the spanish empire

The Spanish Empire Christian Carreon History 140

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. The Spanish Empire
    Christian Carreon
    History 140

2. Diego Vasicuio
He was entrusted with his family religion during a time of the purging of his beliefs.
At the time the Catholic church considered his religion idolatry and would not except it.
However it was his job to continue on with is religion and keep it alive throughout his community.
He was constantly charged with heresy for his acts.
Diego Vasicuio was over ninety years old when he finally confronted Father de Prado for his charges of betrayal and heresy.
3. Francisco Baquero
He lived during a time of racial discrimination between Indians and Whites.
Made his living by crafting items for the poor and even at times for the rich.
Baquero worked very hard to be to be recognized by the white community and at one point traveled all the way to Spain to support his efforts.
Although he was never recognized by the white community, he was considered a Mestizo which made him an icon to support the non-white community.
4. Cristobal Bequer
Cristobal Bequer was born in Lima in 1693, and was the son of Captain Guillermo Bequer and dona Juana Barraza.
He was considered a non conformist
He was known for his hot temper and was able to avoid prosecutions for all the crimes that he committed.
He died in 1753
5. Isabel Moctezuma
She was the wife of Cuauhtemoc, who was an icon to the Aztec community.
Sadly Cuauhtemoc was captured by Cortez and was later condemned to death; he died as a martyr.
Isabel was spared by Cortez and lived her life as one of the most important prominet Indian woman in colonial Mexico.
On June 26 1526, Cortez granted her and her descendents from the important town of Tacuba.
6. Beatriz de Padilla
Beatriz lived somewhat of an abnormal life. She had relationships with three different men whom she brought four of her children into the world.
Although lived as a slave in her early life, she later became a very wealthy woman when she lived with her lover Diego Ortiz.
In her later life she was accused of murder over the death of Diego Ortiz.
However in the end it was a set up conspiracy by one of her slaves Catalina la Garay, who had a strong passion of hate towards her and her family.
7. Miguel Hernandez
He was a free mulato who lived in the 16th century of Mexico
Best known for his success during harsh times in Mexico, concerning social and racial prejudice.
He was a very hard working and expanded his trade in his and others interest.
He was also known for his literacy and his in depth knowledge of Spanish legal ways.
8. Enrico Martinez
He was one of many who wanted to seek fortune in the New World.
Born in Hamburg in 1557 and spent most of his life in Spain.
He used the printing press for an occupation and worked as a translator for the Inquisition.
He also designed a drainage system in Mexico that worked quite well for the era that he lived in.
9. The Spanish Empire
Parts of the world that were once part of the Spanish Empire
10. Spanish Colonization of the Americas
Spanish Colonization began with Christopher Columbuss exploration of the new world in 1492.
This sparked Spanish colonization beginning in 1492 till 1898.
Drives that pushed the Spanish towards colonizing the Americas included expansions in trade and the spreading of religion towards the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
The Spanish Empire expanded from most of central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the southwestern parts of the United States.
11. The Spanish Conquistador
The Conquistador was a different type of soldier.
They were not forced into their ranks but everything was done voluntarily where they had to provide for their own weapons and pay for their own transportation.
He was not a mere machine; he was a great dealer in destiny. He would willingly adventure his ife. If he lost, it was well; if he won, it was better. A hundred did lose where one gained, and this each might have known to be the ristk had he taken the trouble to make a computation. His life was but one continuous game of hazard; but, if seccessful he expected wealth and glory as a just reward (Robinson 20).
12. Viceroyalty of New Spain
Above is the map of the Viceroyalty of New Spain and all of its territories.
It is compromised of most of North America.
It also included the Philippine Islands, Guam, and the Caroline Islands, Taiwan, Sabah and parts of the Moluccas.