the link - teachers as missionaries and evangelists to schools, prison warders,...

In this issue: General Secretary‘s Desk 1 Mega Walk 2 Sports Day 3 Medical Camp 4 Thanksgiving Service 5 International Mission Conference 6 Commissioning 2014 7 Missions Desk 8 Report from the Coordinator of the 60th anniversary 9 Prayer Requests 10 CELEBRATING 60 YEARS OF CHURCH ARMY MINISTRY IN AFRICA. Church Army Africa August 2014 60th Anniversary Celebrations newsletter The link Dear friends of Church Army Africa, We write to express our deep felt joy and excitement on the just concluded 60 th anniversary activities of Church Army Africa. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. This Chinese saying justifies God‘s dealing with his people in history. When He called Abraham from Ur to Canaan, Abraham had to step out by faith, totally relying on God‘s direction and interventions. From the time of Abraham, God has been dealing with those whom he calls and commissions to ministry. This is exactly what happened with the likes of Capt. John Ball and his wife Dorothy from England who began a journey of one thousand mile, by stepping out into Africa at a time when Missionary adventure was a risky thing to do. Kenya in particular, under colonial rule and under the struggle for liberation by the MAUMAU (Mzungu Arudi Ulaya Mwafrica Apate Uhuru) ―Let the White man go back to his home country and the African gain Independence‖ was the slogan which motivated the Africans in Kenya fight against colonial oppression. There was state of emergency and all Africans in Kenya under curfew. All men were supposed to be in forests fighting the White man while the women supplied necessary food stuffs to keep the men on the battle field. At the start of the training, Capt. Kenneth Emuria narrates the story… We went out to do fishing service. (An evangelistic strategy where Evangelists went out on street corners and invited those passing by to join a short service at St. Stephens Cathedral). We were given gospel pamphlets to distribute to those willing to read and allow us to share the gospel of Christ. We faced a challenge of distributing the pamphlets because the drawings of the pictures demonstrated a White man in heaven while a black man (African) anguishing in hell. That did not receive positive reception from oppressed Africans by colonial rulers). “John Ball...” One African man expressed his anger at Capt. Kenneth and sent him a way claiming that the Missionaries were explicitly showing that Africans were already cursed and destined for hell while the White man was already enjoying his heaven life. It was obvious that in such context, there was hostility against any white man whether Missionary or the colonial administrators. John had to change the strategy and adopt one that could work within such context. But in the same context, John Ball and Dorothy took a step of faith like that of Abraham and risked their lives by coming to initiate a Church Army training college for evangelists in Kenya. Having started in 1954 with community care programs and the first training of Evangelists in 1958 with eight (8) students, we are now celebrating 60 years of their successful work with 800 Evangelists having been trained through Church Army. It is important to acknowledge that Church Army is now represented in 12 African countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic republic of Congo (RDC), Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia, Vanuatu and Ghana via England. Celebrating 60 years of such great accomplishments gave us opportunity to reflect of God‘s faithfulness and how he calls and commission‘s men and women to do exploits for him. Church Army Launched Vision H. E. A. L. Africa. (Health, Education, Access to Justice and Leveraging Wealth creation) as a framework for implementing a holistic training program for Evangelists as agents of transformation in societies throughout Africa. H. E. A. L. Vision broadened the training of Evangelists in Africa to encompass both primary and secondary school teachers as missionaries and Evangelists to schools, prison warders, and medical practitioners, business men and other professions. ….story continued on page 3 Church Army Africa Transforming society through effective mission work Rev.Capt Richard W. Mayabi GS- Church Army Africa

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In this issue:


Secretary‘s Desk


Mega Walk 2

Sports Day 3

Medical Camp 4











Missions Desk 8

Report from the

Coordinator of the

60th anniversary


Prayer Requests 10



Church Army Africa

August 2014 60th Anniversary Celebrations newsletter

The link

Dear friends of

Church Army Africa,

We write to express

our deep felt joy and

excitement on the

just concluded 60th

anniversary activities

of Church Army Africa. A

journey of a thousand

miles begins with one step. This Chinese saying justifies

God‘s dealing with his people in history. When He called

Abraham from Ur to Canaan, Abraham had to step out by

faith, totally relying on God‘s direction and interventions.

From the time of Abraham, God has been dealing with

those whom he calls and commissions to ministry.

This is exactly what happened with the likes of Capt.

John Ball and his wife Dorothy from England who began

a journey of one thousand mile, by stepping out into

Africa at a time when Missionary adventure was a risky

thing to do. Kenya in particular, under colonial rule and

under the struggle for liberation by the MAUMAU

(Mzungu Arudi Ulaya Mwafrica Apate Uhuru) ―Let the

White man go back to his home country and the African

gain Independence‖ was the slogan which motivated the

Africans in Kenya fight against colonial oppression.

There was state of emergency and all Africans in Kenya

under curfew. All men were supposed to be in forests

fighting the White man while the women supplied

necessary food stuffs to keep the men on the battle


At the start of the training, Capt. Kenneth Emuria

narrates the story… We went out to do fishing service.

(An evangelistic strategy where Evangelists went out on

street corners and invited those passing by to join a

short service at St. Stephens Cathedral). We were given

gospel pamphlets to distribute to those willing to read

and allow us to share the gospel of Christ. We faced a

challenge of distributing the pamphlets because the

drawings of the pictures demonstrated a White man in

heaven while a black man (African) anguishing in


That did not receive positive reception from

oppressed Africans by colonial rulers). “John

Ball...” One African man expressed his anger

at Capt. Kenneth and sent him a way claiming

that the Missionaries were explicitly showing

that Africans were already cursed and

destined for hell while the White man was

already enjoying his heaven life.

It was obvious that in such context, there was

hostility against any white man whether

Missionary or the colonial administrators.

John had to change the strategy and adopt

one that could work within such context. But

in the same context, John Ball and Dorothy

took a step of faith like that of Abraham and

risked their lives by coming to initiate a

Church Army training college for evangelists in

Kenya. Having started in 1954 with

community care programs and the first

training of Evangelists in 1958 with eight (8)

students, we are now celebrating 60 years of

their successful work with 800 Evangelists

having been trained through Church Army. It is

important to acknowledge that Church Army is

now represented in 12 African countries:

Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan,

Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic republic of

Congo (RDC), Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia,

Vanuatu and Ghana via England.

Celebrating 60 years of such great

accomplishments gave us opportunity to

reflect of God‘s faithfulness and how he calls

and commission‘s men and women to do

exploits for him. Church Army Launched

Vision H. E. A. L. Africa. (Health, Education,

Access to Justice and Leveraging Wealth

creation) as a framework for implementing a

holistic training program for Evangelists as

agents of transformation in societies

throughout Africa. H. E. A. L. Vision broadened

the training of Evangelists in Africa to

encompass both primary and secondary

school teachers as missionaries and

Evangelists to schools, prison warders, and

medical practitioners, business men and

other professions.

….story continued on page 3

Church Army Africa

Transforming society through effective

mission work

Rev.Capt Richard W. Mayabi

GS- Church Army Africa

The Mega Walk took place on the 26th April 2014 from All Saints‘ cathedral church, through Valley

Road – Mbagathi way – Uhuru high Way – Uhuru Park back to all Saints Church.

We witnessed 140 participants attending the event.

The flow of 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Events

Mega Walk

Start of the walk at All Saints Cathedral-Nairobi,Kenya CAA Board Chairman Mr.James

Gitoho opening the walk

Photo; participants pose for a group photo

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

Continued story from page 1

Church Army @60, we felt that it was a time to cast our nets wider by

launching country offices, to free those countries that are ready to

pioneer their national ministries as we focus on new territories. The

dream is to conquer Africa and rekindle the fire of Evangelization and

establishment of new Churches through disciple making. While it is

true that Africa has been evangelized and that the Church in Africa is

growing. The truth is that Africa is in dire need of discipleship, Re-

evangelization and frontier missions to most parts that have not yet

received the gospel.

At 60 we can confess like Caleb that in the midst of darkness, hatred

and colonial struggle, God gave John Ball and Dorothy Africa as a

continent for Christ. At a time when it was difficult to travel,

communicate, read and write, Evangelists were trained and sent to

the worst places in the interior of Africa. In this age of Information

Technology, we have every reason to move forward and conquer

Africa irrespective of terror threats.


1. We give thanks to God for sustaining the work of Church Army

Africa during good times and bad times to this far we have come.

2. We give thanks for Church Army England for Commissioning

Capt. John Ball and his wife Dorothy to come to Africa to champion

the work of Church Army.

3. We give thanks for Church Army England for supporting the work

of Church Army Africa since 1954 to date. God bless those who have

given to this work faithfully.

4. We give thanks to Parishes in England who have dedicated their

budgets to support the work of Church Army Africa,

5. We give thanks to other charities like AMADET for continuous

fund raising and support to the work of Training Evangelists in Africa.

6. We give thanks to the Parishes in Africa that are starting to

catch the spirit of supporting missionary work in Africa.

7. We give thanks to our dedicated Board of Directors who have

become fellow ministers with us in the office.

We thank God for giving grace, and faith, enable us to carry out all

activities as planned on minimal budget.

One great lesson I have learnt and it remains a challenge in my

pilgrimage with God is journeying by faith and responding to God’s

will by grace and allowing him to take pre-eminence in my life. That is

exactly how God has proved himself in the life of Church Army Africa.

We began planning for 60th anniversary on zero budget. Step by step,

we experienced God’s favour and supply at every stage.

The tournament took place on 1st May 2014 at Nairobi West prisons grounds,

where 6 teams attended and various games outdoor games were played.

These included football,volleyball,basketball and handball. Great Thanks and

appreciation goes to The Bishop of Nairobi Diocese, The Rt. Rev. Capt. Joel

Waweru who found time to grace the occasion as the chief guest. We hosted

over 400 guests at the tournament.

Among the participants included:

St. Nicholas Karen CDC

All Saints Cathedral

Nairobi Diocese Youth

Nairobi West prisons ( inmates and warders)

St. Nicholas CDC

Carlile College

The Inter-Diocesan youth Sports

GS CAA & Bishop Joel Waweru hold one of the trophies

Sports Day Gallery

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

This took place at the Church Army

Medical Clinic from 11th -14th June

2014 which saw the support of

various private organizations and

government units. Through their

support in various areas we

managed to serve six hundred and

fifty people with different medical

needs such as ;VCT 147 of which 9

were referred to comprehensive care Centre CCC for initiation of ART,15 insertions, 78 PAP

SMEARS, 99 random blood sugar RBS ,38 ENT checkups, more than 30 OPTICAL checkups.

General medical consultation 534, prostate cancer screening PSA 15.

Free Medical Camp

Patients waiting to be attended to at the Medical Camp

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

It was held on 14th June which saw the attendance of both local and

International partners come for the Service. We also managed to see the

return of a few fundraising booklets which had been taken by various people.

At least 170 people attended the service. During his service, Rev.Capt. Emuria

and Tsotsi were among the two chief guests who graced the occasion and

shared the history of Church Army Africa as the first students of Carlile College.

After the service, the Bishops in attendance and leading the service, Rt Rev

Samuel Enosa Peni,South Sudan and Rt.Rev Brighton Malasa , Uppershire,

together with the Church Army Captains, blessed and held special prayers

around the Church Army compound to mark a new beginning in the work of

ministry and the Church Army fraternity.

Thanksgiving Service

Prayers & Blessing of CAA Compound Presentation from CA Academy pupils

GS CAA with Rev Kenneth Emuria (left) & Capt Julius Tsotsi (right)

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

The conference took place from 16th -18th June 2014 at All Saint‘s Cathedral Church. The theme

was ‗Transforming Africa through Missionary work’ with a reference text from Romans 12:1-2.

The conference witnessed the turning up of all the main Speakers who came from varied parts

of the world as well as the within Africa. The conference realized thrilling morning plenary

sessions as well as the afternoon workshops facilitated by mature leaders who had adequate

knowledge and authority to handle the subjects in question.

Mission Conference

Delegates at the International Conference -All Saints Cathedral Nairobi, Kenya

Some of the Main Conference speakers with the GS,

Bishops & CAA Board Chairman

A session in the Conference audience

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

The Last major activity of the

CAA 60th Anniversary

Celebrations was the annual

commissioning of New

Evangelists on 19th June

2014. This witnessed the

highest number of

commissioning candidates

ever since at one time. A

total of 72 candidates were

commissioned and released

for ministry to various parts

of Africa. Church Army Africa

also did honor individuals who played a

part in Church Army Africa over the

years. A cake was cut and shared to mark the 60years birthday.

Commissioning Service

The commissioned Church Army captains pose for a photo with

clergy at St Stephen’s Cathedral, Jogoo Road Nairobi

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

The spirit of celebration is never coerced, suppressed or

manipulated. It sprouts up from a gushing spring

fountain of hope. The hope that the future of God‘s

people will be better tomorrow than it is today. This

spirit of hope never disappoints. Sixty years ago when

Church Army England birthed Church Army Africa, it was

responding to the challenge of providing shelter,

physical and spiritual food, and education to the

orphans and widows of MAUMAU rebellion that was

fighting the colonial oppressors in Kenya. Church

Army Africa was birthed and dedicated to ministering

hope to a hurting continent.

Today, Church Army Africa looks back with amazement. Its vision has grown bigger and has

achieved tremendous results. There about 1000 church leaders trained at Church Army Africa (Carlile

College) from 10 African countries. Out of this trained men and women, some of them have ascended

to top leadership positions at national and continental level. They include Bishops, College Principles

and the General Secretary. Through its academy school in Nairobi, thousands of school-going children

were given much needed quality Christian education. Some of them already occupy important

leadership positions in the society. Even more significant, Church Army in collaboration with the

Anglican Church in Africa have planted thousands of churches and discipled them across the

continent. Surely, these alone are worth celebrating!

The style of celebrating was unique: holding a walk in the city, youth sports in the city and

running an International Conference. It brought together delegates from Australia, England, United

States of America, Zambia, Southern Sudan Republic, DRC Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi

and Kenya. On the menu of the conference there were: Praise and Worship, Expository Preaching,

Plenary Sessions and Seminar Sessions. There was no other better way of ending the conference than

that of commissioning 72 missioner evangelists (a number perhaps reminiscent of the 72 disciples

commissioned by our Lord Jesus Christ!).


WORK‖---- captured the hope and aspiration of the African Church. The Church in Africa is very much

aware of the challenge laid on her shoulders to fostering the change that is best for her people. In this

regard, the conference provided platform for delegates from different socio-cultural backgrounds to

sharpen one another to bring about best practices for human development. More than ever before,

delegates reaffirmed their ever commitment to preaching the gospel of the forgiveness of sins. This

follows the Church Army Africa‘s sole conviction that unless the gospel of the Kingdom of God is

preached for a radical change at the core of people‘s being, the Africa‘s peoples cannot attain

sustainable development. Simply put, ―Evangelism is at the core of true development‖ (Edward R.


Missions Desk Reflections

Celebrating Hope and Holistic Transformation in Africa

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

The Link

Capt. Timothy Mazimpaka—Missions Director,

Church Army Africa

60th Anniversary Celebrations Newsletter

I take this opportunity to thank God for the Grace of service that He

granted to me to serve Him in the just concluded activities as the

coordinator of the activities. Together with the dear members of the

committee, we saw God’s hand in all that was achieved from mega walk,

sports tournament, and Thanksgiving service all through to the

International Conference as well as the Commissioning Service. Church

Army Africa as the Community of Anglican Evangelists is indeed the life

stream of the Anglican Church Ministry in Africa and especially in Kenya

where it has it headquarter. Celebrating 60 years of its ministry was quite

a joy since it was a means to carry out an audit of its spiritual, emotional, social and economic impact in

Africa through the HEAL agenda. This was no mean task as we note that we could not work effectively

without the coveted support of the officers on the ground, majority who are now clergies in their various


I note here with a lot of humility and as a challenge to fellow officers and as ministers with unique

orientation of mission as it is presented to us through our trainings, that the communal zeal to engage with

the affairs of Church Army as a missionary wing and the pride of 60 years of mission was not realized as

would have been expected from most of us.

I recognize the great efforts of those who willfully and wholly gave themselves to join hands with us to see

the results that were outstanding. By God’s grace, all the planned activities were very successful and we

loved the challenge that it posed to us. It was clear to us that vision does not follow resources but

resources follow vision. We did not have enough finances in our hands but with the determination and the

vision casting that we had from the office of the General Secretary God’s Spirit energized us and we

propelled to realize our dream.

God just provided enough that saw us come to the successful end. I urge all lovers of Mission and

especially the fellow captains who will read script to join the rest of us to remain onward marching soldiers

marching as to war and to remain focus and relevant to the call that we may fully impact Africa . We

cannot be comfortable when the souls of men are perishing. God bless Church Army Africa.

Capt. Joel Soti – Coordinator of 60th Anniversary celebrations



Prayer Requests

Pray that God will

grant us favour to

accomplish the vision

that He has put on

our hearts for Africa.

(Training of

Evangelists to

evangelize Africa).

Pray that God will

supply all our

ministry needs as

we seek to grow

beyond our borders.

Pray that God will

grant us favour in

the new territories

Pray for Gusii

Mission from 15th

to 23rd September

(South Nyanza

Diocese) in

preparation for the

birth of a new

Diocese. For

mobilization of

missioners and

logistical issues.

Church Army Africa

August 2014 60th Anniversary Celebrations newsletter

The link


our stories in our

website in the

address indicated



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Church Army Africa

Transforming society through effective

Missionary work