the olympians 7th edition

NEW GENERATIONS NEW GENERATIONS NEW GENERATIONS NEW GENERATIONS NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT September 21, 2010 was another special night for Rotary Club of Makati Olympia. It was the New Generations Night. Attended by the officers and members of the seven sponsored Interact and Rotaract Clubs, it was a forum for both Rotarians and the New Generations to share knowledge and experiences of Rotary. CP Rose Acoba gave the background of the New Generations as the 5 th avenue of Service. The Rotaractos and Interactors in turn shared their clubs’ thrusts, projects and endeavors. For the new Rotarians, it was an introduction on the beautiful relationship between RCMO and its sponsored youth groups not just as partners but as members of the family. DGSR Sue Sta. Maria was present. She participated in the lively exchange between the Rotarians and Rotakids, Interactors, Rotaractors. In the end, the challenge given was for the New Generations to continue with their endeavors to become global leaders while the Rotarians were asked to give the undertakings of the youth a home in the Rotary club. In the true fashion of a night for the new generations, music provided by the Rotaractors from Teatro de Olympia filled the air. Not to be outdone, the Interactors presented their own dance numbers. It was a fulfilling, youth-ful evening! Message Message Message Message of the of the of the of the RCMO RCMO RCMO RCMO President President President President My Dear Fellow Olympians, Our charter presentation is just around the corner. a It is our most awaited night, our baptism and debut in Rotary. I am so pleased of the progress of the preparations being done. However, I ask everyone to step up and actively participate especially as every day that passes draws us nearer to October 16. We must remember that we always go for ‘gold’ and our charter presentation will be a testament of this commitment by every individual member. We have chosen “Here to Last” as our theme. For a new club like ours, it is most appropriate for our vision is limitless and goes beyond time. As important as the far- reaching dreams we have is how we set the foundation to all our endeavors. I have repeatedly said that the charter year is a time to put all the Rotary elements of the club in place. It is easier said than done. Everyone’s dedication is challenged. This is to say further, that to be members and Rotarians carries with it individual duties and responsibilities that contribute to the collective mind and spirit that embody the objectives of our club. It is the key for us to go the distance. Surely, there will be a lot of frustrations and triumphs, but as the song “Go the Distance” goes, “…And I (we) wont look back, I (we) can go the distance, And I’ll (we’ll) stay on track, no, I (we) won’t accept defeat, It’s an uphill slope, but I (we) won’t lose hope, Till I (we) go the distance and my (our) journey is complete…” Yes, RCMO will find its niche in Rotary. Receiving our charter is just the start… OLYMPIANS The Official Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Makati OLYMPIA VOL 01 NO 07SEPTEMBER 2010 The

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In the true fashion of a night for the new generations, music provided by the Rotaractors from Teatro de Olympia filled the air. Not to be outdone, the Interactors presented their own dance numbers. Our charter presentation is just around the corner. a It is our most awaited night, our baptism and debut in Rotary. My Dear Fellow Yes, RCMO will find its niche in Rotary. Receiving our charter is just the start… Olympians, The Official Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Makati OLYMPIA


Page 1: The OLYMPIANS 7th edition



September 21, 2010 was another special night for Rotary Club of Makati Olympia.

It was the New Generations Night. Attended by the officers and members of the seven

sponsored Interact and Rotaract Clubs, it was a forum for both Rotarians and the

New Generations to share knowledge and experiences of Rotary. CP Rose Acoba gave

the background of the New Generations as the 5th avenue of Service. The Rotaractos

and Interactors in turn shared their clubs’ thrusts, projects and endeavors. For the new

Rotarians, it was an introduction on the beautiful relationship between RCMO

and its sponsored youth groups not just as partners but as members of the family.

DGSR Sue Sta. Maria was present. She participated in

the lively exchange between the Rotarians and Rotakids, Interactors, Rotaractors. In

the end, the challenge given was for the New Generations to continue with their

endeavors to become global leaders while the Rotarians were asked to give the

undertakings of the youth a home in the Rotary club.

In the true fashion of a night for the new generations, music provided by the Rotaractors

from Teatro de Olympia filled the air. Not to be outdone, the Interactors presented their

own dance numbers.

It was a fulfilling, youth-ful evening!

Message Message Message Message of the of the of the of the RCMORCMORCMORCMO PresidentPresidentPresidentPresident

My Dear Fellow Olympians,

Our charter presentation

is just around the corner. a

It is our most awaited

night, our baptism and

debut in Rotary.

I am so pleased of the progress of the

preparations being done. However, I ask

everyone to step up and actively participate

especially as every day that passes draws us

nearer to October 16. We must remember

that we always go for ‘gold’ and our charter

presentation will be a testament of this

commitment by every individual member.

We have chosen “Here to Last” as our

theme. For a new club like ours, it is most

appropriate for our vision is limitless and

goes beyond time. As important as the far-

reaching dreams we have is how we set the

foundation to all our endeavors. I have

repeatedly said that the charter year is a time

to put all the Rotary elements of the club in

place. It is easier said than done. Everyone’s

dedication is challenged. This is to say

further, that to be members and Rotarians

carries with it individual duties and

responsibilities that contribute to the

collective mind and spirit that embody the

objectives of our club. It is the key for us to

go the distance. Surely, there will be a lot of

frustrations and triumphs, but as the song

“Go the Distance” goes,

“…And I (we) wont look back, I (we) can go the

distance, And I’ll (we’ll) stay on track, no, I (we) won’t

accept defeat, It’s an uphill slope, but I (we) won’t lose

hope, Till I (we) go the distance and my (our) journey is


Yes, RCMO will find its niche in Rotary.

Receiving our charter is just the start…

OLYMPIANS The Official Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Makati OLYMPIA

VOL 01 NO 07• SEPTEMBER 2010


Page 2: The OLYMPIANS 7th edition

editorial team adviser Rose Acoba

editor Joel D. Adriano

We’d like to hear from you.

Write us your ideas and thoughts or contribute articles that you think is interesting and will be beneficial to our organization. Contact us at (0917)545-6171 and (0917)891-4695.


Ashley Mupas is the little angel who has

hydrocephalus referred to by CP Rose Acoba

to RC Paranaque. She has been admitted at

the National Children’s Hospital in Banawe,

Quezon City last Wed, September 21 but

discharged September 25. She had

pneumonia which had to be treated first

before undergoing surgery. She will be back

for admission at the Hospital this Thursday,

September 30 for the hydrocephalus

treatment. Let us pray for the success of

the surgery which will give new life to baby


2010 NEW GENERATION CONFERENCE By: Rotaractor Joel Advincula

Rotary Club of Makati Olympia sent 10 official delegates to

the just concluded New Generations Conference held

September 25, 2010 at University of Makati. The

delegates included DIR Miguel Bermido, IPDIR Janine

Astrande, District Interact Treasurer, Toffee Rapisura, all of

Interact Club of Makati Olympia and the Presidents of its

seven sponsored Interact and Rotaract Clubs.

As its contribution to the conference, six talented members

of IAC and RAC Teatro de Olympia wowed the 550 youth

participants with their performance of “You Can Stop the

Beat” from the Musicale Hairspray.

The New Generation Conference is an annual event held

every September as highlight of the New Generations

Month Celebration. Interactors, Rotaractors and students

ages 12 – 30 years old converge to discuss topics affecting

the youth. This year’s theme is WOW: Wisdom of Winners.

Supporting the youth delegates were CP Rose Acoba, Dir.

Ju Abdulcadir and Co-chairs Wilbert Zamuco and Hanica

Jane Pacis of RCMO’s New Gen Sub-Committee.

Avenues of Service

Based on the Object of Rotary, the Avenues of

Service are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone and

the foundation on which club activity is based:

� Club Service focuses on strengthening

fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of

the club.

� Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to

serve others through their vocations and to practice

high ethical standards.

� Community Service covers the projects and

activities the club undertakes to improve life in its


� International Service encompasses actions

taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around

the globe and to promote world understanding and


� New Generations Service recognizes the

positive change implemented by youth and young

adults through leadership development activities,

service projects, and exchange programs.

Rotary Information of the Week


Excerpts from Manila Bulletin Article, Rabies Awareness:

Fighting the Ultimate Killer Bite

“Rabies is an absolute killer – 100 % of infected victims, once

symptoms appear, die of a slow and painful death. However, rabies

is 100% preventable…

This year’s Rabies Awareness Month aims to encourage Filipinos

to register and vaccinate their pet dogs and to educate the public on

the importance of the human pre-exposure vaccination, pet

immunization, responsible pet ownership and animal bite

immunization in fulfillment of the Rabies-free Philippines by year


… More often, rabies-related deaths are due to ignorance and

poverty. There are still animal bite victims who do not receive the

appropriate post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for various reasons

such as belief in tandok and traditional healers.

…Visit your veterinarian or nearest animal bite treatment center

now to know more of rabies prevention.”


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International News…



By Ryan Hyland

Rotary International News -- 9 September 2010

This September's New Generations Month takes on a

different meaning than in the past.

The commitment to getting youth and young adults

actively involved in Rotary was strengthened in April

when representatives at the Council on Legislation

approved New Generations as the fifth Avenue of Service.

RI President Ray Klinginsmith says the new Avenue of

Service improves the value of youth programs and their

impact on Rotary's future.

"The Council wanted to be sure New Generations

programs were given adequate attention by clubs," says

Klinginsmith. "Rotarians just want to be up front and

recognize the importance of these programs. New

Generations isn't just important to the future of Rotary but

also our communities and the world."

New Generations Service acknowledges the positive

change implemented by youth and young adults involved

in leadership development activities, community and

international service, and exchange programs that enrich

and foster world peace and cultural understanding.

Programs include RYLA, Rotaract, Interact, and Rotary

Youth Exchange.

We truly have the finest youth programs in the world,"

says Klinginsmith. "Their intrinsic value continues to

escalate. We do a great job with these programs, we just

need to give them more visibility."

This month is a chance to celebrate the new Avenue of

Service, says Vicki Puliz, chair of New Generations

Service for District 5190 (parts of California and Nevada,


"News of the Council's decision was welcomed with

excitement and enthusiasm by Rotarians in our district,"

says Puliz. "We are using this as a way to emphasize how

Rotary International views New Generations and its

importance. It's a springboard to communicate even more

with our clubs about these programs."

Virtually every club in her district is involved with one or

more of the four youth programs. A wide range of district

programs fall under the New Generations umbrella, says



Monday - September 27, 2010, 2 pm, Jose Magsaysay

Elementary School – Awarding of Best Teachers of JMES

Monday - September 27, 2010, 6:30pm, Amazing Show,

Fellowship with RC Malate

Tuesday - September 28, 2010, 6:30pm, Manila Polo

Club – Club Fellowship and second pictorial session

Thursday, September 30, 2010, 2pm, AIM Conference

Center – Coordination Meeting, Charter presentation

committee, Starbucks, Marquinton, Marikina City

Saturday, October 2, 2010, 9-11am – Jose Magsaysay

Elementary School, AKLAT

Tuesday - October 5, 2010, 5pm, Ambasciata de

Abruzzo, Board Meeting and Club Assembly

Wednesday, October 6, 2010 – Deadline for submission

of all articles and ad materials for the souvenir program

Thursday - October 8, 2010 – Venue to be announced

Coordination meeting for the Charter presentation

Tuesday – October 12, 2010 – Launch of Lingkod

Olympia, 6pm Ambasciata de Abruzzo

Tuesday - October 12, 2010, 6:30pm, Ambasciata de

Abruzzo, Regular Meeting, Speaker: Lady Maling


Thursday – October 14, 2010, 2pm, AIM Conference

Center, Run through of Charter Presentation

Saturday – October 16, 2010, 5pm, AIM Conference

Center, Charter Presentation and Induction Ceremonies

Tuesday – October 19, 2010, 5pm, St. Luke’s Medical

Center, Voc. Tour, Reg. Meeting, Speaker: PP Robert


Friday – October 22, 2010, 10am, P. Manalo Elementary

School, Pateros, READ with PBA players (tentative)

Tuesday – October 26, 2010, 2pm, Jose Magsaysay Elem

School, Mga Kwento ni Kuya at Ate

Tuesday – October 26, 2010, 6:30pm, Venue (TBA),

RCMO Monthly Fellowship

"Focusing more on youth is crucial for Rotary to thrive

and survive," she says. "It's one of the reasons why we

have programs on literacy, leadership training, and ethics

for young people."

She recommends that every club appoint a New

Generations Service chair. "We've learned that our youth

programs benefit from communication and coordination,"

says Puliz.

New Generations joins Club Service, Vocational Service,

Community Service, and International Service as an

Avenue of Service. Before starting a project, Rotarians are

asked to think broadly about how their club and its

members could contribute within each avenue.

Klinginsmith says the best clubs are the ones that are well


"Strong clubs are involved in all five of the Avenues of

Service," he says. "The ones that don't have New

Generations programs are missing a part of the great

adventure of Rotary."