the latter glory

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  • 8/8/2019 The Latter Glory


    TEXT: Hag. 2:1-9

    (Hag 2:9 KJV)The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saiththe LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of


    SUBJECT: The Glory

    THEME: The Glory of the latter house

    PROPOSITION: The Glory of the latter house shall be greater than of the former



    Historical Background

    Intended audience/Occasion for writing

    Rebuilding of the temple/sanctuary

    the glory of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ

    A word to the men rise and lead the charge rise and rebuild

    the judgement of God on the enemy of His people

    Conclusion - the blessings awaiting those that will return to God


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    Before the destruction and captivity of Jerusalem in about 586 B.C., Jeremiah the

    prophet, prophesied about its fall (the Judean Kingdom) to the new Babylonian Empire

    (Jer. 21:1 10). It was also revealed that after seventy years the Lord would restore His

    people to their homeland (Jer. 29:10; Dan. 9:2). When Cyrus the Persian destroyed the

    Babylonian power, he favoured the Jews return to the Land of Promise to rebuild the

    sanctuary in Jerusalem. The foundation of the new Temple was laid and work was begun.

    Soon hostile neighbours employed their devices to stop the work. The work was halted,

    but outward opposition was only part of the problem. Indifference seized the fifty

    thousand exiles who had returned with a resolution to rebuild the house of God. When

    Darius came to the Persian throne, the temple had been untouched for sixteen years.

    Haggai (and later Zechariah) was sent by God to awaken the people and bestir them from

    their weariness to undertake the restoration of the temple. Haggai spoke about five things

    in his writings. He spoke about the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple; the glory of the

    presence of the Lord Jesus Christ; the future establishment of Gods earthly kingdom; the

    judgement of God on the enemy of His people and the blessings awaiting the nations that

    will return to God.


    Tonight I strongly believe that this is a word from God to His people for now. Jesus the

    author and finisher of your faith (Heb 12:2 KJV); He which hath begun a good work in

    you, and who, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Php 1:6 KJV): He said, my

    thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways; For as the heavens are

    higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your

    thoughts (Isa. 55:8 9); tonight he wants you to know and understand that the thoughts

    that He thinks towards you, are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, His thoughts towards

    you is to give you an expected end. You might be troubled on every side; you might be

    perplexed; you might be persecuted; you might be cast down. It does not matter the cause

    of your present dilemma, you might be wounded; beaten; battered; broken; scattered; and

    in captivity; whether because of the sins of your forefathers or because of your own sins.


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    Tonight He sent me to let you know that your latter glory will not be because of your

    efforts. Your redemption, justification, and glorification has nothing to do with who you

    are and what you have done; God said to tell you, that what he has started in you, He will

    finish it. Tonight He wants you to understand that your latter glory has been prophesied,

    and that no devil in hell can stop that. You are destined to be restored; you are destined to

    be revived; you are destined to be reconciled; and tonight He sent me to let you know that

    your latter glory will be greater than your pass.

    Tonight this word is sent to the Heads of this house; to every auxiliary leader; to every

    president; every executive member; it is sent to the mediators and intercessors; it is sent

    to every Christian who have remained; to every backslider who have been reclaimed; to

    every sinner who has been saved and joined to this congregation; tonight this word is sent

    to the remnant. To the remnant who had set out to rebuild the house of God; but have

    grown weary because of the adversary; tonight this word is to the people of God who

    have not only grown weary because of the enemy; but to those who have stop working

    because they have lost their joy; they have lost their peace; they have lost their praise;

    they have lost their zeal; they have lost their hope and expectation in God. Tonight this

    word is sent to those who have lost their focus; to those who have drawn the wrong

    conclusion by saying our obstacles are a sign that God is not ready for us to rebuild His

    house, to rebuild His temple; and have therefore gotten too busy with their own affairs;

    their own houses; their own businesses; their own success and plans. Dont get me

    wrong, Im not telling you not to fix your houses; Im not telling you not to invest your

    time and money into your businesses; Im not telling you not to pursue your degree or

    doctorate; tonight what Im trying to tell you is that, God wants you to apply the Mat.

    6:33 principle, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all

    these things shall be added unto you. In this time and season God wants you to

    experience the latter glory and therefore He sent His word to you; tonight God is saying

    rebuild my house so that my glory can fill this place like never before.


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    Before I get to the rebuilding of the sanctuary, I just want to give you a brief description

    of the tabernacles structure and its purpose. The command to build a sanctuary was first

    mentioned in the book of Exodus. In Exodus 25: 1-8, Moses was given an instruction; an

    instruction to gather offerings of wood, precious metals and fine cloth and to have the

    children of Israel build a sanctuary so that God would dwell among His people. God gave

    to Moses a revelation of the pattern after which the sanctuary was to be built. The

    wilderness tabernacle, or sanctuary, was built to face the easterly direction; it was divided

    into three sections: the court which contained the altar of burnt offerings; the holy place

    which contained the lamp stands, tables of shewbread and incense altar and finally the

    Most holy place, which contained the ark of the covenant also referred to as the ark of the

    testament which contained the ten commandments and above the ark was the mercy seat

    from which God would meet with the high priest to communicate His instructions

    regarding the children of Israel (Exo 25:22 KJV).

    The earthly temple/sanctuary was not just symbolic of Gods omnipresence, Him being

    everywhere at the same time, but it was a representation of His Shekina Glory. This is

    where we meet with God; this is where we commune with God; this is where we get

    directions and instructions from God; this is where our prayers are heard and answered. I

    dont know if you know what the word sanctuary means, but please allow me to enlighten

    you, the word sanctuary means: refuge; it means shelter; it means safe haven; it means a

    place of safety. The bible states in Pro 18:10 (KJV) The name of the LORD is a strong

    tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Gods presence is a place of refuge; no

    wonder why the psalmist David said in Ps. 46:1, that He is my refuge and strength, a very

    present help in times of trouble; he went further to say in Ps. 61:3, He has been a shelter

    for me, and a strong tower from the enemy; when my heart is overwhelmed; dont take

    me to madda, dont take me to fadda, its not a bath I need; but lead me to the Rock, that

    is higher than I. The sanctuary, the temple is an asylum, and Im not talking about a place

    for mad people, it is a place of deliverance from captivity or slavery. The bible states that

    where the presence/Spirit of The Lord is there is liberty (2Co 3:17), there is healing; there

    is salvation; there is freedom from the power and penalty of your sins. A song writer


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    states that when He is here the tempters powers are broken; when Jesus is here; our issues

    are dried up; when Jesus is here; our dead are resurrected; our demon possessed are

    delivered; our blind begins to see; our lame begins to walk; I dont know if you know

    about the power of the presence of God, and what can happen, or is likely to happen

    when is glory falls. Tonight God sent me to tell you to rebuild his temple; dont be

    discourage; dont be dismayed; Danvers Pen tonight thus sayeth Jehovah, rebuild my

    temple for I am with you.

    In the Old Testament the temple/sanctuary was a physical structure or building made by

    the hands of men. The bible states in the book of Hebrews chapters 9 and 10 that this was

    a figure; this was a shadow of things to come. In the Old Testament it was a physical

    building, but in the New Testament it is our bodies, according to the Apostle Paul in

    (1Co 6:19 KJV) What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy

    Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    Tonight I want us to know and understand what God meant, or what he was referring to

    when He said, rebuild my temple. Then, in the Old Testament (Haggai to the Israelites)

    He was talking about the physical temple at Jerusalem (Solomons Temple) which was

    destroyed by the Babylonian Empire; but now He is talking about our bodies which has

    been defiled and desecrated by sin. I want to point out that the reconstruction of the

    temple was not started in Haggais time, but it was started in the time of Ezra and

    Nehemiah which was before Haggais time; the foundation of the temple was already

    laid, but the work was ceased because of external and internal oppositions. Haggai was

    sent to stir the people to rise up out of their complacency and continue the work; continue

    the rebuilding process. Tonight I want to remind you that the foundations has already

    been laid, it was the duty/responsibility of your forefathers to do so; but tonight I am here

    to tell you that the continuation to completion of the temples reconstruction has been

    committed to you, this generation; our mandate is to continue; our mandate is to pursue

    until completion. No matter the external forces that fights against you; continue to build.

    The bible states that a city divided against itself cannot stand, the enemy wants us to

    bight and devour one another as to be consumed one of another; but in the name of Jesus


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    Christ, we come against every spirit of division and confusion; tonight we declare, unity,

    and togetherness; tonight we rebirth the vision; tonight we reignite the flames; tonight we

    stand united to the cause, to rebuild the temple of the Most High God.

    Rebuilding the temple means restoring the believers; it means reclaiming the

    backsliders; it means saving the sinners. We rebuild our temples through studying the

    word; we rebuild the temple through prayer, supplication, repentance and intercession;

    we rebuild the temple through fasting and tarrying. We rebuild the temple when we get

    back our lives in order with the Word of God. We rebuild the temple when we get back to

    holiness; when we get back to righteousness; when we get back to consecration and

    sanctification. Tonight believers rebuild; rebuild, rebuild, in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Rebuild for your sons; rebuild for your daughters; rebuild for your fathers; rebuild for

    your mothers; rebuild for your friends rebuild for your neighbours; rebuild for your

    community; rebuild, rebuild for your sakes and for the sake of this generation and the

    generation to come.


    It was not the mere temple that brought healing and deliverance, but it was the presence

    of God that inhabited the temple. After Solomon completed the building of the first

    temple and its dedication, the bible states in 2nd Chr 7 that fire came down from heaven,

    and consumed the burnt offerings and sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the

    house, in so much that the priest could not enter in, but they all had to bowed themselves

    with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshiped, and praised the Lord,

    saying, for He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever. In the 2nd Cor. 4:7 the bible states

    that we have this treasure in earthen vessels; the power is not yours, we are just the

    carriers, the power belongs to the Lord, we are his instruments; we are vessels of power;

    we are His image; we are His representative; we are His ambassadors; and He said, And

    I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind

    on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be

    loosed in heaven (Mat 16:19). He also said, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on

    serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any


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    means hurt you (Luk 10:19). Tonight I dont know if you have been following me, but

    let me just put things into focus for you. God said to rebuild because He wants to dwell

    among you; He wants His fire to fall; He wants His glory to fill your lives; he wants His

    glory to fill this House; to fill this church; to fill this temple. He said in the gospel of (Joh

    14:12) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall

    he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. I

    dont know if you understand what the latter glory is about. He said in (Joe 2:28 ) And it

    shall come to pass afterward, (after we rebuild) that I will pour out my spirit upon all

    flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream

    dreams, your young men shall see visions: God wants you to begin to experience the

    fulfilment of this prophetic word; he wants you to begin to experience the Acts of the

    Apostles; where you under the power of the Holy Ghost speak to the lame to rise up and

    walk; where your very shadow heals the sick; the very kerchief you use becomes a cloth

    for healing; Im not talking about the former glory, Im talking about the latter glory;

    according to the song writer, your latter will be greater than your pass, you will be

    blessed more than you can ask, despite all that have been done, the best is yet to come,

    your latter will be greater, your latter will be greater that your pass (Martha Munizzi).

    In your theme text Haggai 2:9, God said thru the prophet that, The glory of this latter

    house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will

    I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. In this house there shall be deliverance; in this

    house there shall be healing; in this house there shall be salvation; in this house sinners

    shall find refuge; those who are bruise, broken hearted, in distressed, oppressed, cast

    down; in this house they shall find peace and comfort, they shall find rest for their souls;

    they shall find healing for their sorrows, healing for their pain, healing for their spirits,

    shelter from the storms of life, not because of anyone of us in this place tonight, but

    because the fire of the Lord has fallen, and the glory of the Lord has filled this place.


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    After we have rebuild and the fire has fallen and the glory has filled; God wants to re-

    establish us to our rightful position. Your theme, Restoring the former glory, speaks not

    of the glory of God, but of the glory of us his creation, it speaks of us been restored to our

    rightful place and position. Right now I just want to apply these scripture to the men only,

    excuse me for awhile ladies. In the book of Ps. 8:4 9, men! You were made a little

    lower than the angels, and were crowned with glory and honour. You were given

    dominion over the works of the hands of God; all things were put under your feet: All

    sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the

    sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. Men! God said that you were

    created in His image and likeness. In the beginning you were given dominion; you were

    created to rule; you were created to reign; you were created to subdue and conquer. But

    because of sin, as men we have lost our position, we have lost our dominion, we have lost

    our authority, but tonight God wants us as men to reposition ourselves to our rightful

    position; God wants us to lead the charge in the rebuilding process, we were first made,

    therefore we should be the initiators, we are the trend setters, we are the pace makers, the

    bibles state in 1st Pet. 3:7 that the woman is the weaker vessel, therefore we are the

    stronger, and has the stronger vessels, we must rise to the challenge, we must run with the

    vision, we must strengthen and encourage the congregation. As men we are the fathers,

    we are the protectors, we are the providers, we are the defenders; we are the back bone of

    the church. As men, when we rebuild, the fire will fall, the glory will filled, we will be re-

    establish, then the church will be complete, the women has been holding their positions,

    but we have been found wanting. We were called and appointed to bring stability,

    consistency and maturity to the house of God. Men rise to the occasion; stand and be

    counted; let that which is within you be stirred to life; let the anointing on your life be

    seen in this place; the power of the Holy Ghost within you, be experienced in this house;

    men, its time to let go and let God. God wants to establish His kingdom, and He wants to

    do so in you. He wants to make you an heir to His throne; He wants you to rule and reign

    with Him for ever and ever; Hes the God of the heavens; God of the universe; God of the

    earth and He has assigned and commissioned you men to be His ambassadors to earth. He


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    said of the increase of His kingdom there shall be no end. Men in the name of Jesus

    Christ rise and lead the charge rise and rebuild.


    Tonight I dont want you to be concerned about your enemies; your objective is to rise

    and build, your focus should be rebuilding the temple. God said, . ., Hearken ye, all

    Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the

    LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the

    battle is not yours, but God's (2Ch 20:15). Tonight Danvers Pen, the battle is not yours

    its the Lords. In the book of Ps. 91:7 16, God said; A thousand shall fall at thy side,

    and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes

    shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. He said, There shall no evil befall

    thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling, for he shall give his angels charge

    over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Tonight Danvers Pen, be encouraged, because the

    Lord of Host is with you and the God of Jacob is your refuge; just rebuild, and He will be

    in the midst of thee; and therefore ye shall not be moved. Though the heathen rage, and

    the kingdoms move; just at the utterance of His voice the earth melteth. He maketh wars

    to cease; He breaketh the bow, He cutteth the spear in sunder, He burneth the chariot in

    fire. Tonight Danvers Pen, when the enemy comes upon you like a flood, just be still;

    because you serve a God, that is a mountain movers, a red sea parter, a Jericho wall

    demolisher, a giant slayer, a fire quencher. Just be still and know that God is God.



    I want you to understand that God is the centre/core of your life; every area/aspects of

    your life revolves around Him. In Haggai chapter 1, God said, Ye have sown much, andbring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink;

    ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put

    itinto a bag with holes. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; consider your ways. Ye looked

    for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought ithome, I did blow upon it.

    Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house thatis waste, and ye run every


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    man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the

    earth is stayedfrom her fruit. And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the

    mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that

    which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the

    labour of the hands. Regardless of what you might think; your success, healing,

    deliverance and prosperity lies only in the hands of God. You might be wondering, why

    your marriages are failing; you might be wondering why your businesses are not

    progressing; you might be wondering why you are struggling in school. Tonight God said

    to tell you, because my house is in ruins; your life is out of order; your life is out of sync

    with God; your life needs to be put in order; you dont pray as you use to; you dont fast

    as you use to; you dont study the word has you use to; you dont praise as you use to;

    you dont worship as you use to; you zeal and desire for the things of God is not there asbefore; your temple needs reconstruction; your life needs rebuilding. Sanctify yourself -

    confess your sins; get back into the word; get back to prayer and fasting; get back to

    praise; get back to worship; and God said from this day forth will I bless you. And all

    these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice

    of the LORD thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the

    field. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy

    cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. Blessed shall be thy basket

    and thy store. Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when

    thou goest out. The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be

    smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee

    seven ways. The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in

    all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD

    thy God giveth thee. The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he

    hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and

    walk in his ways (Deu 28:2-9). Tonight Danvers Pen the word is to you, rise and rebuild

    to experience the glory of the latter house.
