the ship new test of u boa t by edison ba tter afi only two

14 THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915. SHIP EMPLOYEES ARE NEW TEST BY EDISON DOOMED TO ROAM CLEARING HOUSE FOR FIRE PLOT SUSPECTS OF U BOA T BA TTER Y AS LOVE VANISHES UNRULY BOYS ASKED JIoit AirraUi to Polio Round1 Mpiirv Qchrkc'i Pathetic Let Wallstoin Would QItoJmVOBIIc up of 7 PriNontn Chifgod lorlo Wife Hisrlosod in Offenden a chance to Willi Siiirnr Thefts. IHvoh'p Action. Mend W ays. GKKMAN ACTIVITY HINTED Add It tonal iirrrtH ami mora MrtotM rhufurp (ban S RN VSptCtWl If! tbo nixt ffw ilHyn U rMttttfl nf 1h po! i bomb Hviml tnvHttffHtlon of fire Rhtl thfftl Ml Hiiffar ship dMttfttd for Ihi Allien. Information tn tlio hamlf of wptjty fl Hill 111 UHtf Snll and apt. Tunnoy lrnt tlinm t bflfoVI thrit ninny Olhrr tMrtdtfl thr NlfT men IMH unrtVr fcrrejit nrr Itivnlfvl In h ;i II evert COM aplrnry. DttMtlVtl dlSfUlMd M lOflft horrrnrn now have Hmlrr IMfVClfWIIVi Ch 'Urrn anil WOUtMfl tn thr rmptny of th tMfttfthtp cofnpftntoi whoM MMtli auf flr The pi nirn urrrftnl on Friday nlftl! and Saturday, five of tttfH fTir of lighten at d barn' Wtlfcb carried to the MMmshlpBi one ft MOMd hand furniture dealer, and oni other, a ehtokrr on the Fieiirh LtlM pier. Jean Styrmn. a H 'hrtnn. Witt ea h held In It.OOfJ hall enterdH III the Vor'Kvdh' roiirt, Oft a nhort affldav it . for fUftltOI OMIItllUUIOn Thr five bonoiiioti ind I hi checker wer rhnrRed with Brand and i)ie ROCOltd hand furniture dealer With riivinu Utoltn OOd. Weanwhll the police and tire iTtveMtiffa-tor- r are looking for dtrtct OtrldOAOl "f arson. Capt Ttitnu'v a ntlOUncOd STOOV (I day .1 I POl lot HoOdQttaftai H that he had re- ceived $5P0 In cash from three of hlfl prisoner!, which In held ah part of the receipt, of the hint eujeur thefts. Ac co Jtng to ('apt. Tunnoy the prmoitera turned the money over to lit in a follows Jean BtVFlllf a weight checker on the French Line pier at Thirty-fourt- h street. $850. of which, 'apt. Tunney related. HtyrniJ" said he had received $100 from Richard MUhofoT, captain of the tighter Tr-- J, and flOM from Capt. MIctlMl Matzet of the ltffhtrr S. F 0 John POtaraotl, male of th S F. S J".", and Capt afatoet, $!". rapt. Tunnoj Mid thai Cftpti Ifataal and I'Otoroon had the cash with thOffl wli'ii they wer- , but that Styrmn had given $.'(, n of hi m DM to hi brotlwr. This was rct hy mans of a notfl Milt to Styrm'.- bi ' r "ii Sat unlay. The police are una hie to obtain ac- curate Information f the amount of the alleged thr fti or the amount of that was d imaged hi the mytetioun tlrcii Some of this information tmint I'om- from th- receiieij of the imjar CaffJOtt ,t Havre and Marseilles. It baa boon daiormlnod however, that ap prox-mat- 1 7 5,000 to 1 100,00 worth Of Sugar Oai stolen an I that pOfhapi ' larger amount dammed b flie AlthoMp't the principal theory the police are work! tin on is that the fires were started hy add bombs to rover the aJlagad thefts, a systematic Invcotlfa-tio- n is bolns mado ror ovldonca pointing to Gorman activity atao bo nuoa of the Gorman extract. on of foui of Iba prisoners. Otdonco a re. id gathered by Capt. Ytomey's ajuad shows that iho llgbtor Trial loaded three voaotla which caufbt fire, fjie Devon City, the Knutaford and Hie Kirkoswald. each In the illfil hold. No 2. which the Trial loaded The police and Are marshal alOO ran piove by wltnessea, they say. thai the fire on the lighter Dixie laii Krlday morning opread rapidly and bad .ill ho i NaT ictef lotlcs of suaplclous orlKm It la the opinion of the police and Hre !noeatlirators that tn tin four voaaoli which cauaht fire In port here the fit e waa otartcd bv bom hi made of sulphuric acid and chloride of potash Capt. Tun-na- y said a stick of sulphur weighing t pound and a half had been found in the cabin of the s. F. s. I tetert ea and Jongahoretnen discovered That the sugar waa being stolen and removed bj fast launches at nisht. hut effmt-- to follow In other launches wore futile. ADVISES BUYING PEACHES NOW noasexrlvrs l.eaane Tells of Miicli fruit at on- Price. The National Housewives I.cacue. in Its bulletin issued yesterday. Strongly urges housewives to liny peaches while the supply Is plentiful The motto adopted for the peach campaign Is: "Kat all the pea. lies ou can and what you can't can" The Government re- ports tell of a bountiful peach crop, and according to the Statistics, almost r.nn cars of poaches are leaving the or- chards dally The New York city share is estimated at us a day. The members Of the national execu- tive committee pent the midnight hour lest night," says the bulletin, "on the peach docks and saw the sixteen quart basket sold for JO ceiils a I,hsI,i A full bushel basket for ",n cents. and a crate of poaches containing six baskets sold for :,n cents. Thoee crate psaehss are sailing In the market y St .la Dent! an individual basket, or a total of il'.iii for the orate, which is too mm Ii of a margin between the whole- sale and retail prices" The bulletin oaila attention to the necessity of buying by the basket or crate In the original package In order to do so economically, because ihe must charge more for I brOliM basket The league says that the house- wife will be able to preserve peaches this year at lower cost than in mam yesrH on account 'if the large crop, CLUB DISTURBER ARRAIGNED. .ohn fi. Hart Held III .MM Rail for K. lamination Wednesday. John ii. Hart, president of the United T'rotit Sharing Rhoa I'ompany, member pf the Coney Island Board Of Trade and of the Atlantic Yacht dub at Sea tlate. was held in J.'.hii bail for ex- amination by Magistrate I'norheei In the Coney Island police .Olirt yesterday on a hare of disorderly conduct, which he invited by ins wild appearance at the Atlantic Va. lit riuh dance S.iiunlav night. lie pleaded not guilty and his case will he heard Wednesday Mr Han had a Rood deal to say o Ihe court about the yacht . ub and iliing in general un- til he was told by tie Magistrate thai lie would he locked up If he didn't keep still. The led furnished hy William J tin night before was continued. FIVE DOOMED TO DIE FRIDAY. Ooternor. Ilimnrr, M( ted to t.ranl Reprieve to line. OaatNiNo, v v. Aug (I With the ii u nou isnt at Slug Sing prison to- day thai the dan for u laoutlon of five murderers has ben sei f,,, Knday cam unconfli reports from Albany thai Louia ituai h, 01 f the live, is to BO reprieved by I lOV, Wllllm.ill. Moach. who - from Johnstown, Mont- gomery county, was ivnvii'tad nf killing John Itai ii Word reaching Smg smg la that the Unveruur, going ,,v, ,i. trial iccoid. hag found asvsral Haws In It and is likely In gram the pun,,,,, f yloactl s lawyera fin ,, ,iM. P5 Wi 'ii I'harias Johnson Moas ri uke sffiat Wedt d. WHI r i id after the execu- tions ii si nilsa t'bureh, the new ' !"' id. i am Usk. oaaahSbl P W--T Btl UWM I ma yj mkL BaaaalBaBHH I JiBiBaaaaaaafl Bfl g fimaaaag Hm9aaaatteMMu9 Kl r i '..priht bv Thorn A. E MM Thomas A. Edison and his new nickel storage bnttcry, which is being tested by United States naval officers n one of the subma- rines now at the New York Navy Yard. Wkst OtANOli N.J. Aug. :! It waa that I have n utile to eliminate leamod to4ay that Thoouu a. IMIwii I anwma tiuin from thi vubtnarltM, in K '' " uilh ..f the riMn nn ha aake.1 the I'.me.l Slates naval au- - !r"V'J .mil in. i ii "ik the elh. leii.'y of UlOtllMf to reserve dei lalofl on his sub- - rrHft marine itoran batten until II bat re-- 1 eelvsd a more thorough test in the ub- - marint IC2 The hatti'r. desigli.'il t'l eliminate the j formation Of poisonous chlorine gas. has lieen testcil In the Hrooklyn navy yard, and it net only moasurad up to ail the holies Of the inventor hut exceeded In efttrlonoy by hi least "O per cent. ins exportation. Hut the dvaatic sern-- of toata iiich ihe battery has already undergone is nol enough for Mr. Bdlaon. "The expendltura of time aim money Upon the hattencs will tie wisely If they stand the test In the sut'inarme its M Mfully as they have at the navy yard." auld Mr Kdtaon. "It Is a source of deep gratifVatton to tne COOL SNAP STAYS; STORM HITS JERSEY Five Ppwonn Rescued bj I . s. Life UuardH In Heavj surf f I Coney. When the weatiier hlltcau promiggd that the present cold gpell would tanlsh Into the Atlantic Ocean early y It. lo.- -t at, other notch as a soothsayer. The .old weather is still here and will he for. jn few days at least Vcstcrday it grew! colder still, forcing the thermometer' down to r.T degrees at l A M which Is lower Ihsti it hag been since the last days of spring. The highest tempera- ture for the entire twenty-fou- r hours was ;." at I t. M.. making a mean for the day of II degrees, seven degrees colder than the average for last year. j The almost constant drUzle of yester- day aided materially in lowering the temperature, and these tonditions will continue through according to the forecast. will be fair hut still cooler, with moderate south breaaea, which win turn to north weal w mils tn the evening. Mrs Id Singer, 27. Mrs. RobOOCJ 11 udiiia oaky . 3. ,u Samuel Itiulaman- - sky. 10, all of ItlS Surf avenue, and Miss Qoldla Solomon. and lieotge Brooks, t", who live in bunggJOWO on tie sitore, narrowly eaeapad drowning when a miniature tidal wave swept In op t'oney ishiiid yestenlay sftemoOn, kiics king down bathers and causing a great deal of fright up and .low the, big ph. Theat five were in the water off the foo; of Thirty aeeond street, where the wave wis heaviest Thev ware caught in the undertow and draggeai out beyond their depth Henry1 ghuldllt and Samuel .luhuson, life-- , guardl 111 'he I 'tilted States service, stationed in a 'cut on the beach, rescued them and cared 'or them until they Ware able to go to their homes line' to the rait: the crowd bathing when the W'e struck in was very hgh. The chill ate its way into the hearts of the amusement men at the city's lie. i, lies, for there were few to spend Coney Island was almost as deserted its the open spaces between the French and German trenches, anil at t tie bathing beaches only the most hardy ventured Into the surf The Brighton Beach line whose ten minute service Is the pride of Brooklyn transit, ran only locals during the day. Some of the hotels at the beach H Mit- - have had their steam healing apparatus working slu.e Saturday. SIII HT I'VHK. N. J . AUg. 29 Old timers at Ashury Park, Hradley Ilea, h and oilier nearby shore places took to- day's wind ami rain, one of the hardest blows of tile season, to be the forelunuer ot tin- annual severe northeaater which Usual! strikes the Jersey coast about this time of year. The Hiirf her.- and at other beaches along the coast was unusually high all day long The did not descend In torrents, bin what w.i.s worse It Itept up a continual driv- ing drlggla, making resort life miserable, The surf did no damage because of ilu Strength of the Jetties and the enor- mous quantity of sand plied up behind them all summer. Fisherman and oth- er however, anticipating a three or f ' day "hard blow" made preparations for the worst, lashing tilings tight and bringing in thuir boats and lobster pots Monmouth Hrcn, Aug 3U One of tin heaviest surfs of the summer s.ason pounded Ihe bulkheads along III, coast here tins morning and far Into the after-- llnOII before the rain stopped and the' w nd veered around to the northwest A in. ill ailed gale when the tide was full .In- - mornlllg toaaad up the sea n angry fashion Km a lime reatdenta and col- - lag.r- - ailing the oast fear. ,I una of ihe' annual fall daimig ng norms. Inn late' in the afternoon the danger ee, inert I,, it. i e iaaaed The heavy ea waa felt all along the oast fiom Siahright to Long Branch. Mr iMiaoii, :t is (ion Miptriineiiti In making the httery Ha. k in ItlO a ilelesation of otih ers. in. 'lulling l.ieuts. T ! Kllvsun. Fred V, McNalr, II Mile and le I'ettlt warfMi assigrieil to suhmarilM troubles, visited Mr Rdtann ui h: lhAMlnn In l' Am..m They expiam. 'i ihi Mratloti ..f ekloJ rlne iras. and Mi LdlaWI promised to sec what lie could ilo As a result of his work In July. 1911. a roiling, pitching platform was Installed In the Hrooklyn yard, and a ael of hat- - terles .it tal lied to it They were charged and n Kcl while the platform was in motion. It is believed that set of batteries did mors work In a year than the batteries in a ubmarino would do in ten years of peace EIGHT SAVED AS TUG SINKS IN THE HUDSON i,,jr,. ,,ih1 Vnehl Club Mem iters Reneiie Cuptuln and Crew of the Caleraine. The tug Caleraine, owned by the T acy Towboat Company, foundered 'n the North Kiver off the foot of Wrat Ninety-secon- d atree at I :4a o'olook yes- terday morning afler colliding with the tug M, Moran. owned by the Moran Tugboat Company. Capt. Tpmaa He Keon of the Caleraine and his crew of seven men were rescued by mlicemen in members of the Hudson Yacht rlub. The cause of the Collision has not been determined When rapt Mi Keon found that the side of hie boat had been stove In ami that she was In a (Inking con- dition he made for shore in an effort to beach Iter. A hundred feet from shore the tug sank and McKVon and hia men jumped overboard. Policemen Schneider. Tenael and of the lu"th street station and R, f Oota, J B Hautn. J Walsh anil I.. Callaghan, members of the yacht club, which is lit the foot of Ninety-see- street, put out in skiffs and pulled the .tew from the water The Moran also suffered some damage hut remained afloat FOUR MEN END THEIR LIVES. Prodigal Heir lianas Himself Three Others Out of Work. Charles Dleabach, HO veurs old. who was for many years In the employ of the laic Henry iisbntne, a Hrooklyn Democratic leader, hanged himself yes- terday afternoon in an ..Id barn on the Ogborna estate in ghee pahend Hay. Dleabach left Oaborrte'i service eight y.ars ago and worked as a driver for rieorga Tappan, wdio furnishes shore dinners at She panead Bay About three months ago he Inherited 1500 from an aunt and gave up his job tn enjoy himself. Yesterday, It appears, he found thai he had nothing left from the little legacy. He was found in the barn, now a storehouse for tsiate. Miller, a fisherman He h id lieen dead half an hour August Silverman, II, of no Wytfcg avenue. Williamsburg, was found dead yesterday In a back room of Ills wife's candy and statioticty store on the ground floor He had committed sui- cide by inhaling illuminating gas Tile aged man was said lo hue been former!) in good circu nut lancet He- - i.iuse of his ng.. he had been unable to gei work fin Saturday night he i?r- - uaded ins wif.- to accompany relatives to i reception. On her return yester- day at daybreak she found thai he had eiuhd his life. Silverman made careful preparations to end his life, having plugged up every crevice In the room. Francis Cite, k, in. of .i::.' Metropoli- tan avenue. Williamsburg, committed suicide yesterday by leaning from a third story window of his vtom to a courtyard lie had iieen deepondenl over his failure lo Unit work. Frank H irdlian, "..1, of :iks May street, TompklllBVllle, Hlchnannd borough, was found dead in his room With a bullet wound pi j rlghl ItmpU In HI night Hu had Committed sUlcldt hy shooting him- self witii a is calibre revolver Bordnail had boarded at the hOUia for Ihe pasi live irars. Tan years Of this lime he had belli olt of Work He had been living on the money he bad aawd. Ii is supposed thai his funds had ruii abort and that he became dsammdaal an. i euneu m, ure. lie h. ., hmthar William Rordnan, living a.i lilendale. s uorougii. So home. .IOR on MONEY a pathetic latter wrltton b a hus- band to his w fe af;er he had lieen ac- cused of unfaithfulness ami driven from home was disclosed in the Suprrtif Court when It w as made lie basis of an application by the wife for permis- sion to MrifO papers In a il.voree action on her husband hy mailing thein to Chi- cago, where the letter was Written. The action is brought by Mrs. Kllae iehrlie, 717 Second avenue, against Henry Cehrke, who wss a prosperous carpenter foreman up lo a few months ago. ilrhrke left home on May "3 ano his wife had no idea whorg he COUld lie found until she received a letter written on August III last from the Hotel Paul Bltgel, Chicago, Wesselman ft Kraus. attorneys lor Mrs. ilehrke. sub- mitted the letter to Justice Shearn in ob- taining permission to mall the papers to 'Jehike The litter says In part: "I write you a few lines to find how you are getting along. From t. at time on when 1 whs driven from my house the world has been only s dream in ine, and I can nothing but ghosts around me. The world s dead to me Httd everything I tee goes against me The wish which cm along with tne has come true. I have sear lied through eight large cities for work, but without success, if I should find no work here 1 shall go on to St. Ixnns. my last city, or to my death. 1 must go on foot, as all my money ts gone. "Your love for me was gone after the first year of our married HfO, I hope you are living like a little queen and that you are enjoying yourself with y our frlende and relatives, as you know 'when the room la warm no fire Is needed.' "Iiear wife. 1 With to ssk '.ivor. anc I hope you will not deny It I would to have one picture of the family, even if It is the one you took yourself, hut ask that you will destroy all pii tutes you have of rat." Oehrha also asked his wife to send hlin his plane, saw and gun. saving she would only give them to her friends and he dl ln't watit her to do so He also asked f,,r some worn clothes and wrote that although he wouldn't have boon seen weaving them n New York, no ,me knows bun when- lie Is and care. "I have lost fifteen pounds already. wrote Hearse In conclusion. "I cannot smoke, as I have nothing to smoke, and 1 am always hungry If what I write you appears as a Joke, let me know at least how my little daughter Btlaabeth Is getting along, and let her wr ie a few hues lo me I hope you will not bring her up tn hate me "I am very truly yoiit ot e loved husband and father. "ilSM'i QSMSggV VICE RING TO BE UNCOVERED. I. rand Jury U II Let I'.v lilence I'erLlna Dietrid Attorney Parking Will pre- sent to the Qrnnd Jury evi- dence In the case of Frank Morrla, alias Kd Mohawk, which nay lead to new disclosures of vice, condition! In the Tenderloin, if the Urand Jury' investigation of the Ircumatancta ol Morris's arrest on a , ha g.- of assail. - Ing AHi'e Henry, a wttneae age "' Moriche Qoldberg. fugime from and repuiej king of the trice trust. assumes the proportions t promises to. the present inquiry will form a scsi-- , seuuel to the disclosures of several years ago i The Information sought by the TVs. trlet Attorney's staff almut vice cond- itions Is believed to be largely In th. hands of iloiilbcrg. who forfeited 12. ".no bail las: month by falling to appear In General Sessions for trial on a charge 'of keeping a dlsor lerly house. The most Important witness against him was Miss Henry, known to Hroadway as "the lush Queen." She charged Morris with assault and robbery at J o'clock Wedneaday morning Morris is said to be a friend of Ooldberg, acting in th. latter! interest. All kinds of reports have come to the District Attorney about the activities nf lOoldberg'l friends to prevent his going to trial. It is believed he w ill reve n Information Involving politicians and polne officers In the maintenance nf the alleged vice trust if sufficient influence is brought to bear hy the District At- - tomoy, According to the theory of the prnse-- I color's office. !t was the plan or ilold-- 1 berg's friends to drive away the wil- - nesses against him so that he could re-- turn o this city, face trial and he freed for lark of evidence It is prob- able that prospective Jury wit-- I nesees will he called Into the District Attorney's offlrs CAVEIN VICTIM NOT FOUND. earch tlll Cnntlnoea for Work- man Hurl, n Seiver. Somewhere beneath tons of caved In earth and timbers forty feet below the street is the body of i icorge Marram. 4ti iak street. Manhattan. wru was caught In the old swer at Tompkins avenue and Macon etreel, Hrooklyn. Thursday morning when digging below it for a new sewer caused a collapse. The search for Hanaro, which has gone on day and night ever since, was complicated by uncertainty whether he was In the new swer tunnel, forty feet below the street, or In the old eower. twenty-fiv- e feet above It, patching lea" It Is now virtually certain he wa In the old sewer, which collapsed Into ihe new clle. The work is heing done by the Rich- field Construction Company it waa rumored that the caveln was caused hy the dumping of a Inert of lumber alinve a weak spot, hut thoee in charge yes- terday denied this Leaks from the old sewer were responsible, they said It is tint expected that Harraro's bodv will be recovered until to morrow or Wednea- day. TRIPLETS FOR POOR FATHER. Three Health. Hogs More Than Pockefhook t an stand. Mrs Tlllls l.erncr. 27 veaia old of 1511 Proa peel place, Brooklyn, gae . birth to triplets Friday evening, All are boys. Yesterday her husband. Joseph, who la a silver plairr. was receiving congratulations, hut u friend of his aald that the father didn't see how he could take care of four children, as a ear and a half ago his first sou w is bom, at d his anlary Is small and variable. 'They could look afler two children all right." aald the friend, speaking for the father, who speaks Bngllah halting- - ly. but the triplets make two too many." latrner was born in Warsaw mid came to this country ten years ago He Is L'X veaea nA Tip ln..nh nbu, .. . ... gomery street. Manhattan, who attended Mrs larn-- r a.ud that mother and sona ..,.., i. ...... - . PREHKNT PRACTICE I5AI In o'aler that the bn s arrested for JUVOnllc delinquency may have a chance to nciid their ways Without being per- emptorily " omffllttOd to an Institution." the atlabllthmenl of a detention home and cleirttig house ll recommended by Commission Of of Accounts W.i llnteln In a report to the Mayor. Ne.tly anon hoys clurged with this nebulous offence are arraigned In the children's Courts every vear. "The Justices," says Mr. Wallstein, "nie hampered In their treatment of aseS by being compelled to put the boy on probiiiun or to commit him to an Institution for an Indefinite period No middle course Is open to them under present conditions. in many eases It is not possible to decide at once which course, probation or commitment, Is tat OSl ulaied to effect the desired change In the boy, In many cases It Is unwise to commit i boy t" any Institution for h long term, yet he is not rtt for d ate release mi prolxit'on In many vases neither measure is the proper remedy Yet the Juatlcsj must do tic thing or tne other nn'css the east s dggnlaS0d or a fine impossuV Tnere should tie a place, the leport Says, where Ian could lie kept for 0S s, rvatton, for tempo rerj aepa nation from associations tbit brought them Into troiitile. for brief discipline that in many uses would cure the boy of Ida bad habits. Air Wallstein continues: "More than 4.000 of the a, on., rsrya arraigned each year are first offenders. Their appearance In the Children's Court Is often due to conditions not of their own The Hrst object of the court is properly to preserve the home life of the boy If possible, correct- ing conditions tnere if necessary. Institutional life Is regarded as the i.tst resort. Hut in numerous flSSSI the Justice la convinced that the boy can- not be dealt with effectively by Im- mediate return to his home. e n under the supirv.sion of :l probation officer, and yet dues not merit a l ing term; or the Justlcs is in doubt is to th- - proper dlspoeltton of the bay i or delay In hear- ing Cue case may lie tie sessry from one cause or another i or changes must be effected In the home life of the boy : or lie must be taught to reap t thii law before he can tie put ..n probation with any hone of au- ccas." The Commissioner recommends that the proraaMd detention boms and clear- ing house tic put in Charge nf the Chanties or lb- - Corn imp I tne- t He says the iuiiii igs ,,f ihe Brooklyn Truant School on Jamaica avenue could be used without alteration or coat other thill HSS.OOO already re.Uisted by the BoSMl of Kducatlon for additional cot- tages for the Crrntal S nnol. TWO RAILROADS BURY GOULD-CASSAT- T FEUD IValMtMli'Pitfaburg Line Re-sull- ies Traffic A rr.i n trntii I w ith Ponns Ivrniia, Tli (otlOW -- iff Itttti mi nt li.i1 btCfl !uff1 by th reorffonltttfnn rommlttoi of th WAbMtt'PUtobtirg Railroad Com-pan- y "On AUffUOl 51 III COUIt t Pitthii'C rradr an onlcr authorising M V Hiker, t he rtt'ivfr of t h Wabash Plttsbui Railroad Ttrtnlnal Company to rnier Into a tontraft anh tha Panttaylvanla road thp ponttntction or The- aocallad Brfcis-r'v- tr connactlon Th. mark) a long Jth forward 'i thr rthablUlatlon if th- - tarmlnal irop-rrtie1- .' Tno importance of t iio Bridge villi connactlon liai tn th fat that it siva to tin- Ttrtnlnal company . direct outlet ovar the llnaa f the Pennaylvanla and pcrniUn it direct Interchange of traffic with thai company. Th TrmlnHl sompany in ihu- - enabled to poach a tr-rttor- v extending from the Atlantic . bo.tril to ihe tnn!'K' Went over tlie linen nf the Pennsylvania that have for a riumlu-- t year besfl OloSSd 10 tt. "Pursuant to the author ty sranteti by the COUrt the rerr'ver has .iRnetl the asrrenienl, anrt const rucl "'i of ihe con- nection atfoady been commenced ind i. proareip:ng. It Will be about Octo- ber when tin- Interchange of business will oommsnos "The IncaJoolablS bsnsfll to the Ter- minal company nf thii connection can heft he- iudgod hy the history of the WabaehPltttburg Terminal on thti par tlrular point. The Tern-.n;i- ! wai H proi ieroui props rty( enjoying thl connsc lion at the time wiu-- Mr louM anil Mr. taapatt, the latter reprei-en- i ing ih Penney ly a nig FOadi liecume SStranged The Qouldfl nn trolled ths Terminal propgriy, By res eon of r htn dlaputs t'ie Hsnneylvanla terminated its traffic re- latlotm with ihe Terminal mad and the latter lines t ha I time 1ihj uffered a e ordlnaly Th: ranSWal of traffh' t e- - latlona win be to the sr'nt bsnsfll of ths Wabaah Pittsburg Term In il, and it is egpectl d will be very pTOlHablS, an It npene up an avenue of bttSlnSSS that hai bepn eloneel plnce ihe break with t rjoulds." Klrr lestrors Pounder. a f'otr alarm trr erhtch Belled nut all of ths n.isr:iius of Lotta l and 'iis iind asvarsl Baal ttivcr Arebuata com. plstsly flsstfoyad lbs factory of till terson and Brooklyn Poundo fompato at Orohard strrst and the Baal River Boulevard lasi nlsht. The tnuiditiK w is owiis.t b D H Kills or s.' Wa street. Danuiitt m ite.l ,,i fi.,.. f00 A Store for B if f f lcn Samplen Sent on Kequent Phone .":'J Corllanill Fall Soft Hats Lightweight $1.90 vj ss m Alpine Effects New color-tone- s Soft, Mellow Felt H,, ... W.I. I .1... flexible Derbys, $1.90 and $2.90 01 new Alylee , m...... I e n i na 1 """" ' 'P' ana anal nwsss ..n. mil 'in I vli.... ....... i -- i. , i - -- - i w.i v.runer,-- , sue at SI UU I Graas Hate. 95. I Afi Only Two Days Remain (Today and Tomorrow) For the Half-Pric- e Offerings Closing the August Furniture Sale These half-pric- e offerings are important enough in them- selves to bring any one desiring furniture post-hast- e into the store to see what they include. But even more important is the fact that these two days Today and Tuesday absolutely close the August Sale itself. On Wednesday. September i. all furniture prices are restored to normal and the August economies are gone. MORE IMPORTANT STILL is the fact that furniture costs are rising, that furniture prices wiU be higher for new-good- s that we buy now. All Buy a a as - 43 94 oo to 7S tci in to t2 on so a at St. at St. at at St. AM I! 'wa I to I l M io, i ., huh i ii i . m a,.. Ai . AO. I Ml "I ilih. r Hn. .1st as Kv. k vc Mm rues Al in A II w.i & A 47 SI iiih III Ill o .'ah tr.K A a.a.... .. .i..,,i lu I m. .i.,. of Buy Buy now and secure the savings in many cases 50c on the dollar. Or buy at your leisure and pay much more. That everybody may have equal advantage in choosing from these "half-price- " groups of furniture people who have not yet returned to the city and whose city homes are still closed we announce that Furniture purchased in this sale will he held for delayed delivery in the Autumn when desired 5th, 6th and 7th Galleries, New Building Broadway at Ninth Street, Monday morning greet -- ings! 202 suitcases. Mostly cowhide bags in shades of tan few black enamels. One of our manufacturers decided not to make such wide assortment formerly -- hence this sale. reffulirly f.vnn $3. $5.35. riulrlr IIS.OO 11500. S8.35. reavlarlji fisoo S12.35. To-morro- we inventory, to-da- y we've lots of odds and ends marked at foolish prices to clear up. Not many of any one thing, but together con- siderable quantity and va- riety of bargains in wear- ables for men and for boys. Rogers Pert Company Broadway Broad wey Uth "The 34th Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. Warren 41st RED-MA- N WW COLLARS IV-rlcfe- . Tilery's Best TViODUCT CSRMBNTS, talks, nwin Alnrlnialn. LEXINGTON POTASH PERLUUTTER niDiun Jll'irs) HUM imiiiioii "llt.arlnlJi.nolf..' 0,n"nU Nut Wtab, Mary IVhich Says to YOU Now, Now, Buy NOW AMtrSENKVTS, T!IFF: NEW YORK TIIK T!K- - IIXVK i BIETY"rh JUST OUTSIDE MKI IIMI THE DOOR III Nil III V. Mai Wed fi RINRY MTLLRR.Mer ririK. LIBERTY TWICE Unlly. Incl Snivlm K ftn' M il ai a- -' Ul.T tl- - D. W. GRIFFITH'S OlOANTIC iPKCTACIJi Symphony OrchiMlrs of 40. ilp rnuiwc Thes .ii't.t st. v- - m ?n M blinsn 0 Mti "M st jihorI)v U'V'sM. S? In !'! ! EL L T N G IL M ll Mil K.i Kt.KIN t'nlumhaa 'lrrl nd MtS s PARK rn.,np '.i'.isi i oluml.ic. s ;n. Matewed S Sal 2 30 PRICES : Mr BKCONB RiroT IHtc. flKHI HKt i 41 Y si. mi. St.. vi. ;. mi iiki iii i i! ( wco". a l.aaar l Male, Hr.i srt $t MAY IRWIN , "13 WASHINGTON SQUARE" Beet pla) use has bad la rears K. Nun MONTGOMERY & STONE f& New LOSTIEdIFOUND Persons who laughed their heads off at the performance of "SOME BABY ! " last week can have same returned to them upon application at Box Office. FULTON THEATRE WINTER GARDEN I',: ' iV.r'liv'siy, ' S..MI l I ,, l I Heal oi mi Winter liaraVn ii.. ll'llillV .'Ml,. si mi. at. All. S ' o,l llt MtllM I I IKIMi llt SHUBtRT,:r"n.,"V,vV, Tt NIGHKr. WILLIAM HODGE lnT&.E- - MaU. Wed.. Ssl and ... CASINO r: K.lalHllalMMn- - n S I I I I A. Hitii 1 1 i i ft lit'tli r I hitn if. Mar,, Wlilii 39TN ST.;:;,-;,- V'.; Itll.l.tM IIIHI N A.rVir, fliBiiI mtnm i i ii, ,i , N1, BOOTH 1 VT"- -, LOUIS MANN miKu ..I u 1 441 it ST. j- ;- I si WRRK! l.tSI s i im, s nh M tl UK I Bnil I I iiki , o 1 ....... in . In, M IKtMiiiv i lllltlllN I III l l4IHbi. menrtnii Ub ,NIKhi aUllahC M IV CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG i inu WILTON LACKAVC , iii HiTit ii Has ui j .i or T'u' TRI sri"' S.S. "MANDALAY" . dancing .. I IIM turj Km iiaiiei I. .13 1 il, h Ju i' (. N BRIGHTON TAMGUIY liUberl A Siillltaii II(IIIUII II,, nil Krius. iMInt York: Wtl T. WITH TVSON NEW AMSTERDAM S mn 4.'.i ii Mi'tm-s-- W. I A !.... n it. m rh' (.rpaf.-e- 1ii,h:.l Hhai .,... i. . risamiEDmis 1. s-- k UK KOLLIM NEW MIDNIGHT FROLIC HUDSON 4"h "J Mr.-- Wi -- ft l abor fw. "TEWSKANU i lili l lM. s rrlb M UNDER FIRE Hit. MAM I It I I V T HARRIS wkst a st k.-- - aa rral smaeta Mnisihtni aW MfH." Fw- .1,. KDi IKBF mis, ,.r, ,. - BELASCO IV ?: 'Himmii- - l .tiiaChter M.irkri THE BOOMERANG REPUBLIC SSfKA M A i ' nr PJ COMMON CLAY VI ith i'iS s tad I VNK . IW1 LONGACRE at Rvs. S't.t Mt la .1' Hat A I " i'r I l.M,l I IN III ( M IIHMI THE GIRL litre, i mint . snlltrtiii Sill, , r al WHO SMILES ilo- - Itic I nrr i ii, MU K" li ike I III I rRK Ii ,v A i ASTOR I n, s i it Stan w r Hat. A LABOR n S A II ARM Is Anybody who likes a boy and a dog WILL LOVE! YOUNG AMERICA BLCAUSE IT'S HUMAN CANDLER 'YYiVv V SEP I Sr THE HOUSE? GLASS A New I'Uj b) Mai Man hi SI - V a Stupendous Hit l UlM A11 SBR04CWI il S m 1 tvsnlnae st 9 10& II Free Dancini; Contest Thiud.o Nighl n '.iii Pit's lierfrude it"'1 TALACE iy t'u oficicr i i i.i Muriel Won II ' U'lyMsi tfAtoSt US Urlcs flairs II IIKI Ii Ii I S I K 1(1 I ' I OLUMBIA r r1, BURLESQUE C MAIDS OF AMERICA HOTEL l Kl 'I l It v ' I Uth Street, near Fourth .seoui

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14 THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915.



JIoit AirraUi to Polio Round1 Mpiirv Qchrkc'i Pathetic Let Wallstoin Would QItoJmVOBIIc

up of 7 PriNontn Chifgod lorlo Wife Hisrlosod in Offenden a chance toWilli Siiirnr Thefts. IHvoh'p Action. Mend W ays.


Add It tonal iirrrtH ami mora MrtotMrhufurp (ban S RN VSptCtWl

If! tbo nixt ffw ilHyn U rMttttfl nf 1h

po! i bomb Hviml tnvHttffHtlon offire Rhtl thfftl Ml Hiiffar ship dMttfttdfor Ihi Allien. Information tn tlio hamlfof wptjty flHill 111 UHtf Snll and apt.Tunnoy lrnt tlinm t bflfoVI thrit ninnyOlhrr tMrtdtfl thr NlfT men IMH unrtVrfcrrejit nrr Itivnlfvl In h ;i II evert COM

aplrnry. DttMtlVtl dlSfUlMd M lOflft

horrrnrn now have Hmlrr IMfVClfWIIVi

Ch 'Urrn anil WOUtMfl tn thr rmptny ofth tMfttfthtp cofnpftntoi whoM MMtliauf flr

The pi nirn urrrftnl on Friday nlftl!and Saturday, five of tttfH fTir oflighten at d barn' Wtlfcb carried MUK.trto the MMmshlpBi one ft MOMd handfurniture dealer, and oni other, a ehtokrron the Fieiirh LtlM pier. Jean Styrmn.a H 'hrtnn. Witt ea h held In It.OOfJ hall

enterdH III the Vor'Kvdh' roiirt, Oft anhort affldav it . for fUftltOI OMIItllUUIOn

Thr five bonoiiioti ind Ihichecker wer rhnrRed with Brand

and i)ie ROCOltd hand furnituredealer With riivinu Utoltn OOd.Weanwhll the police and tire iTtveMtiffa-tor- r

are looking for dtrtct OtrldOAOl "farson.

Capt Ttitnu'v a ntlOUncOd STOOV (I day .1 I

POllot HoOdQttaftai H that he had re-

ceived $5P0 In cash from three of hlflprisoner!, which In held ah part of thereceipt, of the hint eujeur thefts. Acco Jtng to ('apt. Tunnoy the prmoiteraturned the money over to lit in a follows

Jean BtVFlllf a weight checker on theFrench Line pier at Thirty-fourt- h street.$850. of which, 'apt. Tunney related.HtyrniJ" said he had received $100 fromRichard MUhofoT, captain of the tighterTr-- J, and flOM from Capt. MIctlMlMatzet of the ltffhtrr S. F 0 JohnPOtaraotl, male of th S F. S J".", andCapt afatoet, $!". rapt. Tunnoj Midthai Cftpti Ifataal and I'Otoroon had thecash with thOffl wli'ii they wer- ,

but that Styrmn had given $.'(, n of him DM to hi brotlwr. This was rct

hy mans of a notfl Milt to Styrm'.-bi ' r "ii Sat unlay.

The police are una hie to obtain ac-

curate Information f the amount of thealleged thr fti or the amount of ntiR.trthat was d imaged hi the mytetiountlrcii Some of this information tmintI'om- from th- receiieij of the imjarCaffJOtt ,t Havre and Marseilles. Itbaa boon daiormlnod however, that approx-mat- 1 7 5,000 to 1 100,00 worthOf Sugar Oai stolen an I that pOfhapi 'larger amount dammed b flieAlthoMp't the principal theory the policeare work! tin on is that the fires werestarted hy add bombs to rover theaJlagad thefts, a systematic Invcotlfa-tio- n

is bolns mado ror ovldonca pointingto Gorman activity atao bo nuoa of theGorman extract. on of foui of Ibaprisoners.

Otdonco a re. id gathered by Capt.Ytomey's ajuad shows that iho llgbtorTrial loaded three voaotla which caufbtfire, fjie Devon City, the Knutaford andHie Kirkoswald. each In the illfil hold.No 2. which the Trial loaded Thepolice and Are marshal alOO ran pioveby wltnessea, they say. thai the fire onthe lighter Dixie laii Krlday morningopread rapidly and bad .ill ho i NaT icteflotlcs of suaplclous orlKm

It la the opinion of the police and Hre!noeatlirators that tn tin four voaaoliwhich cauaht fire In port here the fit ewaa otartcd bv bom hi made of sulphuricacid and chloride of potash Capt. Tun-na- y

said a stick of sulphur weighing t

pound and a half had been found in thecabin of the s. F. s. I tetert ea andJongahoretnen discovered That the sugarwaa being stolen and removed bj fastlaunches at nisht. hut effmt-- to followIn other launches wore futile.


noasexrlvrs l.eaane Tells of Miiclifruit at on- Price.

The National Housewives I.cacue. inIts bulletin issued yesterday. Stronglyurges housewives to liny peaches whilethe supply Is plentiful The mottoadopted for the peach campaign Is:"Kat all the pea. lies ou can and whatyou can't can" The Government re-ports tell of a bountiful peach crop, andaccording to the Statistics, almost r.nncars of poaches are leaving the or-chards dally The New York city shareis estimated at us a day.

The members Of the national execu-tive committee pent the midnight hourlest night," says the bulletin, "on thepeach docks and saw the sixteen quartbasket sold for JO ceiils a I,hsI,i Afull bushel basket for ",n cents.and a crate of poaches containing sixbaskets sold for :,n cents. Thoee cratepsaehss are sailing In the market y

St .la Dent! an individual basket, or atotal of il'.iii for the orate, which istoo mm Ii of a margin between the whole-sale and retail prices"

The bulletin oaila attention to thenecessity of buying by the basket orcrate In the original package In orderto do so economically, because ihe

must charge more for I brOliMbasket The league says that the house-wife will be able to preserve peachesthis year at lower cost than in mamyesrH on account 'if the large crop,


.ohn fi. Hart Held III .MM Rail forK. lamination Wednesday.

John ii. Hart, president of the UnitedT'rotit Sharing Rhoa I'ompany, memberpf the Coney Island Board Of Trade and

of the Atlantic Yacht dub atSea tlate. was held in J.'.hii bail for ex-amination by Magistrate I'norheei In theConey Island police .Olirt yesterday on ahare of disorderly conduct, which heinvited by ins wild appearance at theAtlantic Va. lit riuh dance S.iiunlavnight.

lie pleaded not guilty and his casewill he heard Wednesday Mr Han hada Rood deal to say o Ihe court aboutthe yacht . ub and iliing in general un-til he was told by tie Magistrate thailie would he locked up If he didn't keepstill. The led furnished hy William J

tin night before was continued.


Ooternor. Ilimnrr, M( ted tot.ranl Reprieve to line.

OaatNiNo, v v. Aug (I With theii u nou isnt at Slug Sing prison to-day thai the dan for u laoutlon offive murderers has ben sei f,,, Kndaycam unconfli reports from Albanythai Louia ituai h, 01 f the live, is toBO reprieved by I lOV, Wllllm.ill.

Moach. who - from Johnstown, Mont-gomery county, was ivnvii'tad nf killingJohn Itai ii Word reaching Smg smgla that the Unveruur, going ,,v, ,i.trial iccoid. hag found asvsral Haws InIt and is likely In gram the pun,,,,, fyloactl s lawyera fin ,, ,iM.

P5 Wi 'ii I'harias JohnsonMoas ri uke sffiat Wedtd. WHI r i id after the execu-tions ii si nilsa t'bureh, the new' !"' id. i am Usk.

oaaahSbl P W--T

Btl UWM Ima

yj mkL BaaaalBaBHHI JiBiBaaaaaaafl

Bfl g


Hm9aaaatteMMu9 Klr i

'..priht bv Thorn A. E MMThomas A. Edison and his new nickel storage bnttcry, which is being

tested by United States naval officers n one of the subma-rines now at the New York Navy Yard.

Wkst OtANOli N.J. Aug. :! It waa that I have n utile to eliminateleamod to4ay that Thoouu a. IMIwii I anwma tiuin from thi vubtnarltM,

in K '' " uilh ..f the riMn nnha aake.1 the I'.me.l Slates naval au- - !r"V' in. i ii "ik the elh. leii.'y of

UlOtllMf to reserve dei lalofl on his sub- - rrHftmarine itoran batten until II bat re-- 1

eelvsd a more thorough test in the ub- -

marint IC2The hatti'r. desigli.'il t'l eliminate the j

formation Of poisonous chlorine gas.has lieen testcil In the Hrooklyn navyyard, and it net only moasurad up to ailthe holies Of the inventor hut exceededIn efttrlonoy by hi least "O per cent.ins exportation. Hut the dvaatic sern--

of toata iiich ihe battery has alreadyundergone is nol enough for Mr. Bdlaon.

"The expendltura of time aim moneyUpon the hattencs will tie wisely

If they stand the test In thesut'inarme its M Mfully as they haveat the navy yard." auld Mr Kdtaon. "ItIs a source of deep gratifVatton to tne



Five Ppwonn Rescued bj I . s.Life UuardH In Heavj surf


I Coney.

When the weatiier hlltcau promiggdthat the present cold gpell would tanlshInto the Atlantic Ocean early y It.lo.--t at, other notch as a soothsayer. The.old weather is still here and will he for.

jn few days at least Vcstcrday it grew!colder still, forcing the thermometer'down to r.T degrees at l A M which Islower Ihsti it hag been since the lastdays of spring. The highest tempera-ture for the entire twenty-fou- r hourswas ;." at I t. M.. making a mean

for the day of II degrees, sevendegrees colder than the average for lastyear.

j The almost constant drUzle of yester-day aided materially in lowering thetemperature, and these tonditions willcontinue through according tothe forecast. will be fairhut still cooler, with moderate southbreaaea, which win turn to north wealw mils tn the evening.

Mrs Id Singer, 27. Mrs. RobOOCJ11 udiiia oaky . 3. ,u Samuel Itiulaman- -

sky. 10, all of ItlS Surf avenue, andMiss Qoldla Solomon. and lieotgeBrooks, t", who live in bunggJOWO ontie sitore, narrowly eaeapad drowningwhen a miniature tidal wave swept Inop t'oney ishiiid yestenlay sftemoOn,kiics king down bathers and causing agreat deal of fright up and .low the,big ph. Theat five were in the wateroff the foo; of Thirty aeeond street,where the wave wis heaviest Thevware caught in the undertow anddraggeai out beyond their depth Henry1ghuldllt and Samuel .luhuson, life-- ,guardl 111 'he I 'tilted States service,stationed in a 'cut on the beach, rescuedthem and cared 'or them until theyWare able to go to their homes line'to the rait: the crowd bathing when theW'e struck in was very hgh.

The chill ate its way into the heartsof the amusement men at the city'slie. i, lies, for there were few to spendConey Island was almost as deserted itsthe open spaces between the French andGerman trenches, anil at t tie bathingbeaches only the most hardy venturedInto the surf The Brighton Beach linewhose ten minute service Is the pride ofBrooklyn transit, ran only locals duringthe day. Some of the hotels at the beachH Mit- - have had their steam healingapparatus working slu.e Saturday.

SIII HT I'VHK. N. J . AUg. 29 Oldtimers at Ashury Park, Hradley Ilea, hand oilier nearby shore places took to-day's wind ami rain, one of the hardestblows of tile season, to be the forelunuerot tin- annual severe northeaater whichUsual! strikes the Jersey coast aboutthis time of year. The Hiirf her.- andat other beaches along the coast wasunusually high all day long The n.indid not descend In torrents, bin whatw.i.s worse It Itept up a continual driv-ing drlggla, making resort life miserable,

The surf did no damage because ofilu Strength of the Jetties and the enor-mous quantity of sand plied up behindthem all summer. Fisherman and oth-er however, anticipating a three orf ' day "hard blow" made preparationsfor the worst, lashing tilings tight andbringing in thuir boats and lobster pots

Monmouth Hrcn, Aug 3U One oftin heaviest surfs of the summer s.asonpounded Ihe bulkheads along III, coasthere tins morning and far Into the after--llnOII before the rain stopped and the'w nd veered around to the northwestA in. ill ailed gale when the tide was full.In- - mornlllg toaaad up the sea n angryfashion Km a lime reatdenta and col- -lag.r- - ailing the oast fear. , I una of ihe'annual fall daimig ng norms. Inn late'in the afternoon the danger ee, inert I,,it. i e iaaaed

The heavy ea waa felt all along theoast fiom Siahright to Long Branch.

Mr iMiaoii, :t is(ion Miptriineiiti In making the htteryHa. k in ItlO a ilelesation of ers. in. 'lulling l.ieuts. T ! Kllvsun.Fred V, McNalr, II Mile andle I'ettlt warfMi assigrieil to

suhmarilM troubles, visited MrRdtann ui h: lhAMlnn In l' Am..mThey expiam. 'i ihi Mratloti ..f ekloJrlne iras. and Mi LdlaWI promised tosec what lie could ilo

As a result of his work In July. 1911.a roiling, pitching platform was InstalledIn the Hrooklyn yard, and a ael of hat- -

terles .it tal lied to it They were chargedand n Kcl while the platform wasin motion. It is believed that set ofbatteries did mors work In a year thanthe batteries in a ubmarino would do inten years of peace



i,,jr,. ,,ih1 Vnehl Club Memiters Reneiie Cuptuln and

Crew of the Caleraine.

The tug Caleraine, owned by theT acy Towboat Company, foundered 'nthe North Kiver off the foot of WratNinety-secon- d atree at I :4a o'olook yes-

terday morning afler colliding with thetug M, Moran. owned by the MoranTugboat Company. Capt. Tpmaa HeKeon of the Caleraine and his crewof seven men were rescued by mlicemenin members of the Hudson Yacht rlub.

The cause of the Collision has not beendetermined When rapt Mi Keon foundthat the side of hie boat had been stoveIn ami that she was In a (Inking con-

dition he made for shore in an effort tobeach Iter. A hundred feet from shorethe tug sank and McKVon and hia menjumped overboard.

Policemen Schneider. Tenael andof the lu"th street station and

R, f Oota, J B Hautn. J Walsh anilI.. Callaghan, members of the yachtclub, which is lit the foot of Ninety-see-

street, put out in skiffs andpulled the .tew from the water TheMoran also suffered some damage hutremained afloat


Prodigal Heir lianas HimselfThree Others Out of Work.

Charles Dleabach, HO veurs old. whowas for many years In the employ ofthe laic Henry iisbntne, a HrooklynDemocratic leader, hanged himself yes-terday afternoon in an ..Id barn onthe Ogborna estate in gheepahend Hay.

Dleabach left Oaborrte'i service eighty.ars ago and worked as a driver forrieorga Tappan, wdio furnishes shoredinners at She panead Bay Aboutthree months ago he Inherited 1500from an aunt and gave up his job tnenjoy himself. Yesterday, It appears,he found thai he had nothing left fromthe little legacy. He was found in thebarn, now a storehouse for tsiate.

Miller, a fisherman He h idlieen dead half an hour

August Silverman, II, of no Wytfcgavenue. Williamsburg, was found deadyesterday In a back room of Ills wife'scandy and statioticty store on theground floor He had committed sui-cide by inhaling illuminating gas

Tile aged man was said lo hue beenformer!) in good circu nut lancet He- -

i.iuse of his ng.. he had been unable togei work fin Saturday night he i?r- -uaded ins wif.- to accompany relatives

to i reception. On her return yester-day at daybreak she found thai he hadeiuhd his life. Silverman madecareful preparations to end his life,having plugged up every crevice In theroom.

Francis Cite, k, in. of .i::.' Metropoli-tan avenue. Williamsburg, committedsuicide yesterday by leaning from athird story window of his vtom to acourtyard lie had iieen deepondenlover his failure lo Unit work.

Frank H irdlian, "..1, of :iks May street,TompklllBVllle, Hlchnannd borough, wasfound dead in his room With a bulletwound pi j rlghl ItmpU In HI night Huhad Committed sUlcldt hy shooting him-self witii a is calibre revolver

Bordnail had boarded at the hOUia forIhe pasi live irars. Tan years Of thislime he had belli olt of Work He hadbeen living on the money he bad aawd.Ii is supposed thai his funds had ruiiabort and that he became dsammdaalan. i euneu m, ure. lie h. ., hmtharWilliam Rordnan, living a.i lilendale.

s uorougii.

So home. .IOR on MONEY

a pathetic latter wrltton b a hus-

band to his w fe af;er he had lieen ac-

cused of unfaithfulness ami driven fromhome was disclosed in the SuprrtifCourt when It w as made lie basis of

an application by the wife for permis-

sion to MrifO papers In a il.voree actionon her husband hy mailing thein to Chi-

cago, where the letter was Written.The action is brought by Mrs. Kllae

iehrlie, 717 Second avenue, againstHenry Cehrke, who wss a prosperouscarpenter foreman up lo a few monthsago. ilrhrke left home on May "3 anohis wife had no idea whorg he COUld

lie found until she received a letterwritten on August III last from the HotelPaul Bltgel, Chicago, Wesselman ftKraus. attorneys lor Mrs. ilehrke. sub-mitted the letter to Justice Shearn in ob-

taining permission to mall the papers to'Jehike The litter says In part:

"I write you a few lines to findhow you are getting along. From t. attime on when 1 whs driven from myhouse the world has been only s dreamin ine, and I can nothing but ghostsaround me. The world s dead to meHttd everything I tee goes against meThe wish which cm along with tnehas come true. I have sear lied througheight large cities for work, but withoutsuccess, if I should find no work here1 shall go on to St. Ixnns. my last city,or to my death. 1 must go on foot, asall my money ts gone.

"Your love for me was gone after thefirst year of our married HfO, I hopeyou are living like a little queen andthat you are enjoying yourself withy our frlende and relatives, as you know'when the room la warm no fire Isneeded.'

"Iiear wife. 1 With to ssk '.ivor.anc I hope you will not deny It Iwould to have one picture of thefamily, even if It is the one you tookyourself, hut ask that you will destroyall pii tutes you have of rat."

Oehrha also asked his wife to sendhlin his plane, saw and gun. savingshe would only give them to her friendsand he dl ln't watit her to do so Healso asked f,,r some worn clothes andwrote that although he wouldn't haveboon seen weaving them n New York,no ,me knows bun when- lie Is and

care."I have lost fifteen pounds already.

wrote Hearse In conclusion. "I cannotsmoke, as I have nothing to smoke, and1 am always hungry If what I writeyou appears as a Joke, let me know atleast how my little daughter BtlaabethIs getting along, and let her wr iea few hues lo me I hope you willnot bring her up tn hate me

"I am very truly yoiit ot e lovedhusband and father.

"ilSM'i QSMSggV


I. rand Jury U II Let I'.v lilenceI'erLlna

Dietrid Attorney Parking Will pre-sent to the Qrnnd Jury evi-

dence In the case of Frank Morrla,alias Kd Mohawk, which nay leadto new disclosures of vice, condition!In the Tenderloin, if the Urand Jury'investigation of the Ircumatancta olMorris's arrest on a , ha g.- of assail. -

Ing AHi'e Henry, a wttneae age "'Moriche Qoldberg. fugime from

and repuiej king of the trice trust.assumes the proportions t promises to.the present inquiry will form a scsi-- , seuuel to the disclosures of severalyears ago

i The Information sought by the TVs.trlet Attorney's staff almut vice cond-

itions Is believed to be largely In th.hands of iloiilbcrg. who forfeited 12. ".nobail las: month by falling to appear InGeneral Sessions for trial on a charge

'of keeping a dlsor lerly house. Themost Important witness against him wasMiss Henry, known to Hroadway as"the lush Queen." She charged Morriswith assault and robbery at J o'clockWedneaday morning Morris is said tobe a friend of Ooldberg, acting in th.latter! interest.

All kinds of reports have come to theDistrict Attorney about the activities nf

lOoldberg'l friends to prevent his goingto trial. It is believed he w ill reve nInformation Involving politicians andpolne officers In the maintenance nf thealleged vice trust if sufficient influenceis brought to bear hy the District At- -tomoy,

According to the theory of the prnse-- Icolor's office. !t was the plan or ilold-- 1

berg's friends to drive away the wil- -

nesses against him so that he could re--

turn o this city, face trial and hefreed for lark of evidence It is prob-able that prospective Jury wit-- Inesees will he called Into the DistrictAttorney's offlrs


earch tlll Cnntlnoea for Work-man Hurl, n Seiver.

Somewhere beneath tons of caved Inearth and timbers forty feet below thestreet is the body of i icorge Marram. 4ti

iak street. Manhattan. wru was caughtIn the old swer at Tompkins avenueand Macon etreel, Hrooklyn. Thursdaymorning when digging below it for anew sewer caused a collapse.

The search for Hanaro, which hasgone on day and night ever since, wascomplicated by uncertainty whether hewas In the new swer tunnel, forty feetbelow the street, or In the old eower.twenty-fiv- e feet above It, patching lea"It Is now virtually certain he wa In theold sewer, which collapsed Into ihe newclle.

The work is heing done by the Rich-field Construction Company it waarumored that the caveln was caused hythe dumping of a Inert of lumber alinvea weak spot, hut thoee in charge yes-terday denied this Leaks from the oldsewer were responsible, they said It istint expected that Harraro's bodv will berecovered until to morrow or Wednea-day.


Three Health. Hogs More ThanPockefhook t an stand.

Mrs Tlllls l.erncr. 27 veaia old of1511 Proapeel place, Brooklyn, gae

. birth to triplets Friday evening, All areboys. Yesterday her husband. Joseph,who la a silver plairr. was receivingcongratulations, hut u friend of his aaldthat the father didn't see how he couldtake care of four children, as a ear anda half ago his first sou w is bom, at dhis anlary Is small and variable.'They could look afler two childrenall right." aald the friend, speaking forthe father, who speaks Bngllah halting- -ly. but the triplets make two toomany."

latrner was born in Warsaw mid cameto this country ten years ago He Is L'Xveaea nA Tip ln..nh nbu, .. . ...gomery street. Manhattan, who attendedMrs larn-- r a.ud that mother and sona..,.., i. ...... - .


In o'aler that the bn s arrested forJUVOnllc delinquency may have a chanceto nciid their ways Without being per-

emptorily " omffllttOd to an Institution."the atlabllthmenl of a detention homeand cleirttig house ll recommended by

Commission Of of Accounts W.i llnteln Ina report to the Mayor.

Ne.tly anon hoys clurged with thisnebulous offence are arraigned In thechildren's Courts every vear.

"The Justices," says Mr. Wallstein,"nie hampered In their treatment of

aseS by being compelled to put the boyon probiiiun or to commit him to anInstitution for an Indefinite period Nomiddle course Is open to them underpresent conditions. in many eases It

is not possible to decide at once whichcourse, probation or commitment, Is tatOSl ulaied to effect the desired changeIn the boy, In many cases It Is unwiseto commit i boy t" any Institution forh long term, yet he is not rtt for d

ate release mi prolxit'on In manyvases neither measure is the properremedy Yet the Juatlcsj must do ticthing or tne other nn'css the east sdggnlaS0d or a fine impossuV

Tnere should tie a place, the leportSays, where Ian could lie kept for 0Ss, rvatton, for tempo rerj aepa nation fromassociations tbit brought them Intotroiitile. for brief discipline that in manyuses would cure the boy of Ida badhabits. Air Wallstein continues:

"More than 4.000 of the a, on., rsryaarraigned each year are first offenders.Their appearance In the Children'sCourt Is often due to conditions not oftheir own The Hrst object ofthe court is properly to preserve thehome life of the boy If possible, correct-ing conditions tnere if necessary.

Institutional life Is regarded as thei.tst resort. Hut in numerous flSSSI theJustice la convinced that the boy can-not be dealt with effectively by Im-mediate return to his home. e n underthe supirv.sion of :l probation officer,and yet dues not merit a l ing term; orthe Justlcs is in doubt is to th- - properdlspoeltton of the bay i or delay In hear-ing Cue case may lie tie sessry from onecause or another i or changes must beeffected In the home life of the boy : orlie must be taught to reap t thii lawbefore he can tie put ..n probation withany hone of au- ccas."

The Commissioner recommends thatthe proraaMd detention boms and clear-ing house tic put in Charge nf theChanties or lb- - Corn imp I tne- tHe says the iuiiii igs ,,f ihe BrooklynTruant School on Jamaica avenue couldbe used without alteration or coat otherthill HSS.OOO already re.Uisted by theBoSMl of Kducatlon for additional cot-tages for the Crrntal S nnol.



IValMtMli'Pitfaburg Line Re-sull- ies

Traffic A rr.i n trntii I

w ith Ponns Ivrniia,

Tli (otlOW -- iff Itttti mi nt li.i1 btCfl!uff1 by th reorffonltttfnn rommlttoiof th WAbMtt'PUtobtirg Railroad Com-pan- y

"On AUffUOl 51 III COUIt t Pitthii'Crradr an onlcr authorising M V Hiker,t he rtt'ivfr of t h Wabash PlttsbuiRailroad Ttrtnlnal Company to rnierInto a tontraft anh tha Panttaylvanlaroad thp ponttntction or The- aocalladBrfcis-r'v- tr connactlon

Th. mark) a long Jth forward 'i

thr rthablUlatlon if th- - tarmlnal irop-rrtie1- .'

Tno importance of t iio Bridgevilli connactlon liai tn th fat that itsiva to tin- Ttrtnlnal company . directoutlet ovar the llnaa f the Pennaylvanlaand pcrniUn it direct Interchange oftraffic with thai company. Th TrmlnHlsompany in ihu- - enabled to poach a tr-rttor- v

extending from the Atlantic .bo.tril to ihe tnn!'K' Went over tlie linennf the Pennsylvania that have for ariumlu-- t year besfl OloSSd 10 tt.

"Pursuant to the author ty srantetiby the COUrt the rerr'ver has .iRnetl theasrrenienl, anrt const rucl "'i of ihe con-nection atfoady been commenced indi. proareip:ng. It Will be about Octo-ber when tin- Interchange of businesswill oommsnos

"The IncaJoolablS bsnsfll to the Ter-minal company nf thii connection canheft he- iudgod hy the history of theWabaehPltttburg Terminal on thti partlrular point. The Tern-.n;i- ! wai H proiieroui props rty( enjoying thl connsclion at the time wiu-- Mr louM anilMr. taapatt, the latter reprei-en- i ing ihPenney ly a nig FOadi liecume SStrangedThe Qouldfl nn trolled ths Terminalpropgriy, By reseon of r htn dlaputs t'ieHsnneylvanla terminated its traffic re-

latlotm with ihe Terminal mad and thelatter lines t ha I time 1ihj uffered ae ordlnaly Th: ranSWal of traffh' t e- -

latlona win be to the sr'nt bsnsfll of thsWabaah Pittsburg Term In il, and it isegpectl d will be very pTOlHablS, an Itnpene up an avenue of bttSlnSSS that haibepn eloneel plnce ihe break with t


Klrr lestrors Pounder.a f'otr alarm trr erhtch Belled nut

all of ths n.isr:iius of Lotta l and 'iisiind asvarsl Baal ttivcr Arebuata com.plstsly flsstfoyad lbs factory of tillterson and Brooklyn Poundo fompatoat Orohard strrst and the Baal RiverBoulevard lasi nlsht. The tnuiditiK w isowiis.t b D H Kills or s.' Wastreet. Danuiitt m ite.l ,,i fi.,..f00

A Store for B if f f lcnSamplen Sent on Kequent

Phone .":'J Corllanill

Fall Soft HatsLightweight

$1.90vj ss m

Alpine EffectsNew color-tone- s

Soft, Mellow FeltH,, ... W.I. I .1...

flexible Derbys, $1.90 and $2.9001 new Alylee

,m...... I e n i na 1"""" ' 'P' ana anal nwsss ..n. mil 'in I

vli........... i -- i. , i - -- - iw.i v.runer,-- , sue at SI UU I Graas Hate. 95. I

AfiOnly Two Days Remain

(Today and Tomorrow)

For the Half-Pric- e

Offerings Closing theAugust Furniture Sale

These half-pric- e offerings are important enough in them-selves to bring any one desiring furniture post-hast- e into thestore to see what they include.

But even more important is the fact that these two daysToday and Tuesday absolutely close the August Sale

itself. On Wednesday. September i. all furniture prices arerestored to normal and the August economies are gone.

MORE IMPORTANT STILL is the fact that furniturecosts are rising, that furniture prices wiU be higher for new-good- s

that we buy now.




-43 94 oo to

7S tci

in to t2 on



at St. at St.

at at St.


I! 'waI to I l M

io, i ., huh i ii i . m a,..Ai . AO. I Ml "I ilih. r Hn.

.1st as Kv. k vc Mmrues Al in

A II w.i &

A 47 SI iiihIIIIll o .'ah tr.K A a.a.... ..

.i..,,i lu I m. .i.,.


Buy now and secure the savings in many cases 50c onthe dollar. Or buy at your leisure and pay much more.

That everybody may have equal advantage in choosingfrom these "half-price- " groups of furniture people whohave not yet returned to the city and whose city homes arestill closed we announce that

Furniture purchased in this sale will he held fordelayed delivery in the Autumn when desired

5th, 6th and 7th Galleries, New Building

Broadway at Ninth Street,

Monday morning greet --

ings!202 suitcases.Mostly cowhide bags in

shades of tan few blackenamels.

One of our manufacturersdecided not to make suchwide assortment formerly

--hence this sale.reffulirly f.vnn


$5.35.riulrlr IIS.OO 11500.

S8.35.reavlarlji fisoo


To-morro- we inventory,to-da- y we've lots of odds

and ends marked at foolishprices to clear up.

Not many of any onething, but together con-siderable quantity and va-riety of bargains in wear-ables for men and for boys.

Rogers Pert CompanyBroadway Broad wey

Uth "The 34thFour

Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave.Warren 41st



Tilery's Best TViODUCT






niDiunJll'irs) HUMimiiiioii "llt.arlnlJi.nolf..'0,n"nU

Nut Wtab, Mary

IVhich Says to YOUNow, Now, Buy NOW




ririK. LIBERTYTWICE Unlly. Incl SnivlmK ftn' M il ai a-


Ul.T tl- -

D. W. GRIFFITH'SOlOANTIC iPKCTACIJiSymphony OrchiMlrs of 40.

ilp rnuiwc Thes .ii't.t st. v- - m ?nM blinsn 0 Mti "M st jihorI)v

U'V'sM. S? In !'! !EL L T N G IL M

ll Mil K.i Kt.KIN

t'nlumhaa 'lrrl nd MtS sPARK rn.,np '.i'.isi i oluml.ic.s ;n. Matewed S Sal 2 30

PRICES :Mr BKCONB RiroTIHtc. flKHI HKt i 4 1 Y

si. mi. St.. vi. ;. mi iiki iii i i! (wco". a l.aaar l Male, Hr.i srt $t


"13 WASHINGTON SQUARE"Beet pla) use has bad la rears K. Nun



LOSTIEdIFOUNDPersons who laughed their heads

off at the performance of "SOMEBABY ! " last week can have samereturned to them upon applicationat Box Office.


WINTER GARDEN I',: ' iV.r'liv'siy, 'S..MI l I ,, l I

Heal oi mi Winter liaraVn ii..ll'llillV .'Ml,. si mi. at. All. S ' o,lllt MtllM I I IKIMi llt


MaU. Wed.. Ssl and ...

CASINO r:K.lalHllalMMn- -

n S I I I I A.

Hitii 1 1 i i ft

lit'tli r I hitn if. Mar,, Wlilii

39TN ST.;:;,-;,- V'.;

Itll.l.tM IIIHI N A.rVir,fliBiiI mtnm

i i ii, ,i , N1,



miKu ..I u 1

441 it ST. j- ;-I si WRRK! l.tSI s i im, s

nh M tl UK IBnil I I iiki ,

o 1....... in . In, M IKtMiiiv illlltlllN I III l

l4IHbi. menrtnii Ub ,NIKhiaUllahC M IV



iii HiTit ii Has ui j .i or T'u'TRI sri"'S.S. "MANDALAY"


..I IIMturj Km iiaiiei I. .13 1 il, h Ju i' (.


BRIGHTON TAMGUIYliUberl A Siillltaii

II(IIIUII II,,nil Krius. iMInt

York:Wtl T.


NEW AMSTERDAM S mn 4.'.i iiMi'tm-s-- W. I A !.... nit. mrh' (.rpaf.-e- 1ii,h:.l Hhai .,... i. .

risamiEDmis1. s-- k UK KOLLIM

NEW MIDNIGHT FROLICHUDSON 4"h "JMr.-- Wi -- ft l abor fw."TEWSKANU i lili l lM. s rrlb M


HARRIS wkst a st k.-- -

a a rral smaeta MnisihtniaW MfH." Fw- .1,.KDi IKBF mis, ,.r, ,. -

BELASCO IV ?:'Himmii- - l .tiiaChter M.irkri


ith i'iSs tadI VNK . IW1

LONGACRE at Rvs. S't.t Mtla .1' Hat A I " i'rI l.M,l II IN III ( M IIHMI

THE GIRL litre, i mint. snlltrtiiiSill, , r al



i ii,

MU K" li ike

I III I rRK Ii ,v A iASTOR I n, s i it Stan w rHat. A LABOR n S

A II ARM IsAnybody who likes a boyand a dog WILL LOVE!



Sr THE HOUSE? GLASSA New I'Uj b) Mai Man hi SI - V

a Stupendous Hit

l UlM A11 SBR04CWI ilS m 1 tvsnlnae st 9 10& II

Free Dancini; Contest Thiud.o Nighl

n '.iiiPit's lierfrude it"'1TALACE iy t'u oficicr i i i.i

Muriel Won II '

U'lyMsi tfAtoSt US Urlcs flairs II

IIKI Ii Ii I S I K 1(1 I ' I



HOTEL l Kl 'I l It v '

I Uth Street, near Fourth .seoui