaus. A. O. Wleta, Nicholas Martin, Rudolph Wienert. Dixon Alderson, Fred Ntusbaum, Carl Holekamp, Homer Zlegler. Charles Wittenberg. Ted WUliams. Walter Wittenberg, "Ual. Mlltenberger, ...... -f- -. Theodora Zlouz. - X. iSi.'i A- basket picnlo was given' on last Sun- - Katnona Park. There was dancing and The party spent the evening at .(me euouroan Among those present fwere: P Misses Florence Rigley. fMarle CRMuy. Katie Walsh, -- Sadie Frances Brogan, Gallagher, ii ae uucnart. .tMstlna Wotier,' (Grace DevOv. Nettl Holland; Addle Dougherty. Alice Booth. Siayme iiurpny. Mayme O'Meara. Messieurs f?.tr. 'Boncum fa Gsllachcr. fc. Hoclc, i XT. Dolan. L. Silence, - . - I"li tTVMa T. Conns. X S --T r'JinnnillR , A. Schaub, : r. v -- - y x. vrey. J. Devoy i :.- E-- - . . IA i t ii K c .i--v ? one ol tne novel events or th vt vs. "j Jil7 the. shirt-waist- " watermelon party, given by S;i nueon Wednesday evening to 'the Hun: Cf Ti iiiqt?. V y ThB lawn and residence, were Illuminated t latitAmn aaiI Mfnnd inmn. t(MVnf l((n(M nnil hv th. Uantmnu. . rs .: . i" v""r"v ."? I7(iiiav-u- i . unnitinwo unxgon xanzern, 'Wnica WCU MCM.VVO icvcuuf KVU1CU 111 UlllDa- - towB. San Franc!fco, and presented .to the ajcieiy. The novel features of the evenings i. . .terialnment were the watermelon walk and watermelon eating contest, won mr,ettvt &KQ-- . K, ij.3y by Miss Florence Messing and Arthur Tt'-i- ; r". & Trasler and Miss Bessie Marx and Edmund 3i : & Vlse. Among' those present were: ' L Umm !A &S icS-rHr- t "i .1I.,.(a TUT. - Miriam Katz, nllft VrM . Marie Behan, JFJoreoc Messtng. NelUo Sullivan. 'uni&'xwaix, RayX-Krau- se, M Ul WohleemuthL Minnie Stromberg, t.Xetlette Leonard, Flora Weiss, iIKt Rosebroush. Floeais Jacobs,: E"..i" eseurs Maiuiimr J. Hammer. Edmunia-wlH- . ; William Steinberg, Benjamin Jacobo.-f- i 't&ta J. Kaufman; Herrmann Frank, f '"A.Arthtir.TrosUr JackCih'n. - : p.Lsopoid Kabn. ' A, u. Emm. JraBtason,- -' .. - . m&IJMA tfsslrAsitw f IaifeMiEaB3aS i -- s' of. are are JT. in. be ' "Skilfe, V.J5VCX ' t 1 : " MISS NANNIE liUTLER, Of St. Louis, who is visiting the Virginia resorts this siminier. Coterie on Friday evening.. The car "Rover," chartered for the occasion, left Third street and Washington avenue at S o'clock with a party of' thirty couples aboard. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byrne, chaperons. iuisses Lottie Matt. Bertha Gelsberg, Carrie Spohr, lela Foreman, Jeanette Steitz. Julia McDonnell, Mae Bather, I.lzzle M. Doyle, Ollle Helmsmuiller, Gertrude Tallls, Alice Diamond, Bessie Huey, Julia Reed, Krama Riechmann, Nellie Diamond, Millie Hornberger. Adah Keown. Emma A. Matt, Ruth Wheatlay. Ioulsa Heckel, Mayme'Drumm, Katie Haeger, Louisa Melnhard, Ro?etta Schmidt. Laura Bryden. Messieurs-Jam- es J. Doyle, R. W. Haglns, J. F. Minges, U H. Schlenker, Edward Stauder, George W. Stiehl, Charles SDOhr. Ed Qulglcy. James W. Sells, Jim Gannon, Drummond Diamond, E. W. Rethwilm, v. i nomas (.oaiuey, aiocKie aisier. F. J. Dotiihertv. Fred Herket. Albert Hwyers, Jerry Murphy, Will Ryan, R. W. Shier, E. Louis KQba?a, Herbert Hagerty, WiUO'Connor. John Stanage. Gus Yore, Ernst Friediow. Mermod &. Jaccard's, Broadway and Lo- cust. A congenial party "of St. Louis people spent last Sunday in Carlyle. 111., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Saoupe. Mr. and Mrs. Bhoupe gave a coaching party in honor of ttelr guests. They drove out to the .ium-m- er home of Mr. Peter Hughes. Among those present were: Misse- s- Agnes Larkln, Anna Shevlln, Mayme McCormack, Mayme McDermott. Ida McCormack, Messieurs-Art- hur Wlmmer, Tom Sheridan, Victor Shevlln, J. Sheehan. Will Ramsey, Doctor and Mrs. H. Rothstein. of South Thirteenth street cave a lawn party on last Wednesday night In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kruger. prior to their de parture for Europe. BIss Belle Garrett entertained a party of 'young folks ot the West End at her home. No. K1 Cook avenue, on Friday evening. Among those present were: Misses-Dal- las Perkins, Fanny Neal, Ruth Todd, Belle Garrett, Messieurs-Phil- lip Loth. Dick Gillis. Ed Parmalee, EOza Smith. Miss Laura P. Wleland of No. XWOA St. Vincent avenue was given a surpriso party on Wednesday evening by a, few of her friends and the North Side Friendship Club. A huge bouquet of roses and carnations was resented to Miss Wleland by a member of S ie .Friendship Club In honor of her birth- day. Among those present were: Misses Schurenberg, Olga Wicland, Hunsche. Mania Cammann, Meta Ray, Emma Ochterbeck, Lena Smith. Hilda Dammann, Tillle Nagel. Messieurs Bude. Fred Cammann, Walter Ochterbeck, Ed Krop. Harry Boewell. Will Krop. George Hunsche. Mrs. Anna Spannaus. Misses Marcella and Catherine Barry nr No. 2IES Adelaide avenue gave u lawn- party to a few friends on Thursday evening. At the usual Wednesdav evenlm? swlm- - mlng party of the Wednesday Evening Club in tne uaiaipa. Dasm, uie Misses Belden-stei- n won the long-distan- prize. George Johnson did an extraordinarily high dive and Joseph Goettler won the gentlemen's long-distan- prize. George Kalbum was the victor In the tub race. Among the la- dles present were Misses Johnston. Calla- han, Doerlng, Drosten. Bledensteln and Rosenthal. French &. Co.. Ladies Tailors, Sixth and Washington avenue, open for fall season. New talent, new goods, fine "work. Messrs. Will Loeber," Robert Hoffman and Frank Smith have sent out Invitations for a lawn party to be given to the Misses Bowles at their home. No. 273 North Broadway, on Saturday evening, Septem- - wr a. A surprise party was given to Miss Rosa Meyer at her home. No." 3410 North Four- teenth street, on her ninth" birthday; Those present were: Mlstea Helena Welch. Clara Koelker, Clara Wuland. May Meyer, Helen Wuland, Mamie Koelker. Masters-Cas- per Koelker, Louis Meyer. Clarence Orgelsch, An outing was taken by a number of young people at Forest Park Saturday, chaperoned by Mmes. o. M. Klein and L. J. Dow. Those present were: Misses Alice Relnhart, Mattie Collins, Jennie Dow, Carrie Relnhart, Dora Mlnderman, Bessie Hawklnsi, Gussle Meyer, Rose Hussman, Helen Mead, Sufiie Johnf on. Messieurs E. P. Abler. Jr., Will Stevens, Allan T. Burne George Conley, Ernest Bell, Albert Klein. Charles Jacoby, Fred Jones, Ben Conley, George Auth. Fred Freudenstein. A farewell receptlon-an- a progressive eu- chre were given by Mrs. F. P. Leonard of No. 2813 Caroline street on ruesday evening in honor of her niece. Miss Bessie B. Coon of Chlllleothe. ' 111., who has been visiting her. Those present were: jaissos Bessie B. Coon ot Nannie Caarey, Chlllleothe, 111.; Laura Kllcullen. Annie English of Katie Kane, Cairo. Ifl.: Mabel Thierry. Vera Geisenhof of .Pearl Kelleher. Calroilll.; Mesdaraes E. B. Acton, Fred Gtnter, A. F. Boehmer, F. P. Leonard. John Keicher, Messieurs-Ed- win Caffrey. Mat. Gannon, J. J..Kllcullen. Will Sheehan. Ben Kllcullen. Fred Ginter. Willie Cullinane. Alf Boehraer. John Connor, F. P. Leonard. - E. B. Straus, eye' expert;, gold spectacles SZ.GD ud: comblfeaten mrm a nMiiv nv 13 yean at St, .Louis Exposition. 73 Locust. A tPtXC. flt NorUx BU Unls youngjiiewie 'fr,'MVv- - rTy-.- "VWWTf? 2, gave a tally-h- o party on Tuesday evening. Among those present were: .Messieurs Nicholas ZInk. John O'Brien. William Lynch. Harry Smith. Hurry Springer, Timothy Dwyer, Burne, Fred Schramm. John Stamphill, Misses Lydla McGrath. Marguerite McGrath, Annette Murphy, Jessie Baldwin, Bessie Cahlll. Katie Baldwin, Nellie Baldwin. Mamie Condon. Kittle McGrath, ."Fine diamonds. Mermod & Jaccard's.. The young men of Klrkwood will clve a aance xuesaay ntgnt at tne pavilion at Meramec Highlands. R. C. Forsythe and Horatio Armstrong are managing the af- fair; It had' been planned to give the dance last Tuesday night. A lawn fete will be given on Thursday evening at Reservoir Park under the au.- - splce9 or tho Young Ladles' Guild of Comp-to- n Hill Congregational Church. A farewell dinner was given In honor of Miss Nellie M. Hill on Thursday evening at tho Planters Hotel by several of her friends. Miss Helena Mehllg of No. 4I4S Delmar av- enue gave a reception Tuesday evening In honor of her aunt, Mrs. Julius Mehllg of New Orleans, who Is visiting in the city. Thero were several vocal and instrumental selections and dromatlc recitations. Re- freshments were served on the lawn, which was Illuminated with Japanese lanterns. Among those present were: Misses Edith Nolllng. IIHdah Levy. Laurette LolUeau, Lillian Klcinen. Ora Magner, Laura Krennlng, Maud Magner, Lo:ta Krennlng. Johanna Kaub, Messieurs C. Lavat,. F. Kolb. A Kuhn, W. Starck. C Scnter, W. Dueber. J. Moon, I Krennlng, It. L. Shelke, J. Mehllg. Wedding invitations always in correct form and of the very best workmanship nr.d material nt Mermod & Jaccard's, society stationers, Broadway and Locust. UAXCES. invitations havo been issued for tha Sep- tember dance of the Hiawatha Dancing So- ciety, to take place on Wednesday. Septem- ber 12. at Muth's Hall, on Sarah street and Chouteau avenue. French & Co.. Indies" Tailors. Sixth and Washington avenue. All the latest novel-tic- s. PERSONAL ME.NTIOX. E. Prelslcr'made a tour of Europo In the summer months to study architectural de- signs. He visited Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Munich. Ho Is now in London, whence he will return to St. Louis shortly. The Misses Florence and Sadie Jrssup havo returned to St- - Louis after spending the summer at Old Orchard Beach, Me. Mr. and Mrs Isidore ficberer of Texar-kan- a. Ark., are visiting Mrs. Scheref s par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacks. ' Doctor McCandless and his family, who have been in Maine all summer, have re- turned to the city. Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Fredericks and their daughter, who. with Miss Mabel Plochman. have been touring in California and Yellow- stone I'ark. have returned to St. Louis. Mrs. James Evahs of No. 4371 Morgan street has returned from Eureka Springs. Doctor and Mrs. William Portor of No 3SSS Washington avenue have returned from a two months' visit at the Northern re- sorts. Mrs. J. H. Murray and Miss Edna Murray of" No. ano Olive street have returned from Iew ork. Mrs. Georgia Lee Cunningham returned I?!?1 K v"on!.a sbort vlslt at Atlantio City. Philadelphia, and New York. Doctor and Mrs. W. H. Mayfleld, with their son, returned to St, Louis last week from South Haven. Mich. Miss EsteUe M. Huff of Ironton, Mo., is visiting friends In the West End. Misses Millie and Pauline Geserlch re- turned home last week from .Manhattan Beach, where, they spent the summer. .Mrs. A. Arenson- and the Misses Hulda and Carrie Arenson, with Miss Rae Cohen, returned from their visit East yesterday. Misses Mae and Dunbar Joyce of Lucas avenue departed fpr the South with a party ot friends on Friday evening.. Miss Mamie Henry returned home aftor a short visit at Eastern resorts. Miss 'Margaret Sullivan returned last week from her visit to Mrs. William- - Meehan. at Pialnvlew, III. Mr. N, N. Poulln has Joined his daughter. Mrs. O. V. Bell, at Macatawa Park, Michi- gan. After a short stay at the resort Mr. Poulln and his daughter will go to Canada! Mrs. JN. N. Poulln has returned to Nor- - . .. manrit nflnf.a eKn,-- , , T.irlf Mrs. Palmer Clarkson was also there. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Sewing will re- turn to their home In St. Louis after a short visit to Sweet Sulphur Springs, Ind. Mrs.. R. G. Patteson and Miss Sadie Pat-tes- on of No. 614 North Leonard avenue are visiting friends in Kas., and at Platte City; Mo. Mr. D. R. Whitmo're and family returned Friday from a visit to Chicago, Milwaukee and other lake cities. Mr. C. H. Spencer returned Friday morn- ing from Chicago. Mn Henry F. Langenberg departed Fri- day for his cottage at Charlevoix. Mich., .where bis family the summer. MV. Bennett Wasserman went to Niagara. Fails Friday night to meet his family, which is returning from Maine. Mr. Wasserman will spend several days at the falls. Mh and' Mrs. Julius" Mehllg of New Or- leans, who have been visiting Mr. Mehllg's brother, Henry Mehltg. of No. 4HS Delmar avenue., returned home Fridav night. Mr and Mrs. Mehllg were on their way home from a several months' tour of the "Eastern' seaside resorts. 'Yeddtng silverware. Mermod 4. Jaccard'sf Dootor and Mrs Charles J. Orr have re- turned from a trip East. Mrs. .John Dryden will return, to' the city early In September and make her homo at No. 4307 Morgan street. .Mrs. Susie McLelian. Mrs. Mary B. Ellis nnd Miss Dorothy Clark are visiting in Troy, Mo. Mrs. T. G. Watts and Miss Viola Watts have returned to the city. Mr., and Mrs. Tom Cannon and Miss Ella O'Bannon have returned from a trip in Canada, along the St. Ijwrence River. Miss Mary Keith of No. WOl Vernon ave- nue returned Saturday from Waupaca, is. The Misses May and Tearl Famesrouther of Whittemore place returned yesterday from Wright City, Mo. Mrs. John Sebree. who Is known to many friends throughout the Slate as Nellie Brown Sebree. and her .on Harry will de- part ht for San Juan. Porto Klco. where thty will Join Mr. Sotiree. who has been a resident ot the Island for sumo months. Miss Kllpali Clayton, in company with Mr. and Mrs. W. '. Dye and their daugh- ters. Blanche. Rose and Violet, departed Saturday on the steamer St. Paul for a trip up th river. On their return they will visit in Keokuk, la. Mrs. Michael F. Brophy ot North St. Ixiuls has gone to Louisville, Ky., to visit her brother, Mr, John Touhlle. Miss Marie R. Greffet lias returned from Lake Mlnnetonka. and is now entertaining Miss Charlotte Lynch. Miss Augusta Blerman of Kensington avenue has returned from a month's visit in Illinois. Miss Elolse Semplt- - has returned from the mountnln spring resorts of Virginia, where she was for some time with a party of friends. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. S. Willis of No. 3903 West Belle place depart Tuesday for Puget Sound and other Western points. Miss Bae M. Harris and her brother. Master Ellis G. Harris, have returned trom a visit to their grandparents in Vernon County. Misses Carrie and BernDdcttc Manley are visiting In Edwardsvllle, 111., and will re- main till September S. Doctor T. J. J. Medcr of Louisville. Ky.. Is In the city. Mi-- Anna McKnsson, accompanied by Miss IOttle Clinrtrand. departed for her borne at Grand View Ind.. yesterday morn- ing. Miss McKasson will be married In October to Mr. Mark R. ClrartramL Mrs. S. J. Strodtman nnd her daughters. Misses Anna and Edith Strodtman, will re- turn to the city to-d- after a two months' visit In Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griesedick departed on Tuesday for New York to sail September 4 on the steamer Kaiser- - Wllhclm dcr Grosse. In New York they met Mr; and Mrs. Joo Griesedick. who had returned" from their European trip. Messrs. Louis A. and Ed C Echlossstcia' departed Tuesday for Philadelphia and New York, nnd will sail on the Oceanic Septem- ber 6 for Liverpool and tour England on blcyclos before going .to Paris and Germany. Miss Minnie DeLay ot West Morgan street; who has been visiting friends in Upper Alton, will return to the city in a few days. Mr. James Morton-Curra- n of New Tork City arrived yesterday to visit friends after a vacation spent In the Berkshire Hills and New Jersey. Mrs. H. C. McGrade of No. 4407 Evan ave- nue and son Francis, with Miss Beatrice Mc- Donnell, have return! home, having spent the summer In Illinois. --. Miss Annl Laura Matthews nnd Miss Leonora C. Naglc returned to the city last week after spending the summer nt South Haven, Mich. Doctor and Mrs. T. G. Comstock are now in the highland? of Scotland. They will make a trip through Ireland, then spend som time nt Isle of Wight, sailing home on tho Kaiser Frcdcrich; September 11. Mr. Fred FcIti."Jr., Teturned this week from New Mexico. Doctor and Mrs. Reder of Cook avenue have gone to the Northern lakes. They will return on September 17. Miss Gertrude Woehrmnnn of the South Side has returned home after a four weeks' stay at Chicago and South Haven, Mich. Miss Antoinette Scherr and Sirs. William A. Scherr are visiting' friends in the coun- try tor a month. Mr. nnd Mrs1. Alfonso de Kfguelredo have returned from Pino Orchard, on the Connec- ticut coast. Early In. the summer they gave up their house, at No. 3665 Cook avenue, and for- the winter will live at No. 4174 McPher-so- n avenue. When young children have the slightest symptom of eye trouble any delay In seek- ing advice Is dangerous. Dr. Bond, ex- port optician nt Mermod & Jaccard's, Broad- way and Locust, makes no charge for ex- amination, and, where glasses are needed, guarantees a proper nt. .VOTES FROM SASHVIL.LE. Bpclal Correspondence of The Sunday Republic. Nashville, 111.. Sept. 1. Miss Mae Has-sing- er of the Nashville High School teach- ing corps has returned from a trip through Michigan nnd Wisconsin. Harry Thompson returned from a two monthsr" sojourn In Colorado Monday. He departed Immediately for Noblevllle. Ind., to assume his duties as Instructor of Latin in the High School there. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Brink have returned from a visit to New- - York. Baltimore, Old Point Comfort and other Eastern cities. Mrs. Philip Scheuror. Mrs. James Ches-ne- Mrs. Amos Watts. Mrs. William Watts and Miss Lesa Holnton comprised a party that passed the summer months at various Colorado health resorts. Ex-Sta- te Attorney Charles T. Moore nnd family have returned from their summer vacation at Madison, Wis. Charles Boawell will depart In a few days for an extended visit to Colorado. Miss Jennie Hamilton, who has bean tha guest of the Misses Susie and Anetta Rou- ter the last fortnight, has returned to her home in St. Louis. The following guests from St, Lou! have registered at the Carlsbad Mineral Springs in the course of the. week: The Mlsies Gastlng. Mayme Conner, May Dixon, Nellie MclJiughlln. M. L. Duffner. S. Lister. L. Barker. A. Scudder. Elizabeth Gelsel, Hulda Schrnder, Lily Schrader. Mary Holllngihead and Mmes. S. M. Holllngshead and Louise Schrader. NOTES FROM ALTON. Mrs. George D. Eaton of Upper Alton was the guest- - of Mrs. P. D. Cheney of Jerseyviile last week. Professor and Mrs, Timothy Cloran of the University of Idaho are guests of relatives In Upper Alton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Booth have gone to Chicago. Miss ' Edith Rue returned Tuesday from an extended visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Most have returned from the East. Mrs. Jason Bramhall returned Monday from a visit In Carllnvilie. Professor and Mrs. IL C. Tilton of Shurt-le- ff College have returned from Chicago. Mrs. Michael Rellly Is entertaining Misses Mary Collins of Dubuque, la., and Clara Thou of St. Louis. Miss Elizabeth . Weeks of Upper Alton gave a musical Friday evening at her home on Walnut street. Mrs. T. N. 8. Belk of Upper Alton is en- tertaining her Miss Grace Wordcn of St. Louis. Mrs. Mary Machln of Upper Alton is en- tertaining Mrs. R, C. McGill ot St. Louis. Mrs. E. A. Clapp is in Joplln, Mo the guest of Mrs. Leigh Wyman. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fallon have returned from the East. Mlts Blanche Long returned Monday from a visit In St. Louis. Miss Adella Randall Is home from the East. Mr. and Mrs. George Long are visiting in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Whittmore of Oma- ha. Neb., are tmesis of- - Miss Kup-cni- Trenchey. Miss Elizauetn Loarts is entertaining Mrs. George Meyer of- - St. Louis. . Mr. and Mrs. William of St. Louis are visitors In Alton. Mrs. Klzzle B.. Jones has returned to New Tork after being the guest .of Mrs. Buckmaster tor several weeks.- - Mr-- and Mrs. William Graham have re- -, turned from Shoreham. Minn. Mrs. Martha Anthony is the .guest of Mrs. Joseph Berner at Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Carr hav returned from- the North. Mrs. George Ryria entertained with a mu- sical Wednesday, afternoon .at her home on Henry street. Ml? Mae Cathcart of Upper Alton Is en- tertaining' .Miss Mildred Garvin of St. Louis.1 Mrs: A. D. BuU entertained Doctor, and . .. . . ... ... - - i , - 'W?wyrs?8iP?5HB THE KEPUBLIC: STOSTDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 1900. Leavenworth, granddaughter. Faulkenhelmer 3vi5gg''rV-ftyiTJ-----'frg-- " Mrs. Herman Bull of Jerseyvlllo last week at her home In Mlddletown. Mr." and Mrs. Hehry Hefner aro In Chl- - MIks Carolyn Cunningham is the guest or Miss Jesslo Taylor in Edwardsvile Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wade returned Tuesday from Highland Park, 111., where thoy have spent the summer. Jir. and Mrs. Thomas' Collins havo re- turned from California. Mrs. H. L. Harford is visiting In Spring- - "jfr". "ml Mrs. John Fielding returned Wednesday from the East. Mrs. Charles Beall has returned from the Mrs.' Mary Murphy returned from St. Louis Friday, where she was the guest ot Mrs. T. C. Teasdale. Mrs. James Havard is homo from a sum- mer's stay in St. Paul. Misses Adelle and Ethel Stratton returned Friday from Packersburg, VV. a. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welser have- - re- turned from a summer's stay at Ander- - MMr.aiid Mrs. W. R. Wilson have returned from Pennsylvania. Mrs. E. W. Sparks is visiting In Chicago. Mr. and Sirs. George Farrel returned Saturday from Zanesvllle, O. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bueckel are home from Mlddletown. N. Y. Mrs. William Edgar of Commerce, Tex., is visiting relatives in Alton. ,,... Mrs. Rosengarten and daughters. Kate and Ellen Rosengarten. of St. Louis and Miss Ella Klein of Kansas City are guests of Mrs. James Thrush. Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer are home from Ginssboro. N. J. Miss Carrie Holden N the guest of Mrs. Charles Gray In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMulIen arrived Saturday from New York. Man-Tailor- Rainy-Da- y Skirts made to measure. French & Co.. ladies' tailors. IN KUWAHHSVILLE. Fptclal Correspondence of The Sunday Republic. Edwardsvllle. 111.. Sept. L Mls Nellie Lane of Alton Is visiting Miss Amy Jeffreys. Mlts Helen de Werthen of St. Loui ar- rived on Monday evening to visit Miss Edna Vnnce. Mrs. M. Roa of Clay street has returned from a trip to Cincinnati. Mrs. Charles W. Tuncell of Cairo is a guest of Doctor and Mrs. E. W. Fiegen- - Colo'nel and Mrs. A. M. Ghost and daugh- ter. Miss Genevieve Ghost, arrived Thurs- day en route West nnd will spend a week or two with Mr: and Mrs. James E. Tunnel. Mrs. Sue Clark or DeSoto. Mo., and Mrs. Will Grundy of Maplewood are being enter- tained by Mrs. C. S. Dale. Miss Caroline Cunningham of Alton is spending several days with Miss Jessamine Taylor. Supervisor and Mrs. John Keller of High street are entertaining their daughter. Mrs. F. W. Fritz, and her friend, Mrs. Clarence Holies of Greenville. Mrs. M. P. Linn or St. Louis is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Keller. Miss Bessie Coblne of St. Louis Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. O". Isensee. Miss Dorothy Messenger of Upper Alton, arrived on Monday evening to spend centcn-l- al week with Miss Maude Barnsback. Miss Edith Conoway or No. 3514 Warren street, St. Louis, Is among the centennial visitors.. She is a guest of her cousin. Miss Sarah Coventry. Charles J, Jvunkei, me si. luis musician, was a visitor in Edwardsvllle this week. Mis3 Rilla Willoughby of Pueblo, Colo., who has been passing the summer in Paris nnd at the Exposition, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Barnsback. Miss Rose Brokmeler- - of Carllnvilie Is a guest of Miss Mabel Cullens. Miss Pearl Scott of St. Louis, is spending a week with Miss Annie Pogtie. IX COLLIXSVILLE. Spuria! Com'roondwiee of The Sunday It public. Collinsvllle. HI.. Sept. 1. A party of young folks from St. Louis spent Sunday with Miss Maude Crawford of the Commer- cial Hotel. Among those present were: Misses-Mar- tha Molyneaux, Adclc Peters. Pauline Peters, Messieurs-Har- old Burgess. Harry Burch. Orason Randall, Thomas Elliot. Mr. William Mvers of St, Louis: was the guest of Mr. William G. Borroughs on Tues- day. Mr. Hlrsch of Springfield, Mo.. Is visiting Mr. Archie Cohn. Miss Claude Selgcl of Maplewood Is vl'lt-ln- g her brother, John II. Selgcl. AT LEHAXOX. Special Corresrond'nce of The Pundy republic. Lebanon. UK Sept. 1. Mrs. W. E- - Uerger of No. SS14 Bartmer avenue. St. I.oul?. Is visiting at the home of Doctor A. Bcrger. Mrs. W. R. Jenkins of Enslcnood. III.. Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Blanck. .1. H. Taylor and family, who have spent the summer here, will return this week to St. I,outs. Mrs. T. A. Wilson and Miss Wilson have returned from a visit with the family of A. J. Crum nt Ellendale. St. Ixiuls. The marriage of John II. Bury, a student ot McKendree College, and Miss Lizzie 'Koener. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Koener. is announced to tnke place at the bride's homp on September . Mrs. C W. Klndrick. who has spent the summer month here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 3Iorriss. has returned to her home at the American Consulate nt Cludad Juarez, Mexico. George D. Ormiston of Arkansas City, Kas., visited his sister. Mrs. N. D. Jasper, this week. Mrs. F. F. Sams of East St. has been a guest this week of Miss Genevieve Jepson. C. B. Gump has returned from a summer visit at Bedford Springs. Pa. ' Miss Leotn Schaefer. daughter of Judge. M. W Schaefer of Belleville, 111., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wclgel. Miss Minnie Miller of St. Louis Is a guest of the Misses HUeber. Mlsn Luella Flelshbein of Belleville Is vis- iting her sisters. Mesdames E. G. Sager and J, L. Amroerman. Miss Minnie Freeh of St. Louis has re- turned home. II. Bachman. who visited tho Parts Expo- sition nnd Eisiiach, Germany, has em- barked from Hamburg for home. Mrs. E. S. Baker of Saybrook. O.. who has spent several months with her son. Profes- sor E. P. Baer of McKendree College, has returned home. Mrs. L. Nlemeyer Is a guest of Mrs. Caro- line Relss at Belleville. 111. Mrs. J. H. Lanham Is visiting at Aurora. III. A party of young folks were entertained by Miss Nina Largo on Friday evening at her home on College Hill AT JEFFEIISOX CITV. Special Correspondence ofThe Sunday Republic Jefferson City. Mo.. Sept. L Major and Mrs. T. O. Towles and sons, after a few days with Mrs. R. p. Bland at Lebanon. returned come Tuesday night. Mrs. A. H. Weber was the guest of rela- tives In St. Louis the early part of the week. Captain and Mrs. Weber depart for their home in Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday, sailing from New York on September 8. Mrs. B. G. McGee departed Tuesday morning for Monroe City to visit a sister who is seriously ill." Mrs. I. A, Victor and littis daughter, who have been visiting the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Bodenhelmer, will start Monday. for her borne in Columbia. Mr. Victor will accompany them. Miss May. Carroll, who has been spend- ing the summer here with her father. M. V. Carroll, returned to the' home- - of her grandparents, near Butler, Mo. Miss Idle Belch, after a two weeks' stay In South Haven. Mich., stopped In Chicago to visit relatives. Mrs. Samuel Williams and daughter. Miss Susannah Williams, of Glendale, Mo., are In the city, guests of Mrs. G. D. Burgess. . Miss Margaret Crutslnger of Chamois has been visiting Miss Hilda Straub. Miss Winnie I'opo arrived home Monday from visiting the Misses Johnston of Boon-yill- e. Mrs. N. Jamison and granddaughter. Miss Nan Mitchell, returned home Tuesday from a three months' visit In Nevada, Mo. Mr. W. S. Brotherton. formerly of this City, but now ot Jeffersonvllle,. Ind., spent a few days In the city. Misses Norton and Jessie Glenn, after a visit in Sedalla. returned home on Tuesday. Miss Jennie DeVllblss of Russellviile. en route home from Indiana, stopped tor a few days in this city. Mrs. Theodore G. Burkhart returned home on Wednesday from a two weeks' visit In Centralla. Mrs. M. .R. Brooks and Mrs. Trotter Of St. Louis, who' have been visiting Mrs. Dav- id Callahan', returned home lost Saturday.' Mrs. Joseph R. Edwards is in St-- Louis visiting her sister, Mrs. Jennie. Dunscombe. Mr. and Mrs. George.- - F. .Williams have returned from a short visit at .their old home In Centralla. MIes Lutle Blrkhelmer of New Franklin Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. F. C. Hard- ing, Mr, John Wllkerson of St Louis, who has been visiting his aunt. Mrs.. T. O. Towles, returned home y. Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and baby have gone to Poplar Bluff. . Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Manchester, Mr. F. J. Zeltz and family, Mr, Hugh Stephens and Miss Bessie Miller returned Saturday from a two weeks' outing at Ha Ha Tonka. Miss' Nancy DuVolof Owenton, Ky.. who has Just returned from abroad, where' for a year she studied the violin in Switzerland; Is now the guest Of relatives In this city. Miss Isabella prosscr ot Kansas City has. beeri a guest tor a short time of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. N. I of Kansas City are In the. city, the guests ct the lat-te- fa parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gordon. - '' if - :" - - - ' -" i" r"- - -- - mm miiiMl IlIMM Mfc 1 1 FACTS FOR WIVES A few women have naturally strong constitutions. They are. vigorous in a womanly way. They pass through the whole period of pregnancy without much distress. But ninety-nin- e wives in a hundred need a little outside help. Internal medicines should never he thought of. They can't possibly do any good, and frequently are a positive injury. The help needed by nature is MOTHER'S FRIEND the external liniment that you read so much about in the papers. A lady living in Fort Wayne, Ind., says of it : Mother's Friend did wonders for me. I used it before my last baby was born, and I was sick only half so long as with my first. Praise God for your liniment ! " Women know what morning sickness is and they know about the awful nervous condition and headache that come during pregnancy about the pangs before, dur- ing and after birth about the horrors of rising or hard breasts about the disfigurement of the form of the mother, and the puny, sickly condition of the offspring of a weak woman. Mother's Friend dispels all those distressing symptoms and dangers, lessens and shortens the pains, and insures rapid recovery. Best of all, the figure of the pa- tient will lose none of its graceful curves, and the organs concerned will quickly resume a vigorous, healthy condi- tion. Is it any wonder so many women call it a blessing ? Mother's Friend is sold in Drug Stores for $1.00. Send for a free copy of our handsome, illustrated book about this liniment THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR OO., Atlanta, Ga. J Mrs. Cash Blackburn and daughter. Miss Mav Blackburn, have returned from a visit In Vnndalla. Mo. Miss Jessie Diercks. who has been visit- ing friends in St. Louis, has returned home, accompanied by Miss Bertha Franklin. Miss Martha Kuhn ot Hermann is visit- ing Miss Emma Ettmucller. Captain and Mr3. A. A. Lesueur and daughters. Misses Elizabeth. Corinne and Celeste, of Kansas City, and Mrs. W. C. Gower of Marshall arrived Wednesday to spend a few days. They have with them also Mrs. Lllburn Shields of Lowrle City. Mr. Perry Frazer. formerly of this city, but now- - of New York City, will be married September 6 to Miss Antonla Weigel of New York. Mrs E. C. Crow returned on Wednesday from a short visit to Kansas City. Miss Kitty Pitts was hostess for Ihe Galaxy last week. Progressive games and music were the diversions for the after- noon, completed by a dainty luncheon. The members of this club are: Misses Daisy and Letitia Marshall, Marian and Carrie Davi- son. Nolle and Lulu See, Anna and Florence Kaiser, Pauline Dallmeyer. Bailie Turner. Kitty Pitts, Helen Pinkerton, Rosaline Reld. Lena and Emma Ruwart. Katherine Young ot St. Louis, and Sophia Rockhold. MLsses. Fredericks and Victoria DeWyl return home Monday from a three months' trip abroad. Miss Minnie Crafton has returned fromn two weeks' visit to Miss Louise' Church, in Jcplln. Miss Clara Fletcher arrived from St. Louis on Tuesday, to visit Miss Ethel Edwards. AT THE SIMMER RESORTS. LAKKWOOD-OX-CHAtrr-AUQG- A. Sr.tcia! Oorrf Of The Sunday Republic. Lakcwood-on-Chautauqu- a, N. Y.. Aug. 35. The convention of. the Society of Friends,. or. as thoy are popularly known, the Quak- ers, closed Wednesday. This was the most successful blenniil meeting they have ever held. A number or very Important subjects were discussed and a great deal of urgent business was transacted. There were I.8W0 Friends in attendance. Mr. Wilson M. Day. general manager of Chautauqua, says this Is the greatest year in its history. The total number of people who hve been here Is 43,flOU and there have been over 2.W9 students in the summer school?. All the other resorts on the lake will close on Saturday with the exception of Lake-woo- d, where the Kent House will be open for the hunting, fishing and golfing season until the 1st ot October, ind Bemus Point, which remains open the greater part of the year. The golf tournament this week resulted in victories for Miss Bessie Bennett and Fran- cis Kemble. MLs Bennett Is tho cham- pion woman player hero this summer. The german danced at the Kent on Sat- urday was very successful. The patronesses, who donated the favors, were Mmes. William F. AuU Paul J. Sorg, Agnes C Graff. Mary E. Perchment and several of the younger crowd. Edward Gardner and Arthur Sorg were the leaders. Mr. Douglas Bradley ot St. Louis la at the Kent House. Mrs. Shelby Van Notte of St. Joseph has been staying at tho Waldmere. Mrs. W. O. Benedict and Mr. and Mrs. C G. Rea are among the recent St. Louis ar- rivals. Miss Genevieve Jarvis of St. Louis Is at the Plckard, Bemus Point, and Homer Moore, the singer, .of the same city, Is a recent arrival at the assembly grounds. Alexander P. Robinson and Eleanors P. Robinson of Webster Groves. Mo., are at the assembly, 'having attended the Quakers' convention. Mrs. Sarah Palmer of Moberly and Frank H. Dorst of O'Fallon. Mo., came this week, as did also Miss. Emma McClure ot Buck-ne- r. Mr. Warren Clark of St. Louis stopped here at the Edermlne cottage to visit the Pogues of Cincinnati this week on .his' way to Princeton. OCEAX GROVB. Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic. Ocean Grove, N.. J.. Aug. 23. With tha close .of tho, camp meeting next Monday noon will come the close of the season. It always collapses when the Auditorium bell tolls three times as Bishop John N. Fltc-Gera- ld of St. Louis declares the camp at an end. The leaders' of the camp meeting expect the total number of conversions and rec- lamations to reach Into the hundreds for the fortnight. The week's arrivals from St. Louis In- clude Miss H. S. Thomson and Irvin C Klrkeseager. who are at the Queen Hotel. The Reverend Doctor F. L. West of Mount Carmel. III., is spending part of his vaca- tion ' here. He occupied the Auditorium pul- pit on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Taylor of Little , Rock are spending a month at this resort. They are guests at the Arlington. r.oxa BRANCH. Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic. Long Branch. N. J., Aug. 3.A shirt- waist hop is the latest Innovation at "the Branch." It. took place at Hotel Brighton, and visitors from alt the neighboring re- sorts were present. About seventy-fiv- e men and as many la- dles danced In shirt waists.. The men worn white duck trousers and the women white of duck skirts. The Brighton's corridors and parlors were much' too small to accommo- date the crowd that came to see the novel affair. Tho exodU3 for home and the mountains will begin next' week, but most of the ho- tels will remain open until the 1st of Octo- ber. The cottagers will nearly ail remain through the month. Senator Mark Hanna and family, who had to planned to return to Cleveland, have decid- ed to stay until lata In, September. The Norwood Park Horse Show, to be held September 13, is now absorbing the atten- tion of the fashionable Norwood colony of cottagers. " Mr. and Mrs. A. Ullman of St. Louis are at the Ocean House. ' William Zlnk of St, Louis Is a. guest at tha United States Hotel. ASBCRY PARK. Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic. Asbury Park. N- - J., Aug.' 29. Every "year Asbury Park. Is becoming, more and more a fall and winter resort. Most of the. large hotels will remain open this season unUI October 1. The sand "spoohers" have again been in trouble this week, for-- "Founder" Bradley's policemen have been chasing them out of their' snug and shady rendezvous at the foot ot Deal Lake. An Independence. la., party at the Hotel Brunswick Includes Miss Stout. Mrs. R. Mm Campbell and Z. Stout. The Ocean Hotel la entertaining W. - " - .v...i...."vi...fw. - '- - - ( . IMMM ill, Wl IMIMll Mrs. August Krocger and two little daughters have returned from a visit to Mrs. J. C. Whaley, In Osceola, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. S. Machael of Columbia have come here to live. Among the week's entertainments was an evening at Miss Emma Ettmueller's, given In honor of her guest. Miss Martha Kuhn of Hermann. The parlors were decorated with tinge vases and Jardinieres of golden rod and white day lilies; with foliage of canna leaves. Small tables were arranged for progressive nlloe. and other games, fol- lowed by refreshments. The latter part of, the evening was spent In singing and dan- cing. The guests who enjoyed Miss hospitality were: Misses Kuhn, Pauline Dallmeyer, Cora Marstellar, Mayme and Gertrude Ramsey, Alice Hope. Mabelle Richardson. Lizzie Hoeffer and Miss Sexton; Messrs. Ocar and Eugene Hanszen. Walter Hope. Will Hoeffer. Fred Lohman. Roy Armstrong, Edson Meyers and Frank Dallmeyer. The Tuxedo Club gave an informal dance one of the cool evenings last week at Mu- sic Hall. The Harding Mandolin Club fur- nished the music Those participating were: Misses Cora and Jennie Marstellar, Maj ma and Gertrude Ramsey, Hope, Gelsberg. Dallmeyer. Anna and Florence Kaiser. Diercks, Daisy and Letitia Marshall, Hans- zen,' Bolton, Katherine Young of St. Louis. Emma and Lena Ruwart. Miss Lester of Sedallar Messrs. Hope. Antrobus. Wagner, Reld, Dallmeyer. Rogers. Grimshaw. Meyers, Hoefer. Rlsley, Oscar and Eugene Hanszen. Decker. Nitchy, Armstrong and Harry Cope of St. Louis. Frank Street of St. Louis and J. T. OU boun. At the Hotel Brunswick arc Mr. and Mrs. Patterson" J. Prince of St. Lauts. A lato.St. Louis, registration at Coleman-Hous- 13 J. Gentles; . -.- - . John Cralt of St. Louis is also at Coleman House. Miss Helen T. Alston of Littis Rock U a guest at the Plaza. St. Louis visitors at the Madison an J. E. Powers and J. P. White. WEQXETOXSIXG, Ettclal Correspondence of The Stoday RepuMIe; Wequetansing, Mich., Aug. 30. Miss Clara Leete Is now carrying her left arm in a sling, with her first and second finders In a cast. Miss Leete has been unfortunate this summer, as she has Just recovered from' a "black, eye" which she acquired la the girls' baseball game. A farewell supper was given Friday night by E. Garth Bltllngsley in the private dining- -room of the hotel. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stone. Mrs. Trevor. Mrs. Charles) Longstreet and Messrs. Jack and George Ravold. The steak cooked in a chafing dish, by Mr. Blllingsley was par excellence. Mr. T. IL.West. Jr.. has purchased three very desirable lots on the water front at Roaring Brook and will begin the erection of a handsome cottage this tall, which will be ready for occupancy next season. Messrs. Leon Gale and Will C. Steer have been the guests ot Garth Blllingsley for a few days. Mrs. J. G. McNalr entertained a party of ladles at Beulah cottage with euchre on Friday. Mrs. George Spear and Mrs. George Stafford won the prizes. M. D. Edgar came up last week ana Joined his parents at "Cherryvale." Horace Dyer has Joined his wife for the rest of the season at "Cherryvale." Mrs. Ashley Scott has Invited all Inter- ested In whist lessons to meet Mrs. H. O. Noll on Friday at "Fernleigh." Mrs. Scott's new East We-qu- e cottage, Mildred and Jack McNalr entertained six- teen of their friends on Wednesday la honor of their cousin Claude Bakewell The memory of the baseball game played some time ago between the girls' team and -- the Wequetonslng regulars, which at- tracted so much attention, is to be consigned to obscurity. The girls are going to keep strictly, within their own olasa nd ar- rangements have been .made for a game to be played on next Saturday between the two girls'- - teams. The college girls' team, which recently beat the men's team. Is not to wear the belt, with undisputed right. A team has been organized among the younger set. most of them being Mary In- stitute students. The line-u- p of tha newly organized team will be about aa follows: Lily Lambert, catcher and captain; Isabel Scott, pitcher: Mary Schnell. first base; Judith Hoblltzelle, third base; Florence Streett. second base; Helen Morton, short- stop: Janet Morton, right field; Ethel Oam- - ble. left field. Mr. Garth Bllllngsliy of minstrel fame has been asked to serve as mascot. Mrs. Charles W. Scudder is the guest of Mrs. George Warren. Brown. C P. Blrn end Mrs. L. H. Cohn are at the We-qu- e Hotel. .Doctor Ludwlg Schwab and Mr. Arthur Schwab are lata arrivals at Roaring Brook Inn. . R. E. Fllley and Mrs. 8. A. Hopkins have been here several days domiciled at the hotel. Miss Barbara Blaekman is tha guest of Miss May Scott at the Scott cottage. "Fern-lelgh- ." Mr. Thurston Wright, who has been the guest of Clark Streatt for. several weeka. returned to St. Louis on Saturday, with Mr. Streett. Miss Clapp arrived Sunday as the guest Mlaa Morton. Mrs. Barnett has Issued Invitations for s dance, to be given Monday evening in hon- or of Miss May Foster and Miss Sadie Scudder, In the amusement halL Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Byrne of New Tork are guests of- - Mr. and Mrs. S. C Edgar. Mr. Edgar will return to New York with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates have returned their home in Chicago, after an extended stay with their father, and mother, Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Edgar. Mrs. P.- B. Little entertained in her new cottage, "Archway." for her son. Edward Little, .and his guest. Tom Bond. Among those present were: Misses Oliver, Scudder, Morton, Streeett. Bakewell. Foster and Scott; Tom Bond, 8tnart Stickney. Tom Fllley. Will Cunningham. Wright and Ray. Sempte Scott arrived Saturday for a week's Visit at "Fernlelgh." Mr,' Claflln Allen la with hi mother. Mrs. Allen, at the Misses Selby'a home la West Wequetonslng. PETOSKET. '. Special Correspondence of The Sunday RepebHe. V Petoskey, .Mlcm. . Aug. 30. Mrs. j. jj, Cheebrough and Mrs. L. Carlln, who have been up at the Island for several day,-cam- e down to Petoskey last week.-- . "- - - . " Miss Blake is a recent arrival. -. Mr. and Mrs. Llttell and daughter are at' ' Patterson. Bay View. - ' Mr. AH la a late comer. - 3,- - Mr. and Mrs. .W. H, 8aTa-BBevU- ffi "MKV ,:?M .sm '&.".V fr M SSI I V3 ; - & 'S - & ft '?. '.JLi & i1 ,Xrt " I

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Page 1: The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, Mo). (St. Louis, MO ...€¦ · Wf. JiLaBB 5.""K1! J T." 2--a v r---Mm&g--j T-- E? J:m F. W? V ''.E.--FiTanv of the summer-reso-rt era nave re--

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FiTanv of the summer-reso- rt era nave re--lorried to the city within the last week.

nd they will slowly straggle In Mr theJnext few weeks.fijis, the summer folk return the socialjrorld will gradually legln to revolve again.fend not a little gayety Is anticipated for thedoming week. Essentially most or It willije o'utdcors. Tliexe wilt be tally-h- o partiessind lawn parties, and, as the ty

Idea seems to have rooted itself llrm-ly..- ln

the affections of those who were atAhe resorts, not a little of this form of

Is looked for.shirt-wai- st man and the net-wai- st

girt know that the not very distant coldrll will blight their diaphanous attire like

the. frost doe flowers, and they will hastentocbenefit by what Is left of tho season.

There was something new in lawn parities last week. It happened In the guise

ft a triple amalgamation of a snirt-wais- t-

.watermelon-law- n dance.

Miss Natalie Althelmor of No. 4101 Mary-land avenue was married to Doctor HenryScherck. and furnished the only nuptial

tcvent of any note.

Trolley parties are rather rare and seemto be confined to the venturesome bachelors Klrkwood and Maplewood. whomaking frantic efforts to outdo each otherin' this amusement, Perhaps the reason.

i they not as popular as last season iston account of the strike. There is stillfjeome latent fear in the hearts of the fairtones and their escorts.1 This week there will be several trolley

parties and lawn fetes. 'On Tuesday even- -jag --ui xiufxim tteusier, wie uaugmer oi.Mr. and Mrs. J. G. "Webster of No. 5332 Ver--

l jmn avenue will become the wife of Mr. L.Avery of Chicago. The-- wedding will be

8. very quiet affair. Besides this there isnothing on the social calendar. But as most"of the theaters open parties to the.plays. on the, cool nights will be very pop-ular.f Best watches. Mermod and Jaccard's.


' lira. TV, W. Candy gave a luncheon" ather horns on Berlin avenue honor of Mrs.

3tfumaaB. Rains of Chicago and MissMamie Price or Kansas City. Those pres- -9E wwro; ALiacM. tviu litKuiMd, rnuh1 : Lineman. Ida Ramlng. Annla APDlehouse,

i. . iDehlandorf, Charles Hlgbam. George Cwauni uib jiiw jutuuia jscuieuuuri.

On Friday afternoon a luncheon wasliven by Miss Anne Q. Flnagln of .Bart-m- er

avenue In honor of her homecomingaftee a-- three months visit at "Washington.

C. Those present were:.Misses

Marlon Griffith, Jean Hardy,Stella Griffith. Mabel Giesler.Helen Stelnhoff. Llllls Crossman,

I Berenice Cheatham, Daisy Favorite.fc


- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Parmelee" have an-nounced the marrlaaa of their daue-hter-.

B Grace, to Mr. W. Jai- - Ward. They weremarried on Tuesday, August 28. At Centralla,

3 111., where the bride and her mother wereff visiting relativesft Mr. Ward came to St. Louis about a yearh ago from Paducah, Ky., where, he was inh business. The-youn- coUDle wlll'be at homefi. to their friends after September 12 at No.

jjeimar Douievara.Mr- - nnrt Mm. T,' TT Cn nf TJVT inn trr--c.

vPine boulevard will receive on next Bunday- In honor of of their dsua-h--

fcter. Miss" Grace Moss, to Mr. A. H. Mes--4! Tc :

U Peers H. Griffin of Webster Groves" wasi married last Thursday, afternoon 10 Bertie.rt G. Soencer of No. WA Lucxetla-.avtnu- e at

- mony was performed by the of af Wisconsin post of the G. A. K- The eventwas witnessed; by many of the visiting vet-I

erans (of the 'Civil War.' Succeeding thei. weddlnc there- - was held receD- -.-- tlon In the-- .parlors of .the hotel. After this

2 the bride and bridegroom departed for a.i trip of the Northern lakes.'

. Dr. W. E. Minor of Knn mtv rtiirnAh.'last Thursday with his famllv from a trln''flhWiad UrhlH InAlttrfl 4f.A Da. .n.Mttnna general tour of Kurop. Dr. Minor

f ("and family returned In fine health andtrjpmtE, pleased with the trip, but.glad txf narlr In aIH Afleouirt atmtn

j "


' Mr. snd Mrs. Collins of No, SOOS Marcus; Hvesne entertained several .young people

j'3oacr"of 'the twelfth birthday of Miss Ermai Jtueuer 01 no. wu parous avenue. Amongfthose present were:

MbBiB4hl PlMjtm ' Emma "Elebrect,JermieBull. Alice Hesse,

lkals. Anil. Aline McHugb,iTJl nmp Kuth. Memholz,

t? Clara Baum. Ada Norwine,fcaajptharBanm. AnnaOMalley,pduypsu wains. Clara CMalley.

V-- MastersmimeAODcrts, Hugh. Koekwln.Franlt Bloom. Clarence Koekwln,

Baom, Harry McKellops,Edgar Oolllnn. Clarence Mueller,

i'LiWalttr Dempsey, Herbert Melnholz,I joe iempsoy, Sidney Mueller,

Johnnie Ingram, Mike Nelson.carl iLoeKwin, Johnnie Werner.

A lawn party was given on- - Friday even-ing In honor of Misses Margaret, Brown, andFannie Grant of Bparta, BL. In the pavilionat Carondelet Park. It was riven hv MIrsIonle StoffHl of the South Bide. Refresh- -

Uments were served, and there was dancingT' In .the navillan.1U. The party was ohapcroned by Mrs. Helm,) t Among those present were:

!t . Jfc

Misse- s-Margaret Brown. Emma Mueller. .

(Fannie Grant, Viola Nuen.xeonle Btoneil. Huldah Levy, ,.Gertrude Trautman, Frances-- Knopp,fMeta, Wienert, Mary Knopp,tldia FrlesdaJl. Amy Hoepner.ft Lulu Haveman, Stella. Stoetzle.

.Messieurs(rlxjuU.Sahner, Joseph Kell.Julian . Arthur Kohr;;Jjanry Sum, Edwin Stolz,Charlea Nlerkolaus. A. O. Wleta,Nicholas Martin, Rudolph Wienert.Dixon Alderson, Fred Ntusbaum,Carl Holekamp, Homer Zlegler.Charles Wittenberg. Ted WUliams.Walter Wittenberg, "Ual. Mlltenberger,...... -f- -. Theodora Zlouz.


X. iSi.'i A- basket picnlo was given' on last Sun- -

Katnona Park. There was dancing andThe party spent the evening at

.(me euouroan Among those presentfwere:P Misses

Florence Rigley.fMarle CRMuy. Katie Walsh, --

SadieFrances Brogan, Gallagher,ii ae uucnart. .tMstlna Wotier,'(Grace DevOv. Nettl Holland;Addle Dougherty. Alice Booth.Siayme iiurpny. Mayme O'Meara.

Messieursf?.tr. 'Boncumfa Gsllachcr. fc. Hoclc,i XT. Dolan. L. Silence, - .

- I"li tTVMa T. Conns.X S --T r'JinnnillR , A. Schaub,: r. v -- -y x. vrey. J. Devoy

i :.-


. .IA i


iiKc .i--v ? one ol tne novel events or th vt vs."j Jil7 the. shirt-waist- " watermelon party, given by


nueon Wednesday evening to 'the Hun:Cf Ti iiiqt?.



ThB lawn and residence, were Illuminatedt latitAmn aaiI Mfnnd inmn.t(MVnf l((n(M nnil hv th. Uantmnu. .rs .: . i" v""r"v ."?I7(iiiav-u- i . unnitinwo unxgon xanzern, 'Wnica

WCU MCM.VVO icvcuuf KVU1CU 111 UlllDa- -

towB. San Franc!fco, and presented .to theajcieiy.The novel features of the evenings i.

. .terialnment were the watermelon walk andwatermelon eating contest, won mr,ettvt

&KQ-- . K, ij.3y by Miss Florence Messing and ArthurTt'-i- ; r". & Trasler and Miss Bessie Marx and Edmund3i : & Vlse. Among' those present were:' L Umm

!A &S icS-rHr- t


.1I.,.(a TUT. - Miriam Katz,nllft VrM . Marie Behan,

JFJoreoc Messtng. NelUo Sullivan.'uni&'xwaix, RayX-Krau- se,

M Ul WohleemuthL Minnie Stromberg,t.Xetlette Leonard, Flora Weiss,iIKt Rosebroush. Floeais Jacobs,:

E"..i" eseursMaiuiimr J. Hammer. Edmunia-wlH- .

; William Steinberg, Benjamin Jacobo.-f- i

't&ta J. Kaufman; Herrmann Frank,f '"A.Arthtir.TrosUr JackCih'n. -

: p.Lsopoid Kabn. ' A, u. Emm.JraBtason,- -' .. -


m&IJMA tfsslrAsitwf


i --s'

of. are





' "Skilfe, V.J5VCX ' t


Of St. Louis, who is visiting the Virginia resorts this siminier.

Coterie on Friday evening.. The car"Rover," chartered for the occasion, leftThird street and Washington avenue at S

o'clock with a party of' thirty couplesaboard. Among those present were: Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Byrne, chaperons.

iuissesLottie Matt. Bertha Gelsberg,Carrie Spohr, lela Foreman,Jeanette Steitz. Julia McDonnell,Mae Bather, I.lzzle M. Doyle,Ollle Helmsmuiller, Gertrude Tallls,Alice Diamond, Bessie Huey,Julia Reed, Krama Riechmann,Nellie Diamond, Millie Hornberger.Adah Keown. Emma A. Matt,Ruth Wheatlay. Ioulsa Heckel,Mayme'Drumm, Katie Haeger,Louisa Melnhard, Ro?etta Schmidt.Laura Bryden.

Messieurs-Jam- esJ. Doyle, R. W. Haglns,

J. F. Minges, U H. Schlenker,Edward Stauder, George W. Stiehl,Charles SDOhr. Ed Qulglcy.James W. Sells, Jim Gannon,Drummond Diamond, E. W. Rethwilm,

v. i nomas (.oaiuey, aiocKie aisier.F. J. Dotiihertv. Fred Herket.Albert Hwyers, Jerry Murphy,Will Ryan, R. W. Shier,E. Louis KQba?a, Herbert Hagerty,WiUO'Connor. John Stanage.Gus Yore, Ernst Friediow.

Mermod &. Jaccard's, Broadway and Lo-cust.

A congenial party "of St. Louis peoplespent last Sunday in Carlyle. 111., the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Saoupe. Mr. andMrs. Bhoupe gave a coaching party in honorof ttelr guests. They drove out to the .ium-m- er

home of Mr. Peter Hughes. Amongthose present were:

Misse- s-Agnes Larkln, Anna Shevlln,Mayme McCormack, Mayme McDermott.Ida McCormack,

Messieurs-Art- hur

Wlmmer, Tom Sheridan,Victor Shevlln, J. Sheehan.Will Ramsey,

Doctor and Mrs. H. Rothstein. of SouthThirteenth street cave a lawn party onlast Wednesday night In honor ot Mr. andMrs. Frederick Kruger. prior to their departure for Europe.

BIss Belle Garrett entertained a party of'young folks ot the West End at her home.No. K1 Cook avenue, on Friday evening.Among those present were:

Misses-Dal- lasPerkins, Fanny Neal,

Ruth Todd, Belle Garrett,Messieurs-Phil- lip

Loth. Dick Gillis.Ed Parmalee, EOza Smith.

Miss Laura P. Wleland of No. XWOA St.Vincent avenue was given a surpriso partyon Wednesday evening by a, few of herfriends and the North Side Friendship Club.A huge bouquet of roses and carnations was

resented to Miss Wleland by a member ofSie .Friendship Club In honor of her birth-day. Among those present were:

MissesSchurenberg, Olga Wicland,Hunsche. Mania Cammann,Meta Ray, Emma Ochterbeck,Lena Smith. Hilda Dammann,Tillle Nagel.

MessieursBude. Fred Cammann,Walter Ochterbeck, Ed Krop.Harry Boewell. Will Krop.George Hunsche.

Mrs. Anna Spannaus.

Misses Marcella and Catherine Barry nrNo. 2IES Adelaide avenue gave u lawn- partyto a few friends on Thursday evening.

At the usual Wednesdav evenlm? swlm--mlng party of the Wednesday Evening Clubin tne uaiaipa. Dasm, uie Misses Belden-stei- n

won the long-distan- prize. GeorgeJohnson did an extraordinarily high diveand Joseph Goettler won the gentlemen'slong-distan- prize. George Kalbum wasthe victor In the tub race. Among the la-dles present were Misses Johnston. Calla-han, Doerlng, Drosten. Bledensteln andRosenthal.

French &. Co.. Ladies Tailors, Sixth andWashington avenue, open for fall season.New talent, new goods, fine "work.

Messrs. Will Loeber," Robert Hoffman andFrank Smith have sent out Invitations fora lawn party to be given to the MissesBowles at their home. No. 273 NorthBroadway, on Saturday evening, Septem- -wr a.

A surprise party was given to Miss RosaMeyer at her home. No." 3410 North Four-teenth street, on her ninth" birthday; Thosepresent were:

MlsteaHelena Welch. Clara Koelker,Clara Wuland. May Meyer,Helen Wuland, Mamie Koelker.

Masters-Cas- per

Koelker, Louis Meyer.Clarence Orgelsch,

An outing was taken by a number ofyoung people at Forest Park Saturday,chaperoned by Mmes. o. M. Klein and L.J. Dow. Those present were:

MissesAlice Relnhart, Mattie Collins,Jennie Dow, Carrie Relnhart,Dora Mlnderman, Bessie Hawklnsi,Gussle Meyer, Rose Hussman,Helen Mead, Sufiie Johnfon.

MessieursE. P. Abler. Jr., Will Stevens,Allan T. Burne George Conley,Ernest Bell, Albert Klein.Charles Jacoby, Fred Jones,Ben Conley, George Auth.Fred Freudenstein.

A farewell receptlon-an- a progressive eu-chre were given by Mrs. F. P. Leonard ofNo. 2813 Caroline street on ruesday eveningin honor of her niece. Miss Bessie B. Coonof Chlllleothe. ' 111., who has been visitingher. Those present were:

jaissosBessie B. Coon ot Nannie Caarey,

Chlllleothe, 111.; Laura Kllcullen.Annie English of Katie Kane,

Cairo. Ifl.: Mabel Thierry.Vera Geisenhof of .Pearl Kelleher.


E. B. Acton, Fred Gtnter,A. F. Boehmer, F. P. Leonard.John Keicher,

Messieurs-Ed- win

Caffrey. Mat. Gannon,J. J..Kllcullen. Will Sheehan.Ben Kllcullen. Fred Ginter.Willie Cullinane. Alf Boehraer.John Connor, F. P. Leonard.- E. B. Straus, eye' expert;, gold spectaclesSZ.GD ud: comblfeaten mrm a nMiiv nv13 yean at St, .Louis Exposition. 73 Locust.

A tPtXC. flt NorUx BU Unls youngjiiewie

'fr,'MVv- - rTy-.- "VWWTf?


gave a tally-h- o party on Tuesday evening.Among those present were:

.MessieursNicholas ZInk. John O'Brien.William Lynch. Harry Smith.Hurry Springer, Timothy Dwyer,Burne, Fred Schramm.John Stamphill,

MissesLydla McGrath. Marguerite McGrath,Annette Murphy, Jessie Baldwin,Bessie Cahlll. Katie Baldwin,Nellie Baldwin. Mamie Condon.Kittle McGrath,

."Fine diamonds. Mermod & Jaccard's..

The young men of Klrkwood will clve aaance xuesaay ntgnt at tne pavilion atMeramec Highlands. R. C. Forsythe andHoratio Armstrong are managing the af-fair; It had' been planned to give the dancelast Tuesday night.

A lawn fete will be given on Thursdayevening at Reservoir Park under the au.--splce9 or tho Young Ladles' Guild of Comp-to- n

Hill Congregational Church.

A farewell dinner was given In honor ofMiss Nellie M. Hill on Thursday evening attho Planters Hotel by several of her friends.

Miss Helena Mehllg of No. 4I4S Delmar av-enue gave a reception Tuesday evening Inhonor of her aunt, Mrs. Julius Mehllg ofNew Orleans, who Is visiting in the city.Thero were several vocal and instrumentalselections and dromatlc recitations. Re-freshments were served on the lawn, whichwas Illuminated with Japanese lanterns.

Among those present were:Misses

Edith Nolllng. IIHdah Levy.Laurette LolUeau, Lillian Klcinen.Ora Magner, Laura Krennlng,Maud Magner, Lo:ta Krennlng.Johanna Kaub,

MessieursC. Lavat,. F. Kolb.A Kuhn, W. Starck.C Scnter, W. Dueber.J. Moon, I Krennlng,It. L. Shelke, J. Mehllg.

Wedding invitations always in correctform and of the very best workmanship nr.dmaterial nt Mermod & Jaccard's, societystationers, Broadway and Locust.


invitations havo been issued for tha Sep-tember dance of the Hiawatha Dancing So-ciety, to take place on Wednesday. Septem-ber 12. at Muth's Hall, on Sarah street andChouteau avenue.

French & Co.. Indies" Tailors. Sixth andWashington avenue. All the latest novel-tic- s.


E. Prelslcr'made a tour of Europo In thesummer months to study architectural de-signs. He visited Paris, Vienna, Berlin andMunich. Ho Is now in London, whence hewill return to St. Louis shortly.

The Misses Florence and Sadie Jrssuphavo returned to St-- Louis after spendingthe summer at Old Orchard Beach, Me.

Mr. and Mrs Isidore ficberer of Texar-kan- a.

Ark., are visiting Mrs. Scheref s par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacks. '

Doctor McCandless and his family, whohave been in Maine all summer, have re-turned to the city.

Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Fredericks and theirdaughter, who. with Miss Mabel Plochman.have been touring in California and Yellow-stone I'ark. have returned to St. Louis.Mrs. James Evahs of No. 4371 Morgan

street has returned from Eureka Springs.Doctor and Mrs. William Portor of No

3SSS Washington avenue have returned froma two months' visit at the Northern re-sorts.

Mrs. J. H. Murray and Miss Edna Murrayof" No. ano Olive street have returned fromIew ork.

Mrs. Georgia Lee Cunningham returnedI?!?1 K v"on!.a sbort vlslt at AtlantioCity. Philadelphia, and New York.

Doctor and Mrs. W. H. Mayfleld, withtheir son, returned to St, Louis last weekfrom South Haven. Mich.Miss EsteUe M. Huff of Ironton, Mo., isvisiting friends In the West End.Misses Millie and Pauline Geserlch re-turned home last week from .ManhattanBeach, where, they spent the summer..Mrs. A. Arenson- and the Misses Huldaand Carrie Arenson, with Miss Rae Cohen,returned from their visit East yesterday.Misses Mae and Dunbar Joyce of Lucasavenue departed fpr the South with a partyot friends on Friday evening..Miss Mamie Henry returned home aftora short visit at Eastern resorts.Miss 'Margaret Sullivan returned last weekfrom her visit to Mrs. William- - Meehan. atPialnvlew, III.

Mr. N, N. Poulln has Joined his daughter.Mrs. O. V. Bell, at Macatawa Park, Michi-gan. After a short stay at the resort Mr.Poulln and his daughter will go to Canada!Mrs. JN. N. Poulln has returned to Nor--. ..manrit nflnf.a eKn,-- , ,

T.irlf Mrs. Palmer Clarkson was alsothere.

. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Sewing will re-turn to their home In St. Louis aftera short visit to Sweet Sulphur Springs, Ind.Mrs.. R. G. Patteson and Miss Sadie Pat-tes- on

of No. 614 North Leonard avenue arevisiting friends in Kas., andat Platte City; Mo.

Mr. D. R. Whitmo're and family returnedFriday from a visit to Chicago, Milwaukeeand other lake cities.Mr. C. H. Spencer returned Friday morn-

ing from Chicago.

Mn Henry F. Langenberg departed Fri-day for his cottage at Charlevoix. Mich.,.where bis family the summer.

MV. Bennett Wasserman went to Niagara.Fails Friday night to meet his family, whichis returning from Maine. Mr. Wassermanwill spend several days at the falls.

Mh and' Mrs. Julius" Mehllg of New Or-leans, who have been visiting Mr. Mehllg'sbrother, Henry Mehltg. of No. 4HS Delmaravenue., returned home Fridav night. Mrand Mrs. Mehllg were on their way home

from a several months' tour of the "Eastern'seaside resorts.'Yeddtng silverware. Mermod 4. Jaccard'sf

Dootor and Mrs Charles J. Orr have re-

turned from a trip East.Mrs. .John Dryden will return, to' the city

early In September and make her homo atNo. 4307 Morgan street.

.Mrs. Susie McLelian. Mrs. Mary B. Ellisnnd Miss Dorothy Clark are visiting inTroy, Mo.

Mrs. T. G. Watts and Miss Viola Wattshave returned to the city.

Mr., and Mrs. Tom Cannon and Miss EllaO'Bannon have returned from a trip inCanada, along the St. Ijwrence River.

Miss Mary Keith of No. WOl Vernon ave-nue returned Saturday from Waupaca, is.

The Misses May and Tearl Famesroutherof Whittemore place returned yesterdayfrom Wright City, Mo.

Mrs. John Sebree. who Is known to manyfriends throughout the Slate as NellieBrown Sebree. and her .on Harry will de-part ht for San Juan. Porto Klco.where thty will Join Mr. Sotiree. who hasbeen a resident ot the Island for sumomonths.

Miss Kllpali Clayton, in company withMr. and Mrs. W. '. Dye and their daugh-ters. Blanche. Rose and Violet, departedSaturday on the steamer St. Paul for a tripup th river. On their return they willvisit in Keokuk, la.

Mrs. Michael F. Brophy ot North St. Ixiulshas gone to Louisville, Ky., to visit herbrother, Mr, John Touhlle.

Miss Marie R. Greffet lias returned fromLake Mlnnetonka. and is now entertainingMiss Charlotte Lynch.

Miss Augusta Blerman of Kensingtonavenue has returned from a month's visitin Illinois.

Miss Elolse Semplt- - has returned from themountnln spring resorts of Virginia, whereshe was for some time with a party offriends.

Mr. 'and Mrs. J. S. Willis of No. 3903 WestBelle place depart Tuesday for Puget Soundand other Western points.

Miss Bae M. Harris and her brother.Master Ellis G. Harris, have returned troma visit to their grandparents in VernonCounty.

Misses Carrie and BernDdcttc Manley arevisiting In Edwardsvllle, 111., and will re-main till September S.

Doctor T. J. J. Medcr of Louisville. Ky..Is In the city.

Mi-- Anna McKnsson, accompanied byMiss IOttle Clinrtrand. departed for herborne at Grand View Ind.. yesterday morn-ing. Miss McKasson will be married InOctober to Mr. Mark R. ClrartramL

Mrs. S. J. Strodtman nnd her daughters.Misses Anna and Edith Strodtman, will re-turn to the city to-d- after a two months'visit In Omaha,

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Griesedick departed onTuesday for New York to sail September 4on the steamer Kaiser- - Wllhclm dcr Grosse.In New York they met Mr; and Mrs. JooGriesedick. who had returned" from theirEuropean trip.

Messrs. Louis A. and Ed C Echlossstcia'departed Tuesday for Philadelphia and NewYork, nnd will sail on the Oceanic Septem-ber 6 for Liverpool and tour England onblcyclos before going .to Paris and Germany.

Miss Minnie DeLay ot West Morganstreet; who has been visiting friends inUpper Alton, will return to the city in afew days.

Mr. James Morton-Curra- n of New TorkCity arrived yesterday to visit friends aftera vacation spent In the Berkshire Hills andNew Jersey.

Mrs. H. C. McGrade of No. 4407 Evan ave-nue and son Francis, with Miss Beatrice Mc-Donnell, have return! home, having spentthe summer In Illinois. --.

Miss Annl Laura Matthews nnd MissLeonora C. Naglc returned to the city lastweek after spending the summer nt SouthHaven, Mich.

Doctor and Mrs. T. G. Comstock are nowin the highland? of Scotland. They willmake a trip through Ireland, then spendsom time nt Isle of Wight, sailing home ontho Kaiser Frcdcrich; September 11.

Mr. Fred FcIti."Jr., Teturned this weekfrom New Mexico.

Doctor and Mrs. Reder of Cook avenuehave gone to the Northern lakes. Theywill return on September 17.

Miss Gertrude Woehrmnnn of the SouthSide has returned home after a four weeks'stay at Chicago and South Haven, Mich.

Miss Antoinette Scherr and Sirs. WilliamA. Scherr are visiting' friends in the coun-try tor a month.

Mr. nnd Mrs1. Alfonso de Kfguelredo havereturned from Pino Orchard, on the Connec-ticut coast. Early In. the summer they gaveup their house, at No. 3665 Cook avenue, andfor- the winter will live at No. 4174 McPher-so- n


When young children have the slightestsymptom of eye trouble any delay In seek-ing advice Is dangerous. Dr. Bond, ex-port optician nt Mermod & Jaccard's, Broad-way and Locust, makes no charge for ex-amination, and, where glasses are needed,guarantees a proper nt.


Bpclal Correspondence of The Sunday Republic.Nashville, 111.. Sept. 1. Miss Mae Has-sing- er

of the Nashville High School teach-ing corps has returned from a trip throughMichigan nnd Wisconsin.

Harry Thompson returned from a twomonthsr" sojourn In Colorado Monday. Hedeparted Immediately for Noblevllle. Ind.,to assume his duties as Instructor of Latinin the High School there.

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Brink have returnedfrom a visit to New- - York. Baltimore, OldPoint Comfort and other Eastern cities.

Mrs. Philip Scheuror. Mrs. James Ches-ne-

Mrs. Amos Watts. Mrs. William Wattsand Miss Lesa Holnton comprised a partythat passed the summer months at variousColorado health resorts.

Ex-Sta- te Attorney Charles T. Moore nndfamily have returned from their summervacation at Madison, Wis.

Charles Boawell will depart In a few daysfor an extended visit to Colorado.

Miss Jennie Hamilton, who has bean thaguest of the Misses Susie and Anetta Rou-ter the last fortnight, has returned to herhome in St. Louis.

The following guests from St, Lou! haveregistered at the Carlsbad Mineral Springsin the course of the. week: The MlsiesGastlng. Mayme Conner, May Dixon, NellieMclJiughlln. M. L. Duffner. S. Lister. L.Barker. A. Scudder. Elizabeth Gelsel, HuldaSchrnder, Lily Schrader. Mary Holllngiheadand Mmes. S. M. Holllngshead and LouiseSchrader.


Mrs. George D. Eaton of Upper Altonwas the guest- - of Mrs. P. D. Cheney ofJerseyviile last week.

Professor and Mrs, Timothy Cloran of theUniversity of Idaho are guests of relativesIn Upper Alton.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Booth have gone toChicago.

Miss ' Edith Rue returned Tuesday froman extended visit in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. William Most have returnedfrom the East.

Mrs. Jason Bramhall returned Mondayfrom a visit In Carllnvilie.

Professor and Mrs. IL C. Tilton of Shurt-le- ff

College have returned from Chicago.Mrs. Michael Rellly Is entertaining Misses

Mary Collins of Dubuque, la., and ClaraThou of St. Louis.

Miss Elizabeth . Weeks of Upper Altongave a musical Friday evening at her homeon Walnut street.

Mrs. T. N. 8. Belk of Upper Alton is en-tertaining her Miss GraceWordcn of St. Louis.

Mrs. Mary Machln of Upper Alton is en-tertaining Mrs. R, C. McGill ot St. Louis.

Mrs. E. A. Clapp is in Joplln, Mo theguest of Mrs. Leigh Wyman. 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fallon have returned

from the East.Mlts Blanche Long returned Monday

from a visit In St. Louis.Miss Adella Randall Is home from the

East.Mr. and Mrs. George Long are visiting inChicago.Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Whittmore of Oma-

ha. Neb., are tmesis of- - Miss Kup-cni-

Trenchey.Miss Elizauetn Loarts is entertaining

Mrs. George Meyer of- - St. Louis.. Mr. and Mrs. William ofSt. Louis are visitors In Alton.

Mrs. Klzzle B.. Jones has returned toNew Tork after being the guest .of Mrs.Buckmaster tor several weeks.- -

Mr-- and Mrs. William Graham have re- -,

turned from Shoreham. Minn.Mrs. Martha Anthony is the .guest of Mrs.

Joseph Berner at Bloomington.Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Carr hav returned

from- the North.Mrs. George Ryria entertained with a mu-

sical Wednesday, afternoon .at her home onHenry street.Ml? Mae Cathcart of Upper Alton Is en-

tertaining' .Miss Mildred Garvin of St. Louis.1Mrs: A. D. BuU entertained Doctor, and

. .. . . ... ... - - i ,-






Mrs. Herman Bull of Jerseyvlllo last weekat her home In Mlddletown.

Mr." and Mrs. Hehry Hefner aro In Chl- -

MIks Carolyn Cunningham is the guestor Miss Jesslo Taylor in Edwardsvile

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wade returnedTuesday from Highland Park, 111., wherethoy have spent the summer.

Jir. and Mrs. Thomas' Collins havo re-

turned from California.Mrs. H. L. Harford is visiting In Spring- -

"jfr". "ml Mrs. John Fielding returnedWednesday from the East.

Mrs. Charles Beall has returned from the

Mrs.' Mary Murphy returned from St.Louis Friday, where she was the guest otMrs. T. C. Teasdale.

Mrs. James Havard is homo from a sum-

mer's stay in St. Paul.Misses Adelle and Ethel Stratton returned

Friday from Packersburg, VV. a.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welser have- - re-

turned from a summer's stay at Ander- -

MMr.aiid Mrs. W. R. Wilson have returnedfrom Pennsylvania.

Mrs. E. W. Sparks is visiting In Chicago.Mr. and Sirs. George Farrel returned

Saturday from Zanesvllle, O.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bueckel are home

from Mlddletown. N. Y.Mrs. William Edgar of Commerce, Tex.,

is visiting relatives in Alton. ,,...Mrs. Rosengarten and daughters.

Kate and Ellen Rosengarten. of St. Louisand Miss Ella Klein of Kansas City areguests of Mrs. James Thrush.

Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer are home fromGinssboro. N. J.

Miss Carrie Holden N the guest of Mrs.Charles Gray In Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McMulIen arrivedSaturday from New York.

Man-Tailor- Rainy-Da- y Skirts made tomeasure. French & Co.. ladies' tailors.


Fptclal Correspondence of The Sunday Republic.Edwardsvllle. 111.. Sept. L Mls Nellie

Lane of Alton Is visiting Miss Amy Jeffreys.Mlts Helen de Werthen of St. Loui ar-

rived on Monday evening to visit Miss EdnaVnnce.

Mrs. M. Roa of Clay street has returnedfrom a trip to Cincinnati.

Mrs. Charles W. Tuncell of Cairo is aguest of Doctor and Mrs. E. W. Fiegen- -

Colo'nel and Mrs. A. M. Ghost and daugh-ter. Miss Genevieve Ghost, arrived Thurs-day en route West nnd will spend a weekor two with Mr: and Mrs. James E. Tunnel.

Mrs. Sue Clark or DeSoto. Mo., and Mrs.Will Grundy of Maplewood are being enter-tained by Mrs. C. S. Dale.

Miss Caroline Cunningham of Alton isspending several days with Miss JessamineTaylor.

Supervisor and Mrs. John Keller of Highstreet are entertaining their daughter. Mrs.F. W. Fritz, and her friend, Mrs. ClarenceHolies of Greenville.

Mrs. M. P. Linn or St. Louis is visiting herparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Keller.

Miss Bessie Coblne of St. Louis Is a guestof Mr. and Mrs. H. O". Isensee.

Miss Dorothy Messenger of Upper Alton,arrived on Monday evening to spend centcn-l- al

week with Miss Maude Barnsback.Miss Edith Conoway or No. 3514 Warren

street, St. Louis, Is among the centennialvisitors.. She is a guest of her cousin. MissSarah Coventry.

Charles J, Jvunkei, me si. luis musician,was a visitor in Edwardsvllle this week.

Mis3 Rilla Willoughby of Pueblo, Colo.,who has been passing the summer in Parisnnd at the Exposition, is visiting her sister,Mrs. W. W. Barnsback.

Miss Rose Brokmeler- - of Carllnvilie Is aguest of Miss Mabel Cullens.

Miss Pearl Scott of St. Louis, is spendinga week with Miss Annie Pogtie.


Spuria! Com'roondwiee of The Sunday It public.Collinsvllle. HI.. Sept. 1. A party of

young folks from St. Louis spent Sundaywith Miss Maude Crawford of the Commer-cial Hotel. Among those present were:

Misses-Mar- thaMolyneaux, Adclc Peters.

Pauline Peters,Messieurs-Har- old

Burgess. Harry Burch.Orason Randall, Thomas Elliot.

Mr. William Mvers of St, Louis: was theguest of Mr. William G. Borroughs on Tues-day.

Mr. Hlrsch of Springfield, Mo.. Is visitingMr. Archie Cohn.

Miss Claude Selgcl of Maplewood Is vl'lt-ln- g

her brother, John II. Selgcl.


Special Corresrond'nce of The Pundy republic.Lebanon. UK Sept. 1. Mrs. W. E- - Uerger

of No. SS14 Bartmer avenue. St. I.oul?. Isvisiting at the home of Doctor A. Bcrger.

Mrs. W. R. Jenkins of Enslcnood. III.. Isvisiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J.Blanck.

.1. H. Taylor and family, who have spentthe summer here, will return this week toSt. I,outs.

Mrs. T. A. Wilson and Miss Wilson havereturned from a visit with the family of A.J. Crum nt Ellendale. St. Ixiuls.

The marriage of John II. Bury, a studentot McKendree College, and Miss Lizzie'Koener. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MatthewKoener. is announced to tnke place at thebride's homp on September .

Mrs. C W. Klndrick. who has spent thesummer month here with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. A. W. 3Iorriss. has returned toher home at the American Consulate ntCludad Juarez, Mexico.

George D. Ormiston of Arkansas City,Kas., visited his sister. Mrs. N. D. Jasper,this week.

Mrs. F. F. Sams of East St. hasbeen a guest this week of Miss GenevieveJepson.

C. B. Gump has returned from a summervisit at Bedford Springs. Pa.' Miss Leotn Schaefer. daughter of Judge.M. W Schaefer of Belleville, 111., is visitingMr. and Mrs. John Wclgel.

Miss Minnie Miller of St. Louis Is a guestof the Misses HUeber.

Mlsn Luella Flelshbein of Belleville Is vis-iting her sisters. Mesdames E. G. Sager andJ, L. Amroerman.

Miss Minnie Freeh of St. Louis has re-turned home.

II. Bachman. who visited tho Parts Expo-sition nnd Eisiiach, Germany, has em-barked from Hamburg for home.

Mrs. E. S. Baker of Saybrook. O.. who hasspent several months with her son. Profes-sor E. P. Baer of McKendree College, hasreturned home.

Mrs. L. Nlemeyer Is a guest of Mrs. Caro-line Relss at Belleville. 111.

Mrs. J. H. Lanham Is visiting at Aurora.III.

A party of young folks were entertainedby Miss Nina Largo on Friday evening ather home on College Hill


Special Correspondence ofThe Sunday RepublicJefferson City. Mo.. Sept. L Major and

Mrs. T. O. Towles and sons, after a fewdays with Mrs. R. p. Bland at Lebanon.returned come Tuesday night.

Mrs. A. H. Weber was the guest of rela-tives In St. Louis the early part of the week.Captain and Mrs. Weber depart for theirhome in Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday, sailingfrom New York on September 8.

Mrs. B. G. McGee departed Tuesdaymorning for Monroe City to visit a sisterwho is seriously ill."

Mrs. I. A, Victor and littis daughter, whohave been visiting the farmer's parents,Mr. and Mrs. L Bodenhelmer, will startMonday. for her borne in Columbia. Mr.Victor will accompany them.

Miss May. Carroll, who has been spend-ing the summer here with her father. M.V. Carroll, returned to the' home- - of hergrandparents, near Butler, Mo.

Miss Idle Belch, after a two weeks' stayIn South Haven. Mich., stopped In Chicagoto visit relatives.

Mrs. Samuel Williams and daughter. MissSusannah Williams, of Glendale, Mo., areIn the city, guests of Mrs. G. D. Burgess.. Miss Margaret Crutslnger of Chamois hasbeen visiting Miss Hilda Straub.

Miss Winnie I'opo arrived home Mondayfrom visiting the Misses Johnston of Boon-yill- e.

Mrs. N. Jamison and granddaughter. MissNan Mitchell, returned home Tuesday froma three months' visit In Nevada, Mo.

Mr. W. S. Brotherton. formerly of thisCity, but now ot Jeffersonvllle,. Ind., spenta few days In the city.Misses Norton and Jessie Glenn, after a

visit in Sedalla. returned home on Tuesday.Miss Jennie DeVllblss of Russellviile. en

route home from Indiana, stopped tor a fewdays in this city.

Mrs. Theodore G. Burkhart returnedhome on Wednesday from a two weeks'visit In Centralla.

Mrs. M. .R. Brooks and Mrs. Trotter OfSt. Louis, who' have been visiting Mrs. Dav-id Callahan', returned home lost Saturday.'

Mrs. Joseph R. Edwards is in St-- Louisvisiting her sister, Mrs. Jennie. Dunscombe.

Mr. and Mrs. George.-- F. .Williams havereturned from a short visit at .their oldhome In Centralla.

MIes Lutle Blrkhelmer of New FranklinIs visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. F. C. Hard-ing,

Mr, John Wllkerson of St Louis, who hasbeen visiting his aunt. Mrs.. T. O. Towles,returned home y.

Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and baby have goneto Poplar Bluff. .

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Manchester, Mr. F.J. Zeltz and family, Mr, Hugh Stephens andMiss Bessie Miller returned Saturday froma two weeks' outing at Ha Ha Tonka.

Miss' Nancy DuVolof Owenton, Ky.. whohas Just returned from abroad, where' for ayear she studied the violin in Switzerland;Is now the guest Of relatives In this city.

Miss Isabella prosscr ot Kansas City has.beeri a guest tor a short time of hermother.

Mr. and Mrs. N. I of KansasCity are In the. city, the guests ct the lat-te- fa

parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gordon.

- '' if - :" - - -'-" i" r"- --- - mm miiiMl IlIMM Mfc 1


A few women have naturally strong constitutions. Theyare. vigorous in a womanly way. They pass through thewhole period of pregnancy without much distress. Butninety-nin- e wives in a hundred need a little outside help.Internal medicines should never he thought of. Theycan't possibly do any good, and frequently are a positiveinjury. The help needed by nature is

MOTHER'S FRIENDthe external liniment that you read so much about in thepapers. A lady living in Fort Wayne, Ind., says of it :

Mother's Friend did wonders for me. I used it beforemy last baby was born, and I was sick only half so longas with my first. Praise God for your liniment ! "

Women know what morning sickness is and theyknow about the awful nervous condition and headachethat come during pregnancy about the pangs before, dur-ing and after birth about the horrors of rising or hardbreasts about the disfigurement of the form of the mother,and the puny, sickly condition of the offspring of a weakwoman. Mother's Friend dispels all those distressingsymptoms and dangers, lessens and shortens the pains, andinsures rapid recovery. Best of all, the figure of the pa-tient will lose none of its graceful curves, and the organsconcerned will quickly resume a vigorous, healthy condi-tion. Is it any wonder so many women call it a blessing ?

Mother's Friend is sold in Drug Stores for $1.00.Send for a free copy of our handsome, illustrated book

about this liniment



Mrs. Cash Blackburn and daughter. MissMav Blackburn, have returned from avisit In Vnndalla. Mo.

Miss Jessie Diercks. who has been visit-ing friends in St. Louis, has returned home,accompanied by Miss Bertha Franklin.

Miss Martha Kuhn ot Hermann is visit-ing Miss Emma Ettmucller.

Captain and Mr3. A. A. Lesueur anddaughters. Misses Elizabeth. Corinne andCeleste, of Kansas City, and Mrs. W. C.Gower of Marshall arrived Wednesday tospend a few days. They have with themalso Mrs. Lllburn Shields of Lowrle City.

Mr. Perry Frazer. formerly of this city,but now-- of New York City, will be marriedSeptember 6 to Miss Antonla Weigel ofNew York.

Mrs E. C. Crow returned on Wednesdayfrom a short visit to Kansas City.

Miss Kitty Pitts was hostess for IheGalaxy last week. Progressive games andmusic were the diversions for the after-noon, completed by a dainty luncheon. Themembers of this club are: Misses Daisy andLetitia Marshall, Marian and Carrie Davi-son. Nolle and Lulu See, Anna and FlorenceKaiser, Pauline Dallmeyer. Bailie Turner.Kitty Pitts, Helen Pinkerton, RosalineReld. Lena and Emma Ruwart. KatherineYoung ot St. Louis, and Sophia Rockhold.

MLsses. Fredericks and Victoria DeWylreturn home Monday from a three months'trip abroad.

Miss Minnie Crafton has returned fromntwo weeks' visit to Miss Louise' Church, inJcplln.

Miss Clara Fletcher arrived from St. Louison Tuesday, to visit Miss Ethel Edwards.


Sr.tcia! Oorrf Of The Sunday Republic.Lakcwood-on-Chautauqu- a, N. Y.. Aug. 35.The convention of. the Society of Friends,.

or. as thoy are popularly known, the Quak-ers, closed Wednesday. This was the mostsuccessful blenniil meeting they have everheld. A number or very Important subjectswere discussed and a great deal of urgentbusiness was transacted. There were I.8W0

Friends in attendance.Mr. Wilson M. Day. general manager of

Chautauqua, says this Is the greatest yearin its history. The total number of peoplewho hve been here Is 43,flOU and there havebeen over 2.W9 students in the summerschool?.

All the other resorts on the lake will closeon Saturday with the exception of Lake-woo-d,

where the Kent House will be openfor the hunting, fishing and golfing seasonuntil the 1st ot October, ind Bemus Point,which remains open the greater part of theyear.

The golf tournament this week resulted invictories for Miss Bessie Bennett and Fran-cis Kemble. MLs Bennett Is tho cham-pion woman player hero this summer.

The german danced at the Kent on Sat-urday was very successful. The patronesses,who donated the favors, were Mmes.William F. AuU Paul J. Sorg, Agnes CGraff. Mary E. Perchment and several ofthe younger crowd. Edward Gardner andArthur Sorg were the leaders.

Mr. Douglas Bradley ot St. Louis la atthe Kent House.

Mrs. Shelby Van Notte of St. Joseph hasbeen staying at tho Waldmere.

Mrs. W. O. Benedict and Mr. and Mrs. CG. Rea are among the recent St. Louis ar-rivals.

Miss Genevieve Jarvis of St. Louis Is atthe Plckard, Bemus Point, and HomerMoore, the singer, .of the same city, Is arecent arrival at the assembly grounds.

Alexander P. Robinson and Eleanors P.Robinson of Webster Groves. Mo., are atthe assembly, 'having attended the Quakers'convention.

Mrs. Sarah Palmer of Moberly and FrankH. Dorst of O'Fallon. Mo., came this week,as did also Miss. Emma McClure ot Buck-ne- r.

Mr. Warren Clark of St. Louis stoppedhere at the Edermlne cottage to visit thePogues of Cincinnati this week on .his' wayto Princeton.


Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic.Ocean Grove, N.. J.. Aug. 23. With tha

close .of tho, camp meeting next Mondaynoon will come the close of the season. Italways collapses when the Auditorium belltolls three times as Bishop John N. Fltc-Gera- ld

of St. Louis declares the camp at anend.

The leaders' of the camp meeting expectthe total number of conversions and rec-lamations to reach Into the hundreds forthe fortnight.

The week's arrivals from St. Louis In-clude Miss H. S. Thomson and Irvin CKlrkeseager. who are at the Queen Hotel.

The Reverend Doctor F. L. West of MountCarmel. III., is spending part of his vaca-tion

'here. He occupied the Auditorium pul-

pit on Tuesday morning.Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Taylor of Little ,

Rock are spending a month at this resort.They are guests at the Arlington.

r.oxa BRANCH.

Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic.Long Branch. N. J., Aug. 3.A shirt-

waist hop is the latest Innovation at "theBranch." It. took place at Hotel Brighton,and visitors from alt the neighboring re-sorts were present.

About seventy-fiv- e men and as many la-dles danced In shirt waists.. The men wornwhite duck trousers and the women white ofduck skirts. The Brighton's corridors andparlors were much' too small to accommo-date the crowd that came to see the novelaffair.

Tho exodU3 for home and the mountainswill begin next' week, but most of the ho-tels will remain open until the 1st of Octo-ber. The cottagers will nearly ail remainthrough the month.

Senator Mark Hanna and family, who had toplanned to return to Cleveland, have decid-ed to stay until lata In, September.

The Norwood Park Horse Show, to be heldSeptember 13, is now absorbing the atten-tion of the fashionable Norwood colony ofcottagers. "

Mr. and Mrs. A. Ullman of St. Louis areat the Ocean House.' William Zlnk of St, Louis Is a. guest attha United States Hotel.

ASBCRY PARK.Special Correspondence of The Sunday Republic.

Asbury Park. N-- J., Aug.' 29. Every "yearAsbury Park. Is becoming, more and morea fall and winter resort. Most of the. largehotels will remain open this season unUIOctober 1.

The sand "spoohers" have again been introuble this week, for-- "Founder" Bradley'spolicemen have been chasing them out oftheir' snug and shady rendezvous at thefoot ot Deal Lake.

An Independence. la., party at the HotelBrunswick Includes Miss Stout. Mrs. R. MmCampbell and Z. Stout.

The Ocean Hotel la entertaining W.

- " - .v...i...."vi...fw.- '-- -( .IMMM ill, Wl IMIMll

Mrs. August Krocger and two littledaughters have returned from a visit toMrs. J. C. Whaley, In Osceola, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Machael of Columbiahave come here to live.

Among the week's entertainments was anevening at Miss Emma Ettmueller's, givenIn honor of her guest. Miss Martha Kuhnof Hermann. The parlors were decoratedwith tinge vases and Jardinieres of goldenrod and white day lilies; with foliage ofcanna leaves. Small tables were arrangedfor progressive nlloe. and other games, fol-lowed by refreshments. The latter part of,the evening was spent In singing and dan-cing. The guests who enjoyed Miss

hospitality were: Misses Kuhn,Pauline Dallmeyer, Cora Marstellar,Mayme and Gertrude Ramsey, Alice Hope.Mabelle Richardson. Lizzie Hoeffer andMiss Sexton; Messrs. Ocar and EugeneHanszen. Walter Hope. Will Hoeffer. FredLohman. Roy Armstrong, Edson Meyersand Frank Dallmeyer.

The Tuxedo Club gave an informal danceone of the cool evenings last week at Mu-sic Hall. The Harding Mandolin Club fur-nished the music Those participating were:Misses Cora and Jennie Marstellar, Maj maand Gertrude Ramsey, Hope, Gelsberg.Dallmeyer. Anna and Florence Kaiser.Diercks, Daisy and Letitia Marshall, Hans-zen,' Bolton, Katherine Young of St. Louis.Emma and Lena Ruwart. Miss Lester ofSedallar Messrs. Hope. Antrobus. Wagner,Reld, Dallmeyer. Rogers. Grimshaw.Meyers, Hoefer. Rlsley, Oscar and EugeneHanszen. Decker. Nitchy, Armstrong andHarry Cope of St. Louis.

Frank Street of St. Louis and J. T. OUboun.

At the Hotel Brunswick arc Mr. and Mrs.Patterson" J. Prince of St. Lauts.

A lato.St. Louis, registration at Coleman-Hous-

13 J. Gentles; . -.- - .John Cralt of St. Louis is also at Coleman

House.Miss Helen T. Alston of Littis Rock U

a guest at the Plaza.St. Louis visitors at the Madison an J.

E. Powers and J. P. White.


Ettclal Correspondence of The Stoday RepuMIe;Wequetansing, Mich., Aug. 30. Miss Clara

Leete Is now carrying her left arm in asling, with her first and second finders Ina cast. Miss Leete has been unfortunatethis summer, as she has Just recoveredfrom' a "black, eye" which she acquired lathe girls' baseball game.

A farewell supper was given Friday nightby E. Garth Bltllngsley in the private dining-

-room of the hotel. Those present wereMr. and Mrs. Jacob of Cincinnati. Mr. andMrs. Tom Stone. Mrs. Trevor. Mrs. Charles)Longstreet and Messrs. Jack and GeorgeRavold. The steak cooked in a chafing dish,by Mr. Blllingsley was par excellence.

Mr. T. IL.West. Jr.. has purchased threevery desirable lots on the water front atRoaring Brook and will begin the erectionof a handsome cottage this tall, which willbe ready for occupancy next season.

Messrs. Leon Gale and Will C. Steer havebeen the guests ot Garth Blllingsley for afew days.

Mrs. J. G. McNalr entertained a party ofladles at Beulah cottage witheuchre on Friday. Mrs. George Spear andMrs. George Stafford won the prizes.

M. D. Edgar came up last week anaJoined his parents at "Cherryvale."

Horace Dyer has Joined his wife for therest of the season at "Cherryvale."

Mrs. Ashley Scott has Invited all Inter-ested In whist lessons to meet Mrs. H. O.Noll on Friday at "Fernleigh." Mrs. Scott'snew East We-qu- e cottage,

Mildred and Jack McNalr entertained six-teen of their friends on Wednesday lahonor of their cousin Claude Bakewell

The memory of the baseball game playedsome time ago between the girls' team and --

the Wequetonslng regulars, which at-tracted so much attention, is to be consigned

to obscurity. The girls are going tokeep strictly, within their own olasa nd ar-rangements have been .made for a game tobe played on next Saturday between thetwo girls'- - teams. The college girls' team,which recently beat the men's team. Is notto wear the belt, with undisputed right. Ateam has been organized among theyounger set. most of them being Mary In-stitute students. The line-u- p of tha newlyorganized team will be about aa follows:Lily Lambert, catcher and captain; IsabelScott, pitcher: Mary Schnell. first base;Judith Hoblltzelle, third base; FlorenceStreett. second base; Helen Morton, short-stop: Janet Morton, right field; Ethel Oam--ble. left field. Mr. Garth Bllllngsliy ofminstrel fame has been asked to serve asmascot.

Mrs. Charles W. Scudder is the guest ofMrs. George Warren. Brown.

C P. Blrn end Mrs. L. H. Cohn are at theWe-qu- e Hotel.

.Doctor Ludwlg Schwab and Mr. ArthurSchwab are lata arrivals at Roaring BrookInn. .

R. E. Fllley and Mrs. 8. A. Hopkins havebeen here several days domiciled at thehotel.

Miss Barbara Blaekman is tha guest ofMiss May Scott at the Scott cottage. "Fern-lelgh- ."

Mr. Thurston Wright, who has been theguest of Clark Streatt for. several weeka.returned to St. Louis on Saturday, with Mr.Streett.

Miss Clapp arrived Sunday as the guestMlaa Morton.

Mrs. Barnett has Issued Invitations for sdance, to be given Monday evening in hon-or of Miss May Foster and Miss SadieScudder, In the amusement halL

Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Byrne of New Torkare guests of- - Mr. and Mrs. S. C Edgar.Mr. Edgar will return to New York withthem.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates have returnedtheir home in Chicago, after an extended

stay with their father, and mother, Mr. andMrs, S. E. Edgar.

Mrs. P.- B. Little entertained in her newcottage, "Archway." for her son. EdwardLittle, .and his guest. Tom Bond. Amongthose present were: Misses Oliver, Scudder,Morton, Streeett. Bakewell. Foster andScott; Tom Bond, 8tnart Stickney. Tom

Fllley. Will Cunningham. Wrightand Ray.

Sempte Scott arrived Saturday for a week'sVisit at "Fernlelgh."

Mr,' Claflln Allen la with hi mother. Mrs.Allen, at the Misses Selby'a home la WestWequetonslng.


Special Correspondence of The Sunday RepebHe. VPetoskey, .Mlcm. . Aug. 30. Mrs. j. jj,

Cheebrough and Mrs. L. Carlln, who havebeen up at the Island for several day,-cam- e

down to Petoskey last week.-- . "- - - . "

Miss Blake is a recent arrival. -.

Mr. and Mrs. Llttell and daughter are at' '

Patterson. Bay View. - 'Mr. AH la a late comer. - 3,- -Mr. and Mrs. .W. H, 8aTa-BBevU-
















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