the parish of resurrection-ascensionjul 26, 2020  · the parish of resurrection-ascension 85-25...

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday: 9am Saturday Vigil: 4pm Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish) Masses are also livestreamed on our website and Facebook

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Page 1: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374

(718) 424-5212

Mass Schedule

Monday-Saturday: 9am

Saturday Vigil: 4pm

Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am and 12:30pm (Spanish)

Masses are also livestreamed on our website and Facebook

Page 2: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:


Letter from our pastor on this Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Friends, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the internet website Ebay. It’s basically a way people can purchase all sorts of items in an online “auction,” and it all takes place through the convenience of your comput-er. Almost anything can be placed into auction. And, as in other auctions, people can enter bids as they wish, raising their bid as they try to win the particular item. But you have to know your limits…how much are you willing to spend to win the auction? How valuable is the item to you…how much do you want or need it? These are important, sensible questions. The parables in today’s Gospel invite us to realize just how valuable, how precious is the Kingdom, and how important is our life with God! Jesus says that it is worth all that we have, like the treasure hidden in the field, or that one really valuable pearl. We should give all that we have to obtain it! Do we give that much importance to our spiritual lives, do we make that kind of commitment? There are so many responsibilities, chores, concerns and interests which compete for our attention—and Jesus does not expect us to ignore everything else. But the challenge is, today and every day, to devote time and energy to our faith, to our life in the Spirit, to the Kingdom—the goal of our lives. Place a bid today! Peace and blessings, Father Tom +++++

Carta de nuestro párroco en este décimo-séptimo domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Queridos amigos, No sé si ustedes conocen el sitio web Ebay. Básicamente es una forma en que las personas pueden com-prar o vender todo tipo de artículos en una "subasta" en línea, y todo se realiza a través de la comodidad de su computadora. Casi cualquier cosa se puede poner en subasta. Y, como en otras subastas, las perso-nas pueden hacer ofertas según lo deseen, aumentándolas, tratando de obtener el artículo de su interés. Pero, como en todo, tenemos que conocer nuestros límites ... ¿cuánto estamos dispuestos a gastar para ganar la subasta? ¿Qué tan valioso es el artículo para nosotros ... cuánto lo queremos o lo necesitamos? Estas son preguntas importantes y lógicas. ¡Las parábolas en el Evangelio de hoy nos invitan a reflexionar cuán valioso, cuán precioso es el Reino de Dios y cuánto valoramos nuestra relación con Dios! Jesús dice que vale todo lo que tenemos, como el tesoro escondido en el campo, o como esa perla realmente valiosa. ¡Debemos dar todo lo que tenemos para obtenerlo! ¿Le damos la debida importancia a nuestras vidas espirituales, hacemos ese tipo de compromiso? Tene-mos tantas responsabilidades, tantas tareas, muchas preocupaciones e innumerables intereses que compi-ten por nuestra atención, y Jesús no espera que ignoremos todo lo demás. Pero nuestro desafío es, hoy y todos los días, el dedicar tiempo y energía a nuestra fe, a nuestra vida en el Espíritu, al Reino de Dios, que es la meta fundamental de nuestras vidas. ¡Hagan una buena oferta hoy! Paz y bendiciones, Padre Tom

Page 3: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:



Virtual Registration

We are now accepting virtual registration for the

2020-2021 school year. Here is how!

Go to our website,,

and click on Prospective Parents. There is a link in

step 1 that allows you to fill out an application. Af-

ter you fill out an application, someone from the

school will call you to give information and answer

any questions. If you would like to register, we will

tell you what your next steps will be. The website

can give you a great deal of information about our

school, including an Early Childhood video. We

hope to hear from you soon!


There is an urgent need for blood donations in our area and the New York Blood Center is

asking for help. St. Margaret Church, 66-05 79 Place, Middle Village, will be sponsoring a

BLOOD DRIVE on Sunday, August 16, 2020 from 9am until 3pm in the Parish Hall. Please

consider giving the gift of life by making a blood donation.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, donors are required to schedule an appointment for this

Blood Drive by calling 800-933-2566 or go to

schedule/273079. Walk ins will only be accommodated if social distancing can be main-


DONACIONES DE SANGRE EN LA IGLESIA ST MARGARET Hay una necesidad urgente de donaciones de sangre en nuestra área y el Centro de Sangre de Nueva York está pidiendo ayuda. La iglesia de St. Margaret, localizada en 66-05 79 Place en Middle Village, patrocinará una COLECTA DE DONACIONES DE SANGRE el domingo 16 de agosto de 2020 de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial. Por favor considere dar el don de la vida haciendo una donación de sangre. Debido a las restricciones de COVID-19, los donantes deben programar una cita con antici-pación llamando al 1-800-933-2566 o visitando la página web Https://

Las donaciones sin cita previa solo serán aceptadas si se puede mantener el distanciamiento

social necesario. Muchas gracias por su consideración.

Page 4: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:


Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the

Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to re-

ceive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacra-

mentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and

unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.

Oración para la Comunión Espiritual

Creo, Jesús mío, que estás real

y verdaderamente en el cielo

y en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.

Te amo sobre todas las cosas

y deseo vivamente recibirte

dentro de mi alma,

pero no pudiendo hacerlo

ahora sacramentalmente, ven al menos

espiritualmente a mi corazón.

Y como si ya te hubiera recibido,

te acojo y me uno del todo a Ti.

Señor, no permitas que jamás me aparte de Ti.


To make a donation to our church, just text the word ‘Sunday’ to 517-500-5212 to easily make your gift. You can also just point your camera at this QR code for a quick link: As always, you are in our prayers!

Para hacer una donación a nuestra iglesia, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Sunday" al 517-500-5212 para hacer fácilmente su donación También puede enfocar su cámara hacia este código QR para un enlace rápido: Como siempre, oramos por usted!

Rectory: 61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374 (718) 424-5212 Rectory Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-noon & 1-5pm Inquiries can also be submitted through our website Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas G. Pettei, Pastor Rev. Richard Conlon, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Robert J. Thelen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider Msgr. Denis Herron, In Residence Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music Mrs. Joann Heppt, Academy Principal Mr. Jason Velazquez, Faith Formation Mrs. Ana Puente, Pastoral Associate Mr. James Shearer, Youth Minister

Rectory Staff Debbie Gross, Receptionist [email protected], or ext 10 Heather Belon, Bookkeeper [email protected], or ext 12 Cathy Mesa, Tuition Officer/ Receptionist [email protected], or ext 16 Andrea Martinez, Sunday receptionist

Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy (718) 426-4963 [email protected]

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place once a month*. Please call the Rectory for schedules and infor-mation on registration.

The Sacrament of Marriage- please call the Rectory for scheduling*. According to Diocesan policy, arrange-ments must be made six months in advance.

Religious Education/Faith Formation please kindly

call Jason Velazquez at (929) 274-1627, or email

[email protected].

Page 5: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

Religious Education News

Registration is open for the 2020 - 2021 year

All children who attend public and private schools -grades 1-8- are encouraged to register for our Faith Formation program. We offer classes at every grade level on an on-going basis before and after the reception of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. As we plan for the upcoming academic year, we will be following the diocesan guidelines for the safety and well-being of all involved. We are prepared to offer a “blended” learning model for religious education. This model allows religious educa-tion to be done in different formats: in-person classes at the parish, distance learning at-home via Zoom, Google classroom or other electronic program, or a “blended” method combining in person and at home instruction. If in-person sessions are allowed, we would have all safety protocols in place. Classes may not meet every week and sessions will probably be short-er to decrease the risk of contagion. We are here to help you educate and form your children in the faith, so that they may experience God’s love during these stressful times. As we implement a new way of learning, there will be challenges along the way. We ask for your patience and prayers as we navigate these uncharted waters. To register, please download the form, fill it out and send it to us with your check or money order. If you have any ques-tions, please call Jason Velasquez at 718-424-5212 ext.28 or email to [email protected] Our program supplements the religious upbringing of the children by their parents, who are their first and most influential teachers. We work together with the parents to pass down the faith to the children in our community.

Programa de Educación Religiosa

Las inscripciones están abiertas para el ciclo 2020 - 2021

Queridos padres de familia, se insta a que inscriban a sus niños del 1-8 grado para las clases de Formación de Fe. Nosotros

ofrecemos clases en todos los niveles y de forma continua, antes y después de recibir la Primera Confesión, Primera Comu-

nión, y la Confirmación.

Al prepararnos para el próximo año académico, vamos a seguir todas las directrices diocesanas. Estamos planeando ofrecer

un modelo de aprendizaje "combinado" para la educación religiosa. Este modelo permite que la educación religiosa se

realice en diferentes formatos: clases en persona en la parroquia, aprendizaje a distancia en el hogar a través de Zoom,

Google classroom u otro programa electrónico, o un método "combinado" que incluye la instrucción en persona asi como

también instrucción en el hogar. Si las clases in persona son permitidas, tendremos todos los protocolos de seguridad esta-

blecidos. Las clases tal vez no van a ser todas las semanas y las sesiones probablemente serán más cortas para disminuir el

riesgo de contagio.

Estamos aquí para ayudarlos a educar y formar a sus hijos en la fe, para que ellos puedan experimentar el amor de Dios

durante estos tiempos difíciles. A medida que implementemos una nueva forma de aprendizaje, habrá desafíos en el ca-

mino. Le pedimos su paciencia y oraciones mientras navegamos por estas aguas inexploradas.

Para inscribirse, por favor baje el formulario, completarlo y enviarlo a la parroquia con su cheque o money order. Si tiene

alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, llame a Jason Velasquez 718-424-5212 ext.28 o via email a [email protected]

Recuerde que nuestro programa de educación religiosa se complementa con la enseñanza de los padres de familia, quie-

nes son los primeros y más importantes maestros de sus hijos. Nosotros trabajamos junto con ellos para poder inculcar la

fe a los niños de nuestra comunidad.

Page 6: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

Resurrection Ascension Church

Registration Form for Religious Education 2020-2021

61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374

Tel: 718-424-5212 Email: [email protected]


Please print and fill out completely this form, then sign and return to the Religious Education Office.

STUDENT’S INFORMATION (Office Only) Which Class is the Student Registering for?____________________

Last Name: ____________________ First Name: _____________________Middle Name__________________

Date of Birth: ___________Place:_________________ Present Age: _____ Gender: Male _____ Female _____

First Time in Rel. Ed. in our Parish: Yes ___ No _____ If No, previous Religious Ed.? :_____________________

Name of the Parish family belongs to:____________________________________________________________

Student’s Street Address _____________________________Apt. ___ City: ____________ Zip Code: ________

School and Grade in September 2020: ___________________________________________________________

Does the Student have any Special Needs, Disabilities or Health Issues? ________________________________

Medication(s) presently being used by Student: ____________________________________________________

Who has Legal Custody of the Student? __________________________________________________________


1. BAPTISM Name of Church: _________________________________________ Date ____________________

2. FIRST CONFESSION Name of Church: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

3. FIRST COMMUNION Name of Church: _________________________________ Date:__________________

4. CONFIRMATION Name of Church:____________________________________ Date: ___________________

*All Sacramental Certificates are required by the Religious Education Program

Father’s Last Name: ______________ First Name: __________________ Father’s Religion_________________

Father’s Cell #: _________________________E-mail address:________________________________________

Mother’s Last Name: ______________ Maiden Name: _______________Mother’s First Name_______________

Mother’s Religion: _________________________________Mother’s Cell #: _____________________________

Mother’s E-mail address: _____________________________________________________________________


Name of Emergency Contact: _____________________________Relationship to Student: _________________

Page 7: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

Resurrection Ascension Church Registration Form for Religious Education 2020-2021

61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374

Tel: 718-424-5212 Email: [email protected]


Please print and fill out completely this form, then sign and return to the Religious Education Office.


________When class is in session on Sunday, I will pick my child up at Resurrection Ascension School at 12 pm.

________My child has my permission to walk home alone.

For safety and security when school is in session, please designate below other responsible parties who have your authoriza-

tion to pick up your child after class on Saturday or after Mass on Sunday if you are unable to:

Name: ______________________Relationship to child: _______________Phone:________________

Name: ______________________Relationship to child: _______________Phone:________________

Please let us know if there are any custodial issues or anyone who is not allowed to pick up the child from our care or receive

information about the child: ________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________Date:________________

Child Lures Prevention Program Permission

In an attempt to better protect our children, in Jan. 2014, the Child Lures Prevention Program was mandated by Bishop Di Marzio to be presented to chil-

dren who attend a Religious Education Program in the Dioceses of Brooklyn. It is part of the curriculum for all students in Grades K-8. Child Lures Preven-

tion is a program used to empower children to keep themselves safe from all predators who might harm them.

____ Check here only if you DO NOT want your child to participate in the Child Lures Prevention Program.

Names of Siblings in CCD Program? ___________________________________________________________________

Signature of Parent: ____________________________________Registration Date: _____________

*Fee for all the students enrolled in the Sacrament Program: for one student is $100, two siblings is $140 and three siblings is $180.

*Addition fee for First Holy Communion is $50. Only for students in the second year of First Holy Communion.

*Addition fee for Confirmation is $70. Only for students in the second year of Confirmation.

*Please make checks payable to Resurrection-Ascension Religious Education.

For Office Use only:

Tuition received: $_________ Via: Cash ________Check # ________ Date received: _____________

Receipt given: Yes ____ No _____ Receipt# ___________________________________________

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________


Page 8: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

Información del alumno (solo en la oficina) ¿Para qué clase se está registrando el alumno?_______________________

Apellido: __________________________ Nombre: __________________________Segundo Nombre_________________________________

Fecha de Nacimiento _________Lugar:_____________ Edad Actual: _____ Género: Masculino _____ Hembra _____

Primera vez en Rel. Ed. en nuestra parroquia: Si ___ No _____ Si no, ¿ed. Religiosa anterior?:___________________________

El nombre de la familia parroquial pertenece: ___________________________________________________________________________

Direccio n del estudiante ___________________Apt. ___ Ciudad: ____________ co digo postal: _____

Medicamentos utilizados actualmente por el estudiante ___________________________________________________

¿Quie n tiene la custodia legal de esta estudiante?____________________________________________


1. Nombre de la Iglesia del Bautismo:___________________________________ Fecha _____________

2. Nombre de la Iglesia de la Primera Comunion: _______________________________________ Fecha: ___________________

3. Nombre de la Iglesia de la Confirmacion: _____________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________

* Todos los Certificados Sacramentales son requeridos por la Educacio n Religiosa

Apellido del padre: _____________ Nombre: _________________ Religio n del padre ________________

Nu mero celular del padre _________________________ Correo Electronico:__________________________________

Apellido de la madre: _______________ Nombre de soltera: _______________Nombre_________________

Religio n del la madre : _________________________________Número cellular de la madre ____________________

Correo Electronico: _____________________________________________________________________________

Información de Contacto en caso de Emergencia

Dirección de contacto de emergencia: ________________________________ Celda de contacto de emergencia

Resurrection Ascension Church Registration Form for Religious Education 2020-2021

61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374

Tel: 718-424-5212 Email: [email protected]

Page 9: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

Resurrection Ascension Church Registration Form for Religious Education 2020-2021

61-11 85th Street, Rego Park, NY 11374

Tel: 718-424-5212 Email: [email protected]

Correo Electronico: _____________________________________________________________________________

Información de Contacto en caso de Emergencia

Nombre del contacto de emergencia: ___________________________________

Relación con el estudiante: __________________

Dirección de contacto de emergencia: ________________________________

Celda de contacto de emergencia Autorización de despido

___________ Cuando la clase esté en sesión el domingo, recogeré a mi hijo en Resurrection Ascension School a las 12


___________ Mi hijo(a) tiene mi permiso para caminar sola a casa.

Nombre: __________________________________________ Relación al niño(a): __________________________ Nu-mero de Telefono:____________________

Poro favor informenos si hay problemas de custodia o alguien a quien no se le permite recoger al niño de nuestro cui-dado o recibir información sobre el nño: ______________________________________________________________

Firma del Padre:_______________________________________________________Date:_____________________________________

Page 10: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

página continua

Permiso del Programa de Prevención de Señuelos Infantiles

En un intento por proteger mejor a nuestros niños, en enero de 2014, el Obispo Di Marzio ordenó que el Programa

de prevención de señuelos infantiles se presentara a los niños que asisten a un Programa de educación religiosa en

las Diócesis de Brooklyn. Es parte del plan de estudios para todos los estudiantes en los grados K-8. Child Lures

Prevention es un programa utilizado para capacitar a los niños a mantenerse a salvo de todos los depredadores

que puedan antentar hacerle daños.

____ Marque aquí solo si NO desea que su hijo participe en el Programa de prevención de señuelos infantiles.

¿Nombres de hermanas en el programa CCD?____________________________________________________

Firma de parente: ____________________________________________Fecha de Registracion: _____________ * Tarifa para todos los estudiantes inscritos en el Programa Sacramento: para un estudiante es de $ 100, dos her-manos es de $ 140 y tres hermanos es de $ 180. * La tarifa de adición para la Primera Comunión es de $ 50. Solo para estudiantes en el segundo año de la Primera Comunión. * La tarifa de adición para la confirmación es de $ 70. Solo para estudiantes en el segundo año de Confirmación. * Por favor haga los cheques a nombre de Resurecion Ascension Educación Religiosa. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ For Office Use only:

Tuition received: $_________ Via: Cash ________Check # ________ Date Received: ___________________

Receipt given: Yes ____ No _____ Receipt# ____________________________________________________

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________


Page 11: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday:

JULY 26, 2020

Today is The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS

The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Carlos Aleman, Vahide Atlas, Colleen Breheny, Peggy Brennan, Stephanie Bojarski, Kurt Burger, Richard DeNardo, Ida Fernandes, Steve Ferrugio, Msgr. Vincent Ful-lam, Jackie Hanley, George J. Harms, George M. Harms, James Leung, Mary Loughnane, Mary El-len Lustberg, Nora Lydon, Mary May, Brian McCa-be, Jr, Patrick McCabe, Paula Narva, Dolly Serna Ocampo, Brendan Phelan, Grace Radonicic, Frank Rahill, Maureen Rahill, Barbara Ravert, Joel Rive-ra, Mary Sammon, Madeline Silecchia, Jason Swinburne, Rose and Carmela Tantillo.

Deceased: Barbara Dix

Monday, July 27th 9:00am Caroline, John and Joseph Panas, req by Tina and Marie Panas

Tuesday, July 28th 9:00am the Welisch family, req by Tina and Marie Panas

Wednesday, July 29th 9:00am Arturo Salazer, req by his wife Gemma and family

Thursday, July 30th 9:00am Sugandhini Hegde family, req by Tina and Ma-rie Panas

Friday, July 31st 9:00am Adelaide Klashus, req by Tina and Marie Panas

Saturday, August 1st 9:00am For the people of the parish -Walter and Zita Panas, req by Tina and Marie Panas

-Catherine Caffrey, req by Conn Mac Aogain

-Carmen Chang, req by Anne Hagarty

-for the health and intentions of Carlos Aleman, req by

Tina and Marie Panas

4:00pm Luciana Salvador and Felicad Salvadore

Ocampo, req by Gigi Salvador

Sunday, August 2nd – The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(112: Is 55:1-3 Ps 145:8-9, 15-18 Rom 8:35, 37-39 Mt 14:13-21)

9:00am 11:00am Olympia Yabut (1st ann), req by her son Jovic Yabut and family 12:30pm for the health of Carlos Povrde and family


The Wine and Hosts will be used this week in

loving memory of Sheila O’Keefe (anniversary),

requested by Mary McMahon and family.

The Altar Candles will be lit this week in loving

memory of all victims of the pandemic.

Parish Goal: $76,106

Pledged: $42,679

Paid: $38,140

A Glimpse at your contributions..July 18/19:

Sunday Collection: $3,128

Contributions made via Online Giving: $1,386

Total Sunday Collection: $4,514

Donation to Academy Support collection: 386

Thank you for your generosity!!!


Our Food Pantry will be CLOSED during the

month of August. It will re-open on Wednes-

day, September 9th.

Page 12: The Parish of Resurrection-AscensionJul 26, 2020  · The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374 (718) 424-5212 Mass Schedule Monday-Saturday: