the new krofft supershow golden all star book

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A UT HOR: Ma1'y A .Mintzer

ILLUSTRATOR: Winslow M01time1·


2 WONDERBUG inHonk Meets a Quack

14 Kaptain Ko ol and the Kongs

15 BIGFOOT AND WILDBOY inThe Abominable Snowman

25 Kaptain Ko ol and the Kongs

26 MAGIC MONGO inThe Three Wishes

~ ~ GOLDEN PRESSWeste rn Publishing Company, Inc.

Racine, WisconsinCop)'lIght 1978 by Sid & Many Klo!lt TVProductions , Inc . All rights reserved PrIntedin U.S.A.GOLDEN l", GOLDEN PRESS· and A GOLDE NAL L-STAR BOOK ale tradema rks 01 WesternPub lishing Company. Inc

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eets a

--- "You.. " Fake ! ! Phony . .

. to takewe re gOIng '"me to the top .

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three kids in a

bug .. ."

"Hey, gang . . . Schlep's

singingl" said Barry."Oh, oh ," said C.C. "do

yo u think he's trying to tell

us something?"

"Let the car alone!" Susan

patted Schlep's rear fender.

"Oops!!" One touch was all it


Clatter Clatter. Bump!

Bump!!"Oh no, not aga in !" Barry

brought the jalopy to a halt

as Susan jumped out to pick

up the fender and put it

back where it belonged.

Puff, puff, chug, chu g.

They were on their way


"Here we come!" sang outC.C. "r feel so good r could


"S illy," said Susan. ''That's

Schlep 's job."

"Can't you take a joke?"

C.C. caught his bean ie as it

blew off in a gust of wind.

"Phew . . . got it. Don't want

to lose yo u, old fri end ."Over hill, down dale they

puffed, wheezed and

bumped along the winding

road, letting Schlep take the

lead. Well , so rt of. Actua lly

it sounded like Schlep's

last ride.

Crash! Craaaaack!

"What happened? Didwe hit something?" e.e.

listened to the engine, but

didn 't like what he heard.

vVhirrrrr. o a n n n n Sniffle.

"Look!" sa id C.C. He held

up a cardboard containercovered with yellow goo.

"Schl ep ran over a carton

of eggs!" Susan go t out of

the car to examine the evi-

dence. Egg yo lk s were

everyw here, spattered all

over the road , on Sc hI el' , and

now, on C.e.

"C'mon , let's go," sa idBarry. "It's too bad but we

can't put them together

aga in. Remember Humpty


SchI el' co llapsed in the

middle of the road. His

headlights ro lled off in to the

bushes. His fenders clattered

to the ground. His tireshissed sadly as the air

escaped to a place where it

wo uld do more good.

"What's wrong with him ?"

Barry looked at th e sorry

little car. "He feels bad, C.C.

r shouldn't have sa id any-

thing about Humpty

Dumpty.""But they're just eggs!"

CRA SH! Sc hl ep's license

fell off.

"r don't think you boys

really understand," sa id

Susan. "SchI el' feels guilty

that he hit the eggs. . . ."BlurI'. Sc hIel' heaved a

sigh , then, exhausted, sank

into silence.

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Barry translated. "He said,

'I might have killed a future

chicken ,' "

"Great fri ed frogs' legs!"

exlaimed C.C. "It's only a

few crumm y eggs. Probablyrotten anyway. Why else

would anyone leave them in

the middle of the road to be

run over?" He turned and

spoke directly to Schlepcar.

"Listen, it's not your fault .

No more than all the bugs

that hit the window when

we're moving fast."Floop! Schlep's body

finally hit the ground. at

aile ounce of air was left in

his tires.

"What do you think you're

doing anyway?" Barry was

angry. "You're making poor

Schlep feel even worse!"

"C'mon fellows. Give me

a hand." Susan was picking

up Schlep's fallen parts.

"Let's put him together

again and be off."

Quickly they repaired

the ir beloved jalopy. Then

they climbed in , ready to go.

Chug. Chug. Phfffffft. . . .

"The engin e won't ca tch ,"

said Barry. "Schlep won't

move." He patted the car's

battered brass horn . "Do it,

Schlep! Do it for usl "

But Schlep wouldn't do

it . . . couldn't do it . . . for

anyone. He didn 't even have

enough energy to honkup Wonderbug.

One hour later Barry made

trouble and we'll be too if

we can't pull him out of it."

"But we're in the middle

of the country. . . ."

"Then, Susan, we're go ing

to have to walk ," repliedBarry. "We'll find a phone

. . . or a farm . . . whichever

comes first. Then call."

'Tll stay with Sc hiel' ,"

volunteered C.C. "Yo u two

take the hike."

"Good of you," snorted


"Anything to oblige, oldman!" C.C. t il ted his beanie

over one eye and lay back in

Schlep 's rear seat, his feet

res ting over the car's side.

"Let's go, Barry. I'm really

worried abo ut Schlep. "


on the CO lin try dirt road.

They walked and walked for

miles , it seemed. The day

was hot and gett ing hotter.

"I don't know how much

longer 1 can continue," said

Barry, stopping to take off

his shoes and shake out the

grave l.

"Where are we? How

come there are no farm -

houses, no other vehicles on

the road?"

"You were the one who

wanted to take this quaint

country road, remember?"

Barry was cross. But Susan

was way ahead of him."Lookl" she painted

straight ahead. "A phone

nowhere. Now who'd

im ag in e that?"

Breathless, they ran to

the booth.

Susan searched the yellow

pagcs. "Here's exactly thekind of help we're looking

for." She pointed to a large

ad that read:



Mechanic ex traordina ire,

fixer of fallen cars.

Just dial AXLEc nEASE, that's

( 295) 347-3273

Guaranteed repairs. 21-day

trial or yo ur $ back

"I call make YOllr ca r feel so

good it' l l fly!"

"It 's perfec t!" excla im ed

Susan. "'I f he can't fix

Schlepcar, no one can ."

"We'll see," muttercd

Barry. "Sounds like he'll do

anything to scare up busi

ness. \Vhat's that numbe r

aga in ? Oh yeah. A-'CLE

GREASE. Pretty ClltC. Too

cute fo r me." lie jabbed at

the dial.

"Well , beggars can't be

choosers . . ,"

"Hello. Yeah." Barry

spoke into the rece iver.

"My name's Barry and I'm

stuck on a collntry road

about 30 mil es north of

Beaverton. You know the

booth? Yeah . . ."

Susan tried to listen intothe conversation but all she

could hear was a man's

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"J low long will it take \'ou

to get here ' \"0 . we can' t

mo\·e. We' ll need a tow.

Forty-five minutes? Sounds

like a long: time. Tn' to

make it in thirty and we' lIbe grateful." Il l' hung: up .

"Dr. I-Ionkwell's man is

driving a tow truck out to

pick us up and wc' lI lead

him to Schiel'. The doctor

does n't make road ca lls.

" lIope I" , docsn't take too

long:' sa id Susan. "[t 's

getting clark and [ 'm feelingchilly,"

O:,\"E II Ol -n L. \ TEH a hat-

ter('d red towtruck

rolled up to th" phonc

booth . Barn' open('cl the

claar and climbed into the

cab , followed I,,· Su san. The

pcrson at the wheel could

have hcen anywh crc bc

tw ee n 15 and -iswith carrot-

color"d hair. redd ish-brown

C\'es and hig: ye llow tee th.

ThC'y thollght- it- was a man ,

hut thcy eonldn't bc ccrta in .

"Call me Ccorge," hc said.

'<Eycryo llc else' doC's. YOll

the kids who ca llcd Dr.

1 onkwcll '"

"Yes ," sa id Barry. "L et's

go. ,Ve hav<' a ca r to fix. "Soon thcv reach('d Schlcp,

look in g forlorn and hel plcss

in the middle of the road.

C.c. was askep, sprawlcd

in thc back sca t wh crc thcy

left him.

"Wakc up, C.c.!" Barry

"Call me George," he said . "Everybody else does . . ."


" ,

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Gently, George, Susan,

C.C. and Barry hooked

Schlep to the towtruck.

The Ii ttl e car was too weak

to protest. C.C. released the

brake, put Schlep in neutral,and they were of!.

Meanwhile, back at the

garage, Dr. Hon kwell paced

his cluttered office, mutter-

in g to himself, his hands

clasped behind his back.

"What is a genius, a

brilliant doctor like me

doing in a dump like this?"He threw up his hands. "Th e

world owes me a livin g . . .I can't spend th e rest of my

days as an auto mechanic. I

want money, money, N E YIII"... AND FAME ...

Putt! Sputterrr .. .


"Who's making that in-

fernal noise?" Annoyed, he

looked out the w indow.

George had returned with

the towtruck, three healthy

looking kids and thc sickest

car Dr. Honkwell had ever

seen. He walk ed out,

pointed at poor Schlep andsaid, "What's this you're

bringing me? World War I

surplus iron ??? That wreck

should be in the junkyard! "

A shudder ran through

Schlep's frame.

Barry piled out of the

truck, followed by Susan

and C.C."Look here, that's our car

"Your ad said you could

cure anything . . ." began


"I am the great Honlcwell

. . . DOcrOR Honkwell to yo u

. . .children

. . ." he wrinkled

his nose.

"Children!! !" Those were

fi ghting words to C.C.

Dr. Honk-well ignored th e


"I can cure anything.

Even this . . . this . . ."

"Pleas e, Dr. Honlcwell,"

Susan ran over and grabbedhis arm. "Please, Schlep's

more than a car to us . . ."

"S usan!" Barry snapped

a warning.

"He 's a fri end . . ." con'

tinued C.G. "In fact, he's

more than a friend."

"Shut up , you two! 'We

can go elsewhere if the

Doctor doesn't want our


But Dr. Honkwell was

interes ted. What made this

wreck so special?

"Schlcp is really WONDER-

Bue ," blurted Susan.

"SBBHH! I told yo u neverto tell anybody!" Barry

hissed through clenched

teeth. His eyes were hard as


"Wonderbug?" asked the


"Yeah ," said C.C. proudly.

"He's a real supercar . . .

only . . . something's reallywrong with him. He ran over

chicken. . . ."

"Hmmmmm . . . obviously

a sensitive instrument,"

mused the doctor, hand on

his chin. "I will take a look

at him. And please pardonmy outburst. I was in a bad

mood . . . you know, we all

have th em sometimes."

"Oh thanks," breathed


"I think we should take

Schlep elsewhere," said

Barry coldly.

"But Bar . . ." said C.C."The doctor's agreed to

look at him . . . bes ides we

co uldn't move him if we


"It's two against one,"

agreed Susan . ''This is a

democracy, isn't it? Majority

rules . Schlep stays here."

"I don 't like it," growled

Barry. "I just don't like it."

Dr. Honkwell rubbed his

hands together and mo-

tioned to George to take

Schlep into the garage.

"Aha," he thought, "this

may be the jackpot! Finally

I've found a vehicle to takeme to the top!!! All I have to

do is bring this car totally

under my powers!"

He swept th e kids into his

diploma-filled waiting room,

then disappeared into the

gloomy garage.

"I don't trust him," said

Barry in a loud whisper."That's no honk doctor . ..

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C.C. interrupted. "I think

you're making a mountain

out of a. . . ."

The door Hew open and

Dr. HonkweJI appeared in

the room, a se rious look

on his face."I t looks bad. Very bad.

Your vehicle is depressed

and will require my all -n ight

attention. Come back at

noon tomorrow and he'JI be

good as new."

"But . . ." Before Barry

could protes t, Susan and

C.C . shoved him out the


Susan glanced ovcr her

shoulder. "Okay, Doctor."


Susan and C.C. arrived

at twelve sharp to claim their

car. Dr. Honkwell met thcm

at the garage en trance and

led them in side. As they

en tered they could hear

VROOM V R O O ~ f ... a powerf III

engine. I t so unded familiar.There in all his glory stood

. . . WONDERDUC!, headlights

shining brightly, fenders


"I gave him a complete

go in g-over and Gcorge

polished him up good as

new. j ow am I the greatest

or am I the greates t?"

Susan and e.C . ran ovcr

to the pulsat in g powe rh ouse.

"Wonderbug! It 's really


"What exactly did you

do?" askcd Barry sus-

"Wonderbug !

It's rea lly you!"

Susan cried .


"Doctor's secrets, doc tor's

secrets," twinkled Dr. Honk

well. "Crummy kid ," he

thought. "Better butter him

up . He's too no sey as it is.

But my tim e is co rning fa ct, it'll bc here by to

morrow!" The doctor could

barely hide hi s sa tisfac tion.

"Wh y not give it a spin ,"

he said. 'Try it out."

"We brought in Schl ep,

not Wonderbug," whispered

Barry. "What's gO ing on

here, unyway?"

"You 're just looking for

trouble, Barry ," Su san

jumpcd into the back seat

of the eager car. « WONDER-

UliC is just Schl ep's way of

say ing 'I'm better! ' "

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"Okay," Barry spoke to

Dr. Honkwell. "We'll try it


With a roar they raced out

of the garage. C.C. and

Susan glanced back to see

Dr. Honkwell wav ing. No

sooner did the doctor dis-

appear in the distance than

they hea rd a fat eful honk.


The amazing Wonderbug

vanished. In his place was

Schlep, moaning and wheez-

ing under the weight of

his riders.

"That shouldn't have

happened," said Barry .

"Maybe Schlep's just

acting up. Let's take him

into town and see how he's


C,C, pointed to a roadside






The little auto panted

ahead, but clearly, some-

thing was wrong, Schlepcar

just wasn't his old self.

"He seemed so fin e at the

garage, , , ." C,C. was


"That was Wonderbug,"

said Barry, "I just wonder if

that 'Doctor' Honkwell dis-

covered Schlep's secret, the

magic horn . Somehow I

don 't think so, but how else

did Schlep become


"Maybe he did it himself,"

said Susan, "because the

Doctor did something to

make him feel good. , ' ."


Honkwell was busy on

the phone.

"Sta tion KRZY ·TV? Yes,

this is Dr. Honkwell. I'll

deliver the headlighter to-morrow for the 8 p.m, show.

Yes, we'll be there on time."

YfjIIIf/"Hold it

or we' ll nail you

to the walls !"

gleefully, "W ithin an hour

I'll have that car standing

before me . , , MINE, ALL

MINE! An d after the go ing-

over I give it, it'll never

respond to anyone else

aga in ! Heh heh hehehehe-


"C'mon Schlep, You can

make it! " Barry spoke softly

as the little car wheezed its

way into Clapper's Falls.

"Let's give it a rest,

Barry." Susan pOinted to a

parking place across the

street from Clapper's Falls

National Bank.


Puff, C roan, SSSSSsssss!

e.C. shook his head. "Sure

doesn' t sound any better."

Bang ... Bangl


Suddenly the doors of

Clapper's Falls National


ew open and a pair ofrobbers ran out, smoking

pistols in one hand, money

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- - ,

the wa lls!" snarled th e taller

One. "Hurry, Har ry, th e carl"

Th ey ran toward th e curb

and disappeared into a

bea ten-looking coupe idli ng

at the com er.

"Gosh!" Susan's eyes


"It 's real, isn't it O" asked


"You bet it is! " decla red

Barry. 'T his is a job for

Wonderbug! "

But the littl e car just stood

th ere. No honk. Nothing.

"Maybe he needs some

help ," said Susan,

C.C pressed th e horn. ''I'll

give him a hand . . . ."

No sound. "Do it aga in ."

Still nothing.

"\Vha!'s wrong with you

anyway, Schlep?" Barry was

fur ious. "Look. Those gang-

sters are ge ttin g away and

th e only one who could stop

them . . . Wonderbug. . .

isout to lunch somewhere. . . ."

Schiel' backfired. Th en,

,T - - ,-

cng in e, released his brake

and headed back in the

direct ion they ca me from.

"00 yO Il sec that ?" ex-

cla imed C.C "He's not even

Iistrn ill g to liS a l l ~ m o r c ! ! ""\-"here ar( ' Wl' go ing? "

asked Susan.

" I'm afraid ," said Barry.

"that \\,("re headin g back to

Dr. Iionk we ll . . \\'hcther

wc like it or not! "

"H Ell H Ell HEll , WHAT

IlAYE \ \ 'E II EBE?"

Rubbing his hands , Dr.

Honkwell hurried out to

mee t th e putt-putting

Schiel'. The poor little car

could barely heave its parts

into the ga rage.


Barry, Su sa n and C.C.

were startled by the gunning

of the magn ificent motor,

th e eager snortin g of theexhaust and the unmistak

able change in Schiel'. One

there was , , \\ 'ondcrbug!

"You 're certa inly looking

fine today." said the Doctor

as he patted \\ 'olldcrb ug's

fender. Th e pow(,rful engine

Pllrred \\ 'ith dplight.

"'Ah at's lip. man ?"' whis-

pered C.C to Barry. ":\

minute ago Sch le p \\'as

reach- fo r the jllllkyar tl, . '

"Yea h." Susan was

puzzled. " I-Iow arc \\'e ~ o gto expla in this.o"

"Dr. J-l onkwcll ," said

Barry, "I don' t kn ow quite

how to say this, bu t \\le

drove a sick sick SICK car

back to see yo u. So sick, in

fa ct, that it was ready to

collapse. Now look at him ."

«r to ld yO tl my wo rk was

good . . . (lml guaranteed. I fyou hayC' any doubts , why

not just lea\'c the car here

with me. 1"11 chec k it out

comp le tely and vou can pick

it lip in the morning.""But everything's okay

now ," protested C.C

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but not with Schlep ," said


Barry stepped out of the

ca r and drew the other two

as ide.

Dr. Hon kwe ll whispered

into Wonderbug's horn.

"Remember . . . you are

guilty of murdering a

chicken . . . but I and only I

can hel p you . . . if you

cooperate. . . ."

"What's he say ing?" as ked

C.C. in a low vo ice.

"That's not as importantas what he may be doing . . ."said Barry. "Somehow it

seems that the onl y time

SchIel' can honk into

\·Vonderbug is when he's

around the doctor.

"Do yo u think we should

leave them togeth er?" asked

Susan."'We have no choice. It 's

the onl y way we'll ever know

what he's doin g to our

fri end the car." Barry tUrlled

to Honkwell. "Okay, Doctor.

You can have Schlep until

tomorrow morning."

Wonderbu g watched

without interest as C.C.,

Barry and Susan walked off

into the distance. Sitting in

the dri ver's seat , Dr. I-Ionk

well chuckled ev ill y.

"They've already los t yo u!

. . . but just wait till tonight!

You., my fi ne-fendered

friend , are taking me to

the top!"

" llo\\' can yo u even think

of such a thing?" said Su san.

'Tm so wor ried ahout Schlep,

I just don't kn ow what to

do!" Ab sent-mindedly she

walked over and tu rn ed on

the TV.

Their favorit e program

was just ending.

"AND NOW," said the

announ ce r, "we are happy to

presen t o ur award-winning

news magazine, 50 ~ 1 i n \ 1 tTonight's special fea ture,

Qllack JI eets Honk , is thestory of a most unusual two

som e headed fo r stardom.

The camera foc used on the

smiling face of none other

than . . . Doctor Marvin

Honkwell and his amazing

automobile, Sidney Super

car!" There in the brightl y-lit

TV studio sat Schlep, forlornas ever, fenders falling,

spri ngs popping.

""Vhat!" shouted Barry.

"I don't be lieve it! He's even

changed Sc hl ep's nam e . . .

and tried to hide behind a

wig and a fake mustache . . .

That fraud is just using our

Schlepcar to get rich and

famous!! !"

They listened in shock as

Honkwell 's vo ice came over

the TV .

"He wasn't always called

Sidney. I changed his name

for artistic purposes. Be

sid es, Sidney Supercar will

look marvelous on the


something . . . but what?"

"He's stolen our Sc hl ep

ca r." Susan shook her head,


"Yes," said Barry . "And

we're getting SchIel' back!

I've go t an id ea . . . ."

The announcer continued :

"Very, very interes tin g.

Trnly an extraordinary story,

Dr. Honkwell. You must

show us how this . . . ahem

. . . most as toni shing car

works." He looked down his

nose at Schlep.


AND C.C . Hl\!\" INT O THE

lobby of station KRZY-TV.

"There it is!" C.C . pointed

to a sign near the elevators.

50 MINUTES will be

broadcast li ve tonight from

stJ/dio 970.

"Hurry,". said Barry, step

ping into the elevator. He

pressed 9. "We may still

have a chance if Dr. I-Ionk

well hasn't discovered

Schlep's magic horn . . . . "

"You think that the doctor

only kn ows that Schlep can

turn into Wonderbug, but

he doesn 't kn ow how he

does it?"

"Right, Su san . It's just a

chance, but maybe . . . if we

can get to Schlep's

horn. . . ."

". . . and disconnect it?"

"The whole thin g will

backfire in Honkwell 's fa ce!

said C.C. , as the elevator

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"Shhhh . . ." Barry mo-

tioned for silence as he

inched the door open.

Dr. Honkwell was stand-

ing barely 15 feel away,

whispering to Schi e l""Remember, Sidney, [

Illade yo u . . . and I can

break you! Remember that

crate of eggs.... I ex pect

grea t things of yO u. Don't let

me down. We're about to go

on the a ir. We've practiced

the ro utine. You kn ow it:

One . . . Two . . . Three . . .WONDERB UGI . . . it's

either that or the junk yard


He ",alked back onstage

to speak to the anno unce r.

"Quickl" Barry gestured to

e.C. "You take Schlep's

wardrobe trunk . . . the

mel:hanic's outfit . . , Sus an,

blindfold Schlep's headlights

so he wo n't kn ow what's

happeni ng. He's been acting

so strange lately that we

can't trust him. I'll discon-

nect th e horn ."

In a flas h the three kids

pounced on the bewildered


"Ready, C.C.?"

"Got it, Barry!"

"Run I" said Susan. "Here

comes IIonkwell . . . ."


pnEPAHEO? ... VVho

arc yo u??" Dr. Honkwellglared at the yo ung man in

mechanic's overa]] s.

yo ur car here," the dis-

gui sed C.C. motioned

toward Sc hi el"

"[ am the great Dr. 1\lar-

vin Honkwell, fixe r of feeble

cars. [ can make allY car feelgood. You're nol needed .

Now get out !"

"Ummmmhum !" C.C.

nodded , and made a qui ck

ex il hehind the backstage

cur tain, where Barry and

Susan were hiding. "Ph ew!

That ca t isn't pl ay inggames!"

"Don' t worry," whispered

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"We're h ere , Schlep . . . we're h er e!"

the kids yelled as they

jumped into the car.

---Barry. "We'll cook his goose.

Shhhhh. They're about tobegin."

Coughin g and wheezing,

Schlep fo llowed Dr. Honk

well onstage.

"Are you sure hel l make

it?" asked the worried


"You are about to see a

miracle," said Hon kwellconfidently.

The stage light turned

red: ON THE AIR .

The annOuncer cleared his

th roat. "Now, ladies and

gentlemen, we are about to

see this car become . . .SUPERCAR!" With a Hour

ish , he gestured toward thedoctor. "Take it away,

2 inches, Doctor Honkwell

looked at Schlep and begancounting, "One . . . two . . .


Schlep dropped a fender.

A ripple of laughter swept

through the audience. Then


"Uh, Dr. Rockwell . . . is

anything wrong?" said the

ann ouncer.

Purple-faced, Dr. Honk

well shook his head. His

whisper to Schlep had a

cutting edge. "Remember . . .in this game it's two tim es

and out! One more slip and

yo u'll have a pressin g en-

gagement with the

compactor! !"He straightened his bow

"One . . . TWO . . .TITR EE!!!

"Schlep dropped another

fender. Then a heacllight.

The audience guffawed.

Even th e ann ouncer

giggled. "Th ey didn't tell

me this was a comedy ac t."

Dr. Honkwell ex ploded.

"Those silly kids were right!

You really are a Schlepea rlHow co uld I ever have

called yo u Sidney . . . Super

car! How could I be such

a fool?"

Enraged, he ran over to

the quaking car and kicked

it in the tailpipe. Schlep

co llapsed in a heap.

"Fraud ," he sc reamed,"Fake !! Phony!! ! You were

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The audience roared.

Dr. Honkwell ripped off

his fake mustache, threw it

on the Boor and stomped

on it.

This was it ! Susan ran

onstage and threw her a rm s

aro und Schl ep's steering

wheel. Barry jumped into

the back seat and C.C.

vaulted over the side.

"We're here, Schlep . . .we're here . . . . "

The little car chugged and

chortled with delight."Who are you . . . what is

this anyway, a three-ring

circus?" the annOlUlcer

wasn't laughing anymore.

''I'm Barry, this is Susan

and that . . ."he pointed to

e.C . who was bu sy attach

in g Schlep's horn, "is C.C.

with our Schlepca r!"Honk, Honk, Vroom ,


The powerful engin e of

Wonderbug fill ed the studio.

"Help ! Let me up !!

HELP!" The audience

watched in amazement , as

the hapless Dr. Honkwell

was pinned, helpless but un

hmt , between Wonderbug's

radial wheels.

"Do we have a story to

tell you . . ." began Barry.

"This wasn't in the script,"

moaned the announcer,

pulling at his hair.

Riiiiiiiing . . . Rinnnnnng."Mr. Announcer) Mr.

Honk! Suddenly Schlep


Th e bewildered announcer

looked from the secretary

to the car to the ringing

phones. "Am I going crazy,

or is this so-called supercar

back to its old tricks.. . ."

"He hasn't changed," said

Barry. "He's still om old

Schlepcar, the one we know

and love. . . ."

Ring . . . Rinnnnnnngi

"Okay, Okay!!!" shouted

the announcer. "Put 'em on.""Hello!" he yelled into

the speaker.

After a moment of sur

prised silence, a booming

voice said, "Is this 50 Min

utes? That Honkwell

character is the joker who

called himself Capta in

Hornblower, put sand in thecrankcase of my car and

charged me $150.95 for

repairs. . . . "

"A bargain !" protested

Honkwell from beneath

Schlepcar .

"Thank you," said the

announcer. "Next call."

A man's gravelly vo ice

fill ed the room. "That guy

called himself Si Fon, said

he was Ch inese . . . and put

chop suey into my gas tank.

What bugs me is that that

goop got only 9 miles per

all "on .. . .

Ring . . . Ring . . .Rinnnnggggggi

seats , cheering.

"Hello . . . Hello?" said the

las t ca ller. "50 Minutes?

My name is Minerva. I want

you to lock up that bogus

car doctor. He put cola in

stead of ant ifreeze into my

radiator. All that's left is the

door handle that came off

when I had to bail out half

way home. . . ."

"That ought to nail you,

mister!" chuckled C.C. ,

peering over Schlep's side at

the guilty party.


APPEAHED . "You're under

arres t for mechanical mal-

practice and operating w i ~ -out a license." As he bent

down to put the handcuffs

nn Honkwell , still sprawled

under Schlep, an unmistakable sound fill ed the studio.

Honk! Honk!! Varoom. . . .

Zap! Gunning his power

fu l ~ g i n Wonderbug cast

off hi s seatbelts, tying Dr.

Honkwell firmly to his under

side, and took to the air be

for the as tonished gaze of the

announcer, the policeman,

the entire studio audience

and two million televiewers.

"That's okay, officer,"

yelled Barry as the three

kids Bew off in Wonderbug,

"we 'll drop him off at the

police station on the way

home'"And that, folks , is the

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RJW : !"G rass is blue

Envy is green . ..

My pad is dirty,

But I'm CLEAN!

Now that's important

If you're on TV . . .

Especially,If you want to be like me.

Now who in the world

Would want to be

This great big Turkey

With the beak you see?

A guy named Alice?

A girl named Stu?

I can't imagine

That it would be YOU/"

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Eight yeors IIgo the gell tle

g iallt , BIGFOOT, {O Hlid all

orphaned child runlling wild

il l th e mOHlitaill S. li e too k

him liS his own and rai sed

him to be \If/LDBOY . . .


OOWN the side of the

mOllntain at breakn eck

speed. White foam lathered

hi s mouth. It was hard to see

-potatoes or a human be in g.

"Looks like Susie's pon,,! "

Ran ger Lu cas ran into the

path of the wild-eyed

palomino. "Whoa, Rand" ,


He fired hi s pistol into th,.


Th e animal was star tled

into stillness. Qui ckl y

Ranger Lucas walked over,

gras ped the pony's bridle

~ .

c.:ab in .

"S usie girl , are YOll a ll


She shook her head yes,

lInabl e to speak. He un

tangled the re in s and plIll ed

her from her mount.

"It 's okay, honey." He

hugged her. "Just a scare.

Don't kn ow how you

managed to hang ontn the

saddle like that!"

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just settle down and tell me

all about it while 1 make yo u

some cocoa,"

His arm around her,

Ranger Lucas led Susie into

the cabin ,"Daddy, Randy bolted

just as 1 was mounting him,

1 didn 't even have the

chance to swin g my leg ove r

the saddl e" ,"

"J ust sit here while 1 fi xthe cocoa ," Ranger Lucas

mix ed the drink, lit the stove

and placed it on top to heat.

"There! Be ready in a few

minutes," He put his arm

around Susie, "Now tel! me

all about it, What scared

Randy anyway?"

"Well you kn ow all that

talk about a monster , , ,

the livestock that's beenmissin g lately, , , the strange

footprin ts,"

"I thought 1 told yo u to

leave that to us! You didn't

try to track down that critter

yourself, did yo u?" Ranger

Lucas kn ew his daughter,

"Well, , ,I tried to follow

the footprints behindfarm er Moulter's henhous e,

but they disappeared , So I

went for a ride in the

mountain s . . ,"

The cocoa was ready,

Ranger Lucas poured the

steaming liquid into two

blue mugs, Susie reached

for hers eagerl y, "Mmmmm,

smells good!"

saw them aga in , , , , the

footprints, They were huge,

Bigger than the biggest bear

prin ts I've ever seen, I

followed them into the

thicket and lost them aga in ,So I decided to co me home,

It was creepy up there, Just

as I started to remount

Randy, something scared

him out of his wits,"

"Do you kn ow what it

was?" asked Ranger Luke,

chew in g on his pipe,

"Something huge and

furry and white, , , I

co uldn't really see. I was too

bu sy hangin g onto Randy,

But I did fi nd this,"

She reached into her

pocket and handed him a

long, curve d razor-sharp

claw, The largest claw he'dever seen, Ranger Lucas

examined it.

"It was no accident that

Randy panicked ," Lucas



ESCAPE spread like

wildfire, Th at night aftershe was safely asleep, a

group of fa rmers ga thered

in Ranger Lucas's cabin,

They carried guns and

looked grim,

"Som ething's got to be

done .. ,"

"Yes, we're ready to go up

there right now and cl ean

that buzzard out, , , what-

''I'm the law around here

and I don't want any

shooting that isn't


"Well , I can't afford to

lose any more livestock! Thething's practically wiped out

my henhous e. It 's spooking

me too," said Jed Cox, ''I'll

have to leave if I can't make

a living on the land, "

"Yeah ," said another

man, "Every morning now

I wake up, look outside and

see those footprints " , like

some kind of monster's,

and sure enough, another

goat is missing, , . ,"

"I t is a monster," shouted

Jed Cox, "I saw it and I

kn ow , , , huge and white, , '

and I remember stories my

rna used to tell me all abouta bominable snowman , , ,"

"You mean the Ab omin-

able Snowman," said Tom

Moulter. "Now stop that!

That's just pla in malarkey

and we all know it."

"Do we? Well , I don't,"

swore famler Cox,

"Look boys," sa id RangerLucas, "it's late, Tomorrow

I'll perso nally lead a posse

into the hills when we can

see just what's causin g all

this uproar. Doesn 't that

make more sense than

tracking monsters in the

middle of the night?"

"Okay, Lucas ," growled

Tom Moulter. "But we'll be

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I t was two a.m. when they

filed out into the still , dark


HC ST1RRED the ca mpfire

with a charred stick.

"Well , Jake . . . guess

we took care of that little

filly. Haw! Sure was funny

to see that palomino run !"

He slurped the tarry coffee

in his battered tin cup.

"Just because the horse

bolted doesn't mean we took

care of the kid. She should

have been hurt but some

how she got lucky and made

it hom e to her pa , that

Ranger Lucas ."

"Think he suspects


"That's what we have to

find out. And we don't

"It was no accident that Randy

panicked," Lucas mused.

swilling coffee. I f that kid

saw too much , we'll have to

chan ge our plans. Can 't

afford to sour such a sweetdeal, not when we're so dose

to scaring those farmers off

their land."

"The y're angry now, Jake.

They're ready to fight . . ."

"Well , we 'll take the fight

right out of them."

"Do you think it's rea lly

oil , Jake? Th e stuff we found

on Moulter's land . . ."

"You bet it is! " Jake

mounted his horse. "Come

on. Let's get moving. We've

got work to do. Got the


Hec nodded.

"If that isn 't oil ," spat

Jake, ''I'm a monkey's uncle."

They headed down the

"W AH-OOOO . . . mG-

FOOT!" Wildboy's

ca ll echoed throu gh the

ca nyon but there was noreply.

Like a mountain goat he

madc his way over the

jagged cl iffs looking for

Bigfoot. "wAH-OOOOO!"

Th e sound bounced back

and forth on the rocky walls

surroundin g him.

There was no sign of


"That's odd," thought

Wildboy. "I can't under

stand it. Bigfoot always

answers my ca ll s, no matte r

where I am . . . unless he's


Wildboy scramb led " l ' a

wa ll of solid rock. Lightly he

pulled him self over the

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C RASllhhhhhhh! Was it

a tree? A rock? Or was

it . . . ?

"\vA H-OOOOO . ..

BIGFOOT!" li e calkd

hoarsely."Unnnnnh , Wildbo,,' "

Th e voice was weak. but


Wild boy ran toward the

sound .

There at the edgc of the

cli ff lay Bigfoot , a bloody

claw mark ac ro ss his cheek.

Onc fal se mo,'c and he'dfa ll thousands of feet into

the gorgc below.

"BIGFOOT!" W ildho),

ran to hclp hi s fallcn friend.

He nearly missed the enor

mous hca rli ke tracks that led

away from the hody and

disa ppcared into thc bush.

Sl ' S IE Hl' I3BED li En EYES.

and stretched laz ily.

It was dawn. Time to ge t


She ",andered into the

cauill 's maill 1'00111 alld sh h'-creel. There was no fire ill

th" sto,'c.

St ra llge, Ranger L llcas

always fixed the nrc and

kept the kettle on so the

wa ter "'as hot for breakfa st.


She lookl'd into hi s bed

room. It was emp ty. Thc bedwas unmade. Ranger Lucas

Ilc,'cr left hi s room messy.

Quickl" Susie dresscd and

ran uut to the barn.

"Dadd y," shc ca lled .

"Daddy . . . Lucas! "

Sud denly she stopped and

stared. Hugc bca rlikc tracks

surrounded thc barn.

"Susie! \ \ 'c've cOllle to

your p<1 . \ Vhert.' is he?"

Speech less , she \I'hirled

around to S( , ( ' Tom \ l o llit er,

Jed Cos an d the neighboringfarmers, all on horseback.

"Your pa's coming with us

to get that critter . . . monster

. . . w hatever YO li ca ll it ."

" Dad,h, s gunc!" Susic's

l'yes were rOllnd as Saucers .


She pointed at the tracks

and ran toward t hc stablc.\ foulter and Cox dis

mou nted and fo llowed her.

"Look, Mr. Moulter."

Hay and splintered

hoards we re everywhere.

Hange r Lucass hat lay on

thl' floor in shreds.

"Okay, boys," said Tom

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Moulte r. "This is it ! Lucas

wouldn 't come with li S last

night , and now he's paying

for it . We're goillg after that


Il l' turned to Susie. "Cohom e, hon ey."

"No! / want to go with


'This isn 't a little giri"s

job , Susie," said farm er Cox.

"You just stay here,

okay?" Moulter headed

toward his horse.

"You hear?" Jed Coxwagged his finge r at her

and tllrned to follow the


"I hea r," mllttered Susie,

watching them ride off. "Bllt

I'm not listenin g."

Quickly she headed for

the mountains. Alone. On


R A ~ ( ; E I \ LUC:\ S LAY il l the

corner of th e cave, ti ed

hand and foot.

"Tim e for you to put onthat monster rig and scare

off that posse Lucas was

babbling about , I-/ec .'· Jake

poked the campfire ashes

with a stick. ''I'll hang

arollud here and kee p our

gues t nice and comfy."

"Yeah , Jake, but 1 can't let

them get too close or they'llknow it's not for rea l . .

"Why in thunder do you

think we're up here on top of

this mountain anyway? Best

hideaway in the country.

Can see for miles around.

And it's also a place where a

smart monster could start an

avalanche and scare a fewfarm ers , if yo u get my mean-

i1lg . . . that's what w e're

here for, remember?"

"Yeah, Jake." Hec

struggled into the mammoth

white monster suit.

"There." He adjusted his

claws and picked " l ' a

charge of dynam ite. ''I'lltake this for insurance."

"You won 't get away with

this ," shouted Ranger Lucas.

"I to ld you a posse would be

after your hides . . ."

"Be qlliet, Ranger,"

snarled Jake. "Hec here is

about to mee t yo ur fri ends

. . . and give them something to remember ."

I-luge and menacing in his

lumbered over to Lucas .


"So yo,,'rc the monst er!

should ha ve known. But

why?" asked Ranger Lucas.

",Vhat do you expect toget?"

"I guess we can tell YOII ,"

said Jake, "s in ce yo u won 't

be spreading the word

around. Th e answer is oi l.

Black gold . . . and all ours

for the taking once we

chase these hayseed farm ers

off their land . . .""O il ?" Ranger Lucas was

astollnded. "Whr, in all my

years of ran gering around

here I haven't hea rd a whi s-

per abollt oil .. ."

"Well , Jake saw it with

h is own eyes," growled Hee.

"Yeah ," said Jake. "No

more time for jokes, Hee.Cet going. And clon 't forget

the dynamite!"

"W LDBO\' . ; , ' B I G ~ ,

FOOT. .. SusIe s

throat hurt from calling. I t

seemed as if she had been

walking for hours, look in g

for them . . . and help."WILDBOY! "

Panting with fear and

exhaustion, she began to

climb the cliff.

"W ildboy .. ."

Th e top seemed so far.

And the bottom was only a

killing fall away

And meanwhile,nearby . . .

"OaF! " Using every

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Wild boy pulled Bigfoot to

safety. "Bigfoot . . . can you

hear me?"

"Unnnnnnh. WILD

BOY . . . hungaro . . .

monster hurt Bigfoot .""We' ll get him ! Ca n YO Il


Bigfoot nodded.

"Let's take shelter in th e

forest ," said Wildboy. "We'll

stay here for th e night . Lie

down in that _grove and I'll

go find firewood ."

Wildboy wand ered back

down th e path toward th e


"WILDBoyyyyyy. .The sOllnd seemed to

come from far away.

Startled , he looked O\'e r

the d iff . "S usie!"

Th ere she was , c1l1tchin g

a rocky olltcropping hal f-

way dowll .

"Susie . . . hang 0 11 .

I'm coming!"

Ginge rl y he began the

dangerolls trip down. On e

wrong step, a stray fallin g

rock and . . . .

"Hurry, Wildboy, hurrylMy hands hurt . My fin gers

are numb . . . I can' t hold on

much longer. . . ."

Susie couldn't see Wild

boy comin g toward her in ch

by careful inch . She was

look in g down, hypnoti zed by

th e dizzy in g drop to the

bottom."WILDBOY . . . 1-IELl'!

from th e jagged rock.

CRUNC II ! Wildboy

lea ped on to th e ledg e jll st

abo ve her, kn c("led and

grabbed her wrists. She

swung free from themountain . dancing on air.

"WILDBOY! habun ga

hclman BI GFOOT I-IELI'."

Bi gfoot towered on top of

th e cl iff, a long ropy vin e in

his han d.

"Bi gfoot! Throw it . , .

throw it 4uickly!"


Wildboy grab bed the

makeshift rope and looped

it around him . T hen wi th

one hand he Plilled Slisie

onto the tiny ledge an d tied

it around her wais t.

"1'1111 , Bigfoot! PULL! "

Within seconds th ey were

safe on top of th e cliff.

"Ph ew!" brea thed Susie.

''That's the fa stcs t ride I've

ever had! And the scariest!"

"Bi gfoot . . . how did YO Il

know?" asked Wildboy.

"Wildboy no return . . .

ca ramha . . . Bigfoot

worry. . .

nnd Wildboy.""Oh! lie has a scar! " Susie

reached Ollt to touch Bi g-

foot 's face.

"I fOllnd him nea rl y

unconscious . . . almost fell

off th e cliff," said Wildhoy.

"I don 't know who . . . or

what . . . did it . Th e only

ev idence was huge clawedtracks leadin g away from his

" lie ca ptured my fath er . . .pl ease hel p l11 e fine!

th em . . ."

"\Vc're hun tin g him too!

Ready to go, Bigfoot '!"

Th e gian t nodded. "Get

l11onste r!" EA 'ortlessly he

pi cked th em both up alld

rail toward th e top of the



HOD£ up the steep

mountain path.

''I'm sca red ," sa id Jed Cox.

"I admit it. I'm spooked.

Ready to run and leave my

spread to w hoever . . . what-

ever wan ts it . . . . I-l ard

enollgh making a li ving in

these parts without Fi ghting

a monster for yuur


"Be quie t, .l ed ," said Tom

"Th e others wi ll

hea r."

Suddenly a sharp , high

whinn y cut th e air as th e last

horse on th e pa th stumbled

and threw its rid er.

"Pe te . . . Pete . . . you

okay?" Tomo u

couldn't turn hack. There

wasn't room.

"On ly a few bruises,''' sa id

the shaken voice. "But this

trip is jinxed. Somethi ng

scared my horse. LOOK !"

He pointed upwar d. A huge

crea ture blocked the path

halfway up th e mountain. I t

was white, furry and terrify-

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xplosion rocked the moun'

ain, sending a rain of rocks


"Quick," shouted Moulter.

Take cover . . ,"

, JAKE. .. ," Hec

lumbered into the

white and bearish.

Guess I scared them off

and for all. Last I saw

ere chasing rocks

the mountain. I

eckon if they get out alive

ey'll hight ail it out of this

ry so fast they won 't

what hi t them. Why,

y tomorrow we can move

and claim that

andoned land!

"Yo u talk too much," said

e. But he looked very


"What are we going to do


Jake rubbed his whiskery

hin. "Well, we can't let him

t away, knowing what he

es. , . ,"

Tom Moulter looked out

s shelter. "Looks like

e avalanche is ove r. Areu guys all ri ght ?" he


"Yeah . . . I'm okay ," sa id

e voice.

"Pete here's got a few

ratches , but he' ll live."

Miraculously, no one was

"We're all with yo u, Tom ,"id Jed Cox.

1'-:,. -" Thi s trip is jinxe

Something scared m

horse. Look! " P ete crie.

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to climb th e res t of the wa y,

T he slide wiped out the


,Jed Cox came ou t from

uuder a ledge, l ie brushed

the dirt from his shoulders

aud yel led, "" 'hat art' \\ ' e

waiting for ? Let 's go and

get th t' cr itt t'r'"

"H 1':<:, TAKE A LOOK

OlTS IDL l want to

make su re \"p're' alolle'" Jake

rubbed his e\'es,

"ScarC'd'" sa id Hauger

Ltlcas. No mattl'r how hard

11<' tri ed he cO llldll 't loosen

the ropcs that bound hi m

hand and foot.

" I'll dea l \\'ith you lalcr!

Now 1110\"(' it . llee,"

" It's \ '0 111' tnI'll , Jak(', I'll

kecp watch o\ 'cr Lueas


"1 a i d . 1nOt;e it '"

u l t l ' r i n g to himself. li ce

stumh led (lIT. shotgull in

han,!. st ill wca ring his

abom inable snowman slIit ,

miuus the hcad, The empt y

hea d sa t on a rock overlook

ing the firc,

l ice looked around,"lathing in Sight.

lie wa lked toward an

outcropping of trccs Rft y

fce t awny.

"Shhhhhhh' " II idden

behind a clump of bushes,

Wildbo\ ', Bigfoot an d Slisie

watched him app roach ,

Ilee ca me close r. Andclose r. And close r. li e

shift(,d the shotgun IIneasily,

him and plullged forward

into the bnsh,

"\:O\\,!" wh ispered

\I ' l dbo\ ', "C harge!"

With a mi ght )' roa r Big

foot and " 'i1dboy toppled

him 10 tl", ground in his

dtlmsy white SIl OW suit.

"\Nhal ," blustered !-lee,

" I lelp! "

Wildho), sna tehed his gu n,

Bigfoot picked up I Ice

and shook him in th e air.

"Wa it ! Bigfoot!" com

mand ed Wildho)', "Put him

down," Bigfoot gro\\'led ,

l ice was Irembling ill his

footpads ,"Take li S to n1\ ' fath er!"

commanded StlsiC'.

''I'm not a lone in th is

dea l," bilistered I Ic c,

" \ \ 'c mean husin('ss,

mist cr. \ \ 'c \ \ ',1I1t to lead

llS to yo ur hideout and

flush out your partner. "

\\ ' ildhov grabhed him hythe co llar.

"'Anything Y0 tl say, <lny-

looked nervously at Bigfoo t.

Quickly th e fo\ll' picked

their way to the mouth of

the cave, I-!Pc ente rcd


"Jakt'l J a k Ill' \\'as

Im'athlcss, "Something's

happening out there. YOll\'C

go t to tak e a look. [ don'l

know what it is,"

.I ake ges t1IJ'('d towa rd

Hange r Lucas,

" ll c' lI kc<,[)," sa id Il cc,

"Come on, Jake ,"

Quickly, Hee and Jake

scrambled out to the mOll th

of the cave,"Al EEEEE! " Jake

screamed as Bigfoo t raced

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ran into Ihe Hee

head ed loward th e palh in a

last despera te at tempt to

esca pe.

'Til tak e I lee," shouted

Wildboy. "Bigfoot, you na il


'Tm go in g to find my

fa ther," said Susie, running

in to the eave.

"Susie! DOll' t go ill thcl'C'!

" Now!" whispered WiIdboy. " Charge !"

~ ' - .


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Wildboy hes itated, looking

from Susie's retreating form

to the disappearing Bec.

"YELP!" A scream from

the path .

"Gotcha, you buzzardlSome monster you arel

C'mon boys, let's see what

this bird's up to." I t was

Tom Moulter's voice. "We

have a posse here aiming to

find out what's going on.

And you're go nn a tell us ."

"Good !" said Wildboy,

listening to the sounds ofscufflin g. "They' ll take care

of him." He raced into the

cave after Susie.


"Daddyl" Susie ran in the

direction of the shot , deep

in the cav e.

"Help . . . get this hairy

ape off of me!"

"Hold him, Bigfoot !"

shouted Wildboy.

Jake was wavin g his

shotgun wildly, trying to get

off a shot at Bigfoot, who

was holding him high in the

air. With one huge paw he

plucked the gun out of

Jake's hands and threw it to

th e ground.

"Dadd y!" Susie co uldn't

see her father in the diml y

lit cave.

"Susie-girl, that you? rm

over here, in the co rner . . . "

"Put him down, Bigfoot,"

sa id Wildboy. "We'll tie up

this turkey and leave him

for the farm ers."

You won't forget Jake!"

Wildboy has tily kn otted

his arm s and legs toge ther

with a rope.

"Let's go," Wildboy

motioned to Bigfoot. "Ourwork 's don e. Let the farm ers

find him. Su sie and Ranger

Lucas can take the credit ."

"Bigfoot . . . Wildboy."

Susie emerged from the

shadowy co rn er of the cave,

followed by Ranger Lucas.

"Who are you calling? he


Only Jake was left , hog

tied and angry.

"Oh, no one," .said Susie.

"You couldn 't have done

this by yoursel f,"' sa id

Ranger Lucas . pointin g at


"Lucas!" Tom Moulter's

vo ice filled the cave.

"Over here, Tom," ca lled

Ranger Lucas. "Jake's tied

up nice and neat and he's

got one fi ne story to tell yo u.

All about monsters and oi!."

The men strode into Sight,

dragging Hec.

"Oil?" Tom Moulter was


"Yes," said Jake. "Found it

on your land. Way out

beyond the pasture."

"What did you do, dig

for it?"

"Stuff was pooling there.

ground was black and sticky

for nigh onto a quarter

mile." Bragged Bec.

"Oh that!" Tom Moulter

his belly and laughed until

it hurt. \Veakly, he sat down

and wiped the tears from his


"You guys went through

all this to get at thatoil on my land? Shucks! Iwish yo u had taken it right

then. I t"s a nuisa nce. Buried

a few ex tra barrels of oil ou

there a few years ago when

some varmints were stealing

the stuff . . . and I just pla in

forgo t about it. Barrels mus

have started leaking . . .""You mean . . . " Jake and

Hec looked as tounded.

"Yes," sa id Jed Cox. "No

such thing. You sure d id go

to a lot of trouble for


"Come on, boys. Lets lock

up these polecats.

"We wo uld have go tten

away, Jake . . . I kn ow we

could have," said Hec as

they dragged him out of the

cave. "Just our lu ck tangling

with that hairy ape Bigfoot

and the kid . . . what's hi s

name . . . Wildboy?"

"Bigfoot . . . Wildboy?"

said Ranger Lucas. "S usie,

what do you know about


"Oh Daddy," she smiled.

"I never thought yo u'd fall

for those silly stories." They

walked ann in arm out of

the cave.

Biding behind a boulder,

Wild boy looked at Bigfoot

and winked.

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becJc by Chr1 • t . . . . . . . " 'd by

then You' l l h• • forgotten all

.bout the Ge• • y e1••1ng thU8b.


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) Ii


" ~ - - - ~ ~ . ~---  • I ::::::::"~ ~ ... ~ - ~ ~ - -'

" ~ 3 § : ? ~ ~.-

-_ ------ --..;;: - 0;- ~This was a castl e ! The kino YOll dream of . . . ill nightmares !

-- .--


SAND on th e empty

beach. "I can see it now. In

a couple of weeks we'll be

sitting in school writing the

same old essay: 'What I did

on my summer vacation .'

Mine w ill be two words

long: Complete Disasterl "

"Nobod y's even as ked to

enter our sa ndcastl e

co ntes t," said Kristy. "Onl y

Ace and his gang are

han gin g around on the

beach . . . and they're about


Donald fin gered the

brightly-colored bottl e

before him . "Isn' t it funn y?

Here we have our very own

genie and . . .""Some genie!" sa id Kristy.

"Not even Mongo could save

this summer. But let's give

him another try anyway . . .we have nothin g to lose."

"Maybe he could liven up

om contes t," said Lorra in e.

"Come on, Donald. Let's

talk to him ."

Mongo, Mongo!"

Suddenly Mongo

appeared in a burst of

smoke, big as life in the

rich brocaded robes of

Turkish gent ry. "Oh

Mas ter, co uldn 't you have

waited just a few minutes

longer before calling me?"

Lorraine squinted at him.

"Mongo! Who are you

supposed to be, anyway?"

"Looks to me as if he just

stepped out of 1001 Nights,"

said Donald.

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tained by Scheherazade.

What a storyteller! She was

on #999 when you called.

Only two more and . . ."

"That's the price you payfor being a genie, Mongo,"

Donald said sternly. "Listen,

get into something more

comfortable and I'll tell you

why I called."

"No problem!" Mongo

twitched his ears and stuck

out his tongue. Bingo! There

stood "Uncle" Mongo, in hisusual loud Hawaiian shirt,

said Donald. "We need help.

While you've been enjoying

999 nights in Baghdad,

we've been trying to survive

this crummy summer. Weeven tried to liven things up

by announcing a sandcastle

contest . . . and no one


"What's the prize for

winning? I f it's good enough

I might try it myself!"

Mongo beamed.

"That's it, Donald! Wedidn't even think of a prize.

· ,J!

reward enough . . ."

"Lorra ine's right ," said

Kristy. ''There must be some

kids left in town. The

problem is , how do we getto them?"

Lorraine snapped her

fingers. "J've got it! What's

the best possible prize we

could offer?"

"Money!" exclaimed

Donald. "A nd we don't have


"No, silly . . . Mongo!""Mongo!" Donald looked


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"You're right, Master, You

can't give me away! Seems

like we're getting on th e

wrong track here , , ,"

"No, silly!" Lorrain e said

impatiently. "I don 't mean

giving him away . . . I was

just thinking of a really

special gimmick to turn the

kids on to our contest."

"Speak, oh wise one," said


Lorraine ignored her."What would happen if we

offered the winner three

sputtered Kristy. "How

could you do such a thing?

You can't imagine how

greedy people are , , . or

even whether we . . . I mean

Mongo . . . co uld deliver."

"Do you mean to make

light of my miraculous

powers?" Mongo was hurt.

"No," said Lorraine. "I

mean to use them, Mongo!"

"We could be getting into

trouble making promiseslike that," said Donald. "I

don't think I like your idea."


"You must admit, it woul

draw them out of the

woodwork," said Lorrain e.

"Yes," said Kristy, "but

what happens when Mongo

has to payoff?"

"Why not just present

the whole thing as a put-on

a lot of fun . . . and think of

some other gift that would

make the winner happy ,"

said Lorraine.

"You're beginning to maksense," Kristy turned to

Donald. "After all, we do

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ck is all about.

give a prize,

t the key to the whole

ntest is th e three wishes


"Three wishes . . . castles

the sand . . . Ali Baba . . .

ve got itl " Donald jumped

his feet. "Let's put posters

over town advertising

e co ntes t: BE YOUR OWN



IN THREE WISHES . . . or, ifu don't believe in magic,

u can choose our val uable

temate prize I THE FUN





IMACINATION! I I""Terrific! " chomsed th e

"Ca n you do it, Mongo?"

ed Donald . "Can you

as ter th e town with

-colored posters?"

"No problem!" beamed



beach was fill ed with

san dcastle archi tec ts,

g, plot tin g, digging

nd renovating. Lorraine,

and Donald walked

one contestant to th e

ext, checking their

. Everyone was

g a good tim e."Where's Mongo?"

Both girls looked up and

saw Mon go sitting on top of

th e dun es, enjoying the

breeze. They laughed and

cont inued walking. "Would

you believe ou r luck . . . we

haven' t even see n or hea rd

from Ace, Moose or Dodo!"

Lorraine sm iled happ ily.

She spoke too soon.

Vroom . . . Vrooooooo

mmmmmm! ! ! The motor

cycle gang roared onto th e

dunes, revving up their

cycles for a chicken mn

across th e beach.

Startled out of his day

dreams , Mongo looked up in

tim e to see th e black-jacketed

hoods racing toward him .

"Eeeeeeeek! " He dove for

cover, los ing his hat in th e


"Hahahl There's goodytwo-shoes' creepy old un cle,"

sneered Ace as he and th e

boys rac ed past in a blizzard

of sand. "Le t's really give

th em some thing to remem

ber. To the beach , boys!"

"Oh no!" Donald saw the

approaching disaste r.

"Mongo , Mongo, if you can

hear me . . . do something . . .anythin g . . . but save our


Halfway down th e dun e,

Mon go retri eved his hat,

spa t the sand out of his

mouth and caught Donald 's

wish by ESP. "No problem,Sire . . . TIllS will be a

his tongue and co ncen trated

with a ll his mi gh t.

Zap! The motorcycles

di sappeared. At th e end of

the beach th e newest

contesta nts were work ing

like beavers constructin g

their sandcas tle.

"Not ano th er goof-up!

Oh Mongo, what have you

done?" Despera te, DOllald

looked at the two girls. "I

wanted him to ge t rid of

those troublemakers . . . now

they've joined th e co ntest

and we can 't do anythin g

about it!"

"Do yo" want to be

Queen for a Day?" moc ked

Ace as he dug in w ith his

hands. He slam med a wad of

wet sand onto th e mOllnt ing


"Uh, I think it said ge nic,wo ul d you like to be genie

for a da y, Acc." Dodo care

fully dug a moat. "Call we

put crocs in it, Ace?"

"Crocodiles??? You seri

ous?" Qu ickly, Moose drew

the cast le's design on some

wet sand. "This okay, Acc '' ' '

"Yeah. Look guys, wc 're

going to win ! And maybe

Dodo's not so dumb after a ll.

My sister brought me back

some baby alli ga tors from

F lor ida. Ma wanted me to

get rid of th em, and I ca n't

think of a better place than

herel" A dark , satisfi ed lookspread over Ace's face.

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th ree wishes or goody-goody

Donald will be on th e spot

for not backing up his


"A w, Ace, you sure are


"Yeah, Dodo. A regul ar

jailhouse lawyer!" fIe looked

up. "Here th ey come, du ck

bra in and his two dames.

Let's look innocent. "


CREEPS!" whisperedLorraine .

"Well , yo u're go ing to

have to," said Donald.

" 'vV e're nea rly th ere.

Remember, w e've got to

trea t th em like regular

contestants. Can't let th em

see th e trouble they're

causing.""Oh ," said Kristy, "a

psycholog ist."

A loud wolf-whistle split

the air as th e bikini-clad

girls ap proached th c

hoods. ;;Y Oll sur e are looking

good today, Kristy," said

Ace .

"G roovy," ag reed Moose."Groovy," said Dodo.

"You too, Lor ra in e." H e


Lorraine tossed her hair.

"Th anks for nothin g."

Donald int errupted .

"Good luck on vour cas tle,

guys. Glad yo u could make


"I-Jaw, haw, haw1" Ace

as you do tha t you wish we

were a millio n mil es away .

Look here, Turkey, we plan

to win . . . and this better be

judged fair

orwe're charg

ingfraud. "

"Come on , Donald," said

Kristy. "Th ere's nothing

more to say to them."

As th ey walked away

Lorraine whispered. ''I'm

worried . . . what if they

rea lly do w in . . . can th ey

force us to give th em threew ishes, even when w e

promoted th e contest as a

kind of gag?"

"That's so mething we' ll

worry about \"he n the tim e

comes. Let's fi nd \1ongo .

We' ll be need in g him."

Donald head ed toward th e

dunes.Th e co ntes tants worked

furi ously, forge tti ng every

thing but their cas tl es.

Fantasy cas tl es, suburban

mansions, medieval

es tates . . , th ere wa s some ·

thing for everyone. Strangest

of a ll , though, was th e

cas tle taking shape in frontof Ace, Moose and Dodo.

Ace surveyed th eir work

with satisfac tion. "Good

going, boys!" I-Ie glanced

alon g the beach . "No

competition from those

fathead s. This tim e we're

goin g to win w ithout

chea tin g. It'll be a first." He

straightened his lea th er cap.

once and for all! "


UP th e beach. I t was

night andtim e for the

judging. Donald , Kristy,

Lorrain e and Mongo walked

from castl e to cas tl e, carry

in g littl e notebooks and

scribbling along the way .

Finally they came to th e las t


"Hi , meathead. Hello,

chicks." Ace gree ted th erelllctant judges. "Out of my

wa y, boys. Let th em see our


Alldrey gasped.

Donald gulped.

Lorraine ga\vkcu.

Mongo looked away with

tears in his eyes.

I t was sensa tional. A workof pure im ag ination, like

something out of Dracula or

Frankenstein. This was a

castl e! The kind you

dream ed of . . . in night

mares! They had crea ted an

evil rea lm bristling with

turre ts, barred windows,

crosswalks, and of coursea moat . . . with two tin y

live alligators swimming

happily around th eir new


"Kristy , Lorraine, 'Uncle

Mongo,' can I speak to you

for a moment ?" Donald

wa ved th em aside. "There's

no way anyo ne ca n beat

thi s . . . it's tops by a mil e.

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r we'd be booed o ff the

beach ,"

"Try it," sa id Lorra in e,

"Yeah," moaned Mongo,

"I just know they're goingto make me deliver on those

three wishes, And heaven

kn ows wh at they' ll be!"

"You sure they rea lly built

it themselves?" asked

Lorra in e, "I wouldn't put

anything past Aeel"

"Yes they did," said

Kristy, "I was watchingthem all day and no one else

came near the spot."

"Wh at's the matt er , , ,

sCal'ed to come across with

the goods?" sneered Ace,

Donald cl eared his throa t,

but it didn 't help, "We were

just agree in g that yo ur cas tl e

was a definite w inn er ," he

said hoarsely,

The girls nodd ed ,

Mongo kicked the sand ,

"Ladies and Gentlemen,"

Donald spoke up loudl y,

"May I have yo ur attention

please? We've been

delighted with all these

wonderful cas tl es , Each is

special in its own way,

But we think yo u'll agree

that this yea r's prizewinner

is truly unique: 'Dracula 's

Castle,' des igned and built

by Ace, Moose and Dodo ,"

A polite cheer greeted the

news, Then curios ity, Theother con testants ga thered

around to see their competi

.,. . .want to be namber one dude

....___ _______f_the beach, king of the dunes ."

amazement .

"Never knew they had it

in them! "

"Wonder of wonders,

miracle of miracles!"

Finally the crowd settl ed

down ,

"And now," announ ce d

Donald , "the prizes, Ace,

Moose and Dodo, would

you pl ease step up to the


"Better come across,

Turkey," snarled Ace

through the side of his

mouth, "o r your goose is

cooked !"

Sh aken, Donald continued,"You have a choice: either

take a gamble on three

yo u'd like something re(/ ll y

memorable," he clutched

h is mother's gift-wrapped

afghan behind his back,

"something you can hand

down to your children and

grandchildren," he smiled

nervous ly, holding out the

brightly wrap ped package,

ce , •• this, er, one-of-a-

kind gift worth y of the

king who built the winning

castle! "

A rustle of applause,

Audrey leaned toward

Lorrain e, ''I 've got my

fingers crossed , , ,"

''I'm afraid it won't doany good," said Mongo,

looking worried,

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"Ab, how about yo u,

Moose, Dodo," Donal d 's

voice quavered slightly.

""""e're with Ace," boomed

Moose. "Whatever Ace saysgoes."

"Yeah ," echoed Dodo .

"Ace is boss. Ace is tops.

Heh, good, eh Moose? he

elbowed Moose in the ribs .

"Three wishes it is!"

announced Donald , tryin g to


"I want them and I wantthem now!" said Ace. "One :

I want to be number one

dude on the beach, king of

the dunes. Nobody does

anything without as king me.

Two: I want all the girls to

go crazy over me, like I am

the superstar of the surf!

Three: I want to win every

contest I ever enter. Get it?"

An angry buzz rippled

through the contestants.

"Im ag ine!"

"Some nerve!!"

"Thank heaven it's all a

Mongo, "you as k too much

of your loyal, but limited,

geni e. Th is may be a prob-

lem." He Sighed and turned

around , out of Sight of Ace,Moose, Dodo and the cro wd

on the beach. "Here goes

nothing." He crossed his

eyes, twitched his ea rlobes

and stuck out his tongue.

Flas h! The crowd lunged

forward, a swarm of bikinied

girls, all mov in g in the same

direction.Ace turned white. They

were headed straight

towards him.

"Isn't he cute?" panted


"I want him!" sc reamed


"Ooooooooh !" breathed a

third, pu ll in g her hair and

cl os in g in on him fas ter than

a speeding bull et.

"Ace, we better get outta

here!" said Moose, backing


"Yeah," said Dodo. "A ll

game. He should have taken those females are too much

the other present and really for me . . . !" He turned and

won so mething!" ran.

'Td like to give him a Ace just stood there, ri gid.

mouthful of fi st. " "He's cuter than Elton

"Just a minute, Ace," said Johnill "

Donald. "J've go t to consult "Sex ier than Mick

my fellow judges." Jagger . . ."

They form ed a huddle. Whoosh! They were upon

"Mongo, can you get us out him before anyo ne kn ew

of this?" Dona ld was what happened. Stunned,desperate. "They've put us

on the spot. It 's no joke

Lorraine, Kri sty and Donald

sure did it this time!" Kri st

stared, eyes wide.

"A nything to ob lige," sa

Mongo modestly. He

blushed."Maybe this whole th ing

has go ne far enough ," sa id

Lorrain e.

"Yeah ," agreed Donald.

"I think Ace has lea rn ed his

lesson. Call o ff the harem,


"No problem!"

Zap! The crowd disperseThe stunned Ace lay hal

buried in the sand .

"\Vasn't that a b it much

Kristy as ked. Sh e almost fe

sorry for Ace.

"Gosh ," Mongo looked

puzzled. "I didn't expect i

to be quite that bad!"

Lorraine started across

the beach. ''I'm coming,

Ace! I'll hel p you' !"

Ace raised his head as s

ran toward him .

"Ai eeeeeeee! A female . .one of theml"

He raced like a madman

toward his cycl e.Vroo m! Vrooooooooom!

A cloud of exh aust and

Ace was go ne.

"Hooray Mongol"

whooped Kristy.

"Couldn 't have done it

better myself !" declared

Donald as he whisked his

geni e in to the bottle.

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vinn erd tlolle ,bl aogopa t,com