the sapftp library - ftp programming in abap

8/19/2019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP 1/27 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP Skip to end of metadata Created by Fahad Javed, last modified on ov !", #$!% &o to start of metadata The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP This arti'le is dedi'ated to FTP Programming in ABAP( )t *o+ld 'onsist of both ba'kgro+nd and front-end transfer of files via FTP( Applies to:  ABAP Summary: This arti'le is dedi'ated to FTP Programming in ABAP( )t *o+ld 'onsist of both ba'kgro+nd and front-end transfer of files via FTP( Author: Fahad Javed Created on  th Jan+ary #$!. Table of Contents The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP  Applies to S+mmary  A+thor Fahad Javed )ntro List of all F+n'tion /od+les in the SFTP F+n'tion &ro+p For 'reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP 'omm+ni'ations For testing the 0FC destinations For 'he'king the Tra'e of the FTP 'omm+ni'ation Setting 2p an FTP Server Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server Setting +p a dire'tory for a 2ser 'reated in the FTP Server

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The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAPSkip to end of metadata

bull Created by Fahad Javed last modified on ov $

ampo to start of metadata

The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAPThis artile is dediated to FTP Programming in ABAP( )t o+ld onsist of both bakgro+nd and front-end transfer of files via


Applies to



This artile is dediated to FTP Programming in ABAP( )t o+ld onsist of both bakgro+nd and front-end transfer of files via


Author Fahad Javed

Created on th Jan+ary $

Table of Contents

bull The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

bull Applies to

bull S+mmary

bull A+thor Fahad Javed

bull )ntro

bull List of all F+ntion od+les in the SFTP F+ntion ampro+p

bull For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

bull For testing the 0FC destinations

bull For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

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bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

bull Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTP server3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

bull 7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ith SAP 1ata

bull So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on 1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6

bull 7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

bull So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAP System3Front5nd6

bull 7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

bull So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via the FTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6


FTP7FileTransferProtool8 is a netork protool b+ilt on top of the TCPlt)P protoolalloing transfer of files beteen to host

mahinesover the netork( FTP is +sed for Appliation-to-appiation7AA8 or B+siness-to-b+siness7BB8 senarios(

SAP provides a b+ilt in lient library alled SAPFTP Library( )t has to parts

Part A Exeutable File

59e+table file alled SAPFTPhih is installed on the SAP eteaver AS Abap =ostas ell as installed on any lient as

part of the SAP amp+i lient installation(

Figure SAPFTPexe file as part of

the SAP GUI Installation

Part The SAPFTP library

These are a set of 0FC enabled f+ntion mod+leshih are provided in a F+ntion ampro+p named SFTP( These F+ntion

od+les aess the 59e+table via 0FC to onnet to an FTP host and for e9e+ting vario+s ommands( SAPFTP library

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implements FTP aording to the FC $ speifiation( gto+ an find more indepth information regarding 0FC

speifiation +sing the folloing link httpltlt(ietf(orgltrfltrf(t9t (

List of all F+ntion od+les in the SFTP F+ntion ampro+p

The F+ntion gro+p SFTP is the SAPFTP library that onsists of the folloing f+ntion mod+les for FTP programming

SNo Function Module escription


02 FTPMMAN Execute FTP Command


04 FTPNN$T Connect to an FTP ee

0 FTP_COP$ FTP Coamp

0 FTPISNN$T D(connect )om FTP ee


0+ FTPampTS$$ SAP to FTP See Commun(cat(on

0 FTPS$$Tamp FTP See to SAP Commun(cat(on





14 TTP_ASE4_ENCODE ae4 encode t(n

1 TTP_-ET TTP -et

1 TTP_-ET_FILE TTP -et F(e


1+ TTP_-ET_FILES_2 TTP -et F(e





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SNo Function Module escription










32 (TTPSAM)$ Fo Encampt(n Pa6od


Some +sef+l f+ntion mod+les that are part of the SAPFTP Library inl+de


2sed for onneting to an FTP hostret+rns a handle that is +sed to bind s+bse+ent ommands to the session(




DAL2572S508 TgtP5 C

DAL257PASSE018 TgtP5 C


DAL257=ST8 TgtP5 C

DAL2570FC15ST)AT)8 L)5 0FC15S-0FC15ST

DAL257ampAT5EAgt2S508 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgtPASSE018 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgt=ST8 TgtP5 C PT)AL


DAL257=A1L58 TgtP5 )






2S50 4 lv+serThis user name is ase sensitive

PASSE01 4 lvpassord+This passord ould also be srambled via the -TTP(SCALE funtion

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=ST 4 lvhostip+P Address of the host FTP Server012n ase of Server host name3it is ase sensitive

0FC15ST)AT) 4 SAPFTPA or SAPFTP +SAPFTPA 4 for ba56round aess to FTP -ost server or

SAPFTP 4 for front end aess to FTP Server


=A1L5 4 =A1L5+For performin6 subse7uent operations for the onneted FTP Session


TC5CT51 4 +FTP onnetion failed

T=50S 4 (


2sed to e9e+te an FTP ommand on the FTP host( For a omplete list of s+pported FTP ommands on an FTP hostyo+

an e9e+te the help ommand( Some of the ommands inl+des the likes of P97for Printing the ontents of the C+rrent

Eorking 1iretory8ltT7For Logging o+t the +ser +rrently onneted to the FTP server via the FTPC5CT f+ntion

mod+le8 e(t((


2sed to transfer a file don to the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file from the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file to the FTP host(


2sed to donload a file from the FTP host(


2sed to disonnet from an FTP host(


For 1isonneting 0FC onnetion beteen SAP and FTP(




destination 4 lrfdest0FC 1estination host(e(gSAPFTPA


T=50S 4 (

For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

gto+ need to reate 0FC destinations for FTP omm+niations( There is a standard report for that p+rpose alled


instead of onfig+ring it man+ally via the transation S$7Config+rations of 0FC onnetions8it a+tomatially reates the

folloing to 0FC destinations

78SAPFTP7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP amp2) frontend8

78SAPFTPA7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP eteaver AS ABAP host8

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 2: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

bull Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTP server3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

bull 7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ith SAP 1ata

bull So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on 1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6

bull 7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

bull So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAP System3Front5nd6

bull 7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

bull So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via the FTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6


FTP7FileTransferProtool8 is a netork protool b+ilt on top of the TCPlt)P protoolalloing transfer of files beteen to host

mahinesover the netork( FTP is +sed for Appliation-to-appiation7AA8 or B+siness-to-b+siness7BB8 senarios(

SAP provides a b+ilt in lient library alled SAPFTP Library( )t has to parts

Part A Exeutable File

59e+table file alled SAPFTPhih is installed on the SAP eteaver AS Abap =ostas ell as installed on any lient as

part of the SAP amp+i lient installation(

Figure SAPFTPexe file as part of

the SAP GUI Installation

Part The SAPFTP library

These are a set of 0FC enabled f+ntion mod+leshih are provided in a F+ntion ampro+p named SFTP( These F+ntion

od+les aess the 59e+table via 0FC to onnet to an FTP host and for e9e+ting vario+s ommands( SAPFTP library

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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implements FTP aording to the FC $ speifiation( gto+ an find more indepth information regarding 0FC

speifiation +sing the folloing link httpltlt(ietf(orgltrfltrf(t9t (

List of all F+ntion od+les in the SFTP F+ntion ampro+p

The F+ntion gro+p SFTP is the SAPFTP library that onsists of the folloing f+ntion mod+les for FTP programming

SNo Function Module escription


02 FTPMMAN Execute FTP Command


04 FTPNN$T Connect to an FTP ee

0 FTP_COP$ FTP Coamp

0 FTPISNN$T D(connect )om FTP ee


0+ FTPampTS$$ SAP to FTP See Commun(cat(on

0 FTPS$$Tamp FTP See to SAP Commun(cat(on





14 TTP_ASE4_ENCODE ae4 encode t(n

1 TTP_-ET TTP -et

1 TTP_-ET_FILE TTP -et F(e


1+ TTP_-ET_FILES_2 TTP -et F(e





8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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SNo Function Module escription










32 (TTPSAM)$ Fo Encampt(n Pa6od


Some +sef+l f+ntion mod+les that are part of the SAPFTP Library inl+de


2sed for onneting to an FTP hostret+rns a handle that is +sed to bind s+bse+ent ommands to the session(




DAL2572S508 TgtP5 C

DAL257PASSE018 TgtP5 C


DAL257=ST8 TgtP5 C

DAL2570FC15ST)AT)8 L)5 0FC15S-0FC15ST

DAL257ampAT5EAgt2S508 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgtPASSE018 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgt=ST8 TgtP5 C PT)AL


DAL257=A1L58 TgtP5 )






2S50 4 lv+serThis user name is ase sensitive

PASSE01 4 lvpassord+This passord ould also be srambled via the -TTP(SCALE funtion

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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=ST 4 lvhostip+P Address of the host FTP Server012n ase of Server host name3it is ase sensitive

0FC15ST)AT) 4 SAPFTPA or SAPFTP +SAPFTPA 4 for ba56round aess to FTP -ost server or

SAPFTP 4 for front end aess to FTP Server


=A1L5 4 =A1L5+For performin6 subse7uent operations for the onneted FTP Session


TC5CT51 4 +FTP onnetion failed

T=50S 4 (


2sed to e9e+te an FTP ommand on the FTP host( For a omplete list of s+pported FTP ommands on an FTP hostyo+

an e9e+te the help ommand( Some of the ommands inl+des the likes of P97for Printing the ontents of the C+rrent

Eorking 1iretory8ltT7For Logging o+t the +ser +rrently onneted to the FTP server via the FTPC5CT f+ntion

mod+le8 e(t((


2sed to transfer a file don to the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file from the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file to the FTP host(


2sed to donload a file from the FTP host(


2sed to disonnet from an FTP host(


For 1isonneting 0FC onnetion beteen SAP and FTP(




destination 4 lrfdest0FC 1estination host(e(gSAPFTPA


T=50S 4 (

For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

gto+ need to reate 0FC destinations for FTP omm+niations( There is a standard report for that p+rpose alled


instead of onfig+ring it man+ally via the transation S$7Config+rations of 0FC onnetions8it a+tomatially reates the

folloing to 0FC destinations

78SAPFTP7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP amp2) frontend8

78SAPFTPA7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP eteaver AS ABAP host8

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 3: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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implements FTP aording to the FC $ speifiation( gto+ an find more indepth information regarding 0FC

speifiation +sing the folloing link httpltlt(ietf(orgltrfltrf(t9t (

List of all F+ntion od+les in the SFTP F+ntion ampro+p

The F+ntion gro+p SFTP is the SAPFTP library that onsists of the folloing f+ntion mod+les for FTP programming

SNo Function Module escription


02 FTPMMAN Execute FTP Command


04 FTPNN$T Connect to an FTP ee

0 FTP_COP$ FTP Coamp

0 FTPISNN$T D(connect )om FTP ee


0+ FTPampTS$$ SAP to FTP See Commun(cat(on

0 FTPS$$Tamp FTP See to SAP Commun(cat(on





14 TTP_ASE4_ENCODE ae4 encode t(n

1 TTP_-ET TTP -et

1 TTP_-ET_FILE TTP -et F(e


1+ TTP_-ET_FILES_2 TTP -et F(e





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SNo Function Module escription










32 (TTPSAM)$ Fo Encampt(n Pa6od


Some +sef+l f+ntion mod+les that are part of the SAPFTP Library inl+de


2sed for onneting to an FTP hostret+rns a handle that is +sed to bind s+bse+ent ommands to the session(




DAL2572S508 TgtP5 C

DAL257PASSE018 TgtP5 C


DAL257=ST8 TgtP5 C

DAL2570FC15ST)AT)8 L)5 0FC15S-0FC15ST

DAL257ampAT5EAgt2S508 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgtPASSE018 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgt=ST8 TgtP5 C PT)AL


DAL257=A1L58 TgtP5 )






2S50 4 lv+serThis user name is ase sensitive

PASSE01 4 lvpassord+This passord ould also be srambled via the -TTP(SCALE funtion

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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=ST 4 lvhostip+P Address of the host FTP Server012n ase of Server host name3it is ase sensitive

0FC15ST)AT) 4 SAPFTPA or SAPFTP +SAPFTPA 4 for ba56round aess to FTP -ost server or

SAPFTP 4 for front end aess to FTP Server


=A1L5 4 =A1L5+For performin6 subse7uent operations for the onneted FTP Session


TC5CT51 4 +FTP onnetion failed

T=50S 4 (


2sed to e9e+te an FTP ommand on the FTP host( For a omplete list of s+pported FTP ommands on an FTP hostyo+

an e9e+te the help ommand( Some of the ommands inl+des the likes of P97for Printing the ontents of the C+rrent

Eorking 1iretory8ltT7For Logging o+t the +ser +rrently onneted to the FTP server via the FTPC5CT f+ntion

mod+le8 e(t((


2sed to transfer a file don to the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file from the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file to the FTP host(


2sed to donload a file from the FTP host(


2sed to disonnet from an FTP host(


For 1isonneting 0FC onnetion beteen SAP and FTP(




destination 4 lrfdest0FC 1estination host(e(gSAPFTPA


T=50S 4 (

For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

gto+ need to reate 0FC destinations for FTP omm+niations( There is a standard report for that p+rpose alled


instead of onfig+ring it man+ally via the transation S$7Config+rations of 0FC onnetions8it a+tomatially reates the

folloing to 0FC destinations

78SAPFTP7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP amp2) frontend8

78SAPFTPA7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP eteaver AS ABAP host8

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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SNo Function Module escription










32 (TTPSAM)$ Fo Encampt(n Pa6od


Some +sef+l f+ntion mod+les that are part of the SAPFTP Library inl+de


2sed for onneting to an FTP hostret+rns a handle that is +sed to bind s+bse+ent ommands to the session(




DAL2572S508 TgtP5 C

DAL257PASSE018 TgtP5 C


DAL257=ST8 TgtP5 C

DAL2570FC15ST)AT)8 L)5 0FC15S-0FC15ST

DAL257ampAT5EAgt2S508 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgtPASSE018 TgtP5 C PT)AL

DAL257ampAT5EAgt=ST8 TgtP5 C PT)AL


DAL257=A1L58 TgtP5 )






2S50 4 lv+serThis user name is ase sensitive

PASSE01 4 lvpassord+This passord ould also be srambled via the -TTP(SCALE funtion

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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=ST 4 lvhostip+P Address of the host FTP Server012n ase of Server host name3it is ase sensitive

0FC15ST)AT) 4 SAPFTPA or SAPFTP +SAPFTPA 4 for ba56round aess to FTP -ost server or

SAPFTP 4 for front end aess to FTP Server


=A1L5 4 =A1L5+For performin6 subse7uent operations for the onneted FTP Session


TC5CT51 4 +FTP onnetion failed

T=50S 4 (


2sed to e9e+te an FTP ommand on the FTP host( For a omplete list of s+pported FTP ommands on an FTP hostyo+

an e9e+te the help ommand( Some of the ommands inl+des the likes of P97for Printing the ontents of the C+rrent

Eorking 1iretory8ltT7For Logging o+t the +ser +rrently onneted to the FTP server via the FTPC5CT f+ntion

mod+le8 e(t((


2sed to transfer a file don to the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file from the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file to the FTP host(


2sed to donload a file from the FTP host(


2sed to disonnet from an FTP host(


For 1isonneting 0FC onnetion beteen SAP and FTP(




destination 4 lrfdest0FC 1estination host(e(gSAPFTPA


T=50S 4 (

For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

gto+ need to reate 0FC destinations for FTP omm+niations( There is a standard report for that p+rpose alled


instead of onfig+ring it man+ally via the transation S$7Config+rations of 0FC onnetions8it a+tomatially reates the

folloing to 0FC destinations

78SAPFTP7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP amp2) frontend8

78SAPFTPA7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP eteaver AS ABAP host8

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 5: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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=ST 4 lvhostip+P Address of the host FTP Server012n ase of Server host name3it is ase sensitive

0FC15ST)AT) 4 SAPFTPA or SAPFTP +SAPFTPA 4 for ba56round aess to FTP -ost server or

SAPFTP 4 for front end aess to FTP Server


=A1L5 4 =A1L5+For performin6 subse7uent operations for the onneted FTP Session


TC5CT51 4 +FTP onnetion failed

T=50S 4 (


2sed to e9e+te an FTP ommand on the FTP host( For a omplete list of s+pported FTP ommands on an FTP hostyo+

an e9e+te the help ommand( Some of the ommands inl+des the likes of P97for Printing the ontents of the C+rrent

Eorking 1iretory8ltT7For Logging o+t the +ser +rrently onneted to the FTP server via the FTPC5CT f+ntion

mod+le8 e(t((


2sed to transfer a file don to the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file from the front-end(


2sed to +pload a file to the FTP host(


2sed to donload a file from the FTP host(


2sed to disonnet from an FTP host(


For 1isonneting 0FC onnetion beteen SAP and FTP(




destination 4 lrfdest0FC 1estination host(e(gSAPFTPA


T=50S 4 (

For reating 0FC 1estinations for FTP omm+niations

gto+ need to reate 0FC destinations for FTP omm+niations( There is a standard report for that p+rpose alled


instead of onfig+ring it man+ally via the transation S$7Config+rations of 0FC onnetions8it a+tomatially reates the

folloing to 0FC destinations

78SAPFTP7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP amp2) frontend8

78SAPFTPA7For invoking the 0FC library on the SAP eteaver AS ABAP host8

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 6: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure + A SAP Standard Progra

-SFTP0 for Generation of F

estinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA

Figure + ) Generated F estinations

SAPFTP and SAPFTPA as sho1n

in Transaction SM2

For testing the 0FC destinations

After setting +p the 0FC destinationsyo+ an hek the folloing report for testing them

SFTP8759e+te FTP Command8( =ere yo+ enter in the redentials7hih inl+des fields like

ltser Passord-ostFC 9estination8( )n order to test ommands yo+ enter in a ommand s+h as helpthat

displays a list of all ommands that an be entered in the ommand field(

Figure Standard Progra for Testing

FTP ounications -SFTP30

For heking the Trae of the FTP omm+niation

gto+ an +se the report SFTPamphih displays the trae of the FTP omm+niationsprovided traing has been enabled

for BT= 0FC destinations SAPFTP and SAPFTPA in Transation S$( This report not only tells yo+ abo+t all

ommands and interation b+t also informs abo+t attrib+tes s+h as the orking diretorySAPFTP e9e+table file path for

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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eah of the 0FC destinations mentioned above7SAPFTP and SAPFTPA8( 5nabling Traing generates a trae file in the SAP

amp2) Eorking diretory ith the name dev(rf7For +ni98 and rf(tr7Eindos 8(

Figure Standard SAP Progra

-SFTP40for tracing F

estinations SAPFTP 5 SAPFTPA

Setting 2p an FTP Server

Before yo+ an +se the SAPFTP library AP)syo+ ill first need to set +p an FTP Server at least loally to test the e9amples

that ill be reated in the +poming setions( Ee ill be +sing a free FTP Server alled FileDilla Server and an FTP lient

alled FileDilla Client for aessing the FTP Server( Both of these softare pakages an be donloaded from the

folloing 20L


J+st lik on the 7ui5 donload lin5s area on the ain Page or donload both the server and the lient from the

9onload setion on the left for FileDilla and FileDilla Server setions respetively( See the sreenshot belo

Figure Site for o1loading FTP

Ser6er 5 FTP lient

After 1onloading the FileServer e9e+table file7in o+r ase it is FileDilla(Server((gtamp2exe8( 1o+ble Clik the installer to

ikstart the )nstallation proed+re( Clik the ) Agree b+tton to Agree to the terms of the liense and move forard to the

ne9t step( )n the e9t sreen7Choose Components8 selet all options apart from the Soure Code option( o Clik the

extb+tton hoose the )nstallation folder here the FTP Server ill be deployed and here all FTP )nterations ill takeplae( o the ne9t sreen7Startup Settin6s8 is the most important sreen in the set+p iGardas here yo+ ill need to

provide the Port umber For hih the FTP Server admin interfae ill listen to( in the Please Choose ho FileDilla

Server should be started drop donhoose either nstall as Servie3started ith indos default 7This ill start the

FTP Servie eah time yo+ start +p System8 or hoose nstall as Servie3started manually7To )nstall as a Serviehere

yo+ ill need to start it man+ally by providing the Admin logon redentials8(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 8: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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I gto+ an man+ally start or stop the FTP Server servie by making +se of the Servies snap-in hih an be aessed by

pressing 3indo 6 typing in servies2ms and hoosing FileDilla Server FTP server from the list of servies by

making +se of the playpa+se and stop b+ttons in the appliation toolbar( )n ase yo+ have set the )nstall as a Servie and

set it as man+alyo+ ill need to start that servie +sing method as mentioned abovether ise yo+ ont be able to

onnet to the FTP Server(

I 1o keep in mindthat the port assigned m+st have privileges to be alloed for its omm+niation( This an be set bysetting the P)T number in the Exeptions settings of yo+r fireall program( 1o also keep in mind that yo+ dont assign a

port n+mber that is +sed for other servies in Eindos(

e9t in the Startup settin6s selet the options that ill appliable to indo +sers and lik the install b+tton( after

)nstallationlik the lose b+tton(

Figure Installation-A0 + icense


Figure Installation-)0 + hoose


Figure Installation-0 + hoose

Install ocation

Figure Installation-0 + Startup


Figure Installation-$0 + Startup


e9t yo+ ill need to start the SAP FTP Server( gto+ an la+nh it by folloing the men+ path

indo menu G All Pro6rams G File Dilla FTP Server G File Dilla Server nterfae

gto+ ill be prompted ith a Connet to Server pop +p dialog bo9( Provide the Server Address7)P8Port +mber as set

d+ring installation and the Administrator Passord7by defa+lt it is admin8(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 9: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure Installation-F0 + onnecting

to the FTP Ser6er Interface

Figure Installation-G0 + ogged in to

the FTP Ser6er

Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

gto+ ill need to reate a +ser in the FTP Server in order to onnet and perform file transfer operations in SAP( To reate a

+seryo+ ill need to first reate a Hroup and then reate a +ser and assign it to that ampro+p(

)n order to reate a gro+pgo to the men+ path

Edit G Hroups

Then lik the Add b+tton to add a ampro+pgive it a name and then lik the )I b+tton( e9t e ill reate a ltser by

+sing the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

Then lik the Add b+tton and provide the +ser name and +ser gro+preated in the previo+s step and lik )I and then

lik the )5 b+tton again to reate the +ser( Also hek the Passord hekbo9 and assign a passord to the +serhih

ill be re+ired for aessing it via the FTP Client Softare(

Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Figure -0 + reating a User Figure -$0 + Adding a User to a


Figure -F0 + Adding Pass1ord

to a User

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 10: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + reating a Group Figure -)0 + Adding a Group Figure 0 + Finali7ing a Group

Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

After reating the +sergo to the folloing men+ path

Edit G ltsers

o goto the Shared folders page on the left sideto set +p a home diretory for the +ser( Clik on the Add b+tton and

navigate to the diretory that yo+ ill set as the 2sers =ome 1iretory( o selet all permissions as provided in the Files

and 9iretories areaby heking the respetive hek bo9esthese ill be re+ired for ertain operations s+h as hether

a File o+ld be reated deleted or read from the given diretory and hether diretories an be listedreated or deleted

e(t(( o lik the Set as home dir b+tton to set the diretory path as the defa+lt home diretory of the +ser( o lik the

)5 b+tton to omplete setting +p the home diretory(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 11: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -G0 + Adding a user


Figure -(0 + Setting Perissions

and setting it as hoedirector8

Figure -I0 + oplete setting

up the user director8

)nstalling the FTP Client Softare

Before yo+ an aess the +sers diretory reated in the FTP Serveryo+ re+ire an FTP lient to Aess to it( )nstallation of

the FTP lient softare is straightforard and typial of Eindo Appliations( 0efer to the folloing link for the omplete

installation steps on the offiial FileGilla site


Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated forthe +ser in the FTP Server

gto+ an aess the FTP Program+sing the men+ path

indo G All Pro6rams G Fileilla FTP Client G FileDilla

Figure -A0 + $xecuting the FTP lient


)n order to aess the FTP 2sers diretoryyo+ ill need to reate a profile to aess aess it( gto+ do this by going to the

men+ path

File G Site ana6er222


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 12: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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+se the keyboard short+t of CTL K S

o lik on the e Site b+ttonto reate the Profile for onneting o+r +ser to the FTP Server( ampive it a name7)n o+r ase

it is FTP(ltSE8(

Figure -)0 + reating a ne1 Profile

using the Site Manager

n the right side of site7s8 treeyo+ ill find all settings for logging into the FTP +ser( The ampeneral tab is the most is the

most +sed tab for setting +p FTP redential settings like -ostPortltser Passord e(t(( These are the settings that

ere sethile setting +p the FTP +ser and diretory in the FTP Server( gto+ an also onnet to this profile +sing the

Connet b+tton(

Figure -0 + Setting up ogin

redentials for the Profile

Figure -0 + onnecting to the FTP


1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

After setting +p the profile in the Site manageryo+ an no +ikly onnet to it +sing the profile dropdonhih ontains a

list of all profilereated for different FTP 2sers( J+st selet it from the drop don and selet the +ser to onnet to it( )f the

ask for passord option as seletedhile setting +p the profilethe +ser ill be prompted to enter in the passord( After

s+essf+l onnetionthe +sers home 1iretory is shon on the left hand sidein the Loal Site setion( gto+ an also

hek the FileGilla FTP server as ell to see the log of hether the +ser as s+essf+lly onneted or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 13: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Accessing the Site

anager dropdo1n for directl8

connecting to the profile

Figure -)0 + Successfull8 logging

in to the FTP User

Figure -0 + User onnection

log in the FTP Ser6er

Sample program for onneting from an SAP Server to an FTPserver3Senario Type 4 Front5nd6

Typially yo+ reate programs that either +pload data to an FTP Server from an SAP System or gto+ read a file already

+ploaded to an FTP Server in an SAP System e(t(( gto+ typially +se the folloing f+ntions for Comm+niation beteen an

SAP system and an FTP Server

I FTP(=(T)(SEE7SAP to an FTP Server8

I FTP(SEE(T)(=7FTP to an SAP System8

7A82ploading a te9t file from an SAP system to an FTP Server ithSAP 1ata

Before yo+ an proeed ith the +poming real orld sample programs for FTP programming that follomake s+re that yo+

have orretly set+p the FTP Server based on the topis mentioned belo

bull Setting 2p an FTP Server

bull Creating a 2ser in the FTP Server

bull Setting +p a diretory for a 2ser reated in the FTP Server

bull )nstalling the FTP Client Softare

bull Setting +p the FTP Client Softare to aess the 1iretory reated for the +ser in the FTP Server

bull 1iretly onneting to the 2ser after setting it +p in the Site anager

Ehen yo+ are orking ith an FTP Server deployed loally on yo+r mahineyo+ sho+ld +se the SAPFTP 0FC

1estinationfor front end omm+niation(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 14: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill e9trat the ontents of the SFLH-T table in an internal tableTransfer the

ontents of the )nternal table to be +ploaded to the FTP server in the form of a te9t file+sing the FTP(=(T)(SEE

f+ntion mod+le(

( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

for the Frontend SAP to FTP

file upload progra

Figure -)0 + SAPFTP Frontend

in case of ocal Ser6er

9First tie propt

Figure -0 + FTP ounications

og essages in the FTP


Figure -0 + Final Text file

Generated 6ia the FTP Progra

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 15: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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So+re Code for 2ploading a te9t file to an FTP Server based on1ATA from the SAP System3Front5nd6




M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 SAP to FTP program for +ploading data from an SAP system

M to an FTP server in te9t file format

M Completed on 4 Oth April $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5A


05P0T Gftpfendasaptoftp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend omm+niatio

ns7Loal Connetions8 (

S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an already

onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the onneted FTP session


itsflight TgtP5 STA1A01 TABL5 F sflightFinal )nternal table to be +ploaded as a Te9t file on an FTP Server

asflight L)5 L)5 F itsflight(

1ata begin of itfinal o+rs $


end of itfinal

afinal like line of itfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd host 4 pahost

rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

S5L5CT arrid onnid fldate planetype seatsma9 seatso

F0 sflight

)T C005SP1)amp F)5L1S F asflight(

APP51 asflight to itsflight(

Final )nternal table ith a String

onatenate asflight-arrid asflight-onnid asflight-fldate asflight-planetype asflight-seatsma9 asflight-


into afinal-str S5PA0AT51 Bgt (

APP51 afinal to itfinal(


1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78( e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 sy-dat+m e9tension )T path (

CALL F2CT) FTP(=(T)(SEEFor Creating a file from SAP 0 to FTP Server


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

haratermode 4


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table to be ritten to the te9t file in the FTP Servers 1iretory


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 1827

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 1927

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2027

CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2127

aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 17: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 1727

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord fieldat seletion-sreen o+tp+t(

loop at sreen(

if sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

modify sreen(



7B80eading a te9t file from an FTP Server bak to an SAP System

ne yo+ have +ploaded the te9t file to the FTP serveryo+ ill also need to provide a mehanism to read that te9t file bak

into SAP( This is +sef+l for appliations that reate log files or data files and they need to be read bak in SAP for reporting

p+rposes( This is ahieved by +sing a standard f+ntion mod+le named FTP(SEE(T)(=for reading FTP data bak

to SAP(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to read the log or te9t file +ploaded via the previo+s program to an FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill read the ontents of the file +ploaded to an FTP server in the form of string

based internal table(The ontents of the file ill be read +sing the FTP(SEE(T)(= f+ntion mod+le(

( The ontents of the file ill be mapped to an internal tableso that it an be shon in an ALD report(

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 1827

Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 1927

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2027

CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 18: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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Figure -A0 + Selection riteria

frontend FTP to SAP file ead


Figure -)0 + File to e ead

as a6ailale in the FTPSer6er

Figure -0 + Final ead eport

in A including FTP Ser6er og

lthen the File is ead

So+re Code for 0eading a te9t file from an FTP Server into the SAPSystem3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 0eading +ploaded data from an FTP

M Server3Te9t File6 to an SAP System in an )nternal Table

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5B05A1


05P0T Gftpfendbftptosapread STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8 filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2027

CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

TgtP5-PLS slis(ALD

1ATA B5amp) F itfinal CC20S $ Total Length of the data e9trated from the Sflight f ields 4 O haraters


51 F itfinal

afinal L)5 L)5 F itfinal(

1ATA B5amp) F itabfinal CC20S $)nternal table for 1isplaying data from the file in the FTP Server to an SAP System

+sing ALD

arrid TgtP5 L5ampT= arrid type sflight-arrid

onnid TgtP5 L5ampT= onnid type sflight-onnid

fldate TgtP5 L5ampT= $fldate type sflight-fldate

planetype TgtP5 L5ampT= $planetype type sflight-planetype

51 F itabfinal

aitabfinal L)5 L)5 F itabfinal(

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(

mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) -TTP(SCALEFor 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTP(C)ECTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory 5P0T)amp

+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory


e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2027

CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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CALL F2CT) FTP(SEE(T)(=For 0eading a file from the FTP Server to the SAP System


handle 4 mihandle

fname 4 path

BLBL5ampT= 4

haratermode 4 C


te9t 4 itfinalFinal )nternal table That ontains the string from te9t file read from the FTP Server


tpiperror 4

ommanderror 4

dataerror 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $()f File is read S+essf+lly

15L5T5 itfinal E=505 str 4 ()t 0et+rns ith a Blank reord at the endso that the empty string reord is deleted

so that it an be properly mapped to an internal Table

P50F0 map(data(aps data from the FTP file to an )nternal Table

CALL F2CT) FTP(9SC)ECTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

P50F0 sho(data(Shos the data e9trated from the file on the FTP Server in ALD form

5LS5)F sy-s+br QI $()f File is not read s+essf+lly

E0)T5 lt File ot 0ead from the FTP Server(


5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(




M S+b-0o+tine AP1ATA


M 1esription 4 aps the data from the file string to an )nternal

M Table to be displayed as an ALD 0eport


F0 mapdata(

LP AT itfinal )T afinal(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2127

aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2427

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2527

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 21: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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aitabfinal-arrid 4 afinal-str78(

aitabfinal-onnid 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-fldate 4 afinal-strK78(

aitabfinal-planetype 4 afinal-strK7$8(

APP51 aitabfinal T itabfinal(


51F0( AP1ATA


M S+b-0o+tine S=E1ATA


M 1esription 4 1isplays the data loaded from the te9t file in the FTP

M Server to an )nternal Table in ALD Form


F0 shodata(

1ATA fieldatalog TgtP5 slistfieldatalv E)T= =5A150 L)5(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 CA00)1( f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airline Code(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 C)1(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight Connetion +mber(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 FL1AT5(

fieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Flight date(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

fieldatalog-fieldname 4 PLA5TgtP5(

f ieldatalog-selte9tl 4 Airraft Type(

fieldatalog-tabname 4 )TABF)AL(

fieldatalog-o+tp+tlen 4 $(

APP51 fieldatalog T fieldatalog(

CL5A0 fieldatalog(

1ATA islayo+t TgtP5 slislayo+talv

gdrepid L)5 sy-repid (

speifying alv layo+t

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2227

CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2327



55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2427

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2527

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



Page 22: The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2227

CL5A0 islayo+t(

islayo+t-olidthoptimiGe 4 (

islayo+t-Gebra 4 (

gdrepid 4 sy-repid(

CALL F2CT) 052S5ALDamp0)11)SPLAgt


))T50FAC5C=5C 4

)BgtPASS)ampB2FF50 4

)B2FF50ACT)D5 4

iallbakprogram 4 gdrepid






itfieldat 4 fieldatalog36

istr+t+rename 4 NP0T

)BACamp021)1 4

igridtitle 4 FTP File 0ead 0eport

)amp0)1S5TT)ampS 4

islayo+t 4 islayo+t

)TF)5L1CAT 4

)T5CL21)amp 4

)TSP5C)ALamp02PS 4

)TS0T 4

)TF)LT50 4

)SS5L=)15 4

idefa+lt 4

isave 4 A

)SDA0)AT 4

)T5D5TS 4

)T5D5T5)T 4

)SP0)T 4

)S05P05P)1 4

)SC055STA0TCL2 4 $

)SC055STA0TL)5 4 $ )SC05551CL2 4 $

)SC05551L)5 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=TTP 4 $

)=TL=5)amp=T51 4 $

)TALDamp0AP=)CS 4

)T=gtP50L) 4

)TA11F)5L1CAT 4

)T5C5PTR)F 4

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2327



55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2427

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2527

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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55)TCA2S51BgtCALL50 4

5S5)TCA2S51Bgt2S50 4


to+ttab 4 itabfinal 5C5PT)S

programerror 4

T=50S 4


)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 sy-msgid TgtP5 sy-msgty 2B50 sy-msgno

E)T= sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv sy-msgv(


51F0( S=E1ATA

7C81eleting a file from an FTP Server

gto+ an also delete files +ploaded to an FTP Server( To ahieve thisyo+ an make +se of the FTP(C)A9 f+ntion

mod+le for seeking o+t the list of files in the +rrent FTP diretory and also for deleting the speifi file in the 1iretory( =ere

yo+ ill need to make +se of the FTPCA1 f+ntion ith a ommand of deletehih is +sed for deleting files from

the +rrent orking diretory of the FTP Server( gto+ ill need to onatenate the name of the f ile ith the delete ommand

separated by a spae and pass it to the ommand parameter(


I )f there is no rite aess to the FTP =ome diretorythan yo+ might get errors ith regards to deleting a fileso do

maks+re that rite aess is enabled( see the setion on setting +p the FTP Server for more details(

The sample program that follosill perform the folloing steps

( 2ser ill f ill in FTP +ser redentials in )np+t Parameters like ltser PassordFTP P Address and FC


( 2ser ill fill in the date parameter to delete the file based on the naming onvention hen these files ere reated

on the FTP Server(

( )t ill sramble the passord entered via the -TTP(SCALE F+ntion od+le(

( )t ill then onnet to the FTP server via the FTP(C)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

( After a s+essf+l onnetion it ill onatenate the delete ommand ith the file name and pass it to the f+ntion

mod+le named FTP(C)A9 for deleting the file off the FTP Server( This deletion of file ill be arried o+t if the9elete

File hekbo9 is he5ed(

( A list report like log ill be generated after the ommand has been e9e+ted hether it as s+essf+l or not(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2427

O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2527

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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O( Finallyit ill disonnet from the FTP Connetion session+sing the FTP(9SC)ECT f+ntion mod+le(

Figure -A0 + File to e eleted

on FTP Ser6er

Figure -)0 + Selection riteria

of the FTP file deletion progra

Figure -0 + og after Successful

File eletion

Figure -0 + File eleted fro

the (oe irector8 of FTPSer6er

So+re Code for 1eleting a te9t file from an FTP Server via theFTPCA1 F+ntion od+le3Front5nd6





M 1eveloper 4 Fahad Javed

M od+le 4 ABAP

M Library 2sed 4 SAPFTP

M 1esription 4 FTP to SAP program for 1eleting a file from an FTP Server

M based on date seletion of the generated file

M Completed on 4 th J+ne $

M Transation Code 4 NSFF5C15L5T5


05P0T Gftpfendftptosapdelete STA1A01 PAamp5 =5A1)amp(

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2527

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

S5L5CT)-SC055 B5amp) F BLC a E)T= F0A5 T)TL5 te9t-$$(


pa+ser TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gtFTP Server 2ser

papsrd TgtP5 L5ampT= $ LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt FTP Server 2sers Passord

pahost TgtP5 L5ampT= LE50 CAS5 BL)ampAT0gt)P Address of the FTP Server

parfds L)5 rfdes-rfdest BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT SAPFTP 0FC 1estinationSAPFTP for Frontend

omm+niations7Loal Connetions8

filedt TgtP5 sy-dat+m BL)ampAT0gt 15FA2LT sy-dat+m The 1ate hen the file as +ploaded to FTP Server

filedel type as C=5CB


S5L5CT)-SC055 51 F BLC a(


mikey TgtP5 i DAL25 $O=ardoded =andler eyThis is alays $O

mipdlen TgtP5 i For finding the length of the PassordThis is +sed hen srambling the passord

mihandle TgtP5 i(=andle for Pointing to an alerady onneted FTP onnetion+sed for s+bse+ent ations on the

onneted FTP session

FTP Comm+niation 1ata bHets - 3516

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3STA0T6

data begin of res+lt o+rs $

line7$$8 type

end of res+lt(


ompress type DAL25

fldelm type length $(File deletion ommand along ith the file path to file

File 1eletion 1ata bHets - 3516

S5T 5T5151 C=5C FF(mipdlen 4 ST0L57 papsrd 8(

CALL F2CT) =TTPSC0ABL5For 5nrypting the Passord


S20C5 4 papsrd

so+relen 4 mipdlen

key 4 mikey


destination 4 papsrd(

CALL F2CT) FTPC5CTFor onneting to the FTP Servers +ser diretory


+ser 4 pa+ser

passord 4 papsrd

host 4 pahost

=ST 4 O($($()P address of the FTP Server(in ase if it is onfig+red as a te9thost name is ase


rfdestination 4 parfds 2sing the Bakgro+nd SAP FTP Library as part of the SAP bakend System


handle 4 mihandle

8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2627


notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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notonneted 4

T=50S 4 (

)F sy-s+br 4 $(Ehen FTP onnetion established S+essf+lly

1ATA path78 (Path that points to the FTP 2sers =ome 1iretory

1ATAe9tension78(59tension of the file

e9tension 4 (1AT (

CCAT5AT5 ltFTPBACamp021F)L5 filedt e9tension )T path (

P50F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(1eletes the seleted file from the FTP Server

CALL F2CT) FTP1)SC5CTFor 1isonneting the onneted FTP Session


handle 4 mihandle


T=50S 4 (

all f+ntion 0FCC5CT)CLS5


destination 4 parfds


others 4 (

5LS5(Ehen FTP onnetion Fails

E0)T5 lt 5rror in FTP Command(



M S+b-0o+tine FTPF)L515L5T5


M 1esription 4 1eletes the File residing on the FTP Server

M ith the seleted file based on the date parameter


F0 FTPF)L515L5T5(

if filedel 4 (1elete filehen heked

CCAT5AT5 delete path into fldelm S5PA0AT51 Bgt spae(1eletion Command K file Path



=A1L5 4 mihandle

ommand 4 fldelm

CP05SS 4 ompress

D50)Fgt 4


F)L5S)N5 4

F)L51AT5 4

F)L5T)5 4


data 4 res+lt


8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullthe-sapftp-library-ftp-programming-in-abap 2727

TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(



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8192019 The SAPFTP Library - FTP Programming in ABAP

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TCP)P5000 4

CA15000 4

1ATA5000 4

T=50S 4


For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3STA0T6 loop at res+lt(

rite at lt res+lt-line(


refresh res+lt(

For riting in the ommands e9e+ted d+ring FTP peration - 3516

)F sy-s+br QI $(

5SSAamp5 )1 Sgt-Samp)1 TgtP5 Sgt-SampTgt 2B50 Sgt-Samp

E)T= Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD Sgt-SampD(


else(dont delete file hen +nheked

endif(File 1eletion Parameter hek


For 1isabling data typed in the FTP 2sers passord field

AT S5L5CT)-SC055 2TP2T(

LP AT SC055(

)F sreen-name 4 PAPSE01(

sreen-invisible 4 (

1)Fgt SC055(

