the london gazette (1801.04.04)

7/27/2019 The London Gazette (1801.04.04) 1/8 jflumli. 1 535 1. [ 373 The London Gazett e. From ©atUrSap April 4, to Cue0Oa5; April 7, 1 80 1. Admiralty-Office, April 7, r8or. Coity of a Letter from Rear-AJmirnl Ducltioortb, Commander in Chief of His Majef.fs Ships and Vejfek at the Leeward IJlanJs, to Evan Nepean, £fq; dated Martinique, 1 6lh February 1 80 1 . SIR, HAVING learnt, from the Arrival of the Cal- cutta on the 1 2th Ultimo, that a Convoy might be foon expedcd, I difpatched all the Squa- dron within my reach to cruifc to Windward of Barbadoes for its Protedlion, which has eventually pioved fortunate ; for the Particulars refpcding it I fliall refer you to Captain Bradby's Letter of the 6th Inllant, herewith tranfmitted ; ^s alfo to the Letters of Captain Manby, of the Bourdc-lois, of the 16th of January and 2d of this Month, on which he writes moll fully. I mult beg you to call the Attention of my Lords Commiflioners of the Admiralty to the meritorious Conduct of Mr. B«r- rowes, Commander of the Ship |upiter, bound to Jamaica, who, after he had loft Convoy, collctled more than Sl>rty Sail, and made fucii a Difpolition of the largell Ships for the Proteftion of the Whole, as evidently d et er re d t he fmall Squadron afterwards brought to Aftion by the Buuvdelois, from attacking them ; and by lliat judicious and publicfpirited Step, all but thofe wiiich branched off for Surinam, &c. arrived fafe at Barba\Ho£S. I am, Sec. J. T. DUCK^'A'ORTH. Extras of a Letter from Captain Bradb-/^ Commander of His Mnjejly's SJ'ip Jlndromedn, to Rear-Ad- miral Duekivorth, dated ULirtiniq a:', the Gih of February 1 801. ENclofed aj-e Two I^etters fron-, Captain Manby to me, from which the ,Se rvice he has ren- dered to the different Itlands, by dcflroying a Squa- dron fent out by Vidlor Hughe? , for tlie Intercep- tion of the outward bound Conv oy, fpeaks for itfelf His Majefly's Sic ,p Bourde/ois, January SIR, 16, I So \,offTe,:criffe. ON the 8th Inftant, off P Jma, in a Calm, I dif- patched Two Boats un dcr the Orders of Lieu- tenant Barrie, in Purfuit (i,{ a tlrange Sail in the S. E. ; after a fatiguing R ,ow of Fourteen Hours, Lieutenant Barrie, at Tw( j P. M." with only one Boat being up with the C ;hafe, boarded her with great Gallantry, althorigh oppofed by Ten French- men, who kept up a fmart Fire from Four Four- Pounders ; fhe proved to be the Adventure oF London, one of the Convoy which had parted Com- pany in the firft Gale of Wind ; the French Prize- Mnllcr was wounded by a Cutlafs, the only Blood. fpilt on the Occalion. Gaining Information from the Adventure, that on the fame Day (lie was captured by the Mouchc Privateer, of Bourdcaux ; the Mouchc likewife cap- tun d a valuable Copper-bottomed Ship, bound to Barijadoes, and as both Veffels had Orders to pro- ceed to Santa Cruz, in Teneriife, I confidered it my Duty to puflr for that Port, and by plying hard with the Sweeps all the 9th, I arrived off Santa Cruz on the Morning cf t he loth , when I had the pleafing Satisfaftion of rcfcuing the abovementioucd Britifh Ship from the Plands of the Enemy; (he proved to be the Aurora of London. 1 have the Honor to be, &c. &c. &c. Captain Bradby, Andromeda. T. MANBY. His Majefifs Ship Bourdelois, Cariific-Bsy, SIR, Barbadoes, February i, 1 801. THREE Days ai^:,, being on the Station you ordeved me t o c ru if c for the Protection of our fcattered Convoy, 1 acquaint ySti, for the Inform- ation of the Lords CommilTioner.s of the Admiralty, that at Noon Thi ee Sail were d tf cr ie d to Wind- V7avu evidently in chafe of us, which I foon dif- covercd to be an Enemy's Squadron, coniifting of Two large Brigs and a ydiooner : having fhorten- ed Sail, enabled them to be well up with us at Sun- fet, when I wore round to give them Battle ; at Six I had the Honor of bringing the Invgtll Brig to clofe Aftion at about Ten Yards Dillance, but was not fo fortunate with the other W'ifcls, who fought very Ihy on the Occalion, on obfcrving we were enabled to fight both Sides at once ; Thirty Minutes of clofe Carronade with my near Opponent completely filenced him, virhen he hailed, that he had ftruck, and lowered his Topfails, when his Com- ^. pam'ons made Sail from us: but I tliink I caii;j_».< fafcly aver they are fufficiencly damaged to fpVW^;''^" their Cruiie. My Firll Lieutenant, Mr. Rober^; •," v, Barrie, on taking Poffeirion of the Prize, found ll%\\ , -^ to be a remarkable fine French National CorvetKjj^'^;'^^^ ' ' called La Cun«ufe, pierced for Twenty Guns, Bifc^*,? y- I . J * 1 . - / r \

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jflumli. 1 535 1.

[ 373

The London Gazette.

From ©atUrSap April 4, to Cue0Oa5; April 7, 1 80 1.

Admiralty-Office, April 7, r8or.

Coity of a Letter from Rear-AJmirnl Ducltioortb,

Commander in Chief of His Majef.fs Ships and

Vejfek at the Leeward IJlanJs, to Evan Nepean,

£fq; dated Martinique, 1 6lh February 1 80 1



HAVING learnt, from the Arrival of the Cal-

cutta on the 1 2th Ultimo, that a Convoy

might be foon expedcd, I difpatched all the Squa-

dron within my reach to cruifc to Windward of

Barbadoes for its Protedlion, which has eventually

pioved fortunate ; for the Particulars refpcding it

I fliall refer you to Captain Bradby's Letter of the,

6th Inllant, herewith tranfmitted ; ^s alfo to the

Letters of Captain Manby, of the Bourdc-lois, of

the 16th of January and 2d of this Month, on

which he writes moll fully. I mult beg you to call

the Attention of my Lords Commiflioners of the

Admiralty to the meritorious Conduct of Mr. B«r-

rowes, Commander of the Ship |upiter, bound to

Jamaica, who, after he had loft Convoy, collctled

more than Sl>rty Sail, and made fucii a Difpolition

of the largell Ships for the Proteftion of the

Whole, as evidently deterred the fmall Squadronafterwards brought to Aftion by the Buuvdelois,

from attacking them ; and by lliat judicious and

publicfpirited Step, all but thofe wiiich branched

off for Surinam, &c. arrived fafe at Barba\Ho£S.

I am, Sec.J. T. DUCK^'A'ORTH.

Extras of a Letter from Captain Bradb-/^ Commander

of His Mnjejly's SJ'ip Jlndromedn, to Rear-Ad-

miral Duekivorth, dated ULirtiniq a:', the Gih ofFebruary 1 801.

ENclofed aj-e Two I^etters fron-, Captain Manbyto me, from which the ,Se rvice he has ren-

dered to the different Itlands,

by dcflroying a Squa-dron fent out by Vidlor Hughe?, for tlie Intercep-

tion of the outward bound Conv oy, fpeaks for itfelf

His Majefly's Sic ,p Bourde/ois, January

SIR, 16, I So \,offTe,:criffe.

ON the 8th Inftant, off P Jma, in a Calm, I dif-

patched Two Boats un dcr the Orders of Lieu-

tenant Barrie, in Purfuit (i,{ a tlrange Sail in the

S. E. ; after a fatiguing R ,ow of Fourteen Hours,

Lieutenant Barrie, at Tw( j P. M." with only one

Boat being up with the C ;hafe, boarded her with

great Gallantry, althorigh oppofed by Ten French-

men, who kept up a fmart Fire from Four Four-

Pounders ; fhe proved to be the Adventure oF

London, one of the Convoy which had parted Com-

pany in the firft Gale of Wind ; the French Prize-

Mnllcr was wounded by a Cutlafs, the only Blood.

fpilt on the Occalion.

Gaining Information from the Adventure, that

on the fame Day (lie was captured by the Mouchc

Privateer, of Bourdcaux ; the Mouchc likewife cap-

tun d a valuable Copper-bottomed Ship, bound to

Barijadoes, and as both Veffels had Orders to pro-

ceed to Santa Cruz, in Teneriife, I confidered it

my Duty to puflr for that Port, and by plying

hard with the Sweeps all the 9th, I arrived off Santa

Cruz on the Morning cf the loth, when I had the

pleafing Satisfaftion of rcfcuing the abovementioucd

Britifh Ship from the Plands of the Enemy; (he

proved to be the Aurora of London.

1 have the Honor to be, &c. &c. &c.

Captain Bradby, Andromeda. T. MANBY.

His Majefifs Ship Bourdelois, Cariific-Bsy,

SIR, Barbadoes, February i, 1 801.

THREE Days ai^:,, being on the Station you

ordeved me to cruifc for the Protection of our

fcattered Convoy, 1 acquaint ySti, for the Inform-

ation of the Lords CommilTioner.s of the Admiralty,

that at Noon Thi ee Sail were dtfcried to Wind-

V7avu evidently in chafe of us, which I foon dif-

covercd to be an Enemy's Squadron, coniifting of

Two large Brigs and a ydiooner :— having fhorten-

ed Sail, enabled them to be well up with us at Sun-

fet, when I wore round to give them Battle ; at

Six I had the Honor of bringing the Invgtll Brig

to clofe Aftion at about Ten Yards Dillance, but

was not fo fortunate with the other W'ifcls, who

fought very Ihy on the Occalion, on obfcrving wewere enabled to fight both Sides at once ;


Minutes of clofe Carronade with my near Opponent

completely filenced him, virhen he hailed, that he

had ftruck, and lowered his Topfails, when his Com- ^.

pam'ons made Sail from us: but I tliink I caii;j_».<

fafcly aver they are fufficiencly damaged to fpVW^;''^"

their Cruiie. My Firll Lieutenant, Mr. Rober^; •," v,

Barrie, on taking Poffeirion of the Prize, found ll%\\ ,


to be a remarkable fine French National CorvetKjj^'^;'^^^


' called La Cun«ufe, pierced for Twenty Guns, Bifc^*,? y-


J * 1 .-

/ r \

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[ 374 ]

only Elgliteen long Ni!>e-Poundi?r5 mounted, One

HundrcJ and Sixty-eiglit Men, and commanded by

Captain G. Radelet ; fent out from Cayenne

Twenty-eight Days ago by Viclor Hughes witli

this Squadron to intercept the outward-bound Weft

India Fleet. With real Concern I acquaint you

that we had One Man killed and Seven wounded in

the Aftion ; but from the Abilities and Attention

of Mr. G. Roddam, my Surgeon, I trult the latter

are likely to do well : Lieutenant Bairie forms One

of the Number, but difdained to quit his Quarters.

Mr. J. Jones, Matter's Mate, and Mr.J.


Midfliipman, are included in this Lift.

The Killed and Wounded in the Corvette amount-

ed to near Fifty, her Deck, fore and aft, being co-

vered with the dying and the dead. The French

Captain furvived but a few Hours, having loft both

his Legs, and many of the Prifoners were in an

equalpitiable State.

A melancholy and painful Ta/lc is now impofed

on me to relate the fad Cataftrophe attending this

Capture, which, after being more than an Hour in

our Poffefrion, was found to be rapidly linking, in

conftqucnce of her innumerable Shot Holes: every

Exertion was made to preferve her ; but, alas ! at

Eight ftie foundered clofe befide lis. I had, fome

Time previous to this Event, ordered every Body to

quit her ; but Britifh Humanity, while ftriving to

extricate the wounded Frenchmen from Deftrudtion,

weighed fo forcibly with Mr. Archibald Montgo-

mery and Twenty brave Followers, that they per

fevered in this meritorious Service until the Vuirel

funk under them. The floating Wn'ck, I rej )ic<- to

lay, buoyed up many from Dtftrutlion ; but w:<.l\

Sorrow I mention Mr. Frederick Spence and Mr.

Auckland, Two promifing young Gentlemen, with

Five of my gallant Crew, unfortunately perilhed.

The Delay occafioned by this ut]liappy Event, fe-

curing One Hundred and Twenty Piifoners, knot-

ting the Rigging, and repairing Sail.-, detained me

until Eleven before I could purfue the flying Enemy,

which, I afltire you, was done with all Alacrity,

but without Succefs, as the Night favoured their


I cannot conclude this Account of my Proceed-

ings without informing you bow highly I approve ofthe Conduft of Lieutenant Robert Barr.'-. , Licute

Bant James Alexander Gordon, Mr. MacCleverty

the Malter, and Mr. Montgomery, my Afting Lieu-


The Proceedings of Warrant and Petty Ouirers

gave me every Satisfaftion ; and I have not Words

lo offer fufficiently in the PraHe of the Ship's Com-

pany for their fteady Obedience to my Orders in

not wafting a fingle Shot ; I truft it will not be

deemed too arfuming in my recommending my Firft

Lieutenant Mr. Robert Barrie to the Notice of the

Lords Commiffioncrs of the Admiralty as an Officer

highly worthy of Advancement.

I have the Honor to be, &c. &c. &c.

(Signed) T. MANBY.

N. B. Allow me to fubjoin the Statement of the

Enemy's Force, and to mention, that the only Cap-

ture made by this Squadron was the Sufan Brig,

of Hahfax, bound to Surinam, which they burnt.

La Curieufe, of 390 Tons, 18 Nine-Pounders, 168

Men, not Two Years old, with 34 Feet Beam,

and 90 Feet Keel, commanded by Captain George


La Mutiiic, of 300 Tons, 16 long Six-Ponndtrs,

156 Men, commanded by CaptainJ.


L'Efperance Schooner, mounting 6 Four-l'.iunders,

C2 Men commanded by Caotain Havmond.I.T.DUCKWORTH,


V/hitehall, March 31, 180J.

'/"Hereas it has been hiimbh rcpnfcnicd to the king, .

that an anmiymous Threatening Leiltcr has leen

adilnfeti to Mr. Richard Jeiitins, SihvrfiKilh, North-

Street, Exeter, of "which the fottn-jjing is a Copy, vi-i.

Sir Exeter 21 March i8oi

Let tlie Rich \'' lowcft flave difdain :

He's equally a Lir.k of Nature's Chain ;

Labours to y' fame End, joins in one View;

And both alike y'= will divine purine;

And at the laft, are levelled. Kings and Slave

Without diftindion in one filcnt Grave.

I prefume you are not unacquainted, of the

meeting of a Great number of the injured pour in-

habitants of this once happy City, & the great

reafon there is for a redrefs of their prefcnt mifer-

ablc I'atc, come forward as a Man and a good Ma-

giftrate ; and let tlic World fee that you are not

•hat fclfifti cynic in heart, that your former conduft

have made you appear to be. r-Depend upon it

that if there is not fome redrefs & that fpecdily, the

confequenccs will be dreadfull, as wee arc refolved,

nor can wee any longer fupport ourfclves and Fa-

milies. —Therefore it is better to Die like Men than any-

longer to hear y' cries of our ftarving Children for

Bread, when thro' the villainy of a few dtfigm'ng

Men, who for the fake of a little paltry Gold)

hath in the njidft of Plenty advanced the prices of

every necellary /Vrticle of Life to fuch an enormous

price, that we are unable to purchafe them •

We have waited with the gieateft patience for re-

drefs, without eSed, & are now Determined to

redrefs ouifelves. we fear, not the Soldiers,

neither the Volunteers (vulgarly termed the Far-

mers Bull-Dog?,) thty are our Friends, Brothers,

and Fellow fuffcrers, -we know the principal

Villain;', in our neighbourhood, & are determined to

be revenged.———Fire a.nd Sword, is the word, and by the Al-

mighty G id they ftiall not efcape our vengeance,

we have ci ied luito Man in vain, we have now ap-

pealed unto Gild, who hnth infpiied us with the

juft means of revenging ourkt" es take care of your-

felf & let Hen^m!ngs, Drake, & all the other crc-.v

of enormous eiL^roifing Villains of Millers, Grazier?,

& Farmers, knew their Danger, that they may

repent before it is too late, for without a great

Alteration in you/e & their conduft, they will footi

apoear beforethe ;

-jreat tribunal of God, to anfwer

for the mifeiies the.V have brought upon Thouiands

of unhappy objefts.

Call your Fellow Citizens together & endeavour

to avert the Storm wl Uch fo heavily hangs over this

unhappy country is th e wifii of your Friends



Mr Richard Jenkins


NortWheet Exeter.

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[ 375 ]

JJts Majefly,for the letter iipprehen/^inj^ and hrir.g'in^

to yujl'ice the Perfr.ns conccriKil in writing and fending

the Letter above vicniioned, is hereby plcafed to promife

His mo/l gracious Purdsn to any of ihem (except the

Perfon who aSually wrote the faid Letter,) who Jl.ndl

difeover his or their Accomplice or Accomplices therein,

fo that he,Jhe, or they may be apprehended and onviCled

thereof. PORTLAND.And, as a fnrther Encouragement, a Reward of

ONE HUNDRED POUNDS is herdy offered be

the Chamber of the City of Exeter, to any Perfon mile

ing fuch Difcovcry as aforefaid, (except as is before ex-

cepted,) to be paid on the Con-Jtclion of any One or more

of the Offenders.

Navy-Office, March 27, tSoi.

'/ ^HE Principal Officers and Commifjioners of His*- Maje/ly's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on

Taefday the 14//6 of next Month, at One of the Clod,

they will be ready to treat loith fuch Pirfons as miy be

tvilling to coniraS for fupplyiiig His Majejly's Yards at

JDeptford, IVooIwich, Chatham, Sheernefs, Porlfmouth,

and Plymouth, and this OJice, with


A Form of the Tender, with the ^antity wanted,

may be feen at this Office.

No Tender will be received after Twelve o'clock,

tior any noticed, unlefs the Party, or an Agentfor him,

^Uends. R. A. Nelfoa, Secretary.

EaH: India- Houfe, February 11, i8or,




United Company ofMerchants of England trading to the Eajl Indies,

do hereby give Notice,

That the Transfer Boohs of the faid Company^s

Stock will be Jhut on Tuefday the ^d Day of Match

next, at Two 0' Clock, and opened agaiti on Tburfday

the gth of Aprilfollowing :

That a ^larterly General Court of thefaid Company

will be held, at their Houfe in L.eadenhall Street, on

Wednefday the 25/A of March next, at Eleven 0' Clock in

the Forenoon :

That a General Court of the faid Company luill be

held, at their Houfe in I^adenhall-Street, oh Wednefday

ibe Hlh of April next,from Nine 0'Clock in the Morn-

ing until Six in the Evening, for the EleiJion of Six

DireSors of the faid Company for Four Tears :

And that the Lijls of the faid Company will he ready

40 be delivered at this Houfe on Tuefday the ZJjh of

March next. V/illiam Rainfay, Secretary.

To the Proprietors of Ead India Stock.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

TJA V IN G the Honor of being recommended to

you by the Directors of the Enjl InSa Compcny,

JU the Six Candidates fur the Direction, to be chofen this

Tear, we lake the Liberty of leqtiejling the Favor of

your Vote on the Day of Eledion, Wednefday the ith

*fApril next.

We are.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tour mojl obediint Servants,

Wflliam Benfloy,

Jolin Smith Biirges,

William Elphinltonc,

John Hunter,

Jolm Travcrs,

Stephen Williams.

Sail Icdia Houfe, March 25, 1 801.

To the Proprietors of EaJl India Stock.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

•T^HE Eleaion of Six DireiVors of the Eaff India

Company being appointed

forV/ednefday the ^th

ofApril Tiext, the Favor of your Vote am! Interejl is de-

Hredfor thefollowing Gentlemen,

William Benflcy, Efq. I John Hunter, Efq;

Sir Jolin Smith Burges, I John Travers, Eiq;

Bart. I Stephen Williai:; ,̂ El'q;

The Honorable William


I'/hich will very much oblige.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

2'oiir mojl humble Serxan't,

ThomasThGophilusMct- -Hugh Liglis,

calfe, David Scot,

Charlei Mills, Francis Barinj;,

Tiiomas Parry, J.icob Bofanqnet,

Edward Parry, Jofeph Cotton,

Abraham Rolwiti, Lionel Darc'l,

John Roberts, William Devaynes,

George Smitli, Sitnou Frafer,

George Tatem, Charles Grant,

George Woodford Thel- Paul Le Mefuiier,

lulTon, SttpheJi Lufhingtoa,

Robert Thornton, John Maufliip.

William Thornton,

Sweny Toone,j

Eaft India Houfe, March 25, i8or.


nUrfuant to an Afi paffed in the prefnt Sefficn

of Parliament, Notice is hereby given. That the

Average Price of Threeper Centum Confolidated An-

unities, fold at the Bank of England on this Day,

was £. 57 five-eighths per Centum.

By Order of the Commiffionersfor the Affairs of Taxes,

Matthew Winter, Secretary.

HAIR POWDER TAX.Stamp-Office, Somerfet-Place,

March 26, 1 80 1.

TJIS Majrfly^s Commiffioners for managing the Stamp

Duties do hereby eive Notice, that Hair PowderCertificates, COMMENCING the 6th of APRIL1 801 , are ready to be granted at thefollowing Officts or

Places, upon Applicationfor thefume:

T!ie Head-Office, in Somerfet-Place, for Perfons

rcfulinf; in the Paiilhes of St. Mary-le-Strand, St.

Clement Danes, Sji. Paul, Covent-Garden, St. Gile,<

in the Fields, St. 'George, Bloomfbur}-, the Liberty

of the Rolls, Lincohi's-Inn, and the Temple,

City DillriCi, at No. 56, Lombard-Street, Lon-

di):i, for Perfons refiding v/ithia the City of London

and the Liberty of St. Martin's- le-Grand.

For the Diftrlfts of the Towcv-Hamlets, Liberties

and Precinfts thereof, with Bcthnal Green, and

Parts adjacent ; alfo to Perfons refiding in the fol-

lowing Wards within tLe City of London, viz.

Aldgate, Bilh'ngfgate, Lime-Street, Porlfoken, and

Tower ; and to Perfons relidine in the Streets,

Squares, Lanes, i:c. leadirg from Fifli-Strcet-Hill,

Gracechurch-Street, Biniopfgate-Strcet Within r.nd

Witlumt ; Eaftward in the City of London, at No.

3 J,Wcllelofe-Sqnare.

For the Weflminller Diftrict, including the Pa-

riihes of St. Maitiu in the Fields, St. Margaret, St

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[ 376 J

John, St. James, St. Anne, Mary-k-Bone, St. I

George» Hanover-Squaic, and Paddiiigton, on tlie

Terrace, Spring Garden, and iu Vcre- Street, Ox-


For the Clerkenvell Biftvid, the Office of tlie

Clerk of tiie Peace for tlie County of Middiefex,

at the SelTions-Houfe on Clerkenwell Gieen, for

Perfons rei'idinp; in the Paiif)iee of St. James, and

St. John, Clerken-.vell ; St. Luke, St. Leonard,

Shoreditch, the Liberty of Glafshoufe-Yard, St.

Andrew, Holborn, am! St. George the Martyr.

Queen-Square, St. Sepulchre, St. Pan-jras, and


N. 6. Where there are more than Two unmarried

Davlhrs in a Fi-mih, it is ctily neccffary to toie out a

DOUBLE C^?:nYlCLVTZ, Jlamped with TwoStamps, of One Pound One Shilling each.


efthe Cummiljioners


John^Bvettell, Secretary.

Amica'ble Society's Office, Serjeants'-Iun,

Fleet-Street, April 7,1801.

'~f~'ME Corporation of the Amic(Me Society for a Per-

•* pelual AJfurance OJJice doth hereby give Notice,

that at Lady-Day lafl "(Old Style) the feveral Mem-

bers, or their Nominees, upon the Policies numbered as

felhnvs, viz.

165, 438, J016,

172, 442, 1029,

220, 574, 1060,

342, 708, 1064,

345, .719, 1074,'394, 721, 13:^2,

••409. 785. i34>.

410, 840, 134'^,

.'414, 991, 1453,

tvere in jirrear in their ^lartcrly Payments or Con-

trrluiinvsfor One Tear and One Quarter of a Tear:

Atid that unlefsfuch Arrear is paid off ivithin the Space

of Three Calenc(ar Months after the Publication hereof,

fuch feveral Memhm and their Nominees, and their

refpe8i<ve Executors, Adriniflrators, and AJpgns, ivill,

by -virtue rf the S.upplnnental Charter of thefaid Society,

be alfolutely excludedfrom all Benefit and Ad-vantage

from fuch Policies. John Penfam, Regi/ler.

London, April i, 1801.

AjO'iee is hereby given to the Officers and Company of^ * Bis Majrfly's Ship Excellent; ivho were aauatly

en board at the Capture of the La Belle Fran^aife,

L'Heureux, and La Belle Julie, on the ^\th of Oc-

tober 180D, that they tvill be paid c6jr Proportions of

the Proceeds offaid Prizes on ioard the faid Ship at

Plymouth, before Jae prcceetls to Sea ; and the Shares

not then paid ivill be recalled at the Office of Meffrs. Om-manney and Druce, A'?. 17, Cecil-Street, Strand, every

Friday for Three Tears to conic.

Ommanney anrf Druce, ao(/'j!dnnund Lock-yer. Agents.

March 3c, I Sol.jM'O.'ice is herehy given to the Oarers and Sup's Com-' ^ pany of His iVhijijlfs Sloop Gier, -who were ac-

tually oil board at the Recapture of the Crown Brig,

Peck, B'lafler, on the 23a' of January, that they

will be paid ihAr Proportions 0' the faid Salvage on

bJardiin Tuefday the ^\fl of March ; and the Shares

tioj then detnandeJ will be recalled evcrv Saturday forikfcc Tears to come, at the Admiral's OJjice, Deal.

Richard Hallilay, Agent.


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L' 377 ]

Partnerfliip ire to be received and paid by the fald Richard

Deanf ; and the faid Bufinefs will in future be carried on by

the faid Domiiiick CoUings at his Manulaaoi-y, No. 19, Wa-

ter-Strtct, Strand. Witnefs our Hands this 5th Day of Fe-

bruary 1801. James Bell.

Rich. Drane.

Dominkk CoUtngs.

THE Partnerlhip lately fubfifting between Catharine

Baiker, Samuel Barker, and John Barker Scott, of tlie

City of I/itchfield, Bankers, was on the 31ft of March laft

diflulved by mutual Conlcnt. The Bufinefs will in future be

carried on by the faid Catharine Barker and John Barker

Scott. Witnefs our Hands the ad of April 1801.

Cath. Barker.

S. Barher.

John B. Scott.

Noticeis hereby given, that the Partnerlhip

betweenWilliam Bower, Charles Bowles, and James Bower,

Bankers at Weymouth, is this Day dilTclvcd, the faid Charles

Bowles having with-Jiawn therefrom ; and the faid Bufincfs

will in future be carried on under the Firm of William

Bower and James Bower. Witnefs o«r Hands this zjtli Dayof March i8oi. IVm. Botver.

Charles Boivles.

James Bower.

IFthe Heir at Law, or any of the Kindred of William

Suker, late of Bobbington, in the Coimty of Statford,

Gent, deceafed, (who at the Time of his Deceafe was about

60 Vears of Age,) will apply at the Office of MelTrs. Booth

and Haflewood, Solicitors, Ciaven-Strcct, London, or at

Thomas Haflewood's, Efq; Bridgnorth, they may hear of

ibmcthing to their Advantage.

Liverpool, April 4, 1801.

A/Dividend of the EOale and Efilfts of Mr. John Pal-

mer, of Liverpool, Infurance-Broker, will he paid to

fuch of his Creditors whofe Debts were contra^cd previous

to the id Day of Oftober 1798, and who have, by them-

. felves or their Agents, executed the Truft Deed, and given

in the Account of tlieir Debts. The Dividend will be paid

at the Office of Rcdilh and Bird, Accountants, Houghton-

Street, Liverpool, on Tueiday the l8th Day of .'\pril next,

and on the following Days. But it muft be obferved, that no

Dividend will be paid to thofe Creditors who Ihall not have

.- Cgned the Truft Deed previous to the lift fay of April next,

nor to them who, having figntd it, Ihall not have furnillied

. the exaft Amount of their Dwbts previous to that Day.

TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED'.TTTHereas by indented Deed of Lcafr, beaiing Date the

"\ \ 13d Dav of December, in the Year of our Lord 1713,

made between the Honoiable F^iUviid Brabazon, Eki; Second

• Son of the Right Honorable Chamlne Earl of «'ieath,of the

one Part, and John Marihall, of Cloumcll, in the County oi'

Tipperary, Gent, of the other Part, the faid Edward Bra-

bazon did demife nnto the faid John Marfl;all, his-Heirs,

Executors, .^dminillrators, and Adigns, All that and thofc

the Town and Lands of Garr^hlh, in Two Parcels, viz. in the

JFirft Parcel 57 Acies, Plantation Mcafure, prafilable Land.

. J>art of John Fiflicr's Retrenchments ; in tiic Second Part of

tbefaid Garrylilli 79 Acres 3 Roods, of like Land and Mca-• jTcre ; in the South Part of Gurteenbarnar.e, retrenched by

Richard Clutterbuck, 270 Acres, of like Meafure, profi[.ible

l^nd, and 30 Acres unprofitable Land ; in Killamoanc

% Acres i, Roods 16 Perches profitable Land, and 74 Acres

unprofitable Land ; iaDrumtrafccy, retrenched by Thomas

White and John Dooling, 54 Acres, of like Meafure, piofit-

abli Land ; more in the fame, 38 Acres i Rood 32 Perches

l)rofitiMc Land, of like Meafure ; in Raihcardan 10?. Acres i

'*.ood 8 Pciches profitable Land, Plantation Meaflire ; more in

.a Parcel of the fame, retrenched by Thomas White and John

-Dooling, 2.', Acres 3 Roods 8 Perches, like Meafure, profit-

able Land ; more in tlie fame, bchdes liie faid Retrench-

ments, 62 Acres 3 Roods 24 Perches, of like Meafure, pro-

fitable L«nd ; in Gortnacranagh 59 Acres 3 Roods 4 Perches,


-of like Meafure, profitable Land ; all which faid Lands and

:Premifes are lituate, lying, and being in the Territory of

1.Iltagh, and County of Tipperary ; to have and to hold all

.iB?o» 15351- E

and finpilar the faij gnctcd and demiCd Premifes, withtheir and overj- of their Appurtenances, (except as in the

laid Indenture is particularly excepted,) nnto the faid Jolin

Marihall, his Heirs, Executors, AdT.inidrators, and Aifjgn.s

from the ifl Day of November then lafl paft, for and during

the natural Lives of the Honorable Chawortli Lord Brabi-

zon, elded Son of the Right f lonorable Chambie Earl of

Meath, the Brother of the Lcfibr, the f^id Edward Braba-

zon the Leflor, and Brabazon Ponjbnby, Efq; elded Son of

William Ponlonby, of Bcfborough, in the County of Kil-

kenny, Efq; and the Survivor or Survivors, oa" longer or lougeft

Liver of them; and after their or any or cither of their

Deceafe, for and during the Term of ariy uiw Life or Lives,

to be nominated or inferted by tlie faid' John Marfliall, his

Heirs, Executors, Admintlratots, and Ailij^ns for ever, in the

Room of the faid Lord Brabazon, Edward Brabazon,and Bra-

bazon Ponfonby,or in theRoom'of nny other Life or Lives, to

be for ever nominated and inferted as aforefaid,on Payment

of 25I. Sterling, of lawful Money of Ireland, as a Fine for

every fuch new Life, to be fo nominated and inferted bytlie faid John Marihall, his Heirs, Executors, Adminillrators,

.ind AlTigns for ever, in Twelve Calendar Months after the

Deceafe of any of the Lives thertinbcl'irc mentioned, or

thereinafter to Le nominated or inferted, fubject to the

yearly Rents therein mentioned, that is to fay, the Rent of

40I. Sterling for the Firft Year and a Half, to be computed'

from the ill Day of November then laft pall to the ifl Dayof May 1715; and from and after the faid lit Day of MayI7i5,theyearly Renter Sum of j;oh Stealing, and IS. in the

Pound Receiver's Fees, in Default of Payment within the

Space of 61 Days after the Days of Payment therein men-tioned : In which faid Indenture there is c-nitai::cd a Cove-

nant on the Part of the faid LefTor, his Heirs, Executors,

Adminifttators, or Afiigns, for the perpetual Ronev.'al of the

faid Leafe to the faid John Marfliall, his Heirs, Executors,

Adminiftratois, and AlTigns, upon the F.all of evei-y of the

Lives in the faid Leafe named and thereafter to be added

tlieieto by virtue of faid Covenant for Renewal, upon Pay-

ment of a Fine of 2,ql: And whereas the faid Jolin Marihall,

under and by virtue of the faid Leafe, entered into the Seifm

and PonelTion of the faid demifed Lands and Premifes; and

whereas the faid Honorable Chaworth Lord Brab.izon, eldefV

Son of the Right Honorable Chambre Earl 'jf M«atli, the

Brother of the Leiibr, the fald Edward Bra.baz :n the Leflor,

and the faid Brabazon Ponfoni>y, the faid Three Ceftui que

vies named in the iaid Leafe, are dead ; and whereas the

F;ilate, Right, Title, and Intercll of tJie faitl Idwird Braba-

zon, the Lellijr iu and to the faid Lands ?nd Premifes,

and to tile Rent and Renewal Fines payable thereout,

are now verted in Roger Barrett, of Mo,Ttagu-Street, in the

County of Dublin, and Kingdom of Ireland, Efq; as Devifee

thereof, named in the laft Will and Tertament of EdwardBrabazon, foi mcrly of Tarali-Hgufc.iu theConntyof Meath,

and laic of the City of Dublin, Elii; deceafed ; and whereas

I the faid Roger Barrett find Diir;cr.hy ui diicovering the

Tenant to fad Lands and Premifes, or the -Adignee or .-iffig-

necs of fuch i'l'en.uit"; and whereas on the 27th of February

iSoi, I caufed a Demand for faid Fines, and fnterelt

thereon due, to be made on faid Lauds horn the principal Oc-

cupier thereof wii-hout Eifetl— Nov.- I the laid Roger Barrett

do hereby, purfuant to the Statute in that Cafe made and pro-

vided, {^ive this puljlic Notice of fuch Demand having been

fo made: and I do hereby demand the Fines for Renewal of

faid Leafe, with Intercfl for the fame, which amount to the

Sum of 942I. 3s. up to and for the 25Sh Day of February

lull, I being ready to renew faid Leafe by infcrting Lives ia

the -Place of the liild Chaworth I/ord Brabazon, Edward

Brabazon, and Biabazon PonJbnby, upon Payment of the

faid Kene-.val Fines and Intercfl ; and in cafe fuch Finesand

lutereft Ihall not be paid within the Space of Two C-iIcnrfar

Months fiom the Firll Publication of this Notice, then all

Peifons iutercflcd are to take Notice, that I the faid Roger

B..rrett will not renew the faid Original Leafe. Dated this

2d Dsy of March iSoi. ROGER BARRETF.Witnefs preient,


Laft Notice to Creditors.

THF. Ttuflee for tiie Creditors of the late Mr. Thoioai

Lindfay, Machant in Kirkw-all, (who was a Partner

of the Company ef Thomas and WiUiam Lindlay, Mer-

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diants there,) hercliy intimates, tliat tke Final Divificn of

Jvlr. i^indlay's Funds will take place at Wlutiimday next

and ii tlieie are any Creditors who have not already lodged

then- Claims with Mr. James Steell, Writer, in Edinbiiigh,

Cleik to the Trullce, they are required to do lb on or before

the lOih Day of May next, otherwife they will be deprived

ol any t.ha;e of Mr. Lindiay'i Funds in the Divilion now

about to be made.

WOODHALL, HERTS.Capital Eftites and Manors, Manr:on, Park, Lands, Woods,

and Advowlbns.

TO be fold to the btft Eiiilers, purfuant to an Order of

His Majeily's Court of Exchequer made on the 29th

I):;/ of May laft, in a Matter between our Sovereign Lord

the King and Dame Joanna Rumbold, Paul Benfield, and

others, before Abel Moyfey, Efq; the Deputy to His Ma-jefty's Remembrancer of the laid Court, at Garraway's

Coffee-Houfe, 'Change-Alley, London, on Wtdntfday the

20th, Thurfday the 2i(l, and Friday the 22dof May, 1801,

at Twelve o'clock, in Forty-one Lots,

The very capital Freehold Eftates of Paul Benfield,' Efq;

cnnliiHng of cxtenfae Manors, the Perpetual Advowlbns of

AVatton, Aflon, and Stapleford, noble Manlion-Uouie and

Offices, beautiful Plantations, Gardens, Pleafure Grounds,

Park, Woods, Farms, and Lands, containing about Five 'Fhou-

land Acres, abundantly (locked with capital Timber of very

conliderahlc Value; the Whole forming one ot the co,t!-

jjletell Lomains of its Extent in this Kingdom, called Wood-

h-1! Park, lltuate in a fine high, healthy, and beautiful Part

of the County of Herts, Four Miles from Hertford and

"Wace, and only Tv/cnty-five Miles from London, in a Neigh-

bourhood univerfally known to be equal to any Part of Great

IJjiiaiu for its Confequeucc, Sociability, and all Kind of

Field .Sports; the Rental and ellimated Value about Five

'I'houfand Five Hundred Prunds per Annum, exclulive of

the Manfion-Houfe, Gardens, Advowfons, &c.

The noble modern-built Manfion is ercftecl on a Plan of

the firft .^tyle of Elegance, containing magnificent Suites of

Apartments, fitted up in a (uperb Mdnner, with Offices of

i?very Dcleription, and completed with a l^ibcrcli'ry that ren-

ders it iiHtable for a Family of the firft Diltinition.

I'he r--rJeiT5 are provided with lofty Walling, Green-

tioufe, Pcarh-HoulV, Hot and Succertion-Houfes, and

Grapery, planted with Trees of the firif Quality.

The plantations, Lawns, and Shrubbery Walks, are truly


The P.u-k interfefted by the River Bcanc. '

Alio i r, emore Villa and Gardens, and the numerous

Famrs, aie 1 .id out in tlie molt compact Manner, and are

equal .to any in the County for Situation, Produce, and Ealc

of IVJanfc;!;citient.

The F.itates are well worth the Attcnti.-.ii of Noblemen or

Gentlemen \\-ilhing to realili: their Money in one of the

liiieft Counties in this Kingdom, and, in Point of Situation

and DiOance fiom the Metropolis, not to be c<iual!ed for

eitiier Family Refidences or Farms. -

.Printed Particulars mav be had (gratis) at the Exchequcr-

OfSce', Inner-Ternple; of Jofeph White, Solicitor, of the

'Freafurv, No. 6, Lincoln's-Iim New-Square; Mcllrs. Bullock

and' Arnold, Polidtots, Etdford-Row ; Melirs. Dawes, Soli-

citors, ..Angcl-Cnurt, Throoinurton-Strcet, near the Roval-

Ey-chaiv't ; at AVoeJhaU-Houl'e ; the Place of Sale; and of

Melir . '.

I Dyke, Alderfgate-Strcct, where a Plan

mn\ ! ivhom 'Pickets mav be had for viewing

the .A!.-; ' ns, &c. "


Tlic J.ftrt'.-, may bO viewed by applying at Woodliall


TO be fold, |:,uriu,i;,t •., a F • c'^c of Kis Mai, ;V,-'s Courtof E^. '1


htJ'oreAbtl '. Kcmcm-biancer of n 1

: . 1 m^ in the

E.,chcqmi-OffiLC, ill tl-f !'tiii|.'.-, London, on Thurf-d.iy the 7th of May Orte of the Clock in the One Lot, to the bell Bidder, A Freehold and Copy-hold Ellatc, late the Property of Samuel Jeaffrcfon, dectaleri,

lituate at Pettitlree and Wiekham Market, in the County of

Sniiiilk, comprihng a Dwelln:g-Houle, with fijitable OlTices,

Buildings, Gardcrt, and about SS Acres of Land.. ,


Particulars may be had (gratis) at the Exchequer.OnictfJn'

tbe liiuei-'J emple ; Mi: Kobins, Giay's-lnn, Londou ; Mr,

Shuldham, Marlesford ; the Houle at milft'icC; the Wiite'i-:-

Hai^, Wickham-Market; ajid the Crown, VS''oodl>ridge{


Snlfolk. •'

'^r'O be peremptorily fold, purfuant to a Decree of the High

i Court ofChancery made in a Caufe Rigby, Efq; againft

M'Namara, Efq; and Law, Efq; againll Rigl-y, before Wil-

liam Graves, T.l'q; one of the Alallers of the iijia Court, in

Sixteen i'evcral dillinct Lots, or Parcels, on Friday the I5tii.

Day of May next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, at/

the Pubhc Sale-Room of the faid Court, fituate in South-

ampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, Several Manors

and Eflatcs of Inheritance, late of the Right Honorable

Richard Rigby, deceafed, fituate in Kirby Thoip, Walton-

le-Sokcn, in Elfci; and Eafl Bergholt and Brantham, in

.Suffolk ; and at Llttlington, in the County of Bedford.

Particulars whereof may be had (gratis) at the laid Maf-

ttr's OlTicr, fituate in Southampton-Buildings aforefaid ; and

Mclhs. Bullock and Arnold, Solicitors, Bedford-Row; Mr.

JohnPayne, at the Six Clerks' Office, Chancery-Lane,

Lon-d|oa; and aifo of Mr. Jcho Ambrofe, jnn. diif Millley, near

Maningtree, in ElTex, from whom Tickets may be iiad to

view the Premiles.

{^Uriuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery

made in a Caufe wherein Thomas Tremble and others

are Plaintiifii and L0U17 Calvert and others are DefmdanU,

the Creditors of Thomas Gibfon, late of Thonlby, in th.-

^'ounty of Cumbeiland, (Jcntleman, deceafed, are forthwith

to come in and i)rove their Debts before Nicholas Smith,

Efq; one of the Riafters of the iaid Court, at his Chambers

in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in

Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the faid


'"P'HE Joint Creditors of William Cooper and John Har-

_|_ ri(bn, late of Killamarlh-I"orge, in the Coiint>' of Yoik,iion-Mallei'S and Partners, and alfo Mi. Cooper's Separate

Creditors, are hereby informed, that they may receive TwentyShillings in the Pound, by apjilying to Mr, James Bromc-hcad, (one of the Ti-unces of the Ellates,) at Healey's

Hotel, in "Sheffield, in the County of York, on Tuefday the

21II of April i8oi,at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon.

THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a

Coniminioii of Bankrupt awarded and ilfued forth

againll John Jackfon ar.d Henry Barlow the Vounger, both

I f Stockporl, in the County of Chcfter, Hat-Manufailorers,

Dealtris, Chapmen, and Copaitjiers, are r&qutflcdto meet the

Affignees under the fdid Commilfion on 'i harfday the .30th

of .."^pril inllant, at Eleven o'clock in the 1 onncon, at the

Pjridgewatet-Arms Inn, in Mancheflcr, on veij' i'pecial Hli-


''Si'^HE Creditors who have proved their Debts unue

i Commhhon of Bankiupt awarded and iii.,.'d againrt

Ralph Lafcelles, of. South Audley-Street, Grofve.ior-Sqnare,

in the County of Middlefex, Taylor, Dialer and Chapman,'

are defired to meet the AITii;nees of the faid B.mkinp'.'s

lidate and Eflecls on Thurtt'lay next, the jlh fnftant, at

.Six o'clock in theEiening, at the IJenhcim CotTce-Houlc,

New Pond-Street, in ordei to pIk.iU to or dillint fi'bm the

fiK] Alfignees, commencing, profecuting, or defending anySiritror Suits at Law or in Jupiity for Recovery of any Part

of, the (iid Bankrupt's Eihile and Effefts; or to the com-

pounding, I'l^hmitting to Arbitration,, oi' other wife agreeing

any Matter or T'hiug rebtiiig thereto ; aud on other (pecial''


'"P'HE Creditorswho have proved their Debts endrr a Com-I milTion of BankWipt awarded and illued forth againll'

John Roberts of Pontefrafi, in the County of York, Diug-gill, Grocer, D'-alei- and Chapman, are deliicd to meet the

AITigntes of the faid Bankrupt's E(l.!te and Effeds on Mon-ilay the icth of April inllant, at Eleven o'clock in the Fore-

noon, at the I^oule of Mr-. Th-omas Roberts, the New Ele-

phant and Caflle Inn, in Pontefraift aforefaid, in order to allent

to or dilTi nt from the faid Affignccs commencing, prolecnt»

ing, or defending any Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity for

Recovery of atiy of the fsid Bankrupt's i:ihte anil

Effecls; or to the .compounding, fiibmiuing tir Aibilralion,

or ofhtrwife agreeing any Matter 01 'i hing relating therettf;

and alio to afl'ent to or diii'ent from the laid AITignees maki*^

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L 379 J

,ii.' by private Contraft, or otiierv/ife :s lliey (hA[ think fit,

tlie Stock in 'I'raJe, Eftate, and Effcfts of the fjid Eank-

;'t, or any Part thereof; and on other fpccial Aflairs.

TTHereas a Commifiion of Bankrupt is awarded and

y idiied forll' againft John Alknoft, of Mansfield

. o-jdhoule, in the Comity of Nottingham, Malcflcr, Dealer

\_u id Chapman, and he being declared a B.mkiupt ii hereby

-required to lurrcnder himfeif to the Commiffioncrs in tlie

faid Commifiion named, or the major Part of them, on

tlie 23d and 24th Days of April iriftant, and on the 19th

. Day of iVIay nest, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon

on each Day, at the Houfc of Jolin A'acdonald, known

by the Sign of the Angel, in Mansfield Woodhoufe

atorefaid,-and make a full Dilcovery and Difcloiure of his

Kftate and Elfccts; when and where the Creditors are to

cnnie prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit-

ting to cliuTe Afiignees, and at the 1-afl Sitting the laid Bank-

rujjt is required to tiniOi his Exaniinatiou, and the Cre-

ditors are to aflcnt to or diilcnt fjom the Allowance of

his Certificate. All I'erlbns indebted to the (aid Eaakinpt,

or that have any of his Erfetfls, arc not to pay or deliver the

fsnie but to. whom the C'onimiiTioners Ihali appc.irt, but

give Notice to Mr. Francis Vickers, A'ttorecy at Law, in

'Mansfield, in the fiiid County of Nottingham, or to Mr.

%\"illiam Rollins, of Gray's-Inn Place, London.

WHereas a Commifiion of Banltrupt is awarded and

iflucd forth againft Thomas Lott, of the City ^,f

Bith, Baker, Dealer and Chapman, and he being d^^clared

a Banknipt is hereby requiied to ftrrender himiilf to the

CommijTioners in the faid Commifiion named, or the major

Part of them, on tlie a7th and a8th Days of April in-

flant, and on the 19th Day of May next, at Four o'clock

in the .•\fttrnoon on each of the faid Days, at Hiilidue's

Tai':rn, in Manchelfer, in the Count)' of Lancafter, and

make a full Dilcovery and Difclofure of his Kftate andEifcifts; wlien and where the Creditors are to co.'.ie pre-

pared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to

.<hHfe .\(Jignei-s, and at the I.alV Sitting the faid Bankrupt

is required to finiih his Examination, and the Cit-tlitors are

to afitnt to or diflrnt from the Allowance of liis Certificate.

All Perfons indebted to tlie (aid Bankrupt, or that have

any of his Etrrils, are net to )^«y or deliver tlve fame bi;t to

whom the Commifiioneis ibatl appoint,- but give Notice to .

jVIr. Nathaniel Mihie, jun. No. i, Hare-Court, Temple,

d<vi, or jNiefli-s. Mdne, Sergeaijtj and Milne, .\ttornies at,

L.\.-, iMauchcaer.

"V'TT^ercas a CommilTion of Bankrupt is aw.arded and

t'V il^aed fortU againff John Glover, of. KcHlington, in

the County of Midtliefe.x,, and he bcinj{ d^-

clar«jrt a iiankviipt is hereby rtqnirtd to furrender Iriniielf

to the Comnriflioners in the laid CommUTion named', or the

icajor Part of tliem, on the 'nth and r8th Day« of April ,

iniiant, and on, the I9;h Day of May nen, at One ol

the clock ia the Alternoer. on each of the faid Dsvs,

:.t Guildhall, Evr.don, and pvake a full Difcovtry and

Diicloiurc qf bis -Ellaie and, Efecl-s v. hiirt rnd v.-het^ the

Cre/Ulors are to eorae prepared, to prove their "^Jibts, and' al

thv Second -Siaiuj; iochii:"e AUTgmvs, and at the Lift Sitting

thv/kii.-l Eaiika.v->t is required to liiiiPa his HxanKnation.and

tilt: Cixdilors .11 1 to ;:!l"ent to or diiiL-pt from the AHoo-ance

«:' I-.isCeituicatc. AM Pcrlons indebted to the faid Bank-

•rupt, or that have any of his'Ei?e?fs, are nof to pay orde-

,ii>'ertlie (ante but lo whom the Commidioners Ihall appoint,

but give No'ice t<' M'.liVs Fletcher and Wright,,

JJlooni/bury, 01 Mr. B. P. Kal!,Kenfiiig;on aforefaid.

WHereas a 'CommiiCon' of Bankrupt is awarded and

ifiiied fortli againft William Brown, of Wymond-liara, in the Cnuiity of Norfolk, Tanner, Dealer and Chap-

niiin, and he being declaivd a liankrupt is lie'rcby required

to lurre-nder hinilelf to the Cemmifiioners in tiie laid Com-millinn named, or the major Part "f them, on the 14th and

S3d Days of April inrtant, and on the 19th Day of MayntKt, at Four of the Cluck in the Allrrnoon on e-ach of

the faid Days, at the Houlc of William \\\bller, commonly

called by the Name or Sign of the MiidVIiead, iitiu>le

in the Parilh of Saint Simon and Jude, in the City 01

Norwich, and make a full Diicover)' and Difclofure ot liis

£ftate and £(fcfls; when and where the Creditors are to

come prepared to prove their Debts, and at tlie Second Sil-

ting to chule .AlTigi.ees,and at tfieLaft Sitting the /aid iJaiih.

ruptis required to finilh hisKximination.andJicCrcditois are

to affent to or dill'ent from the Allowance of his Certificate.

."^11 Perfons indebivd to the faid Bankrupt, or that have anyof his J'^tfefts, are not to i)ay or deliver the fame but to

whom the Commifiiouers ihall appoint, but give Notice to

McfTrs. Forfter, Son, L'nthank, and Foriler, Anornies, in


WHereas a Commifiion of ' Bankrupt is awarded and

iiTu.d forth againft Alexander Smith, of Wardour^

Street, Soho, in the County of Middlefex, Taylor, and hr

being declared a Banknipt is hereby required to furrender

himfelf to the Commlfiloners in the faid Commifiion named,

or the major Part of them, on tlie 14th and 2tft Day.^ of

April infiant, and on the 19th Day of May nctt, at 'I'e.-i

of the Clock in the Forenoon on each of the ftid Days,

at Guildhall, London, and make a full Difcovery and

Difcloiure of his £(l.ate andEficfls; when and 'where the

Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at

the Second Sitting to chulo Alfignees, and at the Lad Sit-

ting tile faid Bankl-upt is required to finifii his Examin-

ation, and the Creditors arc to afTcnt to or difi^ent from the

.Allowance of his Certificate. All Perfons indebted to the

faid Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effecls, ere not to

pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commifljoner.'. fiiall

appoint, but tive Notice to Mr. G. Brewer, Seal-Office Stair-

cafe, Temple.

TH E Commifijoners in a Commifiion of Bankrupt

awartled and ifTued forth againft John Wiigley, late

of Bankfoot, near Hebdenbridge, in the Parilh of Halifax,

in the County of Yoik, iMaltfter, intend to meet on the

i6th Day of April inifant, at Eleven in the Foienoon, at

the Black Bull Inn, in Wakefield, in the faid County,

when and where the Creditors of the faid Banknipt,- who

have already proved their Debts under tlie faid Commifiion,are to attend to chuTe one or more Afiignee or AlTignees

of the (aid Bankrupt's Eftate and Etfects, in the Room of

Mr. John Alhworth, late one of the Afilgnees thereof, but

now dcceafed; and when and 'wheie the Creditors, who have

not aheady proved their Debts, arc to come prepared to prove

the fame.

'"f~' H F. Commidioners in a Conimifiicn of Bankrupt

X awarded and iliued againft William Boot, of Coventry,

Carrier, Dealei and Chapman, intend to meet on the 2tll

of April inlhint, at Eie\en oi tlie Clock in the Forenoon, at

the \Vbite-Bear Inn, in the faid City of Coventry, (by

Adjournment from the .^ift of March laft,) to take the I.aft

il'.xamination of the faid Bankrupt; when and vj here he is

required to lurrcnder himitif, and make a full Dilirover)-

and Difcloiure of his Kftate and Erie^ls, and finilh hi's

Evaminaiion.; and the -Creditors, who have not already

proved their Dciits, are to comc.prepared lo prove the f.imc, ,

and, with thofe who have proved their Debts, aflent to or

dilient from tlie Allowance of his Certific-^rte.

THE Commifiioners in a Commifiion of Bankniptawarded and ilUied forth againft John HiUingworth,

of Leeds, in the County of York, Linon-Draper| Sliop-

keiper. Dealer ami Chapui:^n, intend tomccti.n the 7th Dayof M.iy nej!t, at Fl«ven o'C'ock in the Foienoon, at tlie

Houfe of Francis Hillidgc. in the A-Iaiket-Placc, in A-lan-

cliefter, in tiic County of l.ancaiUr, in order to ni;kt a Firft

and Final Dividend of file Kftate and Kircits ol the fitid

Bankrupt ; wlie.i and where ihe Crediiois, who have iwtalready proved tht ir Debts, ».e to con.e picpared to )>ro\e

the (inne, or thtA- will he cxclii c.' the ikncfit of thcfaitf

I)ividend. And ail Claims liot Uien proved willbe dij-ailnwed. "' -


' " ' '. ' ^

1''IIE Commifi^oiiers in a Commifiion of Bankniptawarded -md illiicH forth agiinft 'ISiomns Howell, of

Billingfoate, -in the City of L<.ndon, Merchant, Failor,

Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the id Day ofi\iay mxt, at One in tlie .Afternoon, at Guildhall, J.ondon,to make a Dividend of the Efiate and Efi'efls of the(aid Bai>kiiipi; whin and v here the Ci.'uitoi.s who have11. ir already proved their Debts, are to come prefared toprove the lame, or they will be excluded the Benefit ofil.c laid Dividend. And all Claims not tiicn proved wiU bedifalloweu.

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[ 38o ]

^T"* H E CommifTroners in a CommiffioH of Bankrapt

X awarded and iffued againft William Guy, of Little ,

BtU-AUey, Coleman-Street, in the City of London, Vic-|

luallcr, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the ill

Day of May nest, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon,

at Guildhall, London, in order to make a Dividend of

the' Eftate and Effefts of the faid Barikrupt ; when and

where tlie Creditors, who have not already proved their

Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will

be excluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend. Andall Claims

not then proved will be difallowed.

THE Conimillioners in a Commlfrion of Bankitipt

awarded and ifTued forth agalnft James Hawkins the

Elder, and James Hawkins the Younger, of Rotheihithe-

'\V'all, in the County of Surrey, Boat-Builders, Copartners,

Dealers, and Chapmen, intend to meet on the 2d of May

iiext, at 'i'en of the Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall,

London, in order to make a Dividend of the filiate and Ertefls

of the faid Bankrupts; when and where the Creditors, who

have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared

lu prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of

the faid Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be


THE ComminToners in a CommilTion of Bankrupt

awarded and ilFued forth againft Stephen Watfon, of

Ckadon, in the County of Durham, Merchant, Dealer and

Cliapman, intend to meet on the ill Day of May next, at

ikvcn in the Forenoon, at the Houfc of William Loftus,

the .Sliakd'peare 'fjA'crn, in Newcafllc-upon-Tyne, in older

to make a final Dividend of the Eftate .ind Effcas of the

faid Bankiaipt ; when and where the Creditors, who have

not already- proved their Debts, are. to come prepared to

prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the

laid Dividend. And all Claims not tlien proved will be difal-


THECommiflioners in a Comniiftion of Banknipt

awarded and ili'ued forth againll AnnSalt and Ch.ules

Adam Beckman, of Birmingham, in the County of War-

wick, Wine-Rieichants, Dealers, Chapmen, and Copartners,

intend to meet on the 2ylh of April inftant, at Ten o'clock

in the Forenoon, at Guildhali, Lon<ion, (by Adjournment

from the 4th Inftant,) in order to make a Further Dividend

of the Eftate and Effefls of the faid Bankrupts; when and

where the Creditors, who have not abeady proved their

Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they

will be excluded the Benefit of the laid Dividend. And all

Claims not tlien proved will be difallowed.

TH E Conimiftioncrs in a Commillion of Bankrupt

awarded apd ilTued forth againft Jofeph Barton, of

Mark-Lane, in the City of London, Merchant and Broker,

intend to mett on the 2d of May next, at Eleven o'clockin the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, to make a Further

Dividend of tlie Eftate and Klfefts of the faid Bankrupt;

wheal and wheig the Creditors, who have not already proved

their Debts, arc to come prepared to prove the fame, or they

will be excluded ,t!ie Benefit of the faid Dividend. .And all

Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

H E Conimillioners in a CommifTion of Bankrupt

awarded and iftiied forth againft Londcwig Saurbrey,

the Strand, in the County of Mjddlcfe.'C, Furrier, DealerT

atld Chapman, intend to meet on the 2d of May next, at

One o'clock in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, London, to

make a Final Dividend of the Eftate and Efleils of the faid

Bankrupt; when and where, the Creditors who have not

already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove

the fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the faid

Dividend. And all Claims not then proved will be difallowed.

THE Commiffioners in a Comminion of Banknipt

awarded and iftued forth againft .Samuel Jooes the

Younger, now or late of the Box, in the Parilh ot Minchin-

liampton, in the County of Glouctfter, Clothier, intend to

meet on t!ie 30th of Apiil inftant, at EL-ven o'Clock in the

Forenoon, at the Lodge on Minchinliampton Common,in the Parilh of Minchinhampton afortfaid, in order to

make a Dividend of the Eftate and EtftOs of the faid Bank-

rupt ; when and where the Creditors, who have not already-

proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the liime,

or they will be excluded the Benefit of the faid Dividend.

And all Claims not then [.rjved will be difallowed.

WHereas the afting Commrflioners in the CommiHIon

of Banknipt awarded and ilTued forth againft:

Charles Bower, of Cary-Street, l-incoln's-Inn-Fields, in the

County of Middlefex, Scrivener, Broker, Dealer and Chap-

man, have certified to the Right Honorable Alexander

Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor of Great Bri-

tain, that the faid Charles Bower hath in all Things con-

formed liimfelf according to the Diretlions of the (everal

Aits of Parliament ,made concerning Bankrupts; This is

to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Aft pafied in the

F'ifth Year of His late Majefty's Rtign, his Certificate will

be allowed and confirmed as the faid Afl direOs, unlefs Caule

be ftiewn to tlie contrary on or before the aSth Day of Apiil


Hcieas the afling Commillioiiers in the Commillion

of Bankrupt awarded and' iftlied firth againft Joha

Piatt the Younger and Henr\' Billinge Piatt, both now orlate of Wigan,in the County-Palatine of Laiicaftcr, Manu-fafturers. Copartners, Dcileis, and Chapmen, have certified

to the Right Hanorable Alexander Lord Loughborough,

Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the f?jd Joha

Piatt the Younger and Henn- Billinge Piatt hare in all

Things conformed themfclves accoriVjng to the Direftions

of the fevtral AOs of Parlianjent made concerning Bank-

nipts ; 'I'liis is to give Notice, that by virtue of an Aft

parted in the Fifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign their

Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the faid Aft

direfts, unlefs Caufe be fnewn to the contrary on or before

the 28th Day of April inftant.

WHereas the aftjng Commifiioners in the Commidioii

of Bankrupt awarded and iftiied forth againft

Jamei "W^cfton, 0/ Camberwell, in the County of Suriey,

Bricklayer, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the

Right Honorable Alexander Lord Loughl'orough Lord High

Chancellor of Great Biitain, that the f;id j^mes Wefton

Jiath in all Things conformed hinifelf accorcUng to the Di-

jeftions of the feveral Afts of Parliament made concerning

Bankrupts ; .This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an

Aft palfed in theEifth Year of His late Majefty's Reign,'

his Certificate will be allowed and coitfirmed as the faid Aft

direfts, unlefs Caufe be fticwn to thc'coatrary on or before

the 2,Sth Day of ./^iliuftant.

-Printed by Andrew' Strahak, Printers Street, Gough Square.

[ Price One Shillipg. 3