the phoenix quarterly -...

Laredo ISD Volume 2, Issue 3 March 18, 2019 The Phoenix Quarterly H.J. Garcia Early College High School By: Derly Rojo This year Hector J. Garcia Early College High School hosted a school pledge contest. The contest consisted of students or a group of participants composing a spirited school pledge. The group or in- dividual that came up with the best pledge would win; their pledge will forever be a part of our school. There were 13 groups/participants, and the final vote came down to 5 contestants. Through a school-wide vote, and a winning pair were an- nounced. The two winners of the Phoenix Pledge Contest are sen- iors: Fransico Colugna and Maria Fuentes. These two students wrote a pledge that shows our school unity and pride. The following are the words to the Phoenix Pledge: As the might Phoenix that we are, We come together as one. Our dreams con- tinue to light With the flames of knowledge that ignite. Draped in ma- roon and silver, We pledge to uphold our values: Respect, integ- rity, and commitment– All which make us val- uable. We continue our journey With our heads held high. We are the might Phoenix of Garcia Early College High. We wontgive up without a fight. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Physics 101 2 Better Resume 2 Intramurals 3 TAMIU Places 3 Traveling 101 4 Daily Dose 5 South Korea 5 Reviews 6-7 Govt. Shutdown 7 Words to8 Special Thanks 8 A GECHS FIRST: A SCHOOL PLEDGE VALENTINES DAY: REAL OR COMMERCIAL? By: Naydine De La Fuente Valentines Day is a holiday where eve- ryone can share their love for their companions and close friends and families, but has this day lost its true meaning? Valentines has been around for centu- ries and its origin started when a man named St. Valentine started sending letters to his loved one signed from St. Valentine. He would also secretly marry couples to keep their partners from going to war. This is why we celebrate love on Valentines Day; however, in recent genera- tions, we have lost this lovely message by show- ing the meaning of love with gifts and presents instead of actually doing something meaningful for those we care for. We can see ads displayed for gifts pro- moting this holiday of love and cheesy commer- cials of couplesgifting each other expensive jewelry and presents. Although receiving nice things can be a nice gesture, it is sadly just an item that in time will lose its sentiment. Here at GECHS we hope to not spread around gifts and presents on Valentines day but instead a mean- ingful message of love.

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Page 1: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College

Laredo ISD Volume 2, Issue 3

March 18, 2019

The Phoenix Quarterly

H.J. Garcia Early College High School

By: Derly Rojo

This year Hector J. Garcia Early College High School hosted a school pledge contest. The contest consisted of students or a group of participants composing a spirited school pledge.

The group or in-dividual that came up with the best pledge would win; their pledge will forever be a part of our school. There were 13 groups/participants, and the final vote came down to 5 contestants. Through a school-wide vote, and a winning pair were an-nounced.

The two winners

of the Phoenix Pledge Contest are sen-iors: Fransico Colugna and Maria Fuentes. These two students wrote a pledge that shows our school unity and pride.

The following are the words to the Phoenix Pledge:

As the might Phoenix that we are, We come together as one. Our dreams con-tinue to light With the flames of knowledge that ignite.

Draped in ma-roon and silver, We pledge to uphold our values: Respect, integ-

rity, and commitment– All which make us val-uable.

We continue our journey With our heads held high. We are the might Phoenix of Garcia Early College High. We wont’ give up without a fight.


Physics 101 2

Better Resume 2

Intramurals 3

TAMIU Places 3

Traveling 101 4

Daily Dose 5

South Korea 5

Reviews 6-7

Govt. Shutdown 7

Words to… 8

Special Thanks 8



By: Naydine De La Fuente Valentine’s Day is a holiday where eve-ryone can share their love for their companions and close friends and families, but has this day lost its true meaning? Valentines has been around for centu-ries and its origin started when a man named St. Valentine started sending letters to his loved one signed from St. Valentine. He would also secretly marry couples to keep their partners from going to war. This is why we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day; however, in recent genera-tions, we have lost this lovely message by show-ing the meaning of love with gifts and presents

instead of actually doing something meaningful for those we care for. We can see ads displayed for gifts pro-moting this holiday of love and cheesy commer-cials of “couples” gifting each other expensive jewelry and presents. Although receiving nice things can be a nice gesture, it is sadly just an item that in time will lose its sentiment. Here at GECHS we hope to not spread around gifts and presents on Valentine’s day but instead a mean-ingful message of love.

Page 2: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College

By: Mayra Carreon

Our high school journey has many classes ranging from Algebra I to Anatomy. One of the many classes is Physics.

Believe it or not, Physics is everywhere we look. It may look and sound difficult, but it is easy if each student actually tries.

Here at Garcia Early College High School, we have an excellent Physics teacher-Mrs. L. Madriaga. I have three very important tips on how to survive high school Physics.

Tip #1: If you ever struggle with any lesson, whether it is velocity or pro-jectiles, stay for tutorials. Even after asking question after question, the lesson sometimes does not quite make sense. That is why I recom-mend to stay after school for extra help.

Tip #2: When any vocabulary terms are assigned, make sure to study them, because they will most defi-nitely come out in the test.

Tip #3: When Mrs. Madriaga says to learn the formulas, LEARN THEM. They are more important than you think.

By: Andrea Ortiz

Throughout your high school years, it is best to start as early as possible when building your re-sume, so here are some easy tips to stand out from the rest:

Internships and Shadowing! These two concepts are a great way to network, gain experi-ence in a certain field, learn new skills, and much more. There are many benefits to exposing yourself to these types of opportunities and adding them along to your re-sume.

Outside activities! Early Col-lege provides many opportu-nities but do not limit yourself there. Involve yourself in a local sports team, take certifi-cation courses locally or

online, or join a youth group. The more well – rounded you are, the better your resume.

Summer part-time jobs! Re-sumes often refer to any work-ing experiences but it is some-times difficult to focus on school when working. So, a summer part time job is the best option to build a better resume.




Photo by: Mayra Carreon

Page 3: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College



By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College High School kicked off the 2019 school year by hosting its annual intramurals at the TAMIU recreation center. Multiple teams from all grade levels were encouraged to com-pete in order to win the tournaments held by the school. The two tourna-ments that were open to Early College students were the co-ed volleyball tournament and the all girls volleyball tourna-ment. The first days of the tournament were spent on the co-ed tour-nament, and they were

soon followed by the girl’ volleyball tournament. Students and faculty from campus were encouraged to watch, even if they chose not to participate; the bleachers were filled with fans cheering for their respected grade level’s team. The co-ed vol-leyball tournament re-sulted in a Junior team winning, while a team of freshmen won the all girls volleyball tourna-ment. The winners of the tournament were rewarded with a intra-murals championship shirt, and pictures of them were placed on the televisions throughout

Garcia Early College.

By: Elisama Mancillas

A common thing amongst to-day’s society is not knowing what we have to use at our advantage. College courses are very tasking and will at one point require you to conduct research on a topic. When it comes to this mo-ment you can go to the TAMIU Killam Library to look for any information possible. The Killam Library isn’t just limited to books; it provides access to computers, printers, any necessary for of information. The part that most of the stu-dents here at Early College is the Great Room. The Great Room is the perfect place to go and study in a quiet peace-ful environment. This is also the per-

fect place to go during your off-time to take a nap in one of their many couch-es. The most commonly used as-pect of the Killam Library is their Star-bucks. All students, disregarding of age, go to Starbucks to pick-up a quick snack or a drink to lift their energy. If you are wondering where the library is located it is nestled between Bob Bull-ock Hall and Cowart Hall.


TAMIU Killam Library Photos by: Elisama Mancillas

Above: Winners of Intramurals

Below: Students having fun @ intramurals

Photos Courtesy of: Coach Losoya

Page 4: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College


By: Jacquelin Bautista

Who would be crazy enough to get on a plane? Better ques-tion who would do it for more than 10 hours? The answer to both is me!

However, it was not just one flight. It was a series of flights in to travel from Laredo, TX all the way to Seoul, South Korea.

Now that was quite the journey and a bit of time travel. There are so many things that I will and will not do again. The first piece of advice is the clothing you choose to wear.

No matter where you are going, TSA in the states makes you remove your shoes, so if you are wearing something with complicated laces or shoes that are diffi-cult to remove all you are doing is holding up

the line!

My next piece of advice is for the pre-flight shopping which is to choose a neck pil-low that YOU like. It is a crucial piece when traveling because I speak from experi-ence, my neck pillow was way too firm for me.

Another crucial purchase is compres-sion socks; they are the best. Who wants to get off a long flight with swollen feet? NO ONE! It is the worst because it hurts walk-ing with swollen feet.

My next piece of advice is to walk around 1-2 hrs. before your long flight be-cause I surely regret-

ted it my first time

Now I can be a picky eater, so some piece of advice for my fellow picky eaters when you are asked what you want to eat always go for the chicken option. Every

airline has one and chicken is one of those things that no matter how it is cooked it will still be semi-appetizing.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when traveling.


Inflight picture

Photo by: Jacquelin Bautista

Page 5: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College

By: Denise Martinez

Welcome back to your Daily

Dose of Denise, going over our three

issues, first the topic involving the con-

spiracy theory of why Trump is

“TRULY” setting a wall on our border, a

helpful tip on adding shelf-life to our

favorite food, and a possible cata-

strophic collision between galaxies.

Theories: What makes our

minds spin out of control by overthink-

ing. The theory on what Trump is plan-

ning for the border is that the wall is

not to keep criminals or Mexicans out,

it is for the new world that the illumina-

ti is supposedly going to build by keep-

ing a closed off society. Additionally,

the photo below is of a man speaking

about the wall, and wearing a freema-

son pin, so this adds to how the freema-

sons want to keep the U.S. locked to

establish martial law, confiscate arms,

create FEMA camps, and murder indis-


Trying to rescue our favorite

foods have been a problem since before

our parents’ time. As a result of failing

to rescue our favorite foods, there has

been a spoilage of tons of food around

the world. CNN explains how scientists,

with the funding of Bill Gates, have

made a special coating that will now

make food last longer. The way this

coating is made is by gathering oils of

the specific food, turning it into powder,

and later mixing it into water that will

be sprayed on the food. With this new

invention, people will have time to con-

sume their favorite foods leisurely and

avoid mass waste around the world.

Lastly, according to CNN, our

galaxy is ex-

pected to have a

massive collision

with another gal-

axy. Our galaxy,

as we know it, is

the “Milky Way

Galaxy”, and the

galaxy that will

collide with ours

is called “Andromeda Galaxy”. It is esti-

mated to happen in 8 billion years, alt-

hough, astronomers believe it may be

happen sooner.




By: Jacquelin Bautista

Where is South

Korea? Who are all these

Korean Artists? Why is

everyone into Korean

Dramas nowadays?

I joined the craze

in order to find out what

it was all about. Although

there is a clear language

barrier between us, that

doesn’t stop their music

and television shows

from being great.

Now this isn’t all

South Korea is about so

now let’s jump into their

culture and the country

itself. Koreans are all po-

lite and will try to help

you whenever they get

the chance because that’s

just the way they are

taught. In any other

country dropping your

wallet on the streets

means its lost forever,

but in Korea someone

walking 10-20 feet be-

hind you will run to your

rescue just to get it back

to you. One thing to also

always keep in mind if

you travel to SK is to bow

to everyone you meet as

it is a sign of respect.

Page 6: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College



By: Jazmine Rivera The film and novel by John Green, The Fault In Our Stars, was a mark in teen literature for many teenagers and was popular for its storyline. There are many fac-tors between the film and novel that are dissimilar and yet the same. The way that they are por-trayed is very important as well. The main charac-ters are Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace. It is a story that lures readers in and allows them to relate to the characters’ strug-gles at normalcy. The differences be-tween the film and novel vary. From the portrayal of the characters to the meaning of the title not being mentioned. To begin with, Augustus is not portrayed well enough in the movie as he is throughout the novel. He

is cocky and sensitive in the film, yet in the book he suffers more visibly. Also, the many times where he described as a vulnerable teenager are not displayed in the film that much. The meaning of the title is not explained in the film at all. The title is from Shakespeare and is described by John Green. Aside from those few factors, there’s also simi-larities between the film and novel. The dialogue is almost the same as the

novel and as well as the drastic occurrences. The use of the phrase “Okay? Okay, ” is used in both of them. The symbolic ciga-rette is also used and is shown greatly in the film as it was in the book.


By: Valeria Perez

Wondering what to hear? Looking for something that’s worthy of your time? Bored of watching the same type of shows that you can't seem to catch up with? Well, maybe it’s time you try something a little differ-ent. Hosted by Meghna Chakrabarti, New York’s

Time’s, Modern Love is an intriguing podcast full of short stories that in Chakrabarti own words talk about “love, loss, and redemption.” The podcast is really interesting they usually end with a learned lesson which relates to the audience at some point depending on which story explored. After this, they do a follow-up interview with the author of the sto-ry, the reader, and the edi-tor of the New York Times. The follow-up in-terviews made the story better because it provides

more insight into the story the aftermath and what was going through their mind when going through that experience, and we also get different opinions that make us think more about the story to see it in a different way from our own view of it. All in all, this an amazing podcast that shares stories that teach lessons about life in gen-eral and fascinates the audience into hearing more with the careful picking of the stories.

Page 7: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College

By: Danna Moreno

December 22,

2018 marked the beginning

of the longest government

shutdown in U.S. history.

According to The New York

Times, the government

shutdown occurred after

White House officials failed

to compromise over Presi-

dent Trump’s demands for

the $5.7 billion dollars to

fund the border wall.

Although the long-

est government shutdown

in the nation’s history, it is

no the first. The concept of

shutting down the govern-

ment is actually fairly com-

monplace with most mod-

ern-day presidents. Presi-

dent Trump’s decision

caused an uproar amongst

the masses after House

Democrats and liberal

groups who disagreed with

Trump’s immigration re-

form tactics spoke out.

Speaker of the

House, Nancy Pelosi, took

to twitter to express her

comments on the govern-

ment shutdown and its

progression. The United

States courts reported on

January 16th about their

usage of government fund-

ing through the shutdown.

The report states thirty-

three days into the shut-

down, on January 25,

2019, the federal courts

will run out of funds which

will force a stop to civil cas-

es. This judicial crisis was

averted after President

Trump held an assembly

claiming that he would al-

low for other negotiations

that would propose a tem-

porary relief to all the peo-

ple affected by the shut-


USA Today was

one of the first news

sources to report on the

cooperation between the

U.S. Senate and House of

Representatives on passing

an effective bill to reopen

the government. When the

negotiations for the border

wall funding brought even

more concerns to govern-

ment officials our govern-

ment entered a state of na-

tional emergency.

President Trump’s

declaration sparked more

controversy over the legiti-

macy of declaring the bor-

der wall an emergency. To

this day, the definition of

what can be considered a

national emergency is still





By: Kassandra Rodriguez

Fight My Way

Rating: 4/5


The characters are

Ko Dong Man (Park Seo

Joon) has always dreamed

of becoming famous as a

taekwondo athlete but now

works as a contract employ-

ee in a mundane job.

His bickering long-

time friend, Choi Ae Ra

(Kim Ji Won), aspires to

become a television anchor

but works instead at the

information desk of a de-

partment store. Their

friends, Kim Joo Man (Ahn

Jae Hong), and Baek Seol

Hee (Song Ha Yoon) have

been dating for six years but

face a new threat to their


Personal Comment:

The drama is a

good show to watch for Feb-

ruary as it has romance and

hardships. It’s bittersweet

but when the good things

happen it feels worthwhile

that your heart soars. It gets

worse before it gets better.

The actors portrayed their

characters very well that

they’ve become memorable.

It also gives life lessons in

adulthood and sometimes

realistic type of situations.

The martial artist

struggles at first before mak-

ing a win. The announcer

faces many rejections before

being able to showcase her

abilities. However, its never

easy reaching your dreams.

Page 8: The Phoenix Quarterly - · INTRAMURALS AT ITS BEST 3 By: Frank Caballero Garcia Early College

Words to remember...

If you want to succeed you

should strike out on new

paths, rather than travel the

worn paths of accepted suc-


—John D. Rockefeller

This issue is dedicated to Dr. Pablo Trevino. His

generous donation helped pay for the Phoenix

Quarterly’s page in the school’s year book. Once

again, thank you Dr. Pablo Trevino for your kind


Dr. Pablo Trevino Jr., DPM

6419 Polaris Drive #1A, Laredo, TX 78041