the school health researchers bookshelf : research council american school health association

242 THE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH THE SCHOOL HEALTH RESEARCHERS BOOKSHELF Research Council American School Health Association A s a project for its inaugural year of existence (1960), the Research Council has prepared a selected bibliography for the researcher in school health. Books and articles providing information on research methods and design, statistical analysis, sampling techniques, and other material relating to the plan- ning, conduct, and reporting of school health research are included. American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Research Methods Applied to Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C.: the Association, a department of the National Education Association, 1952. 535 p. American Association for Health Physical Education, and Recreation, Research Council, M. Gladys Scott, Editor. Research Methods in Health, Physical Educa- tion, and Recreation: 2nd edition, 1959. An Inventory of Social and Economic Research in Health. 1952-1959 (Editions for each year) New York: Health Information, 420 Lexington Avenue. Abelson, Harold H. The Art of Educational Research: Its Problems and Procedure.?. World Book Co., 1953. Alexander, Carter and Burke, A. J. How To Locate Educational Information and Data. 4th edition, revised. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 419 pages, 1958. Uarr, Arvil, S., Robert A. Davis, and Palmer 0. Johnson. Educational Research and Appraisal. Berelson, Bernard. Content Analysis in Communication Research. The Free Press, 1952. Best J. M'. Research in Education. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1959. Bingham, W. V., Moore, B. V. and Gustad, J. W. How to Interview. Fourth edition, revised. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959. Campbell, H. M. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1954. Chilton, N. W. Office of Technical Services, U. 6. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1953. Christie, Richard and JahoSl,a, Marie. Studies in the Scope and Method of "The Authoritarian Personalitv. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1953. Form and Style in Thesis Writing. Analysis in Dental Research. The Free Press. 1954. Cochran, William G. and *Gertrude M. Cox. ' Experimental Design. New York: Cochran, William G. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1950. Sampling Techniques. 14.52 *""". Corey, St,ephen N. Action Research to Improve School Practices. Downie, N. M. and R. W. Heath. Basic Statistical Methods. Bureau of Publica- New York: Harper tions, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1953. and Brothers, 1959. York: McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1957. Dixon, Walter J. and Frank J. Massey. Fenlason, Anne F. Introduction to Statistical AnaZysis. New New York: Harper and Brothers, Essentials in Interviewing. rnrn IYDL. Fishbein, Morris. Medical Writing. New York: Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill, 1957. FesGnger, Leon and Daniel Katz (eds.). Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences. Fisher, Sir Ronald A. Statistical Methods and Scient$c Inference. Edinburgh: Fisher, Sir Ronald A. The Design of Experiments. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, Furst, Edward J. Constructing Evaluation Instruments. New York: Longmanh, Garrett, H. E. Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: Longmans, New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1953. Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1956. Ltd., New York, 1937. Green and Company, 1958. Green and Company, 1958.

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Page 1: THE SCHOOL HEALTH RESEARCHERS BOOKSHELF : Research Council American School Health Association



Research Council American School Health Association

A s a project for its inaugural year of existence (1960), the Research Council has prepared a selected bibliography f o r the researcher in school health.

Books and articles providing information on research methods and design, statistical analysis, sampling techniques, and other material relating to the plan- ning, conduct, and reporting of school health research are included.

American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Research Methods Applied to Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C.: the Association, a department of the National Education Association, 1952. 535 p.

American Association for Health Physical Education, and Recreation, Research Council, M. Gladys Scott, Editor. Research Methods in Health, Physical Educa- tion, and Recreation: 2nd edition, 1959.

A n Inventory of Social and Economic Research in Health. 1952-1959 (Editions for each year) New York: Health Information, 420 Lexington Avenue.

Abelson, Harold H. The A r t of Educational Research: I t s Problems and Procedure.?. World Book Co., 1953.

Alexander, Carter and Burke, A. J. How To Locate Educational Information and Data. 4th edition, revised. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 419 pages, 1958.

Uarr, Arvil, S., Robert A. Davis, and Palmer 0. Johnson. Educational Research and Appraisal.

Berelson, Bernard. Content Analysis in Communication Research. The Free Press, 1952.

Best J. M'. Research in Education. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1959. Bingham, W. V., Moore, B. V. and Gustad, J. W. How to Interview. Fourth edition,

revised. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959. Campbell, H. M. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,

1954. Chilton, N. W. Office of Technical Services, U. 6 .

Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1953. Christie, Richard and JahoSl,a, Marie. Studies in the Scope and Method of "The

Authoritarian Personalitv.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1953.

Form and Style i n Thesis Writing.

Analysis in Dental Research.

The Free Press. 1954. Cochran, William G. and *Gertrude M. Cox. ' Experimental Design. New York:

Cochran, William G. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1950.

Sampling Techniques. 14.52 *""".

Corey, St,ephen N. Action Research to Improve School Practices.

Downie, N. M. and R. W. Heath. Basic Statistical Methods.

Bureau of Publica-

New York: Harper tions, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1953.

and Brothers, 1959.

York: McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1957. Dixon, Walter J. and Frank J. Massey.

Fenlason, Anne F.

Introduction to Statistical AnaZysis. New

New York: Harper and Brothers, Essentials in Interviewing. rnrn IYDL.

Fishbein, Morris. Medical Writing. New York: Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill, 1957.

FesGnger, Leon and Daniel Katz (eds.). Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences.

Fisher, Sir Ronald A. Statistical Methods and Scient$c Inference. Edinburgh:

Fisher, Sir Ronald A. The Design of Experiments. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd,

Furst, Edward J. Constructing Evaluation Instruments. New York: Longmanh,

Garrett, H. E . Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: Longmans,

New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1953.

Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1956.

Ltd., New York, 1937.

Green and Company, 1958.

Green and Company, 1958.

Page 2: THE SCHOOL HEALTH RESEARCHERS BOOKSHELF : Research Council American School Health Association


Good Carter V. Introduction to Educational Research. New York: Appleton-Century- drofts, Inc., 1959.

Good, Carter V. and Douglas E. Scates. Methods of Research. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts, Inc., 1954.

Goode, William J. and Paul K. Hatt . Methods i n Social Research. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1952.

Hansen, Morris H., Hurwite William N., and Madow, William G. Sample Survey Methods and Theory. Voi. I and Vol. 2, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1953.

Harris, Chester W. Encyclopedia of Educational Research. Third Edition. New York: MacMillan Co., 1960.

Hersog, Elizabeth. Some Guide Lines f o r Evaluative Research. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Children’s Bureau Publica- tion No. 375-1959.

Hillway, Tyrus. Introduction to Research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956. Hockett Homer C. The Critical Method in Historical Research and Writing. New

York: The Macmillan Co., 1955. Hyman, Herbert H. Survey Design and Analysis. The Free Press. 1955. Jahoda, Marie; Morton Deutsch, and Stuart W. Cook. Research Methods in Social

Relations. Part one: Basic Processes, Par t two: Selected Techniques, New York: The Dr den Press, 1951.

Johnson, Palmer 8. and Robert W. B. Jackson. Introduczng to Statistical Methods. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1953.

Kcmpthorne, Oscar. The Design and Analysis of Experiments. N. Y.: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1952.

Larson, Leonard A., and Yocum, Rachael Dunaven. Measurement and Evaluation in Physical, Health, and Recreation Education. S t . Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1951.

Lasarsfeld, P. and Stanton, F. (Editors). Commitnication Research 1948-1949. Harper and Bros., 1949.

Lindquist, Everett F. Design and Analysis of Experiments i n Psychology and Educa- tion.

Lindsey, Gardner. Handbook of Social Psychology. Vol. I Theory and Method, Vol. 11, Special Fields and Applications. Addison-Wesley. 1954.

McCloy, Charles H., and Young, Norma D. Tests and Measurements i n Health and Physical Education.

Merton, Robert E., Marjorie Fiske and Patricia Iiendall. The Focused Interview. N. Y.: Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, 1952.

Mvers. John H. Statistical Presentation.

Boston: Honghton Mifflin Co., 1953.

New York: App1et)on-Century-Crofts, 1954.

Ames. Iowa: Littlefield and Co.. 1950. N k o n a l Institutes of Health, Public Health Services. Evaluation in Mental Health.

Washington D. C., 1955. Parten, Mildred. Surveys, Polls and Samples: Pract ico~ Procedures. New York:

Payne, Stanley L. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Uni-

Price Bronson. School Health Services. A selective review of evaluative studies. Washington D. C., 1957.

Remmers, H. H., and Gage, N. L. Educational Measurement and Evaluation. Revised

Rummel, J. Francis. An Introduction to Research Procedures in Education. New

Smith, H. L. and J. R. Smith. Introduction to Research in Education. Bloomington,

Smith Milton G. A Sim lified Guide to Statistics f o r Psychology and Education.

Spear, Mary E. Charting Statistics. Thnrstone, L. L. and E. J. Chave. Chicago: Uni-

versity of Chicago Press, 1929. Travers, Robert M. W. An Introduction to Educational Research. New York:

MacMillan Company, 1958. Trelease, Sam F. Baltimore: Williams

and Wilins Company, 1958. Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.

Chicago: ITniversitv of Chicago Press, 1955.

U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Harper and Brothers, 1950.

versity Press, 1951.

d. S. Department of Health Education, and Welfare.

edition. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955. p. 335.

York: Harper and Brothers, Publishers, 1958.

Indiana: Educational Publishers, 1959.

Rhinchart Pamphlets: i e r r i s Printing Co., New York.

The A r t of Asking Questions.

New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1955. The Measurement of Attitudes.

How to Wri te Scientific and Technical Papers.

Page 3: THE SCHOOL HEALTH RESEARCHERS BOOKSHELF : Research Council American School Health Association


Underwood, Benton J. e t al. Elementary Statistics. N. Y.: Appletoii-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1954.

Visscher, Maurice B., editor. Methods in Medical Research. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, 1951. Vol. 4.

Walker, H. M. and J. Lev. Elementary Statistical Methods. Revised Edition. N. Y.: Henry Holt and Company, 1958.

Wallis, W. Allen and Harry V. Roberts. Statistics: A New Approach. Glericoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1956.

Whitney, Frederick L. The Elements of Research. Second edition. New York Prentice-Hall, 1950. 539 P.

Wilson, C. Bright. A n Introduction to Scientijic Research. New York: McCraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1952.

Young, Pauline V. Scientific Social Surveys and Research. Prentice-Hall, 1956.

ARTICLES American Public Health Association, School Health Section, Conitnittee on Research

American Journal of Public Health

Carey, A. D. Natiorkal Business Educatzon

Cattell, R. B. “Extracting the correct number of factors in factor analysis,”

Chase, C. I. “Computation of variance accounted for in multiple correlation,”

Cochran, Wilfiam G. ”Research techniques in the study of human beings,” Milkbank

Coladarci, A. P. “Towards more rigorous educational research,” bibliog. Harvard

Corbally, J. E., Jr. “Critical incident technique and educational research,” bibliog.

Corey, S. M. “Educational research and the solution of practical problems,” Edzica-

Cornell, F. G. 58: 58-60, September, 1956 Cornell, F. G. The Phi Delta Kappan.

Deming, W. Edward. Vol. 10,

“Research Needs in School Health” and “Sources of Selected Information on Research Relating to School Health.” 50: 1792-1806, November, 1960.

Quarterly. 24: 11-17, March, 1956.

Educational and PsychologicaL Measurement.

Journal o Experimental Education.

Memorial Fund Quarterly. 33: 121-36, 1955.

Educational Review. 30, No. 1: 3-11, Winter, 1960.

Educational Research Bulletin.

lional Leadership. 9: 478-84, May, 1952.

35: 29-34, October, 1953.

“Methods and techniques of research.”

18, No. 4: 291-838, Winter, 1958.

28: 265-266, March, 1960.

35: 57-62, March, 1956.

“Misuse of statistics,” Nation’s Schools. “Productive techniques in research,” bibliog.

“On errors in surveys,” American Sociological Review. 359-369, August, 1944.

Diuuiette, M. D. and Hoggatt, A. C,., “Deriving a coniposite score froin several measures of the same att,ribute. Educational and Psvcholoeical Measurement, 17, No. 3: 423-434, Autumn, 1957.‘

Dvorak, E. A. “Data-collection techniques and devices,” National Business Educa- tion Quarterly.

Dwight L. A. “Mean or average deviation is a minimum when taken froiri the median; a geometrical proof,” Journal of Experimental Education. 26: 93-94, September, 1957.

Edwards, Allen 1,. and Iiilpatric, Franklin P. “A technique for the construction of attitnde scales,” Journal of Applied Psychology.

Edwards, T. B. and Wilson, A. B. “Development of scales of attitudinal dimensions,” Journal pf Experimental Education.

Fox, J. H. 39: 284-286, March, 1958 Fricke, B. G. “Coded profile method for predicting achievement,” Educational and

Psychological Measurement. Goethals, G. W . “Framework for educational research, bibliog., Harvard Educa-

tional Review. Goethals, G. W. and Whiting, J. W. M. “Research methods: the cross-cultural

method,” bibliog., Review of Educational Research. 27: 441-8, December, 1957. Greenberg, B. G., Harris, Mary E., Mackinnon, Frances C., and Chipman, Sidney S.

“A method for evaluating the effectiveness of health education literature,” American Journal of Public Health.

Hetin, T. R. “Literature in a Technological 4ge.” Science. 128: 1325-1329, November 28, 1958.


27: 3, March, 1959.

32: 374-384, 1948.

28: 3-36, September, 1959. Criteria of good research,” Phi Delta Kappa.

17, 1: 98-104, Spring, 1957;

28, No. 1: 29-43, Winter, 1958.

43: 1147-55, 1953.

Page 4: THE SCHOOL HEALTH RESEARCHERS BOOKSHELF : Research Council American School Health Association


darnrich, J. X. “Research t,echniques in state surveys of higher education,” College und University. 35: 195-203, \Vinter, 1960.

Jones, Margaret A., and Holtquist, Florence F. “Evaluation of individual and group performance as measured by an opinion survey, ” The Health Education Journal. 19: 8, January, 19%.

Johnson, G. B., Jr. “Method for evaluating research articles in education,” Jouriral of Educational Research.

I<acxkowski, H. It. “Using expectancy tables to validate test procedurcs in high school,” Educational and Psychological Measurement. 19: 675-677, Winter, 1959.

lierlinger, F. N. “Mythology of educat,ional research: two methods approach,” School and Society. 88: 149-51, March 26, 1960.

Iinutson, Andie L. Ev&uzting Program Progress. Public Health Reports, 70: 3, AMarch, 1955.

Lemon, Roger T. “A glossary of 100 measurement terms,” Test Seroice Notebook. No. 13, Yonkers-On-Hudson, N. Y.: World Book Co., Division of Test Research mid Service, 1960.

Lord, R. M. “No tests of t,he same length have the same standard errors of measure- ment,s?” Educational and Psychological Measurements. 17: 510-521, Winter, 1957.

McCloy, Charles F. “Factor ana.lpsis as a research technique.” Research Quarterly. 12(1): 22-33, March, 1941.

McCluskey, Howard J. “Reducing the error of the guess estimate,” Michigan Educa- tional Journal.

51: 149-51, Oct,ober, 1957.

37: 19. Seotember. 1959. McCraw, L. W.

Mainland, Donald. “Biostatistics.” P$zer Spectrum. 6: 352-353, July 15, 1958. Marks, Eli S.

“A coxnpari$on of &lethods of measuring improvement,” Research

“Some sampling problems in educational research.” Journal of Educa-

Quarterly. 22: 191, May, 1951.

tional Psycholo y . Masson, H. J. “&line of cert,ain processes of reasoning in research,” bibliog.

Journal of Engineering Edztcation. 43: 410-19, March, 1953. Medley, D. M. “General procedure for testing the equivalence of two tests,”

National Council on Measurenaent Used in Education. 14t h. Yearbook: 66-72, 1957. Messick, S., and Abelson, R. P. “Research tools: scaling and measurement,” Review

of Educational Research.

42: 85-96; February, 1951.

27: 487-497. December. 1957. “Methods of expressing test scores,” Test Service hu l l e f in .

Michael, W. B. e t al.

Michael, W. €3.

No. 48, January, 1955.

“Research tools: statistical methods,” RezGew of Educational

“Develoement of statistical methods esueciallv useful in test con-

N. Y.: The Psychological Corporation.

Research. 27: 498-527. December, 1957.

strilction and evalnation,” Review of Educationd Research. -29: 106-129, Febru- ary, 1959.

Mooney, R. L. “Researcher himself,’’ Association Supervision and Curriculum Development Yearbook. Washington, D. C . : AHCD, 1201 16th Street, N. W.: 154-186, 1957.

Nelson, G. E. “Educational periodicals which are most useful for research,” Clearing House. 31: 547-548. Mav. 1957.

Nixon, John E.

Harick, Lawrence J., and Stoedefalke, Karl G.

“The mechanics of questionnaire construction,” Journal of Educa-

“Health and Safety education,” 26: 542-58. December. 1956.

tional Research.

Review of Educational Research.

47: 481-487, March, 1954.

“R.esearch findings; research methods: n critical review,” School Life. 40: 12, Febrirary, 1958.

Hummel, Francis J. “A simplified method for determining the proportion of differ- ences in excess of chance proportions nsed in differential prediction,” Educational and Psychological Measurement.

Sanford, Fillmore H. “The use of a projective device in attitude surveying,” Public Opinion Quarterly.

Sells, 8. R . , and Ellis, R . 1%’. “Observational procediires used in research,” Review of Educational Research.

Shannon, J. R. “Trait,s of research workers,” Journol of Edzrcational Research. 40: 513-521, March, 1947.

Sit’greaves, It.. and Solomon, H. “Research methods: status st,udies and sample surveys,” Reoiew of Educational Research. 27: 460-470, December, 1957.

Slet,lo, Raymond F. “Pretesting of questionnaires.” A mericcin Socialogical Reoiew. 5 : 193-200. .4pril. 1940.

13: 14.5-149, Spring. 1953.

14: 697-709, \Vinter, 1950-51.

21: 432-49, December, 1951.

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Stanley, J. C. “Research methods: experimental design,” Review of Educational Research. 27: 449-459, December, 1957.

“Statistical methodology in educational research,” American Educational Research. Association. bibliog. Review of Educational Research. 24: 353-536. December, 1‘4.54

Stephyn-,’ F. F. “Advances in survey methods and measurement techniques,” Public Opinion (ZFUa’terly. 21: 79-90, 1957.

Stephan, F. . “Sampling,” American Journal of Sociology. 55: 371-375, January, 1950.

Taylor, Edward A. “Improving questionnaires,” California Journal of Educational Research. 2: 73-76, March, 1951.

U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Children’s Bureau. “An evaluative study of research in school health serhces.” Washington. D. C.: - , Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 1958.

Van Dalen, D. B. “Relationship of fact and theory in research,” Educational Administration and Supervision. 45: 271-274, September, 1959.

Van Dalen, D. B. “Research check list in education,” Educational Administration and Supervision. 44: 174-81, May, 1958.

Van Dalen, D. B. “Role of hypotheses in educational research,’’ Educational Admin- istration and Subervision. 42: 457-60. December. 1956.

Van Winkle, H.

Woolsey, Theodore D. e t al.

Youne. L. L.

“We recommend more tbam research,” Educational Research Bulletin.

“On the use of sampling in the field of public health,”

“Sociometric and related techniaues for amraising social status in

37: 29-30, February, 1958.

The American Journal of Pubkc Health. 44: 719-740, June, 1954. ._

aTelementary school,” Sociometry.

Psychology. 91: 143-5, SeptemLer, 1957.

10: 168-177, 1949. -

Zuk, G. H. “Condition analysis a research met,hodology,” Journal of Genetic


American School Health Association Convention Proceedings

Plans have been made through the courtesy of the Michigan Tuber- culosis Association to prepare a mimeographed proceedings of the Detroit ASHA Convention which will incorporate all the papers and panel pre- sentations made at the meeting. To determine the number of copies needed, it is necessary to develop a tentative list of persons who wish to obtain copies of these proceedings. The brochure will be sold at cost, estimated to be between $1 and $2, depending upon the number of pages.

Those attending the Convention will certainly want to have a copy of the proceedings as a permanent record of the meeting. Those unable to be present can obtain a helpful summary for each of the sessions by ordering copies of the report.

Please send a post card to A. 0. DeWeese, M. D., Secretary, Ameri- can School Health Association, 515 East Main Street, Kent, Ohio, in- dicating your interest in the proceedings at the earliest possible time. Only sufficient copies will be printed to provide for those who send in their tentative orders before October 15, 1961. Be sure to send your post card today and assist ASHA in the development of this project. Also please indicate whether or not you will attend the Annual Meeting a t Detroit.