the oxford dictionary of modern quotations

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  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations

    PREFACE Preface =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    This is a comp ete y ne! dictionary" containin# a$out %"&&&'uotations(

    )hat is a *'uotation*+ ,t is a sayin# or piece of !ritin# thatstri es peop e as so true or memora$ e that they 'uote it .or a ude to it/in speech or !ritin#( Often they !i 'uote it direct y" introducin# it!ith a phrase i e *As ---- says* $ut e'ua y often they !i assume thatthe reader or istener a ready no!s the 'uotation" and they !i simp y a ude to it !ithout mentionin# its source .as in the head ine *A

    ros0 is a ros0 is a ros0"* referrin# o$ i'ue y to a ine $y 1ertrude 2tein/(

    This dictionary has $een compi ed from extensi3e e3idence of the 'uotations that are actua y used in this !ay( The dictionaryinc udes the commonest 'uotations !hich !ere found in a co ection of morethan 4&&"&&& citations assem$ ed $y com$in# $oo s" ma#a5ines" andne!spapers( For examp e" our co ections contained more than thirty examp es eachfor Ed!ard 6eath7s *unaccepta$ e face of capita ism* and Marsha

    Mc8uhan7s *The medium is the messa#e"* so $oth these 'uotations had to $einc uded(

    As a resu t" this $oo is not-- i e many 'uotations dictionaries--a su$9ecti3e antho o#y of the editor7s fa3ourite 'uotations" $ut an o$9ecti3e se ection of the 'uotations !hich are most !ide y no!n and used( Popu arity and fami iarity are the main criteria forinc usion" a thou#h no reader is i e y to $e fami iar !ith a the 'uotationsin this dictionary(

    The $oo can $e used for reference or for $ro!sin#: to trace thesource of a particu ar 'uotation or to find an appropriate sayin# for a specia need(

    The 'uotations are dra!n from no3e s" p ays" poems" essays" speeches" fi ms radio and te e3ision $roadcasts" son#s" ad3ertisements" ande3en $oo tit es( ,t is difficu t to dra! the ine $et!een 'uotations and

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    simi ar sayin#s i e pro3er$s" catch-phrases" and idioms( Forexamp e" some 'uotations . i e *The opera ain7t o3er ti the fat ady sin#s*/ $ecome pro3er$ia ( These are usua y inc uded if they can $e tracedto a particu ar ori#inator( 6o!e3er" !e ha3e #enera y omitted phrases

    i e *a#oni5in# reappraisa * !hich are co3ered ade'uate y in the OxfordEn# ish Dictionary( Catch-phrases are inc uded if there is e3idence thatthey are !ide y remem$ered or used(

    )e ha3e ta en care to 3erify a the 'uotations in ori#ina or authoritati3e sources--somethin# !hich fe! other 'uotationsdictionaries ha3e tried to do( )e ha3e corrected many errors found in other dictionaries" and !e ha3e traced the true ori#ins of such phrases as *There ain7t no such thin# as a free unch* and *2ha en and not


    The 'uotations are arran#ed in a pha$etica order of authors" !ith anonymous 'uotations in the midd e of *A(* ;nder each author" the 'uotations are arran#ed in a pha$etica order of their first !ords( Forei#n 'uotations are" !here3er possi$ e" #i3en in the ori#ina

    an#ua#e as !e as in trans ation(

    Authors are cited under the names $y !hich they are $est no!n: for examp e" 1raham 1reene .not 6enry 1raham 1reene/< F( 2cott Fit5#era d.not Francis 2cott ey Fit5#era d/< 1eor#e Or!e .not Eric > air/< )( C(

    Fie ds .not )i iam C aude Du enfie d/( Authors7 dates of $irth anddeath are #i3en !hen ascertaina$ e( The actua !riters of the !ords are credited for 'uotations from son#s" fi m-scripts" etc(

    The references after each 'uotation are desi#ned to $e as he pfu as possi$ e" ena$ in# the reader to trace 'uotations in their ori#ina sources if desired(

    The index .?/ has $een carefu y prepared--!ith in#enious computer assistance--to he p the reader to trace 'uotations from their most important ey!ords( Each reference inc udes not on y the pa#e and the num$er of the 'uotation on the pa#e $ut a so the first fe! etters ofthe author7s name( The index inc udes references to $oo -tit es !hichha3e $ecome !e no!n as 'uotations in their o!n ri#ht(

    One difficu ty in a dictionary of modern 'uotations is to decide !hatthe !ord *modern* means( ,n this dictionary it means *t!entieth-century(*

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    Quotations are e i#i$ e if they ori#inated from someone !ho !as sti a i3e after ?@&&( )here an author . i e 1eor#e >ernard 2ha!" !hodied in ?@%&/ said memora$ e thin#s $efore and after ?@&&" these are ainc uded(

    This dictionary cou d not ha3e $een compi ed !ithout the !or of many peop e" most nota$ y Pau a C ifford" An#e a Partin#ton" Fiona Mu an" Pene ope e!some" Bu ia Cress!e " Michae Mc in ey" Char esMcCreery" 6eidi A$$ey" Bean 6arder" E i5a$eth no! es" 1eor#e Cho!dharay->est" Tracey )ard" and Ernest Trehern( , am a so 3ery #ratefu to the O;P Dictionary Department7s team of chec ers" !ho 3erified the 'uotationsat i$raries in Oxford" 8ondon" )ashin#ton" e! or " and e se!here(Bames 6o!es deser3es credit for his !or in computeri5in# the index(

    The Editor is responsi$ e for any errors" !hich he !i $e #ratefu

    to ha3e dra!n to his attention( As the 'uotation from 2imeon 2truns yreminds us" *Famous remar s are 3ery se dom 'uoted correct y"* $ut !e ha3e endea3oured to ma e this $oo more accurate" authoritati3e" andhe pfu than any other dictionary of modern 'uotations(


    .?/ Discussions of the index features in this preface and in the *6o! to ;se this Dictionary* section of this $oo refer to

    the hard-copy edition printed in ?@@?( o index has $een inc uded in this soft-copy edition( 2ee * otices* in topic OT,CE2 for additiona information a$out this soft-copy edition(

    6O)TO 6o! to ;se this Dictionary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    6O)TO(? 1enera Princip es =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    The arran#ement is a pha$etica $y the names of authors: usua y the names $y !hich each person is $est no!n( 2o oo under MayaAn#e ou" not Maya Bohnson< Princess Anne" not 6R6 The Princess Roya < 8ord>ea3er$roo "

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    not )i iam Max!e Ait en< ,r3in# >er in" not ,srae >a in< 1reta1ar$o" not 1reta 8o3isa 1ustafsson"

    Anonymous 'uotations are a to#ether" startin# in *Anonymous* in topic ?( They are arran#ed in a pha$etica order of their first

    si#nificant !ord( ;nder each author" 'uotations are arran#ed $y the a pha$etica orderof the tit es of the !or s from !hich they come" e3en if those !or s!ere not !ritten $y the person !ho is $ein# 'uoted( Poems are usua y citedfrom the first $oo in !hich they appeared(

    Quotations $y forei#n authors are" !here possi$ e" #i3en in theori#ina an#ua#e and a so in an En# ish trans ation(

    A reference is #i3en after each 'uotation to its ori#ina source orto an authoritati3e record of its use( The reference usua y consists ofeither .a/ a $oo -tit e !ith its date of pu$ ication and a reference to!here the 'uotation occurs in the $oo < or .$/ the tit e of a ne!spaper orma#a5ine !ith its date of pu$ ication( The reference is preceded $y *,n* ifthe 'uotation comes from a secondary source: for examp e if a !riter is'uoted

    $y another author in a ne!spaper artic e" or if a $oo refers to asayin# $ut does not indicate !here or !hen it !as made(

    6O)TO(4 Examp es =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    6ere are some typica entries" !ith notes to c arify the meanin# ofeach part(

    Char ie Chap in .2ir Char es 2pencer Chap in/

    ? @-?@GG

    A , need to ma e a comedy is a par " a po iceman and a pretty #ir ( My Auto$io#raphy .?@H / ch( ?&

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Char ie Chap in is the name $y !hich this person is $est no!n $ut2ir Char es 2pencer Chap in is the name !hich !ou d appear in reference$oo s such as )ho7s )ho(

    Char ie Chap in !as $orn in ? @ and died in ?@GG( The 'uotationcomes from the tenth chapter of Chap in7s auto$io#raphy" !hich !aspu$ ished in ?@H (

    Martin 8uther in#


    ,n9ustice any!here is a threat to 9ustice e3ery!here( 8etter from >irmin#ham Bai " A a$ama" ?H Apr( ?@H " in

    At antic Month y Au#( ?@H " p( G

    Martin 8uther in# !rote these !ords in a etter that he sent from >irmin#ham Bai on ?H Apri ?@H ( The etter !as pu$ ished ater thatyear on pa#e G of the Au#ust issue of the At anta Month y(

    Dorothy Par er

    ? @ -?@HG

    One more drin and ,7d ha3e $een under the host(

    ,n 6o!ard Teichmann 1eor#e 2( aufman .?@G4/ p( H

    Dorothy Par er must ha3e said this $efore she died in ?@HG $ut the ear iest re ia$ e source !e can find is a ?@G4 $oo $y 6o!ardTeichmann( *,n* si#na s the fact that the 'uotation is cited from a secondarysource(

    6O)TO( ,ndex =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ,f you remem$er part of a 'uotation and !ant to no! the rest of it"or !ho said it" you can trace it $y means of the index .?/(

    The index ists the most si#nificant !ords from each 'uotation(These ey!ords are isted a pha$etica y in the index" each !ith a sectionof

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    the text to sho! the context of e3ery ey!ord( These sections areisted

    in strict a pha$etica order under each ey!ord( Forei#n ey!ordsare inc uded in their a pha$etica p ace(

    The references sho! the first fe! etters of the author7s name"fo o!ed $y the pa#e and item num$ers .e(#( ?H :?% refers to the fifteenth 'uotation on pa#e ?H /(

    As an examp e" suppose that you !ant to 3erify a 'uotation !hich you remem$er contains the ine *to purify the dia ect of the tri$e(* ,fyou decide that tri$e is a si#nificant !ord and refer to it in theindex" you !i find this entry:

    tri$e: To purify the dia ect of the t( E8,OT G :?@

    This !i ead you to the poem $y T( 2( E iot !hich is the nineteenth 'uotation on pa#e G (

    CO TE T2 Ta$ e of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    Tit e Pa#e T,T8E

    Edition otice ED,T,O

    otices OT,CE2

    Preface PREFACE

    6o! to ;se this Dictionary 6O)TO 1enera Princip es 6O)TO(? Examp es 6O)TO(4 ,ndex 6O)TO(

    Ta$ e of Contents CO TE T2

    A ?(& >ud A$$ott and 8ou Coste o .8ouis Francis Cristi o/ ?(? Dannie A$se ?(4 1oodman Ace ?( Dean Acheson ?( B( R( Ac er ey ?(% Dou# as Adams ?(H Fran Adams and )i M( 6ou#h ?(G Fran in P( Adams ?( 6enry >roo s Adams ?(@

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    6aro d Adamson ?(?& 1eor#e Ade ?(?? onrad Adenauer ?(?4 A fred Ad er ?(? Po y Ad er ?(? AE .A(E(" I/ .1eor#e )i iam Russe / ?(?%

    6er$ert A#ar ?(?H Bames A#ate ?(?G 2piro T( A#ne! ?(? Max Ait en ?(?@ JoK A ins ?(4& A ain .mi e-Au#uste Chartier/ ?(4? Ed!ard A $ee ?(44 Richard A din#ton ?(4 >rian A diss ?(4 e son A #ren ?(4% Muhammad A i .Cassius C ay/ ?(4H Fred A en .Bohn F orence 2u i3an/ ?(4G )oody A en .A en 2te!art oni#s$er#/ ?(4

    )oody A en .A en 2te!art oni#s$er#/ and Marsha >ric man ?(4@ Mar#ery A in#ham ?( & Boseph A sop ?( ? Ro$ert A tman ?( 4 8eo Amery ?( in#s ey Amis ?( Max!e Anderson ?( % Max!e Anderson and 8a!rence 2ta in#s ?( H Ro$ert Anderson ?( G Bames Anderton ?( 2ir orman An#e ?( @ Maya An#e ou .Maya Bohnson/ ?( & Pau An a ?( ?

    Princess Anne .6R6 the Princess Roya / ?( 4 Anonymous ?( Bean Anoui h ?( 1ui aume Apo inaire ?( % 2ir Ed!ard App eton ?( H 8ouis Ara#on ?( G 6annah Arendt ?( 1( D( Armour ?( @ 6arry Armstron# ?(%& 8ouis Armstron# ?(%? ei Armstron# ?(%4 2ir Ro$ert Armstron# ?(% Raymond Aron ?(% 1eor#e Asaf ?(%% Dame Pe##y Ashcroft ?(%H Daisy Ashford ?(%G ,saac Asimo3 ?(% E i5a$eth As'uith .Princess Antoine >i$esco/ ?(%@ 6er$ert 6enry As'uith .Ear of Oxford and As'uith/ ?(H& Mar#ot As'uith .Countess of Oxford and As'uith/ ?(H? Raymond As'uith ?(H4 ancy Astor .Liscountess Astor/ ?(H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    >roo s At inson ?(H E( 8( At inson and Aps ey Cherry-1arrard ?(H% C ement Att ee ?(HH )( 6( Auden ?(HG )( 6( Auden and Christopher ,sher!ood ?(H Tex A3ery .Fred A3ery/ ?(H@

    Ear of A3on ?(G& Re3d )( A!dry ?(G? A an Ayc $ourn ?(G4 A( B( Ayer ?(G Pam Ayres ?(G

    > 4(& Ro$ert >aden-Po!e .>aron >aden-Po!e / 4(? Boan >ae5 4(4 2ydney D( >ai ey 4( >ruce >airnsfather 4( 6y da >a er 4(% Bames >a d!in 4(H

    2tan ey >a d!in .Ear >a d!in of >e!d ey/ 4(G Arthur Bames >a four .Ear of >a four/ 4( )hitney >a iett 4(@ Pierre >a main 4(?& Ta u ah >an head 4(?? ancy >an s-2mith 4(?4 ,mamu Amiri >ara a .E3erett 8eRoi Bones/ 4(? )( ( P( >ar$e ion .>ruce Frederic Cummin#s/ 4(? Maurice >arin# 4(?% Ronnie >ar er 4(?H Frederic R( >arnard 4(?G C i3e >arnes 4(? Bu ian >arnes 4(?@

    Peter >arnes 4(4& 2ir B( M( >arrie 4(4? Ethe >arrymore 4(44 Bohn >arrymore 4(4 8ione >art 4(4 ar >arth 4(4% Ro and >arthes 4(4H >ernard >aruch 4(4G Bac'ues >ar5un 4(4 8( Fran >aum 4(4@ Lic i >aum 4( & 2ir Arno d >ax 4( ? 2ir >e3er ey >axter 4( 4 >eachcom$er 4( Da3id" First Ear >eatty 4( 8ord >ea3er$roo .)i iam Max!e Ait en" first >aron >ea3er$roo /4( % Car >ec er 4( H 2amue >ec ett 4( G 6arry >edford and Terry 2u i3an 4( 2ir Thomas >eecham 4( @ 2ir Max >eer$ohm 4( &

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    >rendan >ehan 4( ? Bohn 6ay >eith 4( 4 C i3e >e 4( 6enry >e amann 4( 6i aire >e oc 4( % 2au >e o! 4( H

    Ro$ert >ench ey 4( G Bu ien >enda 4( 2tephen Lincent >en0t 4( @ )i iam Rose >en0t 4(%& Tony >enn 4(%? 1eor#e >ennard 4(%4 A an >ennett 4(% Arno d >ennett 4(% Ada >enson and Fred Fisher 4(%% A( C( >enson 4(%H 2te a >enson 4(%G Edmund C erihe! >ent ey 4(% Eric >ent ey 4(%@

    i o ai >erdyae3 4(H& 8ord Char es >eresford 4(H? 6enri >er#son 4(H4 ,r3in# >er in .,srae >a ine/ 4(H 2ir ,saiah >er in 4(H 1eor#es >ernanos 4(H% Beffrey >ernard 4(HH Eric >erne 4(HG Car >ernstein and >o$ )ood!ard 4(H Chuc >erry 4(H@ Bohn >erryman 4(G& Pierre >erton 4(G? Theo$a d 3on >ethmann 6o !e# 4(G4

    2ir Bohn >et9eman 4(G Aneurin >e3an 4(G )i iam 6enry >e3erid#e .First >aron >e3erid#e/ 4(G% Ernest >e3in 4(GH 1eor#es >idau t 4(GG Am$rose >ierce 4(G 8aurence >inyon 4(G@ i#e >irch .>aron Rhy / 4( & Bohn >ird 4( ? Ear of >ir enhead 4( 4 8ord >ir ett .)i iam orman >ir ett" >aron >ir ett/ 4( Eric > air 4( Eu$ie > a e .Bames 6u$ert > a e/ 4( % 8es ey > anch 4( H A an > easda e 4( G aren > ixen 4( Edmund > unden 4( @ A fred > unt .>ishop of >radford/ 4(@& )i frid 2ca!en > unt 4(@? Rona d > ythe 4(@4 Enid > yton 4(@ 8ouise >o#an 4(@

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    6umphrey >o#art 4(@% Bohn >( >o#art 4(@H ie s >ohr 4(@G A an >o d 4(@ Ro$ert >o t 4(@@ Andre! >onar 8a! 4(?&&

    Carrie Baco$s >ond 4(?&? 2ir Da3id >one 4(?&4 Dietrich >onhoeffer 4(?& 2onny >ono .2a 3atore >ono/ 4(?& Danie B( >oorstin 4(?&% Bames 6( >oren 4(?&H Bor#e 8uis >or#es 4(?&G Max >orn 4(?& Bohn Co ins >ossidy 4(?&@ 1ordon >ottom ey 4(??& 6oratio >ottom ey 4(??? 2ir 6aro d Ed!in >ou ton 4(??4 E i5a$eth >o!en 4(??

    Da3id >o!ie .Da3id Bones/ 4(?? 2ir Maurice >o!ra 4(??% Char es >oyer 4(??H 8ord >ra$a5on .>aron >ra$a5on of Tara/ 4(??G Char es >rac ett" >i y )i der" and D( M( Marshman Br( 4(?? Char es >rac ett" >i y )i der" and )a ter Reisch 4(??@ F( 6( >rad ey 4(?4& Omar >rad ey 4(?4? Cary >rahms .Doris Caro ine A$rahams/ and 2( B( 2imon .2imon Basha2 ide s y/ 4(?44 Bohn >raine 4(?4 Ernest >ramah .Ernest >ramah 2mith/ 4(?4 1eor#es >ra'ue 4(?4%

    Bohn >rat$y 4(?4H ,r3in# >recher 4(?4G >erto t >recht 4(?4 1era d >renan 4(?4@ Aristide >riand 4(? & Lera >rittain 4(? ? Da3id >roder 4(? 4 Baco$ >rono!s i 4(? Rupert >roo e 4(? Anita >roo ner 4(? % Me >roo s 4(? H 6ey!ood >roun 4(? G 6( Rap >ro!n 4(? 6e en 1ur ey >ro!n 4(? @ ,3or >ro!n 4(? & Bohn Mason >ro!n 4(? ? 8e! >ro!n .8ouis >ro!nstein/ 4(? 4 acio 6er$ >ro!n 4(? Ceci >ro!ne 4(? 2ir Frederic >ro!nin# 4(? % 8enny >ruce .8eonard A fred 2chneider/ 4(? H Anita >ryant 4(? G

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Martin >u$er 4(? Bohn >uchan .>aron T!eedsmuir/ 4(? @ Fran >uchman 4(?%& 1ene >uc .Ed!ard Eu#ene >uc / and 6erman Ru$y 4(?%? Richard >uc e 4(?%4 Arthur >u er 4(?%

    ,3or >u mer-Thomas 4(?% 8uis >u ue 4(?%% Anthony >ur#ess 4(?%H Bohnny >ur e 4(?%G Bohn >urns 4(?% )i iam 2( >urrou#hs 4(?%@ >en9amin 6ap#ood >urt 4(?H& at >urton 4(?H? R( A( >ut er .>aron >ut er of 2affron )a den/ 4(?H4 Ra ph >ut er and oe 1ay .Richard Moxon Armita#e/ 4(?H 2amue >ut er 4(?H Max >y#ra3es 4(?H% Bames >ranch Ca$e 4(?HH

    C (& ,r3in# Caesar (? Bohn Ca#e (4 Bames Ca#ney ( 2ammy Cahn .2amue Cohen/ ( Bames M( Cain (% Michae Caine .Maurice Boseph Mic e!hite/ (H 2ir Boseph Cairns (G Char es Ca houn ( Bames Ca a#han .8eonard Bames Ca a#han" >aron Ca a#han of Cardiff/

    (@ Boseph Camp$e .2eosamh MacCathmhaoi / (?&

    Mrs Patric Camp$e .>eatrice 2te a Camp$e / (?? Roy Camp$e (?4 2ir 6enry Camp$e ->annerman (? A $ert Camus (? E ias Canetti (?% 6u#hie Cannon (?H Bohn R( Cap es (?G A Capone (? Truman Capote (?@ A Capp (4& Ethna Car$ery .Anna MacManus/ (4? 6oa#y Carmichae .6oa# and 6o!ard Carmichae / (44 2to e y Carmichae and Char es Lernon 6ami ton (4 Da e Carne#ie (4 B( 8( Carr (4% Ed!ard Carson .>aron Carson/ (4H Bimmy Carter (4G 2ydney Carter (4 Pa$ o Casa s (4@ Ted Cast e .>aron Cast e of ,s in#ton/ ( & 6arry Cast in# and C( )( Murphy ( ? Fide Castro ( 4

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    )i a Cather ( Mr Bustice Cau fie d .2ir >ernard Cau fie d/ ( Char es Caus ey ( % Constantine Ca3afy ( H Edith Ca3e ( G 8ord Da3id Ceci (

    Patric Re#ina d Cha mers ( @ Boseph Cham$er ain ( & e3i e Cham$er ain ( ? 6arry Champion ( 4 Raymond Chand er ( Coco Chane ( Char ie Chap in .2ir Char es 2pencer Chap in/ ( % Arthur Chapman ( H 1raham Chapman" Bohn C eese" Terry 1i iam" Eric ,d e" Terry Bones"Michae Pa in ( G Prince Char es .Char es Phi ip Arthur 1eor#e" Prince of )a es/ ( Aps ey Cherry-1arrard ( @ 1( ( Chesterton (%&

    Maurice Che3a ier (%? Ers ine Chi ders (%4 Char es Chi ton (% oam Choms y (% Dame A#atha Christie (%% Fran E( Churchi (%H 2ir )inston Churchi (%G Count 1a ea55o Ciano (% >rian C ar (%@ enneth C ar .>aron C ar / (H& Arthur C( C ar e (H? 1rant C ar e and Ed#ar 8es ie (H4 E drid#e C ea3er (H

    Bohn C eese (H Bohn C eese and Connie >ooth (H% 2arah orc iffe C e#horn (HH 1eor#es C emenceau (HG 6ar an C e3e and (H Richard Co$$ (H@ C aud Coc $urn (G& Bean Cocteau (G? 8enore Coffee (G4 1eor#e M( Cohan (G Desmond Co e (G Co ette .2idonie-1a$rie e Co ette/ (G% R( 1( Co in#!ood (GH Char es Co ins and Fred )( 8ei#h (GG Char es Co ins and Fred Murray (G Char es Co ins" E( A( 2heppard" and Fred Terry (G@ Bohn Churton Co ins ( & Michae Co ins ( ? >etty Comden and Ado ph 1reen ( 4 Dame ,3y Compton->urnett ( >i y Conno y ( Cyri Conno y ( %

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Bames Conno y ( H Boseph Conrad .Teodor Bosef onrad or5enio!s i/ ( G 2hir ey Conran ( A( B( Coo ( @ Dan Coo (@& Peter Coo (@?

    Ca 3in Coo id#e (@4 Ananda Coomaras!amy (@ A fred Duff Cooper .Liscount or!ich/ (@ Tommy Cooper (@% )endy Cope (@H Aaron Cop and (@G >ernard Cornfe d (@ Frances Cornford (@@ Francis Macdona d Cornford (?&& >aron Pierre de Cou$ertin (?&? mi e Cou0 (?&4 oK Co!ard (?& 6art Crane (?&

    Bames Cree man and Ruth Rose (?&% >ishop Mande Crei#hton (?&H Quentin Crisp (?&G Bu ian Critch ey (?& Richma Crompton .Richma Crompton 8am$urn/ (?&@ >in# Cros$y .6arry 8i is Cros$y/ (??& >in# Cros$y" Roy Tur " and Fred Ah ert (??? Richard Crossman (??4 A eister Cro! ey (?? 8es ie Cro!ther (?? Ro$ert Crum$ (??% >ruce Frederic Cummin#s (??H e( e( cummin#s (??G

    )i iam Thomas Cummin#s (?? )i Cuppy (??@ Ed!ina Currie (?4& Michae Curti5 (?4? 8ord Cur5on .1eor#e athanie Cur5on" Mar'uess Cur5on of ed eston/


    D (& Pau Danie s (? Char es >race Darro! (4 C arence Darro! ( 2ir Francis Dar!in ( Bu es Dassin (% )orton Da3id and 8a!rence )ri#ht (H Bac Da3ies and en Anna in (G )( 6( Da3ies ( >ette Da3is .Ruth E i5a$eth Da3is/ (@ 8ord Da!son of Penn .>ertrand Ed!ard Da!son" Liscount Da!son of Penn/

    (?& C( Day-8e!is (?? 2imone de >eau3oir (?4 Ed!ard de >ono (?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Eu#ene Lictor De$s (? Ed#ar De#as (?% Char es de 1au e (?H B( de ni#ht .Bames E( Myers/ and M( Freedman (?G )a ter de a Mare (? 2he a#h De aney (?@

    Bac Dempsey (4& i#e Dennis (4? >uddy De 2y 3a .1eor#e 1ard De 2y 3a/ and 8e! >ro!n (44 Peter De Lries (4 8ord De!ar (4 2er#ei Dia#hi e3 (4% Pau Dic son (4H Boan Didion (4G 6o!ard Diet5 (4 )i iam Di on (4@ Ernest Dimnet ( & ,sa Dinesen . aren > ixen/ ( ? Mort Dixon ( 4

    Mi o3an D9i as ( Austin Do$son .6enry Austin Do$son/ ( en Dodd ( % B( P( Don ea3y ( H 2ir Re#ina d Dorman-2mith ( G eith Dou# as ( orman Dou# as ( @ 2ir A ec Dou# as-6ome ( & Caro ine Dou# as-6ome ( ? 2ir Arthur Conan Doy e ( 4 Maurice Dra e ( )i iam A( Dra e ( Bohn Drin !ater ( %

    A exander Du$ce ( H A Du$in ( G )( E( >( Du>ois ( 1eor#es Duhame ( @ Raou Du e (%& Bohn Foster Du es (%? Dame Daphne du Maurier (%4 ,sadora Duncan (% ,an Dun op (% Bimmy Durante (%% 8eo Durocher (%H ,an Dury (%G 8i ian ( Dy stra (% >o$ Dy an .Ro$ert Jimmerman/ (%@

    E %(& 2tephen T( Ear y %(? C int East!ood %(4 A$$a E$an %( 2ir Anthony Eden .Ear of A3on/ %( C arissa Eden .Countess of A3on/ %(% Marriott Ed#ar %(H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Du e of Edin$ur#h %(G Thomas A 3a Edison %( Bohn Max!e Edmonds %(@ in# Ed!ard L,, %(?& in# Ed!ard L,,, .Du e of )indsor/ %(?? Bohn Ehr ichman %(?4

    A $ert Einstein %(? D!i#ht D( Eisenho!er %(? T( 2( E iot %(?% Queen E i5a$eth ,, %(?H Queen E i5a$eth" the Queen Mother %(?G A f E erton %(? 6a3e oc E is .6enry 6a3e oc E is/ %(?@ Pau E uard %(4& 2ir )i iam Empson %(4? Bu ius B( Epstein" Phi ip 1( Epstein" and 6o!ard och %(44 2usan Ert5 %(4 Dud ey Er!in %(4 6o!ard Esta$roo and 6arry >ehn %(4%

    1a3in E!art %(4H )i iam orman E!er %(4G

    F H(& C ifton Fadiman H(? E eanor Far9eon H(4 in# Farou of E#ypt H( )i iam Fau ner H( 1eor#e Fearon H(% Bames Fenton H(H Edna Fer$er H(G ath een Ferrier H( Eric Fie d H(@

    Dorothy Fie ds H(?& Dame 1racie Fie ds .1race 2tansfie d/ H(?? )( C( Fie ds .)i iam C aude Du enfie d/ H(?4 6arry Bu ian Fin " Rita M( Fin " and Dean Riesner H(? Rona d Fir$an H(? Fred Fisher H(?% 6( A( 8( Fisher H(?H Bohn Ar$uthnot Fisher .>aron Fisher/ H(?G Mar3e Fisher H(? A $ert 6( Fit5 H(?@ F( 2cott Fit5#era d H(4& Je da Fit5#era d H(4? Ro$ert Fit5simmons H(44 >ud F ana#an .Chaim Ree3en )eintrop/ H(4 Michae F anders and Dona d 2!ann H(4 Bames E roy F ec er H(4% ,an F emin# H(4H Ro$ert" Mar'uis de F ers and Arman de Cai a3et H(4G Dario Fo H(4 Marsha Ferdinand Foch H(4@ B( Fo ey H( & Michae Foot H( ?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Anna Ford H( 4 1era d Ford H( 6enry Ford H( 8ena 1ui $ert Ford H( % 6o!e For#y H( H E( M( Forster H( G

    >ruce Forsyth H( 6arry Emerson Fosdic H( @ Anato e France .Bac'ues-Anato e-FranNois Thi$au t/ H( & 1eor#es Fran9u H( ? 2ir Bames 1eor#e Fra5er H( 4 2tan Fre$er# H( Arthur Freed H( Ra ph Freed H( % C iff Freeman H( H Bohn Freeman H( G Mari yn French H( 2i#mund Freud H( @ Max Frisch H(%&

    Char es Frohman H(%? Erich Fromm H(%4 Da3id Frost H(% Ro$ert Frost H(% Christopher Fry H(%% Ro#er Fry H(%H R( >uc minster Fu er H(%G A fred Fun e H(% 2ir Da3id Max!e Fyfe H(%@ )i Fyffe H(H& Rose Fy eman H(H?

    1 G(&

    Jsa Jsa 1a$or .2ari 1a$or/ G(? orman 1aff G(4 6u#h 1aits e G( B( ( 1a $raith G( Bohn 1a s!orthy G(% Ray 1a ton and A an 2impson G(H Mohandas aramchand 1andhi G(G 1reta 1ar$o .1reta 8o3isa 1ustafsson/ G( Ed 1ardner G(@ Bohn ance 1arner G(?& >am$er 1ascoi#ne G(?? oe 1ay .Richard Moxon Armita#e/ G(?4 oe 1ay and Ra ph >ut er G(? 2ir Eric 1eddes G(? >o$ 1e dof G(?% >o$ 1e dof and Mid#e ;re G(?H in# 1eor#e L G(?G Danie 1eor#e .Danie 1eor#e >untin#/ G(? 1eor#e 1ersh!in G(?@ ,ra 1ersh!in G(4& 2te a 1i$$ons G(4? )o cott 1i$$s G(44

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ah i 1i$ran G(4 )i frid )i son 1i$son G(4 Andr0 1ide G(4% Eric 1i G(4H Terry 1i iam G(4G Pene ope 1i iatt G(4

    A en 1ins$er# G(4@ 1eor#e 1ipp G( & Bean 1iraudoux G( ? 1eor#e 1 ass G( 4 Bohn A( 1 o3er- ind G( Bean-8uc 1odard G( A( D( 1od ey G( % Boseph 1oe$$e s G( H 6ermann 1oerin# G( G ,3an 1off and >en Ro$erts .>en9amin Eisen$er#/ G( ,saac 1o d$er# G( @ )i iam 1o din# G( & Emma 1o dman G( ?

    >arry 1o d!ater G( 4 2am 1o d!yn .2amue 1o dfish/ G( Pau 1oodman G( Mac 1ordon G( % 2tuart 1orre G( H 2ir Edmund 1osse G( G 8ord 1o!rie .4nd Ear of 1o!rie/ G( 8e! 1rade .>aron 1rade/ G( @ D( M( 1raham G(%& 6arry 1raham G(%? enneth 1rahame G(%4 >ernie 1rant G(% Ethe )atts-Mumford 1rant G(%

    Ro$ert 1ra3es G(%% 6annah 1reen .Boanne 1reen$er#/ G(%H 1raham 1reene G(%G Os!a d 1reene G(% 1ermaine 1reer G(%@ 6u$ert 1re## G(H& Boyce 1renfe G(H? Bu ian 1renfe G(H4 C ifford 1rey G(H 2ir Ed!ard 1rey .Liscount 1rey of Fa odon/ G(H Mer3yn 1riffith-Bones G(H% 8eon 1riffiths G(HH Bo 1rimond .>aron 1rimond/ G(HG Phi ip 1ueda a G(H R( 1uidry G(H@ Texas 1uinan .Mary 8ouise Ceci ia 1uinan/ G(G& u$ar 1u $en ian G(G? Thom 1unn G(G4 Dorothy Frances 1urney G(G )oody 1uthrie .)oodro! )i son 1uthrie/ G(G

    6 (&

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Ear 6ai# (? 8ord 6ai sham .>aron 6ai sham" Quintin 6o##/ (4 B( >( 2( 6a dane ( 6( R( 6a deman ( 2ir )i iam 6a ey (% 6enry 6a (H

    2ir Peter 6a (G Mar#aret 6a sey ( Oscar 6ammerstein ,, (@ Christopher 6ampton (?& 8earned 6and (?? Minnie 6anff (?4 >rian 6anrahan (? Otto 6ar$ach (? E( ( 7 ip7 6ar$ur# (?% 1i $ert 6ardin# (?H )arren 1( 6ardin# (?G 1odfrey 6aro d 6ardy (? Thomas 6ardy (?@

    Maurice E3an 6are (4& Ro$ertson 6are (4? )( F( 6ar#rea3es (44 8ord 6ar ech .Da3id Orms$y 1ore/ (4 Bimmy 6arper" )i E( 6aines" and Tommie Connor (4 Fran 6arris .Bames Thomas 6arris/ (4% 6( 6( 6arris (4H 8oren5 6art (4G Moss 6art and 1eor#e aufman (4 8( P( 6art ey (4@ F( )( 6ar3ey ( & Minnie 8ouise 6as ins ( ? 8ord 6a!-6a! ( 4

    ,an 6ay .Bohn 6ay >eith/ ( B( Mi ton 6ayes ( 8ee 6a5 e!ood ( % Denis 6ea ey ( H 2eamus 6eaney ( G Ed!ard 6eath ( Fred 6eatherton ( @ Ro$ert A( 6ein ein ( & )erner 6eisen$er# ( ? Boseph 6e er ( 4 8i ian 6e man ( 2ir Ro$ert 6e pmann ( Ernest 6emin#!ay ( % Arthur )( D( 6en ey ( H O( 6enry .)i iam 2ydney Porter/ ( G A( P( 6er$ert ( O i3er 6erford ( @ Berry 6erman (%& Bune 6ershey (%? 6ermann 6esse (%4 1ordon 6e!art .Liscount 6e!art/ (% Patricia 6e!itt (%

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Du >ose 6ey!ard and ,ra 1ersh!in (%% 2ir 2eymour 6ic s (%H Bac 6i##ins .6enry Patterson/ (%G Boe 6i (% Pattie 2( 6i (%@ 2ir Edmund 6i ary (H&

    Fred 6i e$rand (H? 8ady 6i in#don (H4 Bames 6i ton (H A fred 6itchcoc (H Ado f 6it er (H% Ra ph 6od#son (HH 7Red7 6od#son (HG Eric 6offer (H A 6offman and Dic Mannin# (H@ 1erard 6offnun# (G& 8ance ot 6o#$en (G? >i ie 6o iday .E eanor Fa#an/ and Arthur 6er5o# Br( (G4 2tan ey 6o o!ay (G

    Bohn 6( 6o mes (G 8ord 6ome .>aron 6ome of the 6irse " former y 2ir A ec Dou# as-6ome/(G%

    Arthur 6one##er (GH 6er$ert 6oo3er (GG Anthony 6ope .2ir Anthony 6ope 6a! ins/ (G >o$ 6ope (G@ Francis 6ope ( & 8aurence 6ope .Ade a F orence ico son/ ( ? Ji phia 6orton ( 4 A( E( 6ousman ( 2idney 6o!ard ( E $ert 6u$$ard ( %

    Fran Mc inney .7 in7/ 6u$$ard ( H 8( Ron 6u$$ard ( G 6o!ard 6u#hes Br( ( Bimmy 6u#hes and Fran 8a e ( @ 8an#ston 6u#hes (@& Ted 6u#hes (@? Bosephine 6u (@4 6u$ert 6umphrey (@ 6erman 6upfe d (@ A dous 6ux ey (@% 2ir Bu ian 6ux ey (@H

    , @(& Do ores ,$arruri .78a Pasionaria7/ @(? 6enri ,$sen @(4 6aro d 8( ,c es @( Eric ,d e @( Francis , es .Anthony >er e ey Cox/ @(% ,3an , ich @(H Char es ,n#e @(G )i iam Ra ph ,n#e .Dean ,n#e/ @( Eu# ne ,onesco @(@

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    )e don B( ,r3ine @(?& Christopher ,sher!ood @(??

    B ?&(& 6o $roo Bac son ?&(? Boe Baco$s ?&(4

    Mic Ba##er and eith Richard . eith Richards/ ?&( 6enry Bames ?&( )i iam Bames ?&(% Randa Barre ?&(H Dou# as Bay ?&(G 2ir Bames Beans ?&( Patric Ben in ?&(@ Rt( Re3d Da3id Ben ins .>ishop of Durham/ ?&(?& Roy Ben ins .>aron Ben ins of 6i head/ ?&(?? Pau Bennin#s ?&(?4 Berome ( Berome ?&(? )i iam Berome ?&(? C( E( M( Boad ?&(?%

    Pope Bohn ,,, .An#e o 1iuseppe Ronca i/ ?&(?H 8yndon >aines Bohnson ?&(?G Phi ander Chase Bohnson ?&(? Phi ip Bohnson ?&(?@ 6anns Bohst ?&(4& A Bo son ?&(4? Bames Bones ?&(44 8eRoi Bones ?&(4 Erica Bon# ?&(4 Banis Bop in ?&(4% 2ir eith Boseph ?&(4H Bames Boyce ?&(4G )i iam Boyce .8ord 6a!-6a!/ ?&(4

    Bac Bud#e and 6arry )i iams ?&(4@ Car 1usta3 Bun# ?&( &

    ??(& Pau ine ae ??(? Fran5 af a ??(4 1us ahn and Raymond >( E#an ??( >ert a mar" 6arry Ru$y" Arthur 2hee man" and at Perrin ??( 1eor#e 2( aufman ??(% 1eor#e 2( aufman and Moss 6art ??(H 1eor#e 2( aufman and Morrie Rys ind ??(G 1era d aufman ??( Pau aufman and Mi e Anthony ??(@ Patric a3ana#h ??(?& Ted a3ana#h ??(?? 6e en e er ??(?4 Baan en$ro3in and Bohn )i iam e ette ??(? F orynce ennedy ??(? Bimmy ennedy ??(?% Bimmy ennedy and Michae Carr ??(?H Bimmy ennedy and 6u#h )i iams .)i 1ros5/ ??(?G Bohn F( ennedy ??(?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Boseph P( ennedy ??(?@ Ro$ert F( ennedy ??(4& Bac erouac ??(4? Bean err ??(44 Boseph esse rin# ??(4 Bohn Maynard eynes .>aron eynes/ ??(4

    i ita hrushche3 ??(4% Boyce i mer ??(4H 8ord i muir .2ir Da3id Max!e Fyfe/ ??(4G Martin 8uther in# ??(4 2toddard in# ??(4@ Da3id in#s ey" Dennis 8yons" and Peter 8o3e -Da3is ??( & 6u#h in#smi .6u#h in#smi 8unn/ ??( ? ei innoc ??( 4 Rudyard ip in# ??( 6enry issin#er ??( Fred itchen ??( % 8ord itchener ??( H Pau ee ??( G

    Char es ni#ht and enneth 8y e ??( Frederic nott ??( @ Monsi#nor Rona d nox ??( & Arthur oest er ??( ? Biddu rishnamurti ??( 4 ris ristofferson and Fred Foster ??( Boseph )ood rutch ??( 2tan ey u$ric ??( % 2atish umar ??( H

    8 ?4(& 6enry 8a$ouchere ?4(? Fiore o 8a 1uardia ?4(4

    R( D( 8ain# ?4( Arthur B( 8am$ ?4( Constant 8am$ert ?4(% 1iuseppe di 8ampedusa ?4(H 2ir Os$ert 8ancaster ?4(G >ert 8ance ?4( Andre! 8an# ?4(@ Bu ia 8an# ?4(?& 2u5anne ( 8an#er ?4(?? Rin# 8ardner ?4(?4 Phi ip 8ar in ?4(? 2ir 6arry 8auder ?4(? 2tan 8aure .Arthur 2tan ey Befferson/ ?4(?% Bames 8a3er ?4(?H Andre! >onar 8a! ?4(?G D( 6( 8a!rence ?4(? T( E( 8a!rence ?4(?@ 2ir Edmund 8each ?4(4& 2tephen 8eacoc ?4(4? Timothy 8eary ?4(44 F( R( 8ea3is ?4(4 Fran 8e$o!it5 ?4(4

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    2tanis a! 8ec ?4(4% Bohn e Carr0 .Da3id Bohn Moore Corn!e / ?4(4H 8e Cor$usier .Char es douard Beanneret/ ?4(4G 6arper 8ee ?4(4 8aurie 8ee ?4(4@ Ernest 8ehman ?4( &

    Tom 8ehrer ?4( ? Berry 8ei$er and Mi e 2to er ?4( 4 Fred )( 8ei#h ?4( Fred )( 8ei#h" Char es Co ins" and 8i y Morris ?4( Fred )( 8ei#h and 1eor#e Arthurs ?4( % Curtis E( 8eMay ?4( H 8enin .L adimir , ich ; yano3/ ?4( G Bohn 8ennon ?4( Bohn 8ennon and Pau McCartney ?4( @ Dan 8eno .1eor#e 1a 3in/ ?4( & A an Bay 8erner ?4( ? Doris 8essin# ?4( 4 )inifred Mary 8etts ?4(

    Oscar 8e3ant ?4( Ros 8e3enstein ?4( % Liscount 8e3erhu me .)i iam 6es eth 8e3er/ ?4( H Ada 8e3erson ?4( G >ernard 8e3in ?4( C aude 803i-2trauss ?4( @ Ceci Day 8e!is ?4(%& C( 2( 8e!is ?4(%? Bohn 2pedan 8e!is ?4(%4 Percy )yndham 8e!is ?4(% 2am M( 8e!is and Boe oun# ?4(% 2inc air 8e!is ?4(%% Ro$ert 8ey ?4(%H

    8i$erace .) ad5iu La entino 8i$erace/ ?4(%G >eatrice 8i ie ?4(% R( M( 8indner ?4(%@ Audrey Ers ine 8indop ?4(H& 6o!ard 8indsay and Russe Crouse ?4(H? Lache 8indsay ?4(H4 Eric 8in ater ?4(H Art 8in etter ?4(H )a ter 8ippmann ?4(H% Boan 8itt e!ood and Char es Chi ton ?4(HH Maxim 8it3ino3 ?4(HG en 8i3in#stone ?4(H Richard 8 e!e yn .Richard Dafydd Li3ian 8 e!e yn 8 oyd/ ?4(H@ Bac 8 e!e yn-Da3ies ?4(G& Da3id 8 oyd 1eor#e .Ear 8 oyd-1eor#e of D!yfor/ ?4(G? Da3id 8od#e ?4(G4 Fran 8oesser ?4(G Bac 8ondon .Bohn 1riffith 8ondon/ ?4(G A ice Roose3e t 8on#!orth ?4(G% Frederic 8onsda e ?4(GH Anita 8oos ?4(GG Frederico 1arc a 8orca ?4(G

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    onrad 8oren5 ?4(G@ Boe 8ouis ?4( & Terry 8o3e oc ?4( ? Ro$ert 8o3eman ?4( 4 Da3id 8o! ?4( Amy 8o!e ?4(

    Ro$ert 8o!e ?4( % 8( 2( 8o!ry ?4( H Ma co m 8o!ry ?4( G E( L( 8ucas ?4( 1eor#e 8ucas ?4( @ C are >ooth 8uce ?4(@& Boanna 8um ey ?4(@? 2ir Ed!in 8utyens ?4(@4 Rosa 8uxem$ur# ?4(@ 8ady 8ytton .Pame a Frances Audrey" Countess of 8ytton/ ?4(@

    M ? (& A exander McArthur and 6( in#s ey 8on# ? (?

    Char es MacArthur and >en 6echt ? (4 1enera Dou# as MacArthur ? ( Dame Rose Macau ay ? ( 1enera Anthony McAu iffe ? (% 2ir Desmond MacCarthy ? (H Boe McCarthy ? (G Boseph McCarthy ? ( Mary McCarthy ? (@ Pau McCartney ? (?& Da3id McCord ? (?? 6orace McCoy ? (?4 Bohn McCrae ? (? Carson McCu ers ? (?

    Dere McCu och ? (?% 6u#h MacDiarmid .Christopher Murray 1rie3e/ ? (?H Ramsay MacDona d ? (?G A( 1( Macdone ? (? Bohn McEnroe ? (?@ Arthur McE!en ? (4& Ro#er Mc1ou#h ? (4? 2ir ,an Mac1re#or ? (44 Bimmy Mc1re#or ? (4 Dennis Mc6arrie ? (4 Co in Mac,nnes ? (4% C aude Mc ay ? (4H 2ir Compton Mac en5ie ? (4G Boyce Mc inney ? (4 A exander Mac aren ? (4@ A istair Mac ean ? ( & Archi$a d Mac8eish ? ( ? ,rene Rutherford Mc8eod ? ( 4 Marsha Mc8uhan ? ( Ed McMahon ? ( 6aro d Macmi an .8ord 2toc ton/ ? ( % 8ouis Mac eice ? ( H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    2a 3ador de Madaria#a ? ( G Maurice Maeter inc ? ( Bohn 1i espie Ma#ee ? ( @ Ma#nus Ma#nusson ? ( & 2ir Bohn Pent and Mahaffy ? ( ? 1usta3 Mah er ? ( 4

    Dere Mahon ? ( orman Mai er ? ( >ernard Ma amud ? ( % 1eor#e 8ei#h Ma ory ? ( H Andr0 Ma raux ? ( G 8ord Mancroft .>aron Mancroft/ ? ( )innie Mande a ? ( @ Osip Mande stam ? (%& 6erman B( Man ie!ic5 and Orson )e es ? (%? Boseph 8( Man ie!ic5 ? (%4 Thomas Mann ? (% atherine Mansfie d . ath een Mansfie d >eauchamp/ ? (% Mao Tse-Tun# ? (%%

    Ed!in Mar ham ? (%H De!ey 7Pi#meat7 Mar ham ? (%G Bohnny Mar s ? (% Don Mar'uis ? (%@ Anthony Marriott and A istair Foot ? (H& Arthur Marsha ? (H? Thomas R( Marsha ? (H4 Dean Martin ? (H 6o t Mar3e ? (H Chico Marx ? (H% 1roucho Marx ? (HH Queen Mary ? (HG Eric Masch!it5 ? (H

    Bohn Masefie d ? (H@ Dona d Mason ? (G& 2ir Bames Mathe! ? (G? Me issa Mathison ? (G4 6enri Matisse ? (G Re#ina d Maud in# ? (G )( 2omerset Mau#ham ? (G% >i Mau din ? (GH Bames Maxton ? (GG Bohn May ? (G Percy Mayfie d ? (G@ Char es 6( Mayo ? ( & Mar#aret Mead ? ( ? 2hepherd Mead ? ( 4 6u#hes Mearns ? ( Dame e ie Me $a .6e en Porter Mitche / ? ( 6( 8( Menc en ? ( % Da3id Mercer ? ( H Bohnny Mercer ? ( G >o$ Merri ? ( Dixon 8anier Merritt ? ( @ Lio a Meyne ? (@&

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Princess Michae of ent ? (@? 1eor#e Mi es ? (@4 Edna 2t Lincent Mi ay ? (@ A ice Duer Mi er ? (@ Arthur Mi er ? (@% 6enry Mi er ? (@H

    Bonathan Mi er ? (@G 2pi e Mi i#an .Terence A an Mi i#an/ ? (@ A( B( Mi s" Fred 1odfrey" and >ennett 2cott ? (@@ ,r3in# Mi s ? (?&& A( A( Mi ne ? (?&? 8ord Mi ner .A fred" Liscount Mi ner/ ? (?&4 Adrian Mitche ? (?& Boni Mitche ? (?& Mar#aret Mitche ? (?&% Bessica Mitford ? (?&H ancy Mitford ? (?&G Addison Mi5ner ? (?& )i son Mi5ner ? (?&@

    )a ter Monda e ? (??& )i iam Cosmo Mon house ? (??? 6aro d Monro ? (??4 Mari yn Monroe ? (?? C( E( Monta#ue ? (?? Fie d-Marsha Mont#omery .Liscount Mont#omery of A amein/ ? (??% 1eor#e Moore ? (??H Marianne Moore ? (??G 8arry Morey ? (?? Ro$in Mor#an ? (??@ Christian Mor#enstern ? (?4& Christopher Mor ey ? (?4? 8ord Mor ey .Bohn" Liscount Mor ey of > ac $urn/ ? (?44

    Desmond Morris ? (?4 6er$ert Morrison .>aron Morrison of 8am$eth/ ? (?4 Bim Morrison" Ray Man5are " Ro$$y rie#er" and Bohn Densmore ? (?4% R( F( Morrison ? (?4H D!i#ht Morro! ? (?4G Bohn Mortimer ? (?4 B( >( Morton .7>eachcom$er7/ ? (?4@ Ro#ers Morton ? (? & 2ir Os!a d Mos ey ? (? ? 8ord 8ouis Mount$atten .Liscount Mount$atten of >urma/ ? (? 4 8ord Moynihan .>er e ey Moynihan" >aron Moynihan/ ? (? Ro$ert Mu#a$e ? (? itty Mu##erid#e ? (? % Ma co m Mu##erid#e ? (? H Ed!in Muir ? (? G 6er$ert B( Mu er ? (? Ethe )atts Mumford" O i3er 6erford" and Addison Mi5ner ? (? @ 8e!is Mumford ? (? & 2ir A fred Munnin#s ? (? ? Richard Murdoch" and enneth 6orne ? (? 4 C( )( Murphy and )i 8etters ? (? Ed Murphy ? (?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Fred Murray ? (? % Ed!ard R( Murro! ? (? H >enito Musso ini ? (? G A( B( Muste ? (?

    ? (&

    L adimir a$o o3 ? (? Ra ph ader ? (4 2aro9ini aidu ? ( Fridt9of ansen ? ( O#den ash ? (% 1eor#e Bean athan ? (H Terry ation ? (G Bames >a ay or ? ( Ba!ahar a ehru ? (@ A an e3ins ? (?& Anthony e! ey and 8es ie >ricusse ? (?? 6uey e!ton ? (?4 Li3ian icho son ? (?

    2ir 6aro d ico son ? (? Reinho d ie$uhr ? (?% Car ie sen ? (?H Martin iem er ? (?G F orence i#htin#a e ? (? Richard Mi hous ixon ? (?@ Da3id o$$s ? (4& Mi ton o$ es ? (4? A $ert B( oc ? (44 Fran orman and 8ione >art ? (4 8ord orthc iffe .A fred Char es )i iam 6arms!orth" Liscount

    orthc iffe/ ? (4 Bac or!orth ? (4%

    A fred oyes ? (4H >i ye .Ed#ar )i son ye/ ? (4G

    O ?%(& Captain 8a!rence Oates ?%(? Edna O7>rien ?%(4 F ann O7>rien .>rian O7 o an or O ua ain/ ?%( 2ean O7Casey ?%( Ed!in O7Connor ?%(% 2e n O7Fao in ?%(H Da3id O#i 3y ?%(G 1eoffrey O76ara ?%( Bohn O76ara ?%(@ Patric O7 eefe ?%(?& Chauncey O cott and 1eor#e 1raff Br( ?%(?? Frederic 2cott O i3er ?%(?4 8aurence O i3ier .>aron O i3ier of >ri#hton/ ?%(? Fran )ard O7Ma ey ?%(? Mary O7Ma ey ?%(?% Eu#ene O7 ei ?%(?H >rian O7 o an ?%(?G B( Ro$ert Oppenheimer ?%(?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    2usie Or$ach ?%(?@ >aroness Orc5y ?%(4& Da3id Orms$y 1ore ?%(4? Bos0 Orte#a y 1asset ?%(44 Boe Orton ?%(4 1eor#e Or!e .Eric > air/ ?%(4

    Bohn Os$orne ?%(4% 2ir )i iam Os er ?%(4H Peter Demiano3ich Ouspens y ?%(4G Da3id O!en ?%(4 )i fred O!en ?%(4@ Oxford and As'uith" Countess of ?%( & Oxford and As'uith" Ear of ?%( ?

    P ?H(& Lance Pac ard ?H(? )i iam Ty er Pa#e ?H(4 Re#ina d Pa#et ?H( 1era d Pa#e-)ood ?H(

    Re3d ,an Pais ey ?H(% Michae Pa in ?H(H orman Panama and Me 3in Fran ?H(G Dame Christa$e Pan hurst ?H( Emme ine Pan hurst ?H(@ Emme ine Pan hurst" Dame Christa$e Pan hurst" and Annie enney?H(?& Char ie Par er ?H(?? Dorothy Par er ?H(?4 Dorothy Par er" A an Camp$e " and Ro$ert Carson ?H(? Ross Par er and 6u#h Char es ?H(? C( orthcote Par inson ?H(?% 7>an9o7 Paterson .Andre! >arton Paterson/ ?H(?H

    A an Paton ?H(?G orman Lincent Pea e ?H(? Char es 2( Pearce ?H(?@ 6es eth Pearson ?H(4& 8ester Pearson ?H(4? Char es P0#uy ?H(44 L adimir Penia off ?H(4 )i iam 6( Penn ?H(4 2( B( Pere man ?H(4% 2( B( Pere man" )i >( Bohnstone" and Arthur 2hee man ?H(4H Car Per ins ?H(4G Frances Per ins ?H(4 Buan PerSn ?H(4@ Ted Persons ?H( & 6enri Phi ippe P0tain ?H( ? 8aurence Peter and Raymond 6u ?H( 4 im Phi $y .6aro d Adrian Russe Phi $y/ ?H( Prince Phi ip" Du e of Edin$ur#h ?H( Mor#an Phi ips ?H( % 2tephen Phi ips ?H( H Eden Phi potts ?H( G Pa$ o Picasso ?H(

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    )i fred Pic es ?H( @ 6aro d Pinter ?H( & 8ui#i Pirande o ?H( ? Armand B( Piron ?H( 4 Ro$ert Pirosh" 1eor#e 2eaton" and 1eor#e Oppenheimer ?H( Ro$ert M( Pirsi# ?H(

    )a ter >( Pit in ?H( % Ruth Pitter ?H( H 2y 3ia P ath ?H( G )i iam P omer ?H( 6enri Poincar0 ?H( @ 1eor#es Pompidou ?H(%& Arthur Ponson$y .first >aron Ponson$y of 2hu $rede/ ?H(%? 2ir ar Popper ?H(%4 Co e Porter ?H(% >eatrix Potter ?H(% 1i ie Potter .6u#h )i iam Pee / ?H(%% 2tephen Potter ?H(%H E5ra Pound ?H(%G

    Anthony Po!e ?H(% Enoch Po!e ?H(%@ 2andy Po!e ?H(H& Lince Po!e and 6arry Dri3er ?H(H? Bac'ues Pr03ert ?H(H4 B( >( Priest ey ?H(H L( 2( Pritchett ?H(H Marce Proust ?H(H% O i3e 6i##ins Prouty ?H(HH Bohn Pudney ?H(HG Mario Pu5o ?H(H

    Q ?G(&

    Q ?G(? 2a 3atore Quasimodo ?G(4 Peter Quenne ?G( 2ir Arthur Qui er-Couch .often used the pseudonym 7Q7/ ?G(

    R ? (& Bames Rado and 1erome Ra#ni ? (? Bohn Rae ? (4 Mi ton Ra o3e ? ( 2ir )a ter Ra ei#h ? ( 2rini3asa Ramanu9an ? (% Bohn Cro!e Ransom ? (H Arthur Ransome ? (G Frederic Raphae ? ( Terence Ratti#an ? (@ 1!en Ra3erat ? (?& ,r3in# Ra3etch and 6arriet Fran ? (?? Ted Ray .Char es O den/ ? (?4 2am Ray$urn ? (? 2ir 6er$ert Read ? (? ancy Rea#an ? (?% Rona d Rea#an ? (?H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Ere Rea3es ? (?G 6enry Reed ? (? Bohn Reed ? (?@ Max Re#er ? (4& Char es A( Reich ? (4? eith Reid and 1ary >roo er ? (44

    Erich Maria Remar'ue ? (4 Dr Monta#ue Bohn Renda ? (4 Bames Reston ? (4% Da3id Reu$en ? (4H Char es Re3son ? (4G Ma 3ina Reyno ds ? (4 Quentin Reyno ds ? (4@ Ceci Rhodes ? ( & Bean Rhys .E a 1!endo en Rees )i iams/ ? ( ? 1rant and Rice ? ( 4 Tim Rice ? ( Mandy Rice-Da3ies ? ( Dic y Richards ? ( %

    Fran Richards .Char es 6ami ton/ ? ( H ,( A( Richards ? ( G 2ir Ra ph Richardson ? ( 6ans Richter ? ( @ Rainer Maria Ri e ? ( & 6a Riney ? ( ? Ro$ert 8( Rip ey ? ( 4 C0sar Rit5 ? ( Boan Ri3iere ? ( 8ord Ro$$ins .8ione Char es Ro$$ins" >aron Ro$$ins/ ? ( % 8eo Ro$in ? ( H 8eo Ro$in and Ra ph Rain#er ? ( G Ed!in Ar in#ton Ro$inson ? (

    Rt( Re3 Bohn Ro$inson .>ishop of )oo !ich/ ? ( @ Bohn D( Roc efe er ? (%& nute Roc ne ? (%? Ceci Rodd ? (%4 1ene Rodden$erry ? (% Theodore Roeth e ? (% )i Ro#ers ? (%% Frederic )i iam Ro fe .7>aron Cor3o7/ ? (%H An#e o 1iuseppe Ronca i ? (%G E eanor Roose3e t ? (% Fran in D( Roose3e t ? (%@ Theodore Roose3e t ? (H& Arthur Rose and Dou# as Fur$er ? (H? >i y Rose ? (H4 >i y Rose and Marty > oom ? (H >i y Rose and )i ie Ras in ? (H )i iam Rose ? (H% 8ord Rose$ery .Archi$a d Phi ip Primrose" %th Ear of Rose$ery/? (HH Ethe Rosen$er# and Bu ius Rosen$er# ? (HG A an 2( C( Ross ? (H 6aro d Ross ? (H@

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    2ir Rona d Ross ? (G& Bean Rostand ? (G? 8eo Rosten ? (G4 Phi ip Roth ? (G Dan Ro!an and Dic Martin ? (G 6e en Ro! and ? (G%

    Richard Ro! and ? (GH Maude Royden ? (GG aomi Royde-2mith ? (G Pau A fred Ru$ens ? (G@ Damon Runyon ? ( & Dean Rus ? ( ? >ertrand Russe .>ertrand Arthur )i iam" third Ear Russe / ? ( 4 Dora Russe .Countess Russe / ? ( 1eor#e )i iam Russe ? ( Bohn Russe ? ( % Ernest Rutherford .>aron Rutherford of e son/ ? ( H 1i $ert Ry e ? ( G

    2 ?@(& Rafae 2a$atini ?@(? O i3er 2ac s ?@(4 Lictoria .7Lita7/ 2ac 3i e-)est ?@( FranNoise 2a#an ?@( Antoine de 2aint-Exup0ry ?@(% 1eor#e 2aints$ury ?@(H 2a i .6ector 6u#h Munro/ ?@(G B( D( 2a in#er ?@( 8ord 2a is$ury .Ro$ert Arthur Bames 1ascoyne-Ceci " fifth Mar'uess of2a is$ury/ ?@(@ Anthony 2ampson ?@(?& 8ord 2amue .6er$ert 8ouis" first Liscount 2amue / ?@(??

    Car 2and$ur# ?@(?4 6enry 7Red7 2anders ?@(? )i iam 2ansom ?@(? 1eor#e 2antayana ?@(?% 72apper7 .6erman Cyri Mac ei e/ ?@(?H Bohn 2in#er 2ar#ent ?@(?G 8es ie 2arony ?@(? atha ie 2arraute ?@(?@ Bean-Pau 2artre ?@(4& 2ie#fried 2assoon ?@(4? Eri 2atie ?@(44 Te y 2a3a as ?@(4 Dorothy 8( 2ayers ?@(4 A 2ca pone ?@(4% 6u#h 2can on .>aron 2can on/ ?@(4H Arthur 2car#i ?@(4G A#e 2carpe i" 8uciano Lincen5oni" and 2er#io 8eone ?@(4 Morit5 2ch ic ?@(4@ Artur 2chna$e ?@( & Arno d 2choen$er# ?@( ? >udd 2chu $er# ?@( 4 Diane >( 2chu der ?@(

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    E( F( 2chumacher ?@( A $ert 2ch!eit5er ?@( % urt 2ch!itters ?@( H Martin 2corsese and Mardi Martin ?@( G C( P( 2cott ?@( Pau 2cott ?@( @

    Ro$ert Fa con 2cott ?@( & F orida 2cott-Max!e ?@( ? A an 2ee#er ?@( 4 Pete 2ee#er ?@( Erich 2e#a ?@( )( C( 2e ar and R( B( eatman ?@( % Ro$ert )( 2er3ice ?@( H Anne 2exton ?@( G Bames 2eymour and Rian Bames ?@( Peter 2haffer ?@( @ Ei een 2hanahan ?@(%& >i 2han y ?@(%? Tom 2harpe ?@(%4

    1eor#e >ernard 2ha! ?@(% 2ir 6art ey 2ha!cross .>aron 2ha!cross/ ?@(% Patric 2ha!-2te!art ?@(%% 1 oria 2hayne ?@(%H E( A( 2heppard ?@(%G >urt 2he3e o3e and 8arry 1e $art ?@(% Emanue 2hin!e .>aron 2hin!e / ?@(%@ Bean 2i$e ius ?@(H& )a ter 2ic ert ?@(H? Maurice 2i# er and A 6offman ?@(H4 A an 2i itoe ?@(H Fran 2i 3er and ,r3in# Cohn ?@(H 1eor#es 2imenon ?@(H%

    Bames 2immons ?@(HH Pau 2imon ?@(HG 6aro d 2impson ?@(H ir e 2impson ?@(H@ ( F( 2impson ?@(G& o$ e 2iss e and Eu$ie > a e ?@(G? C( 6( 2isson ?@(G4 Dame Edith 2it!e ?@(G 2ir Os$ert 2it!e ?@(G 7Red 2 e ton7 .Richard 2 e ton/ ?@(G% >( F( 2 inner ?@(GH E i5a$eth 2mart ?@(GG A fred Emanue 2mith ?@(G 2ir Cyri 2mith ?@(G@ Dodie 2mith ?@( & Ed#ar 2mith ?@( ? F( E( 2mith .Ear of >ir enhead/ ?@( 4 ,an 2mith ?@( 8o#an Pearsa 2mith ?@( 2te3ie 2mith .F orence Mar#aret 2mith/ ?@( % Bohn 2na##e ?@( H C( P( 2no! .>aron 2no! of 8eicester/ ?@( G

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    Phi ip 2no!den .Liscount 2no!den/ ?@( A exander 2o 5henitsyn ?@( @ Anastasio 2omo5a ?@(@& 2tephen 2ondheim ?@(@? 2usan 2onta# ?@(@4 Dona d 2oper .>aron 2oper/ ?@(@

    Char es 6ami ton 2or ey ?@(@ 6enry D( 2pa din# ?@(@% Murie 2par ?@(@H Bohn 2parro! ?@(@G Countess 2pencer .Raine 2pencer/ ?@(@ 2ir 2tan ey 2pencer ?@(@@ 2tephen 2pender ?@(?&& Os!a d 2pen# er ?@(?&? 2te3en 2pie $er# ?@(?&4 Dr >en9amin 2poc ?@(?& )i iam Archi$a d 2pooner ?@(?& 2ir Ceci 2prin# Rice ?@(?&% >ruce 2prin#steen ?@(?&H

    2ir B( C( 2'uire ?@(?&G Boseph 2ta in .,osif Lissariono3ich D5hu#ash3i i/ ?@(?& Char es E( 2tanton ?@(?&@ Fran 8( 2tanton ?@(??& Dame Freya 2tar ?@(??? Enid 2tar ie ?@(??4 Christina 2tead ?@(?? 2ir Da3id 2tee ?@(?? 8inco n 2teffens ?@(??% 1ertrude 2tein ?@(??H Bohn 2tein$ec ?@(??G 1 oria 2teinem ?@(?? Bames 2tephens ?@(??@

    Andre! >( 2ter in# ?@(?4& )a ace 2te3ens ?@(?4? Ad ai 2te3enson ?@(?44 Anne 2te3enson ?@(?4 Cas ie 2tinnett ?@(?4 Rt( Re3d Mer3yn 2toc !ood ?@(?4% Tom 2toppard ?@(?4H 8ytton 2trachey ?@(?4G ,#or 2tra3ins y ?@(?4 2imeon 2truns y ?@(?4@ 1( A( 2tuddert ennedy ?@(? & Terry 2u i3an ?@(? ? Arthur 6ays 2u 5$er#er ?@(? 4 Edith 2ummers i ?@(? Bac'ue ine 2usann .Mrs ,r3in# Mansfie d/ ?@(? 6annen 2!affer ?@(? % 6er$ert >ayard 2!ope ?@(? H Eric 2y es and Max >y#ra3es ?@(? G Bohn Mi in#ton 2yn#e ?@(? Thomas 25as5 ?@(? @ 1eor#e 25e ?@(? & A $ert 3on 25ent-1y r#yi ?@(? ?

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    T 4&(& 2ir Ra$indranath Ta#ore 4&(? e ie Ta $ot 4&(4 2( 1( Ta entyre .E( >eatrice 6a / 4&( >ooth Tar in#ton 4&(

    A( B( P( Tay or 4&(% >ert 8eston Tay or 4&(H orman Te$$it 4&(G Arch$ishop )i iam Temp e 4&( A( 2( B( Tessimond 4&(@ Mar#aret Thatcher 4&(?& 2am Theard and F eecie Moore 4&(?? Diane Thomas 4&(?4 Dy an Thomas 4&(? Ed!ard Thomas 4&(? 1!yn Thomas 4&(?% Francis Thompson 4&(?H 6unter 2( Thompson 4&(?G

    8ord Thomson .Roy 6er$ert Thomson" >aron Thomson of F eet/ 4&(? Beremy Thorpe 4&(?@ Bames Thur$er 4&(4& Pau Ti ich 4&(4? Dion Titherad#e 4&(44 A 3in Toff er 4&(4 B( R( R( To ien 4&(4 icho as Toma in 4&(4% >arry Too and Marty Fe dman 4&(4H 2ue To!nsend 4&(4G Pete To!nshend 4&(4 Po y Toyn$ee 4&(4@ 2ir 6er$ert >eer$ohm Tree 4&( &

    6er$ert Trench 4&( ? 1( M( Tre3e yan 4&( 4 8ione Tri in# 4&( Tommy Trinder 4&( 8eon Trots y .8e3 Da3ido3ich >ronstein/ 4&( % 6arry 2( Truman 4&( H >ar$ara )( Tuchman 4&( G 2ophie Tuc er 4&( )a ter Bames Redfern Turner 4&( @ Mar T!ain .2amue 8an#horne C emens/ 4&( & enneth Tynan 4&( ?

    ; 4?(& Mi#ue de ;namuno 4?(? Bohn ;pdi e 4?(4 2ir Peter ;stino3 4?(

    L 44(& Pau La 0ry 44(? Pau Lance and 8ee Poc riss 44(4 Li3ien 3an Damm 44( 8aurens 3an der Post 44(

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    >arto omeo Lan5etti 44(% 6arry Lau#han 44(H Ra ph Lau#han )i iams 44(G Thorstein Le$ en 44( 1ore Lida 44(@ in# Lidor 44(?&

    Bos0 Antonio Liera 1a o 44(?? ) 4 (& Bohn )ain 4 (? Berry )a d and Richard Macau ay 4 (4 Prince of )a es 4 ( Arthur )a ey 4 ( Ed#ar )a ace 4 (% 1eor#e )a ace 4 (H 6enry )a ace 4 (G 1raham )a as 4 ( 2ir 6u#h )a po e 4 (@ Andy )arho 4 (?&

    Bac )arner .6orace )aters/ 4 (?? ed )ashin#ton 4 (?4 2ir )i iam )atson 4 (? E3e yn )au#h 4 (? Frederic )eather y 4 (?% >eatrice )e$$ 4 (?H 1eoffrey )e$$ and Ed!ard B( Mason 4 (?G Bim )e$$ 4 (? 2idney )e$$ .>aron Passfie d/ 4 (?@ 2idney )e$$ .>aron Passfie d/ and >eatrice )e$$ 4 (4& 2imone )ei 4 (4? Bohnny )eissmu er 4 (44 Thomas Ear e )e $y 4 (4

    Fay )e don 4 (4 Co in )e and 4 (4% Orson )e es 4 (4H 6( 1( )e s 4 (4G Arno d )es er 4 (4 Mae )est 4 (4@ Dame Re$ecca )est .Cici y ,sa$e Fairfie d/ 4 ( & Edith )harton 4 ( ? E( >( )hite 4 ( 4 T( 6( )hite 4 ( A fred orth )hitehead 4 ( >ertrand )hitehead 4 ( % atharine )hitehorn 4 ( H 1eor#e )hitin# 4 ( G 1ou#h )hit am 4 ( Char otte )hitton 4 ( @ )i iam 6( )hyte 4 ( & Anna )ic ham .Edith A ice Mary 6arper/ 4 ( ? Richard )i $ur 4 ( 4 >i y )i der .2amue )i der/ 4 ( >i y )i der and ,( A( 8( Diamond 4 ( Thornton )i der 4 ( %

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    aiser )i he m ,, 4 ( H 1eoffrey )i ans and Rona d 2ear e 4 ( G 6arry )i iams 4 ( enneth )i iams 4 ( @ Tennessee )i iams .Thomas 8anier )i iams/ 4 (%& )i iam Car os )i iams 4 (%?

    Ted )i is .Ed!ard 6enry )i is" >aron )i is of Chis ehurst/ 4 (%4 )ende )i ie 4 (% An#us )i son 4 (% Char es E( )i son 4 (%% Edmund )i son 4 (%H 6aro d )i son .>aron )i son of Rie3au x/ 4 (%G Mc8and$ur#h )i son 4 (% 2andy )i son 4 (%@ )oodro! )i son 4 (H& Ro$$ )i ton 4 (H? Arthur )imperis 4 (H4 O!en )ister 4 (H 8ud!i# )itt#enstein 4 (H

    P( 1( )odehouse 4 (H% 6um$ert )o fe 4 (HH Thomas )o fe 4 (HG Tom )o fe 4 (H )ood$ine )i ie 4 (H@ 8t(-Commander Thomas )oodroofe 4 (G& 6arry )oods 4 (G? Lir#inia )oo f 4 (G4 A exander )oo cott 4 (G Fran 8 oyd )ri#ht 4 (G )oodro! )yatt .>aron )yatt/ 4 (G% 8aurie )yman 4 (GH 1eor#e )yndham 4 (GG

    Tammy )ynette .)ynette Pu#h/ and >i y 2herri 4 (G

    4 (& R( B( eatman 4 (? )( >( eats 4 (4 Bac e en 4 ( Michae oun# 4 ( )a demar oun# et a ( 4 (%

    J 4%(& Darry F( Januc 4%(? Emi iano Japata 4%(4 Fran Jappa 4%( Ro$ert Jemec is and >o$ 1a e 4%( Rona d 8( Jie# er 4%(% 1ri#ori Jino3ie3 4%(H

    ?(& A =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ?(? >ud A$$ott and 8ou Coste o .8ouis Francis Cristi o/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    >ud A$$ott ? @%-?@G 8ou Coste o ?@&H-?@%@

    A$$ott: o!" on the 2t 8ouis team !e ha3e )ho7s on first" )hat7son second" , Don7t no! is on third(

    Coste o: That7s !hat , !ant to find out(

    au#hty ineties .?@ % fi m/" in R( B( Ano$i e )ho7s On First+.?@G / p( 44

    ?(4 Dannie A$se =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@4 -

    , no! the co our rose" and it is o3e y" >ut not !hen it ripens in a tumour< And hea in# #reens" ea3es and #rass" so sprin# i e" ,n im$s that fester are not sprin# i e( A 2ma Desperation .?@H / *Patho o#y of Co ours*

    2o in the simp e $ essin# of a rain$o!"

    ,n the $e3e ed ed#e of a sun it mirror" , ha3e seen 3isi$ e" Death7s artifact 8i e a so dier7s ri$$on on a tunic tac ed( A 2ma Desperation .?@H / *Patho o#y of Co ours*

    That 1ree one then is my hero" !ho !atched the $ath !ater rise a$o3ehis na3e and rushed out na ed" *, found it" , found it* into the streetin a his shinin#" and for#ot that others !ou d on y stare at his#enita s( )a in# under )ater .?@%4/ *8etter to A ex Comfort*

    ?( 1oodman Ace =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? @@-?@ 4

    Bane and , #ot mixed up !ith a te e3ision sho!--or as !e ca it $aceast

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    here: TL--a c e3er contraction deri3ed from the !ords Terri$ eLaude3i e( 6o!e3er" it is our atest medium--!e ca it a medium $ecausenothin#7s !e done( ,t !as disco3ered" , suppose you73e heard" $y a man named Fu ton >er e" and it has a ready re3o utioni5ed socia #race $y

    cuttin# do!n par our con3ersation to t!o sentences: *)hat7s on te e3ision+*and *1ood ni#ht(* 8etter to 1roucho Marx" in The 1roucho 8etters .?@HG/ p( ??

    ?( Dean Acheson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? @ -?@G?

    The first re'uirement of a statesman is that he $e du ( This is not

    a !ays easy to achie3e( ,n O$ser3er 4? Bune ?@G&

    , !i undou$ted y ha3e to see !hat is happi y no!n as #ainfu emp oyment" !hich , am # ad to say does not descri$e ho din# pu$ ic office( ,n Time 44 Dec( ?@%4

    1reat >ritain has ost an empire and has not yet found a ro e( 2peech at the Mi itary Academy" )est Point" % Dec( ?@H4" in Lita 2peeches ? Ban( ?@H " p( ?H

    A memorandum is !ritten not to inform the reader $ut to protect the

    !riter( ,n )a 2treet Bourna 2ept( ?@GG

    ?(% B( R( Ac er ey =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? @H-?@HG

    , !as $orn in ? @H and my parents !ere married in ?@?@( My Father and Myse f .?@H / ch( ?

    ?(H Dou# as Adams =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    Don7t panic( 6itch 6i er7s 1uide to the 1a axy .?@G@/ preface

    *8ife"* said Mar3in" *don7t ta to me a$out 8ife(*

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    6itch 6i er7s 1uide to the 1a axy .?@G@/ ch( ??

    And of course ,73e #ot this terri$ e pain in a the diodes do!n myeft

    hand side( 6itch 6i er7s 1uide to the 1a axy .?@G@/ ch( ?

    The Ans!er to the 1reat Question Of((((8ife" the ;ni3erse and E3erythin#((((,s((((Forty-t!o( 6itch 6i er7s 1uide to the 1a axy .?@G@/ ch( 4G

    *The first ten mi ion years !ere the !orst"* said Mar3in" *and thesecond ten mi ion years" they !ere the !orst too( The third ten mi ion ,didn7t en9oy at a ( After that , !ent into a $it of a dec ine(* Restaurant at the End of the ;ni3erse .?@ &/ ch( ?

    ?(G Fran Adams and )i M( 6ou#h


    , !onder !ho7s issin# her no!( Tit e of son# .?@&@/

    ?( Fran in P( Adams =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? ?-?@H&

    )hen the po itica co umnists say *E3ery thin in# man* they mean themse 3es" and !hen candidates appea to *E3ery inte i#ent 3oter*they mean e3ery$ody !ho is #oin# to 3ote for them( ods and >ec s .?@ / p(

    ears a#o !e disco3ered the exact point" the dead centre of midd ea#e( ,t occurs !hen you are too youn# to ta e up #o f and too o d to rush upto the net( ods and >ec s .?@ / p( %

    The trou$ e !ith this country is that there are too many po iticians!ho $e ie3e" !ith a con3iction $ased on experience" that you can foo aof the peop e a of the time( ods and >ec s .?@ / p( G

    E ections are !on $y men and !omen chief y $ecause most peop e 3ote a#ainst some$ody rather than for some$ody(

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ods and >ec s .?@ / p( 4&H

    ?(@ 6enry >roo s Adams =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? -?@? Po itics" as a practice" !hate3er its professions" has a !ays $eenthe systematic or#ani5ation of hatreds( Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( ?

    A friend in po!er is a friend ost( Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( G

    Chaos often $reeds ife" !hen order $reeds ha$it( Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( ?H

    One friend in a ifetime is much< t!o are many< three are hard ypossi$ e( Friendship needs a certain para e ism of ife" a community ofthou#ht" a ri3a ry of aim( Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( 4&

    )hat one no!s is" in youth" of itt e moment< they no! enou#h !hono!

    ho! to earn( Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( 4?

    Practica po itics consists in i#norin# facts(

    Education of 6enry Adams .?@&G/ ch( 44

    2ome day science may ha3e the existence of man ind in its po!er" andthe human race commit suicide" $y $ o!in# up the !or d( 8etter ?? Apr( ? H4" in 8etters of 6enry Adams .?@ 4/ 3o ( ?" p( 4@&

    ?(?& 6aro d Adamson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@&H-?@ &

    Comin7 in on a !in# and a pray7r( Tit e of son# .?@ /

    ?(?? 1eor#e Ade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? HH-?@

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    *)hom are you+* he as ed" for he had attended $usiness co e#e( Chica#o Record ?H Mar( ? @ " *The 2tee >ox*

    Any$ody can )in" un ess there happens to $e a 2econd Entry( Fa$ es in 2 an# .?@&&/ p( ?

    After $ein# Turned Do!n $y numerous Pu$ ishers" he had decided to!rite for posterity( Fa$ es in 2 an# .?@&&/ p( ?%

    ,f it !ere not for the presents" an e opement !ou d $e prefera$ e( Forty Modern Fa$ es .?@&?/ p( 4?

    R-E-M-O-R-2-E Those dry Martinis did the !or for me< 8ast ni#ht at t!e 3e , fe t immense" Today , fee i e thirty cents( My eyes are $ eared" my coppers hot"

    ,7 try to eat" $ut , cannot( ,t is no time for mirth and au#hter" The co d" #ray da!n of the mornin# after( 2u tan of 2u u .?@& / act 4" p( H

    ?(?4 onrad Adenauer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? GH-?@HG

    A thic s in is a #ift from 1od( ,n e! or Times & Dec( ?@%@" p( %

    ?(? A fred Ad er =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? G&-?@ G

    ,t is a !ays easier to fi#ht for one7s princip es than to i3e up tothem( ,n Phy is >ottome A fred Ad er .?@ @/ p( GH

    The truth is often a terri$ e !eapon of a##ression( ,t is possi$ e toie"

    and e3en to murder" for the truth( Pro$ ems of eurosis .?@4@/ ch( 4

    ?(? Po y Ad er =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    A house is not a home( Tit e of $oo .?@% /

    ?(?% AE .A(E(" I/ .1eor#e )i iam Russe / =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? HG-?@ %

    ,n ancient shado!s and t!i i#hts )here chi dhood had strayed" The !or d7s #reat sorro!s !ere $orn And its heroes !ere made( ,n the ost $oyhood of Budas Christ !as $etrayed( La e and Other Poems .?@ ?/ *1ermina *

    ?(?H 6er$ert A#ar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    ? @G-?@ &

    The truth !hich ma es men free is for the most part the truth !hichmen prefer not to hear( Time for 1reatness .?@ 4/ ch( G

    ?(?G Bames A#ate =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? GG-?@ G

    , don7t no! 3ery much" $ut !hat , do no! , no! $etter thanany$ody" and , don7t !ant to ar#ue a$out it( , no! !hat , thin a$out an actor oran actress" and am not interested in !hat any$ody e se thin s( My mindis not a $ed to $e made and re-made( E#o H .?@ / @ Bune ?@

    ?(? 2piro T( A#ne! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@? -

    , didn7t say , !ou dn7t #o into #hetto areas( ,73e $een in many ofthem and to some extent , !ou d ha3e to say this: ,f you73e seen one citys um you73e seen them a (

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ,n Detroit Free Press ?@ Oct( ?@H

    A spirit of nationa masochism pre3ai s" encoura#ed $y an effetecorps of impudent sno$s !ho characteri5e themse 3es as inte ectua s( 2peech in e! Or eans" ?@ Oct( ?@H@" in Fran y 2pea in# .?@G&/ ch(

    ?(?@ Max Ait en =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    2ee 8ord >ea3er$roo .4( %/

    ?(4& JoK A ins =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? H-?@%

    The 1ree s had a !ord for it( Tit e of p ay .?@ &/

    ?(4? A ain .mi e-Au#uste Chartier/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? H -?@%?

    Rien n7est p us dan#ereux 'u7une id0e"'uand on n7a 'u7une id0e(

    othin# is more dan#erous than an idea" !hen you ha3e on y one idea( Propos sur a re i#ion .Remar s on Re i#ion" ?@ / no( G

    ?(44 Ed!ard A $ee =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@4 -

    )ho7s afraid of Lir#inia )oo f+ Tit e of p ay .?@H4/( Cf( Fran E( Churchi

    , ha3e a fine sense of the ridicu ous" $ut no sense of humour( )ho7s Afraid of Lir#inia )oo f+ .?@H4/ act ?

    ?(4 Richard A din#ton =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? @4-?@H4

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Patriotism is a i3e y sense of co ecti3e responsi$i ity(ationa ism is

    a si y coc cro!in# on its o!n dun#hi ( Co one 7s Dau#hter .?@ ?/ pt( ?" ch( H

    ?(4 >rian A diss



    eep 3io ence in the mind )here it $e on#s( >arefoot in the 6ead .?@H@/ . ast ines of conc udin# poem*Charteris*/

    ?(4% e son A #ren =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    e3er p ay cards !ith a man ca ed Doc( e3er eat at a p ace ca ed Mom7s( e3er s eep !ith a !oman !hose trou$ es are !orse than youro!n( ,n e!s!ee 4 Bu y ?@%H

    A !a on the !i d side( Tit e of no3e .?@%H/

    , #ot a # impse into the uses of a certain ind of criticism thispast

    summer at a !riters7 conference into ho! the a3ocation of assessin#the fai ures of $etter men can $e turned into a comforta$ e i3e ihood" pro3idin# you $ac it up !ith a Ph(D( , sa! ho! it !as possi$ e to#ain a chair of iterature on no 'ua ification other than persistence innippin# the hee s of 6emin#!ay" Fau ner" and 2tein$ec ( , no!" of course"that there are true critics" one or t!o( For the rest a , can say is"Dea around me( ,n Ma co m Co! ey .ed(/ )riters at )or .?@% / ?st 2er( p( 444

    ?(4H Muhammad A i .Cassius C ay/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@ 4-

    F oat i e a $utterf y" stin# i e a $ee( Catch-phrase used from circa ?@H " in 1( 2u i3an Cassius C ay 2tory

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    .?@H / ch(

    ,7m the #reatest( Catch-phrase used from ?@H4" in 8ouis3i e Times ?H o3( ?@H4

    ?(4G Fred A en .Bohn F orence 2u i3an/


    ? @ -?@%H

    Ca ifornia is a fine p ace to i3e--if you happen to $e an oran#e( American Ma#a5ine Dec( ?@ %" p( ?4&

    6o y!ood is a p ace !here peop e from ,o!a mista e each other forstars( ,n Maurice Jo oto! o Peop e i e 2ho! Peop e .?@%?/ ch(

    Committee--a #roup of men !ho indi3idua y can do nothin# $ut as a

    #roup decide that nothin# can $e done( ,n 8aurence B( Peter Quotations for our Time .?@G / p( ?4&

    ?(4 )oody A en .A en 2te!art oni#s$er#/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@ %-

    ,t7s not that ,7m afraid to die( , 9ust don7t !ant to $e there !henit happens(

    Death .?@G%/ p( H

    ,s sex dirty+ On y if it7s done ri#ht( E3erythin# ou A !ays )anted to no! a$out 2ex .?@G4 fi m/

    ,f it turns out that there is a 1od" , don7t thin that he7s e3i (>ut the !orst that you can say a$out him is that $asica y he7s anunderachie3er( 8o3e and Death .?@G% fi m/

    The ion and the ca f sha ie do!n to#ether $ut the ca f !on7t #etmuch s eep( e! Repu$ ic ? Au#( ?@G *The 2cro s*

    ot on y is there no 1od" $ut try #ettin# a p um$er on !ee ends( e! or er 4G Dec( ?@H@ *My Phi osophy*

    ,f on y 1od !ou d #i3e me some c ear si#n 8i e ma in# a ar#edeposit in my name at a 2!iss $an (

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    e! or er % o3( ?@G *2e ections from the A en ote$oo s*

    On $isexua ity: ,t immediate y dou$ es your chances for a date on2aturday ni#ht( e! or Times ? Dec( ?@G%" p(

    More than any other time in history" man ind faces a crossroads( Onepath eads to despair and utter hope essness( The other" to totaextinction( 8et us pray !e ha3e the !isdom to choose correct y( 2ide Effects .?@ &/ *My 2peech to the 1raduates*

    Ta e the money and run( Tit e of fi m .?@H /

    On the p us side" death is one of the fe! thin#s that can $e done as easi y yin# do!n(

    )ithout Feathers .?@GH/ *Ear y Essays*

    Money is $etter than po3erty" if on y for financia reasons( )ithout Feathers .?@GH/ *Ear y Essays*

    My one re#ret in ife is that , am not someone e se( Epi#raph to Eric 8ax )oody A en and his Comedy .?@G%/

    And my parents fina y rea i5e that ,7m idnapped and they snap into action immediate y: They rent out my room( ,n Eric 8ax )oody A en and his Comedy .?@G%/ ch( ?

    , don7t !ant to achie3e immorta ity throu#h my !or ((((, !ant to

    achie3e it throu#h not dyin#( ,n Eric 8ax )oody A en and his Comedy .?@G%/ ch( ?4

    ,t !as partia y my fau t that !e #ot di3orced(((( , tended to p acemy !ife under a pedesta ( At ni#ht-c u$ in Chica#o" Mar( ?@H " recorded on )oody A en Lo umeT!o .Co pix CP / side ?" $and H

    , must say(((a fast !ord a$out ora contraception( , as ed a #ir to#o to $ed !ith me and she said *no(* At ni#ht-c u$ in )ashin#ton" Apr( ?@H%" recorded on )oody A enLo ume T!o .Co pix CP / side " $and H

    ?(4@ )oody A en .A en 2te!art oni#s$er#/ and Marsha >ric man =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    )oody A en ?@ %- Marsha >ric man ?@ ?-

    That UsexV !as the most fun , e3er had !ithout au#hin#( Annie 6a .?@GG fi m/

    Don7t noc mastur$ation( ,t7s sex !ith someone , o3e( Annie 6a .?@GG fi m/

    , fee that ife is--is di3ided up into the horri$ e and themisera$ e( Annie 6a .?@GG fi m/

    My $rain+ ,t7s my second fa3ourite or#an( 2 eeper .?@G fi m/

    ,7m not the heroic type" rea y( , !as $eaten up $y Qua ers( 2 eeper .?@G fi m/

    ?( & Mar#ery A in#ham =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@& -?@HH

    Once sex rears its u# y 7ead it7s time to steer c ear( F o!ers for the Bud#e .?@ H/ ch(

    ?( ? Boseph A sop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    1ratitude" i e o3e" is ne3er a dependa$ e internationa emotion( ,n O$ser3er & o3( ?@%4

    ?( 4 Ro$ert A tman =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    After a " !hat7s a cu t+ ,t 9ust means not enou#h peop e to ma e a minority( ,n 1uardian ?? Apr( ?@ ?

    ?( 8eo Amery =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? G -?@%%

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    , !i 'uote certain other !ords( , do it !ith #reat re uctance"$ecause , am spea in# of those !ho are o d friends and associates of mine" $utthey are !ords !hich" , thin " are app ica$ e to the present situation(This is

    !hat Crom!e said to the 8on# Par iament !hen he thou#ht it !as noon#er fit to conduct the affairs of the nation: * ou ha3e sat too on# herefor any #ood you ha3e $een doin#( Depart" , say" and et us ha3e done!ith you( ,n the name of 1od" #o(* 6ansard G May ?@ &" co ( ??%&( Cf( Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.?@G@/ ?H@:4H

    2pea for En# and( 2aid to Arthur 1reen!ood in 6ouse of Commons" 4 2ept( ?@ @" in 8(

    Amery My Po itica 8ife .?@%%/ 3o ( " p( 4

    For t!enty years he U6( 6( As'uithV has he d a season-tic et on theine

    of east resistance and has #one !here3er the train of e3ents hascarried him" ucid y 9ustifyin# his position at !hate3er point he hashappened to find himse f( Quarter y Re3ie! Bu y ?@? " p( 4GH

    ?( in#s ey Amis



    The de usion that there are thousands of youn# peop e a$out !ho are capa$ e of $enefitin# from uni3ersity trainin#" $ut ha3e someho!fai ed to find their !ay there" is(((a necessary component of the expansionist case((((More !i mean !orse( Encounter Bu y ?@H&

    The point a$out !hite >ur#undies is that , hate them myse f( , ta e !hate3er my !ine supp ier !i et me ha3e at a #ood price .!hich ,!ou d ne3er dream of doin# !ith any other drin a$ e/( , en9oyed seein#those # asses of Cha$ is or Poui y Fuiss0" so c ose y resem$ in# a $ endof co d cha soup and a um cordia !ith an additi3e or t!o to $rin# itto

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    the co our of chi dren7s pee" $ein# peered and sniffed at" ro edround the shrin in# ton#ue and forced do!n someho! $y parties of youn# techno o#y dons from Cam$rid#e or 9unior te e3ision producers andtheir #ir s(

    The 1reen Man .?@H@/ ch( ? Dixon(((tried to f ai his features into some sort of response tohumour( Menta y" ho!e3er" he !as ma in# a different face and promisin#himse f he7d ma e it actua y !hen next a one( 6e7d dra! his o!er ip inunder his top teeth and $y de#rees retract his chin as far as possi$ e" athis !hi e di atin# his eyes and nostri s( >y these means he !ou d" he !as confident" cause a deep dan#erous f ush to suffuse his face( 8uc y Bim .?@% / ch( ?

    A un7s ife !as comin# to consist more and more exc usi3e y of $ein#to d at dictation speed !hat he ne!( The O d De3i s .?@ H/ ch( G

    Outside e3ery fat man there !as an e3en fatter man tryin# to c osein( One Fat En# ishman .?@H / ch( ( 2ee a so Cyri Conno y . ( %/ and 1eor#e Or!e .?%(4 /

    6e !as of the faith chief y in the sense that the church he current ydid

    not attend !as Catho ic( One Fat En# ishman .?@H / ch(

    ?( % Max!e Anderson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? -?@%@

    >ut it7s a on#" on# !hi e From May to Decem$er< And the days #ro! short )hen you reach 2eptem$er( 2eptem$er 2on# .?@ son#< music $y urt )ei /

    ?( H Max!e Anderson and 8a!rence 2ta in#s =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    Max!e Anderson ? -?@%@ 8a!rence 2ta in#s ? @ -?@H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    )hat price # ory+ Tit e of p ay .?@4 /

    ?( G Ro$ert Anderson =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    =-=-=- ?@?G-

    A you7re supposed to do is e3ery once in a !hi e #i3e the $oys aitt e

    tea and sympathy( Tea and 2ympathy .?@%G/ act ?

    ?( Bames Anderton =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@ 4-

    1od !or s in mysterious !ays( 1i3en my o3e of 1od and my $e ief in1od and in Besus Christ" , ha3e to accept that , may !e $e used $y 1odin this !ay Uas a prophetV( ,n radio inter3ie!" ? Ban( ?@ G" in Dai y Te e#raph ?@ Ban( ?@ G

    E3ery!here , #o , see increasin# e3idence of peop e s!ir in# a$out ina human cesspit of their o!n ma in#( 2peech at seminar on A,D2" ?? Dec( ?@ H" in 1uardian ?4 Dec( ?@ H

    ?( @ 2ir orman An#e =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ? G4-?@HG

    The #reat i usion( Tit e of $oo .?@?&/" first pu$ ished as *Europe7s optica i usion* .?@&@/" on the futi ity of !ar

    ?( & Maya An#e ou .Maya Bohnson/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@4 -

    , no! !hy the ca#ed $ird sin#s( Tit e of $oo .?@H@/" ta en from the ast ine of *2ympathy* $y Pau 8aurence Dun$ar in 8yrics of 6earthside .? @@/( Cf( OxfordDictionary of Quotations .?@G@/ %HG:?&

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ?( ? Pau An a =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    ?@ ?-

    And no! the end is near And so , face the fina curtain" My friend" ,7 say it c ear" ,7 state my case of !hich ,7m certain( ,73e i3ed a ife that7s fu " ,73e tra3e ed each and e37ryhi#h!ay And more" much more than this( , did it my !ay( My )ay .?@H@ son#< music $y C aude FranNois and Bac'ues Re3aux/

    ?( 4 Princess Anne .6R6 the Princess Roya / =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    ,t cou d $e said that the Aids pandemic is a c assic o!n-#oa scored$y the human race a#ainst itse f( ,n Dai y Te e#raph 4G Ban( ?@

    ?( Anonymous =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    Access--your f exi$ e friend( Ad3ertisin# s o#an for Access credit cards" ?@ ? on!ards" in i#eRees 2 o#ans .?@ 4/ p( @?

    A the !ay !ith 8>B( ;2 Democratic Party campai#n s o#an" in )ashin#ton Post Bune ?@H&

    American Express+(((That7 do nice y" sir( Ad3ertisement for American Express credit card" ?@G&s" in F( Ben ins Ad3ertisin# .?@ %/ ch( ?

    Ar$eit macht frei(

    )or i$erates( )ords inscri$ed on the #ates of Dachau concentration camp" ?@

    Austra ians !ou dn7t #i3e a for anythin# e se( Ad3ertisement for Cast emaine a#er" ?@ H on!ards" in Phi ip einmanThe 2aatchi and 2aatchi 2tory .?@ G/ ch( %

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    >an the $om$( ;2 anti-nuc ear s o#an" ?@% on!ards" adopted $y the Campai#n for

    uc ear Disarmament

    A $ayonet is a !eapon !ith a !or er at each end(

    >ritish pacifist s o#an .?@ &/ The $est defence a#ainst the atom $om$ is not to $e there !hen it#oes off( Contri$utor to >ritish Army Bourna " in O$ser3er 4& Fe$( ?@ @

    >etter red than dead( 2 o#an of nuc ear disarmament campai#ners" ate ?@%&s

    >i#amy is ha3in# one hus$and too many( Mono#amy is the same( ,n Erica Bon# Fear of F yin# .?@G / ch( ? .epi#raph/

    A $i##er $an# for a $uc ( Description of Char es E( )i son7s defence po icy" in e!s!ee 44Mar( ?@%

    > ac is $eautifu ( 2 o#an of American ci3i ri#hts campai#ners in the mid-?@H&s" citedin e!s!ee ?? Bu y ?@HH

    >urn" $a$y" $urn( > ac extremist s o#an used in 8os An#e es riots" Au#ust ?@H%" in 8os An#e es Times ?% Au# ?@H%" p( ?

    The $ut er did it ,n i#e Rees 2ayin#s of the Century .?@ / p( % .as a so ution for detecti3e stories( Rees cannot trace the ori#in of the phrase" $ut he 'uotes a correspondent !ho reca s hearin# it at a cinema circa ?@?H/

    A came is a horse desi#ned $y a committee( ,n Financia Times ? Ban( ?@GH

    Can7t act( 2 i#ht y $a d( A so dances( 2tudio officia 7s comment on Fred Astaire" in >o$ Thomas Astaire.?@ %/ ch(

    Can you te 2tor from $utter+ Ad3ertisement for 2tor mar#arine" from circa ?@%H

    Care ess ta costs i3es( )or d )ar ,, pu$ icity s o#an" in B( Darracott and >( 8oftus 2econd)or d )ar Posters .?@G4/ p( 4

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    Cou#hs and snee5es spread diseases( Trap the #erms in yourhand erchief( ?@ 4 hea th s o#an" in B( Darracott and >( 8oftus 2econd )or d )ar Posters .?@G4/ p( ?@

    UDeath isV nature7s !ay of te in# you to s o! do!n(

    e!s!ee " 4% Apr( ?@H&" p( G& Do not fo d" spind e or muti ate in any !ay( ?@%&s instruction on punched cards" found in 3arious forms circa?@ % on!ards

    Don7t as a man to drin and dri3e( ; road safety s o#an" from ?@H

    Don7t die of i#norance( 2 o#an used in A,D2 pu$ icity campai#n" ?@ G: see The Times @ and ?Ban(

    ?@ G

    Ein Reich" ein Lo " ein Fhrer(

    One rea m" one peop e" one eader( a5i Party s o#an" ear y ?@ &s

    E3en your c osest friends !on7t te you( ;2 ad3ertisement for 8isterine mouth!ash" in )oman7s 6ome Companion

    o3( ?@4 " p( H

    E3ery picture te s a story(

    Ad3ertisement for Doan7s >ac ache idney Pi s" in Dai y Mai 4H Fe$( ?@&

    Exp eti3e de eted( 2u$mission of Recorded Presidentia Con3ersations to the Committee onthe Budiciary of the 6ouse of Representati3es $y President Richard M(

    ixon & Apr( ?@G " app( ?" p( 4

    Faster than a speedin# $u et More po!erfu than a ocomoti3e A$ eto eap ta $ui din#s at a sin# e $ound 8oo ;p in the s y ,t7s a$ird ,t7s a p ane ,t7s 2uperman es" it7s 2uperman 2tran#e 3isitorfrom another p anet" !ho came to earth !ith po!ers and a$i ities far$eyond those of morta men( 2uperman )ho can chan#e the course of mi#htyri3ers" $end stee !ith his $are hands" and !ho--dis#uised as C ar ent"

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    mi d-mannered reporter for a #reat metropo itan ne!spaper--fi#hts ane3er endin# $att e for truth" 9ustice and the American !ay Pream$ e to 2uperman" ;2 radio sho!" ?@ & on!ards

    The fo o!in# is a copy of Orders issued $y the 1erman Emperor on

    Au#ust ?@th: *,t is my Roya and ,mperia command that you concentrate your ener#ies for the immediate present upon one sin# e purpose" and thatis that you address a your s i and a the 3a our of my so diers to exterminate first" the treacherous En# ish" !a o3er 1eneraFrench7s contempti$ e itt e army((((* Annexe to >(E(F( U>ritish Expeditionary ForceV Routine Orders of 4 2eptem$er ?@? " in Arthur Ponson$y Fa sehood in )artime .?@4 / ch( ?& .a thou#h this is often attri$uted to aiser )i he m ,," it !as most pro$a$ y fa$ricated $y the >ritish/

    Fran ie and A $ert !ere o3ers" O 8ordy" ho! they cou d o3e( 2!ore to $e true to each other" true as the stars a$o3e< 6e !as her man" $ut he done her !ron#( *Fran ie and A $ert* in Bohn 6uston Fran ie and Bohnny .?@ &/ p( @%.2t 8ouis $a ad ater $etter no!n as *Fran ie and Bohnny*/

    Fu of Eastern promise( Ad3ertisin# s o#an for Fry7s Tur ish De i#ht" ?@%&s on!ards

    1od #a3e oah the rain$o! si#n" o more !ater" the fire next time( 6ome in that Roc . e#ro spiritua /( Cf( Bames >a d!in ?H:?

    1od is not dead $ut a i3e and !or in# on a much ess am$itiouspro9ect( 1raffito 'uoted in 1uardian 4H o3( ?@G%

    1otcha 6ead ine on the sin in# of the 1enera >e #rano" in 2un May ?@ 4

    1o to !or on an e##( Ad3ertisin# s o#an for the >ritish E## Mar etin# >oard" from ?@%Gio#raphy.?@ &/ ch( ?H

    6ere !e #o" here !e #o" here !e #o( 2on# sun# $y foot$a supporters etc(" ?@ &s

    6is U)( 2( 1i $ert7sV foe !as fo y and his !eapon !it( ,nscription on memoria to 1i $ert on the Lictoria Em$an ment"8ondon" ?@?%

    , don7t i e the fami y 2tein There is 1ert" there is Ep" there is Ein( 1ert7s !ritin#s are pun " Ep7s statues are 9un " or can anyone understand Ein( ,n R( 1ra3es and A( 6od#e The 8on# )ee end .?@ &/ ch( ?4 .rhymecurrent in

    the ;2A in the ?@4&s/

    ,f it mo3es" sa ute it< if it doesn7t mo3e" pic it up< and if youcan7t pic it up" paint it( ?@ &s sayin#" in Pau Dic son The Officia Ru es .?@G / p( 4?

    ,f you !ant to #et ahead" #et a hat( Ad3ertisin# s o#an for the 6at Counci " ; " ?@H%

    , s ne passeront pas(

    They sha not pass( 2 o#an used $y French army at defence of Lerdun in ?@?H < 3arious y attri$uted to Marsha P0tain and to 1enera Ro$ert i3e e( Cf(Do ores ,$arruri ?&@:?

    ,7m $ac in# >ritain( 2 o#an coined $y !or ers at the Co t factory" 2ur$iton" 2urrey and su$se'uent y used in a nationa campai#n" in The Times ? Ban( ?@H

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    ,7m !orried a$out Bim( Fre'uent ine in Mrs Da e7s Diary" >>C radio series ?@ -H@: seeDenis 1ifford The 1o den A#e of Radio .?@ %/ p( ?G@ .!here the ine is#i3en as *,7m a itt e !orried a$out Bim*/

    The iron ady( ,n 2unday Times 4% Ban( ?@GH .name #i3en to Mar#aret Thatcher" then8eader of the Opposition" $y the 2o3iet defence ministry ne!spaper Red 2tar" !hich accused her of tryin# to re3i3e the co d !ar/

    ,s your 9ourney rea y necessary+ ?@ @ s o#an .coined to discoura#e Ci3i 2er3ants from #oin# home for Christmas/" in orman 8on#mate 6o! )e 8i3ed Then .?@G?/ ch( 4%

    ,t $ecame necessary to destroy the to!n to sa3e it( Comment $y unidentified ;nited 2tates Army Ma9or in Associated Press

    Report" e! or Times Fe$( ?@H Uthe to!n referred to is >en Tre" LietnamV

    ,t7s for you-hoo 2 o#an for >ritish Te ecom te e3ision ad3ertisements" ?@ % on!ards

    ,t7s that man a#ain((( At the head of a ca3a cade of se3en $ acmotor cars 6it er s!ept out of his >er in Chance ery ast ni#ht on amystery 9ourney( 6ead ine in Dai y Express 4 May ?@ @ Uthe a$$re3iation ,TMA !as usedas

    tit e of a >>C radio sho! from ?@ 2ept( ?@ @V

    ,t !i p ay in Peoria( ,n e! or Times @ Bune ?@G .catch-phrase of the ixonadministration/

    Be suis Marxiste--tendance 1roucho(

    , am a Marxist--of the 1roucho tendency( 2 o#an used at anterre in Paris" ?@H

    Bust !hen you thou#ht it !as safe to #o $ac in the !ater( Ad3ertisement for Ba!s 4 .?@G fi m/

    entuc y Fried Chic en((((*,t7s fin#er ic in7 #ood(* American Restaurant Ma#a5ine Bune ?@%

    in#7s Mo Reno7d in )o sey7s 6ome To!n( ,n Frances Dona dson Ed!ard L,,, .?@G / ch( G .American ne!spaperhead ine referrin# to Mrs 2impson7s di3orce proceedin#s in ,ps!ich/

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    8a$our isn7t !or in#( ,n Phi ip einman The 2aatchi and 2aatchi 2tory .?@ G/ ch( 4.>ritish Conser3ati3e Party s o#an" ?@G -@" on poster sho!in# a on# 'ueueoutside an unemp oyment office/

    8>B" 8>B" ho! many ids ha3e you i ed today+ ,n Bac'uin 2anders The Draft and the Lietnam )ar .?@HH/ ch( .anti-Lietnam marchin# s o#an/

    8et7s #et out of these !et c othes and into a dry Martini( 8ine coined in ?@4&s $y press a#ent for Ro$ert >ench ey .and often attri$uted to >ench ey/" in 6o!ard Teichmann 2mart A ec .?@GH/ ch( @(Cf( Mae )est 44%:?&

    8et the train ta e the strain( >ritish Rai ad3ertisin# s o#an" ?@G& on!ards

    8et your fin#ers do the !a in#( ?@H&s ad3ertisement for >e system Te ephone Directory e o!Pa#es" in 6aro d 2( 2harp Ad3ertisin# 2 o#ans of America .?@ / p(

    8i$erty is a !ays unfinished $usiness( Tit e of Hth Annua Report of the American Ci3i 8i$erties ;nion" Bu y ?@%% - & Bune ?@%H

    8ife is a sexua y transmitted disease( ,n D( B( Enri#ht .ed(/ Fa$er >oo of Fe3ers and Frets .?@ @/.#raffito in

    the 8ondon ;nder#round/

    8ife7s $etter !ith the Conser3ati3es( Don7t et 8a$our ruin it( ,n Da3id >ut er and Richard Rose >ritish 1enera E ection of ?@%@.?@H&/ ch( .Conser3ati3e Party e ection s o#an/

    8 oyd 1eor#e no!s my father" My father no!s 8 oyd 1eor#e( Comic son# consistin# of these t!o ines sun# o3er and o3er a#ain tothe tune of On!ard" Christian 2o diers" perhaps ori#ina y $y Tommy Rhys Ro$erts .?@?&-G%/< sometimes !ith * ne!* instead of * no!s*

    8ousy $ut oya ( 8ondon East End s o#an at 1eor#e L7s Bu$i ee .?@ %/" in i#e Rees2 o#ans .?@ 4/

    Mademoise e from Armenteers" 6asn7t $een issed for forty years" 6in y" din y" par ey-3oo(

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    2on# of )or d )ar ," 3arious y ascri$ed to Ed!ard Ro! and and 6arry Car ton

    Ma e do and mend( )artime s o#an" ?@ &s

    Ma e o3e not !ar( 2tudent s o#an" ?@H&s

    The man from De Monte says * es(* Ad3ertisin# s o#an for tinned fruit" ?@ %

    The man you o3e to hate( >i in# for Erich 3on 2troheim in the fi m The 6eart of 6umanity.?@? /" in Peter o$ e 6o y!ood 2cape#oat .?@%&/ ch( 4

    Mother may , #o and $athe+ es" my dar in# dau#hter(

    6an# your c othes on yonder tree" >ut don7t #o near the !ater( ,n ,ona and Peter Opie Oxford Dictionary of ursery Rhymes .?@%?/ p(

    ? ( Cf( )a ter de a Mare HH:4&

    The nearest thin# to death in ife ,s Da3id Patric Max!e Fyfe" Thou#h underneath that # oomy she 6e does himse f extreme y !e ( ,n E( 1rierson Confessions of a Country Ma#istrate .?@G4/ p( %.rhyme a$out 2ir Da3id Max!e Fyfe" said to ha3e $een current on the

    orthern circuit in the ate ?@ &s/

    i car$orundum i e#itimi( Moc -8atin pro3er$ trans ated as *Don7t et the $astards #rind youdo!n*< often simp y *ni car$orundum* or *i e#itimi non car$orundum*

    o mana#er e3er #ot fired for $uyin# ,>M( ,>M ad3ertisin# s o#an

    ice one" Cyri ( ?@G4 te e3ision ad3ertisin# campai#n for )onder oaf< ta en up $y supporters of Cyri no! es" Tottenham 6otspur foot$a er< the 2pursteam ater made a record featurin# the ine

    o more 8atin" no more French" o more sittin# on a hard $oard $ench( Rhyme used $y chi dren at the end of schoo term: see ,ona and PeterOpie 8ore and 8an#ua#e of 2choo chi dren .?@%@/ ch( ? < a so found !ith

  • 7/21/2019 The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations


    3ariants such as: o more 8atin" no more 1ree " o more cares to ma eme s'uea

    osta #ia isn7t !hat it used to $e( 1raffito" used as tit e of $oo $y 2imone 2i#noret

    ot so much a pro#ramme" more a !ay of ife Tit e of >>C te e3ision series" ?@H

    O Death" !here is thy stin#-a- in#-a- in#" O #ra3e"