"the obscure" movie poster analysis


Upload: aoife-reilly

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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I decided to place my own movie poster along side other movie posters of the same genre to give a comparison on how I feel my own poster works well. I feel that I have included all the codes and conventions of a real life movie poster so that mine looks more authentic.

Real Movie Posters

My Own Poster

Images and House StyleI decided to incorporate another image within my main image to give it a more eerie effect and also add to the horror genre. For my background of my poster, I decided to keep a full sized photo instead of leaving any white so that it looked more authentic. Adding the greyscale effect over the image made it a lot more eerie and added to the genre also. By placing the image of the main character, the USP, over the main background image adds to the eeriness of the poster and makes it look more authentic also. I decided to photograph the villain for the main image of my poster as it conveys a terrifying and mysterious element to my poster through the black and white image and the stance of the villain. I changed this image to black and white using the computer programme Photoshop as it was a regular convention used in horror/thriller movie posters and I believe it conveys the genre excellently. Black and white adds an element of ambiguity to the poster creating a feeling of uncertainty and doubt, two features of a horror/thriller movie and so the

colour scheme emphasises the themes of the movie. After researching various codes and conventions of a horror poster, I discovered that many of the posters either used a close-up or a mid-shot of the villain. The poster above emits a sinister, creepy atmosphere which I believed was very important as it connotes the genre of the movie very well.

Billing Block and Release Date• On many of the movie posters that I found that most, if not all featured a billing block so I felt that it was necessary to include this

into my own poster. I decided to place it at the bottom of the poster, keeping to the same as many of the horror genre posters I analysed. I kept the colour of the billing block black, like many, keeping to the house style of black white and red and the font similar to real life posters adding to the authenticity of the poster also not distracting the viewer from the film title. I then decided to add a logo of my own production company so that it would promote not only this film but also other films produced by this company. I decided to keep the release date over the right hand side at the bottom so that it would stand out I put it in white and in a larger font but not too big to distract from the main title of the film. I chose to go against usual codes and conventions and add the logo of the different social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and also YouTube alongside the links to them and also to the movies own website as my target audience seem to be social active, taken from my questionnaire. . A billing block allows key members of the crew such as the production company, the editor, production designer, costume designer, director of photography and the director to gain credit with their involvement with the movie. A billing block is usually located in the bottom third of a movie poster and so I kept to this convention as it consists of a lot of text. Since it is a familiar convention I also kept it in the bottom third which will allow my target audience to recognise this is a movie poster for “The Obscure” This text is written in capital letters with the names written in a bold font attracting the gaze of the audience. Release date is a crucial element to a movie poster as it highlights to the audience when they will be able to see the movie they are interested in. I placed this release date below the billing block as I wanted to place all the information on the movie such as the billing block and age rating together so that the text did not distract from my main image. The release date is written in a bold font, again helping the text to attract the view of the audience so that they will be able to see immediately when the movie is released.

Movie Title, Tagline and Cast From analysing many different movie posters, I found that the main movie title was a lot bigger than the rest of the writing making it stand out to the audience making them aware of what film it is advertising. From looking at the two posters I analysed, The Conjuring and Insidious 2, I decided to go against their codes of conventions by placing the title of the film in the middle of the poster above the billing block as I thought it would stand out more. For my tagline, I decided to keep it the same as the one on my teaser trailer, ‘Evil Has Arrived’ and I decided to put it below my movie title so that it would also draw attention to the audience as it is the catchy line which the audience would remember from the teaser trailer. It is written in a red font which connotes the blood and violence in the movie and the font I used is written in a handwriting style adding to the eerie and terrifying atmosphere that the villain has written it. For my cast list, I decided to place it at the top of the poster so that it would keep away from the movie title and draw attention to the main characters as people may recognise them from films that are already well known. Placing a production logo in the bottom of the poster allows the audience to see immediately who has produced the movie and so will attract fans of the production company to see my movie.

Movie Title, Tagline and Cast From analysing many different movie posters, I found that the main movie title was a lot bigger than the rest of the writing making it stand out to the audience making them aware of what film it is advertising. From looking at the two posters I analysed, The Conjuring and Insidious 2, I decided to go against their codes of conventions by placing the title of the film in the middle of the poster above the billing block as I thought it would stand out more. For my tagline, I decided to keep it the same as the one on my teaser trailer, ‘Evil Has Arrived’ and I decided to put it below my movie title so that it would also draw attention to the audience as it is the catchy line which the audience would remember from the teaser trailer. It is written in a red font which connotes the blood and violence in the movie and the font I used is written in a handwriting style adding to the eerie and terrifying atmosphere that the villain has written it. For my cast list, I decided to place it at the top of the poster so that it would keep away from the movie title and draw attention to the main characters as people may recognise them from films that are already well known. Placing a production logo in the bottom of the poster allows the audience to see immediately who has produced the movie and so will attract fans of the production company to see my movie.